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Sourdough for yogurt how to cook. How to make delicious sourdough yogurt at home

A few months ago I bought a yogurt maker. Since then, I have been delighted with such a useful purchase! I often cook yogurt and serve it to the whole family.
Natural homemade yogurt is really healthy, unlike the substance that is sold in stores.

Firstly, in purchased yoghurts, the percentage of live microflora is much lower. And the longer yogurt is stored on the store shelf, the less beneficial bacteria it contains.

Secondly, in addition to milk and sourdough, sugar and various fillers are added to store-bought yogurts with not very natural composition. Dyes, flavors, thickeners, stabilizers ... In general, a dubious compiler.

In natural homemade yoghurt All the ingredients are known and understood, nothing more. And such yogurt is eaten 1-2 days after preparation. This means that there is a maximum amount of living bacteria there. The benefits for digestion are maximum.

I want to point out right now: no need to ferment your yogurt at the store. The quality of such yogurt will be low. Buy a normal sourdough starter from a pharmacy or online store. I use Vivo starters. So far I have tried yogurt, lactulose yogurt, symbilact and sour cream. In the near future I want to try more Lactina starter cultures.

Another nuance about heating milk. Instructions for starters and yoghurt makers usually recommend preheating the milk to 40 degrees and then adding the starter.
I have found that when preheating milk, the yogurt comes out lumpy. Regular pasteurized milk is also lumpy (maybe I bought the wrong milk?).

Therefore, after several experiments, I began to use only baked milk. I take it directly from the refrigerator, do not heat it. Yoghurt is of excellent quality - tender, tasty, without lumps. Sometimes I replace some of the milk with cream to make the yogurt creamier and more tender.

Cooking Ingredients homemade yogurt on leaven:

  • 1 liter baked milk. I use 4% fat milk.
  • 1 package of sourdough (weight - 1 g).

How to make sourdough yogurt in a yogurt maker

1. Pour some milk into a measuring cup with a pouring spout. Pour the starter from the package there, mix thoroughly with a fork. Pour in the remaining milk and mix thoroughly again.

2. Pour milk with sourdough into jars and put the jars in the yogurt maker. You do not need to close the jars with lids! Now cover the yogurt maker with a lid and turn it on. If the yogurt maker is automatic, then upon reaching desired temperature she will turn herself off. I have a Tefal la 8872 yogurt maker - automatic, it turns off the heat after about 45 minutes. Please read the instructions for your yogurt maker.
We leave the jars of milk in the yogurt maker for 5-7 hours. All this time we do not shake the yogurt maker, do not open and do not mix the contents!
After 5-7 hours, we take out the jars of yogurt, close them with lids and send them to the refrigerator. After 2-4 hours, enjoy chilled homemade yogurt.

Ingredients for refermenting yogurt at home:

  • 900 ml of baked milk.
  • 100 ml natural homemade yogurt (1 jar)

How to ferment homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker

1. Pour half of the milk into a measuring cup with a pouring spout. We spread all the yogurt from the jar, mix with milk with a fork. Pour the remaining milk into the glass and mix again with a fork.
2. The second step is the same as for the initial fermentation (see above)

How to make homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

If you do not have a yogurt maker, but have a slow cooker, then you can cook yogurt in it. Pour the mixed ingredients into jars or glass glasses. You can use baby food jars.
We close the jars with lids or plastic wrap.
We put a waffle towel or a cloth napkin on the bottom of the multicooker pan.
We put jars in the multicooker.
Pour warm (40 degrees C) water into the slow cooker so that the water does not reach the throat of the jars.
Close the lid of the multicooker, turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes. After an hour, turn on the heating again for 15 minutes. After that, we keep the yogurt in the slow cooker for 4-6 hours, then take it out and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make natural homemade yogurt in a thermos

If you do not have a yogurt maker or a slow cooker, then you can cook yogurt in a simple thermos. To do this, you will have to preheat the milk to 40 degrees. Otherwise, the principle is the same - the ingredients are mixed and poured into a thermos. The thermos is wrapped in a blanket and placed in a warm place for several hours. Then the yogurt is laid out in portioned jars and cooled in the refrigerator.

Note to the owner

  • Mix the ingredients for yogurt with a fork, not a whisk, to avoid whipping.
  • The longer the fermentation time, the thicker and more acidic the yogurt will be. Don't overcook if you don't like sour.
  • If you want to make a runny drinking yogurt, then reduce the fermentation time to 4-5 hours. If you want thick, then keep 7-8 hours. It makes no sense to keep longer - the yogurt will no longer become thicker, but it will acquire a sour taste.
  • Chilled yogurt becomes thicker.
  • Yogurt with kiwi pieces should be eaten immediately! If you mix yogurt with kiwi and leave for more than 15 minutes, the yogurt will become bitter. Kiwi contains substances that break down milk proteins.

