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They make rye bread. Delicious rye bread at home in the oven

Today, stores offer the fair sex a lot of body, face and hair care products that make your eyes run wide when choosing products. And many women have long begun to use homemade cosmetics, the cost of which is cheap, and the effectiveness is often better than store-bought products. When you make cosmetics yourself, you know what it consists of and that it is completely natural, but in store creams, masks and lotions, no one will assure you that the composition is 100% natural.

What is required for the preparation of cosmetics

Today, no one is surprised by the preparation of cosmetics at home. Often, for its production, there are leftover improvised products that every housewife can find. But if you want to constantly cook cosmetics, then you need to get separate dishes. Of course, homemade masks and creams have a lot of advantages: naturalness, affordable cost, and the absence of harmful components. But do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • short shelf life, which does not exceed 14 days;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Cooking equipment

To prepare cosmetics, you need to acquire the following inventory:

  • desktop scales, which measure in grams;
  • beaker;
  • containers for mixing components that should not be taken for cooking;
  • mortar and pestle for grinding ingredients;
  • glass jars with lids for storage.

Preparing and storing homemade cosmetics

During preparation and storage home cosmetics follow these guidelines:

  • you can change the composition of cosmetics, adjusting to the type of your skin;
  • do not add ingredients that cause you an allergic reaction;
  • indicate the date of manufacture;
  • prepare the funds in small portions, as the products used have a short shelf life;
  • do not use the product if the expiration date has expired;
  • when working with cosmetics, wash your hands and tools so as not to bring bacteria and infections into it;
  • store the product only as expected, otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

It is necessary to get acquainted with such a definition as base oils that should be prepared for the production of various cosmetics. The most difficult thing is to find the main component that will suit your type. Many women choose coconut oil, which smells good and has only positive effects. Also, women often add shea butter and almond. To heal problem areas, you can buy cumin oil and add it to night creams.

You need to heed the following advice from experts:

  • if you have increased dryness, do not use alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • cook in a calm atmosphere and with pleasant thoughts;
  • if you have oily skin, then the composition should contain components that can improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • it is worth making products based on oils that absorb beneficial features other components;
  • before cooking, study all the components so that they do not harm your skin;
  • before cooking, pour boiling water over the dishes;

There are many recipes with excellent ingredients that have different effects. Care creams, balms, scrubs and even body deodorants are prepared with their own hands.

All components used, unlike store-bought ones, are safe, and therefore they cannot cause harm, in the absence of an allergic reaction.

Cream for face and body

Below is a recipe that is relevant for any type of skin. It is prepared very simply:

  1. Separate three yolks and beat them.
  2. To this mass add 30 gr. natural juice.
  3. Add 15 gr. natural beeswax.
  4. Mix.
  5. Pour in some vegetable oil.

After the components are stirred until smooth, the finished mass is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. The cream should be applied to cleansed skin twice a day for 25 minutes.

If you have the first wrinkles, then you can get rid of them with the help of this tool:

  1. Mix coconut oil and grape seed oil in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  2. Add a teaspoon of lanolin and twice as much vegetable wax.
  3. Mix.
  4. Heat up the mass microwave oven less than a minute.
  5. Repeat steps 3, 4 until the wax is completely melted.
  6. Pour 150 ml of water, 100 ml of aloe (helium consistency) and 10 crushed tablets of ascorbic acid.
  7. Mix masses.
  8. Transfer the cream to a container with a lid and store for 2 weeks.

The cream is applied twice a day, the excess can be removed with a paper towel.


The best ingredient for belongings is coffee. The following recipe must be followed:

  1. brew in the usual way finely ground coffee.
  2. Drink or drain the liquid, and leave the thick for the recipe.
  3. Mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons thick with olive oil, three drops of aroma oil (it is better to take citrus fruits), 3 tbsp. cream spoons.
  4. Women with severe dry skin need to supplement with vitamin E or A.

