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Recipe for tiger prawns shell. How and how much to cook tiger prawns? How to cook king prawns

If you have never cooked Tiger chrimp, urgently catch up. First, they are incredibly tasty; secondly, very useful; thirdly, the cooking process is so simple that it is impossible to spoil the dish. The only, but extremely important condition is: do not digest. Otherwise, you risk getting rubber-like shrimp. Remember, for fresh, 3-4 minutes of heat treatment is enough, for boiled-frozen - 1-2 minutes.

If you purchased raw tiger prawns in shell, then first remove the intestines from the abdomen. If using ready-made frozen product, get rid of the ice by immersing in boiling water for 30 seconds. This will preserve the elasticity and excellent taste of shrimp, which can then be fried or grilled.

There are a huge number, but perhaps the most interesting of them are found in the countries in whose coastal waters they live. The restaurants of these countries offer dishes with an unexpected combination of products, but do not forget about the classic way - tiger in olive oil with garlic.

Ingredients: shrimp - 800-1000 grams, soy sauce - 50 grams, garlic - 3 cloves, olive oil- 30 grams, 1/2 lemon.

Dip the raw shrimp briefly in boiling water, this will make it easier to clean them from the shell. Heat oil in a frying pan, add soy sauce, crushed garlic. As soon as the garlic-soy aroma lingers, put the shrimp in the pan. Fry for 3 minutes over high heat. Before serving, put them on a plate, pour the remaining sauce and drizzle with lemon juice. If desired, you can put the shrimp on a "cushion" of arugula leaves. We are sure that you will be delighted with this dish and join the ranks of its fans.

Japanese tiger prawns

Ingredients: shrimp, honey, sesame seeds, oil. For batter: 250 grams of flour, 1 glass of water, half a lemon, salt, 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Prepare the batter by mixing all the ingredients. Heat oil in a frying pan. Dip each shrimp in the batter and fry for about 2-3 minutes. Place on a plate, drizzle with honey and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Singapore tiger prawns

Ingredients: shrimp - 15 pieces, vodka - 1/4 cup, onion - half a head, fish broth - 1/4 cup, classic soy sauce - 30 grams, vegetable oil - 10 grams, salt, pepper.

Marinate the shrimp in a mixture of vodka, oil, salt and pepper for 15 minutes. Fry in oil, add finely chopped onion, soy sauce and wait until the dish thickens and serve.

African Shrimp Recipe

Ingredients: 500 grams of peeled shrimp, 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste or a can of tomatoes own juice, 3 tbsp. spoons of classic soy sauce, 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of sugar, vegetable oil, sesame seeds.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the finely chopped onion in it with sugar so that it caramelizes. Add tomato paste or tomatoes, shrimp, ½ cup water. Cover with a lid, reduce heat strongly and simmer for 3 minutes. Then add soy sauce, chili pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and simmer for about 5-10 minutes. Ready meal sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Now you know how to cook tiger prawns and surprise your loved ones with culinary skills. Enjoy your meal!

Shrimps are considered a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.

This marine product is not in vain used to prepare various dishes: salads, main courses, appetizers, hot dishes. Tiger shrimps represent a special product group.

The seafood got its name due to the characteristic stripes of the shell. In taste, they are in no way inferior to ordinary varieties, and even surpass them in nutritional value.

The recipe for making broth from the shell of a mollusk is traditionally used, and delicacies are deliciously prepared from the neck part.

Frozen shrimp fried with garlic

  • Cooking time - 30 minutes.
  • After cooking, you will receive - 3 servings of 150 grams.


  • Large tiger shrimp - 500 grams.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves.
  • Lemon is half a fruit.
  • Greens - 20 grams.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch.


  1. Before preparing a tiger product, it must be thawed at room temperature.

    This must be done correctly: leave at room temperature until completely defrosted.

    After that, arm yourself with paper towels and dry the frozen tiger seafood on both sides. Then they will fry better.

  2. Moving on to the stage of preparing the ingredients, do not forget about cleaning the shell.

    To do this, you just need to press on the back of the mollusk with your hands, removing the edible part from it. You also need to peel the garlic and cut it into small cubes.

  3. Next, you need to marinate seafood before cooking them in a pan.

    To do this, they are placed in a glass bowl, add garlic, squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Salt and pepper are also added here, leaving the product to marinate for 15 minutes.

  4. Fried shrimp will turn out delicious if you cook them with butter or in batter. A piece of butter is sent to the pan, then seafood is added.

    The product is fried using medium heat for 10 minutes - here you need to watch the time, otherwise the seafood will become tough and rubbery.

    At the final stage, soy sauce is added and served sprinkled with parsley.

How to grill in shell and how much to cook

There are several more ways to cook tiger prawns, which consist in different heat treatment of the product.

