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Recipe for steamed fish without a double boiler. Healthy low-calorie dish: fish in a double boiler

There are many situations when it is necessary to use steamed fish in the diet. It concerns diet food, children's menu or fasting. In light of this popularity, there are a number of options for its preparation, so that at home you can make really tasty and healthy seafood for the whole family.

Benefit and harm

Seafood prepared by steam processing is a very healthy, nutritious and simply tasty dish that stands out for its low calorie content, and when combined with vegetables, mushrooms or cereals cooked in the same way, it deserves to be included in the diet of children and adults. In addition, steam fish retains its external attractiveness, thanks to which such second courses can be safely used not only in the daily diet, but also for serving a festive meal.

Steam fish can be cooked according to different recipes, which allows you to make the usual diet more varied and at the same time balanced. This cooking technology does not require the use of additional butter or vegetable fat, and the cooked sea or freshwater carcass remains juicy, with tender and delicious meat.The main thing is to choose the right recipe, as well as choose the appropriate set of spices and garnish.

The benefits of such processing are especially relevant for the diet and children's menu, since the seafood during cooking is not saturated with excess fats and carcinogens that are released from the oil during the frying process.

POSITIVE FEATURES steam fish lie in the fact that the product being prepared during such processing does not lose its natural characteristics, such as aroma, color, appearance. This also applies to the chemical composition, which, under the influence of steam, is stored in the product, saturating the human body with useful vitamins and microelements in the process of consumption.

An important point is the fact that most of the water-soluble useful substances remain 100% in seafood because they do not come into contact with oil or broth when steamed. In the course of such preparation, the saturation of the prepared dish with harmful impurities that are present in ordinary tap water used in standard cooking is excluded.

The enormous benefit of steamed fish is that the product is much easier to digest, eliminating the uncomfortable feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating. Moreover, taking into account chemical composition and nutritional value steam fish, it can be noted that such a dish will not contain harmful cholesterol and toxins, which adversely affect the work of the whole organism. Such a low-calorie diet has a beneficial effect from the inside, while improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails, prolonging the overall youth of the body.

Properly cooked with the help of a slow cooker, a double boiler or an ordinary pan, steam fish, with regular use, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, has a positive effect on brain function. According to doctors, steam seafood acts as a preventive measure aimed at preventing the development of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the undeniable benefits regarding the benefits to the body, steaming fish requires much less time, and the process itself will be associated with a minimum amount of hassle.

Concerning possible harm, then in this case, some ambiguity can be noted from the benefits of phosphorus, which is contained in fish, since this substance is rather poorly absorbed by the human body.

Fish selection

The very first and most important recommendation when processing steamed seafood is the need to use fresh fish, due to this maximum benefit from the use of such a product. If it is not possible to purchase freshly caught products, then the frozen carcass should be properly thawed before heat treatment, and this process should be gentle: without using the aggressive effects of boiling water, which can spoil the taste of fish, and a microwave oven, since this device will make the meat dry.

When choosing the main ingredient, it is worth giving preference to marine fish species, in which, as a rule, there will be much less small bones, and the fillet itself, after thermal exposure, will retain its elastic texture, as a result of which portioned pieces will not turn into porridge.

Mackerel, herring, pollock, hake, blue whiting, burbot, cod and perch remain the most popular. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cook pike or salmon deliciously with steam, so for such fish it is better to prefer other cooking options.

If you have to work with defrosted products, then an additional 10 minutes should be added to the time required for cooking. The fact that the dish is already ready to eat will be indicated by the presence of light juice that will stand out from the seafood at the puncture site of the fillet. In addition, if the meat freely moves away from the bones, then it does not need to be cooked anymore.

Preparing Ingredients and Cooking Time

The technology of steaming fish requires standard preparatory work with the product. This applies to cleaning the carcass from scales, gutting, removing the head and fins. If the recipe requires it, then the carcass will also need to be divided into portions or filleted. It is not necessary to purchase a whole seafood for cooking; you can cook already cut fish without a double boiler (in a slow cooker or pressure cooker), which is sold chilled in portions.

However, a product prepared independently or bought in a store needs to be processed with a set of spices or seasonings; you can also use a variety of marinades for these purposes. Usually to improve taste qualities and juiciness of sea or river fish, before steaming it is soaked in soy sauce, fault or wine vinegar, rub with salt and seasonings, use freshly squeezed lemon juice or lime juice.

To make the fillet more tender, it is first recommended to keep it in coconut milk or marinate when using basil, cilantro, cloves, or garlic.

The fastest way to steam is a seafood fillet, however, as practice shows, the fish that has been heat-treated as a whole will still be tastier.

If steam processing of fish involves the use microwave oven, then the dish in the form of portioned pieces is sent to the device under a closed lid and the oven is turned on at maximum power, leaving the product to cook for about a quarter of an hour. But in the matter of choosing the optimal time to bring the fish to full readiness, one should focus on the size and thickness of the pieces of the product itself.

