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In what sauce to stew pike cutlets. Sauce for fish cutlets

I often cook fish. Our family loves both river and sea. We choose the most delicious, in our opinion, and useful way cooking (it is also the easiest) - baking in the oven. Moreover, the husband insists on the minimum amount of spices, believing that the fish should smell like fish and nothing else! :) Pike is the only fish for which he agrees to make an exception, and there is a reason for that. When baked without any sauce, it is dry and boring! :) Pike cutlets are a completely different matter! Properly cooked cutlets - with the addition of lard, stewed in a creamy sauce, the most delicate dish in the world! They disappear from the plate so quickly that you don't wait for daylight to good photo; you shoot in the dark, quickly, worrying only that in a couple of minutes there will be no objects left for shooting! 🙂


Pike cutlets in creamy sauce

fresh pike (fillet) - 1200 g
fresh pike caviar - 150 g
salted pork fat - 130 g
loaf - 6 pieces (2-2.5 cm thick)
cream with a fat content of 20% - 200 ml
medium-sized onion - 2 pcs.
chicken egg - 1 pc.
salt, ground black pepper - to taste
vegetable oil for frying - 2-3 tbsp. (for one pass)
breadcrumbs - 1 cup
For sauce:
sour cream - 1/2 cup
cream 20-30% fat - 200 ml
butter - 30-40 g
Provence herbs - to taste
salt - to taste
nutmeg - pinch

Soak a long loaf (together with a crust) in cream. They must be completely absorbed.
Cut the peeled onion into slices (into 8 pieces).
Lard (slightly frozen) cut into small cubes.

With fresh fish (slightly frozen), remove the skin, remove the backbone and large bones. small bones you can not pull out, in a meat grinder they grind well. Cut pike into small pieces.

Grind the fish in a meat grinder along with lard and onions.
Then scroll the minced meat a second time, adding the loaf already.
Drive an egg into the minced meat, add spices to taste, stir the minced meat well, send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

With wet hands form cutlets from the chilled minced meat, roll in breadcrumbs.
Heat the pan well with vegetable oil. Spread cutlets, fry over high heat (mode 6-7) until golden brown on both sides.

Remove the cutlets, wipe the pan with a paper towel.
Put sour cream in the pan, dilute with cream until smooth, season with spices, salt, bring to a boil, but do not boil, put a piece of butter, dilute in the sauce until smooth.

Put the cutlets in the sauce, sweat on the weakest heat for 5 minutes on each side. Remove the pan from the stove, leave the cutlets in it for another 5 minutes, then serve. As a side dish: mashed potatoes, boiled jasmine rice. Or vegetable salad.

Pike cutlets are good with white aged chardonnay, for example. Well, a purely masculine version to accompany - a glass of vodka or chacha.

This is only on the river bank, but on the fire, we are happy to eat boiled fish soup, seasoned with herbs and lavrushka. At home, housewives tend to drown out the "aroma" of river mud, which pike or cod have so generously absorbed. Special art requires the preparation of sauces for fish cutlets. Not only do the cutlets turn out to be dryish, they also retain an irritating smell.

The best remedy for river flavor is a skillfully prepared sauce. It also gives tenderness to cutlets and softens their taste. There are many options for such sauces, the main thing is to choose the one that suits everyone in your home. If cod or pike cutlets are on your home menu today, use our recipes and create a sauce for fish cutlets, fragrant and appetizing.

Light creamy sauce

This sauce is not accidentally called light. Even though it is creamy, we will not use heavy cream or a large number of butter. The saturation of the taste will be provided by the broth, and the flour will give a delicate structure. Keep in mind that the broth turned out to be rich, do not process the ridges to bare bones, leave some fish meat. Composition of products:

  • fish ridges (leftover from cooking cutlets) - everything that will be at your fingertips;
  • onion - half a head;
  • carrots - half;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • salt - ¼ tbsp. spoons.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We take fish ridges, put them in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water.
  2. We report to the ridges of the halves of the peeled onion.
  3. Cut the half of the carrot into two more parts and send it to the pan.
  4. Cook the broth for 1 hour, constantly removing the foam from it.
  5. When the broth is ready, melt the butter in a pan. Add flour and fry, stirring until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  6. Add 500 ml of broth to the flour and continue to cook over low heat. The sauce must not be allowed to lose its homogeneity. Salt and pepper.
  7. Add sour cream and cook for a few more minutes so that the sour cream is completely dissolved in the broth. If not, you can stir with a whisk.
  8. Turn off the boiled sauce and pour them over cutlets.