Consider the principle of grilling in shell, as well as the features of cooking:

  1. In a shell on the grill. The peculiarity of the preparation is the use of unpeeled products.

    To begin with, you must also marinate them in lemon juice and garlic for 15 minutes.

  2. How long to cook seafood? Depending on the size of the product, the time it takes to cook it will vary.

    So, to prepare large options, it will take 3-4 minutes, and if the shrimp were frozen, then 2 minutes of cooking is enough.

Experienced chefs note that cooking seafood with a steam method will not take more than 8 minutes in total.

Important! Allowed to cook unpeeled shrimp, which are then easily separated from the shell and used for their intended purpose.

The boiled product can be used to prepare salads, various snacks, and also served as an additional side dish to dishes.

Oven recipes and calories

Baked tiger prawns with beer

  • Cooking time - 45 minutes.
  • The preparation time of the ingredients is 15 minutes.
  • After cooking, you will receive - 10 servings of 100 grams.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Large raw tiger shrimp - 1 kilogram.
  • Pomegranate is half a fruit.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Greens - 20 grams.
  • Butter - 60 grams.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife.


  1. The product is washed well under running water, dried and laid out on a baking sheet.
  2. All other ingredients are also washed, finely chopped. Putting it in a bowl, combine the products with lemon juice, pour black tiger prawns with the mixture.
  3. Pieces are placed on top butter. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes until done.

    Chili peppers can be added if desired. When the product reaches the state, as in the photo, it must be mixed and poured with the released juice.

Price for 1 kilogram

Depending on the size, this type of product can be divided by length.

When selling seafood, manufacturers use the number of pieces per 1 pound. So with the numbering 16/20 there will be 35-40 shrimp per 1 kilogram.

Note! You can buy seafood in specialized stores, as well as Auchan supermarkets or in bulk.

Consider the variety of prices for 1 kg of product:

What is the difference between tiger prawns and king prawns

Wikipedia claims that the tiger shrimp is the largest representative of this type of product. Many cooks have long learned to distinguish king prawns from tigers.

Let's take a look at the difference between these two types:

  • Brindle are equipped with black stripes on the shell, royal have a pink tint.
  • The size of tiger variants reaches 36 centimeters, royal - 25 centimeters.
  • Striped seafood lives in a natural environment, which is the difference from the royal options - they are specially grown on farms.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the aquarium tiger shrimp - it has an attractive appearance and suitable for aquarium breeding.

Useful video

Shrimp is very tasty and useful product. It is quite possible to cook it at home, but for this you should follow a few simple cooking rules. Ready shrimp meat will please you with softness, tenderness and juiciness.

Shrimp - very delicious product, which in our familiar society is considered a delicacy. This is because the cost of shrimp is too high and sometimes exceeds all permitted norms. The higher the quality of the shrimp, the more expensive their cost will be.

It is worth noting that there are two types of shrimp:

  • cold-water
  • warm water

Cold-water shrimp are those shrimp that are habitually called "Atlantic" for us. They are not large and they are cheaper in cost. More elite types of shrimp are considered warm-water: Tiger and Royal. Such a shrimp is much larger than the Atlantic shrimp, it has more meat, and its meat is tastier.

Shrimps are a product that definitely needs to be cooked to avoid poisoning. In addition, the taste of cooked shrimp meat is fragrant and tender, while raw shrimp meat is almost tasteless, with a taste of fish.

The best way to cook shrimp is to boil them. But this is not so simple either. The fact is that cooking shrimp involves a certain amount of time.

It must be followed very precisely. If you overcook shrimp for just a minute, the meat will become rubbery and not tasty. And if you do everything right, then the shrimp will literally “melt in your mouth”.

Atlantic shrimp

king prawn

Tiger shrimp

How to cook fresh shrimp after boiling and how much?

Now, when you have accurately determined the type of your product, you should start cooking them. It is important to know that you do not need to clean the shrimp before cooking, you risk tearing off extra pieces of meat.

However, if you have some personal beliefs and aversion to shrimp heads, you can do this painstaking work and chop off each head with a knife. But with the same success, you can do it with finished product without harming the meat.

Shrimp preparation:

  • Prepare a large pot for cooking. It can even be a ten-liter pan. The main thing is a sufficient amount of water and a convenient way to catch shrimp with a slotted spoon
  • Wait for the water to boil completely and salt it, a teaspoon of salt in a large pot of water is enough
  • You can add any spice you like to the water if you wish. The most popular are: bay leaf, a bunch of dill, a few cloves and even a slice of lemon or lime

Boiled shrimp can be immediately put on ice to cool and retain their tenderness. But this is far from essential. You can immediately lay them out on a paper towel to absorb excess water or on a serving dish.

boiled, cooked shrimp

Do I need to defrost shrimp before cooking?

In most cases, the buyer does not buy freshly caught shrimp in the store, but frozen. This is the most common way to ship shrimp anywhere in the world for consumption. But these shrimp have one caveat. As a rule, the product that is frozen is already half-finished.