If the fillet is soft when pierced with a fork, then the dish can be removed from the device and served.

In the case of cooking fish in a saucepan using a steam basket, after the liquid used boils, the seafood should be cooked for about 10-20 minutes if the cut carcass is to be processed. A whole fish can be cooked in only 30 minutes.

To make the smell of the cooked seafood not so strong, during the steaming of the dish, you can additionally add a little leaf tea to the water without additional flavor enhancers or flavors.


Today, dietary cuisine is becoming more and more popular, so there are also a lot of ideas for cooking steam fish. Among the existing variety, the most successful options should be distinguished.

To make a low-calorie seafood with vegetables, you will need to purchase the following set of ingredients:

  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • fillet of any sea fish - 400-500 grams;
  • cilantro;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece.

step by step algorithm works.

  • First of all, fillets should be prepared for heat treatment. To do this, the product is crushed in portions.
  • Lemon must be washed, cut into thin slices.
  • Place the fish on the multicooker grate, put citrus slices on top.
  • Grind the onion rings, cut the carrots into strips of medium thickness or small circles. Lay the vegetables on top of the fish, then arrange the cilantro sprigs.
  • Close the lid of the device. Cook on the "Steam" mode for about 25-30 minutes.

Delicious and beautiful steam fish can be made from the following products:

  • haddock - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 3 grams;
  • tomato paste- 2 spoons;
  • flour - 1 spoon;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • laurel, a mixture of peppers, salt;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • sunflower oil.

Work technology.

  • Cut the fish into portions or fillet. Pour seafood with lemon juice, grate on both sides with spices and salt. Leave to soak for 10 minutes.
  • After the specified time, send the product to the double boiler, steam for a quarter of an hour.
  • Peel and chop the onion in half rings, put in a frying pan with a little oil, add salt, sugar and tomato paste, simmer at a minimum temperature, stirring thoroughly. Then add the indicated amount of flour to the composition, beat the sauce until smooth.

Serve the fish by pouring the tomato marinade on top, or pour it into a gravy boat and serve separately.

Steam fish can also be quickly made in the microwave oven. To do this, prepare the following set of ingredients:

  • cod fillet - 200 grams;
  • nut butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • ginger - 20 grams;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • sesame oil - 2 tablespoons.

Action algorithm.

  • Rinse the seafood and dry well from moisture, cut into portions. Put the product in a heat-resistant container, pour a small amount of nut oil on top, rub with spices. Cover the container with foil with the fish or cover with a suitable lid.
  • Seafood should be cooked at maximum power for about 10 minutes. To make sure that the dish is ready, you can unfold the covering material - if the fish has become dull in color, then it will not need further heat treatment.
  • After the cod is ready, two types of oil should be heated in a wok or in a frying pan, pour over the seafood with the resulting composition before serving, sprinkle with soy sauce.

In a double boiler, you can cook very tasty and low-calorie carp. Ingredients of the dish:

  • fish carcass - 1 kilogram;
  • mushrooms - 150 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • ginger - 3-4 grams;
  • white dry wine- 2 spoons;
  • salt, black pepper, paprika.

Work algorithm.

  • First you should clean the seafood, remove the head and entrails. With a sharp knife, make longitudinal cuts throughout the carcass, chop the mushrooms, put them inside.
  • Grate the seafood on top and inside with spices, salt and ginger. Chop the onion and greens, put them in the abdomen.
  • In this form, the fish must be placed in a double boiler, pour wine over the carcass. After 20-30 minutes, the dish can be served at the table.

What to submit?

Among the various options for setting the table for serving steam fish, vegetables, especially potatoes and boiled rice, remain the most in demand as a side dish.

However, lovers exotic options prefer to eat Thai fish with hot and spicy spices, such as ginger, sesame and hot pepper. Also, as a suitable side dish for steamed seafood, you can use pickled, pickled or salted vegetables, stewed vegetable mix stew, which you can make yourself or buy frozen in a supermarket.

Successful is the combination of fish with boiled beets or cabbage, fresh leaves lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, corn or olives. Moreover, the side dish can be either simple, consisting of one ingredient, or complex, where the set of vegetables can be adjusted based on personal taste preferences.

In order to guarantee the selection of the most compatible products with each other, it is necessary to take into account the breed of fish used.

If fatty seafood is to be prepared, then it is better to eat it with light foods, and for drier meat it is worth additionally preparing the sauce. It can be a black butter method, mayonnaise or hollandaise sauce, mushroom or nut dressing options.

For information on how to cook pollock for a couple in a slow cooker, see the following video.

Diet food is not in vain called healthy, because the dishes contain the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals needed by a person. It is suitable not only for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. This type of nutrition can improve the condition of the skin, normalize the natural processes in the body.

