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How long does the aspic freeze from the tongue. How to cook delicious aspic beef tongue

Well, who said it's pure New Year's variant snacks? Down with the established stereotypes, because this dish will fit perfectly into the summer menu, and seasoned with mustard, it will warm you in the winter. To make it incomparable, you need to adopt best recipes who will tell you in detail how to cook aspic from beef tongue. In your performance this cooking masterpiece with mustard or with a vigorous horseradish will overshadow the minds of all eaters and the beauty of the presentation and the superiority of taste.

A product that has been verified for centuries, with a delicate, soft texture. The tongue has no connective tissue, which makes this meat literally melt in your mouth. Under the Soviets, almost no wedding could do without a language jelly.

However, during the reign of emperors, dinner parties were bursting with an abundance of dishes with this ingredient. Royal cooks could cook it for at least two hundred different ways and, of course, they had a crown recipe for making aspic from the tongue, and we will use it today and tell you how to cook this amazing dish.


  • Beef tongue - 1 pc.;
  • Turnip onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Black peppercorns - 1 tsp;
  • Allspice peas - 3 pcs.;
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.;
  • Lavrushka - 4 pcs.;
  • Food gelatin -27 g;
  • Corn - ½ tbsp.;
  • Parsley greens -3 sprigs;
  • Salt;


To serve, put the aspic on a flat plate with a carrot-corn decoration up and season with mustard or horseradish.

* Cookie Tips This recipe can be called basic, and in order to cook aspic beef tongue in a more original way, you can use a variety of spices, for example, paprika is perfect for this, fresh garlic and grains of white mustard.
Also, some cooks add dry mushrooms during the cooking process of the broth, for aroma and a subtle mushroom flavor, or parsley roots, for spice. Dill and cumin seeds will perfectly enrich the taste of the filling.


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - 1 kg + -
  • Turkey paws and wings- 0.5 kg + -
  • Quail eggs— 4-5 pcs. + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • - 4 leaves + -
  • Allspice - 4 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • - 3 branches + -
  • - taste + -


Among the kitchen wizards there are such fighters for everything natural who absolutely do not perceive jelly prepared with the addition of gelatin to thicken it. If you are one of them, then we will tell , how to cook aspic from beef heart and tongue without "bone glue".

  • At the very beginning of cooking, we remove the skin from the tongue, wash it thoroughly, rinse the heart and cut it into 4 parts, and clean the turkey paws from scales and claws, wash thoroughly and put everything meat products into a saucepan.
  • After filling the dishes with water, so that everything is hidden, add peeled, but not chopped carrots and onions, salt and all seasonings, except garlic and greenfinch, to it.
  • Putting the pan on the fire, wait for it to boil, set the temperature to a minimum and cook everything for at least 3 hours (do not forget to pull out the carrots after 20 minutes). As soon as the consistency of the broth is sufficiently sticky, the stove can be turned off.
  • Using a slotted spoon, we take out all the meat elements from the brew onto a large dish or tray, and filter the broth and add the garlic passed through the press to it.
  • We cut the heart and tongue into thin slices, and remove the meat from the wings of the turkey, throwing out all the bones, skins and legs.
  • Perfect for jelly filling Silicone forms. Arrange a piece of tongue, heart and wing meat and vegetable decorations in each serving.
  • We cut the boiled carrots into circles, if you want to show off originality, then cut out the stars or petals from the circles for a flower, the center of which can be green pea, corn or olive. Parsley can be used as flower leaves.
  • Quail eggs are also used to decorate, and to increase the nutritional value of our signature dish. If you know how, cut out chrysanthemum-chamomile hybrid flowers from the top of the egg, or if you don’t really want to bother, just cut them in half lengthwise and put the yolk up on the meat, and place parsley leaves next to it for more picturesqueness.
  • We fill the meat and the egg-carrot landscape with a transparent broth, and after the temperature of the future aspic drops to room temperature, you can safely send the molds to the refrigerator, where in a few hours you will get a real aspic from the tongue, how to do which you have now learned.