Probably, some have already paid attention to the fact that fresh shrimp has an unpleasant grayish color, and packed and frozen in a store - a delicious orange. Half-cooked shrimp is purposely lightly boiled and frozen for ease of consumption.

Such a shrimp should be cooked a little less in time than fresh shrimp. It is important to know that it should not be thawed. If you notice that there is too much ice on one shrimp, these are the consequences of several refreezes and the unscrupulous attitude of sellers to products.

It is best not to buy such a shrimp. Avoid frozen bulk shrimp and purchase one that is airtight.

If there is a lot of ice on the shrimp, you can try to break it before cooking. Cover the shrimp with a towel and tap them with a rolling pin.

Cooking frozen shrimp:

  • Salt the water, pepper and add spices to it to taste
  • Throw frozen shrimp into a bowl
  • Without waiting for the next boiling of water, detect exactly forty seconds
  • After 30-40 seconds, take a slotted spoon and, stirring all the shrimp, begin to take them one by one to the dish
  • Make sure your shrimp is soft

frozen shrimp

How long to cook frozen peeled shrimp?

Cooking frozen shrimp depends only on what size they are. A small shrimp may take thirty seconds, while a tiger shrimp takes a full minute.

Some gourmets are sure that it is not worth doing any cooking for frozen shrimp. In principle, this opinion is true. But for hygienic purposes and in order to eat a warm dish, there is one not tricky way to cook a dish.

How long to cook frozen shrimp:

  • Open the bag and pour the shrimp into a bowl.
  • Boil water in a kettle until boiling water
  • Pour boiling water over all the shrimp
  • Watch out for the shrimp, they should be in hot water until the "icy glaze" completely disappears
  • After that, you can drain the water and serve the shrimp on the table.
  • Drizzle shrimp with lemon juice or make a separate creamy garlic sauce

cooked shrimp

How to cook frozen unpeeled shrimp in shell?

In a modern store you can find three types of shrimp for eating:

  • freshly caught
  • unpeeled (those that immediately or after cooking succumbed to freezing)
  • peeled (can be pickled, can be in sauce and even frozen)

The difference between peeled and unpeeled is that some have a shell, while the latter do not. If you see shrimp meat for sale, you should know that this is a ready-to-eat product that only requires defrosting. Shrimps that have a shell have a natural shell and caviar (depending on gender).

Shrimp meat in any form is more expensive than unpeeled shrimp because most of the work has already been done. On the taste qualities The existing shell does not affect the product in any way. While you boil water, fresh shrimp should be cooked in the usual way:

  • small - half a minute
  • large - two and a half

The cooled boiled shrimp in the shell is convenient to eat. You tear off the tail (it is prickly and not edible), as well as the head. Spread the legs of the shrimp and take out the meat. Everything is very simple.

Unpeeled cooked shrimp

How long to cook unpeeled king prawns?

Preparing the king prawns:

  • Boil the water until it boils, add salt and pepper, a slice of lemon and a small bunch of dill to the water
  • Time two minutes, take a slotted spoon and over the next minute, gradually fish out nice orange-colored shrimp into serving dishes
  • Ready shrimp can be sprinkled with lemon juice and prepare a garlic-cream sauce

unpeeled king prawns

How to cook frozen tiger prawns?

  • Open the bag of shrimp and put the contents in a separate bowl
  • Boil the water until it boils, add salt and pepper, a slice of lemon and a small bunch of dill and a bay leaf to the water
  • Wait for the next boil and after the appearance of bubbles on the surface, pour all the shrimp into the pan
  • Mark three minutes, take a slotted spoon and over the next minute gradually catch nice orange-colored shrimp in serving dishes

boiled tiger prawns

How to cook green shrimp?

Sometimes on the shelves of the store you can find shrimp, the color of which is green. This suggests that you are presented with a freshly caught, but immediately frozen product. Such shrimp should be cooked in a slightly different way:

  • You should know exactly what is in front of you: fresh shrimp or frozen, and only then start cooking
  • Fresh shrimp should be thrown into boiling water and boiled, depending on the size, from two to three minutes (everything is described in great detail above in the article)
  • If you have fresh frozen green shrimp in front of you, then you should first boil the water. Then you need to add your favorite spices and salt to it. All the shrimp are thrown into boiling water
  • This cooking should take eight to ten minutes, depending on the size of the shrimp.
  • During this time, the “ice glaze” will melt and the shrimp will acquire a pleasant pink-orange color, which will indicate its readiness.

green shrimp cooking instructions

How to cook Argentine shrimp?

Argentine shrimp is different in that it is not grown artificially. The Argentine shrimp is one that has grown in its natural environment and is caught in the Atlantic Ocean. This is a frequent product in modern supermarkets, which sometimes even costs several times cheaper.

