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Snacks for 100 calories. Natural yogurt - energy for the whole day

It is well known that high-calorie snacks can be diet and body killers. However, there are products that not only have great taste but are also very low in calories. Here are some examples of snacks containing up to 100 kcal that you can eat between meals with a clear conscience.

1. Pineapple slices

Pineapple slices are a great snack for those who love citrus fruits. Just one piece of this fruit is a real vitamin bomb - a rich source of vitamin C, B6, magnesium and copper. Pineapple also contains bromelain and biotin, which support the weight loss process.

2. Cereal bars

Just a few hours after breakfast, blood glucose levels plummet, making it difficult for us to concentrate. Cereal bars are great for a second breakfast role. You need to choose those in whose composition there are cereals, raisins, dried fruits, honey and natural flavors.

3. A handful of raisins

Raisins aren't for everyone, but dried grapes are a treat to fall in love with because they're great for satisfying your sweet tooth. In addition, dried berries contain a lot of calcium, which prevents osteoporosis. Among other things, they lower cholesterol levels and improve digestion.

4. A few chocolate cubes

Dark chocolate is a very healthy product, containing magnesium, iron, potassium and many antioxidants. In the UK, studies are being conducted to confirm that chocolate has properties that reduce the likelihood of skin cancer. Not to mention its amazing taste!

5. Mini carrots with hummus

Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, K. It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, iodine and potassium. To satisfy your hunger with this vegetable, you can combine carrots with hummus.

6. Apple

7. Rice waffles

Rice waffles are a great bread substitute. They should also be considered as a healthy snack. If you love chips and can't imagine, for example, watching a movie without something crunchy, waffles are a great substitute for them. Just do not choose waffles in chocolate. Rice not only provides a feeling of satiety, but also, thanks to its high content of magnesium, has a beneficial effect on the nerves.

8. Celery

Celery is delicious, healthy and also very low in calories. It has a lot of fiber, vitamins of groups B, C - they affect the digestive processes. You can chew celery almost without restrictions.

9. Natural yogurt

natural yogurt without sugar is a rich source of fiber. It stimulates the metabolism and accelerates the breakdown of fatty compounds, stimulates the proper functioning of the intestines. In summer, to diversify the taste of yogurt, you can add a handful of berries to it - strawberries or raspberries.

10. Kissel

Many people associate kissel with childhood. Our mothers knew very well what they were doing when they gave us this wonderful healthy drink. To make such a snack healthier, it is better to cook jelly yourself, and not buy it in the store in the form of semi-finished products. Here is the easiest recipe: one and a half glasses fruit juice boil, add grated apple, peach or raspberry. Meanwhile 2 teaspoons cornstarch must be diluted in 3 tablespoons cold water. The mixture is added to the juice with fruit, stirred until the jelly thickens.

11. Crackers

Sugar-free crackers are a great alternative to candy bars and cookies. It is an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, so it is great for the first and second breakfast.

Proper snacks are an integral part of the nutrition of people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and carefully monitor their body parameters. Their main tasks are to fill the body with energy and get rid of hunger and discomfort. Popular snacks among people, sandwiches on wheat flour first grade and milk chocolates.

Undoubtedly, they will satisfy the desire to consume a huge amount of tasty and high-calorie food, but not for long. Literally in 40-60 minutes, hunger will reassert itself. The only way to saturate the body for a longer period is to stock up on recipes for healthy snacks up to 200 kcal, which will save you from overeating in the evening after a tiring day at work and help you lose or maintain weight at the same level.

MedAboutMe offers you to get acquainted with 10 snack options that will not harm your figure or health.

Fresh fruits and berries are effective helpers that can not only satisfy the feeling of hunger and restore the skin to its former attractiveness and beauty, but also eliminate extra pounds. In addition to the exciting aroma and sweet taste, they boast a high content of nutrients (vitamins, macro- and microelements and other components required by the body for normal functioning).

