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Podcherevina baked in the oven in foil. Podcherevok baked in the oven in foil

Hello dear readers. Now all our thoughts are about the upcoming holidays. And sometimes we even forget about everyday affairs behind these chores. So this Sunday I was at the market in the morning, I bought homemade eggs, red beets, carrots, and all sorts of little things for everyday life. But, when we were going to have dinner, and we have an early lunch, since we also have breakfast at 7.20. So it turned out that there is no lard at home, but I like to eat a piece of bacon with garlic along with soup or borscht. Still, it's beautiful folk remedy from many ailments. Plus, it's high in calories. Apparently jogging burns my calories. And in order to replenish them, I began to eat more, and even with lard.

In general, I had to dine without fat. We live very close to the bazaar, if through the forest, then no more than 300 meters. In general, I quickly got ready, since there was still time. We usually have a market until one in the afternoon.

In general, I go to the meat pavilion, the sellers are already going, but some, seeing me, begin to offer to buy meat or lard. From personal experience I know that if you come to the closing of the bazaar, you can buy almost everything at a good discount. This is especially true for meat products.

So it turns out that I got a discount. I bought lard at a discount of almost 40%, and when the lard was weighed for me, the seller offered me an undercut as well. They say there was the last piece, which is already leading him home. As a result, he persuaded me to take a piece of the undercoat. Moreover, she was so beautiful, and I bought her for 70% of her original cost. I thought that you can make a delicious underline in the oven, in a sleeve or foil. The holidays are all ahead.

In general, I also walked through the bazaar, and bought more and pork leg for cold. Also not for the full price, but for 60% of the original cost. And I know how to cook noble jelly, you can look at mine. In general, I was satisfied with the trip for fat. And here, by the way, is a 700-gram piece of undercarriage that I bought.

It was a sin to refuse such a piece, there was less than half of the fat. And as you can see in the photo, I have already started to cook it. More precisely, I washed a piece of fat from possible debris. All the same, they cut it on the counter, and although it was laid there, it was still not very clean, small pieces of bones and decks could stick.

Then I dried it with a paper towel and cut it into pieces about 4 centimeters wide, without cutting all the way through. I cut through to the skin, but did not cut it off at all, you can see it in the photo.

Now we can make probably the simplest seasoning for the undercut. It consists of three cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of salt, and a mixture of peppers from the mill. You can of course add paprika and red ground pepper, and ground black pepper, and basil. In general, you can come up with a lot of spices for wiping undercuts to your taste.

We pass the garlic through a garlic press, add salt and grind fresh pepper from the mill. You can just add black ground pepper, but we love adding freshly ground pepper. And not just pepper, but a mixture of peppers. When you turn the mill, this pepper flavor is worth it.

This also affects the taste of all dishes, and in our case, the taste of lard. Now we mix it all with our hands and coat our prepared lard.

I put our underline in the tray and in the fridge. Let her lie overnight in the garlic marinade. You can immediately put it in the sleeve, and already in the sleeve put it to marinate.

The next morning I put it in the sleeve and on a baking sheet. I used my old baking sheet, the fat was up my sleeve anyway. In appearance, of course, he is already experienced, but this does not affect the taste of fat. I preheated the oven to 200 degrees and sent our underbelly there.

After half an hour, I took out the fat and tore the film. We send another 10 - 15 minutes so that it browns.

And now about some subtleties. Cooking time depends on how hot your oven is. I forgot to turn down the fire a little, and in addition, I put it low, on the bottom shelf, I got a little ruddy bottom, you can see it in the photo. It certainly didn't affect the taste.

When the sleeve was torn off, such an aroma went through the kitchen that it was difficult to wait until the undercut was cooked. And when we got it out of the oven, I say we got it, because Elena and I were already standing by the oven together. I immediately cut off a piece from the hot underbelly. Elena could not stand it either, she also tried a piece. What can I say about the taste, divine!!!

And the other day I went to repair a heated towel rail, to a friend's garage, so he showed me a photo of his cake, which he made with his own hands. I was just fascinated.

Such beauty is simply breathtaking. We have a lot of different cakes on the blog, but that's it. In general, I liked it, and I decided to show you what a person who has never dealt with cakes can do. By profession, he is an ordinary car mechanic, but he also loves fat. This is how he created a miracle.

And now I want to wish you Bon appetit, and it doesn’t matter what you eat, the main thing is that it be a joy. And food that brings joy cannot harm our body. And if you want to cook a delicious undercut in the oven, then you already know the recipe. I hope the recipe with photos did not leave you with questions about cooking.

Undercut is a versatile product from which you can cook interesting dish. Rolls from it are quite capable of replacing sausage on the festive table. In our article, we want to talk about how to cook undercuts baked in the oven. Best Recipes replenish cookbooks housewives, because many simply do not know what can be prepared from such a wonderful product.

