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How to fry crucian carp with a crispy crust. How to properly fry crucian carp in a pan

Don't know how to fry carp? Our detailed recipe with a photo will show you how to do it correctly and so that the bones are not felt.

How delicious fried carp! Do not count all their usefulness.

But all pleasant emotions disappear as soon as one remembers how much small bones in this river fish.

Pleasure is out of the question, because while eating, you need to constantly control the situation so that a small bone does not get into your throat.

How to fry carp tasty - a detailed recipe with a photo

  1. There are many small bones in river fish. In order for them to disappear during frying, it is necessary to make multiple cuts along the back and tail of the crucian. The thinner the distance between the notches, the more chances to surprise everyone with a unique way of cooking. fried fish. The secret is that small bones burn during frying.
  2. Carp can be pre-marinated in various spices. A mixture of ground peppers is the most suitable option.
  3. Fry fish over medium heat.


  • fresh crucian carp - 600 g;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • for frying sunflower oil - 70 ml;
  • black ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking sequence

1. First of all, clean the carp, remove the insides, gills and rinse well under running water.

2. So that after frying there are no small bones in the fish, we will make frequent vertical notches on the carp with a knife.

3. Salt and pepper the fish, leave for 5 minutes.

4. Dip the fish in flour and put it on a roasting pan heated with sunflower oil.

5. Fry on one and the other side of the crucian to a crust. After frying, be sure to put it on a napkin to remove fat.

It remains to serve the fried crucian carp and submit it for testing.

Depending on the size, it can be cooked whole or in pieces. Traditionally, fish is breaded in flour before frying, somewhat less often in breadcrumbs. Anyone who loves fried or baked river fish, for sure, know about how good she is at sour cream sauce or just sour cream. Take, for example, baked. A few years ago, I first tried fried crucian carp in a pan in sour cream and soy sauce. Since then, if there are carp at home, then I cook them mainly in this sauce. Sour cream gives the fish juiciness, soy sauce and spices interrupt the pronounced river taste of fish, and thanks to the flour, which is part of the sauce, crucian carp acquires a beautiful golden crust during frying.

In this sour cream and soy sauce, you can fry both small and medium-sized carp. big fish However, it is better to bake in the oven as a whole. So you will be sure that it will be baked and will not be raw inside. For frying in a pan, a large carcass of fish is best cut into small pieces. The size of crucian carp for frying it whole in a pan should not exceed 18 cm.

Before proceeding with the recipe for fried crucian carp in a pan, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the fish must be fresh, and even better live. How fresh fish you buy, the dish will turn out tastier, and there will be more benefits from it. Check the degree of freshness according to several criteria. When buying a crucian or any other fish, pay attention to the gills, eyes, scales and appearance fish in general.

Gills should be bright red. In no case should the eyes be sunken, excessively bulging and cloudy. The scales should fit snugly against the body and not be damaged. The abdomen should not be swollen. By the way, a swollen belly in a fish indicates that it has already begun to deteriorate. And yet, before buying any fish, do not hesitate to smell it.

Now let's see how it's done fried crucian carp in a pan step by step with a photo.


  • Crucian - 1 pc.,
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: paprika, turmeric, spice mixture for fish,
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sunflower oil.

Fried crucian in a pan - recipe

Prepare fish for pan frying. The process of preparing fish is classic. First it needs to be cleaned of scales. After that, remove the insides and rinse well inside. Lastly, the gills are removed from the fish. Some housewives prefer to leave them, but in this case, the fish after cooking may have a characteristic smell of mule and mud. If desired, the crucian carp can be cut off its head, but most often it is left for beauty.

In order for the fish to have the opportunity to fry not only outside, but also inside, cuts are made on its body. Such incisions on crucian carp, as well as on any other fish, can be made both in the form of parallel stripes running from the back to the abdomen, and in the form of a grid of stripes. Using a sharp knife, make parallel cuts every 2 cm. First in one direction and then in the other. ready to fry.

