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Technology for making lemonade. Production of lemonade and other carbonated soft drinks

Engineering LLC sells complex lemonade bottling lines designed according to individual specifications of manufacturing plants. We manufacture turnkey equipment for factories, from beverage production technology to bottle, cork, label design, selection of water treatment equipment, CO 2 bottleless supply, warehouse racking equipment. Our clients can order a bottling line for lemonade or mineral water, we will do all the work for the client. All you have to do is sign the contract and make the payment.

To order a conveyor:

Design of a lemonade production workshop

To buy a bottling line, it is necessary to determine the equipment with which it will be equipped. To select equipment for a lemonade machine and calculate equipment for the production of water and its bottling, it is necessary to agree on the initial data and fill out a questionnaire, which will be the basis of the terms of reference, as well as provide the following information:

  • project or plan of the existing premises where water production is planned;
  • points of supply of water, electricity, compressed air, sewerage;
  • storage areas for consumables, finished products, administrative and service premises;
  • the planned productivity of the water preparation and bottling shop;
  • wishes for the placement of the main and auxiliary equipment.

After providing the initial data, you can select the optimal equipment. Having made a calculation, the engineers draw up a project and send it for approval to the client, where the lemonade production line will be served in detailed information. After the signing of the contract and the project, the stage of production and delivery begins.

Lemonade bottling line configuration

An example of a production line in the minimum configuration:

  • Complex for the production of PET bottles with a capacity of 3,000 - 20,000 bottles per hour.
  • Pneumatic feeding conveyor empty bottles on a triblock filling.
  • Filling triblock: rinsing - filling - capping.
  • Mixer-saturator for the preparation of the finished drink.
  • Labeling machine for sticking polypropylene labels.
  • Packaging machine in shrink film.
  • Conveyors for moving bottles in the bottling line.
  • Control cabinet for the lemonade bottling line.
  • Pallet wrapper.
  • Date printer.

This package may include a saturator and a packer from stock or made to order. If it is necessary to automate the production process, the line is equipped with conveyors and accumulation tables with the organization of production without the participation of an operator.

It is possible to expand the complete set of the workshop with a boiler for preparing syrup and a bottle rinser. Additional equipment may include:

  • vertical conveyor for lifting to the upper floors;
  • dater for putting down the date of manufacture;
  • labeler for labeling;
  • a set of water treatment and filtration equipment;
  • conveyors;
  • accumulation tables;
  • palletizer.

The basic configuration of the lemonade bottling line can include:

  • blending department for preparing an assortment of drinks;
  • system for the preparation of sanitary solutions;
  • compressor equipment;
  • equipment for balloon-free enrichment of lemonade with carbon dioxide;
  • water treatment system;
  • refrigerator for cooling the drink before bottling;
  • vertical conveyor for lifting or lowering products to different floors.

The cost of a lemonade and mineral water plant directly depends on the configuration, productivity and degree of automation of the process for mini lemonade production or other variations. The less operator intervention is required in the production process, the more expensive the automation of production.

Lemonade is a drink whose taste is well known to all of us since childhood. Refreshing taste of an attractive yellow color with a smell lemon oils especially saves in the summer and perfectly complements the menu during the holidays. The drink recipe is simple and does not require large investments. Usually the production of carbonated soft drinks includes making lemonade as an additional source of income. Also, when developing an effective business plan, you can open a lemonade production enterprise as an independent business from scratch.
In the business plan, it is necessary to include such cost sections as renting premises for production and warehouse, transport site, purchase of equipment for the production of lemonade and its bottling, regular delivery of raw materials and packaging, or PET preforms for self-blowing PET bottles, plan the costs for the implementation of marketing strategies for entering the market, studying the competitive environment and advertising company, training and salaries of personnel, operating expenses and possible repairs of equipment. It is also necessary to develop a strategy for selling the drink: wholesale deliveries to supermarkets or the purchase of venting devices.
For mini-production, a room of about 170 sq.m. is required.

It is divided into the following blocks:

  • Workshop for the production and bottling of lemonade;
  • Warehouses for raw materials, containers and finished products;
  • Administration office and staff room;
  • Economic block.

In front of the premises there should be a parking lot for transport, unloading and loading of packages with raw materials and goods. A fully automated lemonade production line requires that the premises be equipped with electricity and water supply for smooth operation.

