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How to cook black rice noodles. rice noodle recipes

Her appearance recalls classic spaghetti, But original taste and the speed of preparation makes the product very popular among professional chefs and those who like to dream up in the kitchen. The noodles are based on rice ground into flour, which is mixed with eggs and water, and then thinly rolled to translucency and cut into narrow long strips. It goes well with shrimp, fried carrots and onions, mushrooms, meat products, eggs, crab meat, cucumbers and sweet peppers.

Most often, rice noodles are found in recipes with these five products:

In the East, almost all dishes with this component are generously flavored with soy sauce and hot spices. Recipes for rice noodles are varied and interesting. These are Thai salads, soups, side dishes with vegetables and seafood. It has its own subtleties of heat treatment: the product is placed in a saucepan, poured with hot water, the temperature of which is not higher than 80 degrees, and left for 10 minutes under a closed lid. It is not recommended to boil the ingredient - the noodles will fall apart and look like porridge. From ready dough you can also make rice paper, which is useful for miniature rolls with different fillings.

A product of oriental cuisine, cooking methods. Chemical composition and calorie content of rice noodles, benefits for the body. What dishes can be cooked and how not to make a mistake when choosing?

rice noodles- this is one of the types of pasta in the form of long elongated strips, made from rice flour. It is considered a national product of Asian, in particular Japanese and Chinese, cuisine. Consumers are offered a product from 2 mm to 2 cm wide, 20 to 50 cm long. The color can be white or white-grayish, the texture is dense, elastic after cooking. Pronounced nutty or bean aftertaste, but the hint of rice is weak. Often confused with funchose, bean starch vermicelli, but this is a completely different product.

How are rice noodles made?

As a feedstock, polished groats of the highest or first grade are used. Grinding is carried out in special mills resembling large coffee grinders.

Industrial preparation of rice noodles is carried out in several ways:

  • fast. The flour is steamed, partially gelling the starch. The kneading is carried out with the help of boiling water, the hot dough is kneaded and layers are formed from it, feeding it to a special installation (the process is called extrusion). The layers are cut into strips of the desired shape, steamed and again placed in boiling water for short-term blanching. Before packaging, the product is dried to a moisture content of 15%.
  • From coarse flour. The feedstock is moistened by washing with water heated to 50-60°C, soaking for 30 seconds in the proportion: 1 part flour to 3 parts water. Dry to a moisture content of 20%, and then leave for 30 minutes until the flour particles swell. Gelatinization is carried out, pumpkin powder is added, and only then kneading is carried out. Next, rice noodles are prepared as already described: the dough is extruded, cut, blanched and the finished product is dried.
  • Analog homemade noodles . The groats are first soaked in running water, and then poured with cold water and allowed to swell for 4 hours. Then they are transferred to a sieve with small cells, the water is removed and placed in mills, where they do not get flour, but a homogeneous liquid mass, which is laid out on a heated cloth, where it is dried with steam. Steamed sheets are removed from the woven surface, cut into strips and packaged. Additional drying is not required.

The production process is not cheap, so the price of rice noodles is 2-3 times higher than wheat flour pasta. In China, an entire industry is working on how to make a popular product while lowering production costs.

How to cook rice noodles by yourself:

  1. Purchase polished round white rice with a high starch content. Rinse, let dry in the sun, spread out in one layer on a baking sheet or on a cutting board.
  2. Grind in a hand mill to get a fine grind, or in a coffee grinder.
  3. Knead the dough on chicken eggs - 1 pc. for 110 g of flour. If the batch does not work, add a small amount of boiling water. As you can see, it is impossible to cook rice noodles like in factories, there are no extrusion facilities, so you have to use eggs.
  4. The dough, steep and elastic, is rolled into thin layers. It is convenient if you have a pasta machine or attachment for a food processor for making vermicelli at home.
  5. Cut the layers with a knife into thin strips, lightly sprinkle with flour and mix.
  6. Lay out on a wooden surface and dry in the sun or in an oven with the door open at a temperature of 30-50°C.

finished product Can be used immediately or spread over glass jars and close tightly.

