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Mackerel in foil how many calories. Mackerel calories

There are several types of mackerel (otherwise it is called "mackerel"), the names of which are associated with its habitat: Atlantic, African, Japanese, Australian. All of them have excellent taste and useful qualities. In cooking, there are many recipes for cooking mackerel. Mackerel is a sea fish, much healthier and tastier than river fish.

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Rich composition, nutritional and the energy value The product will help improve the well-being of the body, maintain its strength and youth, and also resist many diseases. Mackerel has practically no contraindications for use. However, fish can bring both benefits and harm to the body, depending on the method of preparation.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of mackerel

Useful properties of mackerel are determined by its chemical composition. This is a great natural source of vitamins: A, D, E, H, group B. 100 grams of fish provides 400% of the body's recommended daily requirement for vitamin B12, which contributes to the proper absorption and breakdown of fats. Among the elite varieties of fish, mackerel is the champion in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3. It contains important micro and macro elements - phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron. To provide the body with a daily norm of phosphorus and potassium, it is necessary to eat 300-400 grams of mackerel.

Among the elements of nutritional value, the highest indicator is protein. It is absorbed by the human body 3 times faster than beef or chicken meat. A serving of mackerel in 200 grams will provide the daily rate of this product. And its calorie content is 2 times less than in white fish. 100 grams of raw mackerel contains about 200 calories. The fish has the highest fat content in the autumn period, it reaches 30% of the total weight. Autumn mackerel is a source of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of mackerel is 1:07:0.

Nutritional value of fresh mackerel (KBJU):

Despite the high calorie content, mackerel is very useful. It can be included in diets for weight loss, as it contains easily digestible proteins and fatty acids. Calorie content and BJU of the cooked product depends on the method cooking. It is most useful to eat boiled mackerel, baked in the oven, steamed and grilled. You can bake it in foil and with vegetables. AT salted fish useful substances are also well preserved. In order not to add extra kilocalories to dishes, you should cook them with a minimum amount of salt and without oil. At healthy eating it is advisable to refuse fried and smoked fish. If, nevertheless, there is a great desire to smoke mackerel, then it is preferable to use cold smoking.

KBJU of cooked fish:

Mackerel in various treatments Calorie content, kcal Proteins, grams Fat, grams Carbohydrates, grams
Marinated142 12,8 8,3 3,7
Grilled178 22,0 19,0 0
For a couple191 18,0 13,2 0
salty194 18,0 13,1 0
baked195 18,0 13,0 0
boiled211 19,6 14,7 0
cold smoked221 20,7 15,5 0
fried240 17,0 16,0 0
In oil278 13,1 25,1 0
hot smoked317 22,1 23,8 4,1

Banana - energy and the nutritional value benefits of fruit for the human body

Beneficial features

Useful properties of mackerel for human health:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalization metabolic processes and hormone levels
  • prevention of asthma, cardiovascular and oncological diseases;
  • improving blood flow, preventing thrombosis;
  • help in weight loss;
  • increase in the potency of men;
  • improvement of lactation of lactating women;
  • lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • improving memory and vision;
  • healthy nutrition of skin, hair and nails;
  • opposition to psoriasis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease;
  • rejuvenating effect on the body.
  • children - for the effective development of the brain and the body as a whole;
  • teenagers - for the correct formation of internal organs;
  • pregnant and lactating women - for good nutrition of the fetus and stimulation of lactation.


Compared with the number of useful properties of mackerel, it has almost no contraindications. These include only individual intolerance, allergic reactions, exacerbations of heart disease and digestive system. With such ailments, you can eat fish, but you need to consult a doctor regarding the rate and type of preparation. People suffering from liver and kidney diseases should eat boiled, baked or slightly salted fish.

Mackerel can be harmful if eaten too much. in large numbers and with the wrong cooking method. The latter concerns hot-smoked fish, which is so abundant on store shelves. When processing " liquid smoke"and high smoking temperature, toxic phenol is formed. The harm lies in the accumulation of mercury, carcinogens and chemical flavorings by the product.

In our country, mackerel occupies one of the first places in terms of consumption and popularity, literally in every city you can find smoked fish adored by the population, indispensable during a feast. Frozen carcasses and salted fish are also in constant demand, and some prefer canned food.

It's believed that mackerel is a versatile fish, it is incredibly tasty in any form, from fried to pickled, and its relatively low energy value makes it possible to actively use fish in weight loss diets or healthy eating programs.

Among other things, mackerel is easily digestible and is able to normalize digestive processes in the body. What is the calorie content of mackerel cooked different ways? It is to this question that we will try to answer in detail today.

mackerel calorie table

It is believed that the calorie content of boiled mackerel can be reduced if it is cooked without the use of salt.

Mackerel in dietetics

Not so long ago, many professional nutritionists did not recommend the use of mackerel in the process of losing weight, mainly because of its fat content. However, time has shown that this fish can be useful for losing weight especially if it is steamed or grilled.

Mackerel actively contributes to the normalization of metabolism, gives the body a boost of energy and stimulates efficiency - such features cannot be ignored by those who are on a strict diet and suffer from increased fatigue. The nutritional properties of mackerel are also hard to overestimate - this fish will saturate you for a long time, allowing you not to look in the direction of the refrigerator for hours.

It is also impossible not to note the fact that doctors strongly recommend to include fish in the diet more often, which is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements that improve the functioning of the heart muscle, cleanse blood vessels, increase brain activity and remove toxins from the body.

There are many diet programs using mackerel, but we will focus on a couple of the most popular.

Diet "minus ten"

This nutrition program is designed for ten days, during which you will lose up to ten kilograms. It is based on a diet without carbohydrates, and mackerel is presented in the diet of the second day, during which you need to eat only it. Such a diet is quite strict, so start it only if you are highly motivated.

Diet "keto"

Another diet based on a low-carb menu is used to eliminate "permanent" subcutaneous fat, which is very difficult to get rid of even with vigorous exercise. Mackerel is recommended for dinner, in combination with cucumber and lettuce. This type of diet contributes fast weight loss 7-8 kilograms per week.

Popular Mackerel Recipes

Fish dishes help prevent heart attacks and strokes, improve eyesight and hearing, and saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals. Below are the most popular recipes for mackerel dishes among the people.

Mackerel in foil


  • 250 g mackerel;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • 6 g of table salt.

Wash the mackerel thoroughly, then gut and remove the head and tail. After that, cut the fish into small pieces and salt each a little. We spread the mackerel on a piece of foil, set the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.

Cut the tomato into slices and place it between the pieces of fish. Wrap the mass tightly in foil and send it to the oven. Bake for about 30-40 minutes, then remove the foil and transfer the product to a dish, serve with any vegetable side dish.

calories mackerel, baked in the oven in foil, is 167 kcal per 100 grams.

Mackerel roll


  • 800 g mackerel;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 10 g of seasoning for fish;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 6 g black ground pepper;
  • 40 ml sunflower oil.

We clean the onions and carrots, cut into rings or strips - as you like. We clean the fish, wash it thoroughly and remove the tail, head and fins. Then we make an incision along the ridge of the mackerel, remove it and turn the carcass over. We take out the insides, large bones, then wash the fish again and dry it with paper towels.

The next step is to rub the mackerel with seasonings, salt well, then put it in a cold place for an hour or an hour and a half. After that, put it in a mold or on a baking sheet, smeared sunflower oil, on top we have prepared onions and carrots.

We wrap each carcass in a roll, fasten it with culinary thread. We bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour until cooked, then remove the thread and decorate the product with pickles or herbs.

calories such a dish in the calculation per 100 grams is 183 kcal.

Mackerel soup


  • 600 g potatoes;
  • 2-3 liters of purified water;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 100 g of millet groats;
  • 600 g fresh mackerel;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 6 g of table salt.

We clean the fish thoroughly, remove the head, fins and tail. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots and cut them arbitrarily, as you prefer. We wash the millet groats and fill it with water, cook for about 15 minutes. After that, add the prepared potatoes to the millet and mix. While the liquid boils, prepare the frying: stew the onion in sunflower oil with carrots for five minutes.

As soon as the broth boils, add fish to it and wait for a rapid boil again. The last we send the frying to the soup, mix the mass thoroughly and let the product boil for about ten more minutes.

calories soup with fish is approximately 60 kcal per 100 grams.

Mackerel in sauce


  • 700 g mackerel;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • 1 table. l. sunflower oil;
  • spices to taste.

We combine sour cream with mustard, add spices (salt, herbs or dried garlic). Beat the mass in a blender for about a minute at the highest speed. We clean the fish, remove large bones, tail, head and fins, then cut it into small rectangles.

We thoroughly dip each piece of fish in the prepared sauce, grease the baking sheet with sunflower oil. We spread the fish on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour, to check the readiness we pierce it with a toothpick or another stick.

calories of such a product is 155 kcal per 100 grams.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The increased content of healthy fats in this fish makes it a reliable source of unsaturated acids, which are incredibly valuable for the proper functioning of the body. In addition, mackerel is rich, which is quickly absorbed and allows you to build muscle mass, so this feature of the fish should be taken into account for those who plan to quickly bring the body into proper shape.

