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Instructional technological map of carrot cutlets. Technological map carrot cutlets

1.Enterprise characteristics

Cafe "Zvezda" - enterprise Catering and recreation of consumers of the middle category. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks. Cafe Zvezda is a private enterprise operating on the basis of private property rights using the labor of hired workers. The enterprise operates on the basis of a license for the right to trade and provide public catering services and a registration certificate.

The operating mode of the enterprise is from 10.00 to 22.00 hours without a break for lunch and days off.

The cafe is located in the city center in a recreation area, designed for 30 seats.

Cafe Zvezda sells a wide range of products: specialty of the house- 2 items, hot drinks - 7 items, cold drinks - 9 items, first courses - 4 items, second hot dishes - 19 items, side dishes - 6 items, cold dishes and snacks - 10 items, sweet dishes - 10 items.

The company uses a shop structure of production, there is a hot shop, a cold shop and a shop for the refinement of semi-finished products. The following technological processes are carried out in the hot shop: the completion of cooking, the heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, the cooking of broths, the preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, the heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. The following technological processes are carried out in the cold shop: cutting raw and boiled vegetables, fruits, combining the components of salads, vinaigrettes, mixing them, squeezing juice from fruits and vegetables, whipping creams, cream, sour cream, portioning cold dishes and snacks, cold soups, sweet dishes and cold drinks. Semi-finished products refinement shop is designed to provide the hot shop with semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness in accordance with the range of prepared dishes according to the menu plan. Separate workplaces for the production of semi-finished products from meat, fish, and poultry are organized in this workshop.

Service is provided by waiters and bartenders.

List of services provided

.Output own production for sale on the trading floor.

.Realization of products of own production and purchased goods.

.Organization of consumption of culinary products at the enterprise.

.Cooking technology

Carrot cutlets. Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, put in a deep bowl, add either milk, or milk with broth, or water, margarine or butter, and simmer until almost cooked. Then pour in a trickle semolina, stir well and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 ° C, eggs, salt, grated cottage cheese are added and everything is mixed well. Cutlets can be cooked without cottage cheese, and semolina can be replaced with a thick milk sauce.

The resulting mass is cut into portions, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, shaped into cutlets, placed on a baking sheet with heated fat, fried on both sides and brought to readiness in an oven.

Carrot cutlets can be prepared in another way. To do this, peeled carrots are cut into pieces and stewed with a little water. Then the carrots are crushed in a mashing machine or meat grinder, milk and margarine are added, heated to a boil, semolina is added and boiled. After that, they are cooled, eggs, salt are introduced and everything is mixed well. Sugar can be added to the mass (3-5 g per serving). The finished mass is cut into portions, breaded and fried.

Sour cream sauce. A white dry or fat sauté is prepared and diluted with hot broth. Sour cream is brought to a boil, combined with the resulting white sauce, stirred, seasoned with salt (pepper for some dishes) and boiled for 3-5 minutes. The sauce is filtered, brought to a boil and pinched with butter.

1 Commodity characteristic of raw materials

Carrot - contains 79.2-91.8% water, 3.4-12.0% sugar, 0.05-0.25% organic acids, as well as vitamins (up to 14 mg), carotene (up to 24 mg). It contains vitamins E, PP, H, B 1, AT 2, folic acid. In cooking, carrots are used for seasoning soups and sauces in a passivated form, for preparing second courses, cold appetizers.

Table margarine is a solid edible fat. By appearance, taste, texture, chemical composition, calorie content and digestibility of table margarine is similar to butter. It is an enriched vegetable and animal (or only vegetable) fat that significantly complements the range of solid dietary fats. Margarine contains high quality edible fats, water, milk, salt and sugar. Used to add to the first, second courses, sauces.

Milk - contains more than 100 components: water, milk fat, proteins, acids, amino acids, milk sugar (lactose) - gives sweet taste, minerals, enzymes, vitamins. it essential product nutrition, containing all the nutrients necessary for the body in an easily digestible form. They are used as an independent product, as well as for adding to soups, sauces.

Broth - broth is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, contains a whole range of vitamins, especially B vitamins, which is important for the human body. Magnesium is responsible for the normal functioning of nerve cells, helps to cope with fatigue, relieves irritability, and also improves memory. Phosphorus strengthens muscles, bones and teeth. Zinc is also needed to strengthen bones, which also contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and is especially useful for improving brain function in older people. The content of B vitamins increases the body's resistance to stress and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. B vitamins also have a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems.

Semolina - has a high energy value, but is poor in vitamins and minerals, quickly boils soft - in 4-8 minutes.

Eggs are a high-calorie food. A chicken egg contains proteins - 12.8%, fats - 11.8; carbohydrates - 1; minerals - 0.8%. in protein chicken egg fat is absent, and its yolk contains 32.6%. Fats and egg proteins are biologically complete and easily absorbed by the body. Eggs contain many valuable vitamins - A, B, E, K, P, as well as dyes, enzymes. Due to the content of cholesterol, the consumption of eggs should be limited in case of liver diseases, atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese - protein fermented milk product. In addition to high-grade milk protein, it contains minerals valuable for humans. Useful cottage cheese for the elderly (fat-free), as well as tuberculosis of the lungs and bones, diseases of the stomach, kidneys.

Wheat flour - is a powdered product obtained by grinding cereals. The name of the flour determines the type of grain taken. It can be wheat, rye, rye-wheat, corn, etc. Wheat baking flour contains water - 14-15%, proteins - 10.3-12.9%, fats - 0.9-1.8%, starch - 55 ,8-67.7%, fiber - 0.1-1.9%, ash - 0.5-2%, vitamins B1, B2, PP. Flour contains all the substances found in grain. The higher the grade of flour, the more carbohydrates in it, but less proteins, vitamins, fats, minerals, its digestibility is high. Squirrels wheat flour when swollen, they form gluten. Flour enzymes play an important role in kneading and fermenting dough.