Homemade rice noodles taste different from store-bought ones, but you can cook anything with them National dishes. Oriental chefs know how to make pasta without eggs; various additives are introduced to strengthen the dough, the secret of which is passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the taste of dishes made in different families is different.

Composition and calorie content of rice noodles

Data are given for products made in a pasta factory. Since eggs are added when kneading at home, the nutritional value higher.

Calorie content of rice noodles - 364 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.44 g;
  • Fats - 0.56 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 81.64 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.6 g;
  • Water - 11.91 g;
  • Ash - 0.85 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.031 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.017 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.051 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.016 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folates - 3 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.221 mg.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium, K - 30 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 18 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 12 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 182 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 153 mg;

Trace elements per 100 g:

  • Iron, Fe - 0.7 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.5 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 78 mcg;
  • Selenium, Se - 15.1 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.74 mg.

Also in rice noodles:

  • Essential amino acids, 10 items, most of all arginine;
  • Non-essential amino acids, 8 kinds, glutamic acid predominates;
  • Fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6;
  • Saturated fatty acid- palmitic and stearic;
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids - omega-9;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic.

If the goal of the transition to oriental cuisine is health improvement, then preference should be given to noodles, which require additional heat treatment. In products fast food preservatives and flavor enhancers are introduced to keep the shape already finished product from which the water has been evaporated. The characteristic taste is preserved, but you should not count on the complex of useful substances in the composition.

Useful properties of rice noodles

The product does not have a direct therapeutic effect, but it is worth paying attention that, on average, the Japanese and Chinese get sick less than Europeans, and live longer. Scientists attribute this to an increased number of dishes with rice in the diet. As part of this pasta, made according to classical technology only flour and water.

Benefits of rice noodles:

  1. Can be introduced into the diet of people with a history of gluten intolerance.
  2. Prevents the formation of edema due to the low sodium content.
  3. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  4. It allows you to replenish energy reserves and replenish the body's reserve with vitamins and minerals necessary for normal life.
  5. Easily digestible, does not cause stagnation.
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  7. Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  8. It has an antioxidant effect, reduces the likelihood of bowel or bladder cancer.
  9. Prevents the development of thrombosis, does not allow the formation of cholesterol plaques in the lumen of blood vessels.

There are no age restrictions for eating rice noodles. It can be introduced as complementary foods (previously crushed) to infants, to give to old people with an unstable working digestive system or sick during treatment or rehabilitation.

Contraindications and harm of rice noodles

There is only one restriction to the introduction of this product into the diet - intolerance to rice. There are no other contraindications for use.

Instant rice noodles can harm the body, but even then - only because of the high content of flavorings, concentrates or flavor enhancers. But on real product such a product is similar only to taste.

rice noodle recipes

The product can be introduced into hot dishes - first and second courses, added to salads. If you use sugar in the manufacture, you get a sweet dish that children eat with pleasure. Before you cook this or that dish, you need to know how to cook rice noodles so that they retain their beneficial qualities.

If you plan to cook a salad, then pasta laid out in containers with a wide bottom in one layer, pour salted boiling water and leave for 5-6 minutes to swell. Then recline in a colander, washed with running cold water.

The secret of rice noodle soup is that vermicelli is poured into the soup, and all the products necessary for cooking the dish are added to it. That is, the pasta is steamed, allowed to swell, washed with cold water, carefully drained, and then cooking begins. It must be borne in mind that all products are obtained "al dente", that is, harsh. Plus this cooking- all saved useful material and original taste.

If you plan to stew a side dish with meat or vegetables, then the vermicelli, previously steamed for 3 minutes, is thrown into a colander without rinsing, and only then they are laid out in a pan.

The steaming time is adjusted depending on the length and thickness of the product, as well as on the recipe of the dish that is being prepared.

