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Chicken with pumpkin in the oven. Step by step recipe for chicken with pumpkin

Many housewives undeservedly bypass such a dish as chicken with pumpkin. But in vain. This vegetable in combination with a bird is very useful. Pumpkin has been used in cooking for a long time. We offer several simple recipes.

Chicken with pumpkin. Method 1

You can prepare a dish using the following products:

  • chicken (or parts thereof: legs, breasts, thighs) weighing about 1.5 kg;
  • pumpkin pulp weighing about 800 grams;
  • onion - 1 medium-sized head;
  • cinnamon, nutmeg;
  • vegetable oil - a couple of spoons;
  • salt pepper.
  • milk - a glass (about 200 grams).

1 step

Cut the chicken into portions. Rinse and dry them. Heat up a spoonful of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Brown the meat on all sides for a few minutes. Transfer the prepared pieces to a deep heat-resistant saucepan, season with pepper and salt.

2 step

Cut pumpkin pulp into small cubes. Peel the onion, cut it into thin rings / half rings. Sauté in oil. The onion has become transparent - it means it's time to lay the pieces of pumpkin pulp. Fry for a few more minutes. Pour in a glass of milk and wait until it boils. Salt the mixture, add some cinnamon and stir. Continue simmering for 5-10 minutes.

3 step

Put prepared vegetables in a heat-resistant pan with chicken. Stir, cover and put in the oven for 20 minutes and 180 degrees.

4 step

Chicken with pumpkin is ready. Divide the dish on plates. Sprinkle with herbs. Can be topped with sour cream. It is not necessary to cook a side dish, as chicken with pumpkin is an independent dish. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin with mushrooms and chicken

A hearty, tasty and unusual dish will turn out according to the following recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet weighing about 800 grams;
  • mushrooms (champignons or any other varieties) - 300 grams;
  • pumpkin pulp weighing 300 grams;
  • onions - 2 heads of medium size;
  • a glass of washed rice (about 200 grams);
  • a few tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • a pack (200 grams) of cream;
  • salt, pepper, saffron.

Cooking technology. Step-by-step instruction

1 step

Wash the pieces chicken fillet, discuss. Cut into cubes. Heat up the oil, throw in the chicken and fry until golden brown. The bird should be fried, not stewed. Lay the pieces on a plate.

2 step

Pour the washed rice into the same pan. Fry it for a couple of minutes. Pour boiling water over saffron. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour rice with water and cook according to the usual scheme. After boiling, pour in the saffron.

3 step

In a separate container, fry the onion and chopped mushrooms. After 5 minutes, add the pumpkin, cut into pieces, to them. Roast for 10 more minutes. Add to ingredients Pour in soy sauce, cream, pepper. Simmer the meat for 20 minutes. Focus on the readiness of the pumpkin. Sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Chicken with pumpkin in the sleeve

It is easy to prepare a dish in To do this, you need to take pieces of chicken, diced pumpkin pulp. Salt and season the ingredients. If the chicken is lean, you can add a little oil. Distribute the chicken and pumpkin evenly in the sleeve, fasten the edges and place in the oven. Time - 40-50 minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees. To form a crust, tear the sleeve a few minutes before readiness. Bon appetit!

The bird goes well with various additives. One of unusual options- chicken with pumpkin in the oven. You can cook the dish in a special baking bag, or you can use portioned pots. But the most spectacular option is pumpkin, stuffed chicken.

To prepare the dish, you can use the whole chicken carcass, or you can take separate parts, for example, drumsticks or thighs. Before baking, the chicken is rubbed with spices or kept for some time in a specially prepared marinade.

Pumpkin must be peeled and cut before cooking. If you plan to stuff the pumpkin, then you will need to cut off the lid and carefully remove the seeds with fibrous pulp.

Chicken and pumpkin make a delicious roast. Other vegetables are added to the two main products. You can add mushrooms to the dish.

Good to know! From a botanical point of view, the pumpkin fruit is a berry.

Chicken in a pumpkin baked in the oven

A delicious dish of chicken in a pumpkin, baked in the oven, looks very impressive on the table, so it can be prepared even for a holiday.

  • 1 pumpkin with a diameter of about 20 cm;
  • 2-3 chicken legs;
  • 2-3 ;
  • 2 pods;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt, fresh herbs, vegetable oil to taste.

To prepare the dish, you need to choose a pumpkin of a beautiful shape. The optimal size is about 20 cm in diameter. You can take a larger pumpkin, it will fit more pieces of chicken and vegetables. However, it takes a long time to bake a large pumpkin, in addition, when serving, the dish may fall apart.