Mackerel also contains more than 30 vitamins and valuable trace elements that are involved in cell synthesis and metabolism, help saturate the blood with oxygen and normalize metabolism.

Manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, and remove harmful salts from the body, strengthen the heart and make the walls of blood vessels stronger. In addition, mackerel is highly recommended for women at various stages of pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding and adolescents during puberty.

The use of mackerel is also useful for those who suffer from joint problems, especially with their mobility - the minerals found in this fish contribute to the activation of cartilage tissue production.

Mackerel - healthy fish, the use of which is recommended to everyone who cares about their health. If you have any questions about the article, ask them in the comments.

Mackerel fish is also known as mackerel. It belongs to marine varieties of fish. The fillet of this fish is extremely tasty and healthy. This fish swims in schools. In length, it can grow up to thirty centimeters. Mackerel calories in fresh is 181 kcal per 100 grams.

Mackerel is considered a noble fish. Outwardly, it resembles a perch. And just like the perch, it belongs to the Perch-like type of fish. Mackerel lives in warm waters Black Sea of ​​Marmara. It is also found in the waters of Australia, Japan and America.

Mackerel is a fairly oily fish. 100 grams of this product can contain about 30 grams of fat. And despite the fact that the calorie content of mackerel is only 181 kcal. However, the fats contained in the composition are very useful for the human body. In addition, it contains a high percentage of healthy protein.

Chemical and vitamin composition this fish is also very rich. Of the vitamins present here: E, PP, vitamins of group B, C, N. Of the trace elements there are: cobalt, fluorine, iodine, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, molybdenum, chromium.

Benefits for a person

Thanks to their healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements, the use of this product is extremely useful for everyone. Doctors strongly advise adding it to the diet of teenagers, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Useful substances that are in the composition perfectly help to develop and grow a young organism.

Also, its use contributes to such processes:

  • From the meat of this fish, the state of the nervous system improves, and it will also add beauty to you.
  • It has been noticed that the systematic use of mackerel fillets is perfectly reflected in the condition of the mucous membranes, skin and hair.
  • It is also useful for people who have joint diseases to eat this product, as its use helps build cartilage tissue.

This fish is cooked in a variety of ways.


One of the most dietary ways to cook fish is to bake it. Baked fish is very tasty and healthy. At the same time, this dish is incredibly easy to prepare.

Fresh fish must be cleaned, its tail and head cut off. Then cut it into small pieces. Salt each of the pieces and place on foil. You can also cut your favorite vegetables into pieces and put them on the foil there. Then wrap the fish pieces with vegetables in foil and place in the oven.

Let it stay in the oven for about forty minutes. After the time has passed, the baked mackerel will be ready. It will be tastiest if baked mackerel is served with sour cream. The calorie content of mackerel from the addition of sour cream, of course, will increase slightly, but taste qualities become even richer. You can also bake fish carcasses without foil, just in the oven.

In this case, grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the fish pieces on a pillow of vegetables, and then bake in the oven for about half an hour. If you bake fish pieces just in the oven, then it will turn out with a delicious crust.

An even more dietary option than baked is boiled mackerel.

Cold and hot smoking

Many at the word mackerel immediately imagine this smoked fish. Indeed, this product of cold or hot smoking is incredibly tasty. The calorie content of cold or hot smoked mackerel increases slightly. The calorie content is already approximately 221 kcal per 100 grams of product.

What is the difference between cold and hot smoking methods? The answer is in the title. During cold smoking, fish carcasses are treated with cold smoke. The cold smoked product acquires an additional shelf life.

With the method of hot smoking, mackerel is exposed to hot heat. Hot smoked mackerel has more rich taste and aroma.

You can not abuse this dish. It is known that smoked products not very good for health. They are bad for the liver and pancreas.

in salt form

Many also like this product in salty form. Salted mackerel is a worthy competitor to herring. The calorie content of mackerel in this form is already significantly increased. It is 305 kcal per 100 grams.

Salted mackerel is quite easy to prepare. To do this, take a whole fish, and clean it from the insides. Fill your empty belly table salt. Then put the fish filled with salt in stainless utensils. Cover the dish with a towel and set it aside in a cool place. Store the carcass in this way for at least three days, maximum six days.

