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What herbs are included in Kalmyk tea. Kalmyk tea - cooking recipes, benefits and harms

Kalmyk tea or jomba is a multicomponent drink that has a lot of useful properties and a special taste. It has long been prepared by many peoples: Mongols, Siberians, Buryats and others. On the territory of Central Asia and Western Siberia, it is called Kyrgyz tea, in the European part of the CIS - Kalmyk tea, and Karym tea or Karym tea is its name in Transbaikalia and Eastern Siberia.

You can prepare a drink from several different varieties tea:

  1. Green pressed tea. Only Georgian varieties of the third category are used. They include the leaves of the plant, particles of shoots and undercuts of bushes. As a result of brewing, a dark yellow liquid with a rather rough taste is obtained.
  2. Black or green brick tea Chinese varieties. The leaves of the tea bush, collected in autumn or spring, go into the Kalmyk drink. In this case, only the raw materials that are obtained as a result of trimming the bushes are used. The drink from it has a specific smell and taste of fresh bread.

The traditional recipe involves the use butter with spices. This drink is prepared with milk. Most often, cloves are added to Kalmyk tea, nutmeg, pepper. Such spices, in the absence of contraindications, do not harm health, making the taste of tea unique.

The composition of the drink

Ready-made Kalmyk tea is rich in a mass of substances indispensable for health:

  • catechins and tannins. Thanks to them, the drink has an excellent thirst-quenching property. In addition, these substances facilitate the absorption of ascorbic acid.
  • Potassium. Necessary for the proper functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, this element allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin C. It is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, and is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Zinc. The benefit of this element is to increase immunity, improve reproductive function.
  • Fluorine. Prevents the destruction of tooth enamel.
  • Manganese. The lack of this substance can harm the activity of the brain. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the restoration of bone tissue.
  • Silicon. This substance prevents the development of cataracts, strengthens bones, and increases the level of vital activity of the body.
  • Vitamins of group B. Participate in metabolic processes, stimulate the work of the brain, help maintain the full functioning of the whole organism.

Beneficial features

Before you learn the recipe for how to brew Kalmyk tea, you need to familiarize yourself with the benefits and harms of it.

This slab tea has a lot of useful properties. First of all, it contains caffeine, which has an invigorating effect. Catechins and tannins help preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

Jomba contains milk. It helps to provide the body with potassium, iodine, fluoride and sodium. Milk and tea react with each other. Due to this, complexes of proteins, vitamins and fats are formed in the drink. They help strengthen the skeletal system and overall health, as well as get rid of cholesterol, which is harmful.

Kalmyk tea has the following beneficial properties:

  • During breastfeeding, this drink helps to increase lactation.
  • Jomba is actively involved in metabolism, so drinking this drink helps to cope with extra pounds.
  • Such pressed slab tea charges with energy and vitality. In addition, it stimulates brain activity, increases efficiency.
  • The benefit of the drink lies in the fact that it is able to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Kalmyk tea with milk helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • This drink can get you up and running digestive system. It is successfully used for poisoning, increased gas formation and indigestion.
  • Due to its composition, Kalmyk tea with milk helps to fight beriberi.


In some cases, Kalmyk tea can be harmful to your health. Among the main contraindications are the following:

  • Intolerance to any of the tea ingredients. People who are allergic to spices should be especially careful.
  • Cholelithiasis. The use of such tea can provoke the movement of stones.
  • Pregnancy.

simple recipes

The benefits of jomba tea are revealed only if it is prepared correctly. For this it is best to use traditional recipe. You will need the following components:

  • slab tea - about 50 grams;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 800 ml;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • butter - 40 grams.
  1. Crumble the loose tea and place it in cold water. Put on the stove. Wait until it starts to boil. After that, immediately pour in the milk and add salt. Send black peppercorns there. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes. Stir the composition periodically.
  3. Remove Kalmyk tea from the stove. Pour pre-melted butter into it. Infuse the drink for at least 20 minutes.

Such tea with milk can be filtered before drinking. But most Kalmyks prefer to drink it directly with tea leaves.

You can brew a Kalmyk drink not only with pepper, but also with other spices.