Diet meals

Most people do not want to change their usual diet, believing that diet meals not very tasty. This opinion is completely wrong, because you just need to learn how to cook healthy food using, for example, a double boiler. Food cooked in it is perfect for a protein, carbohydrate, protein-carbohydrate diet.

Diet menu dishes can also be made very tasty and healthy. It does not need to fry the ingredients in a large amount of vegetable oil or other fat.

Important! Properly selected products, seasonings, as well as the set steamer mode can make the dish unforgettable.

Fish in a double boiler is a healthy and tasty dish. You don't need to be a professional chef or have a lot of money to make it. However, at the same time, the food will turn out to be very useful, it will supply the body with the necessary elements.

The presence of vitamin D can normalize elevated blood cholesterol levels. Other vitamins (B6, B12) strengthen weakened immunity, bring the nervous system back to normal. Without a sufficient amount of fluorine, it is impossible to have a strong musculoskeletal system, which is why it is worth falling in love with fish meals that will make you healthy and beautiful.

Interesting! According to doctors, fish should be present in the weekly menu at least 3-4 times. With a serving size of 100-150 g, you can replenish the missing reserves of vitamins and trace elements.

Recipes with photos

Fish make a lot different dishes. Moreover, almost all steaming recipes are simple and understandable.

Tuna cutlets

The whole process of creating these cutlets takes no more than 50 minutes.

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • fish (tuna) - 1 pc.;
  • small onion - 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 170 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • white bread (dried, always yesterday) - 1 slice;
  • milk - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - 2 pinches;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g.

The sequence for creating cutlets is as follows:

  • remove the skin from the tuna;
  • rinse the fish thoroughly by cutting it into fillets and removing all bones;
  • Pour a slice of a loaf with milk for 5 minutes;
  • using a meat grinder (food processor, blender), chop fish, onions, bread;
  • salt the minced meat, pepper, add the egg, flour and mix everything thoroughly;
  • make cutlets round, slightly pressing on the sides;
  • roll the resulting blanks on all sides abundantly in breadcrumbs;
  • turn on the double boiler to the “Extinguishing” mode and cook cutlets in it for about half an hour.

More Recipes fish cakes – .

Stewed pike perch

To prepare such a dish, you need to purchase the following ingredients in advance:

  • pike perch - 800 g (fillet);
  • carrots - 3 pcs. small size;
  • fresh tomatoes or tomatoes, rolled up in jars, in own juice- 200 g;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • salt, black ground pepper- 1 pinch.

Cooking instructions:

  • peel the onion, cut into thin half rings;
  • peel the carrots, grate it on a coarse grater;
  • chop the tomatoes with a blender;
  • cut the washed fillet into large pieces, sprinkle it with salt and pepper;
  • put vegetables in a double boiler bowl, and fish on them, pour all the components with tomato puree;
  • You can eat the dish after 1.5 hours.

Cod in foil

Required components:

  • cod - 2 pcs. (fillet);
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • pitted olives - 80 g;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • basil - 1 small bunch;
  • salt, pepper - 1 pinch.

The dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, peel them. cut into large pieces, clear of seeds. To quickly remove the skin from tomatoes, you need to pour boiling water over them or put them in hot water for a few seconds.
  2. Cut olives in half.
  3. Cut out 2 large rectangles from foil so that the fish is wrapped in them from all sides.
  4. Wash the basil, pat dry and finely chop.
  5. Place the fillet on one sheet of foil, tomatoes next to it, sprinkle with salt, pepper, basil on top. Don't forget to sprinkle olive oil otherwise the fillet may come out dry.
  6. Wrap the foil tightly around the ingredients to form an envelope.

The cooking time will be no more than 20 minutes. Serve the fish on the table directly in foil, carefully laying it on a beautiful plate. You need to open the envelope immediately before eating the dish. By the way, more recipes cooking cod.

The most tender salmon

To see such a dish on your table, you will need:

  • salmon - 3 large steaks;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fennel - 1 pc.;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • fresh tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • thyme - a few branches;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • wine vinegar.

Cooking sequence:

  • wash vegetables, peel, cut into large pieces;
  • wash the greens, dry, finely chop;
  • put vegetables, herbs, fish in the bowl of the double boiler, fill everything with water;
  • cook 20 minutes.

Serve with vegetables, pouring over the broth in which the dish was prepared.

How to cook delicious

To make fish healthy and tasty, you need to follow some recommendations:

Interesting! Fish broth will turn out really tasty if you add onions, carrots, celery, parsley root to it during the cooking process.


Fish cooked in a double boiler is an excellent solution for a healthy and tasty meal. The dish will become an integral part of any diet for people who are overweight, as well as those who monitor their health.

Dishes prepared in this way retain their a large number of vitamins. They are suitable for adults and children of different ages, because they cannot harm the body.

Do not forget to experiment with your steamer, change the types of fish, supplement it with unusual sauces and seasonings to diversify your daily diet and still enjoy your meal.

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Knowing how to cook fish, you can special efforts get very tasty, healthy and nutritious dish. The advantages of boiling fish include the fact that if you want to serve it with any sauce, then it can be cooked in the broth in which the fish was cooked: you get a delicious taste fish sauce.

Steamed fish - recipe

So, the cooking time for steamed fish is: 7-8 minutes.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • a whole salmon, flounder, or halibut weighing about 350 gr.;
  • fish rolls - 7-8 minutes;
  • white or smoked fish, fillets, or steaks weighing up to 200 gr. - 8-10 minutes.

How to cook steamed fish deliciously?

Like boiling in water, steaming fish is a great recipe for those who are counting calories. When steaming fish, you don't need to add oil, so if you're on a diet, steamed fish is definitely for you. In addition, steaming fish allows you to save all the useful substances in the fish.

Steaming fish is especially well suited for halibut, flounder or trout rolls, as they hold their shape perfectly and are extremely juicy.

Fish preparation

Before cooking the fish, it must be gutted, cleaned of entrails, scales, gills removed, cut into pieces and dipped in boiling, pre-salted water. You need to bring the fish to a boil again and then reduce the heat so that the liquid barely boils and cook.

How long to steam fish

If the taste of the fish itself is not very rich, you can diversify it by cooking it in a vegetable or even chicken broth. To improve the taste, you can add carrots, parsley and celery root, onions to the water. Alternative option how to cook fish - adding cucumber pickle, dill or fresh sweet pepper to the water.

How to cook fish - useful tips

  1. Flounder or halibut are extremely tasty if they are boiled in white wine, adding a few sprigs of fresh herbs, bay leaves, lemon slices, onions and black peppercorns.
  2. The basic rule for cooking fish is slowness and accuracy. During the cooking process, the liquid should only boil a little so that the fish does not boil.
  3. When you cook the fish, the liquid should cover the fish halfway, and the pan should be tightly closed.
  4. If the fish is boiled in a mixture of milk and water, the liquid can be used to make a delicious parsley sauce. Also, the liquid can be used to prepare the main white sauce by adding finely chopped boiled eggs and chives.
  5. At the end of cooking, you can add a spoonful of cream or sour cream to the fish sauce.

How to steam fish

Recipe for cooking fish in a double boiler: a healthy and low-calorie dish

The recipe for how to cook fish in a double boiler is desirable for every housewife to know. There is no longer any debate about the benefits of steamed food. The benefits are obvious. The absence of fat and oil in dishes that are cooked in a double boiler makes them dietary. In addition, when cooking and frying, most of the vitamins disappear from foods. Fish in a double boiler is tasty and healthy.

And how much time that you would spend on cleaning the kitchen, the steamer saves! There is no smell, the fatty raid does not settle on kitchen surfaces. The steamer does not have to be cleaned of burnt fat.

When cooking in a double boiler, you do not need to stand over it and turn or stir the food. You can just put food in it and leave the kitchen. And the presence of a timer on modern double boilers makes life even easier.

Steamers cook meat, fish, vegetables and many other dishes.

Fish in a double boiler is prepared in one of three ways. It's just fish, fish in marinade and fish in foil.

The easy way

We clean the fish, wash it, salt it and put it in a double boiler for 30 minutes. You can add spices to taste. This is the easiest way to steam fish.

Steam fish in marinade

First, marinate the fish for about an hour, then put it in a double boiler for half an hour.

Marinades for steaming fish can be very diverse. Fish can be marinated in spiced lemon juice, soy sauce, wine or cognac, or you can make your own complex marinades with lots of spices.

Steamed fish in foil

Marinate the fish for about an hour, then wrap the fish in foil and cook in a double boiler for half an hour.

The fish in foil is cooked very tasty with the addition of vegetables. Before putting vegetables in a double boiler, they need to be lightly fried in a pan in olive oil. Vegetables should be semi-cooked, they will reach the condition in a double boiler. Fish in foil is very tender and juicy.

If they arranged a kind of hit parade of cooking methods for the benefits and preservation of nutrients, then the double boiler would undoubtedly take first place.

Video recipes for cooking fish

Pink salmon in a double boiler:

Some tricks from the chef:

Steamed fish (step by step recipe with photo)

Fish dishes can be made not only very tasty, but also healthy. To do this, the fish must be steamed. Most The best way- This is a steamer and a pressure cooker. This reduces the cooking time, and the taste is very rich. When you cook it, no one will refuse a fragrant piece of fish.

How long does it take to steam fish? And in what sequence to dip in an egg, flour, seasonings?

It is especially good that such fish will not have sharp bones and it can be given safely even to small children.
You can take any fish for this dish, you can trout, pink salmon, cod.

How to cook steamed fish recipe:

1) Wash the fish, clean, cut into portions, salt, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar with various herbs, leave for about half an hour.