Such a scrub is applied to the body and face after a shower, and it is washed off with cool water. With its help, it is possible to cleanse the face and fill it with useful components. The finished product is not recommended to be stored, it should be spent after preparation.

If you have candied honey at home and you don't know what to do with it, you can use it to make a scrub. For the production of a scrub, the following ingredients will be required;

  • honey - 10 tbsp. spoons;
  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • lavender oil - 10-15 drops.

It is necessary to combine all the components and mix them until homogeneous mass. The resulting scrub is applied to the steamed face with massage movements. The remedy is prepared for one time, after storage, even for one day, it loses its useful properties.

Skin lotion

The table below lists two common body lotion recipes for dry and oily skin.


Cooking method


  • vegetable oil - Art. a spoon;
  • coconut oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wax - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • peach oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - half a glass;
  • purified water - 15 ml.
  1. Turn the wax into a liquid state.
  2. Add cocoa to water.
  3. Mix the mass with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Use lotion morning and evening.

Has a moisturizing effect.

  • cucumber - 6 pieces;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • honey - st. a spoon;
  • rose water - 100 ml;
  • alcohol - 50 ml.
  1. Cucumbers turn into a puree mass.
  2. Separate the yolk from the protein (recipe requires the yolk).
  3. Add ingredients.
  4. Mix the mass.
  5. Leave the jar to infuse for 5 days.
  6. Strain.
  7. Wipe face with lotion in the morning and evening.

Fights oily skin, eliminating shine.

Keep ready-made lotions in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.


Most Recipes traditional medicine based on homemade masks from different ingredients. On the Internet, you can find products for oily, combination and dry skin. Below we describe budget recipe from activated carbon found in every first aid kit. And if you do not have these pills, getting them is not a problem. The mask is suitable for the fight against black dots. And it is very easy to prepare:

  1. Grind the tablet to a powder.
  2. Add a teaspoon of gelatin to it.
  3. Add the dry mixture to 2 teaspoons of milk (if not dairy product, take purified water).
  4. Mix well.
  5. Heat the mask in the microwave for 15 seconds.
  6. Cool liquid.
  7. Using a hard brush, “drive” the mask into the pores, then distribute evenly over the face.
  8. After 25 minutes, remove the mask, which has turned into a film.

If you are tired of suffering from acne, then this recipe will come in handy:

  1. Mix 100 gr. flour and 1 dessert spoon soda.
  2. Art. mix a spoonful of the dry mixture with fermented milk product to the consistency of 20% sour cream.
  3. Apply for 20-25 minutes with massage movements.
  4. Wash away.
  5. Leave the remaining dry mask for the procedure the next day.

Hair products

Hair needs constant care, but often store products do not cope with their task. And if you have tried different shampoos and rinses, but could not get rid of hair loss, dandruff and brittleness, try making this remedy:

  1. Grate a small amount of baby soap without vents into an enamel bowl.
  2. Melt the soap in a water bath.
  3. Pour in 500 ml of water.
  4. Remove liquid from stove.
  5. Drip essential oil.
  6. Use.

To make the shampoo more convenient to use, it must be poured into a suitable container. Such a tool is prepared very simply, foams well, does not contain harmful components and has only a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp.

If your hair is very dull, you can try making an egg-based shampoo. To prepare it, an egg is beaten, a tablespoon of shampoo and gelatin is added to it. It is better to buy powdered gelatin so that it dissolves better. It is necessary to prepare the product for a single use and apply as a regular store shampoo. The effectiveness of this mask lies in the fact that it contains a lot of protein, which strengthens the hair.


If many people prepare creams, scrubs and lotions at home, then hardly anyone has made a deodorant from improvised ingredients. Although this is a new thing, homemade deodorant can be called a practical tool. To prepare it, you must use this recipe:

  1. Mix starch and soda in the same ratio.
  2. Add your favorite aroma oil at the rate of 20 drops per 120 g of the mixture.
  3. Drop 2-4 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil.
  4. Mix and place in a suitable container, for example, a jar of old antiperspirant.
  5. If there is no suitable container, the mass must be formed into a rectangle, placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator.

