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How to drink wine is a thug explanation. Wine etiquette - how to drink wine correctly

    Here is the truth about wine. There is no use in it. No. All imaginary benefits are blocked by terrible harm. A clean organism that does not drink alcohol immediately signals that any quantity and any quality of wine is harmful. Your reaction is the best indicator.

    There is little benefit from fermented grape juice. This means that you are drinking spoiled grape juice, which contains bacteria that are of questionable benefit. And if you buy wine in bottles, then these bacteria are in a killed state there, since sulfur oxide is added to bottled wine for preservation so that the wine does not play. That is, you drink just sour grape juice. Drink fresh juice.

    Dry red wine is more useful. It cleans blood vessels, with regular use prevents the development of atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots, protects the heart, increases hemoglobin.

    But for these purposes, only natural wine is useful, without the addition of alcohol, sugar, with natural fermentation. Young wine is more valuable. You need to drink it in moderate doses, no more than 150 ml. women, men 180-200 ml per day. Depending on the disease, the doses may decrease and increase. For example, with anemia, you can drink up to 2 glasses a day of dry red wine, with tuberculosis - no more than 2 tablespoons.

    Allergy sufferers, people with stomach diseases, wine, even in medicinal purposes contraindicated.

    Dry red wine for medicinal purposes can be replaced with natural grape juice, it also helps for preventive purposes with the same diseases.

    As you know, the French drink wine before dinner and even pour it for children, but we don’t have such wine at all. Everything that is sold in stores is cheap wine. good wine is insanely expensive. Once I decided to take cahors to raise hemoglobin, I bought five bottles in turn and everything was of terrible quality, it’s an abomination, I haven’t drunk such a muck for a long time, and Moldavian cahors and Bulgarian one damn thing is disgusting. if you have money, buy the most expensive French wine perhaps there will be a sense. Drink like the French 100 grams before dinner, preferably dry, you also need to eat plenty of greens, fruits and fish instead of meat.

    Alcohol, alcohol is harmful in any way, even in healthy wine. I also stopped drinking alcohol completely, although I used to sometimes like to drink red wine, in moderation. Now I can't bring myself to drink it. I just don’t feel like it, although I understand that red wine is useful, only the alcohol in it is harmful), there is resveratrol, it is for cancer prevention.

    Why red wine is good? Because when it is made, not only grapes and skins get into the wine, but also its seeds. It's all about the skins and bones. It contains resveratrol. Not every red wine has this resveratrol. In what is, in what is not - we will not guess. Because they don't write about it.

    In addition to alcohol in wine, there is harm from a preservative; sulfur dioxide is added to even good wines.

    The healthiest red wines are dry, sugar-free. But they taste sour.

    It is right to drink wine in the evening on an empty stomach, and then sit down to eat. You can drink diluted wine with dishes during dinner. First, chew properly, completely moisten a piece of food with saliva, then swallow, and then drink wine. Total wine can drink no more than 50-100 grams at a time and per day.

    In addition to dry wine, Cahors is also useful, although there is sugar there, they usually make it better than just red wine. But not every Cahors is useful. Of those that I have met, the best is Cahors Massandra Partenit. If you wash a glass after it, then the water turns blue, which means that it is made from natural berries, and not from powder dyes. And it is thicker than other Cahors, after which stains remain in the glass, if you shake the glass a little in different directions.

    If you can squeeze the grape juice with the pits, then it will be healthier than wine with alcohol and sulfur dioxide. But such juice will have to be filtered, otherwise small pieces of seeds can scratch the intestines.

    Grape seed oil is not suitable for obtaining resveratrol. Not all seeds have resveratrol, but only red grapes. And they can also squeeze oil from the seeds of white varieties. And I read that there is very little resveratrol in oil, it may not even exist.

    Wine, whether red or white, is not allowed to be taken in large quantities, as this can harm the body. But subject to certain rules, wine can have a beneficial effect on our body.

    It is undesirable to drink wine long before a meal, since the substances contained in it irritate the mucous membrane to a certain extent. gastrointestinal tract, which can cause certain disorders.

