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How to make soft caramel from sugar. Caramel at home - the best recipes

Many adults claim that caramel is a treat for children, although they themselves are not averse to occasionally pampering themselves with a sweet product.

Despite the fact that today store shelves are bursting with a variety of presented types and brands of caramel, there are still craftsmen who make caramel at home.

Unique homemade caramel the fact that it contains a minimum of products, moreover, inexpensive and affordable.

In addition, despite the fact that the cooking process is not easy, it is quite exciting.

Well, the result of an interesting process will be a delicious delicacy that you definitely can’t get in a store.

Caramel at home - general principles of preparation

Homemade caramel can vary in flavor, shape, and texture.

The main ingredient of the product is sugar, and depending on additional ingredients taste qualities of caramel are regulated.

For example, soft caramel can be prepared on the basis of milk, cream, sour cream with the addition of cocoa, coffee, chocolate.

It is permissible to add extracts of fruits or berries to hard caramel in order to obtain the appropriate taste and aroma.

The form finished caramel depends on the molds in which the product is to be cooled, in the absence of special forms, it is permissible to use any suitable container - small bowls, a base for making ice and even ordinary spoons.

The texture of the product can be soft, hard, crispy, viscous, liquid - this moment depends on the technology and cooking time.

All sorts of subtleties interesting recipes, tips and tricks that we have tried to put together for you in this article will help you discover the exciting process of making caramel at home.

Recipe 1. Soft caramel at home

Soft caramel according to this recipe is soft and tender, slightly viscous. Thanks to these properties, the delicacy is ideal not only as an independent sweetness, but also as an addition to any desserts.

120 grams of sugar;

80 grams of cane sugar;

120 grams of butter;

250 ml cream 20%;

120 ml corn syrup.

1. Pour two types of sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom or a saucepan.

2. Add butter, cut into cubes, pour in the syrup and cream.

3. We expose the mass to a slow fire.

4. Simmer, stirring constantly, until the sweet mixture warms up to 120 degrees. You can check the temperature of the product with a kitchen thermometer. If you don't have a much-needed kitchen appliance, you can check the temperature of the caramel as follows: Take a container of cold water, drop a drop of caramel into it, if you get a hard, round ball - the caramel is ready.

5. Pour the finished product into a mold covered with oiled baking paper, leave for 10-12 hours, covered with a bag or a piece of gauze.

6. Frozen soft caramel take out of the mold, cut into any shapes or simple cubes.

Recipe 2. Milk and coffee caramel at home

Surprisingly tender caramel with a dense viscous structure, you will definitely like it. You can omit the coffee by making regular unflavored milk caramel.

100 grams of granulated sugar;

70 grams of butter;

1 tbsp instant coffee.

1. We put cauldrons with sugar on a slow fire, wait until the sugar dissolves, turning into a golden syrup.

2. Add chopped butter, cream and coffee.

3. Cook, stirring, about 5 minutes. Caramel should be homogeneous mass nice golden brown color.

4. Pour caramel into oiled molds, cool. You can pour it into one large form, then you just need to cut the products with a sharp knife into smaller pieces.

5. We pack each caramel in parchment paper so that the delicacy does not stick together.

Recipe 3. Candy caramel at home

Probably, there is no such person who would not have cooked lollipops in childhood. Why not remember a wonderful time and prepare a sweet treat for yourself and your loved ones.

1. We put a dry frying pan on the stove, warm it up.

2. Set the minimum fire, add sugar. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the size of the pan: 5-8 spoons are enough for a small (pancake) pan, 10-15 spoons can be poured into a large pan.

3. Continuously stirring, we wait for the complete dissolution of all sugar grains. You should get a light brown viscous syrup.

4. Pour the candy caramel into the prepared oiled molds, wait for the sweets to cool completely.

5. If you do not have molds, you can pour the liquid into a saucer, spoons and other improvised utensils.

Recipe 4. Sour cream caramel at home

Soft and tender caramel based on sugar and sour cream will become great alternative various sweets that you often eat for breakfast as the basis for sweet sandwiches. Sour cream caramel applied to fried toast will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

150 grams of sour cream;

100 grams of sugar.