Among fruits, special attention should be paid to apples. One apple weighing 150 g contains about 70 kcal. But this is not the only advantage of the product. Apples are famous for their high content of organic acids, which improve digestion and metabolism, and promote fat burning.

2. Vegetables are effective helpers in the fight for harmony

As a healthy snack, it is not forbidden to use fresh vegetables. Nutritionists recommend giving preference to red and yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas and carrots. Vegetables can be consumed both separately and as part of salads, dressed vegetable oil such as olive or sesame. These oils will give vegetable salads piquancy.

And greens - parsley, dill and coriander (cilantro) will perfectly cope with this task. They are also good for health and are not able to harm the figure. But you should forget about salt. Maybe at first the salad will seem tasteless, but over time it will become a habit. classic salad from bell pepper, cucumber and tomato (50 g each), dill and parsley (10 g each) and a tablespoon of olive oil contains only 130 kcal.

3. Natural yogurt - energy for the whole day

Natural yogurt is a very healthy and satisfying product. It can be used as a snack, both at home and at work. The only caveat, yogurt should be without dyes and additives, otherwise such a snack will not bring any benefits. Along with other dairy products, yogurt is famous for its high content of carbohydrates and proteins, organic acids, vitamins and minerals (including manganese, zinc, iron, etc.).

Yogurt helps to increase efficiency by charging the body with energy. Moreover, it normalizes the work gastrointestinal tract, does not cause heaviness and discomfort, which threatens all kinds of fast foods and other high-calorie foods. To make a snack with yogurt not only healthy, but also tasty, you can add a little fresh berries. If we talk about numbers, then a 100-gram jar of yogurt contains about 57 kcal.

Women who monitor their weight and are in the fight against body fat almost always include cottage cheese in their diet. And it is right! Dairy-free diets are unthinkable. Cottage cheese has a low calorie content (for example, 100 g of 1% cottage cheese contains 79 kcal), and, despite this fact, reduces cravings for sweets and lowers blood glucose levels. The protein that is part of the product is easily absorbed by the body; calcium strengthens bones, teeth and hair; and riboflavin (vitamin B2) normalizes metabolism, without which weight loss is impossible.

5. Boiled poultry meat is a great snack option.

It's no secret that boiled poultry meat has a low calorie content (for example, per 100 g of boiled chicken breast accounts for only 139 kcal), therefore, it is ideal for snacking. Poultry meat in a matter of minutes satisfies the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss, of course, if the diet is balanced and does not include high-calorie foods. Poultry meat has a unique composition, it is rich in vitamins B3 and B6, selenium, phosphorus and complete natural protein. Moreover, according to the latest indicator, it is ahead of the beloved by many pork.

6. Steamed fish is the key to a beautiful figure

Steamed fish will be a great snack during a diet. In addition, it will support beauty and health due to the increased content fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, vitamins (A, D, thiamine, riflavin, nicotinic acid and cyanocobalamin), macro- and microelements and other useful components. Fish is an indispensable product for weight loss, it can be used both for a full meal and for snacks. For the latter, it is desirable to use sardines (per 100 g - 124 kcal), cod (per 100 g - 73 kcal) and trout (per 100 g - 102 kcal).

Undoubtedly! Despite their high calorie content, nuts are on the list of foods that are ideal for healthy snacks. The main condition is not to exceed the quantity. For example, in 100 g walnuts contains 654 kcal, average weight one peeled nut is approximately 4 g, respectively, in 5 pieces - 130 kcal. This amount will be quite enough to get a feeling of fullness for a long period. Similar calculations are carried out in relation to other nuts. Almonds, cashews and pistachios are also suitable as snacks. You have to be very careful with the latter.

