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In which jar to store ground coffee. How to store coffee

Many people love coffee. For some, this is just a daily charge of vivacity, but for someone it is a whole rite, which includes the choice of varieties and the preparation of coffee drinks in different ways.

However, not everyone knows that coffee has an expiration date and storage rules that can extend the shelf life of coffee beans.

Shelf life of unroasted beans

Choosing unroasted coffee beans has several advantages:

  1. Price. Raw beans are much cheaper than roasted beans, which is a definite plus for coffee lovers.
  2. Long shelf life. Raw beans can be bought in large quantities and will remain suitable for making coffee drinks for a long time.

How long does coffee beans keep? On average, unroasted coffee beans can be stored for one to three years.

Shelf life of coffee beans vacuum packed. If the raw grains were stored in vacuum packaging, then their shelf life can be up to five years.

How to determine the packaging date of unroasted coffee:

  1. Usually, when buying beans in large bags, you can find a sticker on them with the exact date of packing. If the date cannot be determined, you need to pay attention to appearance coffee beans, thanks to which you can determine the shelf life of the product:
  2. Fresh coffee beans have a uniform greenish tint, the characteristic depression should be even. They should be quite dense, when biting the grain should not crumble. Fresh coffee beans have a light green tea aroma.
  3. You should not buy grains that have a different shade and differ from each other in size. This means that this bag contains different varieties coffee, coffee of different years of collection. Garbage may indicate the low quality of coffee beans.
  4. Old grains are odorless and appear dry. You should refuse such a purchase, as they lose their taste properties.

Shelf life of roasted coffee beans

Storing finished coffee beans is very different from storing green beans. And to extend the shelf life of coffee, you need to follow special rules.

Consider the dependence of the expiration date on the packaging of coffee beans:

  1. Leaky packaging - it can be a box or a regular plastic bag. In this package, coffee can be stored for no more than two weeks.
  2. Sealable paper bags are one of the most popular ways to store coffee. AT paper bag coffee beans can retain their flavor properties for up to six months.
  3. Heat sealed bags. This packing method is the best for long-term storage coffee. These bags have a gas valve that creates a vacuum and prevents the grains from spoiling.

Rules for storing coffee beans

  1. You can store roasted beans in foil bags - this way they will retain their properties longer.
  2. When buying raw coffee beans, they can be roasted and stored in an opaque jar with a tight lid. It is better to choose ceramic dishes and in no case use iron or plastic, because. iron (plastic) will only worsen the quality of the coffee beans.
  3. For better preservation of coffee beans, you can wrap them in foil or baking paper, and then put them in a box or paper bag.
  4. Coffee must be stored in a dark, dry place so that the beans are not exposed to air and light.

Can coffee be stored in the refrigerator?

Do not store coffee beans in the refrigerator. It contains a huge amount of foreign odors that adversely affect the taste and aroma of coffee. Temperature fluctuations also destroy the beneficial properties of coffee, which is why it is best to store coffee beans in a dry cabinet.

Can I drink expired coffee beans?

If you find a stale pack of unroasted coffee beans, you can roast them and make coffee drinks from them.

Such coffee will not bring any harm to a person, but he loses his bright taste and aroma. Despite this, unroasted coffee beans retain their invigorating properties.

There are two ways to improve the flavor characteristics of raw coffee beans:

  1. You can deep-fry the beans, so the remaining essential oils will give the drink its flavor.
  2. During roasting, you can add various spices to the grains, such as cloves or cinnamon. This will help to saturate the grains with a pleasant aroma.

Roasted coffee beans

Roasted coffee completely loses its taste properties, they completely lack aroma.

If the grains have deteriorated, then they have a very dark color, an oily film, there is no coffee aroma, even an unpleasant, bitter smell is possible.

It is extremely difficult to restore the properties of roasted coffee beans, so it is better to throw them away. Non-drinkable coffee beans can be used for interior decoration or used as a body and face scrub.

Expired coffee beans: the consequences of drinking

In general, there is no threat to the health of a person who decides to drink expired coffee. There have never been cases of poisoning after such a drink.

But coffee with an overdue year is gradually losing its bright taste, pleasant aroma and, perhaps most importantly, the invigorating properties of coffee beans.

