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Delicious cream for leveling the cake. Butter baked cream for leveling cakes

What do you need to effectively decorate a cake? It is necessary to prepare the base, that is, to obtain smooth cake, covered with a layer of cream, which will hide some possible defects in the cake, bind the crumbs and give a large field of fantasy for further decor.

There are so many ways to cover the cake with cream. This method, proposed by Kaitlin Flannery, can be taken as a basis and then independently "fit" the technique of coating the cake (coating) for yourself. To get started you need
carefully cut the cakes and assemble the cake, how to do it is written.

The next stage is the direct coating and leveling of the cake with cream.


  • metal spatula (Caitlin recommends metal spatulas 20 and 33 cm long);
  • scraper (an indispensable thing when leveling the cake);
  • ice cream spoon/dispenser/pastry bag;
  • turntable (in principle, you can do without it if you rarely decorate cakes, but
    if you do this often, it will make your job a lot easier);
  • non-slip mat (to fix the cake on the turntable);
  • rubber spatula;
  • an additional bowl (useful for collecting cream mixed with crumbs);
  • assembled cake (Caitlin in her lesson works with a cake with a diameter of 15 cm);
  • cream (it can be anything, Caitlin recommends Swiss or Italian meringue, with
    they are easier to work with).


Before you start, beat the cream with a hand mixer at the lowest speed for 5 minutes, this will get rid of unnecessary air bubbles in the cream.
To begin with, we will cover the cake with a very thin layer of cream, this will fix all the crumbs and prevent them from penetrating into the main, decorative layer of cream. Caitlin uses about 80 grams of cream for this purpose. Put the cream in the center of the top of the cake.

Spread it with a spatula from the center to the edges.

Cream that goes beyond the cake, coat the sides.

If you need more cream, never use the spatula you use to spread the cake, the spatula can have a lot of crumbs and appearance the cream will go bad. Also, if excess cream accumulates on the spatula, you do not need to remove it at the corner of the cake (the angle between the top and the side of the cake). Remove the excess cream into an empty bowl, and then take the cream from there if necessary, but only to cover the first, base layer.

Thus, we completely coat the cake until every millimeter is covered with a thin layer of cream.

We remove the excess cream from the edges of the top of the cake, with a spatula we lead from the edge to the center, we remove the excess cream into the cream bowl from the previous paragraph. We collect the cream from the top several times until all the excess is gone from the edges, the top of the cake should be covered with a very thin layer of cream.

Now remove the excess cream from the sides of the cake. For this we need a scraper. We put it at an angle of 90 degrees to the sides of the cake, and start scraping, removing the excess cream, which we again remove into the aforementioned bowl.

When working with a scraper, apply enough force to remove excess cream, but do not overdo it so as not to cut the cake. Now in front of you is the so-called naked cake.

Put it in the cold so that the cream seizes and securely fastens all the crumbs.

Now let's move on to decorating. We take out the cake from the refrigerator, put about 115 g of cream on top using a measuring spoon (the diameter of the cake is 15 cm, if your cake is larger, take more cream).

You can use a pastry bag with a round tip. We fill the bag, and evenly cover the sides of the cake and the top with the longitudinal lines of the cream. This will spread the cream evenly over the cake. We distribute the cream from the center to the edges with a spatula, make whatever thickness of the cream layer you like, the main thing is that it be uniform and the cream completely hides the cake.

Smear the cream that goes beyond the top of the cake on the sides.

First, coat the top of the sides of the cake, then lower it down.

It is not necessary at this stage to try to get even sides, our goal is to evenly distribute the cream over the cake.

The excess cream should rise above the top edge of the cake, then we will use it to form an even top.

If cream needs to be added, scoop up the cream with a rubber spatula and apply it to your working metal spatula. Work with a spatula carefully so as not to damage the base layer of the cream and avoid crumbs.

After the cake is evenly covered with cream, take a scraper. We put it strictly vertically to the surface of the cake, and begin to rotate the turntable, while the hand remains motionless. Do not press hard on the scraper, our goal is not to collect excess cream, but to level the cake. This skill takes practice, your first cakes may not be perfectly even, but in the future everything will definitely work out!

After you have walked around the cake 2-3 times and aligned the sides, move on to the next step.

There may be small bumps on the cake, to lubricate them, we use clean dry spatula, and then level clean dry scraper!

Now let's tidy up the top of the cake. With a spatula, which is in a strictly horizontal position, we lubricate the excess cream from the edge to the center.