For some, the most difficult step in cooking bouillon jelly is boiling it. Either it boiled over, they didn’t remove the foam, then it boiled down a lot, the reasons can be thought of as appropriate, if the unfortunate chef simply doesn’t know how to bring this dish to mind.

However, technological progress is striding the earth with leaps and bounds, and has already reached our kitchens. And now we want to offer a recipe on how to properly cook beef tongue in a multicooker, where nothing will burn, run away and spoil.

  1. So, as always, we need a washed, clean tongue, which we define in the bowl of the unit, fill it with water and send it to the company 1 turnip-onion peeled and cut into 4 parts, garlic - a couple of cloves, salt and what spices you want (laurel , pepper, paprika, cloves, etc.).
  2. We close our “spacecraft”, set the program for “extinguishing”, and send it to “flight” for 3.5 hours.
  3. About an hour before the end of cooking, dilute 20 g of gelatin in half a liter of cold water and leave it for 40 minutes to swell.
  4. And now the device signals the complete readiness of the dish. We remove the tongue from the broth, peel off the skin from it and cut it into slices.
  5. The broth must be filtered, mixed with gelatin and put on the stove so that the “glue” disperses in the liquid without a trace, but do not boil, just heat to the first bubble.
  6. Put any decoration in the form: greens, olives, peas, corn. Spread the meat on top, pour it all with a sticky mixture and set to cool in the refrigerator.

With this culinary hit, your table will become the most complete, and you will be able to show off your cooking skills in front of your friends. Strong, transparent, beautiful, and most importantly, the most delicious beef tongue aspic will turn out just perfect along with our tips and recipes.

Dare, sculpt, turn on your ingenuity, and you yourself will be amazed at what you are capable of in the kitchen, and perhaps create your own method.

Cooking jellied tongue is a whole science that takes a lot of time. However, it only seems so. In fact, there are no difficulties here if you know the subtleties and secrets of cooking. We will talk about them below.
Recipe content:

Jellied - a jelly-like cold dish made from broth with pieces of meat, fish, offal, vegetables, etc. If the meat contains a lot of gelatinous substances, like hooves or shank, then the dish is obtained without additional gelatinous substances. Otherwise, you need to add edible gelatin. Culinary experts distinguish this dish into aspic, jelly and aspic. But the essence of these dishes is products in jelly.

We will devote this review to an amazing dish - beef tongue aspic! This dish is most often served not on ordinary family dinners, and is found on the festive table. Many people love to eat it, but they don’t know how to cook and don’t even take on such work, thinking that they need to mess around with it for a long time. And how to cook it so that each slice melts in your mouth, this article will help you. Having learned all the nuances, you can please your loved ones delicious food any day.

How to cook beef tongue aspic - secrets and tips

  • You can buy the language both fresh and frozen. General principles its preparation: wash, boil, remove the skin and pour gelling broth.
  • It is better to use mineral (without gas) bottled water, then the filling will turn out to be more transparent.
  • If the broth is a little cloudy, then strain it and use the following secret. Cooled egg white beat with a whisk in a lush foam, pour into the cooled broth and send to the fire. Boil, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Then strain. Rub a bowl for whipping the protein with lemon, and salt the protein.
  • Instead of gelatin, you can use the bones from the meat. You can also make fish broth where no gelatin is used.
  • Filling products are laid as follows. A third of the components are laid out on a dish, poured with broth and sent to the refrigerator. Pieces of food are again evenly distributed on the frozen broth, poured with broth and cooled.
  • Adds spice to the dish fresh cranberries. Pure berries are laid out in a form with a tongue. Sour berry will brighten up the neutral taste of offal. Another interesting addition is capers and thin slices of pickles.

How to make beef tongue aspic - step by step recipe

Delicious aspic with chicken breast pieces and pomegranate seeds will become festive decoration dishes. The dish will be a true decoration of any solemn feast!
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 146 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 1 Large Serving
  • Cooking time - 2.5 hours of cooking the tongue, about 1 hour to set the aspic


  • Beef tongue - 1 pc.
  • Chicken breast- 1 PC.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.
  • Dill, parsley - a few sprigs
  • Black peppercorns - 15-20 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4-5 sheets
  • Salt - to taste

Step by step preparation:

  1. Wash your tongue cold water, put in a pot of water and send to cook on the stove. Drain the boiled water, rinse the tongue and put it back to boil in clean water.
  2. After boiling again, remove the foam and put carrots, onions, bay leaves, peppercorns. Boil offal for 2-2.5 hours. Check readiness for softness by piercing it with a knife. Salt the broth 10-15 minutes before the dish is ready.
  3. Strain the finished broth through a fine sieve several times.
  4. Plunge the boiled tongue with cold water and remove the top skin. Cool and cut crosswise into thin slices.
  5. Rinse the chicken breast and boil. Drain the first boiled water, rinse the meat, fill it with new water and boil the broth again, removing the noise. Add onion, bay leaf and peppercorns. Boil the breast until done. Salt 10 minutes before cooking. Strain the finished broth.
  6. Dissolve half of the gelatin in the cooled broth in which the tongue was boiled and heat over a fire to 90 degrees. Dilute the second part in chicken broth and heat it up as well. Do not bring to a boil.
  7. Pour the broth into a mold and refrigerate to set.
  8. Meanwhile, cut the boiled carrots into rings. Wash the pomegranate and sort into grains. Cut hard-boiled eggs into rings 1.5-2.0 cm thick. Cut parsley and dill into sprigs.
  9. Put the chopped tongue, carrots, pomegranate, eggs and greens on the frozen layer.
  10. Pour products chicken broth and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  11. After 2-2.5 hours, the aspic will be ready to serve.

A beautiful dish for the festive table - beef tongue aspic with a good addition - fresh berries cranberries.


  • Beef tongue - 1 pc.
  • Instant gelatin - 1 tbsp.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Chicken thigh - 1 pc.
  • Black ground pepper- taste
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Boiled egg - 1 pc. for decoration
  • Salt - to taste
Step by step preparation:
  1. Rinse the tongue and chicken, cover with water and boil. Remove the foam, make a minimum fire, put the bay leaf, salt and ground pepper. Close the lid and cook until the tongue is ready for about 2.5 hours.
  2. Remove the tongue and place in a bowl of ice water to loosen the skin. Put the chicken on a dish and leave.
  3. Remove fat from the broth with a spoon.
  4. Beat the protein with salt with a mixer until foamy and stir into the broth. Put on the stove, boil and leave to cool. Then strain it through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour instant gelatin with a small amount of cold broth and leave for 20 minutes to swell so that it disperses. Pour it into the broth and heat to 90 degrees.
  6. Cut the tongue into plates and put on a dish. Pour in the broth and refrigerate for half an hour.
  7. Cut the boiled egg into circles and place on the frozen tongue. Also lay out the washed cranberries.
  8. Pour in the broth again and refrigerate.
  9. After 10-20 minutes, the aspic will be ready.

A simple dish without additives - aspic from beef tongue, turns out not only nutritious and tasty, but also festive.


  • Beef tongue - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin - 15 g per 500 ml of water
  • Greens - for decoration
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Green peas - 1 bank
  • Peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
Step by step preparation:
  1. Dip the washed tongue in boiling water, add onions and carrots. After 15-20 minutes of cooking, put salt and spices. Cook until cooked through for about 2-2.5 hours.
  2. Dip the boiled tongue in ice water, remove the skin and cut into thin rings.
  3. Strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  4. Dissolve gelatin in cold water and leave to swell for half an hour.
  5. Pour the swollen gelatin into the strained broth. Warm up but do not boil.
  6. Put the pieces of the tongue into the molds, pour the prepared broth and refrigerate for an hour.
  7. Then decorate the aspic, put slices of boiled carrots, greens, green peas, boiled egg mugs and pour the broth again. Keep in refrigerator for 1 hour.