To fill the pumpkin, you can use the legs with a bone, cut into pieces. And you can remove the fillets from the legs. But when using pieces with a bone, the filling will turn out to be thicker and more aromatic due to gelling agents.

We cut the legs into two parts - the drumstick and the thigh. If a fillet is used, it must be removed large pieces. Salt and pepper the chicken legs, fry on vegetable oil until a light crust appears. Let the fried chicken cool down.

Wash the pumpkin. Step back from the tail of 5 centimeters and cut off the lid. Using a spoon, take out the seeds and fibers. Then take out some of the pulp. It must be cut with a knife and removed with the same spoon. You need to be careful not to pierce the pumpkin through, otherwise the juice will flow through this hole.

As a result, a pumpkin will look like a pot. It is necessary to salt the walls from the inside and grease them with vegetable oil.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into halves of circles, chop the onion into thin half rings. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into fairly wide strips. Chop the garlic and fresh herbs.

At the bottom of the pumpkin pot we place a layer of onions, then fried chicken, tomatoes and peppers. Sprinkle with salt, fresh herbs and garlic. Alternate layers of chicken and vegetables until pumpkin pot will not be filled. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the walls of the pumpkin.

Spread two large strips of foil on a baking sheet, placing them crosswise. Place the stuffed pumpkin in the center. Inside the pumpkin, pour the oil in which the chicken was fried. We cover the pumpkin pot with a lid and wrap the pumpkin in foil, pressing it tightly. The tail of the pumpkin also needs to be wrapped in foil so that it does not burn. Bake at 160 degrees for about 2 hours. To make sure the pumpkin is ready, you can try to pierce the fruit in the upper part with a toothpick. If the stick easily enters the pulp, then it's ready.

Carefully remove the pumpkin from the oven and unwrap. You need to be careful, as you can burn yourself with steam and juice. The dish can be served hot or cold.

  • 600 gr. drumsticks or other parts of the bird carcass;
  • 300 gr. purified;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon French mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 0.25 teaspoon curry;
  • 0.25 teaspoon ground paprika;
  • 0.25 teaspoon of pepper mixture;
  • salt to taste.

Making the marinade: mix soy sauce, vegetable oil, mustard, spices, sugar. Rub the drumsticks with salt, then with the marinade.

Cut the pumpkin and potatoes into cubes or slices. We chop the onion in half rings, pass the garlic through a press or cut into small cubes. Put in a bowl, pour over the rest of the marinade and mix. You can mix vegetables and chicken. Leave for an hour or more.

Do you know how delicious it is, if not, then be sure to cook it at home before the pumpkin season is over. It's no secret that they are often baked with vegetables or on vegetable pillow. Thanks to vegetables, it turns out very delicious side dish that complements the meat.

Most often, potatoes are baked with chicken meat, although in addition to it there is a very a large number of delicious and healthy vegetables with which you can diversify numerous types of meat. These include asparagus, green beans, eggplant, Bell pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, onion, artichoke, pumpkin.

I love pumpkin very much and most often I cook sweet desserts and pastries from it. Soups and main courses are somewhat less common, but you never had to bake pumpkin with chicken. This year I decided to make this dish. Chicken with pumpkin turned out very, very tasty. If you love this vegetable, be sure to cook with pumpkin in the oven. Take sweet varieties of pumpkin for baking.

It is such a pumpkin that is sold in suparmarkets, while in the market they can also sell fodder varieties of pumpkin. Regarding chicken, I would like to add that for baking, you can take one or another part of it or even a whole carcass. Today I want to show you how delicious and quick to bake chicken thighs in the oven in a spicy marinade with spices.

This marinade is also suitable for roasting a whole chicken carcass, but in order for it to bake accurately, I recommend using a baking bag. Pumpkin can be placed both in the middle of the chicken carcass and around it. In addition to vegetable chicken, I used only onions, but you can add potatoes, carrots, prunes, mushrooms, dried apricots to the dish, bell pepper, grated cheese.


  • Chicken legs - 1 kg.,
  • Pumpkin - 300-400 gr.,
  • Spices - 1 teaspoon,
  • Balsamic vinegar- 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - 1 coffee spoon without a slide,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Onions - 2 pcs.,
  • Sunflower refined oil - 80-100 ml.

Chicken with pumpkin in the oven - recipe

Any parts of the chicken for roasting, whichever you choose, should be checked for the presence of feathers, and then be sure to rinse with cold water. Before marinating, it is advisable to blot the meat with napkins or paper towels. whole chicken legs, consisting of the thigh and lower leg, it is advisable to cut into two parts along the joint. Today I will bake chicken thighs with pumpkin.