    To avoid undesirable consequences, pairing wines with food. - Red wines go best with meat dishes.

    • White wines go well with fish dishes and also with fruits.

    Any wine pairs well with cheese.

    To avoid a heavy load on digestive system, better do not drink wine with excessively fatty or spicy dishes.

    The basic rule is maintaining moderation in quantity.

    When choosing, of course, everyone is guided by their own taste and preferences. My favorite wine is the Georgian Khvanchkaraquot ;.

    Alcohol a priori cannot be useful, neither vodka, nor beer, nor wine will make you healthier.

    Good red wine cheers up, tones up, heals blood vessels and the heart, but you need to drink it correctly. To really feel positive properties wine, wine should be drunk with a good favorite, not very greasy and not very stuffed with various spices appetizer. Drink only with the mood and do not drink more than a glass of wine. The stomach should not be open from food, only then the wine will be assimilated as it should. To choose a good wine yourself, you first need to read more about wines. First you have to buy different wines and taste, then you will meet the wine that you really like and like. Taste carefully :), do not get carried away :). O different types wines from different countries read on this site:

    In general, it is believed that it is red dry wine the most useful. In order for it to be really therapy, and not drunkenness, it is enough to drink half a glass. You can treat yourself to wine for the holidays or, for example, at Friday or Saturday dinner. Personally, I choose wine trademark. I love the Crimean Massandra and Inkerman. There is no doubt about the quality of the wines of these brands. Among the huge selection of wine varieties of these two wineries, you are sure to find your favorite.

    Alcohol in wine is a preservative that allows you to preserve the vitamins and minerals of grapes or other fruits. For getting maximum benefit and minimization harmful properties alcohol, the wine is heated in a water bath, which allows the alcohol to be removed from the liquid, after which it is cooled for consumption. The drinking culture of the mountain peoples, when opening a barrel of wine, prescribed to place red-hot blades in the wine, which achieved the effect of reducing the degree of the drink. And everyone knows about the life expectancy of mountain peoples.

How to drink red dry wine? The answer to this question lies in certain serving rules, and in the temperature of the drink, in glasses, serving rules, in appetizers and desserts. Remember? Now more about how to drink red dry wine!

How to apply

Each type of wine must have a certain temperature, for example, the temperature of champagne should be 5-7 degrees, light white - 11-13, and dry red - about 15 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower than recommended, the taste of the wine will become inferior, and if it is higher, the aroma will quickly evaporate.

Red dry, like any other wine, is served in glasses on a thin stem made of colorless glass. However, experienced winemakers say that elongated glasses are best suited for this type of wine. Another rule says: the stronger the drink, the smaller the vessel should have.

The process of opening the bottle is also important. If white wine is torn off immediately before drinking, then dry red wine - 30-40 minutes before drinking, the drink should be saturated with oxygen.

How to drink

Remember for the rest of your life that wine is not carbonated water, not a drink that is customary to drink in large sips. Take a glass in your hand, feel the aroma. Sip a little, but don't swallow right away - your taste buds should be able to taste it.

What to serve with dry red wine? Let's start with when to drink this type of wine. White wines, which have the ability to quench thirst, are best drunk in the warm season. Red wines with a warming effect are a winter drink. Dry red wine goes well with vegetables. In Eastern Europe, this type of wine is preferred to eat with poultry dishes, and in southern countries - lamb or pilaf. It is not recommended to eat dry red wine with fruits and any other sweet dishes; champagne is better for them.

Of course, all of the above are basic recommendations. However, there are no hard and fast rules either; red wine with meat, and white wine with fish - outdated anarchism. Do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment, what if you become the author of a new rule on how to drink dry red wine?! But it can be unequivocally argued that any type of wine cannot be drunk with very spicy, too fatty, heavily spiced dishes, as well as with fermented products. These dishes will not let you enjoy all the flavors of the old noble drink.