Video recipes:

Prepare the ingredients for the aspic, peel the carrots and onions, boil the eggs.
We wash the beef tongue and place it in a pot of cold water so that it is completely covered on top. As soon as it boils, remove the foam, reduce the fire to a minimum. We cook the tongue for 1.5-2 hours, until fully cooked, periodically cleaning the surface of the water from the foam that has appeared. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper and salt to the pan.

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water for 40 minutes so that it swells and is ready for further use.
After the time has elapsed, we take out the tongue and immediately lower it into a container of cold water in order to easily and simply release it from the outer skin. Then we cut it into thin pieces of the same thickness. Also chop the eggs and carrots. Strain the broth and stir in the dissolved gelatin.

You can put the prepared chopped pieces in portioned salad bowls and pour strained broth, not forgetting to decorate with parsley leaves, chopped eggs, carrots, olives, lemon slices, cucumbers (fresh or pickled) - to your taste.
Serve with horseradish, mayonnaise or mustard. Bon appetit to all and Happy New Year!!!

In the menu of the festive feast, they often include aspic from the tongue. Inexperienced housewives are afraid to take on such culinary delights, considering them to be something inaccessible and difficult. And, frankly, it's completely wrong. Making a dish is simple, the main thing is to know some subtleties and nuances.

How to cook aspic from the tongue?

Beginners who do not even suspect how to properly prepare aspic from the tongue should learn the basic steps for decorating a dish:

  1. The tongue is initially thoroughly washed with a brush and soaked for several hours.
  2. Rinse again, pour the product with water and cook until cooked (2.5-3.5 hours, depending on the size). The contents should not boil and boil strongly during the process, but only languish slightly.
  3. A jelly base is prepared for pouring from gelatin granules and meat broth, which, if necessary, is clarified.
  4. At the end, they arrange the food on a dish and decorate it.

Recipe for jellied tongue

Any classic recipe jellied from the tongue involves the preliminary boiling of the product in water. Be sure to remove the foam from the surface of the broth, at the initial stage of cooking - constantly, in the future - periodically. To improve the taste characteristics of the dish, roots, spices and onions are added to the pan. For pouring, you can use both the resulting tongue broth and other ready-made meat broth(chicken, beef or pork).


  • tongue - 1-1.2 kg;
  • bulbs - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • seasonings.


  1. The prepared offal is poured with water until completely covered, roots, onions, spices, salt are added and placed on moderate heat.
  2. When ready, remove the product into a container with cold water for a minute, and then remove the skin.
  3. The base of the aspic is chopped into slices about five millimeters thick and effectively laid out in a suitable dish.
  4. Next, how to lighten the broth for aspic tongue. A glass of broth is cooled, mixed with whipped protein and poured into its main portion.
  5. Bring to a boil, cook for five minutes and let cool.
  6. Filter the liquid carefully obtained through a dense cloth.
  7. For pouring, gelatin granules are soaked, dissolved according to the instructions on the package and mixed with the entire portion of the broth.
  8. They decorate the appetizer to taste, pour it with a jelly mixture in two stages, cool it, let it freeze on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Jellied pork tongue

Knowing how to cook aspic from a pork tongue, experienced chefs make such an appetizer in three counts. The main thing is to correctly set up the stove for moderate heat under the container in which the main product is cooked, and not to miss the moment of its readiness, and the rest is a matter of technology, which will not be difficult to implement.


  • tongue - 3 pcs.;
  • bulbs - 150 g;
  • roots - 300 g;
  • gelatin - 35 g;
  • spices.