Conclusion: spoiled coffee will not harm a person, but you should not expect a positive effect either.

The quality of coffee largely depends not only on the variety and method of its preparation, but also on how well it was stored. Ground, soluble, in grains - all these types require different approaches to the content and certain conditions.

General prescriptions

It depends on the correct storage of the drink whether its taste qualities will appear or whether it will turn into a tasteless liquid.

Storage conditions

Temperature - from +13 to +18 degrees Celsius.

The kitchen is often hotter, and therefore storing in a kitchen cabinet in a separate jar is the wrong tactic.

The most suitable humidity is 50-60%, this condition cannot be met within the kitchen due to high humidity, because when cooking food is released a large number of pair.

When storing in the house, it is worth giving preference to airtight containers. This is done to prevent the absorption of foreign odors and moisture. Ceramic containers with a snap-on lid with a rubber insert work best with this task. You can use ordinary glass jars, but the lid must fit tightly: screw on or be made of dense nylon. Vacuum bags are also suitable for this purpose.

It is not worth using jars made of various metals, coffee acquires a metallic taste, and wooden containers absorb aroma. You can use opaque plastic containers with a tight lid, but you should only use them for one purpose, because they retain the smell of previous food for a long time.

Right place

It is acceptable to store a jar or container of coffee in the kitchen, but in this case it is better to choose a cupboard as far as possible from the heating surfaces. The refrigerator is the right temperature for grains, but keep in mind that there is a lot of food there, and each of them has its own flavor. The neighborhood with other products will affect the taste of the prepared drink, as it will absorb their smell. In addition, condensation forms on the grains due to frequent temperature changes. Thus, it is better to refuse storage of coffee in the refrigerator.

There is another option for storing coffee - in the freezer. However, you should follow some rules:

  • arrange small disposable portions into sachets;
  • use sealed packaging that does not transmit light;
  • re-freezing is strictly prohibited.


The table below shows the approximate shelf life depending on the temperature and type of coffee. Symbols: (h) - closed, (o) - open package.

Store coffee beans

Storage rules depend on the type of grains. For each there are certain recommendations.

How to store green bean coffee?

In this form, the product is stored for a maximum period of up to 3 years. However, it does not lose its properties. Before sending raw materials for storage, it is worth sorting out the grains: remove blackened, dry, broken ones. They are then left to dry at room temperature for about 12 hours.

The best way to store these grains is in the freezer. Freeze them once, you should not do this again.

This method requires certain rules to be followed:

  • use containers, tight bags with a zipper;
  • they try to fill the entire space of the container with grains, the volume of air in it should be minimal;
  • carefully pack the container;
  • put in the remote end of the freezer in order to minimize interaction with warm air;
  • Before frying, make sure that the grains are completely defrosted.

After roasting, it is worth placing the grains in a glass jar and periodically open the lid, releasing the carbon dioxide accumulated there. Freshly roasted grains release it and, so that it does not knock out or deform the lid, it must be released periodically.

Storing green coffee in the refrigerator is unacceptable, as it:

  • sweat and become covered with mold;
  • must be kept in the dark, and this is not possible in the refrigerator;
  • absorb the flavors of other foods, which impairs their own taste and smell.


In closed original packaging, the shelf life is 2 years, in open packaging - 2 weeks. Roasted beans also retain their flavor best in the freezer. But unlike green ones, you should not wait for them to defrost, but grind them immediately after taking them out.

When buying, you should pay attention to packages with a one-way valve, in this case you don’t have to worry about carbon dioxide.

How to store ground coffee?

All lovers of this invigorating drink know that the most tasty coffee- brewed from freshly ground grains, but most do not have the opportunity to brew it every day. Therefore, many prepare it for the future or buy it already in this form.

Ground roasted coffee releases its aroma through essential oils contained in the grains. However, it quickly evaporates in air. To slow down this process, you can resort to a few tricks:

  • use coffee within 4 days;
  • in unopened original packaging ground coffee lasts approximately 12 months. without loss palatability;
  • store better in sealed bags or jars with a valve to remove excess air;
  • when pouring coffee from a container, use only a clean, dry spoon, moisture adversely affects its quality;
  • store in a dark cool place;
  • do not put coffee near strongly smelling products, spices, spices.