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It all starts with opening a bottle. After the red wine is uncorked, she needs to be allowed to breathe. As a rule, in the open state, the wine should stand from 15 minutes to an hour. Large wine glasses are filled, as a rule, by a quarter, and smaller glasses - by a third. Good wine leaves smooth streaks on the walls of the glass, called wine legs.


Chocolate, coffee and tobacco smoke are considered the real enemies of a noble wine drink. Their combination in most cases is detrimental to the taste of both sides.

Useful advice

Red wine remains healthy drink as long as there is a measure in its use. A couple of glasses at lunch or dinner is a fine tradition; the bottle threatens health problems.

Wine- a noble grape drink, known since ancient Greece. It is equally revered not only by the French, Italians, but also by those peoples who have nothing to do with its production. Russians are also among them, but they still do not know exactly how to drink wine.


Choose special glasses. The glassware from which the wine plays an important role in the perception of the drink. Tall elongated glasses are suitable for sparkling wine, red is drunk from round ones, white from narrower ones. The device should be made of thin and transparent glass. When pouring wine, make sure that it takes up a third. If it is large (for example, six hundred milliliter glasses for red wine), pour only a quarter. Sparkling wine devices fill to the end.

Pair wine with various types dishes based on classic tandems. The main rule is this: rich and complex wines are served with simple meals while simple wines go well with fine dining. Red wine is combined with poultry, meat, dry white -. Semi-sweet and sweet for desserts. Never combine wine in one with fried and spicy dishes seasoned with vinegar and with a lot of spices. If you need a simple snack, serve dry red wine cheese plate, to white - fish, to - fruit.

Keep an eye on the temperature of the wine when serving. The coolest when serving should be white wine (about ten to twelve degrees), cool red to sixteen to eighteen. Sparkling and dessert should be brought to fifteen, and strong - up to twenty.

Stretch the pleasure. Wine in no case do not drink in one gulp. Those who are convicted of this once will become famous as a novice and far from connoisseurs of a noble drink. First, touch the upper lip with wine, then hold a small amount on the tongue to open it. A glass of wine does not have to be put on the table after each sip, but

Going to a restaurant is always a holiday. To navigate the rules of pairing dishes, it is better to remember the names of wines that go well with your favorite dishes. If the holiday is at home - a good hostess always knows what happens to the place where, including what kind of wine to put on the table with her specialties. In order not to get lost in the number of names, we list the most common products in combination with those wines that suit them.

Some serve as an appetizer before the feast. Well-known ones include Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat and Riesling. And now about the dishes in combination with wines:

Beef: Cabernet Sauvignon, Nebbiola, Pinotage, Syrah (Shiraz), Zinfandel, Barbera, Gamay, Sangiovese, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Tempranillo.

Pork, veal: Pinot Gris, Muscat, Gamay, Pinot Noir.

Flounder, halibut: Chardonnay, Gewürz Traminer, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling, Semillon.

Game: Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenan (Garnacha), Pinotage, Syrah (Shiraz), Zinfandel, Barbera, Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Noir, Tempranillo.

Lamb, duck: Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenan (Garnacha), Nebbiola, Pinotage, Syrah (Shiraz), Zinfandel, Barbera, Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Noir, Tempranillo. Game.

Salmon, tuna: Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Viognier, Sémillon, Gamay, Pinot Noir.

Bird: Chardonnay, Gewürz Traminer, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Syrah (Shiraz), Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling, Semillon.

Shellfish: Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling, Semillon.

Spicy Cheese: Cabernet Sauvignon, Nebbiolo, Pinotage, Syrah (Shiraz), Zinfandel, Barbera, Gamay, Merlot, Sangiovese, Pinot Noir, Tempranillo.

Not sharp soft cheese: Chardonnay, Gewürz Traminer, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling.

Spicy food: Gewürz Traminer, Pinot Gris, Grenan (Garnacha), Syrah (Shiraz), Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling.

Vegetables: Muscat, Riesling.

Dishes with cream sauce: Gewürz Traminer, Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling.

Dishes with tomato sauce: Pinotage, Zinfandel, Barbera, Sangiovese, Tempranillo.