Cooking fat - the fat content in cooking oils is not less than 99.7%, water - not more than 0.3%. The energy value 100 g of fat 897 kcal. Of the vitamins, vitamin E is mainly contained. From polyunsaturated fatty acids in cooking fats, linoleic prevails, from monounsaturated - oleic. Sour cream is a product made from cream by fermentation with leaven prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci. According to the fat content, sour cream is 10, 20, 30 and 36%. Sour cream contains: water 54.2-82.7%, proteins 2.4-2.8%, fats 10-40%, carbohydrates 2.6-3.2%, minerals 0.4-0.5%, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, PP, C. The energy value of 100 g of sour cream differs in fat content and production technology. Sour cream is used to make sauces, dressings, salads, borscht, puddings, casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings and as an independent dish.

2 Calculation of raw materials for a given number of servings

carrot cutlet sauce quality

Calculation of products for one and 30 servings

Carrot cutlets No. 361 according to the Collection of recipes

Name of ProductGross CompilationNet CompilationGross for 30 servingsNet for 30 servingsCarrots15612546803750Table margarine55150150Milk1515450450Bouillon1515450450Semolina1515450450Eggs1 /10 pcs. fried cutlets-150-4500Sauce №863-75-2250Exit-225-6750

Sour cream sauce No. 863 according to the Collection of recipes

Product nameGross Net Gross for 30 servings Net for 30 servings Sour cream37,537,511251125Wheat flour3,753,75112,5112,5Bouillon37,537,511251125White sauce weight-37,5-1125Yield-75-2250

2.3 Quality requirement, serving rule

quality requirements

Appearance - oval cutlets with one pointed end; the surface is smooth, without cracks; at a break, the product is a homogeneous mass without lumps.

The consistency is fluffy, loose, without lumps of unmashed vegetables or semolina.

Color - corresponding to stewed vegetables; dark golden surface.

Taste and smell - slightly sweet, with the aroma of roasted carrots.

Submission rules

Carrot cutlets are served on portioned dishes or plates (preheated), 2-3 pieces each. per serving, drizzle with melted butter or margarine. Separately, sour cream or milk or sour cream sauce or their derivatives are served in a gravy boat.

Shelf life

Carrot cutlets are stored hot, sold within no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.

.Equipment and inventory

vegetable cutting machine

Rubbing machine


1 Types of device and operating rules

vegetable cutting machine

For cutting raw and boiled vegetables On pieces of a certain form at catering establishments vegetable cutters are used. The industry produces vegetable cutters with a mechanical and manual drive. The shape of the particles of the cut product depends on the design of the knife. They are driven by individual or universal drives.

The safety and operation of the machine is as follows. The electric motor is turned on and the washed raw vegetables. Vegetables must be supplied evenly and in sufficient quantities, otherwise the quality of cutting deteriorates. It is forbidden to push the chopped vegetables to the rotating knife disc with your hands, for this purpose you should use a wooden pusher.

When working on a machine, employees must have dry and special clothing, it is strictly forbidden to be distracted during work and leave the workplace until the end of work with the machine. After work, the machine is disassembled, washed and dried. Then, in order to avoid the appearance of rust, the working shaft and knives are lubricated with edible unsalted fat.

Rubbing machine

Designed for wiping boiled vegetables, as well as cottage cheese, liver, fish and meat.

Before starting work on the rubbing machine, they check the sanitary condition, correct assembly and reliability of fastening of the sieve, grating discs, replaceable rotor, and reliability of fastening of all parts of the machine. After that, the reliability and serviceability of the installed grounding are checked. Then the car is checked at idle. When working on this machine, persons assigned to this machine and having a special uniform and dry shoes are allowed.

It is strictly forbidden to correct and push the products with your hands during operation. You can correct and push only with a special pusher or by stopping and turning off the machine. In the event of a noticed malfunction in the operation of the machine, it is immediately stopped and inspected. Replacing discs and knives must be done after stopping the engine of the machine and disconnecting it from the mains. After finishing work on the machine, it is turned off, disassembled, all working parts are washed well, wiped and dried.

At long-term storage all working parts are lubricated with unsalted fat.


Roasting cabinets are designed for frying meat and fish products, as well as baking vegetable and cereal dishes.

Persons who know its structure and safety regulations are allowed to work with the cabinet. Every day, before turning on the cabinet, check the serviceability of grounding and sanitary condition, as well as the serviceability of ballasts. Then set the thermostat dial to the required temperature, connect the cabinet to the mains and, using package switches, turn on the working chambers for strong heating. At the same time signal lamps light up. As soon as the chamber warms up to the set temperature, the signal lamps go out, indicating that the cabinet is ready for operation. Carefully open the doors, install baking sheets or confectionery sheets with products. After that, the batch switches are switched to low or high heat, depending on the requirements of the cooking technology. culinary products. When transferring the cabinet to a lower heating temperature, the heaters are turned off and the cabinet is allowed to cool to the required temperature. After that, the thermostat dial is transferred to a lower degree of heating and the heating elements are turned on.

The amount of steam escaping from baking products is regulated by means of a vent, depending on the requirements. technological process cooking.

2Labor safety rule

The cook is obliged during work to wear the sanitary clothes due to him: the hair is pulled back under the headdress, the sleeves of the clothes are turned up to the elbow or fastened at the wrist. It is not recommended to stab sanitary clothing with needles and keep pins, glass and other breaking and sharp objects in pockets.

Safety requirements before starting work

The cook must tidy up his workplace for safe work and check:

-serviceability and idling of the equipment;

-availability and serviceability of grounding;

-serviceability of other equipment used;

-make sure that the switches of the electric stoves and the oven are in the zero position;

-serviceability and operation of local exhaust ventilation, air showering.

