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What is gouda cheese good for? Cheese head shaping and pressing

Gouda - the many-sided queen of Dutch cheeses

History and geography of the product

The first mention of cheese from the town of Gouda located in the south of the Netherlands dates back to the 6th century. But unlike Parmesan or Roquefort, which quickly became famous, the creation of Dutch cheese makers took more than five centuries to achieve this.

Cheese transported by sea from Gouda in 1184 is mentioned in the port documents of Rotterdam. And only since the 13th century, the local variety of cheese was first talked about throughout the country, and then in other parts of Europe. In the Middle Ages, gouda became one of the most important sources of income for the city, located at the intersection of many transport routes. Gouda to the cheese market Goudse kaasmarkt, many merchants began to gather, and over time, a tradition has developed here, which is still observed today. For many centuries in a row, every Thursday, all farmers and cheese makers from all over the area gather in one of the central squares of the city to present their wealth - large cheese heads. Cheese in Gouda has always been treated with incredible love and respect. For twelve-kilogram heads, special wooden stretchers were invented, the weight of each of them was checked in the weight chamber organized right there. And a special cheese controller monitored the deals made at the fair and the quality of the goods.

The industrial revolution of the 19th century, the development of technology and transport gradually reduced the cheese makers' dependence on the Thursday fair. But the market is not forgotten, in the warm months it waits for guests every week. True, today, these are not merchants, but tourists from all over the world who come to see the homeland of cheese, which is in the top ten in popularity. Unlike the famous Roquefort, protected by appellation, Dutch cheese it does not have such a certificate, so gouda is produced not only in its homeland, but throughout the world. Cheese makers from Germany, Finland and the Baltic States, Sweden and Poland, Ukraine and Russia offer their own versions of the famous cheese. But more often foreign companies produce only young cheese and its simplest varieties.

BUT best gouda It is still made in the south of the Netherlands. The numbers speak for themselves as well. More than 50% of the cheese exported by the Netherlands is Gouda. Cheese makers of the country are tirelessly working on the creation of new types of the famous gouda. And so that the guests who came to her homeland felt the character of the cheese and fell in love with it, like the Dutch themselves, local masters mastered the production of tiny, half-kilogram heads.

Species and varieties

Elastic cheese with regular rounded holes and pleasant taste known to many gourmets, but not everyone knows that gouda is not one cheese, but a whole family.

In the homeland of Gouda, there is a rather complicated system for classifying cheese. Only depending on the aging period, it is divided into several varieties:
young cheese aged 4 weeks;
young mature cheese has an exposure of 8 to 10 weeks;
mature gouda– from 16 to 18 weeks;
mature extra– up to 8 months;
aged cheese waiting in the wings from 10 to 12 months;
very old cheese is aged over a year.

Young cheese is strikingly different from the aged counterpart not only in taste and aroma, but also appearance. Young gouda is distinguished by red wax, mature cheese is covered with yellow, and the heads of aged gouda are completely black. The technology for the production of gouda from goat milk, such cheese is supplied in a white shell.

Today's gourmets can taste low-fat and low-salt cheese, choose gouda, whose taste is enriched with herbs and fenugreek seeds, cloves, sweet peppers and cumin.

Stone-smoked gouda and caraway Leiden cheese are among the most popular types. Pizza lovers can find gouda varieties designed specifically for this popular dish. And recently, cheese makers have also pleased adherents Japanese cuisine by releasing the cheese with wasabi. This young cheese is aged no longer than 2 or 4 weeks and has an unusual green color and a sharp taste characteristic of Japanese horseradish.

Despite the mass character of young cheese produced at large industrial enterprises, in Holland and around the world the most valued Boerenkaas. This is a farmer's cheese, which, according to centuries-old technology, is produced by 300 farms in the vicinity of Gouda. For cheese, only fresh milk that has not been pasteurized is taken. And such a gouda has a status Noord-Hollandse Gouda, confirming the origin of the world-famous cheese.

Beneficial features

Like many other cheeses, gouda is a reliable source of quickly absorbed calcium and phosphorus, vitamins A, E, D and B. With regular use of gouda, the human skeleton is strengthened, tissue regeneration processes are activated, which quickly affects the condition of hair, nails and skin. At the same time, vitamin D significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin A helps control the functioning of the organs of vision, and vitamin E is indispensable in the fight against aging. Vitamins of group B, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system and brain, contribute to the maintenance of efficiency and resistance to the inevitable stresses at today's pace of life.

Gouda is able to quickly supply the body with energy, restore strength, without damaging carbohydrate metabolism and without raising cholesterol levels. Magnesium, which is part of the cheese, is important for the functioning of the heart, potassium - for controlling the level of fluid in the body and the functioning of the vascular system.