Peel a piece of pumpkin from the peel and seeds. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes about 2 by 2 cm in size.

Peel the onion and cut it into rings. cut onion rings in half. And in half again. The result should be quarter rings.

We proceed to the next stage - the preparation of the marinade. To do this, pour sunflower oil into a bowl.

Pour in the spices.

There are no strict rules for choosing them for marinating chicken. You can buy ready-made spices for chicken or chicken, or mix your favorite spices. Most often I cook spices for meat and fish on my own. IN this recipe for baking chicken with pumpkin in the oven, I used a mixture of spices from paprika, black pepper, curry, dry adjika.

Pour in the balsamic vinegar, but don't confuse it with plain grape vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is very sweet and thick, while regular grape vinegar is very close to table vinegar, but at the same time differs from it by its ruby ​​color and the characteristic smell of grapes. If you do not have it, then replace it with a teaspoon of honey.

In the chicken marinade, peel and squeeze the garlic through a press.

Pour in apple cider vinegar.

Pour in the salt.

Mix the marinade.

Pour the resulting spicy marinade with vegetable oil, vinegar and spices chicken legs (drumsticks, wings or breast). Keep a little marinade for marinating vegetables. Using your hands, rub the marinade over the chicken pieces until they are completely covered. In a bowl, combine pumpkin and onion. Pour marinade over them. Stir.

Place the chicken thighs in a baking dish.

Arrange pickled vegetables around them.

Heat the oven up to 180C. At this temperature with vegetables in the oven should be baked for at least 35 minutes. chicken and vegetables during baking must be watered with the juice formed at the bottom of the mold. Make sure the chicken is ready by piercing it with the tip of a knife. If clear juice appears instead of blood, then it is already well baked and you can safely take it out of the oven.

Chicken with pumpkin in the oven. Photo

What to cook from pumpkin - recipes

20 minutes

140 kcal

5/5 (1)

What a useful diet dish can i cook for dinner? Chicken! What if regular recipes already arrived? Add pumpkin to it! This combination sweet pumpkin, tender meat and piquant spices will please any housewife.

This option is especially good because pumpkin dishes with chicken are not expensive either in time or in finance. I learned how to cook it after I tried it at a friend's house and couldn't part with it. Therefore, now I look forward to autumn every year to enjoy this dish in full. And now I want to tell you about several ways to cook pumpkin chicken in order to share my passion with someone else.

Chicken stew with pumpkin

Kitchen appliances: knife, spoon, frying pan.


Cooking process

Video recipe for stewed chicken in pumpkin

If you do not know how to serve, how to cut or how much to pour oil, then watch this video. The recipe for incendiary music will seem easy to you when you see everything with your own eyes.

Pumpkin stuffed with chicken

This is very tasty dish, because the chicken in the pumpkin, baked in the oven, becomes soft and sweet, and the pumpkin is saturated with the smell of chicken.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 4-5.
  • Kitchen appliances: knife, spoon, frying pan, baking sheet, oven.


  • half a kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • three quarters of a glass of rice;
  • medium pumpkin of nutmeg varieties;
  • bulb;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • one and a half glasses of chicken broth;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • greens, paprika, zira, hot pepper;
  • cheese - 50 g.

Cooking process

  1. Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds and take out almost all the pulp.

  2. Rub pumpkin without pulp with salt, pepper and olive oil and send for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 °.

  3. Chop the onion and garlic, cut the pepper into large cubes.

  4. Fry the fillet cut into small pieces in oil until golden brown and transfer to a plate.

  5. Pour pepper, onion, garlic, pumpkin pulp into the same oil and fry for 5-7 minutes.

  6. Then add rice, spices, tomato paste, chicken and broth and simmer until boiling. Reduce the heat and simmer until the rice is cooked.

  7. Put the stuffing in the baked pumpkin, pour lightly with olive oil and put in the oven for another 20 minutes.

  8. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and grated cheese.

Video recipe for stuffed pumpkin with chicken

The recipe is quite voluminous, so in order not to miss anything, watch the video first. Experienced chef shows the entire recipe in first person with written comments, so it won't be hard for you to figure it out.

Fried pumpkin with chicken

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 3-4 servings.
  • Kitchen appliances: knife, spoon, frying pan, plate.


  • 300 g chicken breasts;
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 200 g of young peas;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • bulb;
  • a piece of butter;
  • 100 ml of white wine;
  • bouillon cube;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking process

  1. Pour 150 ml cube hot water and let it dissolve.

  2. Cut the fillet into small slices and fry until tender in olive oil.

  3. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in butter.