Preparing Argentine Shrimp:

  • Boil water until it boils
  • Throw salt, a piece of ginger, a bay leaf and a few cloves of garlic into boiling water
  • You should throw your amount of Argentinean shrimp into boiling water
  • These shrimp are quite large and therefore they should be boiled for about five minutes.
  • After four and a half minutes, you can already take a slotted spoon and gradually catch the shrimp from boiling water
  • Boiled shrimp should be garnished with chopped herbs and served with creamy garlic sauce

argentine shrimp cooking instructions

How to cook Azov shrimp?

The Azov shrimp is very small and it is practically the same as the Atlantic shrimp. It does not require long cooking:

  • In boiling water, add any spices to taste: dill, bay leaf, cloves, garlic, ginger and salt
  • After dissolving the salt - throw the shrimp
  • Wait for the water to boil again (this is about a minute and a half)
  • During this time, the shrimp will lose its gray color and turn pink-orange.
  • After two minutes of cooking, the Azov shrimp is considered ready.
  • Scoop out each portion with a slotted spoon and place in a serving dish.

Azov shrimp, cooking method

How to cook shrimp in the microwave?

Modern kitchen appliances allow you to cook shrimp not only in a saucepan, but also in a microwave oven:

  • Prepare a kilogram of shrimp, they should be put in a glass dish
  • Shrimps must be poured with a special sauce: for this, mix a glass of water and a glass of soy sauce. Mix thoroughly and pour over all the shrimp
  • Squeeze part of the lemon over the shrimp, sprinkling their juice
  • Cover the shrimp with a microwavable lid.
  • Turn on the microwave for five minutes
  • After the time has elapsed, remove the shrimp and cool, serve on the table

how to cook shrimp in the microwave

How to cook shrimp in a slow cooker?

Shrimp can also be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, use the "steamer" mode:

  • Pour water into the bowl
  • Arrange the shrimp on the steaming grid
  • Drizzle the shrimp with lemon juice
  • Turn on steam mode
  • Wait for the water to boil in the bowl and keep the shrimp with the lid closed in the slow cooker for exactly ten minutes to cook

how to cook shrimp in a slow cooker?

How to cook shrimp for beer?

  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Wait for the water to boil completely and salt it, add dill and garlic (a bunch of dill, a handful of garlic)
  • Depending on the variety of your shrimp, follow the rules and regulations for cooking. Atlantic small shrimp is boiled in water for no more than two minutes. Already after one and a half minutes, you can take up the slotted spoon and catch everyone one by one from the pan onto the dish
  • Large varieties of shrimp (Royal and Tiger) should be cooked for no more than three minutes. That is, after two and a half minutes, take a slotted spoon and catch shrimp
  • Pepper the cooked shrimp and sprinkle with lemon juice. Enjoy your meal!

Video: "How to cook delicious shrimp?"

- calories tiger prawns - 89 kcal / 100 grams.

- Name"Tiger prawns" was not chosen by chance, as they have a unique shell color - there are stripes across the tail.

You can see in stores three kinds tiger prawns:
1) ordinary - crustaceans are small in size, reach a length of up to 20 centimeters, their average weight is 40 grams (when compared with other products, one shrimp weighs like one medium-sized egg). A distinctive feature of ordinary tiger shrimp are transverse stripes on the tail. They are green in females and pink in males;
2) green - this variety is large in size. Shrimp can reach a length of 23 to 32 centimeters. In addition to the dark stripes on the tail, they are light brown in color with small green patches;
3) black tiger prawns are considered the largest - up to 36 centimeters, and their weight can reach up to 500 grams. A distinctive feature is the color - light transverse stripes are visible on the black shell.

To choice shrimp should be treated carefully. If there is a choice between packaged and bulk products, then tiger prawns in their original packaging should be preferred. A high quality product will have a neutral, uniform gray color. If white spots are noticeable, then the shrimp are of poor quality, it is possible that the temperature regime was violated during their maintenance or transportation. The tail of the crustacean should be tightly twisted, and the shell should shine. At the same time, you should avoid buying a product with black heads, yellow meat, as this is a sign that the individual was sick during life. If you buy a product frozen by the glazing method, then you need to choose such shrimp, in which the glazing layer is the smallest, while it should not be damaged.

Repeatedly, after defrosting, tiger prawns freeze it is forbidden. Firstly, the product will lose its nutritional qualities, taste. Secondly, it will lose its shape, appearance.

Before cooking tiger prawns, they must be unfrozen. "Emergency defrosting" and soaking in warm water completely excluded, as the meat is very tender and delicate. The product must be thawed gradually at room temperature.

Frozen tiger prawns stored in the freezer. The shelf life of processed foods is 4 days in the refrigerator.

- Price as of June 2017, it varies between 700-1500 rubles / 1 kilogram. The price directly depends on the type of tiger shrimp and size.