Recipes with rice noodles:

  • fried ice cream. A pack of white ice cream (200 g) is slightly heated, identical balls are formed, which are frozen to the state of ice. Proteins (2 pcs.) Whip into foam without salting. Pour sweet coconut flakes into one bowl, and into another - potato starch. Roll each ball of ice cream in starch, dip first in proteins, and then in a saucer with coconut flakes. Pour refined sunflower oil into a deep frying pan or stewpan, bring to a boil. While it is warming up, steam out, as for a salad, homemade rice noodles, in the manufacture of which powdered sugar was used. Deep-fried noodles are dipped directly on the slotted spoon, then spread on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Beautifully laid out on a dish, sprinkled powdered sugar, around the edges decorate with any frozen berries. Ice cream is deep-fried for 3-5 seconds and, quickly blotted with a paper towel, is placed on a pillow of noodles. The dish looks very impressive, but the taste is specific. To fully appreciate it, a little melted ice cream and a few noodles are put into the mouth at the same time.
  • Rice noodles with chicken. Preparing the dish is quite simple. 200-250 g chicken fillet cut into portions and fry in a frying pan, slightly greased with refined sunflower oil, until golden brown. 150 g of rice noodles are steamed separately. In turn, over high heat, roast carrots, chopped on a coarse grater, bell pepper, chopped into strips (preferably red or orange), a small fresh cucumber - thin strips. Combine all vegetables with chicken and noodles, pour in 5-7 tbsp. l. soy sauce, pepper, salt, if necessary, fry over low heat, stirring constantly, for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.
  • Rice noodles with vegetables. All vegetables - zucchini, carrots, leek - cut into thin slices. In a pan with a little water and sunflower oil stew the leek stalks first - 3 minutes, then spread the rest of the vegetables, bring to readiness. Grind with a blender, pouring 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, mixing in 3 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 tsp. salt and the same cornstarch. Separately, 100 g of rice noodles are steamed - not thin, without washing with cold water, sent to vegetables. Warm up, stirring, for 5 minutes over low heat. Lay out on plates and sprinkle each serving with chopped herbs and pour soy sauce.
  • . Shrimps, 300 g, shelled and esophagus removed. Pour 400 g of rice noodles, wide, with boiling water for 10 minutes, and at this time they are engaged in shrimp. Roasted on butter so that you get a crispy crust. This takes 8-9 minutes. The noodles are thrown into a colander, and then laid out on plates, along with shrimp. Mix the sauce: 2 tbsp. l. water, 2 tsp. sugar and lemon juice, 1 tsp fresh grated ginger root and 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Water the shrimp or serve it separately.
  • Rice noodles with seafood. Noodles, 250 g, are boiled for 3 minutes, mussels, 850 g, for 5 minutes, and small octopuses, 2-3 pieces, for 7 minutes. To make arthropods tasty and tender, they are first dipped in boiling water three times and only then cooked until tender. 3 garlic cloves are crushed, fried in butter or ghee, spread 60 g of curry in the form of a paste, and after another 40 seconds - 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. orange juice And fish sauce pour 2 glasses coconut milk and a glass, 110 ml, of white wine. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and immediately remove the container from the heat. Beautifully laid out on plates of octopuses, cut into 2-3 parts, boiled pasta, and open mussels on top. Drizzle with sauce.
  • Salad with rice noodles. Chili pepper is rubbed, after removing the seeds, 1 clove of garlic is crushed in the same way, mixed with 1 tsp. grated ginger root. Everything is mixed and seasoned with the juice of half a lime. Fresh vegetables, carrots and cucumbers, cut into strips. Prepare the marinade by combining half a tablespoon of cane sugar with 150 ml of cool boiled water, add 1.5 tbsp. l. rice vinegar. Marinate the carrots for about 40 minutes. Rice noodles, 50 g, are pre-prepared, as already described, put in a salad bowl, draining the water, onto iceberg sheets. Pour carrots and mix with cucumber, pour dressing, sprinkle with chopped green onions. If the taste is not enough, add 2 tbsp. l. fish or soy sauce, more familiar to a European.

When preparing dishes from thin rice noodles, Europeans distribute the “knot” into 2, and sometimes even 3 servings. But the Japanese or Chinese, packing the product in this way, count exactly on a serving. Usually the weight of such a product is 50-75 g.

