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Rastishka ice cream. Characteristics of useful properties

How and what to feed their children, in each family, mothers decide in their own way. Today, the choice of products for baby food is so wide that parents' eyes literally run wide in the store. And what can we say about the kids who freeze in front of the counters with colorful jars and bottles from advertising. But is it worth buying them for your precious children? And are there any components useful for the child in their content? On these topics, mothers argue very often, because modern babies often have food allergies and the choice of products for them should be approached especially carefully. Yielding to colorful and well-shot commercials, parents regularly buy Rastishka curd from Danone for their children. It is positioned as a product for children, containing the daily dose of calcium necessary for the growth of children. However, many experts and mothers in the reviews claim that this statement is nothing more than a cunning publicity stunt. Is this really so, we will try to find out in this article on the Rastishka curd.

Danone product range

This company has been in business for a long time Russian market and produces products not only for children, but also for adults. Their assortment is quite wide, but usually it is with Rastishka curds that a child begins to get acquainted with the products of this brand. To date, on the shelves of stores you can find several types of curds, the most popular among children are the following varieties:

  • Packing for the little ones. Such curds are sold only in four pieces, that is, in a package. Each jar contains forty-five grams of the product. Interestingly, the manufacturer has combined flavors in each package of curds. For example, you can choose strawberries and apricots. If these flavors do not suit your baby, then try berries and peach pear. And little gourmets will definitely like the combination of strawberry-banana and ice cream.
  • Packs for older kids. If your child has already grown up and is happy to eat Rastishka curd in one sitting, then it's time to switch to 100-gram packages. Such a volume of the product will be an excellent snack or a full-fledged dessert. This type is represented by three flavors: strawberry, banana and apple-pear.
  • Cottage cheese with cookies. This novelty has already attracted the kids. They enthusiastically gobble up the Rastishka strawberry-banana cottage cheese, having previously poured cookies in the shape of the alphabet into a jar. Many mothers write in reviews that kids like to make words out of them, and then quickly eat them.
  • "Rastishka" cottage cheese-ice cream. This product is also brand new. In composition, it does not differ from ordinary cottage cheese, but has a small addition to the packaging in the form of multi-colored sticks. They can be dipped in the package and freeze the product. Then it is supposed to be consumed as ice cream.

Judging by the numerous photos of Rastishka curd on various resources, this product very popular. In addition, reviews are often given on it.

Short description

If you look at any photo of Rastishka curd, you can get a reliable idea of ​​the contents of each jar. The manufacturer gives information about the curd on each package.

The Danone company described it with several adjectives:

  • cottage cheese;
  • thermized;
  • non-greasy;
  • fortified;
  • enriched with minerals.

The fat content of the product in a 100-gram package is three and a half percent.

Interestingly, the manufacturer constantly stirs up the interest of children in their product with various promotions. Often stickers, toys or puzzles are attached to the package. Usually they are all made in China.

Composition and calories

When we talk about a product for children, it is very important to take into account all its features, including calorie content. If we consider a standard pack of one hundred grams, then its calorie content is equal to one hundred and fifteen kilocalories. At the same time, cottage cheese contains six and three tenths of a gram of protein, three and five tenths of a gram of fat and fourteen and a half grams of carbohydrates.

The composition of curds "Rastishka" different types almost identical, however, depending on the taste, differences can be detected. We cannot give a description of all types in the article, but for example, let's take the same 100-gram product with strawberries. The main components of cottage cheese are:

  • skimmed milk;
  • cream;
  • sugar.

Also included are:

  • cottage cheese sourdough;
  • rennet extract;
  • fruit supplement (in this case, strawberries).

The following group of components causes the greatest suspicion among parents:

  • sugar syrup;
  • acidity regulator;
  • thickeners (including guar gum and E1422);
  • dyes;
  • flavors identical to natural.

In addition to the components already listed, the curd contains potassium iodide and vitamin D. It is these substances, together with calcium, that are considered the most useful for babies.

