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Squash stuffed. Chicken breast with squash in a slow cooker Squash stuffed with chicken recipes

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow in our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about their cultivation and, first of all, in open field. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in temperate zones has its own characteristics. Everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in the open field, we will tell in this article.

May days delight with warmth and the opportunity to spend more time on the plots. But the long-awaited month of the arrival of stable heat cannot boast of a balanced lunar calendar. In May, the periods favorable for working only in the ornamental garden or only in the garden are quite long, and there are quite a few days suitable for any plants. The lunar calendar for May 2019 requires planning and skillful timing of planting and sowing.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname "bottle palm", it is very difficult to confuse the authentic bottle palm giophorba with its relatives. A real indoor giant and a rather rare plant, giophorba - it is one of the most elite palms. She became famous not only for her special bottle-like barrel, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for giophorba is no more difficult than caring for ordinary indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be chosen.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms - delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. It is enough to pour glass noodles with boiling water and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together, it does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller fragments with scissors, so as not to inadvertently catch the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have met this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is “disguised” under different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujuba”, “Chinese date”, but all this is one and the same plant. This is the name of a culture that has long been grown in China, moreover, it was grown as a medicinal one. From China, it was brought to the countries of the Mediterranean, and from there, jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the ornamental garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, seedlings of flowers are planted and begin seasonal decoration. But neither shrubs, nor lianas, nor trees should be forgotten. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month, it is better to work with ornamental plants in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move out of town and buy cottages? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still - to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer season has already begun, we are waiting for a lot of work in the garden and garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves - in order for work to be a joy, you must not forget to rest. And what could be better than outdoor recreation? Only rest in the equipped corner of your own garden.

May brings not only long-awaited warmth, but also long-awaited opportunities to plant even heat-loving plants in the beds. This month, seedlings begin to be transferred to the soil, and crops reach their peak. For planting and new crops, it is important not to forget about other important chores. Indeed, not only beds, but also plants in greenhouses and seedlings, which this month are beginning to be actively hardened, need enhanced care. It is important to form plants in time.

Pie for Easter - home recipe simple sponge cake stuffed with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. white icing, with which the cake is decorated, is made from white chocolate and butter, it will not crack, but it tastes like chocolate cream! If you don’t have the time or skills to mess around with yeast dough, then you can cook this simple holiday baking on the Easter table. Such simple recipe, I think, any novice home confectioner will master.

Thyme or thyme? Or maybe thyme or Bogorodskaya grass? How right? And it’s right in every way, because under these names the same plant “passes”, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family. There are many other folk names associated with amazing property highlight this shrub a large number of aromatic substances. Growing thyme and its use in garden design and cooking will be discussed in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to the classic care of indoor crops. And even relatives of the Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the "weirdest" care item for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classic method. But you will have to change the approach in fertilizing with fertilizers.

Savoy cabbage gratin vegetarian recipe tasty and healthy dish without meat, which can be cooked in fasting, as no animal products are used in its preparation. Savoy cabbage is a close relative of white cabbage, but it surpasses its “relative” in taste, so dishes with this vegetable always turn out to be successful. If for some reason you don't like soy milk then replace it with plain water.

At present, thanks to breeders, more than 2,000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The very one that we habitually call "strawberries". Garden strawberries arose as a result of the hybridization of Chilean and virgin strawberries. Every year, breeders never tire of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. Breeding is aimed at obtaining not only fruitful varieties resistant to diseases and pests, but also with high palatability and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, adorning beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

Very simple, tasty and juicy second a dish that can be prepared from available seasonal ingredients. squash, stuffed chicken, vegetables and cheese - this is the kind of food that can hardly get bored. You will definitely like the juicy fragrant filling, stretching cheese and tender squash pulp!

Stuffed patissons look so attractive that they can even be served to guests. Such mouth-watering solar pots in which a delicious surprise awaits you. For a cozy family dinner, such an easy-to-prepare dish will also come in handy. Try it too!


(2 pieces ) (400 grams) (250 grams) (150 grams) (150 grams) (100 grams) (50 milliliters) (4 branches) (1 teaspoon) (2 teaspoons) (1 pinch)

Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare this simple and delicious second course, we need squash, chicken breast, cheese, carrots, onions, tomatoes, refined vegetable oil, fresh herbs (in my case, parsley, but you can use any to taste), dried or fresh garlic, salt and black ground pepper. I will write down all the details on the ingredients below in the steps.

