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Eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs: simple quick recipes. Quick eggplant with garlic and herbs Quick eggplant with vinegar

Eggplants have a unique taste, and in the harvest season, when these vegetables are most available, you want to try them in different form. They are fried, stewed, baked, closed for the winter. Making preparations for the future, almost every housewife wants to try a similar snack without waiting for the cold weather. Marinated eggplant with garlic and herbs fast food will be ready to eat within 24 hours. Every housewife can treat herself and loved ones with this spicy dish - great skill for cooking this dish not required.

Cooking features

There are several quick recipes for pickled eggplant with garlic and herbs. They differ not only in composition, but also in technology. However, there are a few points that remain the same, regardless of the snack option chosen.

  • It is better to pickle young eggplants, which have a thin skin and tender flesh. Large vegetables are distinguished not only by coarse seeds, but also by a thick skin, which makes the dish less palatable. Young eggplants can be left unpeeled; for large ones, it is better to cut off a thin layer of peel. The easiest way to do this is with a vegetable peeler.
  • Eggplants contain solanine, a harmful substance that gives them bitterness. In young fruits it is less, in mature ones it is more. Before cooking, both of them should be soaked in a saline solution prepared from a tablespoon of salt diluted in a liter of water, or salted. After 10–20 minutes, the “blue ones” should be washed to remove excess salt and dried. After that, they are ready for pickling according to the selected recipe.
  • In order for eggplants to marinate quickly, they must be subjected to at least a short heat treatment. Some recipes involve boiling them whole, others require blanching chopped vegetables in boiling water or marinade, and others require frying eggplant slices.
  • Pickled eggplants become really tasty after a few hours, but if you can't wait to try them, you can taste the appetizer earlier. The main thing is that by this time the vegetables have time to cool, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned by hot vinegar, which is part of the marinade - it can leave a burn on the mucous membranes that requires treatment.
  • You can pickle eggplants in glass, plastic or enamelware. In other cases, they may acquire a metallic taste. Aluminum, in contact with acids, releases harmful substances, so it is even dangerous to cook pickled vegetables in dishes from it.
  • Eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs fast way, can be stored in the refrigerator, usually no more than a week. They are served at the table as self snacks or instead of a side dish to meat dishes. They have a spicy taste, fresh aroma and are liked by almost everyone.

    Classic eggplant recipe marinated with garlic and herbs

    • eggplant - 1 kg;
    • water - 1.5 l;
    • table vinegar (9 percent) - 60 ml;
    • refined vegetable oil - 100 ml;
    • garlic - 6-10 cloves;
    • fresh dill - 50 g;
    • fresh cilantro - 50 g;
    • salt - 20 g.

    Recipe for the occasion::

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the eggplant into circles or oblong pieces 1–1.5 cm thick. Salt, leave for 10 minutes. Rinse well, let dry.
    • Boil water, add a tablespoon of salt and vinegar to it. Stir.
    • Dip the eggplants in the boiling marinade. Wait for it to boil again. Boil "blue" 5 minutes. Throw it in a colander. Transfer to a container or similar container in which you plan to pickle vegetables.
    • Crush the garlic with a press.
    • Wash fresh herbs, shake off the water. When the cilantro and dill are dry, finely chop them with a knife.
    • Mix greens with garlic and vegetable oil. Pour this mixture into the eggplant bowl. Gently stir them so that the savory mixture coats each piece.
    • Close container and store in a cool place.

    Eggplant marinated for use this recipe will be ready in a day. They can be stored for up to two weeks, but it is still better to eat earlier.

    Pickled eggplant like mushrooms

    • eggplant - 1.5 kg;
    • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
    • fresh dill - 50 g;
    • fresh parsley - 50 g;
    • water - 2 l;
    • salt - 30 g;
    • black peppercorns - 15 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 0.25 l;
    • mushroom broth- 10 g.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut eggplant into cubes or bars.
    • Boil water. Add vinegar, pepper, mushroom broth and salt to it.
    • Dip the eggplants in water, boil them for 5 minutes, remove from the marinade and dry.
    • Cut the garlic into slices.
    • Chop the greens with a knife, but not very finely.
    • Put the greens and garlic to the eggplants, pour in the oil. Stir.
    • Transfer the eggplant to a jar or container, seal and refrigerate.