We pass around the entire circumference of the cake.

Before each new movement of the spatula, we clean it from the cream! Thus, we get a flat top.

Now we have a cake with even sides and a flat top, and it is completely ready for further decoration!

Quite often, housewives who love to surprise their family delicious meals the question arises, which cream under the icing for the cake should be used.

Below I present a selection of creams that will help you bake a delicious cake and trim it to apply a beautiful frosting.

You can also find the recipe for one of the types of glaze on the pages of my culinary blog.

For sponge cake


200 gr. sl. oils; 3 pcs. chickens. yolks; 4-6 tbsp condensed milk; 60 gr. chocolate 1 tsp water.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm slaughtering chickens. yolks, condensed milk and water.
  2. I put the mixture on water bath to get a thick mass, like condensed milk. I stir constantly.
  3. I bring in chocolate. I remove the mass from the water bath, I wait for the chocolate to completely melt.
  4. I give the mass to cool, carefully mix it and add the next. oil. I'm smearing the cake.

That's all, now you know how to align the cake under the icing. Agree that the cream recipe is not at all complicated, and it includes a simple set of ingredients. Flattening a cake is easy.

Charlotte under glaze

Very interesting cream. It has no pain. It is ideal for layering cakes and cups.

Components: 4 tbsp. Sahara; 200 gr. sl. oils; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 6 tbsp milk.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix milk with sugar and put on fire so that the mass boils.
  2. Whisk the chicken in a bowl. eggs with a whisk. I pour the hot mixture of sugar and milk into the mass. I stir and let it cool down.
  3. I beat sl. oil to make a white mass.
  4. During whipping oil is to enter the egg-milk mass. Whip until fluffy custard, which should be applied to the cake.

Butter cream composition with powdered sugar

I like the recipe because it is universal. It can be used as a decoration on a cake, for a layer of biscuit desserts.

It perfectly holds its shape, suitable for leveling the surface of the cake, creating flowers and roses from butter.

But know that he is afraid of a warm environment, and therefore you should be especially careful with this.

Components: 4 tbsp. sugar powders; 100 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I take sl. oil. It must be of high quality. I am massaging. Due to prolonged whipping, the cream will gain creamy taste and not just oil. Sl. The butter needs to be softened first. Creamy consistency is easily achieved if sl. keep the oil warm.
  2. Whipping sl. oil, I introduce sah. powder. After that, you can beat the mass at medium speed for 15 minutes. So it should become fluffy and airy.
  3. I put the cream in the refrigerator for a short time so that the mass cools down, then it can be used to cover the cake.

Butter cream composition with condensed milk

It can be noted that this recipe has another variety. I remember how in Soviet times they prepared it for cakes. This is a cream with butter and condensed milk.

Components: 200 gr. sl. butter, half a can of condensed milk.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I soften the oil.
  2. I mix with condensed milk.
  3. Beat with a mixer, you can use for the cake.

Custard from England

This look goes well with puff pastry and custard kneading. You can also make it for filling profiteroles and tartlets.

To be honest, I can’t even imagine eclairs or classic cake Napoleon without him.


0.5 l of milk; 4 things. chickens. eggs (only yolks are needed); 50 gr. flour; 150 gr. Sahara; 1 page vanilla.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chicken sugar. rub the yolks together. I bring flour. I cut the vanilla in half. Using a sharp knife, I scrape out the seeds and put them in the milk mass.
  2. Bring vanilla and milk to a boil. I reduce the fire to a minimum. I add eggs and flour to the mixture. I mix again.
  3. It needs to be thick. I let the mass cool down.
  4. There should be no crust on top of the cream so that this does not happen, my advice to you: cover the surface of the cake with food. cling film before serving.

Swiss meringue in butter

This cream is adored by confectioners of the world. It's amazing for cakes and fills Swiss Buttercream Meringue cupcakes.

Holds its shape well and looks great. Keeps cold for up to 3 days.

Components: 250 gr. sl. oils; 90 gr. Sahara; 3 pcs. chickens. proteins; vanillin; salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put sugar and chickens in a bowl. proteins. I heat the mass in a water bath, constantly stirring with a whisk. When the sugar crystals dissolve, remove from the water bath.
  2. Add salt and beat with a mixer so that the mixture becomes dense in its consistency. Checking its density is very simple - you need to turn the container with chickens over. eggs, if they remain in place, then everything is done correctly.
  3. I take softened sl. oil, but an exceptionally high quality product. Otherwise, it will not be tasty and suitable for the composition of the cake. I beat to get a white fluffy mass.
  4. Whipped sl. 1 tsp oil I add to the protein mass. I beat, it is important that the oil is completely dispersed in the protein composition. Food can be added to the mixture. dyes and vanillin to make the cake even more interesting and tastier.