The following tea recipe will allow you to prepare a drink with an even richer taste. For this you need:

  • black slab tea - about 100 grams;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • milk - two liters;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour - three tablespoons;
  • black pepper - seven peas;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs;
  • salt - one and a half teaspoons.
  1. Grind the tea with your hands. Fill with cold boiled water and put on a slow fire.
  2. After the liquid boils, continue to cook for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour salt, pour in preheated milk. Simmer the mixture for about five more minutes.
  4. Add melted butter.
  5. Fry the flour in a pan until golden brown and send to the drink. Put the spices in there.
  6. Cover the container with tea with a lid and leave it to infuse for 15 minutes.

After that, the drink will be ready to drink. The recipe is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. You can also prepare this drink at home.

Kalmyk tea is delicious and healthy drink. Its use will help solve many health problems and recharge life energy. The benefits of this drink are invaluable. Choose a suitable recipe for cooking and be sure to brew a cup of such tea for yourself.

photo:, jochenschneider


In the Eastern peoples, every drink is a real storehouse of healing properties. Kalmyk or Mongolian tea with milk and salt, which is brewed on a special non-fermented leaf, is also very revered in their homeland and beyond. Where is the benefit of this drink, how is it prepared and who needs to drink it?

Kalmyk tea - benefits and harms

Another name for this drink, mentioned by Pushkin, is jomba. According to one version, it was created by a Tibetan monk, who, during the refusal of food, needed to somehow maintain energy and vitality in himself. After that, it became popular with nomads due to the same qualities: a simple drink made life much easier with a meager diet. From Asia, he quickly came to Europe, where every third already knows the benefits and harms of Kalmyk tea.

The main positive qualities of this drink:

  • the caffeine contained in the green leaf has an invigorating effect;
  • milk compensates for calcium deficiency;
  • a whole complex of vitamins strengthens the immune system;
  • spices help to keep warm and speed up the metabolism;
  • the presence of such important minerals as iodine, sodium, nicotinic acid, magnesium, potassium, manganese, fluorine, has a beneficial effect on all internal systems;
  • tannins (tannins) have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.

There will be no particular harm from a cup of Kalmyk drink, but you need to understand that salty tea with milk is contraindicated in case of impaired kidney function and lactose intolerance. It is also forbidden for cholelithiasis (especially in the last stages). A high proportion of spices leads to active work of the liver and can irritate the stomach in the presence of ulcerative formations. It is undesirable to drink such tea in late pregnancy, so as not to provoke uterine tone.

Kalmyk tea - composition

All useful qualities, which are discussed above, determines the composition of Kalmyk tea, which is complex in terms of the number of components. This must include:

  • unfermented Chinese green leaf;
  • milk;
  • butter (nomadic peoples originally had mutton fat);
  • black pepper;
  • nutmeg;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carnation.

Medicinal herbs can also be added, which make the Kalmyk fragrant green tea with milk and salt especially useful for colds, digestive problems, etc. Among them are the roots of calamus and bergenia, angelica, oregano, horse sorrel. Ancient modifications of the Kalmyk recipe also contained fried fat tail for greater nutritional value, because this tea is like soup in its thickness and satiety.

Kalmyk tea during breastfeeding

With its complex composition and abundance of spices, representatives of oriental medicine tend to call this drink an assistant for young mothers. It is assumed that Kalmyk tea for lactation is very useful for those women who are worried about the lack of milk produced. Even the reviews of young mothers confirm this opinion: the work of the mammary glands intensifies very quickly, so you need to be careful when using the medicinal Kalmyk drink. It does not negatively affect the health of the child.

Kalmyk tea - recipe

There is no need to run to the store, look for a factory product - this healing drink you can make your own if you find a good chinese green leaf. The classic recipe for Kalmyk tea with it will look like this:

  1. Grind about 50 g of green leaves with a pusher, pour half a liter of water.
  2. When the liquid boils, cook for 4 minutes.
  3. Add the same amount of fresh fat (3.5% or more) milk, boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Turn the power of the stove to the minimum, cook for another 6 minutes.
  5. Pour 7 g of salt, a couple of bay leaves, a few black peppercorns, clove buds, a pinch of nutmeg. The proportions for the spice mixture are compiled individually.
  6. After another 8 minutes, cover the tea with a lid, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Mix. Scoop up a little Kalmyk drink with a ladle, pour it back. Repeat this 46 times.
  8. Tea before serving should be filtered and “filled” with a spoonful of butter. If you are going to cook jomba for weight loss, exclude this component.