So, first of all, let's take care of our patisson cuties. For this recipe, I advise you to take fairly large fruits so that they fit a lot of stuffing. I have 2 patissons, each weighing about 1 kilogram. It must be said that it is for squash that this weight indicates its age - not a very young individual. The peel is already becoming quite dense and, as a rule, it needs to be removed. However, we will not do this - during the cooking process, the peel will soften and it will be easy to eat. We wash our suns and cut off the upper part with a knife to get such a lid.

Now canteen or dessert spoon take out the inside. We throw away the pulp with seeds, but the one that we scrape off from the walls can be further used in the filling. How hard do you need to scrape the pulp? This is a matter of taste, but it is important not to overdo it.

Thus we prepared both patissons. We got edible pots for our delicious dish.

Now you need to soften the fruits. It can be done different ways: bake in the oven, steam or boil in water. I like the last option better. Pour water into a large saucepan, add 1.5 teaspoons of salt (half a spoon will go into the filling). Bring the water to a boil, immerse the patisson in it and cook over medium heat until half cooked. The time depends on the density of the fruit. It took me about 17 minutes to make 1 patisson, and you control the process yourself. So we cook both patissons.

Without wasting time in vain, we prepare the filling. To do this, clean the carrots and onions, then cut the vegetables into small cubes. You can, of course, chop the carrots on a coarse grater, but I prefer the option with cubes. Pour odorless vegetable oil into the pan (I use sunflower oil), heat it up and lay the vegetables. Fry the onions and carrots over medium heat, stirring, until a pleasant blush.

In parallel, we cut the chicken breast into a fairly large cube (without skin and bones). You can also use small pieces - as you like.

On high heat without a lid, fry everything together so that the pieces of chicken breast turn white and grab. So they will retain maximum juiciness. You don’t need to fry for a long time - just 3-4 minutes is enough. That's it, turn off the heat and let the meat and vegetables cool to a warm state.

In the meantime, let's move on to the rest of the filling for stuffed squash. Finely chop fresh herbs with a knife, and large fresh tomato cut into small cubes. It is not necessary to remove the skin if it is thin. But to remove the seeds with juice - it is just necessary that there is no excess moisture.

We cut the cheese in the same small cube - 200 grams. You can use absolutely any solid or semi-hard cheese which you personally like best.

We shift the cheese, tomatoes and greens into the pan to the filling that has already cooled down a little. Salt and pepper to taste. We also add garlic to it. I use dried because it is softer than fresh.

Mix everything, taste for salt and pepper. The filling is ready.

Patissons, by the way, are also ready. Or rather, half-prepared - the boiled pulp is tender and well pierced with a fork.

Very tasty, healthy and original dish you can cook from squash - stuff them and bake in the oven. We are used to seeing them only in canned form and somehow ignore them in the daily menu. And why not dream up and cook squash for lunch, for example, these "pots" with filling - it turns out very tasty and satisfying! You can experiment with the filling and choose according to your taste - it can be meat, cereals, and vegetables.


To cook stuffed squash in the oven you will need:

medium-sized patissons - 6 pcs.;

chicken fillet - 300 g;

fresh champignons (large) - 4 pcs.;

onion - 1 pc.;

cream - 100 ml;

salt, pepper - to taste;

hard cheese - 50 g;

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Cut off the tops of the patissons (do not throw them away - there will be covers for the "pots", carefully remove the seeds with a spoon, you will get hollow patissons - "pots").

Dip them in boiling salted water, boil for 10 minutes. Then take out and put in a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil.

To prepare the filling, wash the mushrooms and boil them in salted water, then cut them into small cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion. Saute mushrooms and onions in vegetable oil until onions are translucent.

Then pour in the cream and simmer for 1-2 minutes.

Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder, add the mushroom mass, salt, pepper, mix.

Fill the patissons with minced meat, close with "lids", pour a little water into the mold and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake for 25-30 minutes.

Then take out the form with squash, remove the "lids", put cheese on the filling, grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips.

And again put the stuffed patissons in the oven, bake until slightly golden or under the grill for 2-3 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

Good day!
Not so long ago, for the first time in my life, I had a chance to cook stuffed squash. My friend on the site Sonya (Sonya 31) inspired me to do this. Sonechka, thank you so much for a wonderful idea! Until now, I have only stuffed zucchini, peppers and tomatoes from vegetables ... I used squash exclusively in fried or salted form. And if they are very young - then still in the raw ... with garlic sauce:)
And it turned out - quite in vain. This wonderful vegetable deserves the closest attention of lovers of stuffed dishes.