Please note that you will have to spend approximately 1.5 hours to prepare this sauce. However, they will pass unnoticed, because while the broth is being cooked, you can safely crank fish fillet in a meat grinder and make cutlets.

Custard Sauce Recipe

The custard sauce for fish cutlets is very simple to prepare, it does not contain complex ingredients, but you will be surprised how perfectly it combines with their taste. For the sauce you will need:

  • egg yolks - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 30 grams;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

How to prepare:

  1. We combine the yolks, half a glass of water, salt and pepper, put in a deep saucepan, and beat all the ingredients. We beat for a long time.
  2. Then put the pan on a gentle fire and bring the future sauce to a boil, stirring with a whisk.
  3. Butter melt, and when the contents of the pan boil, pour it in a thin stream to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Bring to a boil again, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and pour over patties.

You can add a little lemon juice to give the gravy a spicy sourness. If you really want to, cut the greens and sprinkle her gravy before serving.

quick sauce

Quick sauce for fish cakes is good because nothing needs to be heated in its recipe. It is ideal for those who often eat processed foods. I bought fish cakes, warmed them up, quickly cooked up a simple gravy, and the dish sparkled with new colors. We just take:

  • homemade mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream (15%) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pickled cucumber - 1 piece;
  • dill - 2 sprigs;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt and black pepper (ground) - a pinch each.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Peel the garlic and crush with a knife. Finely chop the dill. Three cucumbers on a grater.
  2. Take a deep bowl and put all the ingredients in it at once. We mix everything. The quick sauce is ready.

Sauce for stewing

We couldn't get past this recipe. Neem sauce for fish cutlets is not served separately, it is used to stew cutlets. The basis of the sauce is tomatoes and sour cream, but a slight adjustment of the ingredients will not spoil the taste significance of the dish. You can replace sour cream with water, or put garlic instead of onions. So we need to take:

  • tomato paste- 30 grams;
  • sour cream - 75 grams;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • filtered water - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil- 35 ml;
  • a mixture of peppers (ground) - to taste;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Finely chop the onion, rub the carrots on a medium grater. We heat the pan, pour oil into it, spread the carrots and onions. We pass for 3-4 minutes, without frying much.
  2. Add sour cream, water and tomato paste to vegetables. We mix.
  3. Salt, pepper. Sprinkle granulated sugar. We boil the whole mass for 5 minutes, then we send it to our roasting cutlets, and stew them in it until tender.

Culinary delights

Each fish has its own taste, even if we do not really notice it. Professionals, on the other hand, focus on this, and select different types fish your sauce. Moreover, the complexity of the recipe and its preparation increases if the cook begins to seethe imagination at the time of cooking. No wonder the restaurant can serve us tomato- sour cream sauce with garlic, on white wine vinegar to their cod cutlets. Offer the most delicate creamy gravy for pike, or sour cream sauce for hake cutlets.

Many housewives themselves do not hesitate to make changes to basic recipes. Thanks to such experiments, culinary storehouses are enriched, in which you can always find the same sauce that will optimally satisfy your taste. We have chosen only a few recipes, simpler and more complex, but with a good taste start. They will help you diversify the menu and serve fish cakes with a new sauce every time. Delight your home gourmets and rejoice at the effect produced by yourself. We can only wish you bon appetit!



Fish cutlets are good on their own, both cold and hot. However, if they are served with a side dish such as rice, pasta, then the dish turns out to be rather dry. Sauce for fish cutlets perfectly complements the dish, softens it, reveals the taste in a new way. You should not spare a few minutes to prepare the sauce for fish cakes, because the result will exceed all expectations, and there will be no limit to the gratitude of those who tried it. go well with sour cream sauce with mushrooms, cheese or white wine.

Sauces for fish cutlets can turn this dish into a true culinary masterpiece. Homemade will just require supplements. Fish cutlets may well compete restaurant dishes. And the sauce is able to emphasize and complement the taste of your favorite dish.