Mini Lemonade Plant Equipment

To implement a business, you need to buy equipment for the production of lemonade, which includes:

  • One two-layer boiler with thermal insulation, in which syrup is brewed, with a volume of about 5 cubic meters;
  • One plate filter for syrup with a high-pressure pump with stacked plates;
  • One refrigeration unit with circulation pump;
  • One cold accumulator for 1.7 thousand liters;
  • Three blended two-layer containers without thermal insulation for 6.3 t. l. with control panel for cooling and mixing device;
  • Two single-layer tanks for 500 l. with a stirrer for ingredients;
  • Two double-layer tanks with thermal insulation for storing blend or water for 6.3 t.l.;
  • Two refrigeration units for 6000 liters per hour;
  • One common control panel for pumps, temperature in blending tanks, cooling.

The room for the production of lemonade is selected 170 sq. m. in the manufacture of 8 thousand liters. drink per day. The companies supplying the equipment install it, piping it and connecting it to a common control panel. Equipment suppliers carry out its installation at the place of production and commissioning.

In the business plan, the price of equipment for the production of lemonade with the above production volumes is indicated within 1,000,000 rubles if the workshop is created from scratch.
At the stage of opening a business, it is also necessary to provide a warehouse for storing containers.
If the lemonade production business is gaining momentum, conquering the market and the company's marketing strategy is working effectively, then the lemonade mini-plant can be equipped with a blowing unit that will prepare containers for the drink. So the business owner will not depend on the supply of glass containers or PET bottles. It is better to purchase PET preforms, as they take up less space, which leads to a reduction in transport costs and the area of ​​rented storage space.
It will also be possible to purchase an apparatus for applying labels to containers. Order design and production of labels in an advertising agency. It is beneficial to purchase equipment for organizing a lemonade production business in Russia to provide your business with long-term warranty service and partner support.

Technological scheme for the production of lemonade

On an industrial scale, lemonade is prepared by the blending method, in which the ingredients required by the recipe are mixed:

  • Water, which is 80% in lemonade;
  • Sugar;
  • Juice (apple or tangerine);
  • Kohler (burnt sugar as a natural dye).

Raw materials for lemonade are 90% artificial. According to GOST 28188-89, the lemonade recipe is represented by flavors, sweeteners, dyes, sodium benzoate, citric acid, carbon dioxide, and drinking water. This composition allows you to achieve everyone's favorite taste of lemonade and increase the shelf life.

Lemonade production technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare water: filter, soften and disinfect.
  2. Water is supplied to the syrup boiler using a pump.
  3. Mix water with wort.
  4. The resulting mixture is passed through filters and fed into the blending containers with the help of a pump and sweetened with syrup.
  5. The drink is served in a saturator or apparatus for making lemonade, where it is carbonated with carbon dioxide. Depending on the saturation with gas, slightly, medium, highly carbonated drinks are obtained. Allows carbonation up to 70 liters per hour.
  6. Cooled in refrigeration units.
  7. A carbonated drink is served on a lemonade bottling machine.
  8. Apply labels to beverage bottles.
  9. The goods are packaged in batches.

On the taste qualities the composition of the water affects the drink, so the main difficulty in opening a business is the possibility of providing production with drinking water. If a small lemonade manufacturing workshop is opened, then tap water is purified and enriched with microelements useful for humans. Large production is organized near wells with artesian water.
This technology system describes the production of sparkling water and lemonade. Variety of goods depends on flavoring additives. When developing an assortment, it is necessary to study the preferences of buyers in the region where a business is opened. A bolder marketing move is to offer a new taste of the drink. This will require significant costs for the promotion of lemonade taste unknown on the market. It is better to take such steps after the business begins to generate income steadily.

Features of the implementation of lemonade: options for solving the problem

To run a successful business, you need to think about ways to market your products.
The first option: delivery of lemonade packaged in batches to wholesalers, supermarkets or pavilions. There is huge competition for carbonated drinks at the point of sale. Therefore, it is necessary to consider other mechanisms for the sale of goods.
In the second option, the company independently sells lemonade for bottling in places of demand: on the beach, near cafes or playgrounds. For this, equipment is purchased for bottling lemonade into large kegs or kegs with a tap. Also purchased from required quantity plastic cups for consumption by those who wish at the point of sale or plastic bottles for those who plan to take it with them. There must be a way to dispose of used cups.
It is possible to sell lemonade using vending machines. They contain a device for accepting money and pouring lemonade into cups. It should be noted that one machine costs about 100,000 rubles.
When developing a strategy for combined marketing of products, depending on seasonal sales conditions, you can reach the optimal return on business.

Organization of a business for the production and sale of lemonade

To open a business, you need to register a company with the tax office. It is imperative to obtain certificates for the production of soft drinks, for each type of product separately. If you have not had to deal with certification before, please contact the regional branch of Rospotrebnadzor for advice. It is necessary for the production of soft drinks to issue a sanitary and epidemiological permit for the production of drinks. These documents will be required to sell drinks through retail outlets and provide them to regulatory authorities.

Preliminary calculation of the payback of the lemonade production business

Expenses are presented in rubles with the planned capacity of the enterprise of 240,000 liters per month.

Direct flushing of closed containers, pipelines is impossible due to their design features. Therefore, for these purposes, CIP stations, or CIP-washing, are used. All CIP-washers for the production of lemonade have a common scheme of operation and are arranged according to the same principle. Their washing is carried out by pumping special solutions through the equipment, each of which has its own preparation system and capacity. Various parameters of the installation, as well as the temperature and concentration of solutions are controlled during the washing process, and the modular layout allows you to connect the same set of dispensers and containers to different routes-modules. Depending on the equipment level of the CIP machine, the washing of the lemonade production equipment can be carried out in manual, semi- or fully automatic mode.

(we make any from 100 to 30,000 liters),

both based on 2 and 3 containers).

Equipment for the CIP-washing station (GIP)(option)


CIP washing station, made on a single frame, in accordance with the agreed layout of technological containers on the frame and the approved hydraulic piping scheme, including 2000 l two-layer tanks with thermal insulation 2pcs (we also make 3 containers - one for alkali, the second for washing solution, the third for reverse hot water): (Vertical cylindrical thermally insulated / except for the upper part / container on legs with a conical bottom, designed to prepare a working solution at a temperature of 90 ° C.
Equipped with:
- thermometer;
- overflow pipe;
-measuring tube;
- inlet pipe;
- outlet pipe with installed funnel suppressor;
- steam heating coil
- washing head
- top hatch DU 500
- caustic supply pipe /in the caustic container/),
system for supplying concentrated caustic from a tank with NaOH with a feed pump / resistant to concentrated caustic at temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius /, with a drain circuit to the sewer, with a condensate drainage circuit, temperature control devices on each tank, pump 4-6 atm, capacity 35 m3/h complete with inverter for supplying cleaning solution to the "consumer" / pump resistant to caustic with a concentration of 3% at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius /. Control panel, including control temperature conditions and pumps.

2 containers 1000l
3 containers 1000l

2 containers - 2000l
3 containers 2000l

2 containers 3000l
3 containers 3000l

Lemonade production technology

The basis of the drink is a mixture of all ingredients or a blend. It is usually used to prepare cold way, but there are also hot and semi-hot. Since the quality of the finished product is determined by the dosage and composition of its components, and the largest percentage of the content is water, even if they have their own well, enterprises use special equipment to filter, disinfect and soften it.

Sugar is also used to make lemonade. lemon acid, Apple juice, lemon tincture and color - burnt sugar that acts as a dye. The finished drink has an aroma essential oils lemon, yellow color and refreshing taste, and poured into a glass, it releases carbon dioxide.

The refreshing effect of lemonade is due to the presence of organic acids and dissolved carbon dioxide in its composition. Artificial saturation with carbon dioxide is carried out in special production equipment - a saturator, and the degree of saturation makes the drink slightly, medium or highly carbonated.

Carbonated Soft Drink Production Line

How to buy equipment for the production of lemonade?

To order a line for lemonade produced by RossMash, you must send a completed questionnaire to the e-mail address . Upon receipt of the request, we will draw up a commercial offer listing specifications, general arrangement drawings and the estimated cost of the equipment. You can clarify the necessary information by contact phone.

