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How to cook delicious steamed rice. How to cook steamed rice

Barley and, of course, rice are sacred in Chinese treatises, which are more than 4 millennia old.

At all times, both in the East and in the West, people were interested in which rice is better. This is especially true now, when the choice of rice on sale is simply amazing.

There are more than seven thousand types of rice in the world. We will provide the minimum information that an ordinary buyer needs.

Cooking works with three types of rice:

1) Round grain 4-5 mm long

2) Medium grain length 5-6 mm

3) Long grain 6-8 mm long

Depending on the processing, they can be ground, polished, crushed (a by-product of polishing and grinding) and steamed.

As a result of grinding improves appearance and culinary properties of cereals: color, consistency of cooked porridge improve, its digestibility increases. But the nutritional properties of the grain significantly disappear along with the removed fruit and seed coats, the embryo, and the aleurone layer.

From the type of processing applied, the same variety acquires a different color and taste, it may also have differences in nutritional value and cooking method.

In addition to the method of processing, the place and technology of growing the crop also affect the aroma and color.

We list the main types of rice with brief description which will help buyers choose the most suitable and best rice.

White (polished)

We are used to seeing white rice. White and translucent - this is how it is obtained as a result of multi-stage grinding. We must be aware that a habit has formed to consume white polished rice groats, i.e. cereals with low nutritional properties.


Parboiled rice is translucent and has a slightly yellowish amber color (disappears when cooked). The steaming procedure is carried out before its grinding and allows a significant part of the vitamins and minerals (up to 80%) to pass and stay in the groats, and not be removed along with the shell. Its grains are harder than white polished rice and it takes 10-15 minutes longer to cook.

Brown, unpolished rice

Unpolished and brown (brown) rice are offered for sale. It preserves useful components as much as possible - vitamins, minerals - since the processing of grain here consists only in the removal of the upper husk, and the nutrient shell is preserved. It has a special flavor. Many consider this rice more fragrant. But it takes longer cooking. Brown, brown rice more expensive than polished, obviously, and because of the shorter shelf life, which is affected by the preservation of the oil-containing shell.

red rice

Produced in Thailand and now in France. Minimally processed, unrefined grains retain maximum beneficial features grains, but require a long boil.

golden rice

Obtained as a result of genetic modifications. Additionally saturated with a significant amount of beta-carotene. The consequences of the application are not fully understood.

long grain rice

The best varieties are Basmati (grown in northern India and Pakistan), Jasmine (grown in Thailand).

Wild rice (black cargo)

In fact, this original cereal is called in a different way: Water chirp. It's loaded with nutrients and fiber, has a sweet nutty flavor, and is loaded with nutrients (especially protein). It is difficult to grow (mostly only in North America in the Great Lakes region), so it is very expensive.

Where does rice come from and which is better to buy?

The northernmost rice in the world is grown in the southernmost regions of Russia and Ukraine. Here, you need to know, there are advantages: fewer pests and, accordingly, less consumption of pesticides in the cultivation of crops. But not everyone can grow rice in these parts.

Many buyers think that rice is mainly imported from China - this is wrong. For the most part, it is of domestic production (round-grained). Well, other species are, of course, only imports.

There is a strong argument for domestic manufacturer: rice from warm countries (tropics and subtropics) is sprayed with chemicals to a greater extent. Russia and the CIS countries are lucky in this regard.

As a rule, with the help of marking it is possible to determine the place of cultivation. For example, Thailand is designated TN.

You should be interested in imported rice if you need to buy some other kind that is not grown in our country. For example, these are long-grain species of Jasmine, Basmati.

In any case, imported rice must be chosen with double care, as it can be stale and expired.

Methods for determining the quality of rice

To figure out which rice is best to choose, you also need to know the basic ways to determine its quality.

First of all, when buying, you must be able to carefully examine the cereal - the packaging must be transparent.

Size, uniformity and purity are the key to quality

It is most practical to buy large and uniform rice. If you see bright white grains, this will indicate immaturity. The resulting yellowness of the grains is a sign of spoilage and staleness, possibly even with the formation of mold - most often this occurs due to violations of storage conditions.

There should be no husks (dust) and crushed grains, fragments. The presence of such will mean that the manufacturer has included production waste. The cleaner the rice, the higher quality it is considered. At home, you can sift the cereal and see with your own eyes how much foreign parts and dust are contained there.

Age for rice is an important indicator of quality

The fresher the rice, the better it is and has more nutrients. However, for example, in the Basmati variety, the characteristic aroma appears intensively after 10 months.

So be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture.