Rules for storing instant coffee

This type of coffee is the most capricious of all in terms of storage. The fact is that there are so few natural essential oils that give it its famous aroma.

If you leave such coffee in an open container for a short time, it will completely lose its aroma and taste. But do not be afraid, with proper storage, it will delight with its aroma for a long time.

You need to follow the rules:

  • buy instant coffee in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Although it is more expensive, it is worth it;
  • if there is coffee left in a large jar at the bottom, pour it into a small one. A lot of air is a bad neighbor for the product;
  • a drink bought in a bag with a zipper should also be poured into a small sealed jar;
  • in a closed original packaging, the drink is stored for about 24 months.

Coffee lovers should know that the product in tin cans- the lowest quality, and it is not necessary to expect high taste qualities from it.

Storing Raw Coffee in the Refrigerator

Coffee that has not undergone heat treatment has the longest shelf life - up to 5 years. Before being sent to storage, it is sorted out, removing broken or spoiled beans. Then dried at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

Can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer below 50% humidity.

There are a lot of types of coffee, and each of them has its own storage characteristics. However, there are several rules that apply to all varieties:

  • Different varieties are stored in separate containers. Mixing them will not lead to anything good. The same applies to different types: fried, ground, etc.
  • The temperature and humidity of the storage place should not be high. Avoid sudden changes.
  • The drink is protected from direct sunlight, as this leads to a deterioration in its quality and a decrease in shelf life.

Julia Vern 30 722 4

Coffee admirers consider themselves to be those who painstakingly searched for the most decent shop, are sure of the brand of the sold beans, understand the types and varieties, have personal cooking recipes, depending on the mood and time of day.

And those who are on hastily prepares a morning cup of drink from a soluble analogue of conditional quality. However, no matter what type of product you are used to: grain, ground or instant, there are certain storage rules in order to enjoy the unique taste and aroma of such a popular drink for longer.

Store coffee beans

The main enemy of coffee is air. Roasted coffee beans are a delicate product. Many appreciate the degree of roasting, which directly affects the manifestation of certain taste and aromatic qualities. Here's what happens when you store coffee beans outdoors:

  • Coffee oils evaporate - a great value, giving richness and a unique shade to the taste.
  • The aroma exhales.
  • Beans absorb moisture from the air and spoil.
  • In addition to moisture, all extraneous odors are absorbed. The quality of the aromatic product is greatly degraded.

The drink prepared from such grains is very far from perfect. It can be called coffee, but - alas, it will irrevocably lose its quality and will not bring pleasure.

Many people buy green beans for self-roasting.

Coffee gourmets, having studied the rules for self-roasting beans, prefer to buy green beans. This is the longest stored product. You can keep them in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, take out portions for frying and enjoy the perfection produced. However, the method takes time and painstaking approach. More often they buy already roasted grains of a vending brand.

Vacuum-packed or foil-wrapped to prevent air, moisture, and sunlight from entering. All quality parameters of coffee beans are preserved for almost a year, if you do not open the package. An opened pack is stored for no more than 3 weeks in a dry and dark place, at a cool temperature.

Interesting to know!
Coffee beans may be frozen. It is necessary to decompose them in portions into bags, try to remove all the air from there, put them in the freezer. Keep in mind that ground coffee made from frozen beans cannot be stored at all.

Glass jars with tight additive lids are perfect for storing roasted beans. They protect the porous structure of the grains from foreign odors. Do not store coffee bean packages near other aromatic products: spices, vinegar, seasoning.

Self-roasted coffee beans are best used immediately. Or arrange in jars with tight lids, not forgetting to ventilate every 2 days - the grains emit a special gas.

It is convenient to store roasted grains in such jars.

