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Recipe for a cold cake made from broken glass jelly. Cake "Broken glass" with a biscuit: a step by step recipe with a photo

How to cook jelly Broken glass? The recipe for this dessert will be presented in detail a little later. We will also tell you how to easily and quickly make delicious and very beautiful cake for a children's holiday.

Broken Glass Jelly: A Great Dessert Recipe

You can make this delicacy in different ways. We will present you the most simple and easy way which even a novice cook can master.

What ingredients are needed to make Broken Glass Jelly? The recipe for its preparation requires the use of:

  • instant gelatin about 50 g;
  • thick jars of sour cream;
  • drinking water 1.3 cups;
  • multi-colored juices (apple, orange, cherry, etc.) 1.3 cups each;
  • white sugar a few tablespoons large.

Dilution of gelatin

Jelly Broken glass with sour cream should begin with the preparation of multi-colored treats. For this we decided to use apple, orange and cherry juice. If desired, you can purchase a ready-made powder with various flavors, which should simply be diluted with water.

After preparing the juices, it is necessary to start diluting the gelatin. It needs to be poured into a glass (20 g of product) and pour warm water(boiled). In this state, the product is desirable to withstand for 40 minutes. In this case, the gelatin should swell well. In the future, it must be slightly warmed up (preferably in a water bath). As a result, you should get a light and transparent liquid, which should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

Cooking broken glass

Jelly Broken glass with sour cream is often used as a dessert for a children's party. After all, almost all kids like sweet and bright treats.

To prepare broken glass, you need to prepare several bowls in advance. Pour juices into them (separately), and then pour in several large spoons of sugar. Next, you need to pour in the dissolved gelatin to them and mix the components thoroughly in each bowl. As a result, you should get three bright liquid masses, which should be immediately placed in the cold.

Keep cherry, apple and orange juice necessary until they are converted into a hard and elastic jelly. After a few hours, they should be taken out, and then turned over onto a cutting board and cut into cubes or diamonds. In the future broken glass mix and pour into glasses or cups.

Base preparation

Broken glass jelly, the recipe of which we are considering, turns out to be very sweet and tasty. And so that the dessert does not turn out too sugary, it is recommended to dilute it with a fresh base. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour warm boiled water to the remains of gelatin, and then leave to swell for 40 minutes. After that, a thick and sticky mass should be heated over a fire and filtered through a sieve.

After completing all the steps described, you need to put fresh sour cream in a deep bowl, pour a large spoonful of sugar into it, and then pour drinking water. After mixing all the products together, gelatin (dissolved) should be added to them. On this, the process of preparing the base is considered complete.

We form a bright and beautiful dessert

We will tell you how to make Broken glass cake below. Now I want to tell you how the usual delicacy for a children's holiday is formed.

After the milk base is prepared, it should immediately be poured into those bowls where multi-colored jelly was previously laid out. In this case, the sour cream mass should completely cover the multi-colored particles. In this state, the dessert should be sent back to the cold for several hours.

How to serve?

Of course, the Broken glass jelly cake is made much longer than the usual dessert, the recipe of which was presented above. Therefore, for fast food homemade treats we recommend using this option.

After the sour cream mass has completely hardened, the bowls should be removed from the refrigerator, and then put their contents on saucers. To do this, you just need to turn the dishes upside down. Serve such a dessert to the table, preferably with a cup of tea.

Broken Glass Cake: Recipe

If you don’t want to make portioned jelly for your guests, but want to surprise them with a big and tasty cake, we suggest using this recipe. Unlike a store-bought dessert, it turns out much tastier and more beautiful.

What ingredients are needed to make Broken Glass Cake? The recipe for this delicacy involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • dry crackers (it is better to take round ones) about 300 g;
  • instant gelatin 30 g;
  • colored jelly in packages (strawberry, apple, orange) 3 pcs.;
  • kiwi, orange and banana 1 fruit each;
  • medium-fat sour cream about 500 g;
  • white sugar about 100 g

Preparing colorful jelly

Before forming a Broken Glass Jelly Cake, it must be properly prepared. To do this, the sweet powder from the packages must be poured into separate bowls, and then diluted with water as indicated on the package.

After you get a homogeneous liquid mass, you need to immediately place it in the refrigerator. It may take several hours for the jelly to set. After this time, the colorful delicacy should be removed and randomly cut into small pieces.