In addition, there can be a huge variety of variations with the filling.
So, I'll start.
I am preparing patisson. I wash it, dry it with a paper towel.

I decided to make the filling from chicken fillet with vegetables, without subjecting anything to preliminary heat treatment.
I wash and dry the fillets.

The fillet, in turn, decided not to chop with a meat grinder or blender, but to chop with a knife.

All manipulations with the fillet are finished, I place it in a deep container convenient for mixing.

Then I cut the onion into quarters.

I cut carrots. Since she is young with me, I didn’t particularly grind her.

I put everything in a container with chicken fillet.

I had some cauliflower in the freezer - I decided to use that too.

Slicing the tomatoes...

I send everything to a bowl with other ingredients ...

I'm chopping garlic...

I put the garlic in a bowl...

Cooking spices...

I have salt, turmeric, and some dry adjika.
I pour the mixture of salt and spices into a bowl with chicken fillet and vegetables ...

And the final touch for the filling is a finely chopped apple and chopped greens.

My apple was sweet and sour, medium in size. From the green green onion, dill and parsley. I would also add cilantro here, but unfortunately, at that time I simply did not have it in the refrigerator.
Now it's time to cut off the top of the patisson and take out the pulp and seeds, thereby freeing up space for the filling.

This is best done with a sharp spoon.
Then I gently mix the filling of chicken fillet and vegetables, and stuff the squash with it.

I don’t grease the form in which I put the patisson, I just pour a little water there.
I don’t throw away the top from the squash - it will serve as a kind of lid.

I place the form with the squash in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake for about 40 minutes - until the squash becomes soft.
Then I take it out of the oven...

And we as a family enjoy tasty, juicy, healthy and low calorie meal- that is ideal option for dinner:)

Enjoy your meal!

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 hour

Approximate cost per serving: 20 rub.

It is better to take patissons young, small, with a diameter of 8-12 centimeters, because they release less liquid during baking.

They should be washed and dried with a towel.

Cut off the tops with stalks - these are our caps, and scrape out the middle with a small round spoon.

Grate the squash from the inside with salt and set aside for 30 minutes. During this time, they will release liquid (which we don’t need at all) so that the filling does not become watery during baking.

Now let's get to the stuffing.

The choice of vegetables is absolutely arbitrary - everything that is loved or what is available in the refrigerator - any will do, because delicate taste squash goes well with many vegetables.

Here I have a young carrot and peas. And also one ear of corn - I have been using it in many dishes lately, I really like its sweet taste in combination with meat.

My peas were already peeled. If you still have it in pods, just clean and sort, they will suddenly get caught with a wormhole.

Wash the carrots and cut into small cubes, it will be ideal for the size of peas.

I already had boiled corn, I just cut off its grains from the cob.

Note: the best part is that this dish is out of season... you can cook not only from fresh vegetables, but also with frozen or canned, they will only need to be thawed first.

You can do different things with chicken fillet - either twist it into minced meat, or just chop it finely - we like the second option more.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Grind the peeled garlic clove as well, although many prefer to pass it through a garlic press - a matter of taste.

Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken pieces for a couple of minutes, I think 2-3 minutes is enough - let it grab a little golden crust.

Then add the onion, garlic and fry for another 2-3 minutes - during this time the onion softens, and the garlic does not have time to burn.

Put the prepared carrots, peas and corn, pour in the cream, season with spices to taste and mix. Fry for about a minute, the main thing here is not to overcook, so the vegetables will remain bright and crispy.

At the very end, add grated cheese, mix. It will bind all the ingredients. That's all, the filling is ready - let it cool down a bit.

Drain the resulting liquid from the squash, you can even get wet with a paper towel for fidelity.

Wrap the stalks on the "caps" in a piece of foil, this is necessary so that they do not burn.

Stuff tightly prepared squash pots with vegetable mass and cover with "lids". Lubricate the entire surface of the squash with vegetable oil, so they do not wrinkle and fry beautifully.

Put in a baking dish or on a baking sheet if preparing for a large company and put in a preheated oven.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the squash.

Serve sprinkled with fresh, chopped parsley leaves.

Squash prepared in this way can be served both as a hot dish and as a cold appetizer.

And so, and so very tasty, besides, it looks quite original - why not a festive treat ?!