2) Pour a little water into the bottom of the pressure cooker, about a finger thick. Place a grill or special stand for steaming. Peel the onion and cut into half rings, grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater or chop into strips. Put some of the vegetables on the grill and pour them with vegetable oil, salt a little.

4) On the fish, evenly distributing, spread out the remaining onions and carrots. Season with allspice, peas, bay leaf, you can put a sprig of dry dill or cumin, rosemary, whatever you like. Top the fish with tomato paste, pre-dilute the paste with water.

5) Close the pressure cooker with a lid and simmer after boiling after 15-20 minutes, over low heat. Turn off, but do not open the lid immediately, let it cool down a bit. After you open the lid, carefully remove the pieces of fish and put them on a plate.

Steamed Fish Recipe Ingredients:

fish - 1-1.2 kg,
bulbs - 2 pcs.,
large carrot - 1 pc.,
balsamic vinegar- 3 tbsp. l.,
vegetable oil- 3 tablespoons,
tomato paste - 2 tablespoons (without top),
pepper, salt, allspice, bay leaf - to taste.

We are unlikely to surprise anyone if we say that steaming is the most useful way from all available types of heat treatment of products. In general, steam cooking is a method that our distant ancestors, who lived thousands of years ago, knew about. Even before fire was invented, they softened roots on rocks or warmed fruits that were near hot springs.

In our time, the relevance of this method has remained at the same level. After all, steam is a unique method that preserves the original color of products, most of the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements that they contain. Due to the fact that neither oil nor broth is needed for steaming, the water-soluble vitamins and minerals contained in the products do not dissolve, which means they remain practically unchanged in them. Since, during steam cooking, the products do not come into direct contact with the air, and, therefore, do not heat up above the mark of 100 C, this allows you to save your composition, which means that it will benefit people and have a beneficial effect on human health.

There is one more important point. In addition to the benefits that products prepared in this way have, steam cooking also saves a lot of time for housewives, because they do not need to come up every 5 minutes and check if anything is burnt. Steamed foods cook evenly, absorbing evenly hot steam, and do not require turning or stirring.

You can steam almost any food, especially fish cooked in this way is especially good, because it will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but will also have excellent taste.

Steamed fish has a delicate taste, the absence of carcinogens and harmful substances. fatty acids, as well as what is a dietary dish, which means that all those who care about their figure can safely eat it.

Let's start with what we say: you can steam any fish. The only thing to remember is that River fish has more bones and may taste less oily than seaweed.

As for the size of the fish, you can steam whole carcasses (small in size), as well as fillets, and, of course, steaks. The fish fillet is cooked the least, in terms of time, and has a very delicate taste. Some people who like something more "solid" may cook a whole fish, because it will taste more pronounced than a fillet. Well, if you are a fan of eating a big hearty piece of fish, then, of course, you should cook a steak.

Such varieties of fish as salmon, salmon or tuna, of course, are beyond competition, as they are quite fatty, nutritious, and the taste of the meat of such fish has a pronounced rich hue. But, you see, this pleasure can be quite expensive, which means that it would be more rational to replace these types of fish with more “budget” options. In a double boiler, you can cook sea or river perch, mackerel, hake, red mullet, flounder, sturgeon, pike, burbot, pike perch or sterlet - they are in no way inferior to tuna or salmon.

You can cook both fresh fish and frozen, only, in the case of the latter, you will need to add another 10-15 minutes to the cooking time so that the fish thaws.

Before you put the fish in a double boiler, it must be thoroughly rinsed, remove the head, fins, tail, entrails and rinse again. Many double boilers have such a function as cooking not only on water, but also on the broth, which means that the available fish strips can be safely used as the basis for the broth.

The broth is poured onto the bottom of the double boiler, which is called the base, and on top of the grate, which can be of different heights and the fish is placed, after which the double boiler is turned on and, using a timer, is set to the right time and that's it. Many modern double boilers have a special mode - “Cooking fish”, therefore, the hostess does not need to guess over time, just select it on the control panel.

But the timer is a timer, but to check if the fish is ready, in any case, it is necessary. How can I do that? Open the lid and poke the fish with a fork or knife. If, after pressing, clear juice stands out from it, and the meat becomes easy to separate from the bones, you can be sure that the fish is ready.

As we have said, as a base, you can use fish broth, but you can also plain water. If you want to somehow emphasize the taste of the fish in an unusual way, add red or white wine to the broth, a few fresh champignon or a decoction of them.

"Fish in foil"

In a double boiler, you can also cook fish with foil. Due to the fact that the foil serves as a hermetic layer, the fish in this case will turn out to be more juicy and tender, since the juice will not evaporate, but on the contrary, the entire heating process and the formation of condensate will occur directly in the fish.

The fish must be thoroughly washed. Peel and cut the onion into rings or half rings, season the fish with spices (as you wish). After that, spread the foil on the table, put the onion rings on it, a few small pieces of butter on top of them, and only then, put the fish. At the end, you can sprinkle it lemon juice. After all these actions, carefully wrap the foil, fasten the edges and put in a double boiler for 20-35 minutes.

"Fish with vegetables"

The essence of this method of cooking fish in a double boiler is that the vegetables are placed on the lowest grate of the double boiler and serve as a certain “cushion” on which you can put the fish. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone - and prepare the side dish right away and get delicious fish for dinner.

It is important to remember that steamed fish cooks much faster than many vegetables, which means that before putting the vegetables down, they need to be stewed a little in the pan, until about half cooked.

If there is no steamer

You can cook more than a couple even if you don’t have a double boiler - you can “arrange” it yourself, and the effect of such cooking will be the same.
In many hardware stores, you can purchase a special metal insert that is inserted into the pan and serves as a “second bottom”. If there is no insert, you can do it differently: water is poured onto the bottom of the saucepan, and tightly stretched gauze, or a sieve, is placed on top, where the fish is placed. The steam that forms from below warms the fish and the fish is cooked in the same way - for a couple.

  • When steaming fish, a peculiar smell may occur. If you want to get rid of it, you can add a small amount of quality tea to the water (at the bottom of the pot or steamer). Tea will eliminate the smell of fish.
  • The broth, which serves as the basis for steaming fish, must be salted at the beginning of cooking.
  • So that the taste of steamed fish does not seem too bland and monotonous, it is important to choose the right spices. You can pre-marinate the fish in sour cream, mayonnaise or wine, dip it in the marinade for half an hour, then wrap it in foil and cook in a double boiler according to the recipe.
  • Fish do not like to cook for a long time. No fish is cooked in a double boiler for more than an hour, maximum 40 minutes.

These were some of the highlights regarding steaming fish. Cook with your heart and you will succeed!

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Fish should be eaten at least once a week. More useful product will be if you cook it for a couple.

Recipes for steaming fish in a slow cooker

Such dishes are not only tasty, but also low-calorie, they do not contain oil, so they do not harm our body! Not everyone in the house has a double boiler, and not all multicookers have the function of steaming dishes. How to steam food without a steamer? In fact, there are several ways, and we will be happy to share them with you! Also in this article you will find steamed fish recipes without a double boiler. With the help of our tips, you can cook not only pieces of fish, but also cutlets, as well as create a full-fledged fish dish with a side dish right away.

How to cook for a couple without a double boiler and slow cooker?

With simple tricks, you can cook healthy dish for a couple without using modern technologies. All you need is a gas or electric stove and a deep saucepan.

How to cook steamed fish without a double boiler? You can create a double boiler from improvised items. The ideal way would be:

  1. Pour some water into the saucepan.
  2. Place a metal colander in a saucepan, put pieces of fish or fish cakes into it.

If there is no metal colander, then you can simply use a piece of gauze, which is fixed in a saucepan. You can tie this piece by the handles, put fish in it, cover the pan with a lid and cook.

If a colander big holes, and you want to cook fish with a side dish, for example, from rice, then you can put cheesecloth on top of a colander.

Steamed fish with lemon

To prepare this dish, you can use any fish, but according to the recipe, it is hake. it dietary fish, which has many useful substances and proteins. Steamed hake is also a healthy food that is suitable for dietary nutrition. Garnish can be absolutely any vegetable salad, vegetable stew, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, cereals.

Steam Fish Ingredients:

  • 500 600 grams of any fish fillet, but hake is better;
  • big lemon;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • salt and seasonings.

Steamed fish without a double boiler is very easy to prepare, we suggested how this can be done using improvised means. To prepare this dish, it is advisable to use a colander, but cheesecloth will work if you stretch it well.


  1. Cut the fish into portions, rub with seasonings and salt.
  2. Place the colander in a saucepan filled with water so that it does not reach the colander even when boiling.
  3. Lubricate the colander with a small amount of sunflower oil so that the pieces do not boil.
  4. Lay out the fish, put a slice of lemon on each piece.

It will take 30 minutes to steam fish without a double boiler. At this time, it is advisable not to open the lid.

Steamed fish with vegetables

To cook fish immediately with a steamed side dish, it is not necessary to have a double boiler or slow cooker at home! We suggest considering a variant of a dish consisting of sea bass and various vegetables. Can be used ready vegetable mix, and created independently, from your favorite vegetables!


  • one sea bass;
  • cauliflower or broccoli;
  • bell pepper;
  • leaf salad;
  • asparagus;
  • lemon;
  • allspice and salt.

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Cut the perch into pieces, after gutting and removing the scales.
  2. Rub each piece with salt, pepper with allspice.
  3. Lubricate the colander with a small amount of sunflower oil, put pieces of fish on it. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Put chopped vegetables on top of the fish, they also need to be lightly salted.
  5. Steam for 30 35 minutes.

When serving on plates, you can add fresh tomatoes!

Steamed fish with rice

How to cook steamed fish without a double boiler, and even with a side dish of rice? Women's cunning has always helped out housewives in the kitchen, so we will use it! We will prepare a hearty, tasty and healthy meal for the whole family, while spending a minimum of time.


  • any fish by the number of servings;
  • a glass of rice;
  • pickled corn;
  • salt and seasonings.


  1. Rice needs to be soaked, rinsed from starch.
  2. Cut the fish into steaks, removing the bones. Salt and season each piece, leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Put cheesecloth in a colander, put the rice in an even layer on top of it, salt a little.
  4. Put the fish on the rice, preferably so that the steaks completely cover the grits.
  5. Steam for thirty forty minutes until the rice is fully cooked.

Rice will turn out amazing in taste, because it will be saturated with fish aroma and seasonings. When serving on plates from the edge, put pickled corn, it will be very tasty!

Steamed catfish in cranberry sauce

Catfish is an oily fish, and not everyone will like it fried. It is much tastier and healthier to steam such fish. How to cook without a double boiler, you already know. Now we offer you to get acquainted with the amazingly simple recipe for making catfish. But the taste of the dish will turn out incredibly bright!


  • medium-sized catfish;
  • a glass of cranberries;
  • one lemon;
  • salt;
  • a few sprigs of rosemary;
  • allspice.


  1. Remove the peel from the lemon. Place the lemon and cranberries in a blender, chop. If there is no blender, then pass through a meat grinder, or mash with a fork. Salt enough teaspoon of salt, add allspice.
  2. Divide the catfish into steaks, put in the marinade, leave to soak for an hour.
  3. Put the pieces of fish in a colander, set it in a saucepan. Place rosemary sprigs on top of the steaks. Cover with a lid, cook for 30 minutes from the moment the water boils.

As a side dish, boiled rice or mashed potatoes, as the taste of these dishes is neutral, and it will not overpower the aroma and taste of steamed catfish in cranberry lemon sauce.

Sturgeon with sauce

We will cook the royal fish for a couple, and we will serve it under delicious sauce! Such a dish will fit not only for dinner with the family, but also for serving festive table.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • sturgeon half a kilo;
  • lemon;
  • olives or olives without bones;
  • dry white wine five tablespoons;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • salt;
  • allspice.

Fish preparation:

  1. Cut the sturgeon into pieces, salt and pepper. Pour into a greased colander.
  2. Put chopped olives on top of the pieces, pour wine over.
  3. Steam fish for 30 minutes.
  1. Melt in a frying pan butter fry flour in it.
  2. As soon as the flour turns brown, pour half a glass of broth from the pan in which the sturgeon was steamed into the pan. Bring to a boil while stirring.
  3. Add Provencal herbs or fresh herbs, squeeze lemon juice, mix. If necessary, you can add a little salt, but the sauce should be salty, as the broth from the preparation of the fish was added to it.

Pour the sauce over the fish when serving.

Steam fish cakes

Cooking cutlets for a couple is no more difficult than just pieces of fish. If you are bored fried foods then try to do steam cutlets from any favorite fish.


  • 500 grams of fish fillet;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • egg;
  • salt and pepper.

Now let's cook delicious, juicy meatballs from these products!

  1. The fillet must be scrolled in a meat grinder along with a peeled onion.
  2. Boil the carrots, cut into smaller cubes, add to the minced fish.
  3. Mix minced meat with egg, salt and pepper.
  4. Lubricate the surface of the colander with oil, lay out the formed cutlets, rolling them in flour. Cook 20 minutes.

As a side dish, you can use whatever your heart desires! It can be boiled cereals or potatoes, mashed potatoes, a mixture of boiled vegetables or a fresh salad.

We shared secrets and recipes, thanks to which you can steam fish without a double boiler at home. Now you know that steam dishes can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. The recipes published in this article will help diversify your table!

As you know, steamed food is much healthier than cooked in a pan. Such food is not fatty, healthy and does not contain carcinogens that are formed during frying. If you are a supporter of proper and healthy nutrition, then our selection is for you. We offer several delicious and healthy steamed fish recipes. And if earlier there was an opinion that only people with problems cook steamed food gastrointestinal tract now more and more people are thinking about proper nutrition and increasingly include steamed food in their diet.

Steamed fish - a delicious selection of healthy recipes

If you have fresh fish, we suggest cooking it in a double boiler. The meat will be tender and juicy, and the fish itself will remain healthy and less high-calorie. Especially such recipes are good for children. So, the first recipe we suggest you cook a steamed salmon steak.

Steamed salmon steak


  • Salmon steaks (salmon)
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste
  • Herbs
  • Sesame
  • Lemon


To prepare such a fish, you will need an ordinary double boiler, an electric double boiler, a special capacity of a multicooker, or, in the absence of the following, you can use an ordinary saucepan and a colander.