Custard can be used for icing cakes. The cream differs from the above in that it does not contain flour.

It includes starch. It is for this reason that the mass of the cream will not coagulate on fire.


2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 100 gr. Sahara; 50 gr. sl. oils; 0.5 l of milk; 1 page vanilla and 30 gr. starch.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I cut the vanilla into 2 parts, I take out the seeds. I put them in milk. I warm the mass and let it stand for 30 minutes.
  2. I mix chickens. eggs, sugar and starch. I enter the floor of Art. milk and stir. I introduce the rest of the milk, bring the mass to a boil, constantly stirring. Bubbles will appear from the bottom - it means you are doing everything right. It is necessary to boil the mass from 2 minutes and remove from heat.
  3. I import sl. oil, cool to make the cream thick in composition.

It turns out a very tasty cream, you can work with it to cover pastries - this activity will bring a confectioner a pleasure.


Patissier is taken as the basis of the cream, only this time it will be necessary to introduce cream. Great for Napoleon or Millefeuille cakes, it goes amazingly with icing.


2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 100 gr. Sahara; 50 gr. sl. oils; 0.5 l of milk; 1 page vanilla and 30 gr. starch; 100 ml cream.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I cut the vanilla in two parts, I take out the seeds. I put it in milk. I warm the mass and let it stand for half an hour.
  2. I mix chickens. eggs, sugar and starch. I enter the floor of Art. milk and stir. I introduce the rest of the milk, bring the mass to a boil, constantly stirring. I add cream. Bubbles will appear from the bottom. It is necessary to boil the mass for 2 minutes, then remove from heat.
  3. I import sl. oil, let it cool down so that it becomes thick in composition. I use.

Cheese cream

Cream cheese is one of the most popular. Confectioners like it for the reason that it is prepared as simply as possible.

It has a slightly salty taste, because it contains sl. cheese. It keeps its shape perfectly, complements cakes, pastries, cupcakes.

Components: 500 gr. sl. cheese; 100 gr. cream (take about 33% fat content); 70 gr. sugar powder.


  1. I whip the cream. Do not beat the mass, as the butter will separate, you need to work with the cream in a cold state. Also, my advice to you: cool the whisk, bowl.
  2. I bring sah. powder, cheese and again I interrupt the mass.
  3. I send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Cream cheese with butter under glaze

The recipe is no less popular than the previous one. It is liked by all cooks because it is ideal for decorating and leveling cakes.

Only it is worth using the cheese in a cold state, cl. oil should be at room temperature.

Components: 180 gr. sl. oils (fat content 82%); 500 gr. tv. or sl. cheese; 150 gr. sugar powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cheese and sl. mix the oil together.
  2. I beat the mass, I introduce sah. powder and beat again with a mixer.
  3. I send it to the refrigerator so that the cream comes.

Meringue from Italy under glaze

The densest consistency of meringue is prepared for cakes, tartlets and other pastries.

Components: 40 ml of water; salt; 120 gr. Sahara; 2 pcs. chickens. egg whites.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm slaughtering chickens. proteins and salt together.
  2. I make syrup based on sugar and water. I mix sugar and water together, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. I'm making syrup, whipping chickens. proteins and salt. Just don't overkill. The syrup must be administered in a thin stream. Pour into the mass and beat for a minute.
  4. You can use the cream when decorating and leveling the cake.

Glazed chocolate ganache

It is one of the best under glazes. With the help of ganache, you can decorate the cake and make cupcakes. Various desserts with it are incredibly tasty.

Components: delicious chocolate bar; cream (fat content 33%).

The amount of ingredients will depend on which chocolate was chosen. You may require 2 parts dark tiles and 1 part cream.

If the temperature environment is high, it is worth taking 2.5 or 3 parts of the tile.

In the event that you are making milk ganache with 30% cocoa content in a chocolate bar, you need to add 3 parts of the bar and 1 part of cream. In the summer, take chocolate somewhere around 3.5-4 parts.

But for white cream it is worth taking 3 parts of a white chocolate bar and 1 part of cream, in the summer increase to 3.5-4 parts.

It should be noted that the white chocolate bar will be the softest, and therefore in the summer I would not recommend making ganache.