    The sample can be removed after 12 hours. Eggplants marinated according to this recipe turn out to look like mushrooms. The similarity will remain even if the mushroom broth is removed from the recipe.

    Fried eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs

    • eggplant - 0.5 kg;
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • table vinegar (9 percent) - 20 ml;
    • universal vegetable seasoning (with salt) - 20 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • fresh basil - 50 g;
    • onions - 0.25 kg;
    • vegetable oil - as needed.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the eggplant into circles a little less than a centimeter thick, soak for 20 minutes in saline, rinse, dry with a kitchen towel. Sprinkle with seasonings, using half of those indicated in the recipe.
    • Heat the oil, fry the eggplants in it, transfer them to a bowl.
    • Wash the basil, let it dry, chop coarsely.
    • Finely chop the garlic cloves.
    • Free the onion from the husk, cut into thin half rings, pour over with vinegar, mix.
    • Put onion, garlic, basil in a bowl with eggplant. Sprinkle with sugar and remaining seasoning and stir.

    The appetizer can be served to the table in an hour. She has a seductive scent pleasant taste with spicy notes.

    Eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs is a favorite of almost everyone. You can cook them quickly. There are several options for preparing snacks. Each recipe allows you to get a dish with unique organoleptic qualities. Pickled eggplant is served as a cold appetizer, but can serve as an addition to a side dish or even replace it.

    Product Matrix: 🥄

Eggplant is an excellent vegetable, you can cook many different snacks and dishes from it, they are great for homemade preparations. It goes well with various vegetables and herbs. Eggplants can be pickled, salted, frozen, fermented, dried and canned. You can preserve them both by themselves and in the form of a salad with various vegetables, garlic, herbs and spices.

The most common recipe in home cooking is quick marinated eggplants with garlic and herbs. Salted eggplants are prepared for both long-term storage and quick consumption. Moreover, for long-term storage it is not necessary to cork them under a metal cover, enough to ferment them under a plastic cover, like ordinary cucumbers or tomatoes in brine. Such a blank is perfectly stored in the cellar or in any cool place. Only the longer the workpiece stands, the more it becomes sharper and sourer. Such eggplants are very similar in taste to mushrooms with an exquisite and delicate taste.

Pickled eggplant recipe with garlic and herbs


  • Eggplant 1 kg
  • head of garlic
  • bunch of parsley or dill
  • 3 bay leaves

For brine you need:

  • liter of water
  • 30 gr. salt


Brine must be prepared ahead of time to cool down.. Boil water in a saucepan, when the water boils, add a tablespoon of salt and boil for another 3-5 minutes. to dissolve the salt. In order for the brine to be fragrant, it is necessary to add a bay leaf, two peppercorns and cloves to it. Let the brine cool down.

Let's get to the eggplant. So that the little blue ones do not taste bitter, they must be tested in salt water. We put the water to boil, add salt, throw blue ones into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes, so that the skin on them softens. Then we drain the water, and let the blue ones cool, after that it is necessary to make longitudinal cuts on them, a little deeper than the middle. After that, the little blue ones must be put under a press so that bitter juice finally flows out of the eggplants. To do this, we put the little blue ones in a well-washed sink, put a cutting board on top of them and set a small load, it will work well liter jar filled with water. We leave them for an hour or two.

After that, chop the dill and parsley, crush the garlic, mix and put inside the blue cuts, if necessary, you can add salt. We spread the blue ones tightly in a saucepan and pour brine so that it covers the blue ones. Press down on it all. Leave to ferment for 2-3 days room temperature . The hotter it is in the kitchen, the more actively the degree of fermentation will pass. You can leave up to five days. Depending on what degree of fermentation you need.