If any malfunctions or malfunctions in the equipment are found, the cook must immediately notify the production manager or the administration of the enterprise and do not start work until they are eliminated.

Safety requirements during work

To prevent the adverse effects of infrared radiation on the body, the cook must:

-fill the working surface of electric stoves with dishes as much as possible, turn off sections of electric stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power;

-do not allow the burners to turn on at maximum and average power without loading;

-do not allow liquid to get on the heated burners of the stove, fill the cookware to no more than 80% of the volume;

-do not use stove-top boilers, pots and other kitchen utensils having a deformed bottom or edges, loosely fixed handles or without them;

-remove the boiler with hot food from the stove without jerking, being careful, together, using dry towels or mittens, the boiler lid must be removed.

-to control pressure and temperature in thermal devices within the limits specified in the operating instructions. monitor the presence of draft in the combustion chamber of gas-using equipment and the readings of pressure gauges during the operation of pressure equipment.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

If malfunctions are detected when working with mechanical, steam, electrical and gas equipment, as well as when a safety valve is triggered, steaming, water leakage, you must immediately turn off the equipment, inform the production manager or the administration of the enterprise.

Until the identified problems are fixed, it is not recommended to start work.

Without the permission of the administration, it is not allowed to make any repairs to the equipment or troubleshoot the equipment yourself.

Safety requirements at the end of work

Before disconnecting from the electrical network, you must first turn off all electrical equipment, with the exception of emergency lighting and equipment operating in automatic mode.

After turning off the gas-using installations, remove the spanners from the plug valves.

When carrying out sanitization, do not cool the heated surface of stoves, pans and other heating equipment with water.

Organization of production

1 Requirement for production premises and workplace

vegetable shop

At catering establishments, the vegetable shop is located in such a way that it is located near the warehouse - vegetable store, and on the other hand, has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. The vegetable shop is intended for culinary mechanized processing of vegetables and root crops and the preparation of semi-finished products from them. Processing includes the following operations: sorting, calibrating, washing, cleaning, cleaning, washing and cutting vegetables.

When organizing jobs in the vegetable shop, the sequence of all operations of the technological process must be ensured.

For washing, use vegetable washers or bathrooms with a plug-in mesh, large colanders. Cold water is connected to the bath hot water. The process of processing tubers and root crops is mechanized by machines for cleaning vegetables. For additional cleaning of vegetables, chairs with armrests and low tables with holes for waste are used.

Peeled vegetables are cut on vegetable cutters or manually.

To the left of the worker are vegetables intended for processing, to the right - containers for peeled vegetables.

Onions, garlic, peeled on a separate table with a fume hood. The hood allows you to remove essential oils, which irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory organs.

Washed and peeled greens are processed at a special workplace, where there are cutting boards and a tray with processed vegetables. Cut vegetables manually or using a drive with a cutting disc. The temperature in the vegetable shop is maintained at least 16 degrees Celsius, preventing the formation of drafts.

The floor should be flat, non-slip, with a slight slope to the drains for water to drain. Production tables and bathrooms should be without sharp corners. The premises of the vegetable shop are ventilated and sanitized daily. Workplaces are thoroughly washed after each operation. The employee monitors the cleanliness of the workplace and strictly observes safety precautions, sanitary requirements, personal hygiene. Cutting boards and inventory of a vegetable shop must be marked O.S. (raw vegetables, greens), O.V. (boiled vegetables).

Hot shop

In the hot shop heat treatment products and semi-finished products, cook broths, main dishes, produce flour culinary products, and also perform heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes.

Semi-finished products from all procurement shops are sent to the hot shop. Therefore, the hot shop is located in such a way that it has convenient communication with the cold shop, adjacent to the distribution and washing. Important in organizing the work of the hot shop is the specialization of its employees. The most common specialization is the preparation of first and second courses. Therefore, the hot shop is divided into two sections - soup and sauce. The main types of hot shop equipment are stoves, cooking pots, ovens, electric pans, deep fryers, refrigerators, as well as production tables (for preparing products for heat treatment) and racks.

The work of the hot shop is headed by a cook of the 6th category. Which is responsible for the organization of the technological process, the quality of cooked dishes and the output of finished products.

Above the thermal equipment of the hot shop, ventilation exhausts are installed that remove vapors, combustion products, directly above their source of release. Hot shop utensils must meet the requirements of:

Manufactured from non-oxidizing material;

Have a flat bottom, smooth walls, strong handles, marking indicating the capacity.

When working in a hot shop, it is necessary to observe safe working conditions, workers must learn the rules for operating thermal and mechanical equipment, and also receive tools from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules for its operation are posted. Workers servicing gas equipment must pass a special technical minimum.

The floor in the hot shop should be flat, without protrusions, not slippery. The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees Celsius.


This is a section of the production area, which contains equipment, inventory, tools, fixtures necessary for an employee to perform a certain technological operation.

The area of ​​the workplace should be sufficient to accommodate equipment and inventory (1.25 m2), the depth of the workplace is 80 cm. Tools and inventory are placed to the right of the employee, products to the left, scales, spices and seasonings are installed in the back of the table, at arm's length, put the cutting board in front of you.

By the beginning of work there should be a complete preparation for the technological process. This gives great time savings.

2 Rule of personal hygiene and sanitation

Cook's personal hygiene

Only healthy people are allowed to work with food. A sick worker or carrier of disease-causing bacteria can contaminate food, which in turn can contaminate those who consume it. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene for all employees of a public catering enterprise. Only persons who have passed a special medical examination are allowed to work. It includes:

Study of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;

Absence of causative agents of acute intestinal diseases and helminths; 3. Absence of causative agents of infectious diseases dangerous for humans - tuberculosis, skin and venereal diseases.

Each worker is issued a medical book, which records the results of a medical examination and laboratory tests. In the future, medical examinations are carried out regularly in accordance with established rules.

Before starting work, you must wash your hands, put on special clothes, remove your hair under a special cap or scarf. The sanitary doctor daily checks the condition of the workers. Employees of the enterprise who have purulent diseases, cuts and burns are temporarily suspended from work. Also, personnel with signs of sore throat and other diseases of the nasopharynx are not allowed to work. Microbes contained in saliva can get into food and raw materials when talking and coughing and cause infection. During the work it is necessary to wash hands after each technological operation. Sanitary requirements

The premises of the workshops are sanitized daily. Before using equipment and inventory, it is necessary to check their sanitary condition. Tables are thoroughly wiped after each technological operation. At the end of the working day, the general sanitary condition of the premises is checked. The room is disinfected with a solution. Workers in production shops can only be in special work clothes. When leaving the workshop, clothes are removed. The employee must monitor not only the cleanliness of the workplace, but also personal hygiene.

The grafical part

1 Technology system

"I approve" Head. Laboratory of N. V. Solomatin

Routing The name of the dish "Carrot cutlets"

Recipe No. 361 "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products"

Brief description of the technological process Brief description of the dish Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, then it is stewed with fat in milk or water. Before the end of the seasoning, pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring well, and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 ° C, salt is added, mixed, cutlets are formed, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and fried on both sides. Cutlets are released in 2 pieces. per serving. When you leave, pour over with fat or pour sour cream sauce on the side.

Product nameProduct norm for 1 servingCalculation of products for 30 servingsCarrots1561253750Table margarine55150Milk1515450Bouillon1515450Semolina1515450Eggs1 /10 pcs.

The name of the dish "Sour cream sauce"

Recipe No. 863 "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products"

Brief description of the technological process Brief description of the dish For the preparation of sour cream sauce with the addition of white sauce in hot sauce white put boiled sour cream, salt, cook for 3-5 minutes, filter and bring to a boil. Serve the sauce with meat, vegetable and fish dishes or used to prepare mushroom hot appetizers, to bake mushrooms, fish, meat and vegetables.

Product nameProduct norm for 1 servingCalculation of products for 30 servingsSour cream37,537,51125Wheat flour3,753,75112,5Bouillon37,537,51125White sauce mass-37,51125Yield752250

5.2 Floor plan


vegetable dishes valued for the content of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, organic acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

AT diet food vegetables are widely used in different form: fresh, stewed, boiled, fried. An interesting option cooking vegetables are meatballs. In addition, carrot cutlets are recommended for various therapeutic diets.

Dishes from carrots are recommended to be used for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, maintaining immunity, with visual impairment and a general breakdown. Carrot dishes, in particular cutlets, are especially useful for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.


1.Goncharova V.N., Romanenkova V.V. commodity science food products.

.N. A. Anfimova, T. I. Zakharova, L. L. Tatarskaya Culinary

.Zolin V.P. Equipment for catering establishments.

.Zdobnov A.I., Tsyganenko V.A., Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

.V. P. Androsov, T. V. Pyzhova, L. I. Fedorchenko Industrial training for the profession "Cook". Part 1. Mechanical cooking products

.V. P. Androsov, T. V. Pyzhova, L. V. Ovchinnikova Industrial training for the profession "Cook". Part 3. Cold dishes and snacks, fish and meat hot dishes

1 area of ​​use

These technological instructions apply to frozen vegetable cutlets - semi-finished product (hereinafter referred to as "vegetable cutlets") intended for consumption after bringing to full culinary readiness.

Vegetable cutlets are produced in the following assortment:

1. "Beet"

2. "Beetroot with prunes"

3. "Carrot"

4. "Carrot with raisins"

5. "Potato"

6. "Potato with mushrooms"

7. "Cabbage"

8. "Cabbage with carrots"

2. Characteristics of raw materials and materials

2.1 For the production of vegetable cutlets, the following raw materials and materials are used:

1. Fresh beets according to GOST 1722;

2. Fresh dill greens, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

3. Sugar-sand according to GOST 21;

4. Prunes according to GOST 28501;

5. Table margarine according to GOST 240;

6. Semolina according to GOST 7022;

7. Food chicken eggs according to GOST 27583;

8. Breadcrumbs according to GOST 28402;

9. Fresh white cabbage according to GOST 1724;

10. Fresh food potatoes according to GOST 7176;

11. Fresh champignons according to PCT 608;

12. Fresh oyster mushrooms, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

13. Cow's milk according to GOST 13277;

14. Vegetable oil according to GOST 1129.

2.2 Raw materials used for the manufacture of vegetable cutlets must comply with hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products and veterinary requirements.

2.3 It is allowed to use raw materials and materials according to other regulatory documentation of domestic or imported production, if there is a certificate of conformity and approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for use in Food Industry that ensures the production of vegetable cutlets in accordance with the requirements of these technical specifications.

2.4 Upon receipt, raw materials are weighed on a scale in accordance with GOST 29329.

3. Recipe

3.1 Vegetable cutlets are produced according to the recipes indicated in tables 1-2.

3.2 The control of the mass of raw materials and semi-finished products in the preparation of the prescription mixture is carried out on a scale in accordance with GOST 29329.

Table 1

name of raw materials


Beetroot with prunes


Carrots with raisins

Boiled beets




boiled carrots

Milk or water

table 2

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials for vegetable cutlets, g, per 1000 g. ready meal


Potatoes with mushrooms


Cabbage with carrots

Boiled potatoes

white cabbage

Margarine or vegetable oil


Dill or parsley greens

chicken eggs


boiled carrots

Fresh champignons

Mass of fried mushrooms

Milk or water

4. Characteristics of manufactured products

Characteristics and quality indicators of vegetable cutlets are shown in tables 3-4.

4.1 According to organoleptic indicators, vegetable cutlets must comply with the requirements specified in table 3.

4.2 In terms of physical and chemical indicators, vegetable cutlets must comply with the requirements specified in Table 4.

Table 3. Organoleptic characteristics of vegetable cutlets



Cut color


After switching on


The surface is evenly breaded, without torn and broken edges and cracks.


Soft, one-kind

Ready vegetable cutlets should have pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of this type of product without foreign taste and smell

Not allowed

Beetroot with prunes

The shape is rounded flattened.

Beetroot and the corresponding color interspersed with pieces of prunes


Shape oblong-flattened with a pointed end


Carrots with raisins

The shape is rounded-flattened.

Orange and matching color blotches-mi raisins


Shape oblong-flattened with a pointed end

Light cream with hints of green

Potatoes with mushrooms

Shape oblong-flattened with a pointed end

Light cream and corresponding coloring with inclusions of mushrooms


The shape is rounded-flattened.

pale green

Cabbage with carrots

The shape is rounded-flattened.

Pale green and appropriately colored blotches of carrots

Table 4. Physical and chemical parameters of vegetable cutlets

Name of vegetable cutlets

Mass fraction of solids, %, not less than

Mass fraction of fat, %, not less

Acidity,%, in terms of malic acid

Mass for table salt, %


Beetroot with prunes


Carrots with raisins


Potatoes with mushrooms


Cabbage with carrots

5. Technological process

5.1 Vegetable cutlets are produced in accordance with the requirements of TU, ​​this technological instruction,

in compliance with the sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

5.2 Technological scheme for the preparation of components:

– Preparation, cooking beets, potatoes, carrots

– Egg processing

– Preparation of sugar and breadcrumbs

– Preparation of prunes, raisins

– Preparation, frying cabbage, mushrooms

– Preparing the greens

5.2.1 Preparation, cooking beets, potatoes, carrots Beets, potatoes, carrots are washed, boiled in their skins, cooled, then peeled. Peeled vegetables are chopped on a grater 2-3 mm wide.

5.2.2 Egg preparation

Chicken eggs are ovoscoped, washed in a three-cell bath: first warm water with 1-2% soda ash, then 0.5% chloramine solution, after which it is rinsed with clean running water.

5.2.3 Preparation of sugar and breadcrumbs

Sugar and breadcrumbs are sifted through a sieve with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

5.2.4 Preparation of prunes, raisins

Prunes with a removed stone are sorted out, cut into strips 2-3 mm wide. Raisins are sorted.

5.2.5 Preparation, frying cabbage, mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms with a diameter of not more than 5 cm (champignons, oyster mushrooms) are sorted fresh, roots are removed, washed twice thoroughly, rinsed under water, inspected, selecting unsuitable, crumpled and crumbs, rinsed again under cold water.

Peeled mushrooms can be stored for no more than two hours. Prepared mushrooms are cut into slices and fried in vegetable oil.

White cabbage is cleaned from the upper green, contaminated and rotten leaves, washed in running water, cut into 2-4 parts. Prepared cabbage is chopped and fried in vegetable oil.

5.2.6 Preparation of greens

Fresh dill or parsley is washed under running water, allowed to drain, then cut into a length of no more than 5 mm.

5.3. Cooking vegetable cutlets

Name of vegetable cutlets

Cooking method


Boiled and chopped beets are heated with fat, then pour semolina in a thin stream while stirring and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs are added, mixed and molded cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs

Beetroot with prunes

Boiled and chopped beets are heated with fat, then pour semolina in a thin stream while stirring and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs, chopped prunes are added, mixed and molded cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs


Boiled and chopped carrots are stewed with fat in milk or water, then pour semolina in a thin stream while stirring and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs are added, mixed and molded cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs

Carrots with raisins

Boiled and chopped carrots are stewed with fat in milk or water, then pour semolina in a thin stream while stirring and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs, raisins are added, mixed and molded cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs


Eggs, greens are added to the mashed boiled potatoes, the mass is mixed, cutlets are formed from it, breaded in breadcrumbs

Potatoes with mushrooms

Eggs, fried mushrooms are added to the mashed boiled potatoes, the mass is mixed, cutlets are formed from it, breaded in breadcrumbs


Fried cabbage is stewed with fat in milk or water, then pour semolina in a thin stream while stirring and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs are added, mixed and molded cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs

Cabbage with carrots

Fried cabbage is stewed with fat in milk or water, then pour semolina in a thin stream while stirring and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs, boiled chopped carrots are added, mixed and formed into cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs

5.4 Forming vegetable cutlets

The prepared mass is shaped: oblong-flattened with a pointed end or rounded-flattened 1-1.5 mm thick. To avoid sticking, semi-finished products are placed on breadcrumbs sprinkled with breadcrumbs or trays and sent for freezing.

5.4 Freezing vegetable cutlets

Freezing of vegetable cutlets is carried out to a temperature in the thickness of the product of minus 10 C or lower.

To save palatability and reduce natural weight loss during freezing, semi-finished products should be frozen quickly.

6. Marking

6.1 Each unit of consumer and transport packaging is subject to labeling.

A label is affixed to each unit of consumer packaging, in which the following is indicated by typographical printing and stamping:

- Product name;

- Net weight;

- composition of the product;

- storage conditions;

- date of manufacture;

- best before date;

– certification information.

6.2 A label with a handling sign-image indicating the methods of handling the cargo in accordance with GOST 14192, made with a typographical seal and stamping, is pasted on each unit of the shipping container, which indicates:

- Product name;

– name and location (address) of the manufacturer;

– number of packaging units and gross weight;

- storage conditions;

- date of manufacture;

- best before date;

- designation of these technical conditions;

– certification information.

7. Packing

7.1 Vegetable cutlets are produced piece by piece, weighing 65g and 85g. Permissible deviation from the established mass of one unit should not exceed + 3%.

7.2 Vegetable cutlets are packed with a net weight of 130-780 g (for vegetable cutlets weighing 1 piece 65 g), 170-1020 g (for vegetable cutlets weighing 1 piece 85 g). on automatic machines or manually into containers or trays with lids made of polymeric materials according to TU 49631-79 or other materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for contact with food products.

The specific net weight is indicated on the label affixed to each packaging unit.

7.3 Containers and trays with vegetable cutlets are placed in clean, dry, odorless reusable boxes: wooden according to GOST 11354-82, polymer according to TU 10.10.01-04-89, aluminum according to TU 10-10-541-87 or boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to GOST 13513-86.

The boxes are closed with a lid or covered with plastic wrap.

7.4 For public catering establishments and retail trade, vegetable cutlets may be packed with a net weight of not more than 10 kg in reusable boxes with lids: polymer according to TU 10.10.01-04-89, aluminum according to TU 10.10-541-87 or similar types of reusable containers allowed for use by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. From the inside, multi-turn boxes are lined with parchment or subparchment. Vegetable cutlets are placed in one or two rows in height, lined between rows with parchment according to GOST 1341-97 or subparchment GOST 1760-86 (no more than 35 pieces in one row)

8. Rules for transportation and storage

8.1 Vegetable cutlets are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force on this type of transport.

8.2 Shelf life of vegetable cutlets from the end of the technological process at a temperature not higher than:

minus 10 0 C - no more than one month,

minus 18 0 C - no more than three months.

9.1 Frozen vegetable cutlets at catering establishments or at home are defrosted at a temperature of 18-20 0 C, then fried in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides until a golden crust is formed, after which they are placed in an oven for 5-7 minutes.

Ready vegetable cutlets are served with sour cream, melted butter, tomato, sour cream or mushroom sauces

10. Production control

10.1 General requirements for the organization and conduct of incoming control of raw materials and materials used for the preparation of cheesecakes must comply with the requirements of GOST 24297-87.

10.2 At all stages of cooking vegetable cutlets, control over compliance with technological parameters is carried out, production recipes, the quality of raw materials and materials used, quality control of finished products.

10.3 Weighing of raw materials and materials is carried out on scales in accordance with GOST 23767-70.

11. Indicators nutritional value

Indicators of nutritional value of vegetable cutlets in 100g. product are given in Appendix A. in TU 9165-001-62690663-2003.

12. Metrological assurance of production

The map of metrological support of controlled parameters of the vegetable cutlets production process is given in the appendix to TI 9165-001-62690663-2003.

Annex A (informative)

List of normative documentation, to which links are given in the technological instructions

GOST R 50474-93

Food products. Methods for detecting and determining the number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliform bacteria)

GOST R 50480-93

Food products. Method for detection of bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

GOST R 51289-99

Polymer reusable boxes. General specifications.

GOST R 51574-2000

Food table salt. Specifications.

Sugar sand. Specifications.

Margarine. General specifications.

GOST 1129-93

Vegetable oil. Specifications.

GOST 1341-97

Vegetable parchment. Specifications.

GOST 1721-85

Carrots table fresh harvested and delivered. Specifications.

GOST 1722-85

Beet table fresh harvested and supplied. Specifications.

GOST 1724-85

White cabbage harvested and supplied. Specifications.

GOST 1760-86

Subparchment. Specifications.

GOST 6882-88

Dried grapes. Specifications.

GOST 7022-97

Semolina. Specifications Dried stone fruit. Specifications.

GOST 7176-85

Potato fresh food. Specifications.

GOST 8756.0-70

Canned food products. Sampling and preparation for testing.

GOST 8756.21-89

Canned food products. Methods for determining fat.

GOST 10354-82

The film is polyethylene. Specifications.

GOST 10444.2-94

Food products. Method for detection and determination of Staphyllococcus aureus.

GOST 10444.12-88

Food products. Methods for the detection of yeasts and molds.

GOST 10444.15-94

Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms.

GOST 11354-93

Boxes made of wood and wood-based materials, reusable for products food industries industry and agriculture. Specifications.

GOST 13277-79

Pasteurized cow's milk. Specifications.

GOST 13513-86

Corrugated cardboard boxes for the meat and dairy industry. Specifications.

GOST 14192-96

Cargo marking.

GOST 24297-87

Input control of products. Key points

GOST 25555.0-82

Processed fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining titratable acidity.

GOST 26186-84

Processed products of fruits and vegetables, canned meat and meat and vegetable products. Method for the determination of chlorides.

GOST 26668-85

Food and flavor products. Sampling methods for microbiological analyses.

GOST 26669-85

Food products. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyses.

GOST 26670-91

Food products. Methods of cultivation of microorganisms.

GOST 26927-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for the determination of mercury.

GOST 26929-94

Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements.

GOST 26930-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for the determination of arsenic.

GOST 26932-86

Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods.

GOST 26933-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for the determination of cadmium.

GOST 27583-87

Food chicken eggs. Specifications

GOST 28402-89

Breadcrumbs. General specifications.

GOST 28501-90

Dried stone fruits. Specifications.

GOST 28561-90

Processed fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining dry matter or moisture.

GOST 28805-90

Food products. Methods for determining the amount of osmotolerant yeasts and molds.

Mushrooms. Mushrooms fresh cultivated. Specifications.

Trays and containers made of polymeric materials. Specifications.

MU 1-40/3805 dated 11/11/91

Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products.


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them of food raw materials and food products


Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products.

Annex B (informative)

Nutritional value of vegetable cutlets

Name of syrniki

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal


Beetroot with prunes


Carrots with raisins


Potatoes with mushrooms


Cabbage with carrots


Registration sheet for changes to these technical conditions

Change number.

Page numbers

Total pages after change

Information about the receipt of the change (number of the cover letter)

Signature of the person who made the change

Surname and date of amendment






Metrological support of the technological process for the production of vegetable cutlets

The name of the stage of the technological process, the controlled parameter and the unit of measure.

Normalized value of a parameter (indicator) with an allowable technological deviation

ND regulating indicators

Measuring instruments

Measurement methods

Measurement error

Frequency of control

Registration form, information storage period

Input control

GOST 24297-89, certificate of conformity


Control of raw materials for the content of chemical compounds in it. and biological. objects: toxic elements,

pesticides, radionuclides

New control role

Air temperature control in warehouses

TI for the production of salads



Air temperature control in cold rooms for raw materials storage





Preparing the Components

Chopping prunes, greens


Sifting flour, sugar

Grating size according to TI

Heat treatment of beets, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms

Time of processing

Household clock

1 minute


Temperature control in cold rooms for storing components

From +2 to + 6°C

Technical thermometers according to GOST 23544-87 or GOST 2045-71


Preparation of vegetable cutlets. Component weight control

By prescription

GOST 29329-92 and other similar

GOST 29329-92


Preparation of vegetable cutlets.


Technical scales

GOST 29329-92

0,2 %


Weight control of packaged vegetable cutlets

GOST 29329-92 and other similar


Storage and implementation. Air temperature control

From +2 to +6°С

Technical thermometers according to GOST 23544-87 or GOST 2045-71


From the potato mass, prepared as for cutlets, cakes are formed in 2 pieces. per serving. Minced meat is placed in the middle of the cake and its edges are connected so that the minced meat is inside the product. Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, giving the shape of a brick with oval edges, and fried on both sides.

For minced meat: onion is cut into strips and sautéed, boiled mushrooms finely cut and fried, carrots, cut into strips, stew with fat. Onion mixed with fried mushrooms, or boiled finely chopped eggs, or stewed carrots, salt and add ground pepper. On vacation, zrazy is poured over with fat, sour cream or tomato, sour cream, mushroom sauce.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: must be of the correct shape without cracks

Consistency: lush, not viscous, without lumps of unmashed potatoes

Taste: specific to this dish

Smell : corresponding to potato slices

Color: cut white or cream

Technological map No. 6

"Carrot cutlets". Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products rec. No. 361

Raw material

The consumption of raw materials per serving in gr.

Net weight in kg.

Gross weight

Net weight

table margarine


Wheat crackers

Semi-finished product weight

cooking oil

Mass of fried cutlets



Cooking technology.

Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, then they are stewed with fat in milk, or in milk with the addition of broth, or in water. Before the end of the seasoning, pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring well, and cook until tender.

The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 0 C, salt, eggs are added, mixed, cutlets are formed in 2 pieces. per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and fried on both sides

When you leave, pour over fat or pour sour cream on the side, or milk sauce, or sour cream.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: must be the correct form

Consistency: loose, homogeneous, without large pieces of carrots and lumps of semolina

Taste: slightly sweet

Smell : appropriate for the given dish

Color: cut light orange

Technological map No. 7




name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials for 1 serving, in g

Carrot 83
Butter 3
Milk 2.5% fat 20
Semolina 10
Egg 2
Sugar 2
Cottage cheese 5% fat 20
or apples 25
Breadcrumbs or wheat flour 8
Semi-finished product weight 120
Vegetable oil 5
Mass of fried cutlets 100
Butter 5
Finished product output:
with butter 105


Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, then it is stewed with butter in milk. Before the end of the seasoning, pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring well, and cook for 10-15 minutes.

When preparing cutlets with apples, apples with a seed nest removed are cut into strips, stewed with a small amount of oil and combined with the finished carrot mass. When preparing cutlets with cottage cheese, mashed cottage cheese is combined with carrot mass after cooling.

The resulting mass is cooled to 45-50 ° C, salt, eggs are added, mixed, cutlets are formed in 2 pieces. per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, fried on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Cutlets are served in 2 pieces. per serving. On vacation, pour over melted and boiled butter. Serving temperature - not lower than +65°С.

Appearance - cutlets of an oval-flattened shape with a pointed end, breaded in wheat breadcrumbs, evenly fried, with a smooth, crack-free surface, poured with butter;
The color of the crust is dark golden; in the context - orange;
Consistency - carrot mass is homogeneous, soft;
Taste and smell - characteristic of fried carrots and cottage cheese (or apples), sweetish, moderately salty.


Carrot cutlets with cottage cheese (or apples) for the exit - 100 g

Carrot cutlets with apples without oil

Nutrients, g

Proteins 3.9 Fats 3.9 Carbohydrates 21.4

The energy value ,137 kcal

Minerals, mg
Ca 55 Mg 44 P93 Fe2.1
vitamins , mg
B1 0.07 C 0 A 1.52 E 2.0

Same with oil.

food substances, G

Proteins 3.9 Fats 8.1 Carbohydrates 21.5

The energy value, 174kcal

Minerals, mg
Ca 56 Mg 44 P94 Fe2.1
vitamins , mg
B1 0.07 C 0 A 1.55 E 2.1

Carrot cutlets with cottage cheese without oil

Nutrients , G

Proteins 7.9 Fats 4.6 Carbohydrates 19.7

The energy value, 152 kcal

Minerals , mg
Ca 83 Mg 46 P133Fe1.6
vitamins, mg
B1 0.07 C0 A 1.52 E 1.7

Same with oil.
food substances, G

Proteins 7.9 Fats 8.7 Carbohydrates 19.8

The energy value, 189 kcal

Minerals, mg
Ca 84 Mg 46 P134Fe1.6
vitamins, mg
B1 0.07 C0 A 1.56 E1.8




name of raw materials

Carrot 64
Butter 5
Milk 15
Water 5
Semolina 10
Egg 4g(1/10 pieces)
Cottage cheese 5% fat 40
Sugar 5
Breadcrumbs 3
Sour cream 15% 3
Vegetable oil
for greasing the pan 2
Semi-finished product weight 124
Weight of finished roll 100
Butter 5
Finished product output:
with butter 105

Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, then it is stewed with butter and water. Before the end of the seasoning, pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring well, and cook until tender.

The resulting mass is cooled to 45-50 ° C, eggs are added, mixed, spread on a polymer film with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, minced meat is laid out in the middle ( curd mass), the edges of the napkin are connected, the roll is transferred to the greased vegetable oil and a baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The surface of the roll is smeared with sour cream and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, 2-3 punctures are made, baked at a temperature of 220-230? C for 15-20 minutes until a golden crust is formed.

For minced meat: wipe the cottage cheese, mix with sugar.



Organoleptic quality indicators:

Color - crusts - golden-orange; roll shells - orange, minced meat - white;
Consistency - carrot mass and minced curd homogeneous, soft;
Taste and smell - characteristic of carrots and cottage cheese, characteristic of baked products, moderately salty;


Carrot roll with cottage cheese for the exit - 100 g
without oil
Nutrients , G
Proteins 11.6 Fats 7.0 Carbohydrates 20.0
The energy value, 189kcal

Minerals , mg

vitamins, mg
B1 0.07 C1 A 1.27 E 0.7

With butter
food substances, G
Proteins 11.6 Fats 11.1 Carbohydrates 20.0
The energy value, 227kcal

Minerals, mg

vitamins, mg
B1 0.07 C1 A 1.31 E 0.8




name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials for 1 portion finished products, in G

Carrot 75
Milk 10
Water 15
Butter 3
Semolina 10
Sugar 6
Egg 4(1/5)
Dried apricots 15
or raisins 15
Sour cream 15% 3
Breadcrumbs 3
Vegetable oil 2
Semi-finished product weight 18
Weight of finished roll 10
Butter 5
Finished product output:
with butter 105

Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, then it is stewed with the addition of milk, butter, sugar. Before the end of the seasoning, pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring well, and cook until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 45-50 ° C, eggs are added, mixed, spread on a polymer film with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, chopped dried apricots or raisins are laid in the middle, the edges of the napkin are connected, the roll is transferred to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The surface of the roll is smeared with sour cream and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, 2-3 punctures are made, baked at a temperature of 220-230? C for 15-20 minutes until a golden crust is formed.

For minced meat: washed dried apricots or raisins are poured with boiled water for 20 minutes to swell.


The roll is cut into pieces. On vacation, pour over melted and boiled butter. Serving temperature - not lower than +65°С.


Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - an oval-shaped product, evenly baked, without cracks on the surface, minced meat is not visible, butter is poured on the side;
Color - crusts - golden-orange;
Consistency - uniform carrot mass, dried fruit - soft;
Taste and smell - characteristic of carrots and dried fruits, characteristic of baked products, moderately salty;


Carrot roll with dried fruits for exit - 100 g
without oil
Nutrients, g
Proteins 4.0 Fats 5.4 Carbohydrates 27.8
Energy value, 176 kcal
Minerals, mg
Ca 64 Mg 49 P 92 Fe 1.5
Vitamins, mg
B1 0.07 C 2 A 1.54 E 2.4

With butter
Nutrients, g
Proteins 4.0 Fats 9.2 Carbohydrates 27.8
Energy value, 210 kcal
Minerals, mg
Ca 64 Mg 49 P 93 Fe 1.5
Vitamins, mg
B1 0.07 C 2 A 1.57 E 2.4


carrot cutlets

Recipe No. 179

Table margarine (or butter) or:

Sour cream

Sauce (recipes No. 384, No. 388))


Output: with fat



with sauce



With sour cream


Cooking technology.

Peeled potatoes are boiled, dried, rubbed hot. The mass, cooled to 40-50, is mixed, cutlets are formed from it (2 pcs per serving) and breaded in breadcrumbs or flour.

Prepared cutlets are fried on all sides. When you leave, pour over melted margarine or butter, or add sour cream or sauces to the cutlets on the side: tomato, sour cream with onions or mushrooms. Sour cream or sauces can be served separately.


sour cream sauce

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 388

Cooking technology

To prepare sour cream sauce with the addition of white sauce to hot white sauce put boiled sour cream, salt, boil for 3-5 minutes, filter and bring to a boil.

The sauce is served with meat, vegetable and fish dishes, used for preparing hot appetizers, for baking mushrooms, fish, meat and vegetables.


Basic white sauce

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 372

Parsley (root) or

Celery (root)







Cooking technology

Sifted flour is poured into the melted fat and sautéed with continuous stirring, avoiding burning. Properly browned flour should have a slightly creamy color. In browned flour, cooled to 60 - 70, pour 4 hot broth and knead until formed homogeneous mass, then gradually add the remaining broth. After that, chopped parsley, celery, onion are put in the sauce and boiled for 25-30 minutes. At the end of cooking add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf. Then the sauce is filtered, while rubbing the boiled vegetables, and brought to a boil. The finished sauce is used to prepare derivative sauces. If the sauce is used as an independent sauce, it is seasoned with citric acid (1g) and fat (30g).



Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 371

Parsley (root) or

Celery (root)







Cooking technology

The bones, washed and chopped into pieces 5-7 cm long (the bone marrow is removed from the vertebral bones), are poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled at a low boil for 3-4 hours, periodically removing fat. 40-60 minutes before the end of cooking, put vegetables in the broth. Ready broth is filtered.


Milk sauce (for serving)

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. - 3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Recipe No. 384

Cooking technology

Flour browned in butter is diluted with hot milk or milk with the addition of broth or water and boiled for 7-10 minutes at a low boil. Then put sugar, salt and filter, bring to a boil.

To prepare milk sauce with onions, onions are sautéed, combined with ready-made milk sauce (1000 g) and boiled for 7-10 minutes. The sauce is filtered, while rubbing the onion, brought to a boil and seasoned with red pepper. Net weight of onion 150 g, butter 50 g per 1000 g of sauce output.