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Dry greens. The main ways to dry dill at home

To enjoy the excellent taste of greens in the dishes you have prepared in the cold season, prepare it in advance by combining not only dill and parsley, but also green onion. Yes, green onions! It not only dries perfectly in the oven or in an electric dryer, but also has the brightest aroma among all other greens!

Do not believe?! Try to dry it yourself at home and your house will be filled with the aromas of the outgoing summer. By the way, in order to have a different caliber of dried herbs on hand, you can chop only half of it, leaving a large dried cut for marinades or to decorate dishes.


  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 bunch dill
  • salt as desired


1. Rinse each bunch of greens thoroughly, and disassemble the onions into stems. Chop the parsley into large pieces.

2. Do the same with the rest of the greens.

3. Line a baking sheet parchment paper and put chopped greens on it. Dry in the oven for about 30-40 minutes at 90-100C. The oven door must be slightly ajar so that the air can circulate freely.

4. The mass of dried herbs will become half as much and the branches themselves will break when pressed with a finger.

5. Pour half of the dried mass into the container of a blender or food processor and chop.

6. Do not forget to add salt to it for weight, as dried herbs themselves are very light and not dense.

Fresh herbs are able to enhance and change to best taste familiar dishes, to give them unusual notes. True, the product is perishable, so you need to know how to store greens in the refrigerator and freezer, how to dry it for the winter. Using simple techniques and affordable approaches, you can keep products in an appetizing and attractive form for several weeks and even months. In this case, neither the gastronomic characteristics of the preparations nor useful material in their composition. The main thing is to protect products from exposure to heat and ultraviolet radiation, as well as a number of other negative factors.

How can fresh herbs be stored?

  • We spread the product in a small bowl, fill it with cool water and rinse thoroughly. After that, rinse the blanks already under running water, shake off and lay out on a towel. We dry the components for at least a quarter of an hour, shaking regularly. After that, we fill dried plastic containers or glass jars with fresh herbs and close them with airtight lids. If everything was done correctly, the blanks will remain in their original form for a month.

  • For storage very fresh product plastic bags can also be used within one week. In this case, the products also need to be thoroughly washed and dried, packaged in packages, without filling them too much. After that, we try to get more air into the container and pack it. The fridge shelf next to the freezer is best suited for storing supplies.

Tip: If there is a lot of greenery, you can not wash it. It is enough to sort out the products, remove wilted or darkened twigs and put them in a voluminous bag. We also add a few small peeled onions there, which we change every 5 days. At the same time, we also change the package to dry.

  • Within 2-3 weeks, the products will remain fresh if wrapped in the most ordinary paper without inscriptions. To do this, rinse and dry the greens, wrap it securely in a sheet of paper, leaving no gaps. Before putting the workpiece in the refrigerator, it must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

Greens, except lettuce, can lie in the refrigerator without pre-treatment. But in this case, it should be well dried in the fresh air until the signs of moisture completely disappear. Such a product is packed in a plastic bag with holes and put into the vegetable compartment.

Freezing greens at home

Any representative of an impressive group of green plants will retain its freshness and usefulness if it is properly frozen. You just need to take into account a few important points:

  • Components must be cleaned, washed and dried. Leaves should be removed from the stems. Plastic containers with airtight lids are ideal for storing blanks.
  • Parsley, sage, dill and thyme should be chopped beforehand, so they are better stored.
  • Dill and mint can be packed not only in plastic, but also in food foil.
  • Rosemary and basil after packaging should be sprinkled with fine salt. For other types of greens, this technique can be disastrous.

It is allowed to keep only one type of product in one package. The combination of several varieties of greens is possible only if the chopped mass is frozen in portions in water, butter or vegetable oil.

Features of storage of different types of greenery

In addition to the universal rules for maintaining greenery in fresh, there are a number of specific points to consider. Their observance will help to achieve maximum shelf life of products:

  1. Dill and parsley can be stored at room temperature. But for this, the bundle must be placed with stems in a container with water, and the leafy part must be covered with a bag. The fluid is changed every 2-3 days.
  2. Mint and dill are recommended not to be kept in a large bunch, but divided into small pieces. This will maximize their flavor.
  3. Do not cut off the white parts from green onions. It is better to remove the transparent film from them, soak in cold water and wrap with a damp cloth. We first pack the blank in plain paper, then in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. Lettuce quickly softens and loses its crunchy texture. To prevent this from happening, you need to take a bowl, line it with a paper towel, lay out the salad, put another towel on top. We wrap the design cling film and put in the refrigerator. Freshness for a week is guaranteed.