Wash steaks, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with fragrant herbs.

We put the fish in a steamer. We cook for 30 minutes, this time will be enough for the fish to steam well.

Put the finished steaks on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds. To garnish fish steaks you can steam boiled rice or steamed vegetables.

Enjoy your meal!

Tilapia for a couple

On the shelves of stores, you can increasingly find tilapia fillets if you bought such a fish and are thinking what to cook from it. We recommend steaming the fillets.


  • Tilapia fillet
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste


If the fillet is frozen, thaw it when room temperature. Pour the lemon juice over the fish pieces. salt and pepper. You can season with your favorite spices or herbs.

Leave the tilapia fillet to lie down and marinate for 15 minutes.

Lubricate the surface of the double boiler on which you will lay the fish with vegetable oil.

Put the fish in one layer, turn on the double boiler. The meat is tender, so it takes 15 minutes to cook.

Put the finished steamed tilapia fillet on a plate, you can decorate with lemon rings and herbs. As a side dish, boiled potatoes. boiled rice or fresh vegetables.

Enjoy your meal!

Steamed fish in Russian

Interesting and original recipe steaming fish. The preparation consists in the fact that the fish with vegetables is half filled with broth and cooked under the lid in a saucepan. Meat that is not immersed in the broth is steamed from the boiling broth. It turns out a very tasty and healthy dish.


  • White fish - 500 gr
  • Fresh champignons - 200 gr
  • Dry white wine - 3 tbsp
  • Broth - 100 ml
  • Greens - to taste


Wash the fish, cut into pieces. Place the fish pieces or fillets in a low saucepan. Salt and pepper.

Wash the mushrooms and cut into pieces. Place the mushrooms between the pieces of fish. You can add mushrooms and other vegetables, those that you like.

Pour wine over fish and vegetables. Pour in the hot broth so that it only covers half of the fish. Cover the pan with a lid and turn on the gas.

Steam fish for 15 minutes.

Serve as a side dish for such a fish in Russian, boiled potatoes and salad are best.

Steamed fish with herbs

Time for preparing: 15 minutes
Quantity: 5 servings


  • Fillet of sea bream or perch - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • A pinch of salt and pepper
  • Olive oil
  • 1-2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Herbs (coriander, fresh onion, oregano, basil and parsley)
  1. Defrost fish fillet and rinse. Brush with olive oil, salt and pepper on all sides.
  2. Rinse the greens, cut into pieces 5 cm long and place around the fish.
  3. Cut the lemon into slices and place on top of the fillet.
  4. Brush fillets with minced garlic.
  5. In an oven preheated to 75 ° C, steam the fish for 15 minutes.

Serve steamed sea bass with boiled potatoes or rice, with fresh vegetables.

Steam recipes are often remembered in the spring. And those who fast, because steamed vegetables are much tastier and healthier. And those who are on a diet to lose weight for the beach season: steamed dishes are prepared without additional fat, so they are more dietary. In order to cook for a couple, a double boiler or a slow cooker is not at all necessary - often just an oven is enough.

Steamed recipes are used in restaurants and home cooking all over the world. The oldest steam cooking appliance, more than 3,000 years old, was found during archaeological excavations in the Yunnan province of China. This method was and still is one of the most important in Chinese cuisine.

Already in 800 BC. steamers were made from cypress, which has now been replaced by bamboo. Often such a device consists of several containers located one above the other in order to cook several products at the same time. Steaming is a very delicate matter in Chinese cooking, and each method has its own name. For example, if food is cooked directly over boiling water in several bamboo containers, this is called zheng, and the upper container, which does not come into direct contact with water, is called dan.

Also known is the ancient Hawaiian underground steamer, when food was placed in large holes in the ground and then cooked for several hours. This method is called "Kalua" which means "hole". In Mexico, a similar method was called "barbacoa": steam and smoke were used to cook food at the same time.

Steam Recipes: Why It's Good

If you cook fruits and vegetables on steam modes, vitamins and minerals are preserved in them, and the cooking process takes only a few minutes. Steam cooking preserves the natural texture, color, nutrients and taste of foods. Water-soluble vitamins such as B1 and C are also preserved, and meals are lower in calories because they do not require the use of fats.

According to a study of different cooking methods, the amount of flavonoids in broccoli when steamed is reduced by only 11%, while when boiled, this figure is 66%, and when cooked in a microwave, a staggering 97%!

Comment on the article "Steamed fish: a recipe in the oven. Why steamed dishes are healthier"

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How to cook fish in the oven. Learn to cook! Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and cooking tips Enlighten, plz, how to properly cook a piece of fish in the oven - fillet of either salmon or trout, on the skin? 01/27/2004 17:15:11, Razdolbayka.

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