Fruits, creamy desserts: Gewürz Traminer, Chenin Blanc (Steen), Riesling, Semillon.

In order to know how to drink wine correctly, how to choose a drink and dishes for it, you need to study the rules of wine etiquette.

The study also includes serving, and at what temperature it should be served, and what glasses should be, and with what dishes the wine is combined. But the most important rules are: you need to drink good wine, in excellent company and slowly. It is not for nothing that Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote a wonderful phrase in the work “Kamo Coming Soon”: “Do not be too persistent, remember that good wine should be drunk slowly.” First, let's figure out how wine drinks should be served.

Surprisingly, it is the rules for serving wines that are not taken into account most often. Each type of wine must have a certain temperature regime:

    for red wines containing a large number of tannins, as well as for dessert and liquor, room temperature is needed when serving;

    for light red - from 14 to 16 degrees;

    for light white - 12 degrees.

If the temperature of the wine is lower than the specified one, the opening of the bouquet will not occur, and if it is higher, then the aroma will mix and quickly evaporate.

When choosing dishes, you need to know that, according to tradition, wine drinks should be drunk from special glasses with a thin stem, made of the thinnest transparent glass. And everything else depends on the choice of wine. In glasses that have an elongated shape, they drink red and dry wine, and in wide and open - semi-sweet. But, sparkling wine is advised to drink from narrow glasses. Fortified wine is drunk from glasses narrowed upwards, and glasses of a conical configuration, small in size are suitable for dessert wine and liqueurs. There is one sound rule: for a strong drink, the dishes should be small.

It would be useful to know that when planning a gala reception: glasses, glasses and wine glasses should stand in front of each plate in one chain or a semicircle and in the order in which the wine will be served.

Young wine is not forbidden to be poured into decanters or jugs, but vintage wines must be served in their own bottles. But it happens that sediment forms in long-aged wine. In the event that the sediment freely rises from the bottom of the bottle, then the best option would be to pour the wine into another dish. In the event that the sedimentation is quite dense, then the bottle is placed very carefully.

Tear off the bottle

Particular attention should be paid to opening the bottle. Knowledgeable people recommend opening white wine right at the table, but red wine - half an hour before drinking, in order for oxygen saturation to occur. You only need to fill the glasses with wine only two-thirds in order to “rotate” the wine drink, evaluate the shade and get acquainted with the aroma.

Do not forget that wine is not water, you do not need to drink it immediately and in huge sips. Most asked questions:

What time and what type of wine should you drink?

In hot weather, it is best to drink white dry wines, they are a little refreshing and help quench your thirst. But how to drink wine in the cold? For the winter cold, red and strong wines with their warming effect are great.

What do they drink different wines with?

    Fortified and aromatic wine drinks are considered excellent aperitifs, they are advised to be served before meals.

    Dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet wines are most suitable for vegetable dishes.

    Red dry is ideally combined with meat dishes.

    White dry and champagne are perfect for fruits and cheeses.

    Snack dishes, as well as light meat and fish dishes, cannot do without white table wine.

    Exotic seafood is compatible with delicate white wines without acidity.

    Hot dishes are well suited, drinks such as port, Madeira, sherry.

    Desserts require liqueur and dessert wines.

In any case, these are just examples of how to drink wine correctly and with what it is better.

But it is absolutely not recommended to drink wines with burning, too fatty dishes, generously seasoned with spices, as well as with salty and sour foods. With these dishes you will not be able to enjoy palatability and flavors of the drink.

Despite the fact that the dessert dish should be sweeter than wine, it is important not to overstep the bounds: dry wine, combined with sweet food, will seem too sour. Not suitable for proper drinking wine drinks: cigarettes, including tobacco smoke, curry and mint dishes, spices, vinegar and oily fish. Despite the fact that coffee, vanilla, chocolate and cinnamon are often found in the composition of wine, these products are not suitable for wine, with the exception of some strong wines.

There are no strict rules on how to properly taste wine and what to serve. The categorical ban requiring red wine to be drunk only with meat dishes, and white wine with fish dishes, has already become a relic. No need to be afraid to fantasize and experiment.