Characteristics of useful properties

According to their data, cottage cheese promotes bone growth due to the protein and calcium in each package. Also an important characteristic of the product is the presence in it of substances such as methionine and tryptophan. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and even, according to some reports, improve the interaction between neurons in the brain. In addition, the listed substances normalize digestion. When it comes to babies given property is very important and sometimes decisive in choosing a product.

Everyone knows that children are in a phase of active growth, therefore they need vitamins and microelements in larger quantities than adults. The manufacturer claims that "Rastishka" in the form of cottage cheese promotes the formation of new cells in the body. It also helps the growth of immune bodies and enzymes.

Judging by the reviews about Rastishka curd, it is its unique composition that encourages parents to buy this product. And an interesting and colorful advertisement interests them children, who will certainly ask for cottage cheese from their parents in the store.

Baby cottage cheese: a product for the first complementary foods

Most parents consider it very important to introduce cottage cheese to the baby in time. But in this case, we are talking about a children's product, the characteristics of which can not be called by all mothers.

All experts in the field of baby food argue that the curd should be prepared in production, and not at home. The fact is that the product for the first complementary foods needs special processing, which parents cannot always provide. If the baby is healthy, then every day by the year he can easily digest up to forty grams of cottage cheese. However, it must be for children. We would like to draw the attention of parents to this. Pediatricians give the main characteristics of such a product:

  • packing no more than fifty grams;
  • the shelf life varies within two weeks, but on average it is ten days;
  • does not contain fruit additives.

It is also important to look at the packaging, where there should be a special age marking.

Cottage cheese or curd product: compare and draw conclusions

Usually parents have a poor understanding of the differences between cottage cheese and a curd product. And for feeding a baby, they can be crucial. So, remember that the curd product undergoes additional heat treatment. This happens after fermentation. Therefore, on the packaging, the manufacturer indicates that the product is thermized.

Usually, substances are added to such curds that extend the shelf life. On average, such products are stored for about a month.

It is a common practice to add fruit additives to the curd product. In order for them to peacefully coexist with the contents of the package in the form of lactic acid bacteria, it is subjected to additional heat treatment.

Also, modified starch is added to most curd products. It is often confused with genetically modified, although these two types of starch have nothing in common.

Thus, having made even a superficial comparative analysis, we can come to the conclusion that children's curd is several times more useful than a curd product, which is not recommended for taking a baby for the first feeding.

"Rastishka": can it be used for feeding

Often, mothers take this product in order to introduce crumbs up to a year to its taste. Usually this is done thanks to commercials, where they call Rastishka cottage cheese for children. However, this approach of parents is erroneous.

Baby nutrition experts say that Danone cottage cheese cannot be a full-fledged replacement for cottage cheese. It is rather a fortified dessert, which means it is not suitable for feeding young children.

Parents should remember that cottage cheese desserts are adult food. The weak children's stomach cannot digest them, and they will not bring him any benefit. Of course, you should not support those who keep talking about the dangers of Rastishka curd. The product is safe and complies with all norms and standards. But once again, we note that it will not bring any benefit to the crumbs.

Non-compliance with baby food standards

The term "baby food" refers to foods that can be given to crumbs up to a year. If you doubt that Rustishka does not fit into this category, you need to study a few facts.

Know what's in baby food the use of dyes identical to natural is not allowed. In addition, there are norms regulating the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Since the percentage of protein from seven to seventeen is considered the norm, it is immediately clear that the curd from Danone does not fulfill this condition. But in terms of carbohydrates, the product has a significant excess.

Also to be mentioned is the lack of lactic acid microorganisms and the long shelf life, which cannot be matched with baby food. As you can see, cottage cheese is intended for children whose age is definitely more than one year.

