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Borscht for children from one year old. Borscht like in kindergarten: a step by step recipe with a photo

Reading time for this article: 9 min.

Such a dish as borsch is well known to many residents of our country. The ingredients included in its composition provide the body useful substances and elements. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet. However, beetroot, on the basis of which borscht is cooked, is a red vegetable. It is considered an allergen for young children. That is why many mothers are interested in whether a one-year-old child can have borscht and how to cook it correctly so as not to harm the baby's health.

The basis of this first course is several vegetables:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato tubers;
  • pepper;
  • tomato.

They can be cooked on bone or meat broth. Sometimes meat is not added to the soup, for example, if it is dietary or vegetarian.

Due to its composition, borscht is a source of many trace elements, vitamins, minerals and organic acids. In addition to amino acids and antioxidants, borscht also contains:

  • carotenoids;
  • iron;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins belonging to group B.

The large amount of fiber that is present in this dish improves the functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs. As a result, constipation is eliminated and their recurrence is prevented.

Beetroot, which is rightfully the main component of the soup, is characterized by a hepatoprotective effect. Also, the root crop can strengthen blood vessels and normalize the nervous state of a person. In addition, the use of beets in food stimulates the function of hematopoiesis. This allows people to avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant disease as diabetes.

If you regularly eat beets, you can cleanse the body of a large amount of toxic substances - nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals.

But in spite of everything positive properties borscht, you need to remember about its contraindications. First of all, this dish is not recommended for those who have intolerance to any of the components that make up its composition. As a rule, everything can be allergic to beets. But, fortunately, this is quite rare. Therefore, when asked if a child can have borscht a year old, one can rarely hear a negative answer.

The following diseases can be called a contraindication to the use of this dish: diarrhea and pancreatitis. And for young children, borscht will be harmful if the technology for its preparation has been violated.

From what age can you give beets to young children

Beets can be introduced into the diet of infants from 8 months, the main thing is that the vegetable is well cooked and becomes soft. Before cooking the beets, it is necessary to wash them well from dirt - as a result, the water when washing the vegetable should be clean.

If the baby has frequent constipation, then you can give him beets even earlier, from 7 months. The main thing is that the crumbs do not have manifestations of allergies. To do this, you need to give the baby a small amount of complementary foods in the form of an independent dish for the first time.

Since the baby vegetable should be ground, it is allowed to add a little oil to it, which will make the dish less dry. If during the day there are no negative reactions of the body (diarrhea, colic, flatulence, redness of the skin), then the baby can be fed with beets and food prepared on its basis.

At the age of 1 year, the beet norm is 100 g per day. You can use this product daily, the main thing is not to increase the recommended norms. For children who often have a negative reaction of the body to foods, it is recommended to give borscht from 10-11 months.

Those who are interested in whether borscht is possible for an 8-month-old child should know that if the baby does not have a negative reaction of the body to its components, and the dish is cooked according to the rules, then parents can give it to their baby. At the same time, it must be remembered that sour cream cannot be added to borscht earlier than 1.5-2 years.

How to cook borscht for babies

So that this first dish does not harm the body of the crumbs, it is worth following certain rules when cooking it:

  • the composition of borscht should include only those components that the baby has already tried;
  • when preparing soup for babies, you can not use seasonings and salt it heavily;
  • it is not recommended to fry vegetables, it is better to lower them into the water in their raw form;
  • if borscht is cooked with meat, it should have a minimum amount of fat (secondary broth);
  • children under 3 years of age do not cook food in bone broth;
  • vegetables that are used to make soup are washed and then poured with boiling water;
  • after the peel is peeled, the products are cut very finely, and some of them are grated (especially for children who do not yet have teeth)
  • if borsch is cooked simply on water, then after cooking, boiled meat can be put in the dish.

Borscht is given to a one-year-old child without fear for his health if he has 4 or more teeth, with which he can chew food. Otherwise, when preparing borscht, it is worth grinding its components more carefully.