1. Heat a small saucepan or frying pan over high heat, add sugar, pour in water. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Boil the syrup, stirring, for two minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

3. Add in small portions to sugar syrup sour cream, mix well.

4. We put the pan with the sweet mass on a low fire. Without letting the mass boil, heat it up.

5. Pour the finished caramel into prepared forms.

6. Keep this delicacy in the refrigerator, no more than five days.

Recipe 5. Mint caramel at home

Delicious refreshing caramel is prepared quite quickly. The peppermint oil used in the recipe can be purchased at specialty stores. If desired, you can add natural food colorings, fall asleep them in the process of cooking along with vanilla.

Three glasses of sugar;

10 ml lemon juice;

5-6 drops of concentrated peppermint oil;

Two pinches of vanilla.

1. Pour in granulated sugar into a thick-walled dish, pour water.

2. Put on low heat, stirring, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and a sweet syrup is formed.

3. Pour vanillin, keep on the stove for another minute.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, and pour drops of mint oil and lemon juice into the sweet mass.

5. Mix the caramel mass and pour into oiled forms.

6. If desired, we stick in special skewers, toothpicks or ordinary matches with a torn off head.

7. We take out the finished, cooled caramel from the molds and wrap it in plastic bags or baking paper.

Recipe 6. Chocolate caramel at home

Appetizing chocolate caramel natural ingredients sure to please you and your family.

100 grams of sugar;

80 grams of butter;

100 grams of chocolate;

1. Mix sugar with liquefied honey, milk and butter cut into small pieces.

2. Put the mixture in the pan, stirring, simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. The mass should slightly boil and acquire a pale brown hue.

3. Add melted chocolate, continue to simmer for about 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir the caramel that is being prepared all the time.

4. Pour out ready product in oiled form.

5. Cool, cut into squares or rectangles.

Recipe 7. Caramel for cakes at home

Ideal caramel for soaking biscuits, honey cakes. It cooks quickly, it turns out delicious. In addition, you can eat such caramel just like that, its texture is pleasant, viscous - you will like it.

220 ml 33% cream;

60 grams of butter;

180 grams of sugar.

1. Put a pot of water and sugar on low heat.

2. While stirring, wait for the ingredients to turn into sugar syrup.

3. We heat, but do not boil, cream in another saucepan, pour it in a neat thin stream into the syrup.

4. Add butter and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, remove caramel from heat.

5. Pour into oiled molds, cool.

How to make caramel at home - tricks and tips

If you dip apples, citrus fruits, nuts or dried fruits into ready-made still hot caramel, whether it be soft or candy, you will have a wonderful new dish.

Caramel cooks quickly, so prepare all the utensils necessary for the process in advance.

Caramel is ready, try not to leave the stove, otherwise the mass may burn.

Whatever caramel molds you use, grease them with odorless oil so that the finished product leaves better.

Soak dishes: pots, spoons and others immediately after cooking, otherwise the caramel will seize and it will be incredibly difficult to wash it.

So that the finished caramel can be easily cut into squares or any other shape, it is necessary to mark the lines with a knife when the delicacy is still hot. Then it remains only to break it.

By inserting sticks into the filled molds, you get caramel on sticks like modern lollipops or old cockerels.

Another of the basic ingredients in the confectioner's arsenal, which has a special place in the classification of sweets, is caramel. In various formulations, this product may occur in different types However, they are based on the process of melting sugar.

Invented several centuries ago, the component of desserts has rich history. The Latin word “cannamella”, consonant with our usual hearing, literally translates as “sugar cane”.

A product similar to caramel in ancient India was obtained from cane stalks roasted over a fire. The basis of the ingredient - sugar - was valued quite highly in the Middle Ages and was available only to wealthy people.