Undercut baked with herbs and garlic: ingredients

Undercuts baked in the oven - tasty dish worthy to be present in our daily menu. The product can be prepared different ways. Especially popular among housewives is a recipe using garlic and herbs. To prepare the dish, we need the following products:

  1. A kilogram of pork undercut.
  2. Large head of garlic.
  3. Dried thyme and basil - one teaspoon each.
  4. Ground pepper - 1.5 tsp.
  5. Salt.
  6. Ground sweet paprika - ½ tsp
  7. Several bay leaves.
  8. Container with lid.
  9. Foil for baking.

Cooking undercut with garlic and herbs

Baking undercuts in the oven is a feasible task even for an inexperienced cook. Before cooking meat product must be washed well warm water paying close attention to the skin. There should be no straw left on it. After that, wipe the undercuts dry and prepare a mixture of spices (thyme, paprika, basil and black pepper). By the way, the composition and quantity of spices can be changed at your discretion.

Cut large cloves of garlic lengthwise into several pieces and mix with spices. In the underline, carefully make incisions into which we put pieces of garlic. Thus, we stuff all the meat, and rub it with spices and salt on top. We shift the undercuts into a container, tightly close it with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for several hours. After the lapse of time, we take out the meat and wrap it in baking foil, adding a bay leaf. The edges of the foil must be carefully bent so that the liquid does not leak out. Now it remains only to bake the undercuts in the oven at 180 degrees. The cooking process takes about an hour and a half. Ready meal you can leave it to brew with the oven turned off for another twenty minutes. Next, cut the meat into thin slices and serve on the table with any side dish or as self snacks. Undercuts baked in foil in the oven are incredibly tasty and tender.

Boiled undercuts: ingredients

We would like to offer another recipe for an undercut baked in the oven. Its peculiarity is that the meat must first be boiled. To prepare such a dish, we need:

  1. Pork undercuts - 0.7 kg.
  2. Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Bay leaf.
  4. Black pepper (peas).
  5. Onion peel.
  6. Ground pepper.
  7. Three cloves of garlic.
  8. One bulb.
  9. One carrot.


How to cook tasty undercuts baked in the oven? There are a lot of recipes, and they are all kind of similar. The difference lies in the use of different spices and additives that give the dishes new flavors.

We send the pan to the stove and bring its contents to a boil. It must be remembered that we cook one part of the meat for twenty minutes, and then turn it over and give the second half the opportunity to boil. Cook the meat over low heat.

After that, we take out the undercuts, peel it from the husk and put it on food foil. Rub the meat with crushed garlic and ground pepper, add bay leaf, pour over soy sauce. Now we wrap the foil with the underline in foil in the form of a candy. We preheat the stove to 180 degrees.

We shift the meat into a heat-resistant form and bake the undercuts in the oven. The cooking time depends on the thickness. On average, the dish is baked for about an hour and a half.

Pickled undercut

Very tasty marinated undercuts. To prepare it, we need:

  1. Liter of water.
  2. Five tablespoons of salt.
  3. Bay leaf.
  4. Two handfuls of onion skins.
  5. Pepper black and fragrant.

Such an underline is called Ukrainian. To prepare it, you need a brine. It is done quite simply. We wash onion peel in water. Pour water into the pan, it should be enough to completely cover the piece of meat. We put the dishes on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. We put the undercuts in the pan only after the liquid boils and cook for twenty minutes. Meat must be cooked on low heat.

After the lapse of time, we turn off the gas and let the undercut cool down right in the brine. Then we take it out, stuff it with garlic and rub it with paprika, allspice and black pepper, adding bay leaf. Now we wrap the meat in foil and bake the undercuts in the oven for an hour. Then we turn off the fire and let the dish reach in a closed cabinet. After that, we take out the finished meat and send it for storage in the freezer until later use.

Underline roll

To prepare an undercut roll in the oven, we need:

  1. Pork undercuts - 2 kg.
  2. Bulgarian Bell pepper- 2-3 pcs.
  3. Garlic - 3 cloves.
  4. Ground bay leaf.
  5. Parsley greens (fresh).
  6. Spices to taste.
  7. Cumin - ½ tsp
  8. A mixture of different peppers - one tsp.
  9. Salt.

The preparation of the dish should begin with a thorough washing of the undercut. After this procedure, we soak it all night in a steep brine. In the morning, dry the meat with napkins and rub with a mixture of peppers, bay leaves, cumin and other spices.

Next wash bell pepper and clean it from seeds, cut into strips. We spread the chopped garlic and pepper on the undercuts, after which we twist it into a roll and wrap it with a thread. Next, wrap the meat in foil and send it to bake in the oven. At 150 degrees, the dish will cook for up to three hours. After that, the foil can be unfolded and baked for some more time until a golden crust forms. The cooled roll from the undercut, baked in the oven, cut into thin slices and put on a serving platter. Decorate the meat with fresh herbs and serve.

