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Dumplings boiled calories. How many calories are in dumplings, and what does their energy value depend on? Meat dumplings ingredients

Dumplings, like other semi-finished products, were created during a period of rapid growth in production and excessive employment of the population, when there was not enough time even for such an elementary thing as cooking. Despite all the advantages of fast and delicious food, it also has disadvantages.

Product Description: What are dumplings?

Dumplings, just like frozen dumplings, pancakes and dumplings, are semi-finished products. This is a collective name that characterizes dishes that are almost ready to eat.

A variety of toppings wrapped in a piece of dough created with the goal of fast food: a few minutes microwave oven, 7 minutes of cooking, 10 minutes in the oven and 5 minutes in the pan are enough to make the dish fit to eat. Manufacturers have managed to create many substitute fillings containing instead of natural ingredients various ingredients, powders, soy and starch.

What is included in dumplings?

Do dumplings, whose calorie content is quite high, pose a threat to our health? In fact, it is not the dish itself that is harmful, but its low-quality components.

Today's market offers a wide range of products sold, the minced meat of which includes low-value, and sometimes simply cheap and not distinguished by quality meat. In addition to the meat component, soy and various fats, fillers and dyes are added to the filling, which adversely affect the state of the human body. Soy, present in the filling, in most cases is a genetically modified product. Various flavor enhancers, flavors and dyes are hidden under a discreet and familiar name - spices.

The benefits of dumplings

When eating dumplings, people rarely think about whether this product brings any benefit. A semi-finished product can really benefit if it consists of high-quality and proven ingredients. good flour, the absence of which in the process of making dumplings is simply impossible to imagine, includes various minerals and elements: zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, fiber and vitamins of groups B and PP. It is known that dumplings, whose calorie content varies depending on the type of flour and filler, are a very nutritious product. The next factor indicating the benefits of a semi-finished product is the speed of preparation. This is really a big advantage for those who always do not find time for food and eat endless sandwiches and fried eggs. In this case, semi-finished products will be a way out of the situation, although not the best.

Calorie store product

It is not easy to meet a person who claims that he does not like dumplings. From young to old, everyone loves this dish, often forgetting about the high nutritional value product. Dumplings, the calorie content of which increases if the finished dish is consumed together with cream, sour cream or butter, it is better to eat without adding any fats of animal or vegetable origin.

We can say with confidence that dumplings are a threat to both the male and female waist. Some keepers of the family hearth prefer to cook beef dumplings on their own, the calorie content of which is clearly higher than, for example, dumplings with minced chicken.

When it comes to a purchased product, it the energy value depends on ingredients and cooking method. In addition to the meat filling, dumplings can be potato, fish and mushroom, which significantly affects the calorie content of boiled dumplings. Consequently, those who follow the figure often have “light” dumplings in their diet, without meat and fat. Those who do not care about losing weight can use this product in moderation. It is worth mentioning that beef dumplings are not as high energy as their pork counterpart. Below is the calorie content of boiled dumplings per 100 g of factory-made products:

  • dumplings with minced beef - 275 kcal;
  • dumplings with minced pork - about 300 kcal;
  • dumplings with lamb filling - 250 kcal;
  • dumplings with mixed minced meat(pork / beef) - 280 Kcal;
  • dumplings with minced chicken - 210 kcal;
  • dumplings from minced fish- 250 kcal;
  • mushroom and cabbage dumplings - 240 kcal.

The above figures indicate the energy value of boiled store-bought dumplings, but some people prefer to eat this dish after frying it. Fried dumplings, the calorie content of which is increased due to the fats used for cooking, are made quite simply. Boiled semi-finished products after straining are fried in a pan with the addition of vegetable or butter. From all that has been said, a brief conclusion can be drawn: if a person cares about his figure and the state of the body as a whole, the semi-finished product should be boiled or steamed. It is worth mentioning that excessively eating dumplings, the calorie content of which is quite high, can lead to metabolic disorders and esophageal functions.

What is the calorie content of homemade dumplings?

Hand-made dumplings can often be found in the kitchen of every housewife who cares about the figure and health of the household.

This approach to cooking is definitely more reasonable, because here you have the opportunity to independently choose natural and high-quality products that you like in order to cook homemade dumplings. The calorie content of a dish prepared by oneself directly depends on what is included in its composition. For example, the energy value 100 grams homemade beef dumplings will be 293 kcal. Each fan of self-cooking can regulate the calorie content of the dish, replacing, for example, minced pork veal. The main task of self-made dumplings is to get maximum benefit for health, which is difficult to achieve when using store-bought semi-finished products.

Harm of semi-finished products

The first and most obvious reason why dumplings can be called a harmful product is that not everyone knows what is included in their composition.

Most people clearly understand the difference between homemade and store-bought dumplings, in the preparation of which natural, high-quality products are practically not used. For example, if you calculate the cost of 1 kg of real dumplings, it will in no way equal the loyal price offered in the supermarket. This is followed by the second reason: various synthetic additives, flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives are added to all purchased dumplings, replacing real onions, carrots and other ingredients. In addition, the methods and methods of preparing semi-finished products make you think: is it possible to call food that is subjected to repeated freezing and thawing, steaming, frying, and so on, useful?

How to choose dumplings?

Reading the composition is a necessary rule for choosing a product. If the ingredients contain soy, discard it. Next, you need to pay attention to the color of the dumplings - the dough should not be dark or yellow.

The normal color of the dough is white. Any other color indicates improper storage or the presence of additives.


With the current accelerated pace of life, people rarely think about the dangers of the food they eat daily. If you value your health and the health of your loved ones, try to cook your own food. But if there is no way out and you need to purchase semi-finished products, choose high-quality and expensive dumplings, calorie content 100 gr. which will not exceed all established norms.

Dumplings- ancient "international" dish, consisting of unleavened dough and minced meat or minced meat wrapped in it (usually beef, pork, lamb). Sometimes meat is replaced with fish. It is noteworthy that dumplings are eaten as a daily "duty" dish, and served at the festive table.

There are many opinions about the history of the appearance of the dish, each nation attributes the honor of its creation to itself. According to the most reliable version Russian dumplings are considered "descendants" of the Uighur "boiled pies". They were “brought” to Russia by the Mongols in the 13th century. during Tatar-Mongolian yoke. They, in turn, have a recipe for a simple, but very nutritious, satisfying and delicious dish"got" from the Uighurs, who then inhabited part of China. After the capture of “half of the world” by the Mongols, the cuisines of the peoples mixed up, which, of course, has its advantages.

Properties of dumplings

  • Dough based wheat flour rich in fiber and elements such as copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, B and PP vitamins. The use of these components leads to improved bowel function and metabolic processes, strengthening bone and muscle tissue .
  • The meat filling provides the body with essential animal proteins - the main "builders" of the body, iron, which enriches the blood with hemoglobin. Meat saturates with energy, increases "male strength", contains vitamins and microelements in the necessary balanced composition.
  • Dumplings can only harm when overeating.For example, it is better to limit the use of fatty pork or duck to patients with hypertension and other vascular diseases. To lower cholesterol, dietary chicken or rabbit meat is suitable.

What do dumplings eat with?

To improve the taste of minced meat, add more onions to the meat(1:1 is the most optimal proportion, however, some Eastern recipes advise a ratio of 1:1.5 and even 1:2). Sometimes used for juiciness white cabbage , which is finely chopped and, squeezed together with onions, mixed with the meat mass.

Boiled dumplings are good with mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, butter, sour cream, mustard, soy sauce. As a snack, all kinds of pickles are suitable for them: sauerkraut, barrel cucumbers and tomatoes, pickled beets, etc. Also hearty flour meat dish goes well with fresh vegetable cuts, herbs and salads.

Dumplings are eaten with broth, if they were originally cooked in ready-made meat broth, and fried. Some gourmets prefer to steam them or bake them.

Calorie dumplings

The table shows the calorie content of 1 dumpling on the basis that it average weight equals 12 grams. calories different types meat is averaged, since, for example, the calorie content of beef can range from 80 kcal (veal) to 300 kcal (fatty part).

per 100 gr.
1 piece
10 pieces
calories beef dumplings 250 kcal 30 kcal 300 kcal
calories pork dumplings 296 kcal 35.5 kcal 355 kcal
calories pork and beef dumplings 275 kcal 33 kcal 330 kcal
calories lamb dumplings 252 kcal 30.2 kcal 302 kcal
calories chicken dumplings 182 kcal 21.8 kcal 218 kcal
calories rabbit dumplings 176 kcal 21 kcal 210 kcal
calories turkey dumplings 245 kcal 29.4 kcal 294 kcal
calories fish dumplings (perch) 209 kcal 25 kcal 250 kcal
calories beef dumplings with broth 138 kcal 16.5 kcal 165 kcal
calories fried dumplings beef 303 kcal 36.4 kcal 364 kcal
calories baked beef dumplings 202 kcal 24.2 kcal 242 kcal

Pelmeni is a favorite dish of many. Classic variant dumplings are made with minced meat, however, there are many recipes with mushroom, fish, vegetable and even fruit fillings. The question of how many calories in dumplings often worries people trying to lose weight.

How many calories are in a serving of dumplings?

The calorie content of a dish is the sum of the calorie content of all its ingredients. To find out how many calories are in homemade dumplings, consider all the components of the dough and filling. classic dough for dumplings it is prepared from flour, salt and water, its calorie content is about 340 kcal per 100 g. If you add eggs, kefir or sour cream to the dough, this will improve taste qualities meals, but will increase the calorie content.

The main calorie content of dumplings depends on the filling you use. If you want to know how many calories are in chicken, beef or pork dumplings, look at the tables of the energy value of these products.

Shop dumplings with ground beef contain 275 kcal, with pork - 300 kcal, with lamb - 252 kcal, with chicken - 210 kcal, with fish - 250 kcal. dumplings with lamb, beef and pork - 235 kcal, dumplings with minced beef and pork contain 287 kcal.

How many calories are in fried and boiled dumplings?

The energy value of a dish greatly depends on the method of its preparation. The calorie content of fried dumplings is much higher than that of boiled dumplings, because. During the frying process, the dough absorbs a lot of oil. For example, if dumplings with beef stuffing boil, in 100 g there will be 275 kcal, if they are fried in vegetable oil - the calorie content will increase to 510 kcal, and if you use butter - the energy value of the dish will increase to 730 kcal!

Fried dumplings should be excluded from the diet, not only those who want to lose weight, but also those people who have problems with digestion. heavy fried foods badly affect the liver, stomach and pancreas. And boiled dumplings are recommended for such people to eat with sour sour cream or herbs to help digestion.

Tips for those who follow a healthy diet

If you do not want to get better because of your love for dumplings, try to exclude the most high-calorie options from the diet with the addition of pork meat. A single serving of dumplings should be no more than 100-150 g. It is better to eat dumplings in the morning so that they have time to digest and calories to be spent. For better absorption, eat dumplings with vegetable salad or greens, after eating you can drink a glass of sour juice or a cup of green tea.

We all know dumplings from childhood - products made from unleavened dough with meat stuffing. This dish is very popular in our country.

Dishes similar to Russian dumplings are found in many world cuisines - uzbek manti, italian ravioli, caucasian khinkali. All of them differ in size, shape, composition of the filling, but they have a common idea of ​​​​cooking.

Considerable the merit of the high popularity of this dish is the ability to cook dumplings for future use and freeze. They are perfect for any festive feast as well as for everyday dining.

Is it possible to eat dumplings cooked according to classic recipe, those who are concerned about the issue of a slim figure? It is possible, but little by little and as little as possible. After all, dumplings are a fairly high-calorie product.

100 grams of dumplings cooked with a mixed filling (pork + beef) contains 277 calories.

More useful and slightly less high-calorie beef filling will be.

The energy value of 100 grams of beef dumplings is 226 kcal.

But chicken dumplings can be included in the diet of even strict overweight fighters.

In 100 grams of dumplings stuffed with minced chicken- only 106 calories!

Making dumplings can bring a large family together at the same table, becoming a fun and exciting activity.

It is customary to serve classic Russian dumplings with one or more additives: vinegar or horseradish, mustard or ground black pepper.

Someone likes to fry pre-boiled dumplings until crispy golden brown, someone prefers dumplings along with the broth in which they were boiled.

Is such a favorite and popular dish healthy? If the dumplings are homemade from quality products, then the answer will be unambiguous - yes.

The benefits of dumplings are determined by the ingredients included in the composition. Flour is a source of fiber and a range of minerals. And meat is a supplier of protein valuable for the human body.

Can there be any negative consequences from eating dumplings? Only in case that, if you abuse them too much or buy a frozen semi-finished product of dubious quality.

Dumplings with sour cream

Butter and sour cream, ketchup and various sauces. How does the addition of these ingredients affect the final calorie content ready meal? Let's see.

A full tablespoon of sour cream is about 20 grams. If we use medium-fat sour cream (20%), then by adding one spoonful of sour cream to a plate of dumplings, we add 42 calories to our diet.

Having flavored a portion of dumplings with a small piece of butter (10 grams), write down 68 calories for yourself.

The least high-calorie addition to dumplings is ketchup. A tablespoon contains about 10-12 calories.

Homemade dumplings

Not frozen semi-finished products, but fresh dumplings cooked at home with your own hands - what could be tastier and more appetizing!

In 100 g of homemade dumplings from pork, 275 kcal, from beef - 225 kcal, and with mixed minced meat - 240 kcal.

The ingredients for the dough are simple and straightforward:

  • flour - 4 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

Pour the sifted flour into a pile and make a well in the middle. Pour salted water into it and beat in the eggs. Knead the dough, adding a little flour if necessary. At the end of the kneading, add a spoon vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again.

The dough should be quite dense, but elastic. It should not stick to your hands, but too hard dough is bad. In this case, it will be difficult for you to roll and sculpt it.

The kneaded dough should be covered and left for 30-40 minutes to "ripen". At this time, you can do the filling.

For her, we need to prepare:

  • 700 grams of meat (chicken, pork or beef);
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt pepper.

Most delicious dumplings obtained from minced meat mixed Pork and beef are taken for him in equal proportions.

To prepare the minced meat, we pass the meat, garlic and onions cut into pieces through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. To prevent the filling from being dry, it is imperative to add a little water or milk to the ground meat.

All the ingredients are ready - you can start sculpting dumplings. You can do this the old fashioned way - with your hands or use a special form.

If you have a form, great. Roll out a piece of dough into a layer of such a size that it covers the form in size. Lay out the minced meat in the cells and cover with a second layer of dough. After that, roll the dough with a rolling pin and turn the mold over to get the finished dumplings.

Hand molding is a more labor-intensive and long process, but if you take it on not alone, but with assistants, then during the conversation the time will fly by unnoticed, and the dumplings will stick fast enough.