Advice! Tea tree oil is best, it has no smell and will be relevant for any time of the year.

It is necessary to use deodorant every morning, applying a small layer to the armpits. The finished mass is stored for no more than 3 months. The uniqueness of such products lies in the fact that you can use different oils to change the aroma of your deodorant. Many women note that when using homemade deodorant, the smell does not appear during the day.

Making homemade cosmetics is very simple: the most important thing is to use the ingredients in the right amount and test for an allergic reaction before use. Every woman has all the basic products in the kitchen, if we are talking about medicinal mixtures, then they can be bought at any pharmacy.

Home cosmetics for hair- a topic that undoubtedly excites many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, because for them the beauty of hair is of no small importance! Thus, girls are constantly on the lookout for natural folk remedies who could fix a defect (such as hair loss or excessively slow hair growth), or they crave a recipe for making the best effective organic hair care cosmetics.

Of course, the hair cosmetics market today is filled with a mass of professional care and treatment products, but natural cosmetics of the same direction have not lost their positions at all and still remain quite popular. Sometimes home remedies are even more effective. Yes, and in price they are more acceptable, and therefore are available to a lady with any income.

You can prepare homemade cosmetics for hair in a matter of minutes. But the most important thing is that it consists, as a rule, of those ingredients that can be found in every home. However, it must be borne in mind that its shelf life is short, and therefore each time it will be necessary to prepare a new portion of the product. However, in this case, the result obtained as a result justifies the time spent.

Recipes for homemade hair cosmetics are quite diverse, so do not expect to find a universal remedy for all occasions. They, like professional ones, are designed for different types of hair, and are also aimed at solving various problems. So, for example, homemade cosmetics for oily hair will not suit the owner of dry hair at all, it can even aggravate the condition of curls. Therefore, natural remedies must be selected as carefully as professional ones. In addition, it is worth considering the possibility of allergic reactions to home-made cosmetics. Therefore, as in the case with any other cosmetics, you need to do a test. It's very simple! Apply the product to a small area of ​​the skin and observe the reaction. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then feel free to use homemade hair cosmetics.

Recipes for the preparation of natural hair products are quite diverse, and it can be quite difficult to navigate this variety, but we will try to help you! On our website you will find detailed information relative home cosmetics that will help you make the right choice. In addition, recipes for the preparation of natural hair products are detailed, as well as how such products should be used. We hope that you can find answers to all your questions!

Every woman wants to look young and attractive. In pursuit of beauty, many of the fair sex seek to buy a huge amount of cosmetics. And sometimes their price is the main selection criterion: it is the cost, not the composition. Sometimes we give money for a high-profile and popular brand, and not for the “stuffing”. For some reason, it is believed that if the price is high, then the quality is appropriate. In fact, this is not always the case.

All cosmetics manufactured in production are chemistry, which is supplemented with some natural ingredients. Of course, over time, the chemical component of a particular product can adversely affect the skin. But with natural cosmetics, this certainly does not threaten you. Cosmetics at home, the recipes of which are published below, have many years of practice. These funds were used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It’s just that before it was not possible to purchase expensive creams and shampoos, but many women could still boast matte smooth skin and lush hair - thanks to recipes for natural cosmetics! Now there are many more options for making cosmetics at home, so you can look great too!

DIY cosmetics recipes: what you need to make homemade cosmetics

Do-it-yourself homemade cosmetics, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation, is a very interesting activity. Moreover, it is able to captivate not only women, but also ... men.

Today, there are a huge number of cosmetics recipes that are adapted so that every woman can cook them in her kitchen. Some of them are quite complex, so it will take skill and a little experience to prepare them. But mostly do-it-yourself cosmetics are prepared according to very simple recipes.