  1. Pork offal is prepared and boiled at a barely noticeable boil until soft with onions, spices and roots.
  2. Cool the base of the snack by transferring it to a container with cold water and peel it.
  3. The broth, if necessary, is clarified and mixed with dissolved gelatin.
  4. The tongue is chopped into neat slices, laid out in a mold, decorated to taste.
  5. The composition is poured with a liquid jelly mass and sent to the refrigeration compartment.

Aspic of beef tongue

Delicious, effectively complementing any feast, aspic beef tongue, the recipe of which is described below - not only the original festive snack but also useful culinary dish, whose value is in the amazing ability to raise hemoglobin levels in anemia. A serving of food will add vitality and simply delight with excellent taste.


  • tongue - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • roots - 200 g;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • spices.


  1. Beef offal is prepared and boiled until soft in salted water with the addition of onions, spices and roots.
  2. The basis of the snack is shifted into cold water for a while, after which the skin is easily removed.
  3. The broth is filtered, clarified if desired, combined with pre-soaked and dissolved gelatin granules.
  4. The chopped offal is determined in a wide dish, decorated with parsley, peas, boiled carrot patterns and egg halves and poured with jelly liquid.
  5. Cool the aspic from the beef tongue in the refrigerator.

Portioned aspic from the tongue

If there are, among kitchen utensils, small molds, aspic from the tongue with gelatin can be placed in them and served in portions. As a basis for an appetizer, you can take a pork or beef offal, round portions of which can be further cut into halves, quarters or sticks before serving the dish and supplemented with appropriate decor elements.


  • tongue - 1.2 kg;
  • bulbs - 150 g;
  • roots - 200 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • seasonings, salt.


  1. Beef or pig tongues prepared and boiled with spices, carrots, parsley root and parsnip until soft.
  2. Cool the specimens in ice water, remove the skin, and cut the base into the desired pieces.
  3. Dissolved gelatin granules are introduced into the desired portion of the broth.
  4. Colorful compositions are created in molds and filled with a jelly mixture.

Aspic from the tongue in a slow cooker

You have already learned how to make aspic from the tongue on the stove in a saucepan or cauldron. It greatly simplifies the process of using a multicooker. Aspic from the tongue, a simple recipe for which is described below, will turn out transparent even without clarifying the broth, as the device will provide optimal conditions for a barely noticeable languishing of the contents.


  • tongue - 1.2 kg;
  • bulbs - 100 g;
  • roots - 200 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • laurel, pepper, salt.


  1. The by-product is poured into a bowl with water and simmered on the “Extinguishing” for three and a half hours.
  2. After that, the main component is removed into a container with cold water and cleaned.
  3. The gelatin granules are diluted and dissolved, combined with the broth and the tongue slices are poured with the resulting mixture.

How to decorate aspic from the tongue?

Every housewife wants to decorate the festive table as exquisitely as possible and a beautiful aspic from the tongue will no doubt help to cope with the task perfectly. A dish with an appetizer can be arranged concisely, using a minimum number of decorative elements. A sprig of parsley, a slice of carrots or a boiled egg, a few canned peas or olives are a standard set for a classic home composition. Possessing at least minimal carving skills, aspic from the tongue can be decorated with more complex patterns from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Saying "Jellied", a feast immediately comes to mind. Indeed, this dish often decorates holiday tables. You can cook it from a variety of products - meat, fish, poultry, offal. Today you will learn how to cook jellied beef tongue.

The prototype of modern aspic dishes is jelly, which was obtained naturally. After prolonged cooking of meat on the bone, the broth turned out to be thick and viscous due to the gelling agent found in the bones and cartilage of animals. When he got to a cold place, he froze. Considering this a minus, the broth was reheated before use.

But the French turned this “minus” into an advantage. They cooked together different types meat, then they twisted everything into minced meat, added eggs and spices, poured in a little broth and cleaned it in the cold. Sometimes the mass was sent under pressure. This dish acquired the name "Galantin", which in French meant "Jelly". Thus, galantine became the prototype of the well-known aspic.