Taste qualities

Taste, texture and aroma of gouda change dramatically with the age of the cheese. The less gouda is aged, the more plastic and tender it is. The taste of this cheese is creamy, creamy with pleasant sweet notes and a nutty aftertaste. As you grow older, the aroma of cheese becomes more intense, and cheese dough harder and drier.

Firm, light yellow, mature gouda is no longer soft, but rich or even spicy, from which the creamy note does not disappear. And aged cheese loses moisture so much that it becomes sharp and brittle, very similar to parmesan. At the same time, a slight bitterness appears in the cheese, combined with a nutty or creamy aftertaste inherent in the cheese.

Cheese is most fully revealed when room temperature, if it is cut not into thin slices, but into small, hazelnut-sized cubes.

Application in cooking

In the homeland of gouda, in Holland, there are about eight dozen dishes with this cheese. Salads and soups, casseroles and, of course, the famous Dutch cheese sandwiches are incredibly popular here. A dish from Rotterdam is made from gouda, fried bread smeared with mustard, lard and fresh tomatoes. Apeldoorn hot sandwiches cannot be imagined without bread, apple slices, walnuts and all the same slice of fragrant cheese.

The Dutch are adherents of hearty varied food, so cheese here can be found in potato and cereal casseroles, thick soups, favorite meat salads and omelets. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Netherlands agree with the opinion of the French, who believe that a dessert without cheese is equivalent to an eyeless beauty. Cubes of young gouda can be served with fruit slices or nuts for a light white wine. And aged gouda is often served with bitter beers and dry red wine.

Cheese goes well with all kinds of meat and poultry, potatoes and vegetables. The Dutch often serve gouda with vegetable marinades, boiled tongue and sausages.

Having become popular all over the world, this cheese harmoniously entered many National dishes other peoples. Gouda is added to pizza, pasta and risotto, and fondue made from young cheese of this variety is also very tender.

Cheese gouda, originated in the Netherlands, is currently produced in many countries (in our country it is called "Kostroma cheese"). He reminds edam, but firmer and larger. It is produced in various forms and qualities depending on the fat content (30, 40, 45 and 50%). In some regions it is made from whole cream. The cheese may be flat, round, or bar-shaped; the mass is also different - from "miniature" cheese weighing 600 g to 20 kg. Dimensions: diameter 24-50 cm, height 6.5-12 cm. In the composition of some varieties of cheese gouda add spices, such as cheese Kanter released with cloves, and Leyden- with cumin.

Crust: Fine, dry, even, light gray to grey-green. Before entering the retail network, it is covered with linseed or other oil (or yellowish paraffin).

cheese dough: White to yellowish color, matte, not waxy.

Structure: Firm and elastic. Round or oval eyes, evenly distributed throughout the cheese dough.

Taste and aroma: Not spicy, turning into savory, but not sour.

Milk: Whole milk of 3.75-3.9% fat content and high hygienic quality is used to produce cheese with a 50% fat content.

Heat treatment: Short-term high-temperature pasteurization at 72°C for 15-20 seconds. In some regions, instant heating up to 75°C is used. Cool the milk to 31°C.

Additives: Add 0.02% calcium chloride (in the form of a 35% solution) as well as 0.005% sodium nitrate to curb the development of gas-forming bacteria.

Dyes: In winter or early spring, add 1-2 ml of annatto or carotene per 100 liters of milk. For the production of cheeses with a more intense color, 20-25 ml of annatto is used per 100 liters of milk.

Leaven: Contribute 0.5-1% (average 0.8%) starter culture at a temperature of 31°C. Various companies use Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis,L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar, diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris.

Rennet extract: An amount sufficient to obtain a clot ready for cutting within 25-30 minutes; usually 0.8 - 1.2 g of CHY-MAX Extra Powder rennet is added per 100 liters of milk. at a temperature of 28-30°C and an acidity of 0.19-0.20%.

Clot cutting: The clot is cut within 10-15 minutes into cubes 0.5-1.5 cm in size using knives with steel blades or a harp. Knead to dry and prevent curd from settling.

kneading: Knead for 20-30 minutes, then leave, after settling of the cheese grain, 30% of the whey is removed.

Dilution of serum with water: Add water (temperature not higher than 80°C), heating the cheese mass to 36-38°C (possibly up to 32-40°C). ( Note. Hot water should not plasticize the cheese mass, so water is often sprayed into the bath; some modern bath designs provide for the possibility of slowly removing whey and replacing it with water heated to 36 ° C). Knead continuously for 15-20 minutes while adding hot water, and then for another 20-30 minutes. The cheese grain is left to settle to the bottom of the bath, and then the resulting layer is pressed with steel plates.