How to store ground coffee

Only freshly ground coffee from coffee beans is able to convey the fullness of aroma and taste. Whole grains keep better, so it's best to use a coffee grinder every time you want to enjoy a cup of coffee. However, ground coffee can be saved, you just need to know how to do it:

  • Use vacuum sealed, or a multi-layer bag with a valve, or a jar with a tight-fitting lid. If you grind the beans yourself, do not use them for more than 5 days - those are the rules.
  • Factory sealed packaging retains the aroma of ground coffee for up to a year. But if you open it, use the product as soon as possible.
  • If for storage ground product a foil bag is selected, roll it as tightly as possible, get rid of the air. The less contact with air, the longer the quality of the product is maintained.
  • In order to take a serving for one brewing, use a dry spoon. Avoid moisture. Do not leave the mixture in the sun. Store the container in a dark, cool place.
  • When buying vacuum-packed ground coffee, pay attention to the package. It should be dense, firm, pressed to the touch. This means following the rules of packaging and production stages related to ensuring shelf life.

The ground product is stored for a short time, and the bags must be hermetically sealed

If you grind beans yourself and know exactly the size of your own portion for one brew, it is convenient to have small jars with tight-fitting lids and pack portions in them. So you can do troublesome business once a week, every morning taking out one of the prepared cans. If there is no other cool place in the house besides the refrigerator, it is better to store the workpiece there.

Rules for storing instant coffee

Instant coffee is the most unreliable product in terms of storage. There are practically no natural aromatic substances left. And if you leave an open jar without a lid for an hour, instant coffee will become an odorless drink with a taste that is difficult to describe.

However, coffee produced modern technologies, is quite competitive if you can’t find 15 minutes in the morning to brew a drink from freshly ground grains. Try to follow the rules of storage in order to enjoy the drink until the last spoonful:

  • Choose your coffee glass jars with sealed lids. It is more expensive than analogues, but the quality of the product is higher.
  • A large jar with a small amount of product - minus the quality. It is better to have a small container and pour the rest of the instant coffee into it.
  • Do the same with coffee bought in bags. Even the presence of a plastic fastener does not provide sufficient insulation. Remember, the less the product comes into contact with air, the longer the properties last.
  • If the coffee still remains in the bag, roll up the free edge tightly, use a clerical clip to remove excess air from the bag.
  • In cans, they sell the lowest quality instant product.
  • Instant coffee can be stored in intact original packaging for 2 years.

Instant coffee should be stored in an airtight dry container.

Arrange a coffee ceremony for yourself in any chosen way. Be interested in the quality criteria of your favorite products and their shelf life - this will show you real concern for your health and the health of your loved ones.

Coffee is rightfully considered a unique drink; it is consumed in almost all countries of the world. To fully enjoy exquisite taste and invigorating aroma, it is necessary to use only high-quality grains. Experienced bartenders unanimously say that the product must be stored in conditions of optimal humidity and temperature regime. Otherwise the coffee will lose some useful properties which will affect its taste characteristics. How to store whole grains? Consider important aspects Let's take a look at some practical advice.

Consequences of improper storage of coffee beans

  1. Oily fractions are responsible for the taste characteristics of coffee. Upon contact with air, the surface of the grains is rapidly oxidized, which leads to the splitting of the main components.
  2. Due to improper storage, coffee loses most of the aroma, which disappears completely after a certain time. The smell disappears first of all, as a result of which the coffee becomes tasteless, musty.
  3. The grains acquire a denser consistency, foreign compounds form in the coffee cavity. This feature gives the prepared drink a sour smell and tasteless foam on the surface.
  4. Coffee beans absorb moisture quickly. If stored incorrectly, the beans are subject to the formation of mold, which cannot be removed. Humidity and oxidation provoke rapid decomposition.
  5. If you keep the jar together with other smelling products (citrus fruits, garlic, aromatic spices, etc.), the grains take on the flavor and become unusable.

How long to store coffee beans

If you purchased coffee beans in factory packaging, the safety of the product when closed is indicated on the back of the product. As a rule, the duration of storage varies between 2-4 years. In cases where the pack has been opened, but there is a check valve on it, the shelf life is about 2-3 months. Most manufacturers recommend that you use an open pack of coffee within 1 month.

Important! Do not store coffee beans open or in loosely sealed containers. Such a move exposes the product to rapid deterioration, as a result of which the beans become unfit for consumption..