Large-scale production of the product in a number of countries - France, Great Britain, America, who consider themselves the founders of the caramel practice, started in the XIV - XVI centuries. Lollipop figures on sticks were considered a favorite caramel sweet of the French and Russians.

In the 18th century the era of sugar caramel began in England. Based on lollipops and medicinal herbs, a German pharmacist created healing sweets that replaced bitter potions.

At the dawn of the caramel industry on open fire sugar dissolved in water was melted in copper cauldrons. Manual temperature measurements served as an indicator of the readiness of the caramel mass for pouring into molds.

Types of caramel

The presence in the composition of one or another sugar substance determines the type of caramel, which can be produced from sucrose, glucose, maltose.

Based palatability, the delicacy can be liquor, chocolate, berry or fruit. They make medicinal caramels and lollipops with the addition of vitamins.

According to the consistency, hard, soft caramel and sauce based on the ingredient are distinguished. Below is a little more about each of the conditions.

hard caramel

This type, also referred to as pouring, is used to make sweets and lollipops, monpensier. Do not do without this ingredient when creating roasting.

When hardened, in the finished state, candy caramel becomes like glass. Working with caramel requires extraordinary skill: if the composition hardens (and this happens very quickly), refinement is no longer possible.

From pouring caramel at home, it is not difficult to make "cockerels" and "bunnies" on sticks, having the appropriate forms. You can wow your guests by caramelizing pieces of fruit and berries.

By adding nuts to the mass and passing it through a blender, praline is obtained, which is appropriate in recipes for cakes or creams. The pouring composition is applicable in the manufacture of caramel decor for decorating confectionery products.

And this is how caramel sweets with a pattern on the cut are made:

By changing the proportions of the components that make up the mass, a plastic caramel is obtained, from which various figures can be fashioned without burning your fingers when the composition has cooled.

Multi-colored soft satin caramel is made using food coloring. The ingredient is introduced into the composition of cakes and pastries, it can serve food additive. If cream is present in the recipe, toffee caramels are obtained.

The preparation of caramel of this variety on an industrial scale involves the use of fillings with a moisture content of 32-35%. The softness of the consistency is maintained due to the penetration of moisture into the caramel mass during the storage of sweets.

Soft caramel is a great layering option for a cake. By fluidity close to honey, the French season croissants, toasts, pancakes.

An amber product with a rich sweet caramel flavor belongs to the group of dessert sauces. Freshly prepared liquid caramel is similar in fluidity to condensed milk, and when in the refrigerator, it acquires the consistency of boiled condensed milk.

It is an excellent addition to ice cream desserts, pies and buns. A couple of spoons of caramel sauce can turn yogurt into an extraordinary treat. Seasoned by him oatmeal becomes a dish both tasty and healthy.

How to make caramel?

hard caramel recipe

Making caramel at home is not so difficult, and even a child can cook the simplest lollipops.

We bring to your attention a recipe for homemade caramel, according to which you should stock up on 250 g of sugar, vanilla sugar or powder in the amount of 1 tablespoon, a third of a glass of brandy or cognac. You will need a few drops of mint oil, lemon juice.

Melt granulated sugar in a saucepan over moderate heat, pour vanilla sugar, add cognac. Stirring constantly, keep on the stove for about a minute. Remove from heat and add mint oil to the mixture. lemon juice, mix.

Pour hot syrup into molds, after lubricating them with oil for better extraction of ready-made caramels, we supply each serving with a stick (you can use toothpicks) and send it to the cold to harden. Homemade sugar caramel is ready!

soft caramel recipe

How to make soft sugar caramel? Stock up on patience and a set of ingredients:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 100 g of milk.

Melt the sugar in a heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat. It is necessary to stir constantly, not allowing the mass to burn. Set aside the container with melted sugar and add milk in small portions, without stopping stirring.

Cook the composition over medium heat, without bringing to a boil. During cooking, add vanilla and salt, knead.