Borscht recipe for young children

There is a wide variety of borscht recipes for young children, which differ in ingredients, cutting methods, and the order in which food is put into the pan. However, there are general rules, the observance of which will make it possible to make useful and tasty dish for small children:

  • in a saucepan where the soup will be prepared, you need to pour about 1 liter of water, and then wait for it to boil.
  • then potatoes are lowered into the water, which should be cut into small cubes.
  • after 15 minutes, it is required to introduce grated vegetables into the water. These are carrots and beets, which should be fully ripe and bright.
  • when the water boils again (after 5-10 minutes), you will need to put finely chopped cabbage in a saucepan.
  • after all the ingredients are completely cooked, you can add pre-boiled meat, cut into small pieces, to them.
  • after that, you need to cook the soup for another 10 minutes.

Before the baby is 1 year old, the dish is not recommended to be salted and peppered. In order not to have to store it for a long time, it is better to cook the soup in a small saucepan. It is the freshly prepared dish that has the greatest benefit on the body. Indeed, during the secondary heating, it loses almost all useful substances.

As the child matures and new foods are introduced into his diet, they can be gradually added to borscht:

  • before introducing potatoes (10 minutes in advance), finely chopped onion should be lowered into the water;
  • chopped or squeezed tomato juice should be put in a saucepan along with cabbage;
  • finely chopped Bell pepper put at the very end (they gradually begin to accustom a child to it from 1.5 years old);
  • when the baby is one year old, the borscht can be slightly salted and fresh dill added.

The introduction of such a healthy dish as borscht into the baby’s diet will benefit not only the health of the baby, but also adults. After all, they are also recommended to eat soups that use non-fried foods. Therefore, soon after the birth of a baby, many should reconsider their views on nutrition and apply only healthy culinary recipes.

Borscht is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. A traditional dish Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.

Liquid warm meals must be present in the daily diet of the child. This will contribute to better functioning of the stomach and ensure the normalization of digestive processes.

How to cook borscht for a child?

Vegetables for children's borsch should be the freshest and most beautiful. To keep the maximum amount of vitamins in boiled vegetables, they should be cooked for no more than 10-15 minutes, under a closed lid. This rule applies to carrots, onions, bell peppers, etc.

From meat, it is desirable to take - beef, lean parts of pork, skinless chicken, rabbit. All components of borscht should only be boiled, do not fry anything. Add the minimum amount of salt and spices.

Many children like kindergarten cuisine and mothers should take note of the borscht recipe in kindergarten.

Children's borscht recipe


  • beef - 300 gr.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • borscht beets - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 50 gr.;
  • white cabbage - a quarter of a head;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • water - 3-4 liters.


Place in a pot of salted water whole piece meat, beets. Cook until done. Cut potatoes into cubes, carrots into small half rings. Chop onion and bell pepper.

While the broth is cooking, do not forget to carefully remove the foam from the water. When ready, take out the meat and beets and throw in potatoes and cabbage.

While the potatoes and cabbage are cooking, grate the boiled beets and cut the meat into small cubes. Fry the tomato paste in a pan and dilute with water.

When the potatoes are cooked, throw in the meat, beets, carrots, onions, bell peppers and pour over the tomato. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Serve borscht with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Borscht in kindergarten starts cooking at five in the morning. And the first stage is the preparation of the broth. Usually in kindergarten, along with borscht, they write out chicken cutlets. So cartilage and bones from chicken breasts end up in borscht.

"Adult" nutritionists argue a lot about whether bone broth soups can be given to children. Some say it's not allowed. Others, on the contrary, do not deny the presence of bones. The main thing is that the broth is not too steep. Therefore, chicken cartilage is a very suitable thing. And as practice shows, even a three-year-old child does not eat “empty” borscht, so sparing chicken “bones” add their nutritional value to the broth.

So, calculate for yourself how much bones or meat are needed for your family, if Nina Evseevna puts about a kilo of nine hundred bones with scraps of meat pulp on a 50-liter pan. By the way, lean pork or chicken can also decorate children's borscht a lot. But it's at home! And in the garden, the bones are poured with cold clean water and boiled for an hour and a half. Then the broth is filtered twice, the remains of meat from the bones are peeled off and sent to the broth, the bones themselves are removed.

Together with the broth, they begin to cook beets. Bring it to readiness, clean it, rub it on a coarse grater and set it to sauté in vegetable oil.

Tomato paste is also subjected to heat treatment and sautéed in vegetable oil.

While the beets and tomato paste are quietly “gurgling” on a slow fire, Nina Evseevna is peeling potatoes, carrots and onions. The potatoes are cut into cubes, the onions are finely chopped, and the carrots are rubbed on a grater. Potatoes enter the broth first.

