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Lavash with greens on the grill. Lavash on the grill: recipes for a delicious snack

On a hot summer evening, it is much more pleasant to gather noisy company in the gazebo at the barbecue with hot coals. How delicious to bake we have already told. Now we provide culinary master class how to cook pita bread on the grill with suluguni cheese and herbs. Such an appetizer for dishes smelling of smoke is prepared with different fillings, but in the ingredients of each of them will be cheese. After all, it is cheese that will help to connect finely chopped products and will not allow them to fall out either on a fire or on a plate. Of course, without fail, the cheese must be of a semi-hard variety, and some of the ingredients used in the recipes are already fried, otherwise the lavash itself will be cooked on the grill faster stuffing and the snack fails. In our article you will find recipes for various fillings, and we will show how to put already stuffed pita bread on a skewer at the end of the article.

A selection of the best toppings for pita bread cooked on the grill or grill:

1. Bacon with suluguni cheese:
Cut the bacon into pieces, fry it until golden brown, add the suluguni cut into small pieces and wrap it in pita bread.
2. Tomatoes, olive oil, greens (basil) and cheese (Feta or suluguni):
Cut the tomato into flat slices, the cheese into thin slices as well. Put all this sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin layers in pita bread, sprinkle with either chopped fresh basil or dry and sprinkle with olive oil.
3. Boiled meat fillet (chicken, turkey, beef) and cheese:
It is clear that the ingredients are crushed and ready stuffing wrapped in pita bread.
4. Red fish fillet (fried or boiled), cheese (Feta or suluguni) and dill greens:
Grind red fish fillet (tastier fried). If suluguni cheese, then cut it. If feta cheese, then crumble it on top of the fish along with chopped dill (you can use oregano).
5. Sun-dried tomatoes, olives and cheese:
Grind everything, mix and wrap in pita bread.
6. Egg, salt, pepper, dill and cheese (cottage cheese):
grind boiled egg and dill, combine with cottage cheese, salt and spices.
7. Eggplant, tomato, Bell pepper, onion, garlic, feta cheese, olive oil:
Eggplant, tomato, sweet pepper - bake on the grill until tender and chop. Finely chop the onion (can be green), chop the garlic with a knife or pass through a press, cut the feta into small cubes. Connect everything. The taste of the filling for pita bread on the grill will turn out like. Pour the filling already on the pita bread with olive oil.

And finally, the most common pita bread on the grill with suluguni cheese and herbs:

    • Ingredients for 6 lavash envelopes:
    • Lavash sheets - 2 pcs.;
    • Parsley or cilantro - 30 sprigs (30 g);
    • Suluguni cheese - 280 g.

How to cook pita bread with stuffing on the grill or grill:

1. Each sheet can be safely divided into 3 pieces by cutting the pita bread across into three parts. The height of one part will be approximately 15 centimeters, and the width - 30 centimeters.

2. Cut dry and clean parsley or cilantro into pieces. Cut the cheese the same way. Suluguni is desirable to cut either into small cubes or thin rings so that it melts well.

3. Put about a tablespoon with a mountain of stuffing on a piece of bread and wrap the pita bread in a roll.

4. The most important task will be to put the rolls on the skewer. The main thing is to place the filling itself closer to the middle and pierce with a skewer in two places. On one side, thread the skewer at a distance of 2 centimeters from the edge and on the other side at a distance of 2 centimeters. So the filling will not fall out when frying pita bread on coals on a picnic grill.

Stuffed rolls need to be fried for about 5 minutes on hot coals. But here you need to be careful and turn the skewers often. How to determine that the coals are ready for baking products, we have already described in the recipe on the grill.

Ready-made pita bread on the grill stuffed with cheese and herbs can be served with any dish cooked not only in nature. But if you want a different filling for the appetizer, you can choose from the ones listed above. And we described the process of preparing snacks step by step.

Dishes cooked on the grill somehow attract the eye in a special way. seductive smell, incredible taste, ease of preparation is not all the advantages of such snacks. After all, you can cook not only in the summer season, but also in winter, when everything around smells of frost!

Lavash stuffed on the grill is a classic appetizer for a large and small group of friends, because such a dish is prepared very quickly. Lavash can be prepared with different fillings - cottage cheese with dill, cheese with herbs, raw vegetables and grilled vegetables, with meat, with tomatoes and basil, with corn, with mushrooms... The result will exceed all expectations - the main thing is to choose the right combination of products and not cook too heavy a dish.

Ingredients: 1 thin lavash, 250 g homemade sausage, 5-6 pieces of medium tomatoes, 1 bank canned corn, 150 g of hard cheese, a little cabbage, 2 bell peppers, herbs (basil, dill, parsley - any favorite herbs), mayonnaise (can be replaced with sour cream, yogurt).