Making yogurt at home: pros, recipes (in a yogurt maker, thermos, saucepan, jar). Secrets of successful yogurt.

Today, despite all the variety of yogurts presented on the shelves of stores, it is very difficult to find a truly healthy, safe product, especially if you want to please them with a child. But you can make yogurt at home, and there are many advantages to doing so.

Benefits of making yogurt at home

  1. You will receive an environmentally friendly, natural product with live active bacteria, without preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives;
  2. Using milk of different fat content, you can control the calorie content of the drink;
  3. Yogurt at home is an opportunity to experiment by adding finished product different berries, fruits, nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits, pieces of chocolate;
  4. Homemade yogurt is perfect for dressing vegetables and fruit salads, cooking all kinds of sauces, for example, with spices and garlic. It gives salty dishes and desserts refined taste and makes them much more interesting and useful;
  5. Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Truth, the most delicate taste your loved ones will surely like this drink so much that it will not stay there for more than 2 days.

Making yogurt at home

1. Milk

Whole country milk is ideal for making yogurt. You can buy it in the market from a grandmother you know or a seller you trust. Need to take home enamelware, moisten it with cold water, pour in milk, boil and cool to 37-42 degrees. Many housewives check milk with their fingers. But this is unhygienic, and you can not guess with the temperature. It is very important that the milk is not hotter than 45 degrees, otherwise all beneficial bacteria will die. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can simply put a bowl of milk on your cheek: if it’s not hot, then the temperature is ideal.

Well, if there is nothing else left but to go shopping in the store, look for pasteurized milk with a short shelf life. It is highly undesirable to use a sterilized product. And baked milk will give the original caramel taste to yogurt.

2. Sourdough

In addition to milk, you will need dry sourdough to make yogurt. It can be bought at a pharmacy. A small amount of milk (about 2 tablespoons) should be added to the starter bottle and mixed with the remaining milk (or add 2 starter capsules per 1 liter of milk).

In some sources, it is advised to use natural “live” yogurt as a starter with a minimum shelf life. But it is better not to do this: after adding yogurt to milk, active reproduction of not only beneficial, but also pathogenic microorganisms can begin. If the amount of foreign microflora in the preparation of a homemade drink exceeds allowable rate, it can provoke food poisoning and infectious diseases.

3. Homemade yogurt: recipes

Recipe number 1. Cooking in a yogurt maker

It is very good if you have such a miracle device at home as a yogurt maker. This device facilitates the process of preparing a healing drink as much as possible, it maintains a constant temperature necessary for its maturation. You just need to pour the milk with the starter into a container, place it in a yogurt maker and wait 8-10 hours. For 1 liter of milk, you need 1 tablespoon of liquid sourdough.

Recipe number 2. Cooking in a thermos

If you don’t have a yogurt maker, a thermos is perfect for making yogurt (ideally, with a wide mouth), and the technology is the same. You need to check the readiness of yogurt after 4-5 hours, using a spoon, very carefully, without shaking the thermos. If whey has formed, you can taste it. The yogurt needs to thicken. This usually happens within 4-8 hours. If you keep the yogurt warm, it can go sour. You can not "disturb" yogurt: shake it, mix it, rearrange the vessel from one place to another. The finished drink should be poured into clean sterilized jars and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 3. Cooking in a pot or jar

You can use a pot with a thick bottom, it has the property of retaining heat for a long time. The dishes with milk and sourdough should be covered with a lid, put on a heating pad with hot water, wrap with a thick blanket and leave for 6-8 hours (you can overnight). Instead of a saucepan, you can use a glass or ceramic jar. It is filled with the finished mixture, covered with a lid, wrapped in a woolen blanket and placed in a warm place.

You can cook homemade yogurt in a slow cooker (it's as easy as shelling pears if you have a modern model that has a "yogurt" button) or even in the oven: you need to turn it on and off, first heat it up to 40 degrees, then turn it off, then turn it on again, etc. .d.

Secrets of successful yogurt

It is very important that all the vessels that are used to prepare a healing drink are clean - a yogurt maker container, a thermometer (it needs to be washed warm water and rub with alcohol), a spoon with which you will stir the milk with the sourdough. All dishes must be treated with boiling water.