8. Dried fruits are a great alternative to sweets

Dried fruits occupy far from the last place in diet food. Of course, they are high in calories, but this does not negate their positive impact on the body. It is more important to know the measure here. Fructose must be present in the diet of every person, otherwise, performance will decrease, memory and mood will deteriorate. So that stress and fatigue are bypassed, not chocolates and cakes should be used as snacks. butter cream, and healthy dried fruits. So, 50 g of dried apricots contain 107 kcal; in 50 g of prunes - 115 kcal; in 50 g of raisins - 132 kcal. It should be noted that 50 g of dried fruits will be quite enough to maintain good health.

9. What about your favorite sandwiches?

And these products as healthy snacks will be appropriate. This is not about high-calorie sandwiches with wheat bread, butter and a huge slice smoked sausage or cheese, not at all. Such an abundance of weight loss is not conducive. And if you make a choice in favor of lavash-based sandwiches, fresh vegetables, greens and boiled meat, then extra pounds will not declare themselves. For example, in a lavash sandwich, which includes 60 g of boiled chicken breast, 30 g of tomato, cucumber and white cabbage, 20 g of lettuce, contains 184 kcal. Delicious, healthy and does not harm the figure.

Recently, among people who adhere to a healthy diet, cocktails called smoothies are popular. They are nutritious and low-calorie blends made by mixing vegetables, fruits and dairy products in a blender until homogeneous mass. By the way, smoothies are not only a great snack, but can also be a substitute for a full meal. Smoothies do an excellent job of satisfying hunger and losing weight. So, a smoothie, which contains 50 g of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and bananas, and 30 g of 1% cottage cheese contains about 146 kcal.

Dieters and those who lead a healthy lifestyle should know that snacking can be both a great ally in the fight against extra pounds, and the worst enemy of weight loss. To always be in great shape, you need to follow the right diet, namely, adhere to the principle of multiple meals in small portions. But if every time it's time for a snack, you eat sweets and cookies, then with all your desire you will not lose weight, but only gain extra pounds. To always stay in great shape, we invite you to find out which healthy light snacks contain only 100 calories.

1 cup blueberries

Blueberries can be either fresh or frozen. This berry is very useful for vision and health in general. The calorie content of such a snack is 85 calories.

20 grams hard cheese

Hard cheese is also great as a healthy and nutritious snack. This is a source of calcium. The calorie content is 90 calories.

1 large egg

Eggs are perfectly absorbed by the body and are a rich source of B vitamins. large boiled egg - 80-85 calories.

1 chicken drumstick without skin

Chicken meat is considered dietary. For a snack, choose a drumstick. This portion contains only 75 calories.

1 medium apple with skin

Don't know what to eat during the day? Crack an apple. It is a rich source of iron and other vitamins. One medium fruit contains about 70 calories.

Half a baked potato

Potatoes contain many valuable amino acids. In addition, such a snack is not only healthy, but also tasty. Total - 85 calories.

60 grams lean beef

Beef is the leanest meat. In addition, it is a complete source of protein and iron. This snack contains 90 calories.

13 almonds

Nuts are tasty and healthy. Almonds have a beneficial effect on brain function and are a rich source of vitamin E. Calorie content - 90 calories.

1 oatmeal cookie

Very tasty and healthy! 1 piece contains only 65 kcal. Sometimes you can treat yourself by diluting such a dessert. delicious tea or coffee.

1 cup broccoli

You can safely add 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt sauce to broccoli. This cabbage is very useful for work digestive system and completely non-caloric: only 80 calories.

2 teaspoons olive oil

Medical and healing properties olive oil have been known since ancient times. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. There are 80 calories in 2 teaspoons of olive oil.

3 tablespoons hummus

Adepts proper nutrition have long drawn attention to this healthy snack from chickpea puree. It is a healthy alternative to animal protein and contains 80 calories.

2 medium kiwis

2 dried figs

Dried figs preserve everything beneficial features fresh fruits. This is the record for fiber content. It quickly gives a feeling of fullness and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Calorie content - 75 calories.

100 grams low-fat fruit yogurt

Yogurt with fruit is perhaps the most delicious snack you can think of. Of course, we are talking about natural yogurt, and not a product with additives. Total - 85 calories.