Salad with tiger shrimps

Tiger prawns - half a kilo
Seedless grapes - 300 grams
Sweet melon - half a kilo
Lemon - 1 piece
Sweet mustard - 1 tablespoon
Fresh mint - 1 sprig
Green salad - a few leaves
Olive oil - 1/5 cup
Salt - 1 tablespoon

How to make tiger prawn salad
1. Put 10 grapes in a blender (checking them for seeds) and mustard, pour in, squeeze lemon juice, chop the mint.
2. Grind food into sauce.
3. Boil water in a saucepan, then put the shrimp, salt the water.
4. Wash the grapes, dry them a little and cut each berry in half, remove the seeds.
5. Wash and dry the melon, cut off the peel and remove the seeds.
6. Cut the melon into small cubes.
7. In a bowl, mix the grapes, melon pieces and shrimp.
8. Drizzle the tiger prawn salad with dressing and mix well.
9. Cover the salad bowl with leaves green salad, put a salad with tiger prawns on top - and you can serve.

Tiger prawns are a delicious delicacy, a real gift for gourmets from the depths of the seas. it gourmet delicacy with tender and tasty meat. Tiger prawns are large in size and reach 15-36 cm in length.

Tiger prawns are an excellent dietary product

Tiger prawns got their name due to their color - black stripes on the shell. They have extraordinary juicy, soft and tender meat, rich in beneficial nutrients. In the seafood market, they are valued for their dietary qualities. There is practically no fat in their meat, but it is rich in proteins, proteins and contains only 95 calories.

This is a great dietary product which will help you lose weight. In addition, tiger shrimp contain potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulfur, vitamin PP and B12, fatty acid Omega 3. Regular consumption of shrimp will help strengthen the immune system, bone and cardiovascular system, improve the condition of hair and skin.

Tiger prawns can act as self-dish or used in recipes for salads, soups, appetizers and hot dishes. When choosing frozen shrimp, it is better to give preference to those that are I'm in the package and not sold by weight. The shell of the tiger shrimp should be shiny, not dried out. A black head, bumps and yellowish meat are a sign of a spoiled product.

How to cook tiger prawns

How to cook tiger prawns

Classic way cooking tiger prawns is cooking. To do this, take a large pot of water, put it on fire and bring to a boil, salt. To make tiger prawns more delicious, add peppercorns, bay leaf, juice of half a lemon, a few cloves of garlic and a spoon to the water. tomato paste.

Place frozen shrimp in a colander and rinse with cold water to remove debris and ice. Dip the shrimp into boiling water, reduce the heat and cook for 3-5 minutes. Do not cook them too long, otherwise the meat will be rubbery. Properly cooked tiger prawns simply “melt in your mouth”.

How to fry tiger prawns

Also tiger prawns can be fried. Heat up a frying pan, add olive oil and fry finely chopped garlic in it.

Add the shrimp and fry until tender, 4-7 minutes. Garnish with herbs before serving.

Before frying, shrimp can be marinated in soy sauce or mayonnaise with mustard, salt and garlic.

Sauce for tiger prawns

It is better to serve tiger prawns with special sauces. For example, you can mix lemon juice with olive oil, garlic, and spices. Or mix mayonnaise, ketchup, a pinch of red pepper and a clove of garlic.

  • black tiger shrimp headless, in shell, frozen 1 kg
  • garlic cloves 6-7 pcs.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • paprika, parsley, coriander, turmeric, oregano, basil 1 pinch
  • olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • half a lemon 1 pc.


Step 1

Place the frozen shrimp in a colander, rinse thoroughly with running cool tap water. During the washing process, they thaw. Shrimps will be cooked in shell, no need to peel them.

Step 2

After the ice glaze has disappeared from the surface of the shrimp, put them in a bowl. We take the garlic cloves and crush them with the flat side of the knife into small pieces, put them on the shrimp, add spices.

Step 3

Pour olive oil into the pan, turn on the fire. We spread the resulting mass on a heated pan. Cut half a lemon into circles, squeeze the juice into a mass with shrimp, and throw the circles there too. Stir, fry over medium heat.

Step 4

Shrimps cook quickly, they start to turn red when heated. Frying time over medium heat for 15 minutes, without covering the pan with a lid, so that excess water evaporates and a crust appears. Then mix and cook for another 10 minutes, closing the lid, then turn off the heat, leaving a couple more minutes to languish.

Shrimp is a very tasty and healthy product. It is quite possible to cook it at home, but for this you should follow a few simple cooking rules. Ready shrimp meat will please you with softness, tenderness and juiciness.

Shrimp is a very tasty product, which in our familiar society is considered a delicacy. This is because the cost of shrimp is too high and sometimes exceeds all permitted norms. The higher the quality of the shrimp, the more expensive their cost will be.