To achieve a certain result, you need, first of all, to decide what means you will use to achieve the desired effect. The reaction of the skin to folk cosmetics will be unambiguous, but what kind is already a question. That is why use only high-quality and proven ingredients, and first determine if you are allergic to a particular ingredient.

Do-it-yourself cosmetics making equipment

To prepare cosmetics at home, you will definitely need to have:

  1. Scales that have an accuracy of measurements within 1-2 g.
  2. Containers in which you will mix everything necessary ingredients- they should not be used in everyday life (exclusively for the preparation of cosmetics).
  3. Containers for storing the finished product - ideally glass bottles and vials with lids that tightly seal the container.
  4. Mortar and pestle to grind flowers, herbs and other ingredients.

Do-it-yourself cosmetics: cook and store

  1. Cosmetics recipes can be modified, rebuilding individually for themselves, for example, for your skin type. Feel free to experiment and combine ingredients.
  2. Prepare cosmetics in small portions. Since you use only natural products without preservatives, your product has a short shelf life.
  3. Always label vials - put the date of manufacture and indicate the expiration date.
  4. Never violate the storage conditions of natural cosmetics. If you doubt that the product was stored correctly, it is better not to use cosmetics.
  5. Every time you take a cosmetic bottle to use it, be careful and careful, as you can introduce bacteria or microorganisms with dirty tools or hands.
  6. If your cosmetics has expired, throw it away, don't use it.
  1. Most often, oil is taken as the basis for home cosmetics. Basically, all herbs and flowers, seeds and bark of plants insist on oil. Thanks to this, the product absorbs useful properties, gives texture and aroma to cosmetics.
  2. When choosing a recipe for cosmetics that you will prepare with your own hands, study the properties of all the products that you will use. They must be suitable for your skin, only in this way you will get exactly the effect you are hoping for.
  3. Remember that if you have dry skin, you should never use preparations containing alcohol for the preparation of cosmetics.
  4. If you have oily skin, be sure to include ingredients that can normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Be sure to prepare the dishes in which you will cook before preparing cosmetics - pour boiling water over it.
  6. Go to work with pure thoughts, a fresh head and good mood. Tune in to the positive and you will definitely succeed!

DIY natural cosmetics: recipes

Folk beauty recipes are the most diverse cosmetics. This includes: creams, scrubs, shampoos, lotions, soaps and even... deodorants! Thanks to natural products, such cosmetics received a lot of positive feedback. In addition, all these products are safe, they are able to provide complete care for your skin, which will preserve its youth and beauty. Cosmetics self made, whose recipes can be read below, will prove to you that you can make a real masterpiece - much better than a branded product, thanks to which you will always look great!

Do-it-yourself cosmetics: face and body cream

  1. An excellent product suitable for all skin types. It is necessary to beat three yolks from chicken eggs, add 30 g of natural juice to them (your choice - either fruit or vegetable, which is more suitable for your skin type). Add 15 g of quality beeswax. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour in a few drops of vegetable (can be olive) oil. Mix until smooth. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. Apply morning and evening on washed face. Wash off after a quarter of an hour with warm water.
  2. Thanks to this tool, the skin around the eyes will become tender, but elastic. Mix 15 g of lanolin (the agent must first be melted in a water bath) and 3 tsp. oil (ideally almond oil, but you can replace it with some other that is suitable for your skin type). Pour in tsp. lecithin. Drop by drop add 2 tbsp. warm water. Mix the resulting mass with a wooden spatula and put in the refrigerator. Store no more than two weeks. Apply morning and evening to the skin around the eyes, remove excess with a cotton swab.
  3. One of the best wrinkle creams. It will give your skin freshness, elasticity and velvety. Mix oils (necessarily from grape seeds of the first pressing and coconut oil in a ratio of 4: 1), tsp. lanolin, 2 tbsp. vegetable wax (can be bees). Mix everything, then heat in the microwave (45 seconds). Pull out the mass, mix and again send to the microwave (45 seconds). Repeat until the wax melts. Pour a little more than half a glass of clean water (ideally distilled) into a container, add 0.5 tbsp. aloe vera (gel consistency), 10 tablets of ascorbic acid (after grinding them into powder). Mix everything thoroughly. Optionally, choose any flavor that you really like aroma oils and pour a few drops into the mass. Mix the first and second mass. Mix everything well until the mass becomes homogeneous. Transfer to a container that closes, store in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. Apply to clean, prepared skin twice a day. Remove excess with a paper towel.