If it seems that the workpiece after long-term storage has lost its aroma, place it for a few minutes in cold water. The smell will return and be as intense as it was at the beginning.

How to dry greens according to all the rules?

At home, you can use two methods of preparing blanks. Before drying the greens, the products will need to be washed and dried. Next, we act according to one of the schemes:

  • In the oven. Separate the leaves from the stems and finely chop. We distribute the mass in a thin layer on a dry and clean baking sheet, cover with a sheet of waxed paper. We put the structure in the oven, heated to 40ºС, and keep it at the same temperature for three hours. After that, the composition is laid out in sterile glass jars and closed with lids.
  • On air. We collect the stems of plants in small bundles, which we tie with a thread. We hang them in a warm, dry room, leave for several days. We lay out the finished product in glass jars.

Stocks should be checked regularly. If traces of moisture appear on the walls of the container, the containers must be changed, and the blanks must be dried again, but this time not longer than half an hour.

Harvesting green onions for the winter

  • We wash the product, dry it, clean it from surface films and cut into small rings. Once again, dry the mass by spreading it on a paper towel. By the time of packing, the onion must be absolutely dry, otherwise its taste characteristics will suffer. We lay out the workpiece in plastic containers or bottles of small volume and put it in the freezer.

  • Wash, peel, chop and lightly dry the onion. We lay out on molds for ice and fill with water, vegetable or melted butter. We put it in the freezer for storage.

Green onions prepared in one of the above ways do not need to be thawed before use. It, like dried ingredients, is simply added to dishes at any stage of their preparation.

Dill greens are one of the first places in herbs used in cooking. Salads, first and second courses of meat, poultry and fish are flavored with dill. How to save this spicy greens for the winter is the main topic of our conversation today. Freezing and drying is the best way to store dill. At the same time, dried herbs have the brightest aroma. How to properly dry dill at home so that it does not lose taste qualities and beneficial features, we will talk in this article.

If you plan to process greens from your own garden, then you need to carefully approach the issue of collecting it.

It is best to use very young plants for drying, which have not yet let out a dense tube with a seed umbrella. Collection time falls at the beginning of summer.

Cut dill from the garden, preferably in the morning, immediately after the dew has disappeared. If it rained at night, even a little, then it is better to postpone this procedure for another time, as the greens will be too wet, and this can lead to premature spoilage. For the same reason, it is better not to wash dill collected from your own garden.

If you buy greens on the market, and the purity of the product is in doubt, then the bunches of dill are rinsed under cool running water and dried thoroughly. A waffle or paper towel works well for this. Also, a bunch of grass can be placed in a glass in a draft so that the drops of water from the plant evaporate.

How to dry dill

Most The best way- this is to dry the whole branches, and then, in a dry form, grind thin leaves from a rough stem. The advantage of this method is that essential oils, which are in the plant, will evaporate less and the seasoning will remain fragrant for a long time.

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to dry the plant without stems, in chopped form, then you should not strive to chop the dill too finely. This is best done just before the cooking process, rubbing a whisper of greenery between your fingers.

The main ways to dry dill at home

Outdoor drying

Prepared greens can be dried in bunches or chopped.

Small bunches, 5-6 branches each, are fixed with a thread to any canopy, placing them down with foliage. At the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the place for drying greens, and it should be well ventilated.

Chopped dill is also dried in the shade, placing it in a small layer on pallets or flat plates. Grass on top can be covered with gauze to avoid dust settling on the workpiece.

Watch the video recipe from the channel “Cooking. Video recipes "- How to dry greens for the winter

How to dry dill in the oven

Since dill contains a lot of aromatic oils, it is necessary to dry this herb at the lowest possible temperature. oven preferably up to 40 degrees. Too high an oven temperature can also lead to discoloration of the workpiece and the loss of its useful qualities.

Dill slices and sprigs are entirely placed on baking sheets lined with waxed paper. Keep the oven door slightly ajar. This will allow the air to circulate well. Baking trays should be removed every 30 - 60 minutes, the greens should be mixed and inspected for readiness.

The total drying time can take from 2 to 4 hours.

Drying herbs in an electric dryer

The prepared foliage or twigs are laid out in a loose layer on pallets and the unit is switched on to the "Herbs" mode. If your electric dryer does not have one, then the temperature should be set independently within 40 degrees. The product will be completely ready in 3-4 hours.