Cabbage is cleaned of sluggish and rotten leaves, chopped into thin strips.

Onions and carrots are sautéed butter. And here special technological thoroughness is needed, because the butter should not burn.

When all the components of the future borscht are ready in different pots, the process of laying vegetables in the broth begins. After potatoes - the turn of carrot-onion dressing. It enters the pan as soon as the potatoes reach semi-softness. Sauteing helps the potatoes keep their shape and does not boil into a liquid.

After carrot-onion sautéing - the turn of cabbage. It is laid to vegetables and boiled until soft.

In this picture - Nina Evseevna sends beets to the pan.

Classic red borscht with beetroot is the property of the Slavic peoples. Basically, it's traditional Ukrainian dish, but in different variations it is also prepared by neighboring peoples. Therefore, from an early age, in kindergartens, schools and, of course, at home, we cannot imagine life without fragrant, rich in taste borscht with beets. But for children from 1 year to about 2.5 years old, you need to cook borscht in a completely different way than if you cooked it for older children or adults. Firstly, when preparing such borscht, vegetables cannot be fried, they must be stewed. Secondly, babies still have very few teeth, so vegetables for borscht must be cut finely or rubbed on a coarse grater. Broth for children's borscht should not be greasy. In our recipe, we took into account all the needs of small children from 1 to 2.5 years old, so that they can eat it tasty and pleasant, and you, as a mother, understand that your child eats healthy, freshly prepared food.

Ingredients for making borscht for the little ones

Cooking step by step with a photo Borscht for the little ones

Serve the kids delicious and healthy borsch with sour cream. Offer them a slice white bread. Enjoy your meal!

Network news:

At what age can you give a child borscht?

Borscht is a favorite first course for many people in our country. It is tasty and healthy, so many mothers are interested in when it is possible to give such a dish to a child and how to cook it for children's menu.

The basis of borscht is various vegetables, and there are quite a lot of recipe options for such a traditional Slavic dish. Some cook it in meat broth, others in bone broth, and others without adding meat at all. The constant ingredients are beets, potatoes, carrots. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage and other products are also added to it.

  • It contains many vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts. This product can act as a source of carotenoids, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, iodine, iron, as well as amino acids and antioxidants.
  • Such nutritious dish stimulates the intestines due to a sufficiently high content of fiber. Its use will help prevent constipation or eliminate them.
  • Beetroot, which is the main ingredient, has a hepatoprotective effect, as well as the ability to reduce nervous excitability and strengthen blood vessels. In addition, this root crop stimulates hematopoiesis and prevents the development of diabetes.
  • Thanks to the use of borscht, various toxic substances are removed from the body, for example, pesticides, nitrates and heavy metals.

Borsch can become a harmful product if the recommendations for its preparation in childhood are violated, as well as the rules for storing such a product. Such a first course is contraindicated in case of intolerance to any of its components, for example, if there is an allergy to beets (it is a very allergenic vegetable). This dish also should not be used for pancreatitis or diarrhea.

Doctors recommend introducing a child to beets at 8-9 months. If the baby has a tendency to constipation, such a root crop can be included in the complementary foods menu a little earlier, for example, at 7 months. For children prone to allergies, beets are added to the diet later, for example, at 10 months or a year.

However, the first beetroot dish that is given to a child is recommended to choose beetroot puree, adding it to other vegetables in an amount of no more than 1/3 of the total volume. vegetable dish. For the first time, you should try borscht not earlier than the baby turns 1 year old.

To exclude an allergy in a child to beets, you should start with beetroot puree. If there is no negative reaction to the root crop, borscht can be introduced into the diet

In addition, there are other restrictions:

  • To prepare such a dish, you should take only those products that the baby has already tried.
  • The use of meat broth in cooking is acceptable, but it should be freed from fat as much as possible.
  • If a child is preparing borscht without meat broth, then separately boiled meat can be added to the finished dish.
  • Bone broth is not used when preparing dishes for children under 3 years old.
  • It is advised to add sour cream not earlier than in 1.5-2 years.

Traditionally, the dish is boiled in a saucepan, adding ingredients, taking into account the duration of their boiling. When cooking, you can also use a slow cooker.

We offer you a recipe for borscht that a one-year-old child can eat.


  • One small beet.
  • One small onion.
  • One medium carrot.
  • One small tomato.
  • Two medium potatoes.
  • 100 grams chopped white cabbage.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Greens.

Prepare borscht like this:

  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  3. Pour about 1 liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Dip the onion into boiling water and cook, covered with a lid.
  5. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes.
  6. Add it to the water, where the onion has been boiled for 10 minutes.
  7. Grate peeled carrots and beets on a coarse grater.
  8. Dip the grated vegetables into the water with the potatoes and onions about 10-15 minutes after adding the potatoes.
  9. Scald the tomato and remove the skin, then cut it into cubes.
  10. Add chopped tomato and shredded cabbage.
  11. Cook for another 10 minutes, then salt, add herbs and remove from heat.

You can see the recipe for the baby in the following videos.

Borscht for a child

Borscht for a child

Age: from 1 year old

I am glad to see you on my website - we prepare children's recipes for children with imagination. I see that the soups for children section is still leading in the survey, so today I am replenishing it. I post, as always, a step-by-step children's recipe - borscht for a child.

I cook for my daughters while the borscht is lean, and it is absolutely not inferior in terms of palatability borscht in broth. As I already wrote, it is better not to use saturated broths for children under 3 years old when cooking.

What products do I use to make children's borscht, the same as for adult borscht. But it turns out, naturally more dietary. If your child does not like lean borscht without meat, it is better to boil the meat separately and add it to the already cooked borscht. So we will make a more nutritious borscht, but also very healthy. Due to the fact that there are a very large number of vegetables in borscht, it is a source of useful nutrients, in in large numbers contains mineral salts, vegetable fibers and useful organic acids.

It contains so useful biologically active substances beets, supplemented with such an important source of ascorbic acid - sweet pepper, carrots enrich the dish with carotenes. But borsch for a child also contains onions, potatoes, tomatoes, dill, cabbage.

So, when can you give your child borscht? Borscht prepared according to this recipe for a child can be given from the age of one. From the age of 3, you can cook borsch on the second broth. You can also start cooking borscht for children up to a year old, somewhere from 10 months, only without cabbage, sour cream and do not salt, but knead a little more with a fork, also make sure that there is no reaction to the tomato. Now, how to make borscht.

1. 1 beet;

2. 1 onion;

3. 1 carrot;

4. 1 tomato;

5. 2 potatoes;

6. 100 g of white cabbage;

7. 1 sweet pepper;

8. dill greens;

9. vegetable oil, or sour cream;

1. Wash onions, peel. Cut into small cubes. Pour baby water (1 - 1.2 liters) into the pan. Bring to a boil. Put chopped onion into boiling water. We cook, of course, with the lid closed to preserve the maximum of vitamins.

2. Wash, clean potatoes. We cut into small cubes.
3. We wash and clean the carrots, three on a coarse grater.
4. Same thing with beets.
5. Wash the tomato and scald it with boiling water to remove the skin. We cut it into cubes.
6. Finely chop the cabbage.
7. 10 minutes after the onion, add potatoes to it. As soon as the potatoes are almost ready, after about 10 - 15 minutes, add the grated beets and carrots.
8. As soon as it boils, put the tomato and cabbage. If your child does not like cabbage in borscht, you can not put it. Cook another 10 minutes.

9. In the summer, be sure to add sweet peppers to borscht for a child. Although in the winter I try to freeze and add. That is, my sweet pepper, peel and cut into cubes. Add to borscht 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking.

We wash a little green dill, cut it, put it in borscht, salt, mix. Bring borscht to a boil and remove from heat.

10. From a year and a half, we add children's sour cream to borscht, you can see the recipe for sour cream for children. If your child does not like to try new dishes, or does not eat well, you can serve borscht for the child in the form of a cat. This decoration is done in a minute. To do this, I draw sour cream into a regular medical syringe without a needle and draw a muzzle for him. I add mustaches from green onions, and ears from basil, or spinach. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook children's borscht?

Borsch is the first dish that occupies an important place in the diet of people. Favorite dish Eastern Slavs are mainly cooked in meat broth with the addition of vegetables. This type of soup is healthy and delicious. The body of a person who eats this dish receives many nutrients.

But is borscht so useful?

Moms should know the nuances of its preparation and storage before introducing it to their kids.