Many confectioners in the hot season refuse to work with this cream at all. It is better for beginners in cooking to work with milk or dark ganache.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chop up a chocolate bar with a sharp knife.
  2. I pour the cream into a bowl with a deep container and walls made of thick material. I keep it on medium heat until there are no bubbles in the mass. I take it off the fire.
  3. I cool, and add chocolate, tilting the pan in different directions. The cream should cover the chocolate bar, leaving the mass for a couple of minutes. It is important that the tiles melt.
  4. I mix the chocolate mass with the cream with a spatula. You can also do this with a whisk, but be sure to take it dry.
  5. I put the pan with the cream on a slow fire and stir so that the chocolate is completely melted. I pour it into a container, cover the food. film and leave for 1 night, so that the mass with the cream stabilizes. Before you start working with the cream, it is better to warm it up a little with a microwave.
  6. The glaze mixture should be left on the table in the kitchen for the night, it should not be put in the cold, and in the morning it is worth covering the cake.

My video recipe

By generally accepted standards, it is difficult to imagine any biscuit without its main ingredient - cream. After all, a properly and tasty product will highlight on the positive side the basis of each confectionery and all cupcakes, regardless of what they were made of dough.

Cream is a voluminous confectionery paste obtained by whipping necessary ingredients, which are very diverse. They are based on: sour cream, protein, sugar, chicken eggs and other components.

There are a number of basic types of pasta, such as: protein, sour cream, butter, custard and cottage cheese. And each of these is used to one degree or another as a cream for leveling the cake under the icing. But the main criterion for such a mass is the ability to keep its shape well, because it should hide all the flaws and irregularities of your creation.

For cooking we need

Stuffing for confectionery products often gives rise to an association with a greasy layer of buttercream. And each of us at least once heard a request to serve exactly the piece where there is the least cream. But in the confectionery business, it has long been decided which cream to level the cake in this case, and an alternative that does not contain oil has been invented - this is curd cream.

It holds its shape in the best way, is easy to apply on the cake and is perfect as a coating under the icing. Another undoubted advantage is the possibility of using a small amount of sugar, which is unacceptable in oil types this product.

To prepare a good cream for a cake under icing, you need:

  • curd cheese - 500-540 grams;
  • cream 33% - 120 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 70 grams.

Cooking procedure according to the confectionery recipe:

  1. Cream must be thoroughly cooled by putting in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Because chilled cream is best for whipping. Cream should be of good quality and their fat content should not be less than 33%. Otherwise, we will get too liquid mass;
  2. At the time of buying curd cheese it is necessary to pay attention to its composition, it should contain cottage cheese and sour cream. This is necessary so that you do not accidentally purchase processed cheese;
  3. Whip the cream for 6 - 10 minutes until it becomes thick and foamy, increasing in volume;
  4. Add cottage cheese to the resulting mass in parts, while continuing to mix until a homogeneous consistency;
  5. Powder, as well as cottage cheese, add in parts, without ceasing to beat. When tasting the product, control the sweetness of the product (if the biscuits are sweet, you should make the filling only slightly sweet);
  6. Place the resulting product in the refrigerator to acquire a stable and obedient form (for a couple of hours). This will help you later level the cake better.

To coat the cake, you need to constantly keep the coating layer cold. This ingredient is recommended to use to level the cake under the chocolate icing.

Video of making cream for leveling the cake

Cream for mastic

What kind of cream can be applied under the design. Experienced experts advise using an oil composition.

When choosing a layer for decoration and patterns, similarly with cream for icing, you need to follow some guidelines. The surface of the biscuit must be dry, otherwise the mastic will lose its original appearance and spread.

In order for the mastic to retain its originally set image and state, it is necessary that the covering layer turn out to be thick, and not allow it to harden too much. Such a mixture is able to cover the cake at the proper level and not drain on the sides.

As already mentioned in this article, when preparing an oil filling for biscuits for decoration, difficulties cannot arise, because the composition is based on only condensed milk and butter. To beat the mass until smooth, you need a mixer. You can apply the cream abundantly, hiding flaws and irregularities.

You can also make ganache with a little cream and chocolate.

As a result, it remains only to correctly align the sides and top with the resulting consistency. finished product in order to subsequently use the paste for decoration.

To prepare delicious and beautiful cake, you need very little. Layer the cakes with the main cream and cover with icing or mastic. But either the mastic will lie on the dessert more neatly and evenly if you lay another cream layer. Creams for leveling the cake for icing or mastic should have a dense consistency. It will not allow the sweet coating to deform and lie in folds.