Set it aside so you can cook delicious marinade. Put sour cream in a bowl (salad bowl).

Add spices and salt.

Add wheat flour.

Pour in soy sauce.

Mix the sauce for frying crucian carp.

Pickled from soy sauce and sour cream grease crucian carp first inside and then outside.

Pour sunflower oil into the pan. Put on the stove and let it warm up. As soon as the oil becomes hot, lay out the crucian.

We love carp, we fry them often, and they turn out very tasty. Many people ask how to fry crucian carp with a crispy crust so that bones are not felt? It's not really difficult, the fishermen taught me the recipe, and I always use it. I don’t like bones in fish, but in this way crucians fried in a pan are simply excellent, I’ll tell you all the secrets of cooking, see below step by step recipe with photo. Everything is simple and fast, and also cheap and economical.


  • Actually, carp
  • Flour, salt and oil

Choosing the right carp

There are such nuances here: for example, I love small crucians, I make them crispy, my husband loves large ones, I make them juicy, whoever likes what. The big ones are roasting in the usual way, and they have a lot of bones, if the bones do not scare you, you can fry them like that. But we want to fry the fish so that it is crispy, and the bones in it are not felt.

We do the following: we buy a medium size, closer to small, carp, mine, remove the insides, heads.

Especially try to cut closer to the ridge, where the most nasty bones usually sit. Now salt it, and let it lie for now.

We heat the oil in a pan well, dip the crucian carp in flour (this is a must for a crispy crust), and put it in the pan. You need to fry over high heat until a strong ruddy. The longer you fry, the more crispy the fish will turn out. But without fanaticism, of course, otherwise turn the fish into crackers.

In the fish prepared in this way, thanks to the strong fire and the cuts made beforehand, the bones are not felt at all, because they dry out under the influence of heat, and you can safely eat, without bothering with taking out the bones, which many do not like at all.

Now you know how to fry crucian carp in a crispy pan so that the bones are not felt, you can enjoy delicious fish for pleasure. Submit to them

fried carp in Rus' have long been valued. This fish found practically in every natural body of water, especially good crucian lake. Usually it is cooked in a frying pan, on vegetable oil or with sour cream. But today we tell about a few unusual but very delicious recipe , which is quite within the power of even an inexperienced cook.

This inhabitant of the water expanses comes in color. Silver is usually sold in markets and shops. In terms of taste, it is no different from its counterpart. Carp must be fresh. It is not difficult to determine this: in a recently caught fish the scales are shiny, the eyes are not cloudy, but the gills(this is one of the main indicators) pink or scarlet.Body must be elastic and not squeeze when pressed.

Notice the smell. Fresh about the lake beater smells like fish and even special river smell, and not the characteristic "aroma" of the spoilage that has begun. The best thing suitable for frying medium-sized crucian. Then it will turn out with a delicious crust.

Preparing it for frying

Brought home "catch" need to be cleaned. The scales of this species are quite large and easy to clean, but quite for ease, you can sprinkle the carcass with vinegar. So that the scales do not scatter in the kitchen place the fish in a bowl of water and clean there using a knife or even a spoon. If you fry purchased copies head on, remove the gills, otherwise the dish will be bitter.You can not delete and fins. If they fried to a crisp, it will add spice to cooking.

Now follows remove the insides. Do it carefully so that do not damage the gallbladder. But if this happens, do not despair, you can sprinkle the belly with lemon juice, then there will be no bitterness.If the abdomen is difficult to clean due to small scales, you can remove it altogether. By the way, if you find in it caviar, fry and her, this delicious too. However, and milk have their own appeal. Before cooking, the product rinse thoroughly in cold running water.

Reference! On the back of the fish, you need to make several cuts across the body. So you will break the small bones, which will quickly now be so fried that they will not be noticeable while eating. Just do not wield a knife often, otherwise the fish will simply fall apart when frying. If the crucian is small, there is no need to make incisions, the bones will fry without it.

Before roast ok a few minutes hold the fish in milk, this is save her from the possible smell of mud if the purchase lived in a small lake.

How to fry crucian carp in a pan: recipe

Let's go to the main part. Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • prepared carp - 2-4 pieces;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • ginger;
  • sunflower oil;
  • semolina;
  • salt, pepper, spices;

Can use ready seasoning for fish, then exactly observe the proportions indicated there. Oil Good heat up in a cast iron skillet. Calculate its amount so that it covers the main ingredient by about a third. Mash there garlic and ginger, this is gives the oil a special taste. Pour into a bowl semolina, salt, pepper, spices to taste. Stir well. Now fry until characteristic crust. This should take minutes 5 on each side. Exactly semolina gives the dish a special delicate taste , which many people like more than breading in flour.

Reference! Sunflower oil can be replaced with corn oil, which also attracts many gourmets.

Take the fish out of the pan, clean the onion onion and cut it into rings. Fry until golden cover them with carp on a serving platter. It's good to sprinkle it all green onions or parsley. Serve cooked can with potatoes or rice, but fried crucian carp is good without a side dish. This type of fish is delicious. with sour cream, tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes . And if with a mug of foamy beer (you can also non-alcoholic), then, indeed, you will lick your fingers.

Attention! Fried crucian carp in a pan must be hot; when cold, it loses almost half of its taste.

If for frying bought or caught too many fish, better clean it, gut it and put it in the fridge until the next cook.

Useful video

The recipe for fried carp with garlic will appeal to fish lovers.

Healthy food lovers will be able to appreciate the appetizing delicacy of crispy fried crucians. You can fry carp in a pan with sour cream, and in other ways. Dishes from river fish will help strengthen hair, teeth, bones and nail plates due to their calcium content. The richness of fish in phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the human visual system. Immunity will be restored by vitamin A and E complexes. Proteins found in crucian carp are absorbed by the human body in a short time.

Selection and preparation

Freshly caught river fish is more suitable than frozen, in order to fry it. But if there are no fishermen in the family, you can buy crucians in any fish trade department. Fresh crucian carp has a rich burgundy color of the gills, there should not be a cloudy veil in front of the eyes.

A swollen belly and dull scales, cloudy eyes speak of the staleness of a crucian. A pleasant fishy smell should come from the product. It is preferable to buy half-dead fish.

As soon as the fish is caught or bought and delivered to the kitchen, it must be cleaned immediately, crucian carp are rinsed well in cold water. The scales are cleaned, the carcasses are gutted. A knife or a grater will help if it is not possible to use a special device for cleaning fish. The scales are scraped off from the tail to the head. It is permissible to cut off the head, tail and fins, throwing them away or leaving them for the ear.

Tip: They don’t store crucians in the refrigerator, it’s better to put the wrapped carcasses in the freezer, this will save the fish from losing moisture and juiciness, and it will be easier to clean it after freezing.

Since carp are quite slippery, it is better to clean them with cloth gloves and on a special cutting board with a tail clip. A live individual is stunned with a hammer, then excess blood is removed by incising the carcass along the fins across the head.

Fins are removed with scissors. Scales from large carp are easily peeled off with a knife. Medium and small carp is best cleaned using a regular fork.

The sink will serve as an ideal place for cleaning river fish, you can use a basin, full of water, and perform the required actions on it, then fish aromas will not spread throughout the room.

You can fry peeled and gutted fish according to different recipes, tasty are river dwellers fried in semolina instead of flour. Then the crust will turn out even more appetizing.

Advice: Hot snack it will be more piquant in taste if you sprinkle the food with ground ginger or finely chopped garlic 5 minutes before the end of frying.

The head and tail, if not neglected, will go into the ear. Also, these parts can not be cut off if you put a dish of gutted, outwardly whole carp on the table, which will add aesthetics to the still life, they are broken off and thrown away during dinner.

With sour cream

To fry carp, you will need: 4 or 5 specimens of river or lake fish, large onion, sour cream (half a liter), freshly squeezed lemon juice(3 large spoons) egg(3 pcs.), breadcrumbs (7 large spoons), salt (a couple of teaspoons), fresh dill or parsley (a few sprigs), vegetable oil.

The cleaned fish is salted, sprinkled with lemon juice, marinated for about 20 minutes. Carp are often cooked in sour cream in a frying pan, which is heated on medium mode. Oil is poured, onion half rings are laid out, they need to be fried for 10 minutes. with stirring. When golden, remove the onion in a bowl to beat with an egg. Having warmed up a clean frying pan with oil, spread the crucian carp rolled in batter with onions, and then in breadcrumbs. Fry in medium mode with an open lid until a brownish crust appears. Then sour cream is poured into the container with fish, when it boils, the mode is switched to the minimum. With the lid closed, the fish is stewed for 5 minutes, ready meal sprinkle with herbs.

You can cook crucians in the oven, but the principles of how to fry a fish are different in this case. Gutted carcasses should be filled with a mixture of sour cream with chopped green herbs, also crucians are completely coated.

The baking dish is greased, with the fish it is placed in hot oven at 180 degrees heat, baked for 30 minutes.

Without smell

Fried fish in a pan different ways. Fry properly using vegetable oil, frying each side for 5 minutes.

Tip: You can’t overstay carp in a pan or in an oven, otherwise the fish will turn out to be too dry.

You can fry waterfowl deliciously by preparing the right flour breading, for this, salt and pepper the wheat or corn flour, add spices to your taste for flavor, mix everything and roll the fish in this mixture. To make the dish fragrant, in addition to additives from greens, onions, lemon juice when frying, they decorate the finished dish with lemon slices, herbs and fresh or canned vegetable mix.

Advice: The smell of the river will help eliminate the lemon juice, the carp watered with it is infused for half an hour, crumbled in flour or semolina, after which you can fry the fish. Sometimes already fried individuals are sprinkled.

If you lower the carcasses into milk and hold for 60 minutes, the specific smell will also be eliminated. If you prepare a decoction of bay leaves, keep the fish in it for about 50 minutes.

With onion

For 4 carp you need: 200 grams of flour, a little special seasoning, a couple of pinches of salt, a head of garlic, 50 grams of fresh ginger root, a tablespoon of sesame oil, 3 pieces of onion, lime.

It is better to fry fish without bones; for this, cuts are made on the crucian carcass, they can be diamond-shaped. Crucian carp is a bony fish, you can completely get rid of the bones only during and after heat treatment. The incision also helps draw out the smell of the pond when soaking.

Flour carcasses should be fried in boiling oil with three slices of ginger and two garlic cloves. Appetizers with fish will go even to a festive feast. Need to lay out fried crucians on the chinese cabbage and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables laid out on a wide dish, everything is sprinkled with lime juice, drops of sesame oil, fried onion rings are laid out, basil will decorate the roast.

Golden crust

For a golden crust, the fish must be well fried on both sides. In time, you need to fry no more than 6 minutes each so that the products do not dry out.

Clean gutted and salted externally and internally fish can be dumped into cornmeal, fry in a frying pan with hot oil for about 10 minutes. in general, put the lid on, stewing will take another 3 min.

in flour

It is easy to fry a fish in a pan in flour. Heat up a Teflon pan with oil. Place the rolled flour carp. They should be fried until crispy. Salt, add spices and decorate the dish to taste. Garnish with vegetables, rice, potatoes.

Without flour

For frying carp, flour is not always required. A kilo of fish is salted and wait 10 minutes. A cast-iron frying pan is heated with oil, with the appearance of a faint haze, a couple of ginger slices and a few garlic crushed with a knife are laid out, and crucian carp are placed in a container. They should be fried until golden brown. Sprinkle with lime juice (1 tablespoon), and sesame oil (5 drops).


Frying crucian caviar is easy. Remove the film from the caviar, for example, with a fork or in a sieve. Salted and sprinkled with lemon juice, rolled in flour should be fried on hot frying pan in sunflower oil 6 minutes, turning once.