The main ingredients of borscht are potatoes, beets, carrots and cabbage. Often, onions, sweet and bitter peppers, tomatoes, beans and other products are added to such a soup. Therefore, it contains a sea of ​​​​vitamins.

  1. The presence of vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids (vitamins B, C and K, folic and ascorbic acids, amino acids, etc.).
  2. Helps to stimulate the intestines and cleanses it. Eliminates or prevents constipation.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, heart and blood vessels.
  4. Reduces nervous excitability and strengthens blood vessels.
  5. Stimulates blood formation.
  6. Removes various toxic substances from the body.
  7. Indicated for use in the prevention of diabetes mellitus.

Doctors recommend preparing the national Slavic dish for children after a year. Many mothers do not want to deprive their child of a meal filled with many nutrients. Therefore, they often wonder if children under 1 year old can cook borscht according to a different recipe.

Before feeding children healthy soup, you need to learn about the features of its preparation, as well as restrictions on use.

  1. The composition of the red soup for children up to 1 year and older should include products that do not cause allergies in the child.
  2. The meat broth on which cooking is planned is freed from fat as much as possible.
  3. Small children do not cook borscht with bone broth.
  4. It is not advisable to add sour cream to the dish.

Before cooking soup with vegetables for a baby, mothers make sure that he does not have intolerance to various foods. For this, a small child is introduced to the components of the dish earlier:

children who are on breastfeeding, cabbage is introduced into the diet after 6 months. With artificial nutrition, the novelty is added from 4-5 months;

  • Acquaintance with beets occurs at 8-9 months of age. It is allowed to add a vegetable to the complementary foods menu from 7 months if the child is prone to constipation;
  • carrots are introduced into the diet at 5-6 months;
  • the child tries potatoes at 4.5 months;
  • at 7 months, meat is introduced into the baby's diet;
  • not earlier than 8 months, the child is given boiled onions;
  • tomatoes in the form tomato juice given to children at 10 months. A vegetable of yellow and orange varieties is given a year. Behind them, red tomatoes scalded with boiling water and without peel are introduced into complementary foods. A three-year-old child is allowed to eat any tomatoes.

At the age of 10 months, children are prepared borscht with those root crops, the use of which did not cause adverse reactions. If the mother has previously noticed an allergy to cabbage or beets, then the dish is prepared without these vegetables. True, such a soup can hardly be called a full-fledged borscht.

Traditional borscht is cooked for a child when it is possible to give the rest of the products that make up the dish.

With age, the list of ingredients expands gradually. bell pepper it is not advised to add it before 2 years old, babies are introduced to it from 1.5 years old and quite carefully.

But from 1.5 years old, you can supplement such a soup with a spoonful of sour cream.

Borscht is prepared for children from those root crops that they managed to fall in love with. Their first borscht consists of the following products:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • meat.

The Internet surprises with a variety of recipes with photos of borscht for one-year-old children. They differ in the number of ingredients, the method of cutting, the order of cooking, but they have common cooking rules.

When cooking national dish a one-year-old child, adhere to special recommendations:

  • all vegetables are washed and doused with boiling water;
  • after thorough peeling, they try to cut the products finely. To prepare borscht for toothless kids, it is recommended to grate all the vegetables;
  • vegetables must be fully boiled.

Cooking the first borscht

  1. Pour water (about 1 liter) into the prepared saucepan and wait for it to boil.
  2. Until the water boils, peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes.
  3. When the water has come to a boil, put the potatoes in it.
  4. After 15 minutes add grated carrots.
  5. Finely chop the cabbage and put it into the pan when the water boils again (after about 5-10 minutes).
  6. When the roots are fully cooked, add previously cooked meat, cut into small cubes.
  7. Cook for about 10 more minutes.

Up to a year, it is advisable not to salt and pepper borscht. It is advisable to cook it in a small volume. Although borscht can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days, a reheated dish loses some of its vitamins.

When the children get older, borsch is prepared according to the above recipe, supplementing it with products:

  • chopped onion is placed in boiling water first, and after 10 minutes potatoes are added;
  • beets are rubbed on a coarse grater and added with carrots;
  • diced tomato is put in borscht with cabbage;
  • sweet pepper cut into small pieces is added after cabbage with tomatoes a few minutes before the end of cooking;
  • it is permissible to cook on 2 meat broth in 1 year. But, if after the introduction of meat into complementary foods, the baby did not experience allergic reactions, the child is healthy, he has no problems with the liver and kidneys, then they begin to cook soups in meat broth at 9-10 months. And after 3 years in the preparation of liquid dishes can be used bone broth;
  • the dish for children who are one year old is salted and supplemented with dill.

One-year-old children are forbidden to fry vegetables in oil. But since frying can harm even an adult body, the question of how old children are given borscht with frying is open. After all, it is also better for adults to eat soups prepared without frying foods. Therefore, when a baby appears, it is worth considering, revising the usual cooking standards, start applying healthy recipes not only for children's food, but also for the general table.

Hot borsch is a universal dish that every housewife takes into service. Delicious and very healthy, it will be an excellent option for lunch and dinner. The dish is not too expensive, saturated. Supplement it with sour cream and a crust of black bread, and you get an overeating. But often housewives are faced with the fact that children refuse their mother's creations, demanding to cook borscht as in kindergarten.

No reason to be offended

Often mothers really take offense at children. Of course, spending so much time in the kitchen and seeing the displeased face of your crumbs is not very pleasant. But if a child stubbornly asks for borsch like in kindergarten, maybe you should learn how to cook it? It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You can interrogate the cooks, they will gladly tell their secrets. And today we will collect different variants cooking delicious borscht in one article. It will be useful for young mothers and experienced housewives.

Special approach

Why do kids abandon traditional rich soups? Most often, they intuitively understand that for them tender stomach this food is not suitable. That's why they ask for borscht like in kindergarten. There, the cooks are well acquainted with the peculiarities of children's and diet food. The ideal option is a cabbage or beetroot. These are lightweight versions of borscht that are well suited for kids.

Beetroot differs little from borscht. It is indispensable for baby food the dish should be present in the menu almost constantly. Children usually eat it with great pleasure. In turn, this hot soup normalizes the processes of digestion. But, of course, you need to cook it according to special rules. It depends on the age of the child who will eat it. So let's look at a few options.

First meeting

When thinking about what to cook for their child, many parents remember borscht as in kindergarten. the dish is very healthy, but do not rush to introduce it into the diet. Usually pediatricians are allowed to give the child borscht from the age of one. But if your baby is prone to allergic reactions, then it is better to wait up to two years. Regardless of the state of health of the baby, a number of rules must be observed:

  • All products included in this dish should already be familiar to the child. Give them separately from each other so that you can be completely sure that his body is able to tolerate them.
  • Should start with small portion.
  • You need to cook borscht on water or low-fat broth from boneless chicken breast or veal.
  • beans and mushrooms, spicy seasonings and garlic are excluded.
  • Frying is not allowed.

If you ask old chefs how borscht is prepared in kindergarten, they will first of all tell you these rules. This is the basis of dietary nutrition.

Recipe for the little ones

Previously, they took to the kindergarten when they reached the age of one. Of course, one of the main dishes was porridge. But soups were prepared daily. And of course, the recipe for children's borscht has been adapted for the little ones. Not many ingredients are required for cooking:

  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Potatoes - 100 g.
  • Veal, cabbage and beets - 50 g each.

The meat will need to be mashed with a blender. Boil water, at the same time wash the vegetables well and chop them with a grater. First of all, put the vegetable mass in the pan, and after 10 minutes add the meat. Another 15 - 20 minutes and you can turn it off. Borscht is prepared without salt and spices, taking into account age characteristics. When the baby gets older, it will be possible to add salt in minimal quantities.

We are growing

Closer to two years, most children normally tolerate the common table. And even mothers of allergy sufferers are beginning to think about how to cook borsch like in kindergarten, so that the most capricious kid would ask for supplements. To do this, you need a standard set of products:

  • Low-fat broth - 3 servings.
  • Boiled meat - 150 g.
  • Beets, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes - 100 g each.
  • Onion - 1 pc.

Vegetables must be washed and prepared for processing. Cut the onion into cubes, chop the rest of the vegetables on a grater. The meat is recommended to be disassembled into fibers or cut into as small as possible. Rub the tomatoes through a sieve. First of all, you need to put the beets in the pan, add to it tomato puree and a few tablespoons of water. Simmer until done. Put all the vegetables in the boiling broth, add the meat and cook for another 20 minutes.

From two to three

The child grows, the body's need for energy increases. Accordingly, the borscht recipe will need to be adapted to age characteristics. This borscht is already reminiscent of the one that we prepare for ourselves, but still it has characteristics that you need to know about. For cooking you will need:

  • Low-fat broth - 1 liter.
  • Meat - 150 g.
  • Cabbage, potatoes, beets - 100 g each.
  • Tomato paste - 40 g.
  • Sour cream.
  • Greens.

Simple and affordable products, but it turns out delicious red borscht like in kindergarten:

  • Cut potatoes into cubes.
  • Carrots need to be coarsely grated.
  • Bake the beets in the oven, peel and grate.
  • Cut the meat.

Boil water and add vegetables. After about 15 minutes, you can add the meat and let it simmer for another 5 minutes. It remains to add beets and tomato paste, salt a little. After about 5 minutes, you can turn off the fire and add greens. Sour cream is usually added already before serving, but for children it is recommended to subject it to heat treatment, putting it in a saucepan for a couple of minutes before turning it off.

Classic borscht

It is suitable for feeding children over 3 years old, that is, just for feeding toddlers of kindergarten age. It is on this option that we will dwell in more detail and consider step by step recipe borscht like in kindergarten. You will need the following list of ingredients:

  • Low-fat broth - 1 liter.
  • Vegetables - 300 g each
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Tomato paste - a tablespoon.
  • Meat - 150 g.
  • Sour cream - 40 g.

And now let's get a little more detailed. To make the dish really tasty, the chefs resort to a little trick. The beets are cleaned and dipped into the water along with the whole meat. This is how it is cooked, giving a great taste to the broth and at the same time retaining color. And just before the borscht is ready, they pull it out and rub it on a grater. It remains for a few minutes to fry it with a spoonful of oil and put it back into the broth. The color is just fantastic.

  1. Wash the meat and put it in the pot. Fill with water and put on fire. Don't forget to skim off the foam.
  2. When the water boils, it's time to lay the beets. Leave to cook for an hour.
  3. Fry the tomato paste in the remaining oil.
  4. Chop the onion and grate the carrot. Fry them in butter.
  5. In a boiling broth, lay the potatoes, onions, carrots and cabbage cut into bars.
  6. When the cabbage becomes soft, add beets, sour cream and herbs. Boil for two more minutes and remove from heat.

The borscht must stand for a few more minutes to fully reveal its bouquet. After that, pour it into plates and call the children to the table. It has a delicate taste and aroma that even the pickiest kids will surely enjoy.

Basic Rules

Now you know how to cook borscht. In kindergarten, they do it in exactly the same way, and most of the pupils really like the result. Let's reiterate the basic rules that must be taken into account:

  • Kindergarten borscht is hot vegetable soup. It can be cooked in meat broth, water or beetroot broth. Since it is prepared for children, it is best to use beef or chicken breast.
  • The main set of vegetables is beets, potatoes, carrots and cabbage. At the same time, beets are never used raw.
  • Often, beetroot is supplemented with halves of boiled eggs and herbs.
  • Ready meal dressed with sour cream, after which the heat treatment continues for another 2 minutes.

Usefulness of borscht

As this dish abounds fresh vegetables It is a source of vitamins and minerals. The usefulness of borscht is determined by the presence of organic acids in the composition. This dish is very beneficial for the digestive system. It stimulates the intestines and cleanses it well. As a result, constipation is eliminated or prevented.

Useful substances contained in borscht have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, heart and blood vessels, stimulate hematopoiesis and remove various toxic substances from the body. But you need to remember that this dish is multicomponent. Therefore, before introducing it into the diet of a child, you must first check the tolerance of each of the components with an interval of at least 3-4 days. If the appetite is normal, there were no skin rashes, asthmatic problems, you can move on to dishes that are a combination of these products.

Instead of a conclusion

If your child refuses to eat meals home cooking, motivating this by the fact that they cook tastier in the kindergarten, you should pay attention to our recommendations and secrets. They are quite simple, but thanks to their observance, you can cook delicious and healthy dish with minimal effort and in a short time. Borscht for your child can be a great option for everyday meals. Hot, bright and hearty, garnished with herbs and a spoonful of sour cream, with a crust of fresh bread, any kid will like it.