Chocolate cream for leveling the cake

chocolate cream with soft curd cheese - the perfect solution for leveling the cake. The cream layer will be dense enough to withstand mastic, voluminous figurines or other large decorations.


  • 600 gr. curd cheese (cream);
  • 900 ml cream (33% fat);
  • 200 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 300 gr. chocolate tiles.

Cooking steps

  1. Break chocolate bars into small pieces in an enamel cup. Place in a water bath. Pour about half of the mass of cream into the crumbs. Heat to a boil. Remove from fire. Stir to make the mass soft and smooth. Cool slightly until room temperature.
  2. Beat the remaining cream with a mixer until thick. Start at mixer speed 1, then move to 2 and 3. The whole whipping will take about 7-8 minutes. Add sugar, while beating again at the first speed.
  3. In portions in several visits, add cream cheese into cream. Whisk to mix ingredients.
  4. Combine both parts of the blanks - chocolate and cream. Stir.
  5. Put the mass in the refrigerator for about 1-1.5 hours. And then use it as directed.

Chocolate cream can be made not from natural chocolate, but with cocoa powder. Then whip the cream with powdered sugar until thick. Stir in cheese and cocoa. This option is faster, but it should still be cooled before use.

Butter cream for mastic for cake

The easiest cake cream to make is buttercream. The whole recipe is a few steps of mixing a couple of ingredients. But the sweet mass can be made more diverse. On request in classic recipe you can add a little ground nuts in a small crumb, food coloring or vanilla.


  • 250 gr. sweet- butter(82% fat);
  • 250 gr. powdered sugar.

How to cook step by step:

  1. There are two secrets in this recipe. Oil for it must certainly be of high fat content and at room temperature. It is from such a product that you will get a high-quality cream for mastic cake. So put a piece of butter out of the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Lightly beat the soft butter with a mixer for fluffiness.
  3. Add powdered sugar. Whisk until blended. In just a minute you will get a tender mass without lumps. Place it in the refrigerator for an hour to harden.

Butter-custard cream with white chocolate under mastic

Butter-custard for mastic should be quite thick and dense. This consistency is easy to achieve by brewing butter with melted chocolate. In this case, white chocolate is used, but if desired, it is permissible to replace it with milk or dark.


  • 250 gr. sweet butter (fat content not less than 82%);
  • 80 gr. sweetened condensed milk;
  • 50-55 gr. white chocolate.

Cooking steps:

  1. Break white chocolate pieces into smaller pieces. Add a spoonful of condensed milk. Melt in a water bath. Stir. You should get a mixture of uniform consistency and color. Cool it down a bit.
  2. Separately, beat the condensed milk with soft butter until fluffy.
  3. Connect both parts of the workpiece into one. It turns out that you are brewing a condensed-oil mass. Whisk the mixture. Cool down.

With this cream, it is very easy to level the cake under the icing or mastic. It is recommended to use the blunt side of a long knife or a special pastry spatula for this.

Ganache with buttercream

Forms a thinner layer of coating, but the mastic fits well on it. Ganache is used not only in the preparation of cakes, but as a glaze for cakes, cupcakes, petit fours, muffins and muffins.


  • 180 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 75 ml heavy cream (33-36%);
  • 80 gr. sweet butter (82%).

How to cook step by step:

  1. Break dark chocolate into pieces. Mix with cream. Melt the mass in a water bath. Be sure to stir so that the mixture does not burn and is heated evenly. Then cool to room temperature.
  2. Beat soft butter separately. Add to stock. Mix everything or beat with a whisk. Now you can use the ganache for its intended purpose. It will freeze on the cake.

You can prepare such a ganache not only with dark chocolate, but also with milk or white. Then the proportions of the bookmarks of products change slightly. Ratio milk chocolate and cream - 2:1, and white chocolate and cream - 3:1 or even 4:1. These figures are made up of the fact that dark chocolate most cocoa butter. Therefore, dark chocolate is needed for the recipe less.

Cream for mastic with condensed milk

Another fast option recipe - cooking based on condensed milk with butter. It is important to use only quality products. So the ingredients are well whipped, and you can easily cook everything yourself. Creams for leveling cakes perfectly hide bumps biscuit cakes, make desserts even and neat.


  • 180 gr. unsalted butter;
  • 200 gr. sweetened condensed milk.