It is worth noting that there are two types of shrimp:

  • cold-water
  • warm water

Cold-water shrimp are those shrimp that are habitually called "Atlantic" for us. They are not large and they are cheaper in cost. More elite types of shrimp are considered warm-water: Tiger and Royal. Such a shrimp is much larger than the Atlantic shrimp, it has more meat, and its meat is tastier.

Shrimps are a product that definitely needs to be cooked to avoid poisoning. In addition, the taste of cooked shrimp meat is fragrant and tender, and raw - almost tasteless, with a taste of fish.

The best way to cook shrimp is to boil them. But this is not so simple either. The fact is that cooking shrimp involves a certain amount of time.

It must be followed very precisely. If you overcook shrimp for just a minute, the meat will become rubbery and not tasty. And if you do everything right, then the shrimp will literally “melt in your mouth”.

Atlantic shrimp

king prawn

Tiger shrimp

How to cook fresh shrimp after boiling and how much?

Now, when you have accurately determined the type of your product, you should start cooking them. It is important to know that you do not need to clean the shrimp before cooking, you risk tearing off extra pieces of meat.

However, if you have any personal beliefs and aversions to shrimp heads, you can do this painstaking work and chop off each head with a knife. But with the same success, you can do it with the finished product, without harm to the meat.

Shrimp preparation:

  • Prepare a large pot for cooking. It can even be a ten-liter pan. The main thing is a sufficient amount of water and a convenient way to catch shrimp with a slotted spoon
  • Wait for the water to boil completely and salt it, a teaspoon of salt in a large pot of water is enough
  • You can add any spice you like to the water if you wish. The most popular are: a bay leaf, a bunch of dill, a few cloves and even a slice of lemon or lime

Boiled shrimp can be immediately put on ice to cool and retain their tenderness. But this is far from essential. You can immediately lay them out on a paper towel to absorb excess water or on a serving dish.

boiled, cooked shrimp

Do I need to defrost shrimp before cooking?

In most cases, the buyer does not buy freshly caught shrimp in the store, but frozen. This is the most common way to ship shrimp anywhere in the world for consumption. But these shrimp have one caveat. As a rule, the product that is frozen is already half-finished.

Probably, some have already paid attention to the fact that fresh shrimp has an unpleasant grayish color, and packed and frozen in a store - a delicious orange. Half-cooked shrimp is purposely lightly boiled and frozen for ease of consumption.

Such a shrimp should be cooked a little less in time than fresh shrimp. It is important to know that it should not be thawed. If you notice that there is too much ice on one shrimp, these are the consequences of several refreezes and the unscrupulous attitude of sellers to products.

It is best not to buy such a shrimp. Avoid frozen bulk shrimp and purchase one that is airtight.

If there is a lot of ice on the shrimp, you can try to break it before cooking. Cover the shrimp with a towel and tap them with a rolling pin.

Cooking frozen shrimp:

  • Salt the water, pepper and add spices to it to taste
  • Throw frozen shrimp into a bowl
  • Without waiting for the next boiling of water, detect exactly forty seconds
  • After 30-40 seconds, take a slotted spoon and, stirring all the shrimp, begin to take them one by one to the dish
  • Make sure your shrimp is soft

frozen shrimp

How long to cook frozen peeled shrimp?

Cooking frozen shrimp depends only on what size they are. A small shrimp may take thirty seconds, while a tiger shrimp takes a full minute.

Some gourmets are sure that it is not worth doing any cooking for frozen shrimp. In principle, this opinion is true. But for hygienic purposes and in order to eat a warm dish, there is one not tricky way to cook a dish.

How long to cook frozen shrimp:

  • Open the bag and pour the shrimp into a bowl.
  • Boil water in a kettle until boiling water
  • Pour boiling water over all the shrimp
  • Keep an eye on the shrimp, they should be in hot water until the "ice glaze" completely disappears.
  • After that, you can drain the water and serve the shrimp on the table.
  • Drizzle shrimp with lemon juice or make a separate creamy garlic sauce

cooked shrimp

How to cook frozen unpeeled shrimp in shell?

In a modern store you can find three types of shrimp for eating:

  • freshly caught
  • unpeeled (those that immediately or after cooking succumbed to freezing)
  • peeled (can be pickled, can be in sauce and even frozen)

The difference between peeled and unpeeled is that some have a shell, while the latter do not. If you see shrimp meat for sale, you should know that this is a ready-to-eat product that only requires defrosting. Shrimps that have a shell have a natural shell and caviar (depending on gender).

Shrimp meat in any form is more expensive than unpeeled shrimp because most of the work has already been done. The existing shell does not affect the taste of the product. While you boil water, fresh shrimp should be cooked in the usual way:

  • small - half a minute
  • large - two and a half

The cooled boiled shrimp in the shell is convenient to eat. You tear off the tail (it is prickly and not edible), as well as the head. Spread the legs of the shrimp and take out the meat. Everything is very simple.

Unpeeled cooked shrimp

How long to cook unpeeled king prawns?