Roll of underline in the sleeve

The underline roll is perfectly baked in the sleeve. In this case, the dish turns out incredibly juicy and tender. To prepare it, we need:

  1. Kilogram underline.
  2. Tablespoon of salt.
  3. Four cloves of garlic.
  4. A mixture of peppers - 2 tsp.

To prepare the roll, you should choose not too thick undercuts, which can later be rolled up. Wash the meat thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

We pass the garlic through the press and rub the undercuts with it from all sides. Next, salt it, pepper it, adding your favorite spices and seasonings to taste. Very often housewives like to use Provencal herbs, they are incredibly good for such a dish. Next, we roll the meat very tightly into a roll and tie it well with a thread. We place the undercuts in the sleeve and tightly tie its edges. We send the roll to bake in the oven. At a temperature of 220 degrees, the dish is cooked for about thirty minutes, after which the temperature must be reduced to 150 degrees and baked for about another hour.

We take out the finished roll from the sleeve and let it cool.

Roll with prunes from underline

To prepare the dish you will need:

  1. Kilogram undercut pork.
  2. One carrot.
  3. One hundred grams of prunes.
  4. Mustard - 10 g.
  5. A teaspoon of pepper mixture.
  6. Nutmeg.
  7. A teaspoon of paprika.
  8. Five cloves of garlic.
  9. Salt.
  10. Coriander.

We wash the undercuts very carefully, paying special attention to the skin. Dry the meat with paper towels. We prepare prunes by pouring boiling water over it. We pass the garlic through a press, after which we rub the meat with it, adding all the spices, salt and spices.

Finely chop carrots and prunes and mix. We apply the resulting filling to the meat, after which we wind it into a tight roll and tie it with threads. We wrap the undercuts in foil and send them to bake in the oven. Cooking at 200 degrees takes about an hour. Serve the finished dish on the table, cutting the meat into thin slices.

Instead of an afterword

From the underline you can make wonderful meat dishes. Using the most different recipes, you can choose the one you like best. The baked stuffed rolls are especially good. Such a dish can become a decoration of the festive table. To prepare the undercut, you can use not only different spices and spices, but also fillings.

Mushrooms, herbs, cheese, prunes, dried apricots and many other products go well with meat, so you always have the opportunity to experiment and get new tastes. We hope that our recipes will help you master the preparation of new dishes. As you can see, baking undercuts in the oven is quite simple.

In addition, such an appetizer looks very nice on a plate with cold cuts along with bacon, ham and other delicacies. In addition to underlining in the oven, according to the recipe below, you can cook boiled pork and lard in the oven.

Also, homemade undercuts baked in the oven are an excellent alternative to purchased sausages and smoked meats, and even despite the high calorie content of this snack, this is not a reason to refuse this most delicate fragrant baked lard with layers of meat.

I hope my photos will tell you more about this wonderful appetizer.


  • Undercuts 1 kg.
  • Onion 200-300 gr.
  • Favorite spices 3-4 tsp
  • Garlic 3-4 cloves
  • Mustard grains or other 2 tsp
  • Bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar 2 tsp


My undercuts, and wipe dry with a paper towel.

Cut the onion into large half rings, and pour into a bowl where the undercut will be marinated.

Add sugar and salt to the onion to taste. To begin with, try the undercut that you bought to taste, in most cases, it is already sold a little salty, so when preparing a marinade with salt, it is important not to overdo it.

And now we knead the onion with salt and sugar with our hands so that it releases as much juice as possible.

Preparing spices.

Add all the spices and mustard to the mashed onion. Mix thoroughly.

And we shift a piece of undercarriage into our marinade. Spread the marinade evenly over the whole piece. Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

After the specified time, we can start cooking the undercut in the oven.

We take out a piece of bacon from the marinade, carefully remove all the remnants of onions and garlic - they have already done their job.

We turn the undercuts into a roll if you come across a long piece. Then we tie the roll with a thread, as much as possible, so that in ready-made the fat turned out juicy, and as little juice as possible flowed out of it. If this is not done, the output will be crackling :)

We place the underline roll in the baking sleeve, fix the ends with clamps (they come with the sleeve), and place a refractory form.

We send the undercuts to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40-60 minutes, depending on the thickness of the piece.

As soon as you see a golden crust and clear juice, the undercut roll is ready!

We take our undercuts out of the oven, cut the sleeve, and let it cool completely without removing the thread. Still with threads, we send the undercuts to the refrigerator, or to the balcony (in winter), so that it can be preserved in a beautiful roll shape. If you remove the threads earlier, the whole structure will fall apart.