The most important thing to remember is to complex dish more simple wine is suitable and, on the contrary: simple food will suit the most exquisite taste guilt. But the main condition for drinking wine is taste matching. Even the simplest, cheapest and most unseasoned wine can please you very much, showing its new colors, if you choose the right food for it. And at the same time, a great old wine may seem disgusting to you if it does not fit the served dish. But even if the wine is excellent, it cannot be too much.

Even Benjamin Disraeli said, "Variety is the mother of pleasure", so it would be ideal to prepare several varieties of wine for the table. Be sure to take note of:

    before meals, aperitifs are served (port wines, vermouths, and so on);

    during the feast - the youngest and lightest wines are served first, moreover, red wines come after white ones.

And, in conclusion, it would be useful to note that a lot depends on which variety you prefer. But without a comfortable atmosphere, pleasant company and good mood- you won't be able to fully enjoy the wine.

The etiquette of serving wine includes such components as serving rules, glasses, serving temperature, combination with dishes, and many others. However, there are only three main ones: the drink must be good, you need to drink slowly and only in the right company.

Many people ask themselves: “How to drink red wine correctly?”.

There are plenty of differences when serving red wine and white. Therefore, in order about each.

Temperature and serving rules

Wine is usually served at the table room temperature. The rule concerns liqueur and dessert wines, which contain a lot of tannins, which make the color especially rich. Red light wine is cooled to 14 - 16 degrees before drinking, and champagnes to 6 - 7.

The temperature limit should not be exceeded or lowered - the bouquet of wine may not open or, on the contrary, quickly evaporate in the air.

Open the bottle with a corkscrew. When screwing it into the cork, you need to make sure that it does not drill through it, otherwise pieces of the cork tree may remain in the wine. The optimal position is when one turn remains above the cork.

Vintage wines are always put on the table in bottles. As for the usual ones, they can be poured into a jug or decanter. Aged wines have sediment at the bottom of the bottle, so the best option will - carefully pour the drink into a serving vessel. This is done if the sediment is loose. Otherwise, leave it as it is.

Red wine must be “breathed” with air before drinking, so the bottles are opened in advance. Time can be approximately from half an hour to one.

You need to drink the drink correctly in small sips, holding the glass with your fingers by the leg. Fill it only a third - so you can fully experience the aroma of the drink.

What to drink from

Suitable glasses are one of the important details to consider when serving a drink. However, it is sometimes not possible to purchase all the necessary kits. The most versatile then can be a tulip-shaped glass on a thin stem of small size.

Dry wines are preferably drunk from glasses of an elongated shape. For semi-sweet, wide open vessels are suitable. To preserve the sparkling properties of wines and champagnes, narrow glasses are used. Glasses that are narrower towards the top, thanks to their shape, allow you to fully experience the taste and aroma of fortified wine. Volatile aromatic notes rise to the top of the vessel and concentrate in its narrower part. Dessert wines or liqueurs should be drunk from conical glasses.

In addition to the desired shape, the thickness of the glass and the color of the vessel are also taken into account. The glass should be thin and transparent, and the edges of the glass should be polished. Thanks to this, you can feel the temperature of the wine and it will fall exactly on the part of the tongue that contains more taste buds.

Pairing with cooked meals

You can drink wine before meals, after and during.

There is an opinion that it is right to serve expensive wines simple snacks, the same applies to cheap wines, and vice versa.

Snacks for any wine are usually served on the basis of established traditions in a particular area.

Fortified wines with a pleasant aroma are served as an aperitif.

An indispensable snack for red wine is meat. Dishes can be prepared from lamb, veal, game. Poultry and barbecue are good. It is better to refuse seafood - this is the prerogative of white wines.

Dessert and liqueur wine goes well with dessert dishes.

Fatty fish, dishes seasoned with vinegar or dishes where mint is present do not suit any type of wine.

It must be remembered that there is no bad wine, the main thing is to choose the right dish and company for it.