Cottage cheese "Rastishka": at what age can it be given to babies

This question is a key one in the topic of product use in baby food. As we have already found out, cottage cheese does not fit into the category of "children's" for a number of reasons, which lie in its composition. Therefore, you should not buy it in the store in order to introduce the kids to the curd taste. Parents usually do this when their child is eight to ten months old. For the digestive tract of such a baby, "Rastishka" is extremely difficult.

So from what age can Rastishka curd be included in a child's diet? If you are asking this question, then take a close look at the packaging. On it, the manufacturer always prints full information about the components of Rastishka curd and from what age it can be eaten.

If you refer to these data, then parents can give their children this product only from the age of three. It is at this age that the digestive tract becomes able to absorb the so-called adult food.

Opinion of experts about "Rastishka"

Not every parent understands what it is in the composition of the curd that causes negative comments from baby nutrition experts. We will give just a few facts from their reviews.

Almost all pediatricians note that the composition of the curd on some packs varies. Previously, modified starch was indicated on all packs, but today this is done only on some batches. It is known that the children's stomach cannot absorb it, since the baby does not produce some enzymes.

Also, experts draw the attention of parents to the rennet in the composition of the product. It is used in milk curdling in many industries, but it is prohibited in baby food.

Based on the foregoing, experts believe that, as a last resort, Rastishka curd can only be given to children from the age of three. Moreover, its benefits are clearly not as obvious as the manufacturer claims.

Negative comments from parents

Every mother is free to decide how to feed her child. Therefore, there are as many opponents of the cottage cheese from Danone as its admirers. Some parents write in reviews that this product caused an allergic reaction in their child. And it arose literally after the first spoon.

Among the negative comments, one can single out those that indicate the chemical taste of the contents of the package. Moreover, children often tell their parents that their tongue tingles from the curd.

Positive reviews

Parents who often purchase Rastishka for their children write that they like the product very much. It is a great snack, so it can be given for an afternoon snack.

Also, mothers note the pleasant texture of the curd. It is more like yogurt without cottage cheese and fruit pieces. Not every child likes when there are tangible foreign additives in the product.

Numerous promotions organized by Danone also receive positive feedback. Kids get not only a delicious product, but also various toys, and sometimes even a chance to plant plant seeds that come with the package.

Drawing conclusions

Cottage cheese "Rastishka" is quality product, but it is intended for feeding children from three years old. It cannot be called cottage cheese and will not be able to replace it in the diet. However, as a dessert, the product is ideal.

In the very name of this product lies its purpose, because it stimulates the normal growth of the baby. That's why calcium is added to Rastishka, which is the main building material for the skeletal system. To make calcium easier to digest, vitamin D is included in the composition. Usually we get it with the rays of the sun, but when the sun is hidden behind the clouds and shines weakly (for example, in winter), Rastishka will come to the rescue. Produced under this brand wonderful curds, nutritious yoghurts (drinkable), and original yoghurts with cookies. And that's not all, because Rastishki's product line also includes sogurts (a branded mixture of juice and yogurt) and delicious milkshakes, so loved by kids. By voting among the target audience of "Rastishki", the symbol of the brand was determined - a cheerful dinosaur named "Dino". You can buy these wonderful sweets at a bargain price in the Rural Boutique online store. We will deliver the order to any Moscow address, as well as within a radius of ten kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

Benefits with home delivery

Some parents mistakenly believe that they can feed their child the food they eat. It seems to such mothers and fathers that by reducing the portion of "adult" food, they turn it into suitable for children. Of course, this is not true! This approach is not only useless for the child's body, it is also dangerous, because it leads to a deficiency of vitamins and other positive substances, and to an increase in harmful fats and salt in the child's diet.

For the harmonious development of the little man, he needs proper nutrition, and specially enriched products that take into account all age needs. To this end, Danone launched the Rastishka series, which can be bought inexpensively in the Rural Boutique. There are no preservatives or genetically modified ingredients in this product. It is made from selected Russian milk, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Rastishka products are recommended for children from the age of three.

If your child is "little", "Rastishka" will help out again, because these are not only useful, but also incredibly delicious foods. Now parents do not have to beg the child to eat another spoonful of yogurt. The kid will do it with pleasure and ask for more. And Rastishka will also help you have fun, because in each package you will find original surprises, educational fridge magnets, bright stickers or all kinds of toys.

Discounts and promotions

With the development of the Internet, the comfort and convenience of shopping has increased many times over. You no longer have to go shopping and, like an ant, lift several times your own weight. In order to order useful Danone products, in particular Rastishka, you don't even have to get up from your favorite chair. Place an order in the "Rural Boutique", and in the near future we will deliver it to the specified address. Our catalog contains only original products, the range of which is constantly growing. Your positive feedback about the work of the store is our best reward!

The growth and development of the child depends on proper nutrition. It is directly proportional to the resistance of the child's body to various infections. Therefore, nutrition should be balanced and rational. Its value consists of the number of calories and substances that make up the body of each person: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. The lack of vitamins is especially acute in winter, when low temperatures make the body work with more force. To make up for energy losses, parents need to diversify their child's diet by adding dairy and sour-milk products to it, since the percentage of vitamins and nutrients in them is very high. Milk, being the main source of calcium, is absorbed better than other products. Manufacturers of nutrition for children took into account all the recommendations of nutritionists and put on sale a balanced product of the Rastishka series. These are yoghurts, curds, milkshakes and Rastishka ice cream.

Modern producers of "Rastishka" are trying to diversify the range, adding more and more new types to it.

Products "Rastishka"

A series of natural fermented milk products "Rastishka" is intended for children of preschool and school age. Its feature is the high content of vitamin D, which is of particular importance for the proper development of the skeletal system. With a lack of this vitamin in the body of a child, a very unpleasant disease called rickets develops. It affects the bones, which are easily deformed and become ugly.

To avoid the consequences of malnutrition and protect the child from diseases, especially in the autumn-winter period, fortified foods are needed, designed specifically for children, taking into account their needs. The Russian brand of Danone "Rastishka" does not use preservatives and dyes. Yoghurts, curds, smoothies are made from whole milk Russian production. They are very tasty and healthy. Parents do not have to force the child to eat another spoonful of cottage cheese or yogurt.

Some products are formulated to feed children from 6 months of age. This is Agusha cottage cheese. Its components allow maximum preservation of whey proteins in the product, which contribute to the proper digestion of the baby. The content of calcium and phosphorus has an optimal ratio. Natural fruit fillers give pleasant taste, and the pasty consistency is well absorbed, as babies do not know how to chew.

The popularity of the brand is also in the fact that the products are constantly supplemented with various surprise toys. These are small magnets, figurines, chips from which you can create exciting games.

Ice cream from Rastishka

You can cook several types of this dessert:

  • From yogurt
  • From cottage cheese
  • Ready promotional product.

To make ice cream, you need to put a package of cottage cheese in the refrigerator, after inserting a spoon to the place with a sticker. After 4-5 hours, Rastishka ice cream can be eaten.

This is covered in the video:

You can make ice cream from yogurt or cottage cheese yourself. How to make the cooking process interesting and exciting? Ask your child to help you, and working together will bring a lot of positive emotions!

So, take Rastishka yogurt (200 ml), pour into a deep bowl, add sugar (50 g) and juice of 1/4 lemon. Whisk. Prepare the mold, cut the washed fruits that your baby loves into the bottom of the mold. Fill the form with the resulting mixture, insert the stick. Ice cream is ready after 4-5 hours.

To make the yogurt thicker, first pour it into a colander on cheesecloth and wait for the whey to drain. Beat until fluffy, adding 60 g of sugar, 60 ml of light corn syrup and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Transfer to an ice cream maker for 20-25 minutes. For final preparation, place the bowl in the freezer.