We make coals for pita bread. The cooking time on the grill will take from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the heat of the coals. The temperature of the coals should be moderate so that the pita bread does not burn, and the filling warms up well. Cut pita bread in half, grease with mayonnaise (yogurt, sour cream).

Rub a thin layer of cheese all over the pita bread.

We finely chop the cabbage with a knife, “remember” it well with our hands so that it softens and releases a little juice. Cut vegetables and sausage into strips, spread on pita bread, leaving a small distance between them. Add some black pepper and salt to taste. Add some more grated cheese on top of the filling.

We wrap the pita bread with a roll, wrap the edges well inside the pita bread so that the juice does not flow out.

We spread the pita bread on the grid and send it to bake.

The main thing is that the pita bread does not burn, but bakes evenly. The aroma says that the pita bread is ready!

Juicy filling, crispy crust and crazy eyes of hungry guests - it's a pleasure! It seems to me that no matter what the filling would be put in pita bread, the coals and the aroma of smoke will do their job!

How wonderful that once someone came up with thin pita bread! It prevails in all oriental cuisine: kebab is served on pita bread; Turkish eggplant appetizer served with thin flatbread, indian flatbread with rice; Mexican appetizer "Burrito" ... The variety is great!

What do you usually cook when you go out with friends in nature? Kebabs? Steaks? It's very tasty, I know. But I want to offer you another recipe that is suitable for barbecue. No, this is not an alternative. meat dishes, and addition to them. But what a great addition! Thin pita bread, wrapped in an envelope, with a crispy and appetizing crust and melted cheese inside ... It's just delicious! And everything is prepared very, very simply. Want to know exactly how?


For 2 servings:

  • 1 sheet of thin pita bread measuring 40 by 40 cm;
  • 3-4 tsp homemade mayonnaise;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • parsley.


We need thin pita bread, preferably square. We cut it into 4 squares with a side of 20 cm (this can be done with an ordinary knife or kitchen scissors).

We apply mayonnaise to each square of pita bread. With the back of a spoon, spread it over the entire surface.

Three hard cheese on a medium or large grater.

We spread the cheese on a sheet of pita bread with mayonnaise, again we try to capture the entire plane of the sheet of pita bread. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley on top.

We wrap the pita bread, bending it from all sides.

You should get a neat envelope.

We kindle a fire in the barbecue. As for kebabs, we will need coals already. When they are ready, put the envelopes from pita bread with cheese and herbs on a baking grid. And we cook pita bread on the coals, periodically turning the grate to one side or the other.

After 4-6 minutes, the pita bread will be ready: its surface will turn brown, and the cheese inside will melt.

Carefully remove the pita bread with cheese from the grill and put it on a plate. Serve immediately while the pita bread is still warm - it tastes much better that way!

Tips & Tricks:

If you have an oval-shaped pita bread, then do not be discouraged. Just keep in mind that it will need to be wrapped a little differently.

It is best to cook pita bread immediately after barbecue: after all, the meat needs more time to fry, and pita bread can cool down. And in those few minutes that there will be pita envelopes on the grill, the barbecue will not have time to cool down.

As a filling, you can use suluguni, and cheese, and mozzarella, and not only hard cheese. And the greens do not have to be exactly parsley, everything will fit - and green onion, and basil, and dill ... The most important thing is that you like the ingredients of the filling, then you will like the pita bread cooked on the grill.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

I really like trips to nature - when there is an opportunity to breathe fresh air, away from the bustle of the city. Unfortunately, we do not go out for a picnic often, but if we are planning such a trip, then by all means for the whole day. And be sure to cook in the fresh air - after all, the dishes brought from home are not as good as those cooked on open fire. Alas, there are not many recipes that turn out delicious on the grill, unless, of course, you have fans of outdoor cooking among your friends and acquaintances. But still, there are a number of dishes that are very easy to cook on a picnic even for the inexperienced. One of these recipes is pita bread with cheese. It is really quite easy to make it even for a beginner, far from not only the barbecue, but also from the kitchen in general. It will be my great pleasure to share with you my secrets of making an excellent picnic snack - delicious pita bread with cheese on the grill. Recipe with photo at your service.

- thin pita bread;
- hard cheese;
- mayonnaise;
- greens.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Now on sale very a large number of pita bread: both thick and thin - whatever you like. For this recipe, we need exactly thin pita bread. It can be on sale in different shapes - round, oval, square, rectangular. We are more suitable for square or rectangular pita bread. But if there is only oval or round available - do not be discouraged, take it - you can either cut them, or still wrap them in an envelope, even if it is denser in the end. by the way, you can cook pita bread.

We cut pita bread into squares, the side of which is about 20 cm. If you use pita bread with round edges, then take this into account and make the size of the blanks for future envelopes larger. It's okay if in the end the pita layer is a little higher.

Three hard cheese on a coarse grater. It is impossible to accurately calculate the amount of cheese, you can put more or less of it, this is already a matter of taste. When you cook such pita bread for the first time, you will understand how much cheese you need to put. To get the perfect lavash envelopes for you.

Lubricate each square of pita bread with mayonnaise - a little, just to give the pita bread some extra softness. But, I’ll tell you sincerely, this item is optional, I cooked such a pita bread with cheese and without mayonnaise, it turned out very well. So if you are an ardent opponent of mayonnaise, then you can not use it at all. or do it yourself.

We spread the cheese on pita bread, distributing it over the entire surface, only slightly retreating along the edges.

We add some greens to the cheese to your taste - dill, parsley, green onions, basil - everything will work. Do not forget to pre-cut the greens.

We turn the pita bread with cheese into an envelope, bending the edges one by one. It is not difficult, intuitively you will do everything right if you are preparing such envelopes for the first time.

This is what your envelopes might look like. They must be prepared until the firewood in the barbecue burns out to charcoal.

We spread the envelopes from pita bread with cheese on the grill for the grill.

And then we send it directly to the grill. We bake pita bread with cheese until golden on the surface of the envelopes. In this case, the filling - cheese - will just have time to melt. I really like what happens with delicious fried strips of savory pita bread with cheese on the grill. The recipe is with a photo, so you yourself see them in all their glory, these stripes.

In my opinion, such a pita bread with cheese is good hot, but when it has cooled down, it is even nothing.

I hope you liked this one delicious lavash with cheese on the grill, and a recipe with a photo will help you make it yourself without any problems.

Tips & Tricks:
As a rule, we cook such pita bread with cheese when we start steaks or barbecues. In this case, it is worth frying pita bread immediately after meat. The fact is that pita bread is cooked quickly, much faster than meat on the grill, which means that with such a sequence, the meat will not have time to cool. If you first deal with pita bread. And then with a barbecue, then the pita bread will definitely cool down during the time the meat is on the fire.
If you wish, you can add the filling to your taste. Sometimes I add finely chopped fresh tomato to the cheese, sometimes - pesto sauce, according to the mood - bell pepper or Korean carrot. Feel free to blow, experiment. Cooking is very fond of courage!
Another simple but interesting recipe -


Lavash with cheese and grilled tomatoes- this is perhaps the most fast food for a picnic, because from the moment it is prepared for baking to serving it usually takes no more than 20 minutes. Our step by step recipe with a photo of its preparation, it will also come in handy if guests unexpectedly rush in, and there will be nothing to treat them quickly, because such baked pita bread can be cooked at home on a grill pan or in the oven on a wire rack, but on the grill it turns out more fragrant and tastier.

Usually some kind of sauce is added to pita bread with tomatoes and cheese for juiciness (usually it is mayonnaise). However tomato juice, which is given fresh tomatoes, and there is enough fat from slightly melted cheese so that the pita bread is not dry. So without extra calories it is quite possible to do. But what you definitely can’t do without is spicy greens (dill is best, as in our recipe), which, together with the smoke from the coals on the grill, gives the dish an amazingly appetizing smell. It is thanks to herbs that grilled pita bread turns out to be especially fragrant.

If you have never baked pita bread with cheese and tomatoes on the grill before at a picnic, do it according to our recipe. Believe me, no one from the company will be disappointed!


  • (5 pieces.)

  • (500 g)

  • (3-4 pieces)

  • (2 bundles)

  • (for lubrication)

Cooking steps

    We prepare products for pita bread with cheese and tomatoes.

    Finely chop 2 small or 1 large bunch of dill and grate half a kilo of cheese on a coarse grater (we took suluguni, but Adyghe, cheese, “health” or any hard cheese of your choice is also suitable).

    Mix grated cheese with chopped dill in one container.

    Now cut into slices 3-4 medium red tomatoes. Tomatoes are processed last so that the juice they contain does not stack ahead of time..

    We unfold the pita bread and put a fifth of the cheese-dill mixture on one of its edges, and on top of it - a fifth of the chopped tomatoes (if any, put a few more pickles in the filling, cut like tomatoes into thin semicircles). We do the same with the remaining 4 pita breads.

    Wrap the stuffing tightly, being careful not to tear. thin pita bread. And grease them on top vegetable oil so that after grilling the dish acquires an appetizing crust.

    We put all 5 stuffed pita breads on the grill and send them to the grill to bake for 10 minutes on slightly smoldering coals. If the coals are red-hot, pita breads can quickly burn, but the cheese inside them will not have time to melt. Do not forget to turn the grate so that the dish is browned on both sides!

    Grilled pita breads with cheese and tomatoes in the cut look amazingly appetizing. Their taste will not disappoint you either.

    Enjoy your meal!