Signs of readiness of the blue ones - this brine becomes cloudy, becomes viscous and acquires a sharp aroma and sour taste, and the little blue ones turn brown and become softer. When you arrange the degree of fermentation of the blue ones, they need to be put in the cold. In brine and cold, they can stand for a very long time.

Quick Pickled Eggplants with Onions and Garlic

Required Ingredients:


Wash the eggplants, cut off the tails, put them in a saucepan and cover with water, salt. They must be boiled for 20 minutes.

If you use the blue ones from the old crop, then there is bitterness in them. They need pierce with a fork and soak in cold salted water. Leave for two hours. And if you used young eggplants, then you don’t need to do this with them, because there is no bitterness in them.

While the blue ones are cooking, prepare the onion. It must be cleaned and cut into half rings. It is also necessary to peel the garlic from the husk and squeeze it through a press. Put chopped onion, squeezed garlic, black pepper, a mixture of dry herbs and coriander into a container. pour soy sauce, vegetable oil and vinegar. Mix well and leave to marinate.

When the little blue ones are cooked, you need to drain the water and put them to cool. After that, the little blue ones need to cut into any shape and any size as you wish. Put the eggplant in the onion marinade, mix everything thoroughly. To taste. If something is missing, then add it. After you adjust the taste, you need to send the appetizer to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours. The snack is ready.

If you want to cook such eggplants for the winter, then you need to increase the amount of vinegar by 3 times. Roll the finished snack into sterilized jars and roll up with a metal lid. Store in a cool place.



Wash the eggplant blot moisture with a tissue. If the blue ones are large, then they need to be cut lengthwise and cut into pieces not thinly, but if the medium ones need to be cut into circles. Garlic must be grated on a fine grater. Pour vinegar into a bowl and add garlic. Fry the blue ones over medium heat, constantly adding oil. After the eggplants are fried, they need to be dipped in vinegar with garlic and put in layers in a container. Salt each layer. Somewhere in a day, the eggplant will be ready. They need to stand in the cold for several hours, and then you can put them in the refrigerator.

An easy-to-prepare appetizer of boiled eggplant with garlic and herbs will appeal to all those who love eggplant dishes. Juicy pieces of eggplant, soaked in the aroma of garlic and fresh herbs, flavored with vegetable oil, are perfect both as an appetizer and as a side dish for the main course.

Boiled eggplants with garlic and herbs are also good on the everyday table, and will be an excellent decoration for the festive table, because the main advantage of this dish is the speed and simplicity of its preparation.

We will prepare all the products according to the list. I used to cook such eggplant without lemon, it turned out a little bland, literally 1 tsp. lemon juice gives light eggplant sourness, which my family really likes. Greens can be used according to your preference, I have dill, parsley, cilantro.

Wash the eggplants, cut off their tails. Make a few punctures with a fork on the surface of the eggplant.

Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, salt the water well and send the eggplants to boiling water to cook over medium heat for 15 minutes - if the eggplants are small, and 20 minutes - if they are large. It is better to check the readiness of eggplant with a fork, if it easily enters the eggplant, then it is ready. We take out ready-made eggplants from the water.

Now we need to get rid of the liquid that the eggplant was fed during the cooking process. To do this, put the eggplants on a cutting board, put another cutting board on top of them and set the load (it can be a jar of water or something heavy). Let the eggplant rest for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the eggplant dressing. To do this, in a bowl, mix vegetable oil (I have olive oil) and a little lemon juice.

Pass the garlic through a press, add it to the bowl as well.

Add salt and pepper to the dressing to taste.

Chop the dill, parsley and cilantro with a knife and add to the rest of the dressing ingredients.

Cut the cooled eggplant without liquid into bite-sized pieces.

We shift the eggplants into a bowl with dressing, mix all the ingredients well and leave the eggplants to brew for 20-30 minutes.

Ready boiled eggplants with garlic and herbs are served to the table as a cold appetizer or side dish.

We love to eat these eggplants just on bread. Enjoy your meal!

Pickled eggplant can be an easy side dish for meat, fish or savory snack for serving along with other dishes to the festive table or everyday meal. The presence of numerous variations of delicacies will allow everyone to choose the most suitable recipe.

How to pickle eggplant?

Each recipe for pickled eggplant has both its own individuality and common technological points that you need to remember when starting to prepare an appetizer.

  1. Eggplants are initially washed, dried, cut into slices of the desired shape and size, or left whole, cutting off the edges.
  2. Prepared vegetable slices are boiled or fried, mixed with marinade components and left to soak.
  3. Delicious pickled eggplants can be arranged on hastily according to a quick recipe or prepare a delicacy for the winter for future use.

Quick Pickled Eggplants

You can cook it in just a few hours using the recipe below. If desired, the marinade can be supplemented with cloves, hot chili peppers or other spices of your choice, adding them directly to the eggplant or to the liquid brine. When serving, the finished snack is flavored with fragrant oil.


  • eggplant - 700 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • black and allspice pepper, laurel.


  1. Eggplants are chopped into 2x2 cm cubes.
  2. Put the vegetable in boiling water, boil for 2 minutes after re-boiling, pour into a sieve, let it drain.
  3. Add onions and garlic to the slices, mix.
  4. 0.5 l of water is brought to a boil, marinade components are added and eggplants are poured with a mixture.
  5. Press the vegetables with a load, allow to cool.
  6. Pickled eggplants are removed for 6 hours in the refrigerator.

Eggplant marinated with garlic

Eggplants marinated with garlic and herbs are especially delicious and fragrant: dill or a mix of parsley, basil, cilantro. In a day you will be able to enjoy the spicy taste of the finished snack. You can add a delicacy to a slice of fresh bread, ruddy toast or serve it with other dishes.


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 6-7 cloves;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Eggplants are cut into cubes, boiled for 5 minutes in water with salt and vinegar, drained, allowed to drain.
  2. Add chopped herbs, garlic, vegetable oil, mix.
  3. Shift pickled fragrant eggplant in jars and put in the refrigerator overnight.

Pickled Eggplant with Carrots and Garlic

Marinated stuffed with carrots, garlic and greens will be a great addition to boiled or fried potatoes, as well as a spectacular appetizer for serving to any feast. To fulfill the recipe, choose medium-sized fruits and cut them in half lengthwise, not cutting a little in the stalk area.


  • eggplant - 8 pcs.;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • parsley and cilantro - 0.5 bunch each;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons and for cooking;
  • black and allspice peas - 3 pcs.


  1. Prepared eggplant is cut lengthwise, pierced with a fork and boiled in salted water for 10 minutes.
  2. Place the boiled vegetable under oppression to get rid of moisture.
  3. Mix greens, garlic and carrots slightly stewed in butter, add some salt.
  4. Stuff the eggplants with the mixture, tie with a thread.
  5. Bring water to a boil, add salt, pepper and vinegar, pour over eggplants, place a load on top.
  6. Cool the pickled eggplants and place them in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Pickled eggplant like mushrooms

Next you will learn how to make and enjoy great alternative favorite snack. The taste of the delicacy will fully depend on the composition of the marinade and the spices and spices included in it. In the recipe, it is recommended to remove the skin from the eggplant by cutting it with a knife.


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • dill - 0.5 bunch;
  • garlic - 0.5 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 170 ml;
  • water - 1.3 l;
  • vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Eggplants are removed from the skin, cut, boiled in water with salt and vinegar for 5 minutes, poured into a sieve, left to drain for an hour.
  2. Mix the slices with garlic, herbs and oil, transfer to a jar and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Marinated eggplant in Korean

Eggplant marinated in soy sauce Korean recipe, will delight fans of dishes with a pronounced spiciness. The fruits must first be boiled whole for 10 minutes, then cut across in half and then slices. Bulgarian pepper and half a serving of onion are added to the appetizer fresh, finely chopped.


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • sugar and ground chili - 1 teaspoon each;
  • ground coriander - 2 teaspoons;
  • sesame, apple cider vinegar and soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Eggplants are prepared, salted, vinegar is added, left for 30 minutes.
  2. For dressing, fry half the onion and chili in oil, add coriander and sesame seeds.
  3. Eggplant, pepper, dressing, garlic, herbs are mixed.
  4. Pickled eggplant appetizer will be ready in 2 hours.