Serum removal: Whey is removed after curd compaction.

Molding: Molding is carried out at pH 5.85-6.05 using wooden or plastic molds consisting of 2 parts. The cheese mass is cut in the tub. Cheeses are wrapped in a napkin, placed in a mold, covered with a lid on top and transferred under a press.

Pressing: Cheeses are pressed for 5-8 hours. During pressing, they are turned over and given the desired shape (smooth sharp edges). Increase the load by increasing the pressure from 95 to 195 kPa. The pH value of the pressed cheese mass is 5.1-5.2, the acidity of the whey released during the pressing process is 0.35-0.40%.

Ambassador: Cheese is immersed in brine at a temperature of 15 ° C for 3-5 days. Brine concentration 20% and pH 4.8. The salt content in the cheese should be 1.5-1.8%, pH - 5.15-5.25. ( Note. Salt penetrates into the central part of the cheese for more than a month).

Formation of the cortical layer: Cheeses are dried at 15°C and 80% relative humidity.

Maturation: Lead at a temperature of 15 ° C for 4-6 weeks., After 2 weeks. The pH is 5.2-5.3.

Storage: mature cheese stored at a temperature of 10°C for 6-12 months. (after 8 weeks, the pH is 5.3-5.5).

Finishing: Before entering the retail sale, the surface of the cheese is smeared linseed oil and packed in foil. Some cheeses are waxed with black paraffin.)

vices: Excessive growth of mold on the rind (especially on farm-produced cheeses). Too much a large number of eyes; eyes are uneven or too large. Having a bitter taste. Soft or too dry crust. Cracks in the crust.

It got its name from the city of Gouda, in the markets of which it has been sold for centuries.
For the Dutch, cheesemaking and navigation have been the main crafts since the time of Peter I. Cheese was of great importance: sailors went sailing with it, heads served as a weight standard, they were paid taxes.

Gouda is young - its consistency is elastic and has a sweetish taste (exposure 2-5 months). And mature - dense, fragile, piquant (exposure up to 18 months).


  • 16 l cow's milk
  • 3/4 tsp mesophilic starter culture 1
  • 5 ml solution 2 of calcium chloride
  • 5 ml liquid rennet
  • 1.5 l(10% of the volume of milk) pure water, it must be warm, t=65°C
  • 5 l(30% of the volume of milk) pure water, it must be warm, t=45°C

1 1.6 g MESO-2 or MESO-3 You can also use Danisco Choozit MM 101 or MA 11 1/4 tsp. (0.45 g), you can also take Chr. Hansen CHN-19 or Flora Danica 1/4 tsp (0.45 g) 2 10 grams dry calcium chloride dilute in 100 ml of boiled water.
Store the solution in your household refrigerator.
Best before sedimentation.



  1. you pasteurized 3 milk, cool it down to 32°С, now you can make the starter. Leave for 3 minutes to rehydrate the powder, then mix slowly with a slotted spoon.
  2. Take 50 ml warm water in 2 containers: in one you add a solution of calcium chloride (1/4 tsp), in the other - a coagulant (rennet / vegetarian chymosin), then add to the pan and mix again.
  3. Now, clot must ripen. To do this, close the pan with a lid, and leave for 20-30 minutes at room temperature; after this time, you will see a cheese clot - kalya, under a layer of translucent whey. It needs to be checked for a “clean break”, for this you need to take a knife and make a shallow incision “at an angle”, and lift the incised part of the clot; if its edges are even, the incision site is filled with serum - this means that it is time to move on to the next step, if this did not happen, wait another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Cut the clot into cubes with a party 1.5 cm, and let stand ~5 minutes for the cubes to settle to the bottom; after - knead the mass ~5 minutes- during this time, the cubes are converted into cheese grains, and gain elasticity. And again ~5 minutes of waiting - until the cubes settle.
  5. Without disturbing the cheese mass, remove 1.5 liters (10%) serum, and pour in the same amount of warm water (t=65°C), and cool to 33°C, continuously kneading. Take a 5 minute break.
  6. And now, drain yet 5 liters (30%) serum, close the valve, and add 5 liters clean water (t=45°C), bring the temperature to 37°С, and stir for another 20 minutes- the grain should be the size of a pea. This stage ends with a 10 minute break.
  7. Collect grain in a drainage bag; the texture of gouda does not imply intricate patterns - the grain can be handled not as carefully as during the preparation of the Russian one. After filling out the form, start pressing the cheese.
    Golden pressing rule semi-hard cheeses:
    30 minutestwo weights cheese heads
    1 hourthree weights cheese heads
    2 hoursfour weights cheese heads
    Don't forget to turn the cheese over each time before adding weights.
  8. Gouda is beautiful, fragrant and fresh. It's time to salt 4 it!
  9. Almost ready - the cheese must be dried, the success of this stage depends on two components: an aging chamber that maintains t = 10-15 ° C and 3-5 days of rest for the gouda (do not forget to turn it daily).
    After - ripening will begin, and it will be necessary to turn over less often, and wait for a delicacy from the country of tulips - 60 days, supporting t=10-15°C.