You can make ice cream by adding natural berries to yogurt (1 cup). They need to be crushed, add 1-2 drops of lemon juice, yogurt and honey. Whisk in a separate bowl egg white. Mix both masses and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. We lay out the finished ice cream in molds. For this, those that you use for baking in the form of animals or geometric figures are perfect.

Can be used for making ice cream and cottage cheese "Rastishka". To make it even softer and more tender, add a little yogurt.

The resulting mixture should resemble a paste. We beat in a blender. Cut fruits (banana, peaches, raspberries) into cubes and add to the resulting mass. You can tint with a spoonful of cocoa. We place in the refrigerator. After 3 hours, the delicacy is ready.

Condensed milk will add a very piquant taste to ice cream. We mix the cottage cheese with condensed milk, beat with a blender and divide into two parts. Add cocoa to one. We prepare separately canned pineapple or peaches (cut into cubes). We put different mixtures in the bowls in layers (white, fruit, with cocoa) and repeat, filling the dishes to the top. We put in the freezer for 3-4 hours.

Many pediatricians call dairy products baby growth food. The intestines are inhabited by various bacteria, including those that can cause fermentation. Products with a high content of bifidobacteria destroy pathogenic and alien ones. Include Danon products in your child's diet more often. She will make the baby vigorous and healthy.

Silicone molds are bought, you need to decide on the recipe. There were only two requirements for the recipe: a). so that you do not have to turn on the stove and b). we need a blitz recipe so that the five-year-old has enough patience for the entire cooking process. Therefore, all recipes that require the preparation of the yolk base, whipping the proteins and boiling the syrup are postponed until better (and cooler!) Times. Our today's choice is berry and fruit popsicles!

All you need for this cold treat is a blender, cream, yogurt or cottage cheese, and, of course, ripe juicy fruits and berries. And yes, the desire to create and experiment, because here, in general, there is no need for recipes and exact proportions. I give the amount of products just for reference, you can pour “by eye”, measure in handfuls, add “to taste” - it will go faster and wash less dishes.

Such a creamy structure, as in purchased briquettes and cones, will not work - when freezing, ice cream becomes a little layered, but this does not spoil it, moreover, it is more than offset by the speed of preparation, the naturalness of the product and the ability to compose “your own version”, taking into account personal tastes and preferences.

Bottom line: Everyone liked ice cream, and even me, although I am a fan of chocolate ice cream and do not like fruit. It turned out to be a completely different ice cream, little sugar and a rich natural taste. fresh berries- delicious. The daughter was happy to mix and lay out, barely waited until she could try. We will do more! Join.

blueberry popsicle

For 4 servings:

Cream 33% or 23% - 200 ml;

Blueberries - 2/3 cup (or a little less)

Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;

Vanilla sugar.

This is the most "blitz" of the options we have tested. Washed blueberries, cream, a little sugar were put in a blender glass - Whack! - ready, you can pour.

Try it “for sugar”, it is better to add than to over-sweeten - this, of course, is to my taste.

They froze for several hours, you can leave it overnight, the frozen becomes solid, but not “hard stone”. The structure is heterogeneous, with blueberry particles.

I tried to do it with raspberries instead of blueberries - it’s also delicious, the bones interfered a little, they are hard in raspberries, so it’s better to rub the raspberries through a sieve before mixing with cream.

Pear lemon popsicle

For 4 servings:

Ripe soft pear - 1 pc.;

Curd cheese - 150 gr.;

Lemon juice from 1/3 lemon;

Lemon zest - 1 teaspoon;

Honey - 1-2 table. spoons.

* In these recipes, sugar and honey can be replaced with condensed milk.

* The pear was peeled and cut into pieces. The pear is needed ripe, soft and juicy - so that you can grind until smooth.

* The lemon was washed, the zest was removed with a grater - it turned out a little more than a teaspoon. Pear, zest and lemon juice. Add honey to taste to balance the lemon sourness.