Remove the pan from the heat, add the oil and make the mass homogeneous. Soft caramel is ready to use. Be careful, because the product is hot.

caramel sauce recipe

How to make caramel, you already know. Now we bring to your attention the recipe for caramel mass sauce.

To prepare a treat, you will need 250 g of granulated sugar, 70 g of water. We combine the components and cook over low heat until the mass acquires an amber hue.

Bring 220 g to a boil and add to the sugar-water mixture. After mixing until smooth, remove from heat and season with butter (50 g).

Cupcakes, strudel, biscuits are appropriate to serve with warm caramel sauce, and after cooling it, add refined taste ice cream desserts.

And the following video will show you how to make delicious salted caramel:

Caramel lamp: features and benefits

The device is a tool that allows for the required period of time to maintain the temperature necessary to maintain the elasticity of the confectionery caramel, heating the composition evenly throughout the volume.

The lamp allows you to work with artistic caramel mass to embody the most intricate ideas in the form of decor for cakes and other pastries.

One of the commercially available accessories that can be retrofitted to the unit is a confectionery spirit stove. A protective screen helps to avoid light scattering.

As a rule, devices have several levels of power adjustment. Latex gloves are a necessary accessory to protect the hands of a confectioner working with caramel from burns.

High-quality infrared lamps emitters are focused on heating the caramel and the work surface. A caramel lamp is an indispensable thing to improve the convenience and efficiency of a professional confectioner. The purchase of a tool is advisable for significant volumes of processed products.

Nowadays, caramel is produced mainly by an automated factory method, but hand made method has not lost its popularity. Modern caramel may differ in shape, size and structure, it is solid("glass" lollipops), soft(viscous) and liquid used as sauce for confectionery . In turn, fruit and berry syrups, flavors, food colors, citric acid, cocoa, coffee are added to the mass when heated ...

The result is lollipops of different colors and tastes. Can also be added crushed nuts, then everyone's favorite roasting. Liquid caramel sauce can also be made with fruit syrups, milk cream, butter, and even salt.

This time we offer you to learn how to make salted caramel at home. The recipe is very simple and the end product is spicy and very sweet sauce , which is used to complement the cake, cupcake, brownie, pudding, ice cream.

Topping can be flavored, a bun or just spread on White bread. Crystals of undissolved salt, which come across when consumed, give interesting taste effect create a contrast that interrupts cloying, prolonging the aftertaste. In addition, salt is added to enhance the sensitivity of taste buds tongue, which makes the dessert feel more vivid, it seems saturated.

You can adjust the thickness of the syrup increasing the amount of cream. Cream can be of any fat content, but the fatter it is, the softer and more tender the texture of the mass will turn out, its color will not be transparent glass, but more matte. Our recipe is given for quite thick version.

  • The word "Caramel" in Latin means sugarcane. A dessert similar to caramel was invented by the ancient Indians. They prepared a delicacy by roasting stalks over an open fire sugar cane. Also, from sugarcane juice in India, they learned to get brown grains, which merchants delivered to wealthy residents of Western Europe. Pressed sugar heads began to be imported to Russia starting from the 11th-12th centuries, and before that, the main sweetness of the Slavs was honey.
  • At the same time, several countries - England, France, America and Russia attribute to themselves the beginning of the development of caramel production in the period from the 14th to the 16th century, but it is impossible to establish this for sure. However, according to some chronicles, the first toffees were invented by the Americans, who cooked sweet raw materials mixed with water in deep copper cauldrons. Caramel in the form of lollipops on a wooden stick appeared in Russia and France. For the manufacture of delicacies during this period, sugar was used, made not only from Indian cane, but also from sugar beets. Lollipops were given all kinds of shapes - in the form of cockerels, bunnies, nightingales and houses. When cooking a sweet base, a thermometer was placed in the cauldron. Upon reaching desired temperature, the container was removed from the fire. Then the viscous mass was poured into various forms, or poured onto a marble slab and immediately cut into square and rectangular portions. Crispy candies, along with bagels, were sold at fairs on the eve of holidays, but only the nobility could afford them.
  • Connect sweet taste and unpleasant, but useful bitterness, was first tried by the German pharmacist Karl Soldan. His daughter in 1899 resolutely refused to take potions from bitter herbs, then the resourceful father made caramel sweets with plant extracts, which became the prototype of the Strepsils drug known today used in ENT practice. This is how the healing function of caramel appeared.
  • In the 20th century, cooks endowed a viscous mass of melted sugar with a decorative function. From it are made intricate figurines, crispy threads, petals and flowers for decorating pastries, cakes. An indispensable attribute of children's holidays is cotton candy, which is a loose substance of thin caramel "hairs" wound around a rod.

Recipe #1


Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:European
  • Type of dish: Dessert
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings:10
  • 10 min
  • sugar - 230 g.
  • water - 70 ml
  • cream 33% - 100 ml
  • butter - 70 g
  • Himalayan pink salt - 0.5 tsp

How to cook

Pour sugar into a saucepan.

Add water and put on medium heat. Don't interfere! Wait for the sugar to dissolve.

Increase fire. Still do not mix the mass! Gradually you will notice how white bubbles will appear.

When the syrup is stirred, sugaring, or sugar crystallization, occurs. Therefore, the first stage of melting sugar excludes mixing. Sometimes, to prevent crystallization, confectioners sometimes add a little citric acid, vinegar.

The mixture will begin to turn an amber color. There will be a pleasant smell. Do not overcook, remove the syrup from the heat. If the caramel is not removed in time, it will be too dark and bitter.

  • Be careful not to burn the water and sugar solution. The bottom of the dishes in which you cook should be thick, and the stove is preferably electric. If a gas stove, then it is better to put a special fire spreader under the bottom of the cauldron (pot).
  • The caramelization process is best done over medium heat.
  • Melted sugar has a very high temperature, so you can’t try hot viscous mass, you can get a tongue burn.

Carefully pour in room temperature cream. If cream is introduced cold, it may curdle. The mixture will bubble and sizzle. Mix thoroughly. If caramel pieces remain, heat the sauce slightly again.

Add warm butter (but not melted, but heated at room temperature), keep stirring.

The sweet mass will become homogeneous, without bubbles. Don't let it scare you if it's watery, after cooling it will acquire the desired consistency.

Cool the mixture and add salt according to the recipe. Stir.

Eat sweet and salty caramel syrup with pancakes, pancakes, waffles, they can pour over the surface of the cake, soufflé, fruit salad. Such a topping is sometimes used as a connecting layer between the layers of a cake or pastry. It is often added to drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, in cocktails. An excellent company for such a dessert will be a cup of hot tea or coffee.

Store the sauce in a sealed jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. When cooled, it thickens. If you plan to use it as a topping, simply heat the jar of caramel in hot water or in the microwave.

Recipe number 2 without adding water

A delicious delicacy for the sweet tooth of all ages and nations can be prepared without adding water, but only on the basis of cream or sour cream with butter.

The confectionery sauce will turn out soft, plastic, silky, pleasant matte light brown.

Externally, it is very similar to boiled condensed milk.

Important bonus!

The sauce is being prepared hastily, literally in 20-30 minutes, depending on the volume of the final product. And the taste is amazing, very gentle, it is impossible to break away. If you follow the harmony of the silhouette, then remember that caramel cooked without water is more fatty and high-calorie, 100 g of this delicacy contains about 300 kcal.

Recipe Information

Method of preparation: melting by strong heating.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 4-5 (200 g).


  • sugar - 240 g;
  • cream 33% - 125 ml;
  • butter - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • fine salt, without iodine - 1 tsp.

How to cook

  1. Remove the required amount of butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into a cauldron or other deep container with a thick bottom. Place the pot on the stove and turn on medium heat. Heat the sugar without stirring, you can only shake the pan a few times.
  3. Gradually, the sugar will melt and acquire an amber-yellow hue. Bring the molten mass to a temperature of 180 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then you will have to navigate by viscosity, density and color, which will turn golden brown.
  4. Now add oil to the cauldron and stir the mixture until smooth. The fire must be turned off.
  5. Pour warm cream into the cauldron, with a temperature of about +30 degrees.
  6. Add salt to the rest of the ingredients, mix everything together. Let the finished caramel cool for 15 minutes. It will thicken as it cools.
  7. Properly brewed syrup has a viscous consistency, when watering dishes it lays down as an even, silky ribbon.
  8. Now you can pour the topping into a gravy boat for serving or into a jar to store in the refrigerator.

On a note:

  • The confectionery product, poured on top with caramel topping, does not dry out and does not get stale longer, while maintaining its marketable appearance.
  • Butter in the recipe can be replaced with full-fat margarine.
  • With caramel syrup, you can draw a beautiful pattern on a pie or cake.
  • The taste of the syrup does not change depending on its temperature, only the density changes. When heated, the mass becomes more liquid, less viscous, thickens when cooled.
  • It turns out very tasty caramel, cooked with the addition of 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Useful video

Here is another cooking option:

Hi all. Today I am sharing with you a recipe for homemade salted boiled caramel. This is just a find that will become an indispensable assistant in your kitchen. After all, there are a lot of options for using caramel.

This is the filling of cakes and cupcakes, it can be poured over waffles, pancakes and pancakes, and what beautiful smudges can be created on ready-made desserts. And just as an independent sweet dish, it is very tasty.

There are quite a few recipes for this sauce on the Internet. But they are all divided into 2 categories, some cook syrup with water, while the latter do without it. To be honest, I cook only without water, I have never tried it with water. But this recipe always works for me, without any problems.

We need only 3 ingredients - sugar, cream and butter. Salt may not be added, but it really tastes better with it. How do you know if you put a pinch of salt in sweet dessert, then the dish will become sweeter and sparkle with other colors. Immediately make a reservation, the cream should be fat, from 30%. It will take a little time to cook, but you must not leave the stove so as not to burn the sugar.

So, how to cook boiled salted caramel at home.


  1. 300 gr. Sahara
  2. 200 ml. cream
  3. 100 gr. butter
  4. a pinch of salt (optional)


Cream must be heated, not boiled! Can be put on the stove in a saucepan. I just warmed it up in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, ideally the widest. So our sugar will melt more evenly. Since I have only one pan with a thick bottom, and that one is small in diameter, this time I cooked caramel in a pan. And you know, it turned out faster, and tastier. So if you have a cast iron skillet in your home, cook in it.

We put our dishes on medium heat. We wait until the bottom layer starts to heat up, until this moment we do not touch the sugar!

As soon as you see that the sugar is melting, we begin to stir intensively with a silicone or wooden spatula. Stir carefully, being careful not to touch the edges of the dishes. The sugar left there will crystallize and will be lumpy in our mixture.

As soon as the sugar is completely melted, it will acquire a beautiful rich amber color.

At this point, add the butter, cut into pieces. Carefully, the mixture will begin to actively boil. Do not worry, it is so necessary, just actively interfere.

After the butter has dissolved, add warm cream and mix everything again. At this stage, lumps may form in the mixture, we try to melt them, if it doesn’t work out, don’t worry. Just then strain everything through a strainer.

Once the mixture has become homogeneous, remove from the stove.

I always strain through a sieve, even if I don't visually notice lumps.

Add salt. Better large sea, so the taste will be brighter. Salt is needed quite a bit, a pinch is enough.

Pour our caramel into jars and, after cooling, put it in the refrigerator.

By the way, it can be stored for up to a month. It doesn't stay that long in the fridge though.

You can experiment with the amount of cream, the less you add, the thicker the caramel will be in the end.

After the refrigerator, our sauce will thicken a little, but still remain liquid. They can safely water ready-made desserts. For beautiful smudges, just heat the caramel a little in the microwave, so it will become liquid and harden beautifully on the cake.

For example like this.

By the way, I will write the recipe for this cheesecake in one of the following articles.

And as a filling, caramel acted in me.

Enjoy your meal.

Few people know how to make caramel at home. Indeed, today there is such a variety of sweets on the shelves of stores that no one even thinks of making a candy on their own. However, those who care about the health of their children prefer not to buy treats in supermarkets, but to make them at home, using only natural ingredients for this. Indeed, almost all store-bought sweets contain harmful additives that negatively affect not only the adult, but even more so the children's body.

So how to make caramel at home so as not to harm your own child? We will talk about this right now.

The most delicious caramel: a recipe at home

For cooking homemade treats we may need:

  • ordinary filtered water - a full glass;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 3 full glasses;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - about 2 large spoons;
  • mint oil - a few drops;
  • cognac - a small spoon (use as desired);
  • vanillin - a few pinches.

Cooking process

Final stage

As you can see, homemade caramel cooks very quickly. After the pan is removed from the stove, the hot sweet mass must be immediately poured into molds. By the way, they must first be lubricated with any cooking or vegetable fat. Until the caramel is frozen, you also need to stick wooden sticks into it. If you could not find special skewers, then we recommend using ordinary toothpicks.

After all the steps described, you must wait a while until the caramel completely hardens. To speed up this process, filled molds can be placed in a freezer or refrigerator.

After some time, confectionery caramel will be completely usable. It must be carefully removed from the molds, wrapped in a rustling film and please your child with a delicious and natural sweetness.

Making bananas in homemade caramel

We talked about how to make caramel at home. You can use this recipe if you only want to make a sucky candy. However, there are many other ways to create delicious treats, which are based on any fruit. For example, bananas in caramel are very unusual. To prepare such a sweet, we need:

  • ripe bananas, but not too soft - 4 pcs.;
  • high-fat butter - a full large spoon;
  • brown sugar - 4 large spoons;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ small spoon;
  • orange juice, nuts, banana liquor - apply to taste and desire.

Cooking method

How to make banana caramel yourself? The recipe at home calls for the use of hard fruits. They must be peeled, and then cut in half (lengthwise). Next, you need to put a large frying pan on medium heat and melt natural butter in it. After that, granulated sugar should be carefully poured into the cooking oil. The ingredients must be mixed until you have a homogeneous caramel. Next, you need to put the banana halves in it, flat side up. In this state, the fruit should be stewed for 20 seconds. After that, they must be sprinkled with ground cinnamon, and then continue the heat treatment for another 10 seconds.

After caramelizing one side of the bananas, they need to be turned over, pour over the icing from the pan and sprinkle with fragrant spice again. If desired, liqueur or juice can be added to the fruit. Cook the ingredients in this state for another 60 seconds, regularly watering the bananas with the resulting caramel. At the end, the fruit must be removed from the heat, put on a plate, and before serving, roll in ground nuts.

Cooking soft caramel

If caramel is intended for making a cake or any soft sweets, then it should be done a little differently. For this we need:

  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • filtered water - a large spoon;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch;
  • sour cream is not very fat - 100 g.

Step by step cooking process

To make such caramel, or "taffy", you should take a small saucepan, and then mix medium-sized granulated sugar and filtered water in it. Next, the ingredients must be put on a very slow fire and bring to a boil. In this case, the products must be constantly stirred with a spoon. They should cook for about 2-3 minutes. After that, the caramel needs to be removed from the stove and add not very fat sour cream to them.

Spread milk product preferably one spoonful, stirring the base well. Next, the caramel must be put back on the stove and heated slightly, but so that the mixture does not boil. In conclusion, the contents of the dishes must be poured into a plastic container, tightly closed and allowed to cool at room temperature. Ready soft caramel can be stored in the refrigerator for one week.

Summing up

Now you know how to make caramel at home. It should be noted that it is permissible to cook this delicacy not only with a fruit such as a banana, but also, for example, with apples, and even tangerines. In any case, absolutely all your household members will be delighted with such a homemade delicacy.