200 ml vegetable soup

Vegetable soups rightfully belong to the category of dietary. One of these contains approximately 50 calories. Tasty, satisfying and healthy.

1 piece of grain bread

1 slice of such bread contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins B and E, minerals. And the calorie content is 65 calories.

150 ml pomegranate juice

Pomegranate is very useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this fruit improves the condition of the teeth, improves mood and protects against cancer. Calorie content - 90 calories.

Instead of embarrassingly eating a chocolate bar, get used to the right snacks - they will saturate the body with vitamins and help you avoid extra calories.

F istashki: 20 nuts, 80 kcal

If you really want something to eat, but don't even have 10 minutes to cook, just buy a bag of pistachios. 20 nuts contain only 80 kcal, proteins and fiber. It's much better than eating a couple of candies!

Banana, 90 kcal

The healthiest and easiest snack option is a regular banana. It contains only 90 kcal, and also potassium, which is useful for the brain and cardiovascular system. But most importantly, bananas are able to cheer up, because they contribute to the release of endorphins in the body - hormones of joy.

Tomato soup, 74 kcal

small bowl tomato soup definitely will not harm your figure and is perfect for a snack. Mix tomatoes and olive oil in a blender, add salt and pepper to taste and enjoy gazpacho, which is good for digestion and completely safe for those who are losing weight.

Cereal without milk, 70 kcal

If during the day you want something to chew on, do not even think about buying chips! It is better to replace them with cereal flakes without sugar and honey - you will satisfy the desire to chew and at the same time you will definitely not get better from such a snack. True, we are talking about a small portion - about 100 grams.

Milk blueberry smoothie, 93 kcal

Delicious and healthy dessert you can cook in no time and not harm your figure. Mix 150 grams of low-fat yogurt and a handful of blueberries in a blender. This cocktail is a source of vitamins B and C, as well as antioxidants, so your conscience will definitely not torment you.

Frozen yogurt, 84 kcal

If you really want ice cream, but you think this treat is too fatty, just eat frozen yogurt. Beat 200 grams of low-fat yogurt with any berry - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries ... And put in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Ready!

Cottage cheese and melon, 100 kcal

Another simple snack can be made from 100 grams cottage cheese and a few slices of melon. You get protein, fiber, and vitamins, but no extra calories. Dream! In addition, after such a dessert you will feel full for a long time.

Almonds, 15 nuts, 100 kcal

15 almonds work wonders - they have a lot of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, and the calorie content is high enough to saturate the body and allow you to "survive" to a full meal.

Baked apple with honey and cinnamon, 95 kcal

A real salvation for losing weight sweet tooth - baked apples. Cut the core of the fruit, add a spoonful of honey and sprinkle with cinnamon, then send this beauty to the oven. Such a snack will definitely not hurt the waist.

Carrots with hummus, 100 kcal

2-3 tablespoons of hummus and carrot pieces (you can not feel sorry for them) - original version snack. Chickpea puree is saturated with protein, and carrots contain beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E. In a word, you can’t imagine better.

Tomatoes with feta cheese, 88 kcal

You can make a summer diet snack from a large fresh tomato and 25 grams of feta cheese - cut everything into cubes and season olive oil. The appetizer has only 88 kcal, but how much benefit and pleasure!

King prawns, 15 pieces, 100 kcal

Shrimp is the most protein-rich product, so it is primarily necessary for those who play sports and keep fit. Boil 15 large shrimp, put in a container and take with you to work. When you want to eat - very useful!

Bitter chocolate, 98 kcal

And the last option for those who still cannot live without chocolate. Replace candy or milk chocolate on bitter - it is much more useful and less high-calorie. You can eat 2 strips of chocolate a day without a twinge of conscience.

Snacking is healthy and tasty, and even with a low calorie intake? Is it real? Yes! You just need to know what is.