Screw conveyor for loading sugar into the boiler

In this material:

The widespread increase in demand for soft drinks is correcting market conditions in such a way that starting a lemonade business means making a good profit for a budding entrepreneur. When the production of lemonade becomes a business activity, the business plan includes a description of the features and prospects for the development of the project, the main stages of organizing and registering a business, production technology and a list of necessary equipment, as well as financial analytics of the business project.

Description of the business idea and its benefits

As statistics show, sweet carbonated drinks are quite popular among consumers, however, at the same time, many tend to switch to healthier mineral drinks or juices. Thus, the market for sweet carbonated drinks practically does not feel the pace of growth and development, leaving enviable prospects for producers of such a drink as lemonade. The business feels great in the summer, choosing the southern cities and warm regions of the country for activities, the entrepreneur increases the period for obtaining the main income from this seasonal business.

Prospects for the soft drinks market

The main peak of the popularity of such a soft drink as lemonade falls on the warm season, from April to October. At this time of the year, lemonade enterprises receive the largest volumes of orders and the main income. Despite the seasonality of the business, the production of lemonades, with the proper approach, careful planning and competent implementation, can bring a stable and high income for a long time after the business project reaches the break-even point.

Lemonade production technology

The initial step in the production of lemonade is the development and testing of a recipe or several recipes for a soft drink using different varieties raw materials. An experienced qualified technologist should take care of the development of optimal drink recipes in advance, since this process can take a lot of time. Apart from drinking water The composition of soft lemonade includes such ingredients as:

  • dyes;
  • sweeteners;
  • flavors;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • sodium benzoate.

These components have as their immediate goal a significant increase in the shelf life of a soft drink, and these components have a direct beneficial effect on the taste of lemonade. At the right recipe and proper use of suitable equipment and raw materials for the production of a soft drink, the output is lemonade, which fully complies with the mandatory state quality standards.

The basis of production is drinking water, so a novice entrepreneur must take care of the source of this raw material in advance. There are two options for obtaining drinking water for the production of lemonade: a water supply network or a natural aquifer. The second option is the most beneficial from various points of view: there is no need to purify tap water and saturate it with special elements, and there is also significant cost savings. In addition to the obvious advantages, the use of a natural aquifer is a competitive advantage for the company, since water from such a source has pleasant taste, its own unique properties, and is also rich in natural materials and useful microelements.


In the vast majority of cases, lemonade is produced in a special polymer container - plastic bottles. The most demanded volume in the warm season is from 1 to 2 liters, while in the cold season lemonade is mainly produced in containers up to 1 liter.

Lemonade production: how to start a business?

Activity registration

In addition to the standard procedure for mandatory state registration of business activities, it is necessary to obtain special permits in the field of mass production of soft drinks. Also, the authorized state authority inspects the production premises and the equipment used and issues a sanitary and epidemiological permit for the production of a soft drink. Among other things, you will need a permit from the fire inspectorate and registration with the local tax authority. In order to obtain all the necessary permits, a novice entrepreneur is recommended to contact a specialized agency that prepares and executes documentation related to the registration and activities of a legal entity.

Finding a production facility

Since the mass production of lemonade belongs to food production, a number of specialized strict requirements are imposed on the production room. Forbidden to use for purposes food production basements and premises located in close proximity to various industrial companies and factories.

For arrangement manufacturing enterprise Food Industry a sufficiently spacious room with an area of ​​​​150 square meters is suitable, the mandatory components of which will be the production workshop itself, the warehouse for the raw materials used and a separate warehouse for the storage and distribution of finished products. Among other things, separate zones should be allocated to the utility room, the office of the management and the rest room for the personnel of the enterprise.

Purchase of equipment

The bulk of the initial investment in a business project is formed at the expense of the costs associated with the acquisition of the necessary production equipment. The quantity and assortment varies depending on the area. production shop, estimated production volumes, as well as the range of produced soft drinks.

There is a special production unit that combines several types of production equipment at once, which significantly saves usable space and the list of equipment used for production.