Preparing the king prawns:

  • Boil the water until it boils, add salt and pepper, a slice of lemon and a small bunch of dill to the water
  • Time two minutes, take a slotted spoon and over the next minute, gradually fish out nice orange-colored shrimp into serving dishes
  • Ready shrimp can be sprinkled with lemon juice and prepare a garlic-cream sauce
unpeeled king prawns

How to cook frozen tiger prawns?

  • Open the bag of shrimp and put the contents in a separate bowl
  • Boil the water until it boils, add salt and pepper, a slice of lemon and a small bunch of dill and a bay leaf to the water
  • Wait for the next boil and after the appearance of bubbles on the surface, pour all the shrimp into the pan
  • Mark three minutes, take a slotted spoon and over the next minute gradually catch nice orange-colored shrimp in serving dishes

boiled tiger prawns

How to cook green shrimp?

Sometimes on the shelves of the store you can find shrimp, the color of which is green. This suggests that you are presented with a freshly caught, but immediately frozen product. Such shrimp should be cooked in a slightly different way:

  • You should know exactly what is in front of you: fresh shrimp or frozen, and only then start cooking
  • Fresh shrimp should be thrown into boiling water and boiled, depending on the size, from two to three minutes (everything is described in great detail above in the article)
  • If you have fresh frozen green shrimp in front of you, then you should first boil the water. Then you need to add your favorite spices and salt to it. All the shrimp are thrown into boiling water
  • This cooking should take eight to ten minutes, depending on the size of the shrimp.
  • During this time, the “ice glaze” will melt and the shrimp will acquire a pleasant pink-orange color, which will indicate its readiness.

green shrimp cooking instructions

How to cook Argentine shrimp?

Argentine shrimp is different in that it is not grown artificially. The Argentine shrimp is one that has grown in its natural environment and is caught in the Atlantic Ocean. This is a frequent product in modern supermarkets, which sometimes even costs several times cheaper.

Preparing Argentine Shrimp:

  • Boil water until it boils
  • Throw salt, a piece of ginger, a bay leaf and a few cloves of garlic into boiling water
  • You should throw your amount of Argentinean shrimp into boiling water
  • These shrimp are quite large and therefore they should be boiled for about five minutes.
  • After four and a half minutes, you can already take a slotted spoon and gradually catch the shrimp from boiling water
  • Boiled shrimp should be garnished with chopped herbs and served with a creamy garlic sauce

argentine shrimp cooking instructions

How to cook Azov shrimp?

The Azov shrimp is very small and it is practically the same as the Atlantic shrimp. It does not require long cooking:

  • In boiling water, add any spices to taste: dill, bay leaf, cloves, garlic, ginger and salt
  • After dissolving the salt - toss the shrimp
  • Wait for the water to boil again (this is about a minute and a half)
  • During this time, the shrimp will lose its gray color and turn pink-orange.
  • After two minutes of cooking, the Azov shrimp is considered ready.
  • Scoop out each portion with a slotted spoon and place in a serving dish.

Azov shrimp, cooking method

How to cook shrimp in the microwave?

Modern kitchen appliances allow you to cook shrimp not only in a saucepan, but also in a microwave oven:

  • Prepare a kilogram of shrimp, they should be put in a glass dish
  • Shrimps must be poured with a special sauce: for this, mix a glass of water and a glass of soy sauce. Mix thoroughly and pour over all the shrimp
  • Squeeze part of the lemon over the shrimp, sprinkling their juice
  • Cover the shrimp with a microwavable lid.
  • Turn on the microwave for five minutes
  • After the time has elapsed, remove the shrimp and cool, serve on the table

how to cook shrimp in the microwave

How to cook shrimp in a slow cooker?

Shrimp can also be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, use the "steamer" mode:

  • Pour water into the bowl
  • Arrange the shrimp on the steaming grid
  • Drizzle the shrimp with lemon juice
  • Turn on steam mode
  • Wait for the water to boil in the bowl and keep the shrimp with the lid closed in the slow cooker for exactly ten minutes to cook

how to cook shrimp in a slow cooker?

How to cook shrimp for beer?

  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Wait for the water to boil completely and salt it, add dill and garlic (a bunch of dill, a handful of garlic)
  • Depending on the variety of your shrimp, follow the rules and regulations for cooking. Atlantic small shrimp is boiled in water for no more than two minutes. Already after one and a half minutes, you can take up the slotted spoon and catch everyone one by one from the pan onto the dish
  • Large varieties of shrimp (Royal and Tiger) should be cooked for no more than three minutes. That is, after two and a half minutes, take a slotted spoon and catch shrimp
  • Pepper the cooked shrimp and sprinkle with lemon juice. Enjoy your meal!

Tiger prawns are not the most affordable product, and therefore, having bought it, you should make sure that you know about all the cooking rules. In this article, we will share with you not only the intricacies of cooking shrimp, but also several recipes with their participation.

