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How to thicken jam with gelatin. Making jam thicker - nuances, simple ways

The long-awaited berry season has arrived. Everyone is trying to introduce as many useful "summer" vitamins into their diet as possible, which strengthen the immune system, tone up and rejuvenate. However, the human body does not know how to "preserve" vitamins for a long time, so it is worth preparing them in reserve. Most The best way- freezing. Not every housewife has a large freezer, which is why she uses the ancient old-fashioned way - making jam and preserves.
Recently, old recipes for canning berries have been updated with modern achievements. Food Industry- thickeners that go under the notorious code "E" are available for free sale. However, before buying such supplements, it is worth knowing how they affect homemade and our body as a whole.
The so-called jam thickeners can be purchased at any supermarket or store, even at the bazaar. However, it is better to buy a “confiture” (as this additive is popularly called) on the eve of the conservation season, because in its midst it will be problematic - this additive has become so popular. With its help, housewives can save on the main preservative for jam - sugar, which is now expensive. When adding a thickener, you do not need to cook the workpiece for hours to achieve density. 10 minutes of boiling is enough - and the berry is whole, and the vitamins are preserved, and the jam is thick and beautiful. The composition of the "confiture" includes several components: the jelly-forming substance pectin or agar-agar and citric acid. All these substances in the food industry go under the notorious code "E". However, few people know what these additives are made of.

Pectin (E440)
It is present in every fruit. And the greater the natural content of pectin, the longer the fruits can be stored. Therefore, apples and oranges live longer precisely due to the presence of this substance in them. Berries contain pectin an order of magnitude less. The main industrial sources of pectin are apple pomace (30%) and citrus peel (70%). Pectin is also obtained from sugar beet pulp and sunflower baskets. In the food industry, it is indicated by the code E440 and is used as a thickener, stabilizer and gelling agent. Pectin is also widely used in dietary supplements. It consists of dietary fiber that is not digested or absorbed by the body. At the same time, pectin in the small intestine absorbs bile acids and fats, thereby lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. It also prevents the absorption of certain toxic substances, normalizes stool, creates optimal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria beneficial to the body. Pectin slows down the digestion of food in the colon, as it increases its viscosity. So, the assimilation of useful trace elements from certain products will be more complete. The astringent and enveloping properties of the additive protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and have a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in peptic ulcers. Pectins bind and remove radioactive substances and heavy metals. However, excessive consumption of the substance has negative consequences: the absorption of valuable minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc) decreases, fermentation begins in the large intestine, which leads to flatulence and poor absorption of proteins and fats. Experts note that an overdose occurs, as a rule, only with excessive consumption of biologically active additives with a high content of this substance or pure pectin.

Agar-agar (E406)
Agar-agar is produced in the form of plates or powder of white-yellow color. When interacting with hot water the additive forms a thick jelly-like jelly. receive this product from the extract of red and brown algae living in the White Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Agar-agar contains about 20% water and about 4% mineral salts, and the rest is polysaccharides. Many vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as some other substances that are beneficial to health. The only disadvantage of agar-agar is that it is very poorly absorbed in gastrointestinal tract. Due to the presence of coarse fiber in its composition, agar-agar swells, and then, without decomposing, passes very quickly through the intestines, thereby stimulating its motility. Due to these qualities, it is often recommended to be used as a laxative. However, for this purpose, agar-agar should be consumed much more than in cooking. In addition, it contributes to the effective excretion of various toxic substances and waste products of the intestinal microflora from the body. This supplement helps cleanse the liver of excess bile and all sorts of harmful compounds. It contains a lot of iodine, therefore, due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland, the powder is added to salads and other dishes. However, you should not be zealous, because in case of abuse, you can earn prolonged diarrhea, as well as the risk of disturbing the bacterial microflora in the intestines. To prevent this from happening, agar-agar should be consumed no more than 4 g per day.

Citric acid (E330)
If you naively believe that citric acid is produced from lemons and other citrus fruits, then you are deeply mistaken. The "magic" transformation of sugar (more precisely, molasses - a by-product of sugar beet production) into acid occurs with the help of black molds that are found in the bathroom. In fact, molasses is fermented under the influence of fungi. Let's talk about the pros first. E330 is involved in almost all metabolic reactions of the body, playing the role of "first violin". Citric acid is an essential link in the process of cellular respiration, as it has antioxidant and bactericidal properties. It stimulates cell renewal, reducing wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. However, there is also a reverse side of the coin. Like any other substance, citric acid should be consumed in moderation because it can interfere with the absorption of trace elements and has a toxic effect on the body. Also, experts say that E330 negatively affects the condition of the teeth and can provoke the occurrence of caries. In addition, exceeding the daily dose (66-120 mg per 1 kg of body weight) can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa, which is accompanied by severe pain.

Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko: "Vitamins survive!"
Most of the fruits and berries from which jam is made contain a lot of beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins B1, B2, E and PP. But beta-carotene and ascorbic acid are partially destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, in jams that are boiled several times, these vitamins are really few. But vitamins B1, B2, PP and E are quite thermostable. And although a small part of them also decompose during heat treatment, the main amount is preserved, so the jam is still useful and can be considered really medicine. Fruits and berries can significantly speed up the treatment of many diseases. This product is best for treating colds, coughs, high fever.
In this case ethnoscience recommends drinking herbal tea with strawberry, sea buckthorn, cherry, currant, mountain ash and raspberry jam, which are rich in vitamin C, which affects the increase in immunity. And here pear jam used as a prophylactic for various kidney diseases. It is advised to use it to improve blood composition and prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis. In the presence of anemia, apricot jam helps well. Substances that are in these fruits increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, improve heart function and the digestive process. When preparing jam, fiber, which is rich in berries and fruits, almost does not change. And therefore, getting into the intestines, it stimulates its work, absorbs all kinds of harmful substances and slows down the absorption of cholesterol.

In some families, preservation recipes are passed down from generation to generation. Surely everyone has Nice memories from childhood, associated with fragrant grandmother's jam or marmalade, thick and viscous, sparkling like a gem. But many housewives complain that they cannot reproduce such a delicacy with their own hands - the density is not the same.

Our article will tell you what to do if the jam turned out to be liquid, and what measures should be taken during cooking to avoid such a situation.

old recipes

The name "jam" alludes to the long process of boiling. It used to be customary to cook it for a long time, warming up a container with sugar-filled berries or fruits until boiling several times. The jam was allowed to cool completely and then heated again and allowed to boil.

Some housewives boiled a container of brew for a long time over low heat. This method has its advantages: the jam is thick and well stored, because with prolonged exposure to high temperatures, all bacteria that can cause the fermentation process die. However, with this method, the beneficial substances contained in berries and fruits also suffered. In addition, the structure collapsed.

What did they do if the jam turned out to be liquid, in the old days? There were several ways. It was possible to drain the excess syrup, boil the brew longer, or simply add sugar. We can use all these recommendations today.

extra syrup

Draining the fruit juice mixed with sugar is easy. But this method is not suitable for all types of jam. Let's look at an example.

Blackcurrants, strawberries, cherries, and fruits such as plums, pears, and apples release copious amounts of juice when they react with sugar and are heated. In this case, the structure of the fetus itself is not destroyed. The syrup is homogeneous. Therefore, from the jam from the listed ingredients, you can simply drain it through a colander or scoop out the right amount with a ladle into a separate container.

This method can be recalled, for example, when plum jam turned out to be liquid. What to do in this case, you already know - just drain the syrup.

But for quickly collapsing fruits, it is not suitable. For example, it will not be possible to save in this way. Yes, and some varieties of cherry plum strive to fall apart into pieces at the first heating, turning the mass into a kind of jam.

By the way, the syrup collected from the jam can also be boiled and rolled into jars. In winter, it is useful for impregnation biscuit cakes, cooking kissels and compotes. You can submit it to lazy dumplings or cottage cheese, casseroles and puddings, or just add a little to tea.

We save liquid jam with the help of boiling

This method is not recommended for raspberries, because the longer the jam is cooked, the more vitamins it loses. And this berry is very rich in them, thanks to which preparations from it are considered not just a winter delicacy reminiscent of summer, but also an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic remedy. In addition, raspberries contain a huge amount of organic acids, which perfectly cope with the role of preservatives.

Do not boil for a long time and strawberries. The berries fall apart, acquire an unaesthetic brown tint, and sometimes an unpleasant odor.

But for apples and pears, prolonged cooking will only benefit. Pieces of fruit, saturated with sugar, become like marmalade.

If during the cooking process you notice that the jam turned out to be excessively liquid, increase the time. Even fruits from the same tree, collected in different years, can differ in juiciness. The more liquid in the fruit, the more it will stand out in the jam.

If pear jam turned out to be liquid, what should I do? Boil it longer until it reaches the desired consistency.

There is another little trick. It is necessary to drain the syrup and boil only it, and then pour the hot liquid into a container with fruits or berries. Similarly, gooseberry jam, halves of large apricots, blackcurrants, whole pears and other components can be thickened. This method will only benefit berries and fruits: the jam will turn out thick, retain its natural color, structure and vitamins.

Adding sugar

As well as juiciness, the sweetness of fruits of different crops may vary. Even if you have made jam from the fruits of the same tree more than once, it may happen that the usual amount of sugar will not be enough. The jam will not thicken as it should, and will look more like baby puree.

In this case, the answer to the question of what to do if the jam turned out to be liquid is a little different. Try adding sugar and heating the container. To begin with, pour in a quarter of the original volume, and after two brews, evaluate the density. Sometimes it is required to increase the amount of sugar by 1.2-1.5 times.

Modern Ingredients for Thickness

Today, there are many products that can make life easier for housewives. These include:

  • pectin;
  • gesfix;
  • agar-agar.

Some manufacturers offer ready-made solutions, which are called “Sugar for making jam”. The composition includes natural syrup thickeners, and the package contains detailed instructions.

Another advantage of such products is a significant reduction in cooking time. If ordinary jam is cooked in stages for 3-4 days, then cooked on such a thickener will be ready in a quarter of an hour. You just need to add the mixture to the berries, mix and heat to a boil.