The thicker the carcasses, the longer the salting time will take. In the process, a liquid will form, which must be drained so that the carcasses do not deteriorate. You can also add your favorite spicy spices to salt to make salted mackerel even tastier.

In this form, this product also cannot be abused. Especially carefully add this product in a salty form to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, as well as those who have hypertension. And the calorie content of mackerel in this form is much higher.

Mackerel is characterized by a high content of vitamins and minerals. There are many vitamins of groups B, E, C, PP, H in fish, minerals cobalt, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, zinc, iron, fluorine, iodine, calcium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, sodium.

Calorie baked mackerel per 100 grams 194 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of the dish:

  • 16.9 g protein;
  • 13.1 g fat;
  • 0.6 g of carbohydrates.

Steps for cooking oven-baked mackerel:

  • 0.4 kg of mackerel is cleaned from the insides, the fillet is separated from the bones. To make it easier to separate the fillet, it is recommended to work not with frozen, but with slightly thawed fish;
  • make sure that not only the insides are removed, but also the film covering the abdomen;
  • prepared fish is salted and peppered, laid out on foil and left for a short time;
  • at this time, the filling for the dish is made: the onion is peeled and diced, the parsley is chopped, the lemon is cut into circles;
  • half fish fillet spread parsley, onion and lemon mugs. The resulting "sandwich" is covered with the other half of the fish fillet;
  • the fish is wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for 40 minutes. If the carcass is large, then the baking time is increased to 60 minutes.

Calorie mackerel baked in foil per 100 grams

The calorie content of mackerel baked in foil per 100 grams depends on the recipe for cooking fish. In a 100-gram serving of the dish discussed below, 167 kcal, 17 g of protein, 10.8 g of fat, 0.4 g of carbohydrates.

Cooking steps:

  • 0.25 kg of fish is cleaned from the insides, the tail and head are cut off;
  • mackerel is cut into small pieces of the same size, salted to taste;
  • put the fish on foil, put 25 g of chopped tomato between the pieces;
  • mackerel wrapped in foil is baked in the oven over medium heat for half an hour.

Cold smoked mackerel calories per 100 grams

The calorie content of cold smoked mackerel per 100 grams is 151 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 23.2 g protein;
  • 6.5 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

Cold smoked mackerel is saturated with vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, B6, D, PP, C. This appetizer contains a lot of calcium, potassium, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, and sodium.

Calorie stewed mackerel per 100 grams

Calorie stewed mackerel per 100 grams 139 kcal. In 100 g of fish 11.2 g of protein, 10 g of fat, 1.2 g of carbohydrates.

Fish preparation steps:

  • 0.6 kg of peeled fish fried on each side on 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 1 chopped onion, 1 grated carrot are added to the fish;
  • the dish is peppered and salted to taste;
  • pour 30 g of sour cream mixed with 0.2 l of water into a pan with a fish and vegetable mixture;
  • the fish is stewed under the lid for 20 minutes.

Calorie boiled mackerel per 100 grams

Calorie boiled mackerel per 100 grams 210 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 19.8 g protein;
  • 14.5 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

Boiled fish retains almost all vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins of groups B, A, H, iron, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, potassium, calcium, iodine and many other minerals.

Despite the relatively high calorie content, boiled mackerel is recommended to be included in the diet during weight loss and diets. The meat of such a product is quite easily digested, it is useful for maintaining the health of nails, teeth, bones, and the nervous system.

Calorie hot smoked mackerel per 100 grams

The calorie content of hot smoked mackerel per 100 grams is 318 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 22 g protein;
  • 23.9 g fat;
  • 4.2 g of carbohydrates.

Such fish is useful for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, normalizes capillary blood circulation. At the same time, such snacks should be abandoned in case of exacerbation of diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach, and intestines. Should not be abused smoked fish with weight loss and overweight.

Salted mackerel calories per 100 grams

Calorie salted mackerel per 100 grams 195 kcal. 100 g snack contains:

  • 17.9 g protein;
  • 13.2 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

Salted mackerel has a lot of contraindications. So, the product should be abandoned in case of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, a tendency to edema, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbed water-salt balance. Fish is contraindicated in weight loss and during a diet.

Fried mackerel calories per 100 grams

calories fried mackerel per 100 grams 221 kcal. In a 100-gram serving, 17.1 g of protein, 16 g of fat, 1.8 g of carbohydrates.

To prepare a dish you need:

  • wash, clean and cut into pieces of the same size 0.75 kg of fish;
  • fish pieces breaded in 20 g of flour with salt;
  • fry the fish on each side in a pan with sunflower oil.

Steamed mackerel calories per 100 grams

The calorie content of steamed mackerel per 100 grams is 190 kcal. In 100 g of such fish:

  • 17.9 g protein;
  • 13.3 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

Steam mackerel is a source of fatty acids when losing weight, during a diet and for recuperation during heavy physical and mental stress. At the same time, the high fat content of the product does not allow mackerel to be included in the diet during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

The benefits of mackerel

The following benefits of mackerel are known:

  • with regular eating of fish, the risk of developing oncology is reduced, eye health is maintained, pain symptoms are reduced with migraines, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • mackerel helps to strengthen the immune system, inhibits the formation of cholesterol plaques, normalizes brain function;
  • vitamins and minerals of fish are useful for preventing the symptoms of psoriasis, improving the functioning of the nervous system and memory;
  • numerous studies have proven beneficial features mackerel to prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
  • fish is not contraindicated in diabetes;
  • mackerel is a natural antidepressant.

Harm mackerel

The harm of mackerel is manifested in cases where fish is consumed with contraindications. The use of the product should be abandoned in case of exacerbation of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder (this is due to the fact that mackerel has a fairly high fat content).

Some people develop individual intolerance and allergic reactions to mackerel. Salty fish prohibited in hypertension, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, renal failure.

Mackerel is a fish that is caught and farmed on a massive scale. She is loved and appreciated great taste and as a source useful substances which she has in abundance. Eating mackerel improves health and prolongs life. For people who prefer proper nutrition and watching their figure, it is extremely important to know how many calories are in mackerel, how best to cook fish so that the number of calories is minimal.

Mackerel calories

In mackerel, the calorie content is average. Do not be afraid of the fat that is available. It is not harmful to health, on the contrary, useful cholesterol does not linger in the body, improves metabolism. Because of this, it can be safely included in the diet when planning diets.

Depending on the method of preparation, the number of calories in fish also differs. Also, the number of calories is affected by the place and time where mackerel is caught. For example, fish caught in the northern seas is less nutritious than mackerel caught in warm southern waters.

Sea mackerel is extremely useful, because it contains a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids and protein. These substances are easy to digest, which favorably affects the functioning of the digestive tract.

For 100 grams of mackerel meat, on average, the calorie content ranges from 160 to 200 kcal. This is a low figure, so you can add it to the daily menu if you eat not only fish. Therefore, you can diversify your menu with vegetables, fruits.

Moreover, even nutritionists come to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce mackerel into the diet. Better to eat more fish than meat, since it contains much more nutrients than meat products. The use of mackerel will be clearly displayed on the figure, it will help you get in shape faster, get rid of extra centimeters at the waist.

Properly cooked mackerel will bring benefits for harmony, so you should figure out in what form it is better to eat fish.

Smoked mackerel calories

Smoked mackerel - beckons with its aroma and appearance of many people. Of course, it is the most delicious, but also more high-calorie. Fish is smoked in two ways: hot and cold. Hot smoked mackerel can hardly be called suitable for diet lovers, its calorie content exceeds 300 kcal. And the number of calories in cold-smoked fish is small, compared with hot processing, within 220 kcal.

But the usefulness of mackerel will decrease under the influence of chemicals used in cold smoking.

Heat treatment of mackerel

The best option for cooking mackerel is boiled or baked. The approximate calorie content of boiled fish is 130-200 kcal. Of course, it is not so appetizing, a little bland, but in order to achieve the ideal proportions of the figure, it will be an excellent component of the diet.

Mackerel baked in the oven is both incredibly tasty and a plus for health. It goes great with vegetables. Fish and various vegetables complete and complete the cooked dish. By the way, you can make a fish casserole, which will increase the usefulness many times over without harming the calorie content.

The calorie content of fried mackerel is 250 kcal. It is not only nutritious in itself, but is also saturated with calories due to vegetable oil, and it carries an additional burden on the stomach. For a diet, such mackerel is categorically not suitable. The body does not work, unable to completely cleanse itself of harmful substances obtained from fried foods.

Salted mackerel has many fans. You can buy it ready-made in stores or you can make it at home. It all depends on the desire and possibilities. The calorie content is small, about 220 units, which has a positive effect on the “introduction” of salted mackerel to the diet.

If the marinade is quite standard: water, salt, bay leaf, then the calorie content will not suffer. The number of calories also changes from the number of components: the more foods and spices in the marinade, respectively, the more calories.

Mackerel is an excellent soil for culinary experiments. After all, you can create anything from fish. Cooking is a kind of art, where fantasy and fiction are welcome.

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