3 It is important to remember that cheese cannot be cooked from store-bought packaged milk - in dairies, pasteurization is carried out at high temperatures, as a result of which protein denaturation occurs, and a clot simply does not form. You can buy raw farm milk and pasteurize it yourself by heating to 72-75°C, holding for 20 seconds, then cooling as soon as possible. Also, this manipulation can be carried out at t = 65-68 ° C, but it will be a little longer - 20 minutes, it is impossible to speed up the process, because not all pathogenic bacteria will die. 4 To prepare 4 liters of 20% brine, you will need to dissolve in boiled water 1 kilogram of salt, 4 grams of dry calcium chloride, and add 2.5 ml of 9% vinegar. Russell is ready. Ripe care:
If you decide to leave the natural crust, mold can form on it - this is facilitated by the high humidity of the aging chamber. A small brush and running water will help get rid of it. When the cheese dries after the procedure, it can be put back into the aging chamber.
If you decide to use a latex coating, it is best to apply it in 2-3 coats after salting.
Storage: from 4 to 6 months, at t=6-8°C.

Many gourmets, comparing French and Dutch cheeses in terms of color, taste, aftertaste, confidently assert that the Dutch product is more preferred than its French counterpart. The Dutch variety lacks harshness in aroma, its shell does not scare consumers with a moldy surface, and the price is acceptable to most people. The most preferred cheese is Gouda.

What it is?

Gouda is hard cheese with gentle creamy taste. AT classical process cow's milk is used for its preparation, but many manufacturers use sheep's or goat's for production.

There is no reliable information about the time of the appearance of Gouda. Some believe that the birth of this type of cheese is associated with the emergence of the city of the same name in Holland. Others, on the contrary, argue that the city was named after this product. But despite this, the city of Gouda has a tradition of holding a cheese fair on Thursdays, where each farmer puts up his culinary delicacies for sale.

French historians say that the first information about Gouda is present in the records of the battles of Julius Caesar himself. To be more precise, among the tales of military victories, one can find a description of the smell and taste of this culinary masterpiece. But to say that we are talking about Gouda, it is impossible. Perhaps the records are about some other kind of cheese. Cheese dairies on the territory of modern Holland arose in the distant past. Given this fact, it is possible that Julius Caesar, in his famous campaign against the Gauls, really enjoyed the real Gouda cheese.

An interesting historical fact: it turns out that in the old days, it was cheese that would have been the Dutch port tax, since it was considered the most valuable product.

In the modern world, the production of Gouda is given special attention. One head of cheese can be 6 or 12 kg. In the city of Gouda, tourists are offered special flat heads with rounded edges weighing 1.5 kg for tasting. They can be called mini-copies of a standard product. The color of the cheese depends on the aging time. The minimum time will make the product pale yellow, and when fully ripe, the product acquires a bright orange hue.

Gouda cheese is a product not patented by Dutch farmers, so it can be produced by manufacturers different countries. However, interchangeable ingredients are added to the composition of the manufactured product, due to which the taste finished product differs among manufacturers. They also create different variants adding cumin, spices, mustard and pepper. Cheese production has also been established in Russia.

In Holland, farming is passed down from generation to generation, only solid wood is used in the manufacturing process. cow's milk. This variety is called "farm".

Gouda has several varieties, each of which differs in the aging time of the product:

  • Jonge kaas - 4 weeks;
  • Jong belegen - 9-10 weeks;
  • Belegen - 17-18 weeks;
  • Extra belegen - 7-10 months;
  • Oude kaas - 10 months - 1 year;
  • Overjarige kaas is the most aged, the aging period is from 18 months.

It is worth noting that the longer the Gouda aging period, the sharper its taste, and the color shade is brighter and more saturated. As the cheese ages, it becomes drier and its consistency thickens. Types of the famous Gouda cheese with a short exposure time are distinguished by tenderness of the mass, creamy taste and pale shade.

A special feature of Gouda for each type is the presence of holes that are distributed inside the finished product.