Any additional ingredients it is better to add it to an already finished product. Beneficial bacteria for normal life do not need anything other than a milky environment. The presence of sugar in sourdough can lead to the development of yeast, fruits - to the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria. Don't add to yogurt either. powdered milk or starch. Ready yogurt should immediately be sent to the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria.

How to Serve Yogurt

Children will love homemade yogurt mixed with nuts, berries, fruits, natural juice. This wonderful drink goes perfectly with bananas, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, currants. They can be cut into pieces or whipped in a blender just before eating dessert.

For breakfast, you can flavor oatmeal with yogurt, make an omelet on yogurt, add honey and cinnamon to a freshly prepared drink, and yogurt with bran is good for dinner, or vegetable salad, seasoned healing drink. Yogurt can be mixed with your favorite berries and frozen - you get a wonderful ice cream.

As you can see, making yogurt at home is not difficult at all. Homemade desserts are always tastier and healthier than store-bought desserts, because we make them with love for our closest and dearest people. Healthy yogurt and good health!

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50–100 g skimmed milk powder (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons prepared yogurt with live cultures or freeze-dried yogurt starter.

You can take any milk: cow, goat, soy, whole or skimmed.

Unsweetened yogurt without flavorings and additives and marked "Contains live cultures" on the package is suitable as a starter culture. Since beneficial bacteria die quickly, try to choose the freshest yogurt. Try a few options until you find the one that tastes the best to you.

You can also use freeze-dried yogurt starter. It is usually sold online and works even better than ready-made yogurt.

In a pinch, sweet flavored yogurt will do. Just keep in mind that it will affect the final taste of your product.

How to make yogurt

It is best to do this in a water bath: this way the contents of the pan do not burn, and you do not have to stir it often. If you don't have a thermometer, 85 degrees is the temperature at which milk starts to foam.

UHT milk can only be heated to 40-45 degrees and skip the next step.

2. Cool the milk to 40–45 °C

The easiest way to do this is by placing it in cold water: this way the temperature will drop quickly and evenly. If you cool down at room temperature or in the refrigerator, be sure to stir the milk frequently.

You can determine whether the liquid has reached the desired temperature without a thermometer: with your finger. If the milk is hot, but no longer burns, then it's time to start sourdough.

Simply remove the store-bought yogurt you'll be using from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature while the milk cools.

4. Mix the starter with milk

To distribute the bacteria evenly, use a whisk or blender. If fibers remain in the mixture, you may have heated the milk too much or too quickly.

At this stage, you can add milk powder: it will increase nutritional value yogurt and make it thicker.

5. Grow bacteria

A mixture of sourdough with milk will need to be kept for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 38-40 ° C.

The best way to do this is in a yogurt maker. Just pour the mixture into a container and place it in it.

But the oven is fine too. Heat it up to the required temperature, turn it off and put the container with the yogurt mixture inside. Turn the oven on from time to time to maintain the same temperature. This method is quite tedious, as you need to constantly monitor that the oven does not overheat.

Yogurt in a slow cooker is easier to cook. Pour boiling water over the bowl and pour the mixture of milk and sourdough into it. If cooking in jars, put them in a slow cooker and fill with water almost to the brim. Use the "Yogurt" mode or turn on the heating for 6-8 hours. Please note that the heating temperature must not exceed 40 °C. If it is higher in your model, turn on the heating for 15-20 minutes, and then turn it off for an hour so that the yogurt does not overheat. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times.

In the microwave, the process is about the same: set the temperature to 40 ° C and leave the mixture for 6-8 hours. If there is a "Fermentation" mode, use it.

If you don't have any of these, place the container of the mixture on a sunny windowsill or in a large bowl of warm water.

Gradually, the consistency of the mixture will become similar to custard, a cheesy smell will appear, and whey will stand out from above.

It can be simply poured, used in baking or eaten with yogurt.

6. Check the readiness of yogurt

After 6-8 hours, shake the container slightly: the ready-made yogurt under the whey should be of a homogeneous consistency. The longer you stand it, the thicker it will be.

7. Strain the yogurt through cheesecloth

So serum will come out of it, it will become thicker. Line a colander with cheesecloth and put it in a large container, then transfer the yogurt into it, cover with a plate and put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, you will have Greek yogurt. And if you leave the mixture overnight - a very thick yogurt, similar in texture to cream cheese.

What's next

You can eat homemade yogurt with jam, or maple syrup, fruits or berries.

Use part of the resulting product as a starter for the next portion. You can store yogurt in the refrigerator for no more than 5-7 days.

Natural yogurt is literally everything. It will perfectly cope with the feeling of hunger, help you get rid of extra pounds in record time, and is ideal as a healthy breakfast.