Formation of staff

The qualifications and experience of the employed personnel of a lemonade production enterprise have a direct impact not only on the production process, but also on the volume and quality of products. In addition to the traditional workers of the enterprise, it will be necessary to hire several technologists, engineers who carry out repairs and maintenance of the production equipment used, technical staff and security. It is recommended that a novice entrepreneur take on the functions of management in the early stages of carrying out activities directly, while accounting services and legal support at first are recommended to be entrusted to third-party outsourcers, until it becomes necessary to form a fully functional financial and legal departments of the enterprise.

Search for sales channels for finished products

In advance, at the stage of organizing a business, a novice entrepreneur needs to establish contacts and partnerships with wholesale companies, supermarkets, institutions Catering and so on. in effective ways searching for distribution channels for finished products will become traditional advertising in local print media, on radio and television, as well as posting ads and creating your own Internet resource indicating the list of manufactured products, contact details of the administrator and a feedback form.

Financial part of the business plan

Business investment

The initial investment in a business project is formed mainly from the costs associated with the process of state registration of entrepreneurial activity, the search and lease of production premises, the acquisition of the necessary production equipment and the purchase of the initial volumes of raw materials used. The amounts of initial investments in the enterprise vary depending on the area of ​​the premises used, the amount of production equipment purchased and the expected production volumes and average from one and a half to two million rubles.

Current expenses

The regular monthly expenses of the enterprise are formed from tax and utility payments, rent and expenses related to the remuneration of employees of the company, as well as from the costs of regular maintenance of the production equipment used and replenishment of raw materials for the production of lemonade, advertising and marketing activities , transportation costs of the enterprise. On average, in the regions, the operating costs of a lemonade production enterprise amount to about half a million rubles, the bulk of which goes to replenish production raw materials and pay wages to employees of the enterprise.

Revenues and expected profit

The profitable part of the company's budget is formed by selling finished products at a moderate average mark-up on sold lemonade. With the specified input data and average production volumes (about 250 thousand liters of soft drink monthly), the regular profit of the enterprise averages about 750 thousand rubles per month, which entails a 40% profitability of the business project and a return on the initial investment of the entrepreneur during the first six months of the company's activity .

Order a business plan

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Despite the fact that many Russian consumers in last years trying to follow the rules healthy eating and switch to more healthy drinks - mineral water and natural juices, the army of fans of lemonade and other sweet sodas in our country remains multimillion.

"Lemonade business" - a business with the taste of childhood

Tarragon, duchesse, soda, mojito - these and other carbonated drinks are still very popular and in demand. They are bought not only in the hot summer to quench their thirst, but also as soft drinks for festive table, and just "hunting".

Practice shows that today manufacturers who focus on the naturalness and high quality of their products feel very confident in the market. Marks a la "Made according to GOST", "Recipe of the times of the USSR" and similar marketing tricks attract the attention of buyers, inspire confidence in the product.

The demand for such products is stable today, and if there is a demand, then there is an opportunity to earn.

We launch a mini-factory for the production of lemonade

There is no need to reinvent the wheel to launch your own lemonade bottling line: today many domestic producers machines offer ready-to-operate automatic and semi-automatic lines that can fill up to a thousand bottles (PET/glass) per hour.

If someone thinks that several million rubles are needed to open such a business, then they are deeply mistaken, because modern technologies allowed to significantly optimize the process of production of carbonated drinks.

Today you can buy a set of equipment for the production of lemonade, which is located on an area of ​​10 square meters.

Such a mini-workshop includes: a keg washing machine, a machine for filling and saturating raw materials, a tank for prepared water, filters for coarse and soft water purification, storage tanks for raw materials and a gearbox with heating functions. The productivity of such a line can reach 10,000 liters per day!

The equipment allows to produce the following drinks: lemonade, duchesse, tarragon, mojito, as well as beer, kvass, cider and mead.

A set of such equipment costs about 400 thousand rubles.

How to sell the produced lemonade?

The main problem for the vast majority of Russian companies producing lemonade is the sale of products. Lemonade is not furniture or even sausage, and in order to make money in this business, you need to sell large volumes, ship entire trucks.

It is unprofitable to work with small single stores. It is much more profitable to work with large retail chains and wholesale companies that sell drinks in different regions. This is the way many successful manufacturers work.

One of the most effective marketing solutions is to organize your own beverage delivery service to shops and other outlets. Entrepreneurs are more willing to agree to allocate space on the counter if the contract provides for payment for products upon sale.