Selected Rice - It Might Be a Trick

If you write "selected" rice - it's just polished rice. This publicity stunt does not provide any guarantee of purity. In general, you should know that polished cereals are faked much more often.

Distinguishing rice substitute

Recently, you can find rice substitutes made from starch (most often brought from China). They can be mixed with natural rice - this is a hoax. Outwardly, they can be very similar. Remember that natural rice has a matte finish. Do not buy rice in opaque packages.

Rice can be a living product

If you want to check the grain for the right to be called a living product, germinate it. If the grain gives seedlings, this is a guarantee of its naturalness and full nutritional value. Such requirements, of course, apply not to polished rice, but to wild, black, red.

A simple and practical home test for quality and naturalness

Take some rice and pour hot water over it. As a result, good-quality grains should swell, and low-quality ones - they spread and porridge appears. So you can recognize "artificial" rice made from production waste.

It's not enough just to choose the best rice - it's important to save it

When choosing rice, storage time should be considered. For polished - up to 2 years, and for unpolished - a maximum of 8 months.

Worst of all, brown rice is preserved - a maximum of a year.

Optimal rice storage conditions: temperature: -5 to +5 degrees Celsius, humidity: 65%, the room must be ventilated and not infested with pests. At home, cereals can be stored in dry rooms no higher than 18 degrees Celsius.

The proverb “Bread is the head of everything”, familiar to us from childhood, is known all over the world, but in a different way. In Asia, America, Africa, Australia they would say “rice is the head of everything”, because many dishes are prepared from it, including pastries. And they came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking steamed rice, which is healthier and tastier than usual. It is worth learning the difference between white and parboiled rice, and then learning how to properly boil parboiled rice in order to master best recipes from rice. And there are so many of them that even the most fastidious gourmets will be satisfied. Just imagine: you can cook steamed rice for pilaf and risotto, in a slow cooker and microwave.

However, it is not at all necessary to cook something intricate from steamed rice. The beauty of this product lies in the fact that even just boiled steamed rice turns out to be tasty and fragrant. But for this you need to choose and cook steamed rice correctly. Try it and you will surely appreciate the benefits of parboiled rice over other varieties. And if you consider that steamed rice cooks faster and easier, then there is no doubt that it will soon become one of your favorite foods on your table.

What is parboiled rice? Features, properties and benefits of steamed rice
Any rice saturates and heals, but if it is not polished to a snow-white color and treated with steam, then it becomes even more useful and easier to digest by the human body. For processing, unpeeled rice grains are moistened and subjected to strong pressure with hot steam, and only after that they are peeled and the surface is polished. After this procedure, grinding is no longer terrible, because the bran vitamins have managed to be absorbed into the core. At the same time, the rice grains outwardly become light beige and even slightly transparent, but their main value is hidden inside, in a complex composition and properties:
It is rice that can be given to babies as the first complementary foods before other cereals, even instead of milk. A decoction of steamed rice restores impaired digestion, and boiled steamed rice is the basis of a diet for recovering from injuries and operations. With regular use of rice, positive changes in complexion and skin condition are visible, sleep and mood improve. Boiled rice is recommended for diseases of the urogenital area, and perhaps the only contraindication applies to patients with diabetes.

How to cook steamed rice correctly?
A variety of kitchen devices are suitable for cooking steamed rice, from the traditional pot to modern gadgets like slow cookers and pressure cookers. There is even a special device, a rice cooker, which indicates the unconditional popularity of rice (you must admit, it never occurred to anyone to come up with a buckwheat and / or millet cooker). In order not to be mistaken with the choice of time and volume of water, check the rules for cooking rice:
If suddenly the rice cooked according to these methods does not turn out to be crumbly, try changing the dosage approach and measure portions for cooking not by weight, but by volume - that is, for 100 ml of rice (in a measuring cup) 200 ml of water. This guarantees successful and tasty result, and boiled rice can be used as an independent side dish or an ingredient in complex dishes.

How to cook steamed rice deliciously?
All rice dishes were not prepared even by the most experienced chef, and if you take into account all the possibilities of steamed rice for culinary experiments, then this list will become truly endless. In order not to waste time searching, trial and error, we offer you the best steamed rice recipes:

  1. Steamed rice for pilaf is not taken by chance: it is this variety that turns out to be friable, as it should be classical technique cooking. Pilaf is not cooked little by little, so take 1 kg of rice and 1.5 kg of meat at once (pork, lamb and / or beef, you can do a little of everything), a pound of carrots and onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of zira, barberry and turmeric, a pinch of salt, ground red and black pepper, vegetable oil for frying. Wash, clean and cut vegetables and meat. Fry the onion rings in oil at the bottom of the cauldron, add meat and carrots, simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. Add spices, mix and fill with water, completely covering the contents of the cauldron. Cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Add rice, add warm water and, without stirring, cook with the lid on until all the water has been absorbed. Without removing from heat, make holes in the rice mass to release steam and cook pilaf for another 20-30 minutes.
  2. Tender steamed rice in broth. Take 200 ml of meat or vegetable broth for every 100 grams of rice, as well as 1 tablespoon olive oil and spices (optimally suitable mixture of curry). Grease a frying pan with oil and heat up. Fry dry rice in oil, flipping on different sides. Add spices to taste, pour in half of the broth and cook over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed. Then add the remaining broth, wait until it boils and turn off the heat. Do not remove the pan from the stove, but leave it under the lid for another 25 minutes, during which time the rice will absorb the broth and infuse.
Steamed rice is not suitable for sushi, because it always turns out crumbly and light. Moreover: even after warming up ready meal, parboiled rice will not start to stick together if it has been cooked properly. This property and mild taste make it possible to combine boiled steamed rice with meat and seafood, vegetables and fruits, sauces and gravies of various compositions. And everywhere steamed rice turns out to be in place and, by the way, does not discord with other ingredients and complements their qualities. Try to cook steamed rice - and you will see for yourself.

You will need - 1 cup of steamed rice, 2 cups of water

How to cook in a saucepan - method 1
1. Measure out 150 grams (half a cup) of rice.
2. Take water in a ratio of 1:2 to rice - 300 milliliters of water.
3. Boil water in a saucepan.
4. Add lightly washed steamed rice, salt and spices.
5. Cook over low heat under the lid, without stirring, for 20 minutes.
6. Remove the pot of boiled rice from the heat.
7. Infuse ready steamed rice for 5 minutes.

How to cook in a saucepan - method 2
1. Rinse half a glass of steamed rice, pour cold water for 15 minutes and then squeeze out of the water.
2. Put wet rice in a frying pan, heat over medium heat until the moisture evaporates.
3. Boil 1 glass of water for half a glass of rice, pour in hot rice.
4. Boil rice for 10 minutes.

How to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker
1. Put the steamed rice in a saucepan, pour water in a ratio of 1:2.
2. Set the multicooker to the "Porridge" or "Pilaf" mode, close the lid.
3. Turn on the multicooker for 25 minutes.
4. After the signal to turn off, leave the rice for 5 minutes, then transfer to a dish and use as directed.

How to cook steamed rice in a double boiler
1. Measure out 1 part of rice, pour it into the cereal compartment of the steamer.
2. Pour 2.5 parts of rice into the water container of the steamer.
3. Set the steamer to work for half an hour.
4. After the signal, check the readiness of rice, if you wish, insist or use immediately.

How to cook steamed rice in the microwave
1. Pour 1 part of steamed rice into a deep microwave bowl.
2. Boil 2 parts of water in a kettle.
3. Pour rice with boiling water, pour 2 tablespoons vegetable oil and add 1 teaspoon of salt.
4. Put a bowl of steamed rice in the microwave, set the power to 800-900.
5. Turn on the microwave for 10 minutes. After cooking, leave the rice in the microwave for another 3 minutes to brew.

How to cook steamed rice in bags
1. The bagged rice has already passed pre-processing, so the package, without opening, put in a saucepan.
2. Fill the pan with water so that the bag is covered with water with a margin of 3-4 centimeters (the rice in the bag will swell and, if the water does not cover it, it may dry out).
3. Put the pan on a quiet fire, you can not cover the pan with a lid.
4. Put a little salt into the pan (for 1 bag of 80 grams - 1 teaspoon of salt), bring to a boil.
5. Cook steamed rice in a bag for 30 minutes.
6. Pick up the package with a fork and put it out of the pan on a plate.
7. Using a fork and knife, open the bag, lift the tip of the bag and pour the rice into a plate.

Rice is one of the most important cereal crops. He contains a large number of useful elements, rich in proteins, carbohydrates, which turn porridge into an indispensable source of energy. Rice does not contain gluten, due to which it does not cause allergic reactions and can be used as a component baby food. This cereal contains complex carbohydrates that provide a large amount of energy. Rice groats has several classifications, one of which is the classification according to the processing method. So, they distinguish brown rice (it is also called brown), white rice, and also steamed. Steamed rice came to us thanks to the influence of the East, like many other representatives of cereal crops.

Thanks to the use of special processing technologies, parboiled rice retains a large amount of nutrients, which are much less in white and brown rice. The processing process puts approximately eighty percent of the various vitamins and minerals stored in the rice shell into the grain. Rice, which has been processed by steaming, becomes transparent with a golden hue that disappears during cooking.

Differences parboiled rice from unsteamed, however, are small. So, both types of rice are polished, the difference is only in the grinding method: parboiled rice before the grinding process, it undergoes a steam treatment to remove the shell. Paddy rice contains a lot of fatty acids, a parboiled rice retains all the necessary vitamins. Even after washing with water, such rice retains useful material. It cooks faster than usual, precisely because it has already been steamed.

Steaming includes the following steps: first, the still brown rice is soaked in water, after which it is processed with hot steam using pressure. After this procedure, the rice grains are dried, and then they, like the usual rice, are polished. It is with the help of such processing that microelements and vitamins contained in rice, do not evaporate, but remain in the kernel of the grain. Also, steaming the grains affects the starch contained in the kernel and keeps the rice crumbly after cooking.

Among the features parboiled rice that distinguish it from others, we can name the following: this type is distinguished by the content of the maximum amount of useful substances, which is achieved precisely thanks to a special processing technology. Also, cooked steamed rice does not stick together, it becomes soft and crumbly. This product does not lose its beneficial properties during the cooking process and, unlike other types, it is almost impossible to digest. Another advantage parboiled rice becomes economical: it absorbs a lot of water during cooking, and thus rice porridge it turns out almost twice as much as porridge from ordinary rice.

But despite all the benefits parboiled rice, it is recommended to eat porridge from such grains no more than five times a week. best to eat rice porridge for breakfast, as it will give a charge of mental and physical activity for the whole day.

Of course, this type is being prepared rice using a slightly different technology than usual. When cooking rice proportions must be observed: for one glass of steamed rice, you need to take two glasses of water. First, bring the water to a boil, then add the washed steamed rice, salt, mix, cover and cook for twenty minutes. Stir while cooking rice do not, because this can lead to the formation of starch, making the porridge viscous and sticky. At the end of the cooking process, you need to remove the lid, cover the pan with a towel and leave for five to ten minutes. This is done to evaporate excess moisture. Please note that before submitting this dish on the table, it is recommended to loosen it. Served rice usually as a side dish for meat or fish, you can use it as a component of salads. From rice wonderfully obtained so tasty and hearty meals like pudding, casserole, or dessert.

steamed rice is an excellent food for those who want to lose weight. In that case, of course, rice should be cooked without salt and without adding oil. However, this does not mean at all that you have to eat insipid tasteless rice. You can add some nuts or dried fruits to it, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. It is useful to arrange rice days once or twice a week. To do this, you need to soak steamed in the evening rice in water, and in the morning cook one glass of rice (remember: no salt and no oil). Cooked porridge must be divided into three servings (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Between meals, you can eat an apple or vegetable salad.

One of the most delicious and healthy meals steamed rice can be considered risotto (rice with vegetables). In addition to the fact that steamed rice itself is useful product, in the process of cooking with vegetables, it absorbs their properties. To prepare a dish, you need to boil a glass parboiled rice. Then chop the tomato Bell pepper, take beans, corn, green pea, mix it all up with rice, put in a pan and fry for five to ten minutes. This dish is perfect for those who watch their figure, like to eat deliciously, as well as for vegetarians.

There are other types of diets based on parboiled rice. One of them is the three-day diet. Three days should be eaten only rice and only in small portions, while washing down porridge with juice (orange or apple). You can also resort to a weekly rice diet. Half a kilogram is boiled parboiled rice, then a small amount of vegetables, meat or fish is added to it. It is preferable to drink during such a diet plain water and tea without sugar.

Enjoy your meal!

Good day, dear friends! Today we will touch on the culinary theme and its secrets. Do you love rice? A wide variety of dishes can be prepared from this popular product.

In stores you can buy different varieties rice, but one of the most useful is steamed. Let's find out how to cook steamed rice so that the dishes are tasty and healthy.

Parboiled rice is obtained by special treatment with strong steam. After the procedure, the rice becomes translucent and acquires an amber-golden hue.

An important advantage of such a product is that it does not stick together. It can be used as a side dish for meat dishes.

It is used for cooking pilaf, since when using ordinary rice, the dish often turns into porridge.
Loose rice is obtained if excess starch is removed from it, which is done during steaming.

This technology allows you to remove all harmful starch.
In addition, such a product can be used for cooking in the microwave and slow cooker.
So, first, let's deal with the technology for obtaining a steamed product:

  • unpeeled grains are moistened;
  • under pressure, hot steam treatment takes place;
  • the shell is cleaned and polished.