Features of coffee storage

  1. When buying a product in its original packaging, carefully cut off one corner of the pack. Never remove the entire top section to make the hole wider. Pour the grains for grinding into required quantities then tightly wrap the pack. At the same time, try to release all the air from the package in order to increase the safety of the product.
  2. After purchasing the product, it is recommended to pour it into an airtight jar. As for the material, consider options from glass, ceramics, metal, plastic, wood. The main condition is the presence of a lid that will allow you to clog coffee as tightly as possible.
  1. An important feature of the storage of coffee beans is that they must be sorted. For example, if you use Arabica and Minas beans, allocate a separate container with a lid for each type. Otherwise, one variety will take on the aroma of another, which will lead to a mixture of smells. The same applies to ground coffee. Keep jars tightly sealed at all times.
  2. Choose the best place to store the product. Direct ultraviolet rays, as well as steam from cooking, should not penetrate the cavity. The recommendation is especially relevant in cases where coffee is stored in a wall cabinet. You should also avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Do not place the coffee container on the windowsill, near radiators, near the sink. Give preference to places with natural ventilation.

It is important to remember forever that negligence in choosing a container for coffee leads to rapid deterioration of the beans. For this reason, it is recommended to consider each material in more detail, and then make a decision based on financial capabilities and, in fact, the assortment of the store.

Give preference to containers that are equipped with a silicone or rubber ring around the entire perimeter of the lid. This feature will prevent the adoption of odors by beans of other varieties.

glass container
The bank is rightfully considered the most popular, it can be purchased in large hypermarkets like Auchan, Okay, or in Everything for the Home stores (Ikea, Nash Mir, etc.). A successful and relatively inexpensive option for storing coffee at home will not allow moisture to penetrate into the cavity, which will keep the grains in proper condition for a long time.

metal container
Not the best solution for storing coffee beans. Tin cans can be found in almost any home, candies or loose tea are dispensed in them. A negative characteristic of the container is considered to be poor tightness. Beans partially absorb odor if odorous food groups are nearby. In this case, the grains can acquire the appropriate aroma of tin, metal.

plastic container
Plastic boxes and jars are considered the least efficient ways to store coffee beans. The beans take on the specific aroma of plastic, and if the container is not equipped with a lid with silicone rubber, extraneous aromas and moisture quickly penetrate into the cavity. In this case, the grains are also affected by air penetrating inside the can. We recommend that you immediately abandon this option.

Ceramic container
An excellent solution for storing coffee beans, however, a jar with an airtight lid is extremely difficult to find. In the departments of dishes on the shelves there are beautiful decorative containers designed for cereals, sugar and other bulk products. The aesthetic appearance is amazing, you will find a jar for every taste. The main thing is to choose a product with rubber spacers and, if possible, clips on the sides. The pricing policy for storage containers of this kind varies depending on the size and manufacturer.

wooden container
Beautiful wooden caskets and boxes will be a great decorative solution, but they are impractical. Products made of such material do not have a repulsive ability; to a greater extent, they also do not save from the penetration of moisture and air. The boxes are not equipped with dense rubber bands, which exposes the grains to spoilage in the first 5-7 days. At the same time, the peculiarity of a wooden container is typical for storing whole beans and ground beans.

Where to store coffee

After choosing a suitable container for storing coffee beans, it remains to decide on the place in which the jar will stand. If the container is transparent, storing it in the wrong place leads to a loss of coffee taste, even if the aroma does not disappear. A similar effect is achieved due to the light that affects the structure of the beans.

Kitchen shelf (open)
It is impossible to avoid the negative effects of humidity, light and temperature if the beans are kept in this way. On an open kitchen shelf, you can store coffee only in completely opaque ceramic or glass jars.

Kitchen cabinet (closed)
The best way to store coffee. When properly installed, the jar will be protected from sudden changes in temperature, humidity, possible drafts, odors, and light. If possible, send coffee beans to a cabinet that is located far from the sink, gas / electric stove, oven, windows.

Keep the jar away from bulk formulations and other strongly scented products (scented candles, seasonings and spices, citrus peels, herbs, dried fruits, candied fruits, etc.). It is allowed to place beans together with cereals, pasta, bread. Be sure to pay attention to ventilation, it must be present.

If the coffee beans are stored incorrectly, the product is subject to rapid deterioration, as a result of which it is no longer recommended to use it. Choose a suitable container made of glass, ceramic, plastic or metal, send the jar to a closed kitchen cabinet with natural ventilation.

Video: how to choose the right coffee