Marinated eggplant with basil - recipe

Pickled eggplant with basil is surprisingly fragrant. Fresh greens can be replaced with dried ones, and chopped green feathers can be used instead of onions. Eggplant fruits, if desired, are peeled, cut into circles or longitudinal layers and browned in oil on both sides.


  • eggplant - 1.5 kg;
  • basil - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • hot pepper - to taste;
  • onion - 250 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vinegar 9% - 40 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Layers of fried eggplant, garlic, onion, basil leaves are placed in a saucepan.
  2. Water is boiled, salt, sugar, vinegar are added, cooled, poured onto the workpiece, pressed with a load.
  3. After 8 hours, put the eggplant marinated with basil in the refrigerator.

Azerbaijani marinated eggplant

Pickled eggplant, the recipe of which is borrowed from Azerbaijani cuisine, prepared with garlic and mint, soaked in a marinade of salt and grape vinegar. If desired, grated carrots or chopped greens can be added to the garlic filling, which will enrich and diversify the taste of the snack.


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • fresh mint - 0.5 bunch;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • grape vinegar - 300 ml;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 150 g.


  1. In water with salt, boil a little cut eggplant for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Rub the garlic in a mortar with a pinch of salt and mint, grease the cuts with the mixture and place in a bowl.
  3. Pour everything with vinegar, press down with a load and leave for 4 days in the refrigerator.

Georgian marinated eggplant

Spicy marinated eggplants cooked according to next recipe, are incredibly tasty and spectacular in appearance. A bright palette of colors and flavor combinations will not leave anyone indifferent. Carrots with onions can be pre-sautéed in oil until soft or mashed with salt.


  • eggplant - 4 pcs.;
  • onions, carrots and Bell pepper- 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil - 0.5 cups;
  • hot pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt and honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Eggplants cut and boiled for five minutes are mixed with prepared chopped other vegetables.
  2. Oil is mixed with honey, vinegar, pepper and garlic, poured over vegetables, everything is mixed and pressed with a load for several hours.

Marinated eggplant for the winter

Pickled recipe will allow you to enjoy the taste of your favorite snack all year round until the next harvest. Eggplants cut into cubes or circles are boiled in water with the addition of salt and vinegar, after which they are allowed to drain and only then mixed with garlic and herbs.

If you don’t know what vegetable snacks to diversify your summer menu and what preparations to make for the winter in order to preserve the harvest, then you have at your disposal several simple options how to cook delicious eggplant marinated with garlic. Quick recipes will come in handy every day if you like to please your loved ones with a delicious dinner. And pickling options for the winter will help you make preparations so that fragrant vegetable salads are on your table at any time of the year.

Eggplant marinated with garlic quick

If you don’t feel like waiting for winter to try fragrant homemade preparations, then you can cook during the vegetable season eggplant marinated with garlic quick to brighten up your dining table. This appetizer perfectly complements any dishes, but men will like it the most. Even the simplest dinner can be profitably presented if you serve a fragrant eggplant appetizer, poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with finely chopped onions.

It will take you about an hour to prepare the ingredients directly, but it will take five days for the vegetables to marinate properly. The optimal pickling time is three days if you try them earlier, but the taste of the snack will not be rich enough.

  • Blue ones - 6 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves - 10 pcs.
  • Natural apple cider vinegar - 150 ml
  • Water - 400 ml
  • Lavrushka - 5 pcs.
  • Dried cloves - 4 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Salt - 1.5 sl.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Lean oil - 1 tbsp.

In order for eggplants to marinate quickly, they should be properly prepared for cooking. We will need small fruits, as we will cut them lengthwise into thin slices. First, the fruits must be peeled using a special vegetable peeler, then cut with a sharp knife into thin slices, about 6-9 mm thick.

In this recipe, we will not immediately pickle vegetables, first we will fry the plates on vegetable oil on the hot pan so that they are golden brown on both sides. During frying, the fire should be strong, and a lot of oil should not be poured into the pan, as the eggplant absorbs it strongly, like a sponge.