In the aspic broth is clarified, but in the jelly (jelly) it remains cloudy. clear broth serves as a kind of glass, behind which all the beauty of the dish is visible. French chefs began to give the desired shade of jelly by adding saffron, turmeric or lemon zest to the broth.

Cooking this dish is not so difficult, it is important to stock up on time and patience in this matter, and to know a couple of secrets. The result can be amazing: a soft tongue in fragrant jelly (you can adjust the taste to your preferences by adding basil, thyme, rosemary or other aromatic herbs and seasonings), and appearance will please the eye, because the imagination is limitless, you can create incredible pictures.

By the way, "Jellied tongue" is perfect as an appetizer for vodka.

Total and active cooking time - 5 hours
Cost - $ 12.1
Calories per 100 gr - 42 kcal
Servings - 8

Aspic tongue recipe


Beef tongue - 500 gr.
Onion - 1 pc.
Carrot - 1 pc.
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Black pepper - 5 pcs.(peas)
Parsley - 2 wind.(fresh)

For the broth:
Bones - 500 gr.
Water - 1.5 liters.
Onion - 1 pc.
Carrot - 1 pc.
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Black pepper - 5 pcs.(peas)
Gelatin - 23 gr.
Vinegar - 30 gr.(3%)
Egg white - 1 pc.
Salt - to taste

To decorate the dish: cranberry, lemon, carrot, cucumber, egg, herbs, thyme, rosemary.


First of all, the beef tongue for aspic should be washed well, and then sent to a saucepan filled with cold water. It is impossible to clearly say how much to cook, it all depends on the age of the cattle, about 2.5-4 hours. After 2 hours of cooking, the beef tongue can be salted, carrots can be added (you can cook whole, it will come in handy for further decoration), parsley, onions (put whole, after cooking it can be thrown away) and bay leaf.

For the aspic itself, it is necessary to cook meat broth. To do this, clean and wash the vegetables, chop the bones, add black pepper and a couple of bay leaves (other seasonings are also possible). After the broth boils, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat and simmer for 3-4 hours. At the end of cooking, salt and add spices, here be guided by your preferences, because it is the frozen broth that gives the taste to the dish.

Strain the broth.

Gelatin must be poured with cool water and left to swell for half an hour. Add a little broth to the gelatin and dissolve it there.

Whisk the egg white into foam. It is he who has the property, folding, to take away all the particles that form the turbidity. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the broth, heat it up, pour in the vinegar (it is often forgotten about, but in vain, because it affects not only the clarification process, but also gives a pleasant flavor), introduce whipped protein. The broth should be warmed up, but not allowed to boil, let stand for 25-30 minutes, so that it brightens. Skim off the protein foam with a slotted spoon.

Now you need to strain the broth. To do this, fix the colander on the pan, put a clean towel or napkin on top, carefully pour the broth into the colander and, as soon as the liquid passes through the cloth, close the pan with a lid so that it does not cool down. The result should be a clean and clear broth.

Now you can take up the language. As soon as it is cooked, remove it from the broth, remove the skin, cut into even, thin slices.

Aspic looks great both on large dishes and in portions. At the bottom of the form, lay out the desired pattern using the following products: greens, fresh cucumber, boiled carrots, lemon, boiled eggs, cranberries, etc. Rosemary and fresh thyme look spectacular, they will also give an exquisite aroma. The dish is poured in two stages. 1) only the bottom is poured immediately or after decorations are laid out at the bottom. The broth should cover the decorations. Moreover, the first filling should be done especially carefully so as not to damage the intended pattern (this can be done with a spoon). It is not necessary to fill in a lot of broth due to the fact that decorations can float up. 2) The second time you can start pouring only when the first one has set. Having spread the pieces of the tongue, pour the whole dish with the broth and send it to harden in the refrigerator or in any other cold place.

In order for the jellied beef tongue to lag behind the dish well, the form must be wrapped with a warm towel for half a minute.