In Japan, the production of the product was mastered already in the 17th century. Each samurai carried with him not only vermicelli, but also a set for food - a cup for brewing and special sticks.

The longest rice noodles were made by chefs in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou at a pasta factory. In a 100 g knot there were 113 thin noodles, each of which was more than 42 m long. But the record was a sample made in the same place, 420 m long. Of course, this is a prototype.

There are several types of rice vermicelli:

  1. Minxian - the thinnest, made from salted rice dough;
  2. Gotiao - made according to classic recipe, strips up to 3 mm;
  3. Shahefen - tastes like gotiao, but the stripes are wide;
  4. Laifen - thick translucent noodles made with the addition of starch, round in shape.

The European consumer is offered the usual vermicelli.

How to cook rice noodles - look at the video:

When buying rice noodles, you need to pay attention to the texture. A high-quality product is matte or translucent, like marble, uniform in color, the threads are easily separated from each other. In supermarkets on the counter you can often find the brands "Vifon" and "BinBong". These instant products have nothing to do with real rice noodles. If you want to enjoy the real taste, get "SenSoy" or "Rollton". Shelf life - up to 2 years.

Having a mill at home, it is difficult not to try to make flour from everything that strong stone millstones are able to grind. Fortunately, there are always various cereals and grains at hand, and how much can be made from such a variety homemade flour! This time I decided to experiment with polished round rice. Firstly, it does not contain gluten, and secondly, I did not deal with rice flour at all. In addition, from the very beginning, I hoped that my experience would be successful and would benefit not only me, satisfying my curiosity, but also seem interesting to those who, for one reason or another, do not consume products containing gluten. My first pancake turned out to be not a lump or even a pancake, but noodles, because I made real rice noodles without using wheat flour at all!

For the first experiment, I chose ordinary average polished round rice, white, rich in starch and therefore sticky. I didn’t prepare or wash it in any way, I just took the rice from the pack I bought the day before and ground it. I poured 400 gr. into the mill. rice, the lever that regulates the grinding, turned to the maximum, so that the finest grinding was obtained, and turned on.

The mill hummed and snow-white flour instantly fell from it. It was very unusual for me to see this, as if a “tower” was pouring out of the mill, which I rarely use lately, and it’s generally unrealistic to get it at home. Flour poured continuously, completely dry, crumbly and light, no lumps, as was the case with rye. I measured the temperature of freshly ground flour - 33.5 Celsius. Rye and wheat flour, for example, were twice as hot immediately after grinding.

It felt a little warm to the touch and crunched like snow in the cold, or, more accurately, like starch.

And this, of course, is not surprising, because round rice is rich in starch. In addition, rice has a lot of minerals (selenium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium), B vitamins and complex carbohydrates, but at the same time there is little fiber, especially polished rice. To be precise, polished rice has the most carbohydrates - about 77%, almost 6% of proteins, and the least fat - 1.4%. It is known that steamed rice is much more useful, which is also peeled, like polished, but is previously exposed to steam, due to which all useful and nutritious substances from the bran go directly into the grain, and at the same time it becomes transparent, amber hue.

But, nevertheless, rice flour is usually made just from polished rice with a lot of starch. For example, the Japanese use a special starchy rice variety called glutinous rice to make flour.

Rice is first crushed into grains, and then ground into flour. Rice flour, due to its high starch content, absorbs a lot of moisture, and products made from it are highly dry. Since this flour does not contain gluten, it is advised to knead the dough from it with the addition of eggs to increase its sticky, bonding properties. The Japanese, by the way, have learned to do without eggs, they pour rice flour with very hot water at a temperature of about 90 degrees, thereby practically brewing it. Starch at this temperature gelatinizes, becomes viscous and sticky, like glue, and in itself can act as a thickener or a fastening element in the dough. In general, rice flour is often used to thicken soups and sauces on par with wheat flour or pure starch. It is also used in the preparation of custard and sweet puddings.
And it is also used in cosmetology, as a basis for powder or powder. I was both surprised and very interested: rice flour powder is considered hypoallergenic and even good for the skin and is valued on a par with minerals in cosmetics (I’m already silent about what magic rice bran oil is).