How delicious to cook tiger prawns?

Let's start with cooking tips. If you do not know how to cook frozen tiger prawns, then do not worry, the scheme for preparing them is not much different from that of fresh counterparts, except that you need to defrost the shrimp before cooking in the refrigerator.

Now about how much to cook tiger prawns: the optimal cooking time is 4-6 minutes (depending on size) in boiling salted water, as soon as the shrimp have changed their color, it's ready.

If you decide to fry tiger prawns, for example, on skewers, then the cooking time will be 1.5-2 minutes on each side.

Tiger prawns in creamy sauce

We figured out how to cook tiger prawns, and now let's get down to the recipes. First in line - shrimp in - ideal for pasta or just like that.


  • butter - 25 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • cream - 165 ml;
  • lemon juice, spices to taste;
  • king prawns - 300 g;
  • parsley.


Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry finely chopped garlic on it for half a minute. Add cream and spices to the garlic, put the sauce on medium heat and boil until thickened. Season the peeled shrimp with the remaining lemon juice, salt and pepper, put in a thick sauce along with parsley and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until tender.

Exotic salad with arugula and tiger prawns


For salad:

  • boiled shrimp - 10-12 pcs.;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • red Bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • arugula - 80 g;
  • shallot - 4 pcs.;
  • a glass of fresh coriander leaves.

For refueling:


Peel the mango pulp and cut into thin strips. We extract the seeds from red pepper and also cut it into cubes or thin strips. Finely cut the shallot rings and combine all the prepared ingredients together. Add washed and dried arugula, fresh coriander greens and pour dressing over everything.

To prepare the dressing, it is enough to whisk the butter with lime juice, chopped chili and garlic passed through a press with a whisk. After that, mix the salad again, lay the shrimp on top and serve the dish to the table.

- calories tiger prawns - 89 kcal / 100 grams.

- Name"Tiger prawns" was not chosen by chance, as they have a unique shell color - there are stripes across the tail.

You can see in stores three kinds tiger prawns:
1) ordinary - crustaceans are small in size, reach a length of up to 20 centimeters, their average weight is 40 grams (when compared with other products, one shrimp weighs like one medium-sized egg). A distinctive feature of ordinary tiger shrimp are transverse stripes on the tail. They are green in females and pink in males;
2) green - this variety is large in size. Shrimp can reach a length of 23 to 32 centimeters. In addition to the dark stripes on the tail, they are light brown in color with small green patches;
3) black tiger prawns are considered the largest - up to 36 centimeters, and their weight can reach up to 500 grams. A distinctive feature is the color - light transverse stripes are visible on the black shell.

To choice shrimp should be treated carefully. If there is a choice between packaged and bulk products, then tiger prawns in their original packaging should be preferred. A high quality product will have a neutral, uniform gray color. If white spots are noticeable, then the shrimp is of poor quality, it is possible that during their maintenance or transportation it was violated temperature regime. The tail of the crustacean should be tightly twisted, and the shell should shine. At the same time, you should avoid buying a product with black heads, yellow meat, as this is a sign that the individual was sick during life. If you buy a product frozen by the glazing method, then you need to choose such shrimp, in which the glazing layer is the smallest, while it should not be damaged.

Repeatedly, after defrosting, tiger prawns freeze it is forbidden. Firstly, the product will lose its nutritional qualities, taste. Secondly, it will lose its shape, appearance.

Before cooking tiger prawns, they must be unfrozen. "Emergency defrosting" and soaking in warm water is completely excluded, as the meat is very tender and delicate. The product must be thawed gradually at room temperature.

Frozen tiger prawns stored in the freezer. The shelf life of processed foods is 4 days in the refrigerator.

- Price as of June 2017, it varies between 700-1500 rubles / 1 kilogram. The price directly depends on the type of tiger shrimp and size.

Salad with tiger shrimps

Tiger prawns - half a kilo
Seedless grapes - 300 grams
Sweet melon - half a kilo
Lemon - 1 piece
Sweet mustard - 1 tablespoon
Fresh mint - 1 sprig
Green salad - a few leaves
Olive oil - 1/5 cup
Salt - 1 tablespoon

How to make tiger prawn salad
1. Put 10 grapes in a blender (checking them for seeds) and mustard, pour in olive oil, squeeze lemon juice, chop mint.
2. Grind food into sauce.
3. Boil water in a saucepan, then put the shrimp, salt the water.
4. Wash the grapes, dry them a little and cut each berry in half, remove the seeds.
5. Wash and dry the melon, cut off the peel and remove the seeds.
6. Cut the melon into small cubes.
7. In a bowl, mix the grapes, melon pieces and shrimp.
8. Drizzle the tiger prawn salad with dressing and mix well.
9. Line a salad bowl with green lettuce leaves, put a salad with tiger prawns on top - and you can serve.