DIY cosmetics: scrub

  1. One of the very best folk recipes- based scrub coffee grounds, is prepared as follows. Brew coffee (it is desirable that it be finely ground). Drink the liquid, and collect the thick. For 3 st. l. coffee grounds: 3 tbsp. whipped cream, three drops of aromatic oil (orange or lemon, you can - citrus mix), a few drops of regular olive oil. If your skin is very dry or flaky, add a capsule of vitamins - either A or E. Thanks to this scrub, the skin is not only cleansed, it receives excellent nourishment and is well moisturized. It is undesirable to store this scrub, it must be used immediately after preparation. Scrub is applied to the body after a shower with massage movements. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Another popular type of scrub is honey. Remarkably, for the preparation of this cosmetic product there is no need to buy fresh honey at all - old, already candied honey is perfect. Mix 10 tbsp. honey, 5 tsp sugar, glass oatmeal type "Hercules" and 15 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Use immediately after the bath - apply to the steamed body, making massage movements. If you plan to apply this scrub on the skin of the face, then the oatmeal will need to be ground in a coffee grinder beforehand. It is undesirable to store such a scrub.
  3. A brown sugar scrub will help you keep your skin in perfect condition, as the skin will become elastic, healthy and clean. Mix 50 g brown sugar and 0.5 tsp. almond oil. For a scent, add a few drops of your favorite fragrance - an essential extract (rose, lavender, orange, etc.). If the skin is flaky, you can add vitamin E - one capsule. It is better not to store this scrub, but always prepare a new portion immediately before use. Apply to the skin with massage movements, massage a little before rinsing off. If you have very dry skin, apply a moisturizer after scrubbing.

DIY cosmetics: skin lotion

  1. Take 3 leaves of aloe. Wash thoroughly and pour 1.5 liters cold water. Let it brew for several hours, then send to the fire, bring to a boil. Make a low fire, boil for five minutes. Let it brew and cool, then it can be poured into glass bottle, cork and store in a cool place. Shelf life - six months. Wipe the face after sleep and after removing makeup.
  2. This lotion is great for oily skin. From 6 fresh cucumbers make a puree. Mix with yolk chicken egg, Art. l. honey, 50 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of rose water. Mix thoroughly, pour into a glass container, cork and leave for five days in a dark place. Strain, store finished product in the refrigerator (maximum - two weeks). Wipe the skin twice a day - morning and evening.
  3. If you have dry skin, you will love this lotion, as it has excellent moisturizing properties. Take 2 tbsp. coconut oil 2 tbsp beeswax, st.l. vegetable (ideally olive) oil, 3 tbsp. peach oil, 15 ml of pure (preferably distilled) water, 0.5 cups of cocoa. Melt the wax in water over low heat, add cocoa and all other ingredients. Stir, pour into prepared container. Store in the refrigerator, but not more than fourteen days. Use twice a day.