In addition to absorbing excess skin secretion, rice powder moisturizes and soothes irritated skin, fixes makeup and brightens the eyelids so that the eyes do not look tired. Rice powder gives a glow and a natural healthy glow to the skin, while cosmetologists advise using a smaller brush rather than a standard large brush to apply it to the skin.

In general, rice flour surprised me very much, really stunned me with its properties and a wide range of applications, just for all occasions! I will definitely try it as a powder, I am very interested! AND custard I want it with rice flour! And even lokum)

But back to the noodles. My 400 grams of rice was ground in just a minute and a half. For clarity and comparison, I’ll show you: this is how much snow-white crumbly flour is obtained from a cup of round rice.

Frankly, I decided to first make rice dough on eggs, I did not immediately guess to try to brew flour with hot water. At 330 gr. homemade rice flour (I left the rest to dust and just in case), I took 3 medium-sized chicken eggs and a pinch of salt, poured all the ingredients into the bowl of the processor and scrolled at low speed. Rice dough does not need a long kneading, so literally 30-40 seconds was enough for the dough to turn into a small, fragile and evenly moistened crumb.

At first glance, nothing can be molded from such a crumb, but if you start to crush it, the crumb will stick together and quickly turn into a strong lump of thick dough.

At this stage, it is important to feel if there is enough liquid, because too dry dough will crumble during rolling, and even more so, it will not be possible to pass it through a pasta machine to roll out and cut into noodles. It should feel soft and elastic, but not sticky. If the dough is dry, crumble the dough, add just a little water (or a little egg) and knead again.

Next, I simply cut off a piece of dough, put it on a table sprinkled with rice flour, pressed with my palm to get a cake, and once again lightly sprinkled this cake with flour so that the rolling pin would not stick to it. Rolled out without fanaticism. It is best to work with this dough with a scraper - pry it from below to disconnect it from the table, because when pressed with a rolling pin, it still sticks to the table and then, if you pull it with your hands, it breaks.

The rolled out layer of dough, before being passed through the rollers of the pasta machine, must be trimmed with a scraper into a neat rectangle. This is important because non-elastic rice dough with cracks around the edges will crumble and tear even during the rolling stage.

Despite the fact that this particular dough, in general, is simple, it is capricious. It will not work to roll it out to paper thickness and transparency - it will tear

But up to the average thickness, which the machine gives out at division 5-6, it’s quite. First you need to roll out the dough thicker on the pasta machine, and then pass it through the rollers again to get a thinner dough.

Now the rolled dough needs to lie down a little and dry a little, just a couple of minutes.
And pass through the rollers that cut directly into the noodles. In fairness, I note that the dough of such a degree of rolling out still turns out to be quite thin and even shines through the strips on the towel.

These rice noodles can be boiled immediately, or dried and stored in a jar. I cooked and dried. By the way, it is cooked longer than ordinary store-bought rice noodles, 4-5 minutes. And it dries just on a towel - overnight.

First of all, I made noodles with ginger, mussels and nori. Well, nothing like that, it was delicious, worthy of repetition.

Itadakimas! ( Bon appetit in Japanese)))

Japanese rice noodles can give vitality and prolong youth - so say the samurai. In our latitudes, funchose is considered an exotic product, which is increasingly found in the arsenals of housewives. Rice vermicelli perfectly absorbs odors, tastes and colors, so it can be a great addition to any dish. Some prefer to eat cold noodles, others like to cook exotic dishes.

About rice noodles

A product made from rice flour came to us from the east, where it is especially popular. rice pasta do not have a pronounced taste, but perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, saturate the body. Long noodles (about 50 cm) in the process of boiling becomes a faded white color. There is an opinion that this type of flour product becomes transparent when cooked, but, in fact, this happens with bean vermicelli.

The dish has a high calorie content - 365 kcal per 100 g of product. Noodles are an energetically valuable product because a large proportion is allocated to carbohydrates, and there are very few fats and proteins in it. Vermicelli is 75% starch.


Rice noodles contain many useful minerals. It contains vitamins of group B, which stabilize the work of the nervous system and are involved in metabolic processes. Vitamin E strengthens blood vessels, nourishes tissue cells, cleanses the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. The composition of a lot of complex carbohydrates, this allows you to reduce the amount of fat and sugar in the diet. The gluten-free product is rich in amino acids, therefore it promotes the formation of new cells.


Rice noodles are suitable for diet food, but only on condition that it is prepared independently. IN restaurant dishes quite fatty sauces are often found, which at times increase the calorie content. Moreover, oriental recipes include quite spicy seasonings. They can whet your appetite so that you can overeat.

Remember that the rice product affects the work gastrointestinal tract, so you should not eat it for chronic or occasional constipation.

General principles of preparation

The neutral taste, richness and density make rice noodles so popular. Choose the right time to eat flour products. Noodles will benefit the body and will not harm the figure if you eat it in the morning or at lunchtime. getting ready rice vermicelli in the following way.

  1. Take a large saucepan. This volume will help to avoid sticking of vermicelli together.
  2. Wait for the water to boil, put the noodles in. brew flour products no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the hot water and rinse the product with cool water. This will help keep the noodles from swelling.

When buying noodles in the store, you can find instructions on the package. It may differ from the above due to differences in the recipe for the preparation of the product itself. Often such a product does not require welding. It is enough to put it in boiling water, cover with a lid and wait 10 minutes. Boiled noodles can be used as independent dish or a component of delicious recipes.

simple soup

You can prepare a wonderful traditional Asian lunch. This soup is very popular among the Chinese. It is so easy to prepare that almost everyone will want to take note of the recipe. Ingredients:

  • rice noodles - 600 g;
  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • leek - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • grated ginger root - 30 g;
  • soy sauce, coconut flakes - to taste.

The soup is prepared quite quickly, the main thing is to cook the broth. The amount of ginger and chili can be reduced if desired.

  1. Cook chicken bouillon with ginger.
  2. Remove chicken from liquid and cut into small pieces.
  3. Cook rice noodles separately.
  4. Cut vegetables into thin slices.
  5. Place the noodles and vegetables in the broth, cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Fry the coconut flakes in a frying pan. Pour the soup into bowls and sprinkle over the top.

Pho soup

This lunch dish is a little more complicated than the previous one. The recipe contains a lot of seafood, so it has a special benefit. Ingredients:

  • Chinese rice noodles - 100 g;
  • octopus - 50 g;
  • mussels - 50 g;
  • shrimp - 150 g;
  • ginger - 7 g;
  • chili pepper - 0.25 pcs.;
  • green onion - to taste;
  • cilantro - 0.5 bunch;

  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

It takes less than 1 hour to prepare the dish. Use cilantro, onion, and lemon for garnish. The manufacturing method is shown below.

  1. Rinse and peel ginger, carrots and onions. Fry in hot oil.
  2. Transfer the ingredients to a saucepan and boil for 20 minutes, strain.
  3. Boil the broth with seafood and spices.
  4. Boil the rice noodles separately and rinse with cool water.
  5. Warm up the plates, put the noodles there and pour the broth. Decorate and serve.

Noodles with tiger prawns

The dish is able to bring an oriental atmosphere. Noodles with a special marinade and shrimp will be an excellent decoration for a festive or home dinner.Ingredients:

  • Chinese black noodles - 150 g;
  • tiger prawns - 8 pcs.;
  • onions - 40 g;
  • carrots - 40 g;
  • Bell pepper different colors - 60 g;
  • small champignons - 8 pcs.;
  • oyster sauce - 60 g;
  • galangal - 2 cm;
  • cilantro - for decoration.

If you want to surprise your relatives, cook this dish. Can't overestimate it beneficial features, each component has a beneficial effect on the body. The manufacturing method is as follows.

  1. Cut the vegetables into thin slices, mushrooms into two parts, chop the galangal with a knife.
  2. Heat up the pan with vegetable oil and fry the onions and carrots over high heat.
  3. Add the shrimp to the same bowl and fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Boil rice noodles separately and add to other ingredients.
  5. Drizzle the dish with oyster sauce and garnish with cilantro.

With sweet and sour sauce

A special sauce makes it possible to open rice noodles from a new side. The dish is quite unusual, has a bewitching aroma and unique taste. Components:

  • Chinese rice noodles - 300 g;
  • sweet and sour sauce - 10-12 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • green onion- 4 things.

It takes only 15 minutes to prepare a fragrant breakfast with rice noodles. Proceed as follows.

  1. Boil the vermicelli in salted water according to package instructions.
  2. Heat in wok olive oil. Add noodles and sauce. Simmer for 3 minutes.
  3. Use green onion pods to decorate the dish.

Noodles with lamb

To prepare this recipe, you will need a mixture of "Five spices". It can be purchased at the store or in the Asian market. The dish is best served for dinner, it is very satisfying. Components:

  • lamb meat from the shoulder blade - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Chinese noodles - 800 g;
  • chicken broth - 1 l;
  • canned bamboo shoots - 200 g;
  • fresh ginger - 6 cm;
  • oyster or soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • rice wine - 80 g;
  • a mixture of five spices - 10 g;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • unrefined peanut butter - 35 g;
  • salt - to taste.

This dish will be a great decoration. holiday table. Guests will not only feel the special atmosphere of the event, but also enjoy the unique taste of lamb noodles.

The preparation method is shown below.

  • Rinse the lamb, dry it and cut into small pieces with parameters of about 3-4 cm.
  • Grind the garlic in any way. Chop the ginger. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  • In a separate container, combine the garlic, 1 tsp each. ginger root and salt, spices, wine, sugar. Add the meat pieces to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

  • Heat the oil in a wok. Saute the onion and remaining ginger for 2 minutes.
  • Roast lamb over high heat in small portions. Spend about 3 minutes on each part. Put all the pieces of fried lamb back into the pan and fry for a couple more minutes.
  • Add the sauce and broth to the container with all the ingredients, wait until it boils and reduce the heat. Cover the wok with a lid and wait 1.5 hours.
  • Add bamboo to the dish and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  • Boil the noodles according to package instructions. Cut into 3 cm pieces.
  • Add vermicelli to the rest of the ingredients, stir, cook for another 3 minutes.

Everyone will find a recipe to their liking, because this product truly reveals itself in each of them.

More more recipes with rice noodles you will learn from the following video.

Rice noodles are already becoming a familiar guest on the tables of citizens of our country. And this is not surprising, because people always want to try something new, hitherto unknown. Today you will learn how to cook it properly so that it remains whole, does not stick together and, at the same time, remains very tasty.

For salad: boil water in a kettle, put the noodles in a large container, pour boiling water over it, mix lightly so as not to stick together, leave for five minutes. Then drain the water, put the product in a colander and rinse with cold water, then gently mix it with other ingredients.

For soup: salted hot water cook the rice noodles, 4 minutes is enough, then put them on a sieve and rinse under cold water. Please note that unlike our cuisine, where vermicelli is sent to the broth, in Asian soups the broth is added to the noodles.

For a side dish: you can cook it with fried vegetables. To do this, pour boiling water over the noodles and steam it for five minutes. Then put it on a sieve or colander, combine with vegetables and simmer for another 2 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew.

Many culinary specialists are also interested in how to cook rice noodles correctly so that they do not stick together? There are recommendations for this as well. First of all, boil water, salt. Place the noodles in a saucepan, cover with boiling water, be sure to stir so that it does not stick together, leave for five minutes. As soon as it swells, drain all the water, put it in a sieve or colander and rinse well with cold water.

And now we present to your attention some recipes for dishes with boiled rice noodles. Try them out, you'll see, you'll love it!

Recipe for rice noodles with hot and sweet pepper

To make it perfect, it is better to cook the dish in a wok pan.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Cook the noodles in boiling and slightly salted water. The cooking time is indicated on the packaging, follow these recommendations.