Raspberry coffee ice cream

Cream 33% - 500 ml;

Raspberry - a glass;

Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;

Vanilla sugar;

Very strong coffee - 3-4 tbsp. spoons of solution

* For this ice cream, cream with sugar must be whipped until a dense, stable foam. While whipping, I chopped 2/3 of the raspberries with a blender, leaving a few whole berries. Then she rubbed the raspberries through a sieve - removed the seeds.

* I divided the cream into two parts, added raspberry puree and whole raspberries to one part, and strong coffee to the other. Mix cream with additives carefully, from the bottom up (not in circular motions), so that they do not fall off.

* In a pre-prepared form (lined with foil and film, it is easier to take it out) I laid out future ice cream in layers - a layer of raspberry and a layer of coffee. Covered with the edges of the film - and in the freezer.

Ready ice cream, before cutting and serving, move it from the freezer to the refrigerator for 10 minutes - so that it “moves away” a little, becomes more pliable, then it is easier to cut it. I broke this rule, pulled it out on the table right away - the ice cream quickly melted on the outside and remained solid inside. It did not affect the taste, but it was very inconvenient to cut.

It turned out more tender ice cream, whipped cream made it more airy. Due to whipped cream, it does not harden to a “stone” state, but it seems to melt faster. I liked it, but next time I will try to make it in portion molds.

Enjoy your meal!

Eskimo, horn, fruit ice, a classic "sandwich" of ice cream - few people refuse such a delicacy on a hot summer day. Kids are ready to gobble up a cold dessert in kilograms, replacing breakfasts and lunches with their favorite ice cream. Dedicated to small and big sweet tooth. We make ice cream ourselves, generously share recipes.

“Only one a day! And don't bite, but lick! Let it melt first…” Familiar? These and other prohibitions only fuel the desire to want HIM more and more…

Why can't you buy me a kilogram of happiness? Can!

Why do adults and children love ice cream so much? In childhood, the taste of sweet and cold is its own magic, a special ritual. Many adults remember with a smile how mother did not allow them to lick the ice treat and bite off HAPPINESS big chunks... I used to eat melted SOMETHING from a plate with a spoon (anything, to be honest), trying to hold back tears and envy my neighbor Tanya, who never had a sore throat and ate ice cream with impunity in its original cold form.

Growing up, we do not stop loving the cold dessert. Ice cream for an adult is an opportunity to return to carefree Childhood. But it turns out there is a scientific explanation. Let's turn to the experts.

Ice cream refreshes, adds strength, satisfies hunger. There is no need for complex research and analysis - we agree.

Ice cream is an excellent antidepressant, it saves you from stress and calms your nerves. That, it turns out, is the secret of people's love - everyone wants to be joyful and calm!

When eating ice cream in the human body
the joy hormone serotonin is produced.

Milk and cream, from which ice cream is made, contain tryptophan, a natural tranquilizer.

Hence our summer motto: "Eat ice cream - enjoy life!" Or like this: “I ate it myself - help a friend!”

In many zoos, animals are given ice cream or just ice to save them from heat waves.

Naturally, ice cream for animals is prepared according to special recipes, taking into account the taste preferences of each species.

Dear moms and dads! Are you still forbidding your child to eat ice cream? Let's cook it ourselves, then surely everyone will be happy.

How to make ice cream at home

Children will be happy to help in preparing their favorite treat if you tell them how to make ice cream at home. It does not matter if you do not have a special ice cream maker or molds. By following simple rules, you can make delicious ice cream at home on your own.

  • Cool the container in which you will freeze ice cream.
  • Stir the ice cream thoroughly every 20-30 minutes so that ice does not form and then crunch on your teeth. You need to do this 3-5 times.
  • Use ONLY the freshest and highest quality ingredients, the taste of homemade ice cream directly depends on this.
  • Use fatty dairy products, ice cream from them is much tastier.
  • Use natural additives and flavors. You need to add them at the very end, when the mass has cooled down and begins to freeze already. All ingredients must be chilled first.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes: Cooking Yourself

Do-it-yourself ice cream tastes twice as good! Let's try together.