Cooking steps:

  1. To get the perfect mass for cakes, take both ingredients out of the refrigerator in advance. Butter and condensed milk should be about the same temperature - room temperature.
  2. Transfer the oil to a cup. Whisk a little.
  3. Drain the condensed milk. Beat at the first speed of a blender or mixer for a couple of minutes. The mass is ready. It remains only to cool it for a couple of hours before use.

Such a mass can be tinted with natural dyes. Cocoa powder for brown, cranberry juice for pink, or spinach juice for green.

So you can easily make a delicious and mouth-watering dessert for the whole family without any problems. Enjoy your meal!

Did you like the recipe?


Cream under mastic is one of the important conditions the success of your efforts to create a beautiful and delicious dessert. The cake should be covered with a cream that evens out the cakes and does not cause the mastic to flow.

Creams such as yogurt, sour cream, whipped cream are too light in texture and low in density and, as a rule, do not do their job well.

Therefore, you need to choose a cream that will not leak with 100% probability and will allow you to give the cake a finished, neat look. Butter creams and custards work best for this task.

Belkovo- oil cream under mastic - a classic recipe

This is the simplest and most popular leveling cream among those craftswomen who often bake cakes decorated with fondant.

For its manufacture you will need:
3 large eggs;
sugar - about 150 gr;
salt - to taste;
butter (fat content not lower than 80%) - 200 gr.

How to prepare a smoothing cream for mastic

To work, we only need egg whites- add all 3 to a metal container, add salt and sugar there and put in a water bath.

Do not forget to constantly stir the mass with a whisk. Proteins need to be heated until the sugar dissolves. Then remove the container from the water bath and set aside to cool.

During this time, we will work with the oil base of the cream. Note that the oil must be chosen as fresh as possible and must be allowed to melt before starting work. Therefore, it is better to put the oil in advance in a warm place - so that it becomes soft.

Beat soft butter with a mixer until a homogeneously fluffy mass, into which then gradually pour in the cooled proteins, continuing to beat.

Ready leveling cream for the cake - lush and airy, shiny and uniform.

How to level the cake with cream for mastic:

The task of our cream is to smooth out all the irregularities on the cakes and prepare the product for covering with mastic.

We all want the finished cake to look neat and for this we suggest you level the cakes with cream in three stages.

  1. We apply a thin layer of protein-oil cream on the cakes and send it to the refrigerator to harden. At this stage, crumbs and small irregularities in the cakes are usually smoothed out.
  2. We apply a new layer of cream on the cakes - thick and generous enough to even out bumps and other irregularities. We send the cake back to the refrigerator so that the cream can harden faster.
  3. The mastic cake now needs to be processed with a hot knife in order to smooth out all the bumps in the cream and bring the surface to a perfectly even state. And again we send the cake to the refrigerator.
  4. Now the cake is perfectly even, covered with a neat layer of delicious cream and ready to be covered with mastic.

How to make cream Charlotte for mastic

In addition to protein-oil, Charlotte cream can be used as a smoothing cream for mastic. This delicious cream has a thick and fluffy texture and doesn't run, making it the perfect choice for leveling a cake before frosting.

How to do it at home is shown in detail in this video tutorial:

Custard oil cream for mastic

Very tasty and well leveling the surface of the cake is custard for mastic with white chocolate and butter.

To prepare it, we need:

2 white chocolate bars without additives;
flour top grade- 2.5 tbsp. spoons with a slide;
low-fat milk, fresh - 250 ml;
fresh butter, not less than 80% fat - 200 gr;
vanilla sugar - a teaspoon with a slide.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the milk into a metal container and begin to beat with a whisk, gradually pouring flour and vanilla sugar into it. Try to stir the components very carefully, until smooth.
  2. We send the milk base of the cream under the mastic to a low fire and heat it, stirring constantly and not allowing the mass to stick to the walls. Cook until thickened.
  3. As soon as the cream thickens, remove it from the stove and pour the pre-broken chocolate into it. Stir the mixture until the chocolate is completely melted.
  4. Set aside the base for the cream - let it cool. During this time, you need to beat the soft butter in a blender until light and airy. Then, in parts, add the custard part of the cream to this mass, bring to uniformity. Everything - you can cover them with a cake under mastic!

Ganache mastic cream - how to cook at home

Another cream that is ideal for leveling cakes and preparing the cake for covering with mastic is Ganache. This creamy chocolate cream superbly levels the cakes, does not flow and has excellent taste.

How to cook homemade cream Ganache you can see in this video tutorial: