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Broken glass step by step recipe. Jelly "Broken glass" with sour cream

Tags: Cooking Cake Bite slo with a cracker, like getting ready at home minds. How to make a cake Bite slo with a cracker how to cook at home. How to cook Cake Bite with a cracker at home minds. How to prepare, prepare and how to grow at home.

Recipe Ingredients: Broken Glass Cracker Cake

1) 1/2 l thick sour cream
2) 1 glass of granulated sugar
3) 2 packs of crackers
4) 1 sachet of gelatin
5) 3 packs of fruit jelly

How to cook: Broken glass cake with crackers

  • We choose 3 types of jelly, preferably in a contrasting color, Kiwi, or green apple, cherry, or raspberry and lemon, or orange.
  • We cook jelly, but we take half the water than indicated in the instructions on the pack, so that the jelly turns out to be very tight.
  • Pour each jelly into a separate mold and put in a cool place to solidify.
  • Soak gelatin in a glass warm water and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Sour cream, it is advisable to take homemade, stir with sugar, you can beat, at low speed, with a mixer. Pour the gelatin into the prepared mixture and mix everything well.
  • Cracker, for contrast, you can take coffee and vanilla, pour into a bowl. We take out the finished jelly from the molds, for this we lower the mold into hot water, then take it out and turn the mold over, and cut into cubes, pour it into the cracker, mix everything, carefully, without breaking the cracker and jelly cubes.
  • Pour everything with the sour cream mixture, mix gently, pour into a cake mold, and set overnight to completely solidify.

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You will need: 100 gr. sugar, 100 gr. cookies, 2-3 bags of multi-colored jelly, 500 gr. sour cream, 15 gr. gelatin, 1 pack of vanilla sugar. Prepare each color of jelly separately and pour into ice molds. Remove to refrigerator. Pour gelatin with water and after 15 minutes put on fire.

Cake broken glass step by step recipe with photo. How to make broken glass jelly cake? It is autumn now, but before we have time to look back, it will already be on the "nose" New Year and the time will come to open before your guests culinary secrets. Therefore, we have prepared for you original recipe cake - recipe

Light, moderately sweet, gentle pleasure. A refreshing dessert for the sultry heat, a bright cheerful delight for cloudy days. It is universal for any season, time of day or holiday - a delicious and pretty Broken Glass cake. Currently a simple Broken Glass cake recipe

This cake has a huge number of advantages, firstly, it does not need to be baked, it saves time. Secondly, it is very tasty, thirdly, it is very beautiful and will undoubtedly decorate your table. First you need to prepare the jelly, how to do this, it is written in detail in the instructions on the package. Put the jelly in

Servings: 8
Cooking time: 2 hours

Recipe Description

To prepare a dessert you need:

  • Sour cream of any fat content - 400-500 grams;
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin - 20 grams;
  • Pineapple, raspberry and lemon jelly.

Cooking step by step:

So where do we start? We take 3 packages of instant fruit jelly and pour each flavor into a separate bowl. I had lemon, raspberry and pineapple, but it doesn't matter. Dilute with warm water, according to the instructions, and stir with a spoon until the lumps dissolve. I poured 400 ml into each bowl.
We put the jelly in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Now let's deal with gelatin for sour cream. Pour 20 grams into a cup and pour 200 ml of water.
Leave it to stand for 10 minutes, so that the gelatin swells and mix. When there is not a single lump left in the cup, it is ready for use.

Add sugar to sour cream and stir until completely dissolved. Sour cream should not be too cold (take it out of the refrigerator in advance), otherwise the gelatin will take lumps.
If the sour cream is still very cold, you can heat it in a water bath, at the same time the sugar will dissolve. Do not rush to mix gelatin with sour cream because it will thicken before your eyes.

First you need to cut into cubes fruit jelly and divide into glasses.

After that, it is already possible to mix sour cream with gelatin, pouring it in a thin stream and stirring constantly.
The resulting mixture is poured into glasses with cubes of fruit jelly.
Here's what I came up with.
All these portions sold out in one evening, because everyone wanted to get a supplement. Such a dessert is often served in cafes, but it is not cheap, so I advise you to learn how to make it yourself.
Dessert "broken glass" will decorate the table on children's day birthday or any other holiday.

Good day to all. Today I have a broken glass jelly cake for you, I have a recipe with photos. This jelly cake there are other names (Aquarium, Mosaic ...), but somehow in our family this cake took root under the name "Broken Glass".
Culinary recipes on the Folk Knowledge blog are all only with step by step photos, it is very convenient not only to read the recipe itself, but also to look step-by-step preparation dishes.

Everyone in our family loves jelly, especially children, especially since this dessert is very easy to prepare and simply cannot fail. It turns out pretty delicious dessert, which will be a table decoration for any holiday, and not only for a holiday. For example, we often prepare a jelly cake for no reason, just like that, it is very tasty and only with its bright appearance it cheers up.

To prepare the broken glass jelly cake, we need:

  • 3 packs of jelly (I have cherry, lemon and kiwi flavored jelly)
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (10-15 grams)
  • 500 grams of sour cream (I have 15% sour cream)
  • 1 sachet of gelatin (20 gr.)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 150 ml milk

You can buy jelly with the taste that you like, that is, strawberry, peach, kiwi, raspberry, orange, lemon ... It is better to take jelly of different colors, then the jelly cake will be colorful and bright.

The photo shows the ingredients for the Broken Glass jelly cake: gelatin, vanilla, sour cream and jelly of different colors. I have three bags, you can optionally take more bags, but then you will need twice as much sour cream and gelatin.

I look on the Internet, many people put a layer of cookies or a biscuit on the bottom of the form, for example, I just love jelly without cookies.

We breed jelly according to the instructions on the package, I have written for 1 pack of jelly you need 400 ml of hot boiled water.

I pour jelly on the floor liter jar, pour hot boiled water (400 ml), mix everything well, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

I pour the finished jelly into molds or bowls, this is already as convenient for you. Next, wait for the jelly to harden.

Frozen jelly we mode cubes. You can cut into small cubes, you can large ones, we tried it this way and that, it turns out more beautifully when you cut the jelly into small cubes, but not very finely.

Now for the sour cream. It tastes best when you buy homemade sour cream, but it also turns out delicious with a store.

To begin with, we dilute gelatin in a small amount of hot water, about 100 ml, leave to swell. But the photo shows that vanilla is added to gelatin, I wanted to experiment a little, but best of all, add vanilla to sour cream.

Then mix sour cream with sugar, add gelatin to sour cream. But gelatin is immediately taken in lumps. Therefore, I put sour cream with sugar, vanilla and gelatin on fire, add milk and warm it up well, stirring constantly, but do not boil, sugar and gelatin dissolve so well. Why do I do this, it’s just that gelatin hardens very quickly, and if you warm it up, then you need to cool it, and it immediately starts to harden, you add it to sour cream, lumps form.

Next, lay out our chopped jelly in any form, so that later you can pour sour cream. I have a square baking dish, so the jelly can then be cut into beautiful squares. We distribute the jelly cubes evenly in shape and color.

Now fill the jelly with sour cream jelly.

It is necessary that all the jelly is evenly filled with sour cream. If desired, pieces of fruit and berries can be added to the jelly cake.

Next, the jelly cake should harden well. It freezes quite quickly, within about a couple of hours, especially if the form with the jelly cake is taken out to the cold, I take it out to the balcony or put the jelly cake in the refrigerator.

Here is such a beauty. We prepared such a jelly cake for our son's birthday, children, before and adults were delighted. Can be cut into rectangles and served in portions.

It turns out tasty and beautiful, the jelly cake looks bright, one might say cheerfully.

Years have passed, but he is still popular with us. Only to get it out of the bowl, I had to heat it in a water bath. And he swam a little on top. But his taste was not affected by this.

Enjoy your meal.

  • gelatin - 20-25 g
  • milk - 250 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar and vanilla to taste
  • fruits of your choice (you can do without them)

Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package, BUT by reducing the amount of water to 150-180 ml. Pour the finished jelly into molds, let it harden in the refrigerator. If desired, you can make jelly from homemade compotes (1 incomplete tablespoon of gelatin per 1 cup of compote). When the jelly is ready, proceed to milk jelly.

For milk jelly dissolve gelatin in 100 ml of water, leave for 10-15 minutes to swell. Boil the milk and cool slightly, add swollen gelatin, sugar and vanillin (to taste) to the milk, mix well. Heat the milk mixture on the stove, BUT DO NOT BOIL, otherwise the milk will curdle. Remove from stove and set aside. If necessary, you can strain.

Prepare a mold for the broken glass cake. Peel and cut fruits. I had one orange and two small kiwis. Don't go overboard with kiwi. Pineapple and kiwi break down gelatin.

Put in a form in layers: fruits and multi-colored jelly. Then pour all the CHILLED milk jelly and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified - at least 4 hours. I put it on overnight.

Before serving, dip the cake pan in hot water for a few seconds, then invert the cake onto a flat dish. Decorate the cake with fruits.

Light summer cake"Broken glass" in milk is ready! Enjoy your meal!!!

Cake "Broken glass" on sour cream with biscuit:

  • jelly of different colors - 3 sachets
  • gelatin - 20-25 g
  • sour cream - 500 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar and vanilla to taste
  • biscuit or any cookie

Prepare jelly. We do everything the same as for a jelly cake with milk. Pour the jelly into molds, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

I had a biscuit prepared in advance according to this recipe. If it is not possible to make a biscuit on your own, you can use any soft cookies.