Real product It has distinguishing feature. On the heads industrial production a round stamp is placed, and farm products are decorated with a rectangular stamp. Inside this imprint, the name of the finished product, the geographical location of production, the percentage of fat content and the serial number are indicated. On farm cheese, the list is supplemented by the name of the manufacturer.

Industrial and farm cheeses have an additional difference - this is the outer crust. The farm method of manufacturing requires the presence of a natural shell of the finished product. It should be an even yellow color, and there should be no gaps on its clean, smooth surface.

For industrial conditions, paraffin is used. The function of paraffin is to protect finished cheese from drying out. In most countries of the world, the surface of the finished product is coated with yellow paraffin. Producers in the Canary Islands and the USA prefer red wax. And only Overjarige kaas, with the longest aging period, is wrapped in black paraffin in all countries of the world.

Due to its special taste and affordable price, Gouda cheese has a high consumer demand in the world market. The quality of the cheese allows you to use it not only as an addition to sandwiches or an appetizer - you can cook many delicious dishes from it. culinary masterpieces. Despite the hardness of this variety, Gouda is excellent for oven-baked dishes. Pre-grated cheese is evenly distributed over the surface of the dish. At the high temperature of the oven, Gouda melts, forming a soft, fried crust.

Composition and calorie content

Gouda - milk product, which contains many essential minerals for the human body. It is enriched with micronutrients such as iodine, calcium, phosphorus and many others. The vitamin complex in the composition of Gouda has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin, the strength of the nail plate, bone strength and improves vision. Regular consumption of this variety of cheese affects the improvement of mental activity.

Those who follow their figure need to limit their consumption of Gouda. For 100 grams of the finished product, the nutritional value is 356 kcal, the fat content ranges from 48-52%. But you should not categorically refuse to use this product. In addition to the fact that Gouda has many useful substances, it is also a high-quality source of protein, which is so necessary for athletes. And the composition of healthy fats is essential for girls.

Nutritionists say that the high calorie content of Gouda cheese should not scare people who are overweight. It is impossible to exclude it from the diet, it is enough just to limit the use to two times a week.

The nutritional value BJU of Gouda cheese per 100 grams is:

proteins - 27g;

fats - 25 g;

carbohydrates - 2 g.

Benefit and harm

Useful Features cheese is directly dependent on its composition. The presence of B vitamins has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Thanks to vitamin D, the process of rapid assimilation of trace elements takes place in the body. Regular consumption of cheese contributes to excellent health due to normalization metabolic processes and balancing the work of digestion.

The milk base of the product helps to strengthen tooth enamel. Bone tissue receives calcium, which strengthens the structure of the skeleton, thereby reducing the risk of fracture.

In men who are engaged in physical work or sports, Gouda should be an integral part of the diet. With its help, the recovery process is accelerated several times.

Before you start tasting, you should familiarize yourself with the harmful effects of the product. Mature gouda has a piquancy, which is categorically contraindicated in kidney diseases, the presence of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Gouda cheese should not be used for edema. Contraindication to use is overweight. People suffering from this disease should take a closer look at fat-free cheeses. But for a more detailed consultation, it is best to contact a nutritionist.


With her own hands, every housewife can try to cook cheese product to the delight of the family. By classical way The basis of Gouda cheese is whole cow's milk, to which rennet is added. When making at home, you should not deviate from this rule.

For 16 liters of milk, 4 g of calcium powder and rennet will be required. You will also need brine and wax. From the indicated amount of products, 2 kg of Gouda comes out. The taste saturation of the finished product depends entirely on the quality of the milk used. It should not be boiled.

The first step will be the preparation of the milk liquid. For 16 liters it is better to use a capacious container. Milk must be heated on the stove to 32 degrees and removed from heat. Sourdough is poured into a saucepan with warm milk. It is strictly forbidden to immediately mix the mass in the container. You need to wait for the powder to get wet. Only after that the milk is stirred and left for half an hour.

After the specified time, it is required to add calcium chloride powder and rennet to the container. Pre-calcium powder is diluted in 50 ml of liquid. The mixture is re-mixed and left alone for 45 minutes. By the end of the specified time, whey and a small amount of curd mixture should form in the pan.

Gouda cheese, hard Dutch cheese, m.d.zh. 47% dry in-ve rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 18.3%, vitamin B2 - 18.6%, vitamin B12 - 51.3%, calcium - 70%, phosphorus - 68.3%, selenium - 26.4% , zinc - 32.5%

What is useful Gouda cheese, hard Dutch cheese, m.d.zh. 47% dry in-ve

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Research recent years the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia was revealed.
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