Kalmyk tea bags

This version of this healthy drink is convenient for those who do not have extra time to boil, add all the components one by one, wait, follow. Kalmyk tea in bags already contains powdered milk, salt, cream, so it is easy to use even outside the home, because the brewing scheme is simplified as much as possible:

  1. Pour boiling water over a bag (it is designed for a standard mug of 250 ml).
  2. Pour your favorite spices, insist under the lid.

How to brew Kalmyk pressed tea

According to experts, it is best to prepare jomba from briquettes, which must be crushed before brewing. The amount of the key component is weighed by grams, and you need to use more tea leaf than you are used to. Pressed Kalmyk tea is taken in a glass of water in the amount of 10-15 g. The classic proportion is 50 g of tea is used for 1 liter of water.

Making a drink is easy:

  1. Crush and pour boiling water.
  2. Let it boil, pour in milk (the same volume as water).
  3. Enter the spices, cook on medium heat for another 9 minutes.
  4. Don't forget to insist and strain before serving.

Can you drink salted tea? A strange question, they will tell you in Central Asia, what else to drink? For us, this is such a combination of exotic tastes, and for many the most tasty tea- Kalmyk.

That is, Kalmyk is only one of its names, but in general this tea is called both Mongolian and Kyrgyz, and also domba or dzhomba. This tea with milk, salty and often spicy, flavored with butter, is common in the Caucasus, Asia, and southern Siberia.

What is Kalmyk tea?

This tea is the drink of nomads. Most likely, it spread from the Mongols, who, having received tea from the Chinese, began to prepare the drink in their own way. Another version says that the ancestor of Kalmyk tea came to the nomads from Tibet. Be that as it may, Kalmyk tea came to Russia from the Golden Horde.

Classical Kalmyk tea is made from pressed green tea. Simply because the pressed form has always been more convenient than loose for nomads. But the taste of this pressed tea is special, different from ordinary green tea. So those who got used to it once remain faithful for a long time. Although with ordinary leaf tea, an original drink is also obtained.

The second ingredient in Kalmyk tea is milk. It will suit anyone: cow, mare, camel, sheep, goat ... It is best to use mare or camel, like the ancient nomads. The third essential ingredient is salt. They also add black pepper, nutmeg and bay leaf. And also a piece of butter. However, it can be replaced with lamb fat.

Interesting and classic way preparation of Kalmyk tea - it was boiled and even boiled down by a third, or even half, and then also insisted.

The result was an interesting fragrant, unusual and unusually invigorating (as a result of such a long preparation an extremely strong tea was obtained) warming drink, one cup of which satisfies hunger for a long time. The perfect drink for those who spend the whole day in the saddle.

healing drink

This tea is healing, which is confirmed by the Kalmyk legend about a smart doctor and one religious reformer who was seriously ill. The doctor advised him to drink a cup of tea on an empty stomach for a week, calling the drink divine. The patient did everything exactly and recovered. Since then, the Zul holiday, one of the main holidays among Kalmyks, has not been complete without tea with milk, the day when they all become a year older (the fact is that Kalmyks do not have a birthday, and New Year Everyone celebrates life on the same day.

A legend is a legend, and Kalmyk tea is a really healthy drink. Firstly, it supports forces well, energizes. And it is also useful for colds, helps to lose weight and get rid of a hangover.

A simple recipe for Kalmyk tea

1 tbsp green tea
1 cup boiling water
1 glass of milk
Black pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf
½ tsp butter

pour green tea cold water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then add hot milk, salt and spices and cook for another 5 minutes. Put the oil, close the lid and let it brew for 20 minutes.

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Kalmyk tea basically has ordinary green tea, but all the other ingredients and their combination give the drink a perfect taste. unusual taste. This tea can be prepared not only according to the classical recipe, but also improvised, creating variations traditional drink. This tea came to us from Southeast Asia, from nomadic peoples who used the drink not only to quench their thirst, but also as a source of calories and a warming agent.

Around jomba, domba, Mongolian tea - these are other names for Kalmyk tea, there are many legends. China or Tibet is considered his homeland, then he became known to the Mongolian nomads, and from there he migrated to the territory of Russia.

The benefits of tea are described by a Kalmyk legend, according to which the drink healed Tsonghava, a religious figure. The doctor recommended him to take the "divine" drink daily on an empty stomach: after 7 days, the reformer was healed and ordered the believers to prepare the same tea, later called jomba by the Kalmyks.

In Kalmykia, the ancient holiday of Zul is celebrated annually, which is actually a national birthday; tea ceremony and offerings to deities are considered its obligatory rituals.

Traditions of making Kalmyk tea

There may be some differences in the composition of tea according to the traditions of a particular nation, but in general, the ingredients and preparation features are the same in different territories. Pressed green tea is best for Kalmyk tea. Classic drink recipe:

  • a tablespoon of tea;
  • a glass of boiling water and milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • spices: black pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg;
  • a little butter (half a teaspoon).

The drink should be strong: tea is usually poured with cold water, after boiling, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. After adding milk, spices, salt, Kalmyk tea should be boiled for another 5 minutes and seasoned with oil. Tea is ready after 20 minutes of infusion.

Different types of Kalmyk tea

Although regular loose leaf tea can be used to make a drink, specialty tea varieties are best. For example, there are 3 in 1 options that include milk or cream and salt. In some types of factory product, black tea is added to green.

On the market, Kalmyk tea is presented in different options, it can be:

  • briquettes, including tea and herbs weighing from 300 g to 2.5 kg;
  • tiles with pressed tea;
  • Kalmyk tea in bags;
  • instant version of jomba with milk and salt.

Of particular interest is tiled pressed tea. It is produced from coarsened leaves and shoots, harvested in the fall after the end of the main harvest; elements of the spring pruning of the tea bush are also used for Kalmyk tea briquettes. These materials do not ferment or wither, so the drink has a tart and slightly bitter taste, as well as a beautiful yellowish-red hue.

Kalmyk slab tea should be brewed in a special way. In fact, it must be boiled and then insisted. The result of preparation will be an unusually strong drink, having a dense, rich taste and spicy aroma.

Variations of Kalmyk tea components

A special version of jomba is a drink with lamb fat instead of butter. The taste of tea will vary greatly depending on the type of milk used in it. AT classic version it is camel or mare milk. But in the modern world, goat or goat is more often used to make jomba. cow's milk, in extreme cases, you can put cream or milk powder in the drink.

Among the peoples of Asia, the southern regions of Siberia, the Caucasus, it is customary to add steppe herbs to tea.

The composition of the herbs may vary, but bergenia is considered an obligatory component of the collection. Plants are harvested before the flowering period, so tea with them is considered hypoallergenic.

The richness of the composition makes Kalmyk tea healing and nutritious. Of course, like other foods, this drink is not suitable for everyone, and there can be both benefit and harm from its use.

Indications and restrictions for the use of Kalmyk tea

The benefits of Kalmyk tea are undoubted; it is not for nothing that legends are made about the drink. The drink invigorates, warms, saturates, its components activate many body functions. The positive effects of Kalmyk tea include:

  • strengthening action,
  • normalization of metabolism,
  • beneficial effect on digestion,
  • despite the high calorie content of tea, useful material, which are part of it, contribute to weight loss and cholesterol levels by activating metabolic processes;
  • increased lactation in nursing mothers;
  • cheerfulness, increased efficiency, stimulation of mental activity;
  • detoxifying effect;
  • saturation with vitamins, minerals and nutrients;
  • help in the fight against colds, severe coughs;
  • strengthening immunity, prevention of infectious diseases.

Kalmyk tea in rare cases can be harmful in the presence of health problems. There are few contraindications to the use of the drink:

  • allergy or intolerance to tea components;
  • cholelithiasis, since the constituent components of jomba can provoke biliary colic;
  • pregnancy.

When using herbs in the composition of the drink, it should be remembered that they all have a certain effect on the body. In the presence of chronic diseases, restrictions on the use of certain plant components should be taken into account: this also applies to herbs and spices.

Recipes for creating various variations of jomba

It is possible to properly brew tea, traditional for the inhabitants of Kalmykia, not only according to the classic recipe, but also by changing some of the ingredients and nuances of preparation. Everyone has their own preferences, so changes in the recipe can improve the taste of the drink.

Different recipes for Kalmyk tea help you choose your drink. It is this tea - with your favorite taste, that will bring maximum benefit from its use.

Kalmyk tea, the recipe of which includes a mixture of black and green teas, is an option preferred by many lovers of the invigorating effect of the drink. The following ingredients are added to it:

  • large-leaf black, pressed or leaf green tea in a tablespoon,
  • 1 liter of milk
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper and allspice to taste,
  • 2 cloves,
  • a little ground nutmeg
  • 30 g butter.

Tea leaves are added to milk, spices are poured after boiling and kept on a minimum heat for 15 minutes. Before adding the oil, the mixture is filtered and consumed warm.

Kalmyk tea can be prepared on the basis of only black tea. original recipe in addition to the usual ingredients such as milk and butter, it also includes wheat flour. Such a drink is more like a soup that can satisfy hunger than a drinking product in the usual sense.

Ingredients for Kalmyk tea with flour:

  • 100 g tiled black tea,
  • one and a half liters of water and milk,
  • 100 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • a few peppercorns,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt.

It is not difficult to brew such tea: 100 g of slab tea should be crushed into water and brought to a boil, after 10 minutes pour in milk and continue preparing the drink for another 5 minutes. You need to make sure that the tea is brewed on low heat.

The flour is fried to a golden hue and poured together with spices at the end of cooking. The product must be infused for another 15 minutes, and it can be consumed.

There is a variation of Kalmyk tea in Adyghe style. The drink is radically different from the usual jomba, because instead of tea, horse sorrel is added to it. The plant is boiled for about an hour, then the broth is infused and filtered. On the basis of such a “brewing”, a drink with milk and butter is prepared. This option is also salted and peppered, you can add dried cilantro.

Some people prefer to prepare a drink based on Ivan tea. The plant in the amount of 100 g is brewed on a supporting fire for 40 minutes. After straining, boiled milk is poured in - a third of the volume of the broth. After heating to 70°C, oil, salt, ground pepper. Give the drink a little brew and pour into cups.

The classic version of Kalmyk tea is prepared without sugar. But some prefer to add a small amount of this ingredient to the drink: in this case, you can experiment with spices - put cinnamon or cardamom. The main thing that the drink fell to taste, then it will bring much more benefits.

Kalmyk tea is more than tea, this drink with rich history For thousands of years, faithfully served the Asian nomadic peoples, and now its benefits have been proven by modern scientists. with milk, salt and butter will warm you in frosts, cool you in hot weather, and in combination with a couple of pieces homemade bread serve as a full breakfast or lunch. So what is the secret of Kalmyk tea?

There are various versions of how tea with milk became the "signature" drink of the Asian peoples. An ancient legend tells how the Tibetan religious figure Tsongkhava fell seriously ill and turned to a famous healer. He prescribed him the only medicine - an unusual tea on an empty stomach - and promised complete healing on the 7th day. A week later, Tsongkhava got up from his bed and commanded all believers that day to light a lamp and prepare magic tea, later called jomba.

How the Tibetan reformer was able to transfer the tea recipe to the Kalmyks, one can only guess - historians assure that the Mongolian nomads borrowed the tea itself from the ancient Chinese, during the period of close contacts between the two peoples. The Chinese, the keepers of tea culture, did not even think about adding milk to green tea. And the Mongols added - and milk, and fat, and salt, and sometimes flour - and got a nutritious and healing drink. Mongolian tea quickly became a favorite drink of many Mongolian nomadic tribes, then conquered the peoples of Siberia, Central Asia, southern Russia and even the North Caucasus, and each culture brought something different to the recipe for making the famous tea. But this tea received the greatest love from the Kalmyks - it is no coincidence that today it is known in the world primarily as Kalmyk tea.

Kalmyk tea: composition and benefits

The secret of the benefits of such an unusual drink as Kalmyk tea is the composition. First of all, Kalmyk tea is, therefore, it retains all the beneficial substances that green tea has long been famous for: invigorating caffeine, healing tannins, catechins, keepers of youth and health, and much more.

Due to the complex composition (milk, butter and salt), Kalmyk tea contains a lot of potassium, fluorine and iodine, manganese and sodium, a rich complex of vitamins - K, C, PP - nicotinic acid, group B.

Milk and tea seem to be made for each other, which is why Kalmyk tea has been so popular for centuries. Whole milk is not always well absorbed by the body, especially in adults, while green tea facilitates absorption, so Kalmyk tea can be safely recommended to people of all ages. In turn, milk softens the harmful effects of caffeine and other alkaloids in tea. And this is especially important, because for classic Kalmyk tea, old tea leaves are usually collected, without even subjecting them to fermentation, which makes the drink very strong.

Moreover, milk and tea, reacting, form a special nutritional complex of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. And to this is added natural cholesterol in the composition of butter, which nourishes the brain, a complex of vitamins A, D and B, so necessary for our bones, skin, hair and eyes.

So, Kalmyk tea - beneficial features drink:

  • increases lactation in nursing mothers;
  • stimulates metabolism and removes extra pounds: feel free to drink Kalmyk tea if you are watching your figure: nutritious tea in the morning will make you forget about hunger for long hours;
  • perfectly tones, activates mental activity and relieves overwork;
  • has the ability to regulate the level of sugar in the body: Kalmyk tea is an ideal choice for those suffering from diabetes;
  • fights diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • useful for the digestive system: treats poisoning, indigestion, reduces gas formation;
  • and saves from colds.

The beneficial properties of Kalmyk tea are also enhanced by the spices that are traditionally added there: for example, it turns Kalmyk tea into a real anti-cold cocktail: it kills bacteria, treats a sore throat, relieves fever. increases immunity, treats rheumatism and strengthens the nervous system. Kalmyk tea with black pepper helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, cleanses blood vessels and acts as an expectorant. By the way, spices improve the beneficial properties of not only Kalmyk tea, but also another Asian drink - which we recently wrote about.

Kalmyk tea - the benefits and harms of this drink have not been disputed for a long time: healing properties teas have been known for centuries, while the harm of Kalmyk tea is due only to individual intolerance. So, if you have lactose intolerance, Kalmyk tea is banned. Tea with milk or butter is also not recommended in the later stages of cholelithiasis: it is believed that strong Kalmyk tea can cause stones to move.

Kalmyk tea: how to cook

Making Kalmyk tea is an ancient art; for centuries, each nation had its own recipe, with different nuances and features.

So, putting butter in a drink is a rather late, “lightweight” option - initially Kalmyks added mutton fat to their tea. The drink of the ancient Mongols was even more nutritious - tea, milk, fried pieces of fat tail and mutton bone marrow ... The Adygs also liked to add horse sorrel to tea for taste, aroma and fight against scurvy, as well as the mysterious lebeshchai - apparently.

Moreover, ancient Kalmyk recipes advised to boil tea for a very long time, until only half of the water remained in the cauldron, and then steep the tea all night. The next morning turned out to be a powerful energy drink, perfect drink for nomads, but a modern person would hardly endure such a shake-up for the heart and blood vessels ...

But the main tradition that has survived to this day is to use slab green tea to make a drink. In ancient times, this method of transporting tea was the most convenient: it is much better to carry bricks of tea leaves and stems with you than bags of loose tea. Today, pressed tea remains the lot of adherents. classic recipes and those who do not like to rush. Many modern people prefer to prepare Kalmyk tea based on ordinary green tea. loose leaf tea: this allows you not to waste time crushing the tiles, besides, you can brew tea directly in the cup, for 1-2 servings.

Kalmyk tea recipe for regular loose tea:

Pour tea leaves into a half-liter tea cup: 2 times more than usual. Pour boiling water over two-thirds, insist 3-4 minutes. Then add hot milk, put a piece of butter, a pinch or 2-3 peas of black pepper, salt. For those who like tea richer, it is recommended to pour the tea leaves immediately with boiling milk.

And how to brew Kalmyk slab tea? Doesn't exist here the perfect recipe- in different ways you can always bring something of your own when making tea.

So, Kalmyk tea - how to prepare it according to the traditional recipe?

Grind brick tea, fill it with water (at the rate of 50 g per liter of water), bring to a boil. We add milk - twice as much as water, if desired, spices - a couple of clove buds - and salt. Boil for 5-15 minutes (depending on the volume of liquid), then filter, and squeeze the tea itself. Pour into mugs, each - no more than a teaspoon of butter. Usually such tea was drunk with butter dough croutons.

This recipe also has options - you can add not milk, but cream (a little less than water), before pouring into cups, tea is often infused for 10-15 minutes.

Try Kalmyk tea - by changing the amount of tea leaves, adding milk or cream, combining different spices, you will definitely fall in love with this unusual tea and milk broth. The drink of the ancient nomads, the tonic Kalmyk tea, came in handy in the modern metropolis with its frantic rhythm, giving us strength, vivacity and saturating with energy.