Cut the cooled biscuit into slices. Set aside one cake (the lowest one) for the cake, cut the other into cubes. Cookies can be simply broken into pieces.

When our multi-colored jelly completely hardens. You can take jelly with sour cream.

Pour gelatin with water, leave to swell, then heat it on the stove, BUT DO NOT BOIL! The gelatin should dissolve. Whisk sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Pour in the cooled gelatin in a thin stream, beating constantly.

The mass almost immediately begins to set, so you need to hurry up with assembling the cake.

Lay out in the form in layers: layer sour cream jelly, a layer of multi-colored jelly and pieces of biscuit (or pieces of cookies). Fill out the form to the top.

Lay out on top biscuit cake and press lightly. We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably at night!

Before serving, dip the cake pan in hot water for a few seconds, then invert the cake onto a flat dish.

Cake "Broken glass" on sour cream with biscuit is ready! Enjoy your meal!!!

Note: if you are making a jelly cake with biscuit, do not use the entire biscuit in the cake, there will be a lot of it.

During my student days, a cake called "Ukrainian tsіtska" was popular (I apologize for the not quite decent style, but you can't throw out the words from the song). The jelly cake was prepared in a deep bowl with a rounded bottom, then turned over onto a dish and brought into the room to the guests with deliberate shaking of the tray - so that the "tsіtska" trembled expressively.

In general, erotica this recipe- the moment is very controversial, but it was like that. And it was very much in demand: they prepared everything with rapture and delight. However, times and tastes are changing, and now the same cake is nobly called " broken glass". I wonder what you call this dessert?

The substance that makes cold desserts harden without baking, gelatin, was invented in 1845 by engineer Peter Cooper - it was then that he received a patent for a method for preparing sausages, hams and other meat products, the individual parts of which are fastened together with a stable food "glue" .
A few decades later, Pearl Waite, another entrepreneur, figured out how to use gelatin to make desserts. The method turned out to be so simple and accessible that it seemed that the invention was going to be an instant success, but this did not happen - and after many unsuccessful attempts, the author of the idea sold it to the next owner, Woodworth. He, by the way, also did not immediately manage to give impetus to gelatin desserts - in the history of his success there was a moment when a desperate entrepreneur offered his assistant to buy a patent for sweet gelatin desserts for only $ 30. The assistant refused, believing that the whole idea was completely and completely a failure, however, it was from that moment that the growth in popularity of gelatin began. Housewives all over America cooked, experimented, exchanged recipes and fell more and more in love with a simple, affordable and very interesting way diversify the sweet table at home.

Cake "Broken glass" very positive, upbeat and cheerful. For summer dessert- simply perfect option. It's easy to prepare, but it's delicious! Light, unobtrusive, almost imperceptible!


3 packs of jelly of different colors;

fruits - optional (bananas, kiwi, oranges, tangerines);

0.5 l sour cream;

1 cup of sugar;

20 g gelatin.

Prepare the jelly according to package instructions. I usually slightly reduce the amount of water with which I dilute the dry mix - it turns out a little denser, but the cubes are clearer, more "broken". Do not forget that each color is bred separately, pour into a shallow flat dish. After hardening, cut into pieces in the form of squares or rhombuses, put in a deep bowl in which your cake will solidify.

Gelatin needs to be diluted with a small amount cold water and leave for 5-10 minutes to swell.

After that, it must be heated over low heat until completely dissolved (do not boil!), Cool slightly.

Sour cream must be beaten with a mixer with sugar. I take the store, it seems to me tastier. You can use the market one - then the cake will turn out to be more airy (market sour cream whips better), but fatter. You can take cream, kefir or even yogurt, but do not forget to adjust the amount of gelatin.

We introduce gelatin in a thin stream, while immediately stirring the sour cream, continuing to beat it with a mixer.

Put multi-colored jelly cut into cubes in sour cream.

Stir and add fruit if desired. We put in the refrigerator for 4-7 hours.

After complete solidification, lay out on a dish.

I'll dwell a little on getting the cake.

You can go three ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

1. Lower the bowl with the cake for 5-10 seconds into a bowl (full sink) with hot water, turn it over onto a dish. Method well beautiful flat surface cake, but there is a risk of overdoing - the top layer will flow.

2. Initially line the bowl cling film, take out the cake by pulling on its edges.

The downside is that you are unlikely to be able to perfectly line the bowl, there will be “wrinkles” on the cake.

3. You can cook a cake in a detachable form. Everything is fine, but when removing the removable side, the edges of the cake will have to be separated from the mold with a knife, while often a notched cream remains on the mold, the cake looks sloppy.

A morning started with pieces of this cake promises a great day!