Ice cream from cottage cheese "Rastishka"

The easiest recipe is to make ice cream from Rastishka curd. Even a child can do it! You need to dip the stick into the Rastishka curd and put the glass in the freezer for a couple of hours.

If desired, you can add your favorite berries and fruits, pieces of cookies to the curd - Dino encourages experiments.

Ice cream is easy to get and looks beautiful! But most importantly, parents do not have to worry about the composition of the cold treat. "Rastishka" is specially designed for children from 3 years old. It contains protein and calcium, which are good for bones, vitamin D3, which is important for the child's body, as well as methionine and tryptophan, which improve digestion and promote the formation of the nervous system. All ingredients are natural: skimmed milk, cream, fillings based on fruit purees and concentrated juices, natural flavors and colors. Making Rastishka curd ice cream is easy and fun!

Creamy ice cream with berries

Recipe: 1 glass of berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries, etc.), 0.5 cups of sugar (to taste, depending on which berries to use), zest and juice of half a lemon (if the berries are sour, do not add lemon), ¾ cup of cream ( always fresh, at least 30% fat), ¾ cup sour cream (at least 15% fat), vanillin (to taste).

Cooking: Mix the berries with sugar and lemon zest, add lemon juice if necessary. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer until the berries release their juices. Remove from heat and beat with a blender. Cool down. Add sour cream, cream, vanilla and beat with a mixer.

Transfer to a container and place in the freezer for two hours. Every 1.5-2 hours, take out the container and beat the ice cream with a mixer or a whisk. It is enough to repeat the procedure 2-3 times, and the mass will harden evenly, without crystallizing.

Before serving, place the container with ice cream in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, so that it is easier to decompose the slightly melted delicacy into bowls. If desired, you can pour ice cream with syrup, sprinkle with grated chocolate or ground nuts, decorate with berries and mint.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Make ice cream from those berries and fruits that children like the most.

By the way, ice cream doesn't have to be sweet. For lovers of “peppercorn”, we inform you that you can make ice cream with the taste of cheese, shrimp, fish, mushrooms and even celery. Ice cream can even be set on fire - it will not have time to melt, and spectacular serving is guaranteed. Everything is in your hands, dear ice cream lovers!

How to make popsicle on a stick

Use special molds for making eskimo at home. Use your favorite ice cream recipe. When the base is ready, dip the ice cream into the slightly warm glaze. Hold for a bit so that the excess icing is on the glass and put in the freezer, spreading parchment paper for further freezing.

Popsicle frosting recipe: chocolate and butter in equal proportions. Melt the butter and chopped chocolate in a water bath, mix well. You can add crushed peanuts if you like.

There should be a lot of glaze so that it is convenient to dip the ice cream.

How to make creme brulee at home

Recipe: 100 ml heavy cream (35%), 330 ml milk, 30 g milk powder, 100 g sugar and 8 g cornstarch.

Cooking: From 40 ml of milk and 40 g of sugar, boil the syrup. To do this, melt the sugar in a saucepan and cook it until it becomes a brown caramel, then pour in the warm milk. Stirring, cook over low heat until the mixture becomes the consistency of condensed milk. Dissolve starch in a small amount of cold milk. Put the rest of the sugar into the second pan and powdered milk, stir. Add some milk and mix well again. Pour in caramel syrup and leftover milk. Stir and heat to a boil. Add starch. Brew the jelly, constantly stirring the mixture in the pan.

Cover with cling film, chill and refrigerate until the mixture has cooled well. Whip cold cream. Add jelly and whisk again. Transfer to a container in which ice cream will be frozen and place in the freezer.

Fruit ice

Fruit ice is a great option for homemade ice cream "on hastily". You can freeze any fruit and berry juices. It is desirable that the mass is puree-like and does not freeze in the refrigerator.