Step 2 Put the finished product in a colander and rinse with cool water. To dry the noodles a little, leave them in a colander for a while.

Step 3 Peel the onion, chop along with thin feathers, salt a little.

Step 4 Cut the chili pepper into two halves. Attention, if you like spicy food, then leave the seeds with partitions by removing the stalk. If you don't like it, remove everything. Cut the pulp of the pepper into strips.

Step 5 Cut the sweet peppers in half, remove the seeds and membranes. Chop the pulp into thin strips.

Step 6 Combine chili, onion and bell pepper. Pour boiling water over corn. If you have a whole cob, dry it and cut off the kernels with a sharp knife.

Step 7 In a regular frying pan or wok, heat the oil, add all the vegetables and cook over high heat, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes. Add paprika and corn kernels with water, mix well. After boiling, send the noodles to the vegetables. Stirring all the time, heat the ingredients and serve immediately.

Salad with vegetables

Noodles in a salad are organically combined with many ingredients, and mushrooms are no exception.

Quantity necessary products per serving:

  • 60 g of tomatoes;
  • only fresh cucumbers- 2 pcs;
  • tree mushrooms - 1 pc;
  • rice noodles - 40 g;
  • 10 g fresh cilantro;
  • 5 g fresh garlic;
  • oil (sesame) - 10 ml;
  • sauce (soy) - 15 ml;
  • a pinch of sugar.

The salad is prepared in 10 minutes, its calorie content is 355 kcal per 100 g.

Step by step cooking method:

  1. Put the noodles in a container of cold water, as soon as it swells, add a little boiling water and drain the water;
  2. Add chopped cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes, leafy greens to the chilled product;
  3. Dress the salad with soy sauce, oil, sugar, Chinese vinegar and ajinomoto seasoning.

Noodles with beef

This dish will help to restore strength after a working day. It contains beef, vegetables, ginger, hot peppers, garlic and soy sauce. If you like a spicier taste, put a whole chili pepper instead of half.

Amount of products for 4 servings:

  • 200 g noodles;
  • 200 g beef tenderloin;
  • peeled carrots;
  • a pod of bell pepper;
  • 2 leaves of Beijing lettuce;
  • half a chili pod;
  • egg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • a small slice of ginger;
  • 30 ml soy sauce.

A dish with beef can be cooked in 25 minutes. There are 370 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking method:

Step 1. Pour hot water over rice noodles, leave for 7 minutes.

Step 2 At this time, clean the vegetables and chop them into thin strips. Cut the tenderloin into strips.

Step 3 Fry the beef in a wok pan until cooked, put on a plate.

Step 4 In the same pan, fry the chopped ginger, garlic, add the raw egg, then the mixture of vegetables, fry for one minute.

Step 5 Put the meat and noodles in the WOK, pour over the soy sauce, stirring constantly, fry all the ingredients together for 1 minute.

How to make onion soup

Soy sauce and rice noodles add Asian flavor to this soup. Please note that unlike our national cuisine where the fried vegetables are put into the broth, in this recipe the broth is added to the vegetables.

For the soup you need:

  • peeled head of garlic - 3 cloves;
  • 10 g of potato starch;
  • bulb;
  • 30 ml soy sauce;
  • green onion feather;
  • 1.5 liters of chicken broth;
  • 45 g of peasant butter;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • 150 g noodles.

Soup can be prepared in 40 minutes, calories per 100 g ready meal will be 359 kcal.

Cooking method:

Step 1. Boil the noodles in salted hot water, after 3 minutes put them on a sieve and rinse with water.

Step 2 Chop the onion, pepper in half rings, chop the garlic and green onion feathers. Heat the peasant oil in a frying pan and lightly brown the onion, then put the garlic and green onions, mix well, fry until caramelized, add the sweet pepper, fry all the vegetables together for 3 minutes.

Step 3 Pour the chicken broth into the fried vegetables. Dilute starch in soy sauce, pour it into the soup, put the finished rice noodles. Bring the soup to a boil.

Step 4 Put the soup on the table, garnished with chopped green onions.

Bon appetit!