Watch the video from the Ezidri Master channel - How to dry dill in a quality way? Dried greens. Herbs

Drying dill in the fridge

Shredded greens or small twigs are laid out on a flat plate with a thin layer. From above, the structure is covered with a napkin. The container is placed in the positive compartment of the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, and they forget about it for about 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, all the moisture from the grass will evaporate and the workpiece can be transferred to jars for storage.

How to dry herbs in the microwave

Sliced ​​​​or twigs are placed on a paper plate or on a flat container lined with a paper towel. Top dill covered with another layer of thin paper. In this form, the greens are sent to the microwave oven for 3 minutes at maximum power. After the specified time, the top napkin is removed, and the greens are inspected and mixed. If necessary, drying continues in the same mode for another 2-3 minutes.

How to check the readiness of dried herbs

Qualitatively dried dill easily turns into a fine powder if you try to grind the branches between your fingers. If the greens are wrinkled, but do not break, drying should be continued.

Store the dried product in dark glass jars with tight-fitting lids in a dark, dry place. Zippered coffee bags are also great for storing spicy greens.

I think everyone is well aware that greens contain many minerals and vitamins that are useful for our body. Dill, basil, parsley, arugula, celery, sorrel, spinach are grown in many garden plots. In greens, there are a lot of vitamins of the P, K, E group, micro and macro elements, dietary fiber, carotene, ascorbic acid, etc. etc. Housewives use greens in the preparation of almost all dishes, it adds not only benefits to them, but also gives them great taste and unique aroma. That's why we need her in the kitchen all year round. And in the summer it's time to do useful blanks for the winter,.

Today we will talk about how to properly dry herbs such as dill, parsley, basil and green onions. Of course, fresh herbs are healthier than dried or frozen ones. But still, it contains a lot of useful substances for the human body. Moreover, it is better to prepare useful spices by yourself than to buy in bags in the supermarket. After all, it is still unknown what the manufacturers put there.

The most common way to prepare greens for the winter is to dry them. Of course, you can freeze onions, dill, parsley and other herbs, you can pickle them or even grow them on the windowsill all winter. But drying is still the easiest and most popular way to preserve herbs for the winter. Drying can be done in a variety of ways. The main thing is that she does not turn yellow. Let's look at each of the methods in more detail. You can, of course, just leave dill or parsley on the table or hang it on a thread right in bunches - but this way our herbs will dry for several days. And we'll look at faster ways.

How to dry herbs in the oven

This method is one of the easiest and is great if you have a lot of greens.

1. The greens are dismantled, removing the yellow and spoiled parts. If there are roots and thick, rough branches cut them off. For drying, young, fresh leaves are suitable for us. If this is a product from your garden, just wash it in several waters. But if we bought it in a supermarket or on the market, it is better to lower the bundle for 10 minutes in lightly salted water (a heaping tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of liquid). At the next stage, lay the leaves on a clean cotton or paper towel in one layer (a towel will do) so that it dries.

2. Our herbs or onions must be cut, if the leaves are not large, you can leave the branches.

3. Put chopped leaves on a baking sheet from the oven. The layer should not be very thick, 1.5-2 cm, so that the leaves dry well. Top with baking paper.

4. Set the drying temperature to 40C for a couple of hours. After the leaves wither, increase the heat to 50C. The roots of carrot, parsley or celery plants are dried at a higher temperature of approximately 65°C.

When drying herbs or roots in this way, it is better to leave the oven ajar.

And do not forget to stir it so that it dries evenly. Drying time is approximately 4-5 hours, depending on the size and number of leaves.

5. The finished product can be stored in glass jars or cardboard boxes (I use from under shoes), covering them with a lid.

How to dry herbs in the microwave

This method is less time consuming. It is also great if you have a small bunch of herbs or onions left.

But be careful, for example, dill can catch fire when dried in the microwave! Therefore, it is necessary to control the drying process every minute, because the time depends on the volume of the portion.

1. Cut off the bad leaves and fleshy parts of the plant. They are not suitable for drying microwave oven. We need thin leaves and twigs.

2. We wash our greens under running water. Wet a little with a paper towel.

3. Now let's decide on the dishes. A large flat plate that can be placed in the microwave will do.

4. Put a couple of paper napkins on a plate, prepared herbs on top. Don't make the layer too thick. And lay another napkin on top.

5. Set the maximum power for microwave drying to 700-800W. Dry for about 4 minutes. It is not necessary to interfere, but it is better to check every minute. If the leaves lose their brightness and become brittle and dry, then the process is over. If not, then increase the time by 1-2 minutes.