Natural yogurt is literally everything. It will perfectly cope with the feeling of hunger, help you get rid of extra pounds in record time, and is ideal as a healthy breakfast.

If you have dull hair, skin rashes, digestive problems or you are just too lazy to cook the first, second and third - enjoy homemade yogurt, getting the maximum benefit and benefit for your body!

And do not think that you will need a yogurt maker to make delicious natural yogurt. Everything is much easier than you could imagine!

5 important rules:

1. Milk must be boiled in order to kill all pathogenic bacteria that may be contained in it. It is recommended to bring even pasteurized milk to a boil.

2. Do not use too hot milk to make yogurt, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die. The ideal temperature is + 38 ° С ... + 40 ° С, that is, slightly above warm.

3. Cutlery and all the dishes in which you will cook yogurt must be poured over with boiling water.

4. The quality and consistency of homemade yogurt is affected by the fat content of milk, so choose the optimal 3.2-3.5%. Those who do not care about the figure and just want delicious natural yogurt, can use milk with a fat content of 6%.

5. Do not shake or stir the fermented product, so as not to destroy the structure, otherwise the yogurt will not ripen.

Classic yogurt in a thermos


What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g of natural yogurt (carefully study the composition, yogurt must be fresh)

How to cook classic yogurt in a thermos:

1. Boil milk and cool to a temperature of 38-40°C.

2. Rinse the thermos with boiling water, pour out the water and leave for 1-2 minutes until the steam comes out. Then cover with a lid.

3. Combine 100 ml of milk with yogurt and stir so that there are no lumps.

4. Add diluted milk with yogurt to the remaining milk and mix.

5. Pour the resulting mixture into a thermos, close the lid and leave for 6-8 hours.

6. Pour the finished yogurt into small jars and refrigerate for another 8 hours.

Greek yogurt


Greek yogurt differs from classic yogurt not only in consistency, more like creamy soft cheese but also the method of preparation. After traditional fermentation, such yogurt is hung in a clean cloth or paper filter to get rid of excess whey, for which Greek yogurt is also called filtered.

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g natural yoghurt

How to make Greek yogurt:

2. Dilute yogurt in a small amount of milk.

3. Combine diluted yogurt with the remaining milk in a saucepan. Cover with a lid and wrap with a thick terry towel, or better with a blanket.

4. Leave in a warm place for 6-7 hours, then put in the refrigerator. Do not stir or shake the contents of the pot!

5. Line a colander with several layers of gauze and carefully pour the resulting yogurt.

6. Cover and leave for a few hours until the excess whey is gone. As a result, you should get 350-450 g of real Greek yogurt.

Fruit yogurt in a slow cooker


If regular yogurt isn't your thing, make a great one. low calorie dessert with fresh summer fruits and berries. Gourmets, your choice!

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g natural yoghurt

200 g fruits or berries

How to cook fruit yogurt in a slow cooker:

1. To prepare yogurt in a slow cooker, thoroughly wash portioned jars, dry and bake in the oven or microwave.

2. Peel the fruit and chop in a blender. If using berries, after the blender, wipe the resulting mixture through a sieve to get rid of small seeds.

3. Boil milk and cool to 40°C. Add natural yogurt and berry-fruit mass to the milk, mix until smooth.

4. Pour the prepared milk into serving jars.

5. Place a clean cloth or silicone mat on the bottom of the multicooker. Place the jars in the slow cooker, pour warm water directly into the bowl so that the jars are 1/3 covered.

6. Turn on the "Yogurt" mode. After 7-8 hours, the jars should be put in the refrigerator, and after another 6 hours you can eat natural yogurt of your own production.

What to do if there is no “Yogurt” mode in the slow cooker:

1. Do everything up to point 6.

2. Jars in the bowl, now close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes.

3. After 15 minutes, turn off the mode for 1 hour.

4. Reheat for 15 minutes.

5. Turn off the heating and leave the yogurt for 3 hours. The multicooker lid must be closed at all times!

6. After three hours, put the jars of yogurt in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.


When preparing yogurt in a slow cooker, check the temperature of the water - it should not be less than 40 ° C.

Homemade sourdough yogurt


Yogurt on pharmacy sourdough turns out with a tender creamy taste and very nice texture.

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

1 bottle of sourdough starter (available at any pharmacy)

How to make homemade sourdough yogurt:

1. Boil milk and cool to 40°C.

2. Dissolve dry sourdough in a few tablespoons of milk and pour into the rest of the milk. Pour into portioned glass jars.