If you like fragrant, spicy snacks, then each slice can be separately greased with chopped garlic mass. But since our task is to spend a minimum of time on cooking, we will go the other way and immediately begin preparing the marinade.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil, dissolving sugar and salt in it. Immediately add bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves to the marinade, and keep on fire after boiling for 4-5 minutes, then pour into the marinade acetic acid and bring back to a boil. Please note that this recipe specifies the quantity natural vinegar, its concentration is 6%, if you use a regular table, then its amount should be reduced to 120 ml.

When it comes to marinated eggplant with garlic, do not expect that they will be ready after an hour, this vegetable has its own characteristics, so it must be kept in the marinade for several days. If you are really looking for a quick snack recipe, then cook fragrant Korean-style zucchini.

As for the garlic in our recipe, the cloves should be cut into thin slices and sent to the marinade at the same time as the vinegar. And then, one by one, dip the eggplant slices into the marinade and put them in a container, then pour them in the container with hot marinade and leave to marinate in this form for three days. All this time, a closed container with a future fragrant snack should be stored in the refrigerator. According to the same recipe, you can prepare fried eggplant for the winter, but if you are counting on long-term storage, it is better not to peel them.

Eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs

If you are looking for a suitable snack option, then you may need a recipe for how to cook on home kitchen eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs fast. In this recipe, we will not use vinegar, and natural vinegar will give our vegetables the necessary sourness. lemon juice, and thanks to the garlic from the greens, they will become even more fragrant.

  • Blue ones - 400 g
  • Dill, parsley, cilantro - 50 g
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

If in the previous recipe we pre-fried the eggplant slices, then this way suggests their boiling. All fruits should be thoroughly washed with running water, carefully cut off the green tails and cut off the tips on both sides of each fruit, and also make several punctures on the fruits with a fork so that the skin does not burst during cooking.

Now we need a saucepan, in which one and a half liters of water should be brought to a boil and salt should be added to make the water brackish. Blue ones should be sent into the water, and then simmer them in boiling water for 15 minutes. The eggplants should be fully cooked, and if pierced with a fork, it will easily pierce the flesh.

Ready blue ones must be put under a press in order to get rid of the liquid that the vegetables absorbed during cooking. The simplest version of the press for homemade eggplant for the winter involves the use of two cutting boards: you need to place vegetables between the boards and place a load on top (for example, filled with water glass jar). Under pressure, they should be left for 15 minutes, and at this time a simple marinade sauce should be prepared.

This sauce needs to be seasoned eggplant marinated with garlic and herbs quick: mix oil and lemon juice, add crushed garlic and chopped herbs. Salt and ground pepper should be added to the sauce to taste.

Ready blue ones can now be cut into cubes and pour over the prepared marinade sauce. It remains only to wait half an hour for the vegetables to be saturated with sourness and garlic aroma, and you can serve an appetizer to the table. Quick pickled eggplants can also be used as a full-fledged side dish for meat dishes, and the slight sourness of vegetables will set off the taste of fried meat.

Pickled Eggplant with Carrots and Garlic

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the Korean recipe beloved by housewives - marinated eggplant with carrots and garlic which is sure to brighten up your table. It is quick and easy to prepare, but it turns out incredibly fragrant and looks very appetizing, thanks to the bright color of the vegetables used.

All the ingredients for this snack are available to every family: blue ones and carrots can be bought at the market, their cost is low, and those who grow vegetables on their plot must remember this recipe so that another fragrant homemade dish appears in the piggy bank. You only need to know the basics of cooking to cope with this appetizer, and our step by step recipe will help you understand the cooking process. This is not only a snack for every day, but also a snack for festive table, it will fit perfectly even in the most sophisticated menu with correct filing to the table.
  • Blue medium - 4 pcs.
  • Large carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Medium onion - 3 heads
  • Sesame - 2 tbsp
  • Table vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • Lean oil - 7 tbsp.
  • Coarse salt - 3 tsp
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tsp
  • Ground coriander - 1/2 tsp
  • Paprika - 1/4 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - 1/4 tsp
  • Seasoning for carrots in Korean - 1/2 tsp
  • Ground nutmeg- 1/4 tsp