Drying herbs in an electric dryer

In the age of high technology, various electrical appliances come to the aid of housewives. An electric dryer was invented for drying herbs, vegetables and fruits. It consists of several tiers, which is a mesh. When using this device, useful substances from greens are preserved to the maximum.

1. We select high-quality raw materials, wash them, let the water drain. I advise you to use only leaves from plants. Stems and twigs are not suitable for this method.

2. Put chopped leaves or onions on mesh pallets with a layer of 1-2 cm. We install them on the base of the unit.

3. The drying temperature depends on the type of greens. Usually it is 35-40C. Everything is detailed in the instructions.

4. Drying time about 4 hours. Every hour pallets need to be rearranged from one tier to another. If necessary, increase the drying time until ready. Greens will become brittle, brittle and change color to darker and faded.

Herbs can be dried any, according to your taste preferences. It can be used singly or combined. You can come up with your favorite combinations, for example, basil + parsley + arugula or dill + coriander leaves + celery.

Keep finished product different types are better separately so that their smells do not mix and do not overlap each other. Dried herbs are stored in a tightly closed container, glass jars are best suited.

Sign the name of each herb right on the jar. I use opaque white tape. I cut off a small ribbon, write the name of the herb on it and stick it on the container. Herbs after drying can be chopped. You can use a mortar, or you can rub it with your hands. Dried spices are added to meat, vegetable, fish and potato dishes. By adding it to ready meals, even in winter, summer aromas of herbs will smell fragrant on your table.

Good afternoon friends!

Everyone knows that leafy greens have a number of healing properties. No wonder the Caucasian centenarians serve fragrant herbs for each dish. Parsley, coriander, celery, dill, basil, spinach, sorrel, lettuce are cultivated in any garden. Within the plants in in large numbers contains: carotene (provitamin A), ascorbic acid, vitamins P, PP, B, K, E, macro- and microelements, organic acids, dietary fiber, ash substances and a whole complex of antioxidants. Today I will tell you how to properly dry greens for the winter.

Naturally, freshly picked greens are much healthier than canned or dried ones, but even in any of the listed harvesting options, the herb still contains a sufficient content of biologically active phytonutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Yes, and it is much safer to use grass grown with your own hands and then dried than to buy it in supermarkets in winter, when manufacturers most often use synthetic substances to stimulate plant growth.

The most popular method for harvesting greenery for the winter is drying it. Drying method does not require special efforts, and the finished product does not take up much space and is ideally easy to store. You can dry any kind of greens, for use in food, both individually and in various combinations. Different herbs should be laid out for drying away from each other so that their aromas do not mix and transform. Exquisite seasonings are prepared from dried herbs, combining the most different types, for example, coriander leaves + basil + arugula or parsley + + celery.

Preparing greens for drying

Plants are sorted out, removing yellowed leaves and damaged specimens. Roots (if any) and coarse twigs are pruned. Drying is mainly tender leaves. A bunch of greens is washed several times, dipped in a bowl of fresh water. If you purchased greens at the market and are not sure of its environmental friendliness, then to remove possible toxic compounds and disinfect plants, they are kept for 15 minutes in salted water (a tablespoon table salt per liter of cold water).

After the grass is shaken off from drops of water and laid out in a single layer on a kitchen towel to evaporate excess moisture. Next, the greens are crushed or tied into bundles, depending on the chosen drying option. Please note that in order to preserve more beneficial compounds, any herbs are dried in shady places, since vitamins, antioxidants and other biologically active substances are destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Drying greens

It is advisable to dry large adult plants in bunches, for example, dill, coriander, parsley. Such bundles are suspended by the stems with foliage down in a sufficiently ventilated room, for example, on a veranda, loggia, balcony, attic or in a country house under a canopy.

The rest of the greens are cut and laid out in a thin layer on light paper, trays, baking sheets, clean canvas, etc. Drying is carried out in places without access to the sun with good ventilation.

Storage of dried herbs

Store dry herbs in glass hermetic containers. It is most convenient to label each jar so as not to confuse the plants. Eastern culinary experts do not recommend using metal objects, such as a coffee grinder, to grind dried spices. Seasonings are mixed immediately after drying, sometimes grinding them with a mortar, hand mill or rubbing between the palms.

Dried greens are a great addition to the main hot, cold and snack dishes. Now that you know about how to dry greens for the winter, even in severe frosts on your table there will always be a piece of summer with fragrant herbs. See you!