3. Cover cling film or close with lids, wrap with a terry towel, and preferably with a blanket.

4. Leave for ripening for 12-14 hours.

5. Cool in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and the yogurt is ready to eat!

Natural yogurt in the oven


If you don’t have a thermos or a slow cooker, and you always miss the temperature of the milk in the pan, then the recipe for making homemade yogurt in the oven is just for you.

What do you need:

1 liter of milk

200 g of natural yogurt (you can take fresh sour cream with a fat content of 20%)

How to cook natural yogurt in the oven:

1. Boil milk and cool to room temperature.

2. Dilute yogurt / sour cream in 0.5 tbsp. glass of milk.

3. Combine the resulting starter with the rest of the milk and mix gently.

4. Pour milk into portioned glass jars.

5. Preheat the oven to 50°C and switch off.

6. Arrange jars of milk on a baking sheet, cover each jar with foil, packing tightly.

7. Place the tray in the oven and close the door.

8. Turn on the oven at 50°C every hour for 5-7 minutes. Cooking time for yogurt is 6-8 hours.

9. Put the finished yogurt in the refrigerator overnight. Sweet tooth can in each jar, before pouring milk, put 1-2 tbsp. homemade jam. published

Do you care about the health of your children and regularly buy yogurt for them? Fortunately, their assortment in our supermarkets is quite wide at any time. Have you ever thought that tasty, healthy and, most importantly, natural yogurt can be prepared at home? Do you think it is too long, difficult and requires special utensils or appliances?

Today we will tell you how to prepare sourdough yogurt at home: a recipe without a yogurt maker. After reviewing it, you will see that sourdough yogurt is simple and does not require much time at all.

For cooking you will need:

1. Stainless steel pot;

2. Clean cups or glasses;

3. Plate;

5. Kitchen thermometer (you can also use an ordinary medical mercury thermometer, but then it must be carefully sterilized, but it is better to buy a new one and initially use it exclusively in the kitchen);

6. Sourdough for making yogurt;

7. Ultra-sterilized milk - 900 ml.

In every major supermarket, you can easily find such starters on the shelves with dairy products. Which starter to choose for yourself is up to you. You can try several of them before making your final choice, but regardless of the manufacturer of the starter and its type, the preparation step by step will not differ significantly.

Cooking method:

1. All dishes that will be used in the preparation of yogurt must be sterilized in boiling water for at least 1 minute. The kitchen thermometer is also dipped in boiling water before use. If you have ordinary mercury, you can’t dip it in boiling water. Use alcohol or vodka for sterilization.

2. Pour milk into the pan. The amount depends on the recipe offered by the starter manufacturer. You can use less milk. The quality of yogurt will not deteriorate from this.

3. Put the measured milk in a saucepan on the stove and heat it up to 37-40 degrees. If the temperature of the milk is lower, the duration of its action may increase significantly, and if the temperature of the milk is above 40 degrees, live sourdough may simply die and you will not succeed in yogurt.

4. If the starter is packaged in small, hermetically sealed vials, then it is necessary to pour a little warmed milk (about a tablespoon) into it, close and chat a little so that the starter is completely dissolved in milk. Then you need to add the entire contents of the vial to the milk in the pan and mix thoroughly.

If the starter is packaged in bags or sachets, use one of the sterilized glasses. Pour about a third of the milk into it, add the sourdough and mix well. Then, in the same way, add the sourdough milk to the rest of the milk.

5. Now warm milk with sourdough should be poured into glasses, cups, jars or other containers convenient for you.

We send to the multicooker:

6. We put the milk containers in the slow cooker, turn on the “yogurt” mode and wait about 6 hours. If you do not have a slow cooker, then just close the jars with tight lids, wrap them in a towel or blanket and leave them warm for 6-8 hours.

Having done all the manipulations in the evening, in the morning you will already receive a tasty, healthy and natural product that can be eaten in its pure form or added to it. fresh berries or homemade jam.

7. Such yogurt is already ready and can be eaten by adding jam or berries beforehand. You can put it in the fridge for a couple more hours. Then its consistency will become more dense and homogeneous.

8. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to prepare. And when you get comfortable with cooking without additives, you can experiment with adding berries or other fillers to milk with sourdough before setting the yogurt to cook.

If you do not have enough cups or jars, there will be nothing to worry about if you just wrap a pan with milk and sourdough in a towel and also leave it warm for 6-8 hours.

For example, you can leave it overnight in the oven. Then the pan with the finished dairy product can be stored in the refrigerator and simply put it from there into the cups immediately before use. In addition, an ordinary thermos may well come in handy for making yogurt.