DIY cosmetics: masks

  1. A good mask that fights such a thing as "problem skin". Beat the protein of one chicken egg - into the foam. Pour 4 drops of oil - tea tree extract and add starch, stirring all the time to get a thick mass, similar to sour cream. Apply to the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse. After such a cleansing, the skin needs a lotion to wipe the face and a cream - it is applied after all procedures. The course of "treatment" is 10 days - turn two to the third. You can repeat the course no earlier than in a quarter. Such a mask cannot be stored for a long time - it must be prepared immediately before application.
  2. If you have "black dots" on your face, be sure to use this recipe! Crush an activated charcoal tablet into powder, mix with 1 tsp. gelatin. Pour the dry mixture into 2 tsp. milk (if you don't have it, you can use plain water). Mix everything very thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Send for 15 seconds in the microwave. Wait until the mass becomes warm. Take a hard brush, first “drive” the mass into the pores, then smear it on top with a dense layer and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove like a mask. It is best to apply this mask after taking a shower or bath so that the face is steamed. You can't keep this mask! It is contraindicated to use with rosacea!
  3. An excellent tool that will help get rid of acne, blackheads and various skin irregularities. At 0.5 st. flour (choose between rice, oat or wheat) add 1 dl. soda, stir. For 1 time use 1 tbsp. dry mix. It must be mixed with kefir - you should get a thick mass (like average sour cream). Apply to face with massaging movements. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off the mask. Repeat the next day. AT ready-made do not keep the mask.

DIY cosmetics: deodorant

Do-it-yourself deodorant is a new thing, but practical. Remarkably, you can change its fragrance depending on the season, time of day or… mood.

In equal proportions, mix soda and starch (corn starch is best). Pour 15 to 20 drops of aroma oil that you like into 120 g of the finished dry mixture. It is best to start with tea tree oil as it has a neutral smell. Add 2 to 4 tbsp. coconut oil. Mix everything so that the consistency is uniform. The resulting product must be put into some suitable container. It's good if you have a special box of antiperspirant left. If there is none, then you can put the mixture on a plastic bag and form a bar and send it to the cold. It is advisable to store the product in the refrigerator - at least in the warm season. Shelf life is about three months. Deodorant should be applied in the morning on the armpits in a thin layer.

Do-it-yourself cosmetics recipes. Video

The presence of chemical components and ingredients of artificial origin in the composition of modern cosmetics plays a role. The result of the use of "fake" cosmetics are allergies, rashes, irritation ... How about using time-tested traditions? The recipes of natural cosmetics presented on this page will help you achieve your goals without overpaying!

Do-it-yourself face creams and tonics: what you need to know?

Natural cosmetics for the face does not require unjustified costs. At the same time, using proven recipes for natural cosmetics for the face, you know exactly what is included in the product.

One of the main roles in natural cosmetics, prepared by hand for facial skin care, is played by base oils, which:

  • provide nutrition to the skin;
  • contribute to hydration and restoration of water balance;
  • soften and smooth the skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • provide protection against aggressive external factors.

For example, do-it-yourself natural cosmetics, the recipes of which include apricot, almond oil suitable for skin prone to dryness. Oily skin "loves" and substances such as grape seed oil or black cumin. An excellent solution for sensitive skin is crambe oil and peach kernel oil.

How to make natural lip balm?

Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics in the form of lip balm are much cheaper and more effective than store-bought counterparts. Consider the following:

  • Use wax as a base for balm. Melt it in a water bath, without using a microwave oven.
  • Combine solid ingredients with liquid ingredients. After softening the wax, add liquid vegetable oils and ethers. Use food coloring if necessary.
  • If you want to add scent to the balm, use cinnamon, vanillin, or other natural substances.

Please note that homemade lip cosmetics should include nourishing oils and a base, such as food grade glycerin. So the balm will protect the lips. As ingredients for the balm, in addition to beeswax, oily vitamins, essential and base oils can be used.

Preparing body cosmetics at home

Natural cosmetics prepared by hand for body care are truly big choice recipes, from homemade gels to scrubs and body wraps. The types and amounts of ingredients in such cosmetics directly depend on the type of product:

  • The basis for natural deodorants is starch with essential and base oils.
  • Shower gels are made using a soap base, essential oils and natural flavors.
  • For home scrubs, natural “abrasives” are used, ranging from coffee grounds to ground sea salt.

You can choose all the necessary ingredients in our online store or buy natural cosmetics at a bargain price without the need self cooking funds.