Pickled Eggplants with Carrots and Garlic Quick

Let's start cooking with blue ones: the fruits should be washed with tap water, cut off the ends and cut the vegetables into thin sticks with a sharp knife (cut into circles at an angle, and then cut each circle into 4-5 strips). Put the prepared eggplants in a wide bowl and sprinkle with a teaspoon coarse salt. Then mix and leave for 30 minutes for the vegetables to release the juice. Together with the juice, the bitterness that is inherent in this vegetable will also go away. Many housewives skip this stage, because, in their opinion, bitterness is not felt in ready dish and doesn't ruin the taste at all. After half an hour, the slices must be given away from excess liquid. They are ready for the next step in the preparation of the snack.

In a saucepan, heat three tablespoons of oil and lay out the eggplant slices. From it is necessary to fry for 20 minutes over medium heat with the lid closed, be sure to stir occasionally.

Don't waste your time and prepare the rest of the ingredients for now. First, peel the onions and chop it into thin half rings. Onions should be fried in a pan, adding two tablespoons of oil. The onion must be sautéed over high heat for literally 2-3 minutes so that it remains crispy, but loses its pungent smell.

Of course, we will rub the carrots for this recipe on a special grater so that it turns out into thin long sticks. Such eggplant marinated with carrots, garlic and herbs will decorate any festive table, and as for greens, it is best to choose parsley or fragrant cilantro.

By this time, our eggplants have already prepared: they must be transferred to a large container, grated carrots and a passivated onion should be sent to them. Send here all the prepared spices, which will make the appetizer incredibly fragrant and spicy.

Garlic should be passed through a press and added to the rest of the vegetables. Also add vinegar and soy sauce. Mix all the ingredients gently so that the finished blue ones retain the integrity of their pieces.

You can add the sesame seeds directly to the container or use the sesame seeds to garnish the appetizer before serving. Sesame should be fried in a dry frying pan for a couple of minutes, and then sprinkled with it vegetable salad.

Pickled Eggplants with Carrots and Garlic Quick will be ready in four hours, and you can store the finished snack in the refrigerator in a closed container for a couple of days without losing taste. Eggplant with garlic and spices the best snack on the festive table for strong drinks.

Marinated eggplant with garlic for the winter

And the most delicious pickled eggplant with garlic for the winter obtained according to the recipe, which is described in detail. Of course, only small-sized fruits are suitable for stuffing, which can be tightly packed into a liter or two. liter jars. In addition to our main aromatic ingredient - garlic - you can add onions and carrots, bell peppers, parsley and cilantro to the filling for stuffing, and if you like spicy vegetable snacks don't forget the red hot pepper.

We will have greens, carrots, and bell peppers in the filling, but you can always change the basic one at your discretion. recipe, marinated eggplant with garlic delicious with any topping.

  • Blue ones - 4 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley root - 100 gr
  • Parsley greens - 1 bunch
  • Table vinegar - 500 ml
  • Water -1 l
  • Salt to taste
  • Garlic to taste

For the filling, all these vegetables - onions, carrots, hot peppers, parsley root and greens and garlic - should be finely chopped. Carrots and parsley root can be grated for carrots in Korean. It is better not to pass the garlic through a press, but to finely chop it with a knife.

Blue ones must be boiled in water until half cooked, for about 10 minutes over medium heat, they should remain moderately dense. Salt the water a little so that the vegetables give up their bitterness. In each fruit, it is necessary to make an incision in the middle so that our prepared filling can be placed inside.

Stuffed vegetables for pickling are ready, now they must be tightly packed in liter jars. It is advisable to lay them vertically, and if necessary, the fruits can be tied with ordinary sewing thread so that the filling does not fall out. Then the jars can be filled with a mixture of water and vinegar. Store such a workpiece in the refrigerator for 4-6 months.

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