The easiest fish sauce recipe

So, you will need:

  • 200 grams of mayonnaise,
  • 4 pieces pickled cucumbers,
  • a tablespoon of dill
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice
  • a teaspoon of sugar,
  • salt and pepper to taste,
  • half an onion.

This fishcake sauce recipe is very simple, but it goes well with the dish.

The cooking process will take no more than 10 minutes.

  1. mayonnaise mixed with lemon juice, add pre-washed and chopped dill there.
  2. Add sugar, pepper and salt to taste.
  3. Pickles should be cut into small cubes and added to the sauce. If cucumbers have a thick skin, then it should be peeled. The amount of cucumbers regulates the salinity of the sauce.

That's it. It remains only to serve it to the table in a gravy bowl.

classic white sauce recipe

Speaking of various gravies and sauces for fish cakes, do not forget about the classic white sauce. This recipe is taken from the classic french cuisine but it is very easy to do it yourself.

So, as ingredients we take:

  • fish broth (you can use an instant cube) about half a liter,
  • 60 gr. butter,
  • 40 gr. flour,
  • yolk of one egg,
  • salt and half a lemon.

Cooking technology:

  1. It is necessary to melt 30 gr. butter, add flour there and overcook it.
  2. Remove from heat and pour in cold broth.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly, making sure that there are no lumps.
  4. Salt, pepper and add the egg yolk.
  5. Mix again.
  6. Place on heat and bring back to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  7. Avoid boiling immediately remove from heat.
  8. When the mass has cooled slightly, add 30 gr. butter and an incomplete spoonful of lemon juice.
  9. Then try for acid and if it is not enough, then pour in a little more. The sauce is ready.

sour cream sauce recipe

Sour cream sauce is suitable for hake cutlets. It consists of sour cream, eggs, salt, pepper, milk and flour.

Beat 2 eggs, add a glass of milk and 350 gr. sour cream. We bring everything to homogeneous mass, salt, pepper to taste. The sauce will thicken considerably as it cools.

The main methods of preparing sauce for fish cakes.

  1. If you want something light, then you just need to put a piece of butter and your favorite spices into the fish broth.
  2. Can be poured into fish broth white dry wine. The alcohol will evaporate during cooking, but the exquisite subtle notes of grapes will remain in the sauce.
  3. Thick sauces for fish cutlets are prepared on the basis of flour. It is fried until creamy or golden in color, broth is added to it, mixed thoroughly so that lumps do not form. You can add lemon juice and butter, egg yolks. Whisk everything.

Even simple mayonnaise or sour cream with the addition of various seasonings, herbs, mustard will significantly improve and emphasize the taste of fish cakes. The sauce will give them tender rich taste and wonderful aroma. If you rub the cheese into the hot mass during cooking, it will turn out to be very spicy, thick and fragrant.

tomato sauce recipe

Tomato sauce is easy to make. AT tomato juice add pepper, garlic, paprika and serve to cutlets.

Creamy tender sauce is also perfect.

  • Fry a tablespoon of flour in butter.
  • 100 ml of fish broth and juice of two lemons are added to it.
  • Boil on moderate heat for 10 minutes.
  • Put cream and lemon zest, which must first be grated.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and add pepper, salt.
  • Leave to thicken for 10 minutes.
  • At the end add parsley and dill.

Serve warm. Be sure to try!

You can also prepare a sauce for fish cakes based on potatoes with the addition of garlic and white wine vinegar or dry white wine. Simply boiled potatoes in their skins should be crushed or chopped in a blender, put garlic and seasonings. Everything ingenious is simple!

There are a lot of recipes for sauces for fish cutlets. You can endlessly choose the perfect composition for yourself and your loved ones. Don't be afraid to try something new and your masterpiece will be appreciated.


Probably everyone loves them, from young to old. And not only because they are delicious in themselves, but they also come with a side dish!

Cutlets are meat, vegetable and fish.

The latter are especially relevant today. After all, many of us take care of our health.

And what can be healthier than fish?!

It is believed that the fish is similar to chicken meat, because it contains high-quality protein, easily digestible by our body. The benefits of fish are undeniable, and of all its varieties and species, many people prefer pike. Firstly, its meat is more tender and softer. Secondly, pike - big fish therefore, a smaller amount of them will be required to prepare the dish. Thirdly, pike - fish dietary, it has few calories, but a lot of proteins and vitamins. Pike meat is considered a good remedy for the prevention of flu and colds, it contains many strong antiseptics that help our body fight bacteria. It is not surprising that Russian housewives prefer to make fish cakes from pike.

Basic principles of cooking pike fish cakes

The set of products for making pike fish cakes is almost the same as for meat cutlets.

To make fish cakes even more satisfying and juicy, a little raw grated potato is added to the minced meat, as well as fresh fat.

As a side dish for pike fish cutlets, use fried or boiled potatoes. Greens are also good fresh vegetables.

It is best to take fresh fish for making pike fish cakes, as fish is a perishable product, and its quality and freshness can affect the taste of the dish.

From large pikes cutlets are juicier than from small fish.

To get minced fish without bones, you need to twist the fish several times through a meat grinder.

If you take a pike fillet, then you can not twist it, but simply chop it finely with a knife, so the pike cutlets will be more tender.

Pike cutlets will appeal even to those who are indifferent to fish, if they are cooked correctly and in an original way. Of all the many recipes, the ones below deserve more attention. Each of them, in addition to the standard fish and cutlet set, has its own zest, which makes pike fish cutlets an unforgettable dish.

Pike fish cakes: so delicious that you swallow your tongue!

This recipe has probably been around for a long time. culinary piggy banks many hostesses. His secret is whipped egg white.


2 pcs. onion

45 gr. drain. oils

110 ml. milk

110 gr. long loaf

120 ml. low fat cream

60 ml. sunflower oil

salt pepper

Cooking method:

First of all, you need to wash the pike under cold water to remove all the mucus from it.

We clean the onion, cut it into small cubes, pass it in vegetable oil.

Cut the bread into small pieces and soak in milk for 10 minutes.

We twist the pike pulp, onion and bread with milk residues in a meat grinder twice so that the minced meat becomes more uniform.

Add cream to minced meat, salt and pepper.

In the second bowl, beat the egg white until thick, add it to the minced meat.

We form cutlets by wetting our hands with water. Fry them in oil on both sides until light golden brown. Then we put it in the oven at medium temperature and keep it there for 15 minutes.

A delicious recipe for pike fish cutlets with lard: tender and juicier

Due to the fact that one of the main ingredients in this recipe is lard, pike cutlets become more juicy, piquant and tender.


Kilogram of cleaned lake pike

150 gr. fresh pork fat

a couple of slices of a loaf or roll

half a glass of milk

onion head

pepper, dill, parsley

refined sunflower oil

Cooking method:

Cut the pulp of the loaf into pieces and pour milk over it, leave to swell for 10 minutes.

Remove large bones and a backbone from the pike, cut the fillet and lard into cubes and twist in a meat grinder.

Squeeze out the softened loaf, drain the milk.

Peel the onion and cut into four pieces.

Twist the loaf and onion together with the pike fillet and bacon three times in a meat grinder with a fine sieve.

Add the egg to the resulting mass, as well as pepper, salt and seasonings to taste.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

In a preheated frying pan, fry the fashioned cutlets on both sides over medium heat until a beautiful golden brown.

Recipe for fish cakes from pike in the oven: fewer calories, more taste

fish cakes according to this recipe, they are cooked in the oven, so they are considered less high-calorie, because vegetable oil and fat are not used in their preparation. But the taste from this does not become worse, but rather richer.


half a kilo of pike

4-5 art. spoons of semolina

100 gr. fat

1 carrot

1 head of onion

a few cloves of garlic

salt, spices to taste

1 teaspoon mayonnaise

Cooking method:

We cut the frozen fat into small pieces, twist it together with the onion in a meat grinder.

Add grated carrots to the bowl, mix.

We twist the pike fillet several times, add the resulting minced fish to the lard and carrots.

In a garlic press, crush the garlic, send it to the minced meat, mix.

Add egg and semolina, salt, pepper, dill. We knead the mince.

Lay foil or special parchment on a baking sheet.

We form cutlets and lay them on the foil. Add mayonnaise on top of each cutlet.

Put in the oven for half an hour at medium temperature.

When the cutlets have acquired a golden color, take them out.

A recipe for delicious steamed pike fish cakes in a slow cooker: for those who care about their figure

Steamed dishes are good for health and figure. And pike fish cakes are no exception. You can enjoy them without fear of gaining extra pounds.


Kilo pike

onion head

2 pieces of loaf or roll

half a glass of milk

spices, salt

Cooking method:

Soak the bread slices in warm milk.

Twist the pike fillet together with onions in a meat grinder, you can also chop it in a blender as an option.

Beat the eggs a little and add them to the minced meat. Pepper and salt. You can add greens.

We form cutlets - small and round, roll them in flour.

Pour 200-300 ml into the multicooker bowl. water, put bay leaf.

We put our cutlets in the steamer, not very close to each other.

We select the Steam cooking program in the Menu, set the timer for 25 minutes.

After the end of the program, we take out ready-made fish cakes from pike.

A quick recipe for pike fish cutlets: please your loved ones!

This recipe differs from the rest in that we do not use either potatoes or milk in it. It is strict in content, but bright in taste.


Kilo pike

onion head

salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

We clean the pike, cut it into fillets. We twist it in a meat grinder twice.

It is better not to grind the onion, but to chop it into cubes.

Mix onions, eggs with the resulting fish mass, pepper, salt to taste.

We make oblong cutlets and, having rolled them in flour, fry in oil until golden brown.

Unusual pike fish cakes with tomato sauce: worthy of a restaurant

Sauce plays a big role in this recipe. It is he who gives a touch of originality and sophistication to fish cutlets.


Kilo pike

3 garlic cloves

¾ cup milk

slice of bread

salt, pepper to taste

refined sunflower oil

4 tomatoes

onion head

2 tablespoons of water

Cooking method:

Put the bread without crust in a bowl, add milk, leave for 10 minutes.

We clean the pike, make fillets, cut not too finely.

Peel the onion and garlic, cut into large pieces.

We grind all the ingredients with a blender, add spices and seasonings.

We make cutlets in flour breading. Fry in oil until crispy.

Making the sauce: fry the chopped onion, add the grated tomatoes. Pour water and leave to stew for a few minutes, at the end we put salt and pepper.

Put the fish cutlets together with the garnish and pour over tomato sauce.

Recipe for tender pike fish cakes with cottage cheese: looks appetizing and melts in your mouth

An unusual combination of cottage cheese and pike led to the creation of a very tasty and savory dish, which will not soon be forgotten by your family and guests. Such fish cakes can be served both on weekdays and on festive table.


350 gr. pike fillet

150 gr. cottage cheese

4 garlic cloves

Two tablespoons of butter

60 gr. flour

60 gr. Hercules cereals

refined sunflower oil

salt pepper

Cooking method:

We cut the pike fillet into small cubes, add peeled and chopped onions to it.

Rub the cottage cheese well with a spoon, first without anything, then break the eggs into it.

Continuing to grind the products together, pepper and salt to taste.

We put the curd-egg mixture in the fish, mix well.

We form cakes from this stuffing. Having spread the cake on the palm of your hand or on a board, place a cube of butter in the middle of each. Gently close and roll out between the palms.

Fry garlic crushed in a garlic press with a spoonful of sunflower oil. We remove it from the pan, we no longer need it.

We cook cutlets in oil, having previously rolled them in a mixture of flour and oatmeal. Color finished products should be dark golden.

    Twist the fish pulp through a large grate, but vegetables and onions through a small one, then the taste of the cutlets will be more saturated.

    Kitchen tools for working with minced meat should be chilled so that the minced meat does not stick to them and is more uniform.

    Sometimes, in order for the cutlets to be more magnificent, mashed potatoes are added to the minced meat, but you need to be careful and not overdo it.

    You can add apples, cheese, boiled eggs, from this the taste of cutlets will become more expressive.

    It is best to knead minced fish with your hands so that not a single lump remains in it.

    After the minced meat is ready, it is necessary to leave it for a while in the refrigerator, so that it would be more convenient to form cutlets later.

    For juiciness, you can put a piece of butter or ice in the middle of each cutlet.

    Housewives should know that the more onion content in minced fish, the more incomparable cutlets.

Recipe with history

First, I will tell the story of acquaintance with this sauce.
One morning I woke up with a terrible feeling of hunger. The fridge is full, but I don't want anything that's in there. I think a lot of people know this feeling.
It was decided to go to an Irish pub, where there are many delicious beer and good food. There were three of us: me, my husband and his brother.
It was just after the wedding: feeling strange, and you don’t know what you want more: food or cold ale. After the first sip of Guinness, I grabbed the menu, and the first thing that caught my eye was pike cutlets. I remembered that people really praise such cutlets; I read recipes more than once and knew that they add lard for juiciness and serve with mashed potatoes and sauce.
For the first time in my life I ate pike cutlets.
At the sight of the dish, saliva fell to the floor ... Two ruddy cutlets, aesthetically lying on the sauce, and two neat balls mashed potatoes... When in contact with a fork, cutlets ejaculated with melted butter. The texture of the cutlets was tender, crumbly. I hate boiled cauliflower, broccoli and carrots combined perfectly.
I ate these meatballs in two minutes. Two minutes of bliss. Delicious is nothing to say.
And immediately a recipe is ripening in my mind to cook it at home. As for cutlets, I have no doubts: pike, lard, onions, bread and milk. I also saw particles of dill in pub cutlets.
But the sauce ... Amazing, I have never tried this. I knew pike was served with mushroom sauce, and it tasted like mushroom, but there was something green in it. Parsley? Dill? In addition, it was slightly yellowish. Men were already beginning to have brilliant ideas about the recipe, including “the cook has sinusitis gygygy”.
My husband and brother had already drunk Guinness well, and I kept trying to figure out what the sauce consisted of.
We asked the waiter, and received the answer "this is the secret of the institution" and a sweet smile. To which the husband’s brother cheerfully said, “But if we chop off our fingers, is it still a secret hehe?” The waiter promised to find out and left.
We drank more, were about to leave, and I was sad (because of the sauce). Brother ordered more whiskey, and with the phrase “have you been given the recipe yet ???” went with such a special boyish gait towards the bartender. I no longer hoped for anything. Secret. And already at the exit from the pub, the waiter comes up to me and says: “Remember. Broccoli, cream, green onion, capers. And definitely turmeric.". Apparently, the husband's brother still agreed, and there was no need to chop off the fingers.
I, like a mantra, begin to repeat these cherished words after him. I remember))
And of course, at the next opportunity, I try to reproduce this sauce.
First, I made cutlets according to Polkovneg's recipe.
Bought pike, after asking the seller to show me the gills and let me smell. It turned out to be the freshest.

Scrolled the fillet through a meat grinder.

added fried onions, bread (soaked in cream), salt and pepper.

Breaded in breadcrumbs

Maybe I made great cutlets, even perfect ones. Really delicious. However, not the same as in the pub! There, the cutlet falls apart into microparticles and splashes with oil, while mine is elastic. Tried to cook with lard- also very tasty, but not the same. Moreover, both on Hulinar and Sala cutlets in the context are exactly the same as in the pub. And I can't.
So, my friends. Who else will give you an idea how to cook a perfectly juicy, crumbly pike cutlet? It looks like it's mixing at all. raw minced meat and from thermally processed fish ... Or even minced meat from fully cooked fish.
Well, do not scroll twice. All the same, the consistency is very elastic, I added enough bread and cream. Didn't lay an egg. I also noticed that in the pub the bottom of the cutlets is pale: most likely, they are cooked in the oven. Possibly under the grill. I think next time put a piece of butter in the middle ...

The word "oil" dawns on me. Imagine the situation: I am typing this text, asking you what else to add, and then an inner voice says to me: “Baby, are you stupid? You yourself wrote that the cutlet “splashes with butter”, at the beginning you even “ejaculated with melted butter”. So what should be added? Correctly! Butter!". Okay, still delicious. When I’m in the mood to fillet the next pike, I’ll do it according to a different recipe.

Now the sauce. The only problem is I don't know how best to cook it. I did it my way. Maybe someone will have a better idea.

So, the secret sauce (all by eye):
green onion
Salt pepper