As a result of this processing, all useful substances are concentrated in the middle of the nucleus. At the same time, the composition of such cereals contains 75% carbohydrates allowing you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

The product also contains minerals, amino acids and. White rice does not have such a high content of useful components.
Steamed rice contains a lot of insoluble fiber, which is very beneficial for the body.

First of all, plant fibers are strong sorbents that help remove toxic substances from the body.

Fiber also stimulates motility and promotes better digestion.
It is insoluble fibers that provide rapid saturation, which is important in the fight against excess weight.
Interestingly, there is no gluten in such cereals, which is especially useful for people with allergies.

How to prepare steamed rice?

Let's learn how to properly prepare this product. Such rice turns out friable, because its grains do not stick together.

You can even reheat it after boiling it.
Here is what you need to do to prepare this product for cooking:

  1. Take required amount cereals.
  2. It should be washed in a bowl. To do this, pour water and stir the cereal, and then drain the liquid.
  3. Rinse several times. You can even soak for half an hour.
  4. After that, pour the cereal on a sieve to remove excess liquid.

cooking secrets

How to cook such rice can be seen in the video. There are some tricks to cooking cereals that you should be aware of.

First of all, it must not be stirred during cooking. It is also worth considering that each individual manufacturer has a specific cooking time.

Here are some more helpful tips:

  1. Seasonings such as saffron, turmeric and barberry are suitable for parboiled rice.
  2. The cereal must be fresh.
  3. The cooked product can be stored for 4 days.
  4. Rice goes well with many dishes, including fruit salads.
  5. When cooking, cereals greatly increase.
  6. For cooking in the oven, the dish can be covered with foil.

How long to cook steamed rice

Now we will find out how long it takes to cook such cereals. With the standard cooking method, rice is cooked for 20 minutes after the liquid boils.

Then the cereal should reach within 5 minutes.
For fast food cereals even have a special device - rice cooker. The design provides several functions for cooking rice.
By the time the most fast way- cooking in a multicooker. In it on the water is preparing for 15 minutes.

Can be cooked in 40-50 minutes tasty dish in the oven.

How to cook?

Consider the most popular cooking method in a saucepan.

In this case, this recipe will come in handy:

  1. Rinse a glass of cereal until transparent.
  2. Pour 500 ml of liquid into a saucepan and bring the water to a boil.
  3. Then you should fall asleep washed rice and cook until bubbles form. It should take about 20 minutes.
  4. Then turn off the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.
  5. After that, add some layers and oils.

If the cereal turned out to be slimy, then it is washed again with water, and then heated.

Ways to cook steamed rice

If you don't know if you can weld delicious rice in other ways, let's look at a few more options.

For cooking, you can use different kitchen devices: from a simple pan to modern technology.

Recipe for multicooker

To cook long-grain steamed rice, you need to take 250 ml of water for every 100 grams of rice. These ingredients must be put in the multicooker bowl.

Then spices and salt are added. Then close the lid and turn on the mode "cooking","pilaf" or "buckwheat". It depends on the specific device model.

After cooking, leave the appliance covered for another 5 minutes. Then the rice should be taken out.

Cooking cereals in the microwave

In order to cook polished or steamed rice in the microwave, you need to use glass or ceramic dishes without metal handles.

It is necessary to take water and cereals in a ratio of 2 to 1 and put the components in a container. This should leave a lot of space.

A lid is placed on top so that a small gap remains. You need to cook within 15 minutes. Do not forget to turn off and stir the porridge every 5 minutes.

After cooking, you need to add oil and spices.

Cooking rice for pilaf

Steamed rice is often used in pilaf, as it comes out crumbly. For this recipe, you will need 1 kg of cereal and 1.5 kg of meat.

You will also need half a kilogram of onions and carrots, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of cumin, turmeric and barberry, pepper and, of course, oil for frying.
G you need to clear it like this:

  1. Peel and cut vegetables and meat.
  2. Fry the onion in oil at the bottom of the cauldron.
  3. Add carrots and meat and simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.
  4. Add spices and fill with water to completely cover all the products in the cauldron.
  5. Simmer for half an hour over low heat.
  6. Put rice, add water. And then cook under the lid without stirring until the water has evaporated.
  7. Then make holes in the rice to let the steam out. After that, cook for another half hour.

If suddenly, according to these recipes, the rice does not turn out crumbly, then change the dosage. Try to measure not by weight, but by volume.

For this case, you can use a special measuring cup.

Hopefully using simple tips, you can always cook delicious and crumbly rice for garnish.

Until we meet again, dear fans of my blog!