When the undercuts "grab" in the cold, you can remove the threads, and not be afraid that the fat will lose its shape.

Undercuts - the abdominal part of pork, consisting of layers of meat and fat. Today we will share with you interesting recipes and tell you how delicious to bake undercuts in the oven.

Undercut baked in dough


  • pork undercuts - 1 kg;
  • puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • seasoning for meat;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil;


Before baking the undercuts in the oven, we prepare it: we wash it, dry it, rub it abundantly with spices, seasonings and garlic squeezed through a press. We put the pickled meat in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days under pressure. Then we take out the fat and remove the extra spices. Puff pastry defrost in advance, roll it out on a table powdered with flour, and form a cake. We wrap bacon in it, like in an envelope, transfer the workpiece to a baking sheet and lightly coat it with vegetable oil on top. Bake the dish in the oven for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After that, we make an incision on the dough from above and tuck the edges a little. Again we send the food to the oven and pinpoint exactly 10 minutes so that the fat is slightly browned. The undercut prepared in this way turns out to be incredibly tender and deliciously juicy, and the dough is appetizing and crispy.

Oven-baked podcherevka recipe in sleeve


  • pork undercuts - 2 kg;
  • spices;
  • garlic - 10 g;
  • dry bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil.


So, we take pork, carefully cut off the top layer of meat with a sharp knife, but do not cut it a little, and unfold the undercuts like a book. Next, we lightly beat the meat, grease it with garlic, which is abundantly squeezed through a press, and salt to taste. Sprinkle with ground pepper and roll up. Tie tightly with a thread, put the workpiece in a baking sleeve, which we grease inside vegetable oil. Under the roll we put a bay leaf and tie the sleeve with threads on both sides. We send it to a large saucepan, fill it with fresh water, and send the dishes to the fire. After boiling, reduce the gas and cook under a closed lid for 1.5 hours. After that, we take out the roll from the underlay, remove the film from it and bake it in the oven, pouring it over with the liquid that stood out from the meat during the cooking process. After 30 minutes, we take out the baked meat, cool and cut off all the threads. We remove the dish for the night in the refrigerator, and then cut it into thin layers and serve it to the table as cold appetizer.

Undercuts are cooked in different ways; they are marinated, fried, salted. Today we will cook undercuts baked in the oven in the sleeve. The meat is very tasty and spicy. It can be eaten hot, but most often the pork is cooled, cut and served as a cold appetizer. Served on festive table or use just for a snack, as a sandwich.

To cook a delicious undercut in the oven, it must first be marinated. Every housewife uses different variants marinade: simply in spices, in honey-soy marinade, mustard, tomato or adjika. I chose the usual way- marinate pork in fragrant spices and garlic. We will bake in the oven in the sleeve, it is the sleeve that will not allow the meat to dry out. A big plus is that even a novice cook can handle this appetizer, because the cooking process is very simple, you will see it in the recipe with step by step photos.


  • Undercuts - 400 g.
  • Spice mix - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 4 cloves

How to cook undercuts in the oven

Choose a piece of animal with layers of meat, there should be less fat, then the appetizer is less fat. Before cooking, clean the skin with a knife from dirt. Rinse the undercuts under running water, wipe dry with a paper towel and rub it with salt on all sides.

Pour your favorite spices into a bowl, I chose: turmeric, basil, black pepper. You can buy ready-made spices for pork.

Sprinkle the undercuts with spices on all sides. You can leave to marinate for 1 hour, but I was a little in a hurry and immediately started baking.

Peel the garlic, cut the slices into 2 parts to stuff the meat with it. We make punctures in the underline and push the slices into the holes with our fingers.

We take a sleeve for baking, put undercuts in it, tie the ends and put in the oven to bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 200C. Cooking time depends on the size of the piece. But in general, it needs to be cooked from 1 hour to 1.30 but no more. And if you want to make a golden crust, cut the sleeve, and set the grill mode for 5-7 minutes.

We take out the baked pork and let it cool, then it will be much easier to cut.

Serve on the table with sauce, a slice of black bread or with your favorite side dish. Enjoy your meal!

  • Of the spices, bay leaves are often used, only it needs to be crushed into small pieces. And they will also harmoniously combine: sweet paprika, cumin, coriander, curry, turmeric, red pepper.
  • You can add more vegetables, mushrooms, herbs to the baking sleeve.
  • If you don't have a baking sleeve, you can use foil. But it’s easier for me to use the sleeve, it shows the readiness of the meat.
  • Pork can be smeared with sauce and wrapped in a roll, then you will get a very spicy and unusual snack.
  • Hot meat can be served with any side dish: mashed potatoes, baked vegetables, rice.
  • So, the undercuts baked in the oven in the sleeve are a great snack, especially for men.