  4. After 3 minutes, add the pumpkin cut into large cubes and cook for 10 minutes.

  5. Add chicken, wine and broth to vegetables.

  6. Cook until a third of the liquid remains in the pan.

  7. Add chopped baby peas, salt, pepper and fry for a couple more minutes.

  8. Transfer the dish to a plate and sprinkle with herbs.

Pumpkin Fried Chicken Video Recipe

See how fast they cook in this video fried chicken and how appetizing it turns out in combination with pumpkin. Fast, tasty, understandable.

How to serve chicken with pumpkin

For chicken with pumpkin, you can cook any side dish, such as boiled rice with vegetables, potatoes or pasta. You can cook chicken with pumpkin and potatoes in the oven for a great baked dinner. Can be added to it fresh salad from vegetables, put a couple of slices of fresh bread with cheese and make yourself a light beautiful dinner. You can finish it with a glass of white wine.

  • When cooking, check the pumpkin all the time, it should be soft enough, but not turn into a puree.
  • To make the chicken rosy and fragrant, it is better to fry it in butter.
  • When frying chicken, you can add a drop of honey to make it sweet and juicy.

As you already understood, you can cook, boiled, steamed or. At the same time, in all versions, it can be cooked both salty and sweet, as a side dish and as a dessert. To do this, you just need to know what ingredients are best to add to it.

You can cook and bake other vegetables, fruits or meats with it. And you can also make soup, porridge and even from it. All dishes are very different, but amazingly delicious. And if you decide to find all the options and recipes for cooking this vegetable, then you will only spend a few days reading them. Therefore, start trying right now, and you will definitely like something.

How do you like the combination tender fillet and sweet pumpkin? What spices would you add to it? Try it and tell us what else can be improved by writing about it in the comments.

Take a beautiful pumpkin of medium size - 20-25 cm in diameter. The larger the fruit, the more chicken and vegetables will fit there. However, baking a large pumpkin and taking it out of the oven will make it more dangerous to remove the foil - it may leak or fall apart.

For example" />

For example, only 3 chicken thighs are placed in a small pumpkin with a diameter of 15 cm.

The fillet is more plastic and settles better inside the pumpkin. However, the bones, giving their gelling juices, give the dish a brighter flavor and density. Choose to your taste.

Cut chicken legs into 2 parts - leg and thigh. Lightly salt them (you can pepper). Fry the chicken in vegetable oil until a light golden crust appears. Leave her to cool.

And at this time, take care of the pumpkin. Step back from the tail of 5 centimeters and cut off the lid.

Remove the core with a spoon. The wall thickness of the pumpkin should be about 1 centimeter. Carefully remove the excess pulp with a spoon, if it is hard to remove - slightly cut it with a knife and continue to help yourself with a spoon. I don’t advise you to cut and take out with a knife, there is a risk of piercing the pumpkin through and then all the juice will flow out through this hole and you will have to cook another dish.

Lay the cooled fried onion on a layer of onion. chicken piece, vegetable cutting, garlic, herbs, then meat again and so on.

Try to lay the filling delicately - the walls of the "pot" should remain intact.

Preheat the oven to 160-180 degrees.

Spread on a baking sheet 2 large pieces foil - criss-cross. Set the pumpkin in the center of the intersection of the foil sheets, carefully pour the oil on which the chicken was fried into the fruit cavity, close the pumpkin pot with the previously cut off lid.

Wrap the pumpkin tightly with foil. Close the tail on the lid too, otherwise it will burn.

Baking time depends on the properties of a particular fruit. You can make sure that the dish is ready by catching the obvious meat aroma flowing from the closed oven.

The second way: sniff the pumpkin, carefully peeling back the edge of the foil, while if the pumpkin is ready, you will also see a soft, shiny orange skin, tender as pulp.

Be careful, during baking, the pumpkin came out with juices that accumulated at the bottom of the foil. Move the hot pumpkin in foil or with napkins/towels" />

Be careful, during baking, the pumpkin came out with juices that accumulated at the bottom of the foil. Move the hot pumpkin in foil or with napkins/towels - the pumpkin is now slippery and soft.

The dish is ready.

Can be served both hot and cold.

Put chicken, vegetables and pumpkin pulp on a plate - you can choose it with a spoon from the inside, or you can cut an empty pumpkin with a knife, cutting off the skin (although it is already so soft that you can eat with it).

And the contents of a chilled pumpkin usually turns into a delicious jelly.

Enjoy your meal!