We process fruits

To make the Broken glass cake with crackers especially tasty, it is recommended to cook it together with ripe fruits. We decided to take an orange, kiwi and banana. These ingredients should be thoroughly washed, and then peeled and cut into the same pieces as jelly.

In addition, it is necessary to place about 200 g of crackers in a separate bowl and break them into 3-4 pieces with your hands.

Making the base for the cake

The basis for such a dessert is best made from sour cream. It should be combined with sugar and beat well with a fork or mixer. Next, you need to mix gelatin with water and let it swell. Subsequently, the product must be slightly heated until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. After cooling a little, it should be poured into sour cream and mix everything thoroughly.

How to form a jelly cake?

Having carried out all the described actions, it is necessary to proceed with the formation of the dessert. To do this, you need to take any relief form (deep) and grease it a little vegetable oil. This is necessary so that in the future our cake easily moves away from the walls.

In the prepared container, you need to put multi-colored jelly, chopped fruits and broken crackers. After that, all components should be gently mixed using a large spoon for this. In the future, they must be filled with previously prepared sour cream base. Moreover, it should completely cover all products.

In conclusion, it is recommended to lay out one layer of crackers on the surface of the dessert. This should be done very carefully so that the cookies do not sink, but remain afloat. After that, the formed cake must be placed in the cold and kept in this state for less than 3 hours. During this time, the sour cream mass with gelatin should completely harden.

Proper serving of homemade treats to the table

Now you know that Broken glass with fruit is a cake that is not difficult to prepare at home. After the jelly treat hardens, it is considered completely ready. It must be removed from the refrigerator and put on a large cake rack. This should be done by turning the container over flat dishes. If for some reason the cake does not come out of the mold, the bowl needs to be lowered into hot water for a few seconds. This process will contribute to the partial thawing of gelatin, and subsequently its separation from the walls.

Putting a jelly treat with fruits and crackers on a cake stand, you can immediately serve it to invited guests. It should be noted that in the context of such a dessert looks very beautiful and bright. By the way, if desired, before serving, the surface of this cake can be decorated fresh berries, fruit or whipped cream.

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Greetings, dear reader of my page! Broken glass jelly cake - easy to prepare, amazingly delicious jelly cake ic on sour cream with gelatin. It is very easy to prepare it - absolutely anyone can do it, because the ingredients for it are bought almost ready. It remains just to mix, cut, and send to the refrigerator.

I really like these ones simple recipes, one of which -, however, you only need to bake cakes, but even those - from ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in any store.

Looks cake Broken glass simply gorgeous, both in the cut and in general. The guests are just crazy! See for yourself:

And in the context of the cake - in general, beauty, like a real mosaic of broken glass:

The tender pulp of this no-bake cake is due to its simple ingredients:

  1. Jelly of different colors - you choose the colors yourself.
  2. Gelatin - one 10-gram sachet is enough.
  3. Jelly powder - you can take it if there are not enough flowers, and dilute it. After - send it to the refrigerator and it will turn into jelly. We took orange powder.
  4. Sugar - half a glass or 100 grams.
  5. Sour cream - 500 grams.
  6. Vanilla sugar 8 gram sachet.

For a sample - see photos:

That's all it takes delicious cake. We prepared orange yellow gelatin ourselves, in the photo - a sample bag.

This is a green apple jelly.

it cherry jelly bright red.

That's it orange jelly, which gives yellow shards of "glass". It is easy to dilute - just like in the instructions on the back of the bag, and in the refrigerator until the desired jelly-like state.

We use gelatin and vanilla sugar like this. But any other is possible - it doesn't matter. There is sour cream and sugar.

First you need to start preparing the gelatin. To do this, you need to dilute it with a glass of water. room temperature.

And put it aside so that it absorbs water. Water can be either boiled or raw. After that, let's do sour cream.

In a separate bowl, add 500 grams of sour cream, mix with half a glass of sugar and a bag of vanillin. All this is desirable to mix with a mixer, so that everything mixes well.

The next step is to boil the gelatin. It boils quickly. The goal is for it to become transparent, like amber.

As you can see in the photo, it absorbed water and swelled. Now, constantly stirring over low heat, bring it to a transparent state, without lumps.