Finally, forget about these harmful and high-calorie chips and similar snacks, start eating right and, more importantly, have a healthy and healthy snack. healthy eating It doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite flavors. Sometimes, we just can’t get enough - this is because we stuff ourselves with all sorts of food additives and dextrose, and our brain just doesn't know when to stop. We offer you 10 healthy and tasty (!) snacks that will help you stay satisfied, full and full of energy.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Baked potato

We are talking about one potato, because it contains about 100 calories. And if you eat it with the skin on, it turns into dietary product. One baked potato provides the daily diet of an adult woman (in terms of dietary fiber) by 12%, and an adult man by 8%. As you know, dietary fiber is essential for good digestion and efficient absorption of nutrients. Moreover, 225 g of baked potato contains 1000 mg of potassium, which blunts the harmful effects of sodium and normalizes blood pressure.

2. One can of sardines

Canned sardines contain protein, lipids or fats, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Of the vitamins in sardines, there are thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, A, D, E and vitamin K. Sardines also contain saturated fats, monosaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and cholesterol. What else can you dream of?

3. Five dried figs

If you are not a fan of figs, then it's time to become one, because these fruits are high in fructose, minerals, and soluble dietary fiber. Figs are rich in minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper. It is also an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, E and K, which contribute to our health and well-being. Figs are often recommended for cleansing and toning the intestines, and they also act as a natural laxative due to their high fiber content.

4. Thirteen Shrimp - Boiled or Steamed

Shrimp is a source of an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient called astaxanthin. 110 grams of shrimp can contain up to 4 mg of astaxanthin. By the way, astaxanthin is a carotenoid that has recently received special attention from medical scientists, mainly due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

5. Seven to eight cashews

Not only are cashews low in fat compared to other nuts, but 82% of their fats are unsaturated, and 66% of those unsaturated fats are heart-healthy monosaturated fats. Studies done on diabetics have shown that monosaturated fats, when added to a low-fat diet, can help reduce high triglyceride levels, which can ultimately save the patient from a heart attack.

6. Twenty sun-dried tomatoes

A cup of sun-dried tomatoes (even more than 20 pieces) contains 39% of the recommended daily intake of potassium, which is very useful for muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses. Men receive 82% and women 27% of their recommended daily iron intake. The same serving contains 23% of the daily dose of thiamine and riboflavin, as well as 31% of nicotinic acid. These B vitamins are essential for converting food into energy, maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system, and healthy skin. You will also receive 19% of your daily vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and regulation of bone mineralization.

7. One hundred raspberries

Raspberries are high in minerals such as potassium, manganese, copper, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cells and fluids in the body and also helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese serves as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Copper is essential in the production of red blood cells. Raspberries are also rich in B vitamins and vitamin K. These berries contain a lot of vitamin B-6, nicotinic acid, riboflavin and folic acid. These vitamins function as co-factors and help the body in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

8. One hundred radishes

Radishes are very good for the liver and stomach, besides, it is a powerful detoxifier. This means that radish cleanses the blood and removes toxins and toxins. Radishes are very useful in treating bile spills because they remove bilirubin and also keep bile production at a stable level. Radishes also reduce the breakdown of red blood cells that occurs in people suffering from bile spillage by increasing the supply of fresh oxygen to the blood.

9. Popcorn

A recent study found that the amount of polyphenols in popcorn is up to 300mg per serving, compared to 114mg per serving in sweet corn and 160 mg per serving in any fruit. In addition, one serving of popcorn can provide you with 13% of the average daily intake of polyphenols per person. Polyphenols may fight deadly diseases like cancer and heart disease, but useful material popcorns are hidden just ... in the core, and not in white puffed grains. So start chewing, gentlemen.

10. 35 grapes

Grapes are a great snack either fresh or frozen, but if you choose frozen, the effect lasts much longer. Snack on one cup of grapes (about 28). Do you want something unusual? Use it like cubes fruit ice in a tall glass of water so that you nourish the body not only with food, but also with water.