This is a ready-made, transparent gelatin for adding to sour cream, but it must first be cooled to room temperature, in any way possible. For example - place in a larger bowl with cold water. In the meantime, it's all cooling down, prepare the broken glass:

We take out the jelly from the cups, and cut into any random shapes so that they form a pattern that creates the illusion of broken glass.

Cut like this. We also cut all the jelly, which is different figures.

We collect all the pieces in one dish, regardless of color.

The field of how the jelly was cut, we need to finally prepare the cream. To do this, mixing with a mixer, in small portions add cooled gelatin. It is gradually and in small portions and at a low mixer speed - until a homogeneous mass.

This is our cake mold. The shape can be absolutely any - choose to taste - even square, even rectangular, whatever. The only caveat is that it should be smooth from the inside so that the cake separates without difficulty and damage, otherwise its appearance will be spoiled, which we would not want.

If there is no smooth shape, you can use any, but after covering it with food cellophane film so that the edges hang down. This will be very convenient when removing the cake from the mold.

We put pieces of jelly into the mold, and pour sour cream with gelatin.

All this is gently mixed, then sent to the refrigerator for the night, or for 4-5 hours. This is enough time for the cake to take shape.

The best part remains:

Having covered the form with the cake with a dish of a suitable size, turn it over and carefully remove the form. The cake is ready - you can immediately serve it to the table.

Below is a video recipe for making this amazing delicious cake If you still have questions, or have something useful to add - feel free to write in the comments below, we will be happy to participate in the discussion. And the star scale is your best rating for this recipe.

Sincerely, .

One of the recipes for a popular delicious cake called "Broken Glass" or "Shards". Its main component is jelly of different colors, which is prepared separately. The rest of the ingredients for the cake vary, depending on preference: it can be sour cream, cream, milk. Here, many housewives add pieces of biscuit or cookies for a change. I like the option of making a cake with cream that is pre-whipped. They give the cake an extraordinary lightness and are very tasty with simple jelly. Absolutely any convenient dish is suitable as a form for the cake, whether it is a plastic bowl, a metal pan or glass deep dishes. I used a cake tin.


  • 500 ml of heavy cream;
  • 0.5 st. Sahara;
  • 25-30 g of gelatin;
  • 4 bags of jelly in different colors.

Recipe for jelly cake "Broken glass"

1. First, let's prepare a multi-colored jelly. We take 4 identical glasses and pour a bag into each.

2. Fill hot water(100 degrees) and stir with a fork until completely dissolved. Or do as directed on the jelly packet. Just do not change the amount of water at the same time, so that the jelly turns out to be more dense. Place in the refrigerator until completely chilled, at least an hour.

3. Now you need to prepare the gelatin for the creamy base. To do this, pour 1 tbsp into a glass. with a slide of gelatin and pour cold boiled water. Let it swell for 30 minutes. We take a break for 15 minutes.

4. We check the multi-colored jelly for readiness. If it is ready, we immerse the glasses in hot water and wait until the jelly begins to lag behind the walls of the glass. You need to immerse in hot water gradually (put it in and take it out) and very carefully so that the glass does not crack from a sharp temperature drop. This is especially true for glasses with thin walls. Remove the jelly by inverting the glass onto a plate. Jelly cut into cubes. You can put it in the refrigerator for another 5 minutes so that it does not melt while the cream is being prepared.

5. Now let's start making cream. Beat them with sugar until lightly thickened.

6. We heat the gelatin in a water bath (do not bring to a boil in any case) or act according to the instructions on the package. Pour into the cream in a thin stream, stirring immediately.

7. If the cream is cold, then the gelatin will begin to set immediately. Therefore, you need to act quickly. Pour the cream and multi-colored gelatin into the mold, mix quickly. We send it to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

8. It remains only to remove the finished jelly cake. To do this, moisten a towel with hot water and wipe the form, warming it from the outside. That's all. Gentle and light cake with jelly "Broken glass" is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Servings: 8
Cooking time: 2 hours

Recipe Description

To prepare a dessert you need:

  • Sour cream of any fat content - 400-500 grams;
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin - 20 grams;
  • Pineapple, raspberry and lemon jelly.

Cooking step by step:

So where do we start? We take 3 packages of instant fruit jelly and pour each flavor into a separate bowl. I had lemon, raspberry and pineapple, but it doesn't matter. Dilute with warm water, according to the instructions, and stir with a spoon until the lumps dissolve. I poured 400 ml into each bowl.
We put the jelly in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Now let's deal with gelatin for sour cream. Pour 20 grams into a cup and pour 200 ml of water.
Leave it to stand for 10 minutes, so that the gelatin swells and mix. When there is not a single lump left in the cup, it is ready for use.

Add sugar to sour cream and stir until completely dissolved. Sour cream should not be too cold (take it out of the refrigerator in advance), otherwise the gelatin will take lumps.
If the sour cream is still very cold, you can heat it in a water bath, at the same time the sugar will dissolve. Do not rush to mix gelatin with sour cream because it will thicken before your eyes.

First you need to cut into cubes fruit jelly and divide into glasses.

After that, it is already possible to mix sour cream with gelatin, pouring it in a thin stream and stirring constantly.
The resulting mixture is poured into glasses with cubes of fruit jelly.
Here's what I came up with.
All these portions sold out in one evening, because everyone wanted to get a supplement. Such a dessert is often served in cafes, but it is not cheap, so I advise you to learn how to make it yourself.
Dessert "broken glass" will decorate the table on children's day birthday or any other holiday.

Step-by-step recipes for making a broken glass cake with biscuit, cookies, sour cream, cottage cheese at home

2018-08-22 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

6 gr.

7 gr.


38 gr.

241 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Broken Glass Cake

Broken glass is the name of a very beautiful cake with colorful pieces of jelly. The dessert looks spectacular, especially in the context. AT classic recipe Cake "Broken glass" there is an ordinary homemade biscuit. It needs quite a bit, so we prepare a cake from just two eggs. For filling, you will need two bags of jelly. It is desirable that it be in different colors.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 g sour cream 20%;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 3 peaches;
  • 70 ml of water;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 2 bags of jelly;
  • 14 g of gelatin;
  • 175 g sugar.

Step by step recipe classic cake"Broken glass"

Eggs must be beaten with a mixer. We bring to a good foam, the mass should increase, then add sugar (75 g). Continue whisking until the sand dissolves. We introduce flour, stir, bake a thin cake in the form of 22 cm. Since there is not enough dough, it will be cooked in just 15 minutes.

Mix gelatin with water, let it swell. We breed jelly according to the instructions. Pour into different bowls, put in the refrigerator, it should freeze. You can do this in advance so that the process does not drag out.

Mix sour cream with sugar, add vanillin. Slice peeled peaches. We also cut the frozen multi-colored jelly. Melt gelatin, mix with sour cream. Whisk the cream for a few seconds.

We put a bowl on the cooled cake, in which we will collect the cake. We cut off the excess, make the biscuit a little smaller than the bowl so that it falls into it. Cut the scraps into small pieces. Pour them into sour cream, add pieces of peaches and jelly. Stir carefully.

Stele in a bowl cling film. We spread the mass of sour cream with jelly and peaches. We align, there should be no voids. Put the cut cake on the bowl, press down. We put the cake for seven hours in the refrigerator. It is advisable to cover the biscuit so that the cake does not dry out.

After the specified time, open the bowl with the frozen mass. Cover with a flat plate and turn over. We remove the cling film, admire the most beautiful cake with broken glass.

If there are no fresh peaches, then you can take canned fruit. Pineapple also makes a beautiful cake. Only a banana is not suitable, it darkens over time.

Option 2: Quick Broken Glass Cake Recipe with Cookies

Biscuit baking, cooling, whipping - not the most fast processes sometimes there is no time for them. It is at this moment that cookies come to the rescue. You can also make a wonderful Broken Glass cake with it. Recipe with sour cream and marmalade. It will eliminate the need to prepare multi-colored jelly. We take the most common marmalade in sugar.


  • 170 g of cookies;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 150 g of multi-colored marmalade;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • 600 g sour cream;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1 large pear.

How to quickly cook a cake "Broken Glass"

Rub the cookies and soft butter. If there is no time to keep it warm, then you can flood it. We spread the cake of the desired size on the film, do it on the board, put it in the freezer. There it will quickly harden, which is what we need.

While the cake hardens, soak the gelatin in water. Well, if it's instant, then it won't take long. Mix sour cream with sugar, add melted gelatin.

Cut marmalade and pear. If the strawberries are large, then you can also cut them. Pour it all into a cream of sour cream, stir. Pour into a bowl. We take out the cake from the cookies, put it on top of the cream, press it. We leave the “Broken Glass” cake until completely solidified in the refrigerator, you can’t put it in the freezer.

In addition to cookies, you can also use ready-made cakes for the cake. biscuit cake, which is usually thin, has a sufficiently large diameter, it is easy to cut a layer of the desired size and shape from it.

Option 3: Broken glass cake (recipe with cottage cheese)

The curd version of the Broken Glass cake is distinguished by its taste. The dessert is richer, more interesting, requires a little more ingredients. Sour cream is also added to it. The recipe below shows jelly in sachets. If you couldn’t buy it (or you just don’t feel like cooking), then you can simply replace it with marmalade. This version is without biscuit cake.


  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 2 bags of jelly;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 17 g gelatin;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 1 pear or peach.

How to cook

We combine gelatin with 50 ml of water, you can replace it plain milk. We leave for 25 minutes. We prepare jelly from bags according to the instructions, let it harden in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese does not need to be wiped if there is a blender. Mix it with sugar and sour cream, beat everything together in a bowl. If there is no blender, then first wipe, then mix with the rest of the ingredients. If you do not want to get too sweet cake, you can reduce the amount of sand.

We cut the peeled kiwi, they will add brightness to the cake. We chop a pear or other light fruit into small cubes. Pour everything into cottage cheese, add chopped jelly and stir gently, try not to crush the pieces, they should retain their shape.

We cover a bowl of any size with a film or a bag, spread curd mass with all added ingredients. We level, send to the refrigerator. After five hours, the cake can be turned over. If the gelatin is good, then the dessert will harden earlier.

If you suddenly forgot to put a film in a bowl, then you need to put it in hot water for a minute, then turn it over, the cake will separate without any problems.

Option 4: Broken glass cake (recipe with yogurt and chocolate)

Variant of the popular fruit yogurt cake. It turns out very appetizing and fragrant delicacy from interesting ingredients. Marmalade is used instead of jelly, fruits and berries of different colors are also present.


  • 700 ml of yogurt;
  • 170 g marmalade;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 orange;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 70 g of white chocolate;
  • 100 g blackberries or blueberries;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • 1 thin biscuit.

Step by step recipe

Mix gelatin with half a glass of water, wait for it to swell, then heat it up and combine it with yogurt. We choose according to our taste. We rub White chocolate or chop into small pieces, pour into yogurt.

We cut out a biscuit in a bowl, crumble the rest, pour it into yogurt with gelatin. We also add marmalade. If initially the pieces are large, then cut.

At the very end, cut the orange, peel the slices, kiwi, wash the berries. Add to the mixture with yogurt, stir gently, try not to crush the fruit.

We shift it all into a bowl. We cover with the remaining biscuit, press down so that it sticks. Put until solidified in a cool place.

Cake "Broken Glass" can also be made in small molds in portions. In them, the jelly will harden faster, besides, such a serving looks interesting, you don’t need to cut and shift anything, just turn the mold over on a saucer.

Option 5: Broken Glass Cake (Cracker Recipe)

For this simplified version, you also don’t need to make a sponge cake, but you will need a vanilla cracker. Also, in the Broken Glass cake recipe, multi-colored jelly is used, we take as many as three bags, dilute according to the instructions, let it freeze in the refrigerator in advance so as not to delay the process.


  • 3 bags of jelly;
  • 650 g sour cream;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 30 g of gelatin;
  • 1 orange;
  • 300 g crackers;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

How to cook

Mix gelatin with 80 ml of water, let it brew according to the instructions. We make jelly in advance, keep it in the refrigerator, and then cut it into pieces. If the cracker is large, then break it into several parts. We try to do it in such a way that there are fewer crumbs.

Whisk sour cream and sugar. Add vanilla. Melt the gelatin and add to the prepared cream. Pour the pieces of multi-colored jelly and crackers. We stir.

Cut the fruit into small pieces, add at the end, stir again. We send the whole mass into the form, leave for five hours in the refrigerator. It is desirable to cover from above. Remove from the mold before serving.

To make the finished jelly more dense, we use less water for it than indicated in the instructions on the package. It is more convenient to pour into small bowls with a layer of 0.5-1 cm, then it will cool and harden faster.