The use of pectin affects the taste only positively. The syrup becomes like jam. And agar-agar is also very useful, it is even used in Vedic cuisine for making sweets.

Many housewives who have discovered such ingredients for themselves completely switch to a new recipe. They do not have to fiddle around in the kitchen for a long time and torment themselves in search of an answer to the question of what to do if the jam from the plums turned out to be liquid.

Irga berry

To taste, this medium-sized berry resembles blueberries or cherries. Irgi juice is an excellent thickener. If the result of cooking does not please you, you can safely use this ingredient.

For example, irga will help if plum jam turned out liquid. What to do in this case? Squeeze the juice of the berries and pour into the syrup before the next boil. The jam will begin to thicken before your eyes.

Prevention measures

No wonder they say that prevention is easier than fixing. In order not to wonder what to do if the jam turned out to be liquid, you can use a simple but reliable method.

Prepare berries or fruits, pour into a container in which you plan to make jam. Add sugar at the rate of 100 g per kilo of fruits, mix and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the juice that has stood out, add sugar again (as much as indicated in the recipe) and cook the jam in the usual way. Drained syrup can also be used! For example, pour ice cream on them.

How much sugar do you need?

If you are using a specific recipe, follow the proportions indicated. But there are also general recommendations. To prepare jam from sweet fruits, sugar is added in a 1: 1 ratio. If you cook sour berries or fruits (cherries, currants, cherry plums), you need to take one and a half times more sugar than fruits. You can also add sugar during the cooking process, for example, when it turned out to be liquid.

You already know what to do to thicken certain fruit and berry delicacies. It remains to choose the most suitable method.

Plum jam. How to thicken it. Very runny. Preparing for the winter. Except how to cook for a few hours??? and got the best answer

Answer from Yatiana Oleshchenko[guru]
pectins are sold in stores in bags, I don’t remember what they are called correctly, ask the sellers - jam thickeners. If you buy and add to liquid jam - the liquid will turn into jelly, the taste will remain the same. They sell pectins in the spice department.

Answer from ***The Scarlet Flower***[guru]
This jam recipe will have the consistency thick jam. As a layer for a cake or just a treat for tea, such a delicacy is simply irreplaceable. Moreover, if you take red varieties of plums, then the jam will turn out to be a little more sour than from plums of white varieties. Ingredients: 1. Plum - 2 kg., 2. Sugar - 3 kg (if the plum is white, you can take 2 kg of sugar). How to make jam from plums: Wash the plum fruits with running water, separate from the stone and pass through a meat grinder or food processor. We spread the whole mass in a basin or pan for cooking jam. Sprinkle the twisted plum with sugar and leave for an hour and a half. When the plum juice soaks the sugar well, you can mix the fruit mass and send it to the stove. After boiling, we make the fire quieter and cook the jam over very low heat for an hour and a half. Be sure to stir the delicacy and remove the foam from it for the entire cooking period. We lay out the finished jam in jars and tightly close the lids. The workpiece must be removed until completely cooled under a thick fur coat.

Answer from Vlad Y[guru]
Dry the plum

Answer from Elena Gorborukova[guru]
Put in more sugar.

Answer from Vera Zaeva[guru]
have a recipe homemade nutella. when cooking plum jam, chocolate is added, maybe you will like it? !

Answer from Elena Kazak[guru]
As soon as the jam boils and a lot of juice stands out, pour this juice into a separate clean bowl. Drain just enough to make the rest of the fruit feel comfortable in the bowl. Cook until done.
The syrup that was drained, also boil until tender and pack in separate jars.
As a result, you have a thick jam and syrup that can be used with pancakes, pancakes, add to cocktails or desserts.

Answer from Olga[guru]
Put only berries in jars And syrup separately Also useful for ice cream cocktails or soak pies

Answer from I will become your angel[guru]
add white raisins and walnuts boil for 15 minutes and pour into jars.

Answer from Irirna[guru]
You just need to take a little water into the syrup, and pour the sand not all at once, but as it dissolves. First I boil the syrup, then add the berries, cook for 20 minutes. Always thick. While cooling, dip the berries into the syrup several times, shaking. Then it will not be thick there, but empty there. A friend cooks like this: puts half the sugar, boils the syrup, adds the plum, cooks for 20 minutes, turns it off and adds the remaining sugar, stirring constantly.

To cook delicious healthy jam, it is necessary to take into account several nuances: cooking time, sweetness and density. If the jam is not cooked, then the fermentation process will begin, and if it is digested, it will not remain. useful substances.

The consistency of the jam is important not only for personal preference, but also for using the finished product as a filling. For example, for making pies or other confectionery it is preferable to choose a thick jam so that it does not flow out and soften the dough.

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In order to make the jam thicker, you must consider the following:

  • Fruits intended for making jam must be crushed and left to let the juice in for several hours;
  • Very juicy berries you can grind in a blender (pass through a meat grinder, ceiling) and throw it into a colander;
  • Excess juice must be drained (you can drink compote, etc.), leaving only the part necessary for jam. It is enough that the juice almost covers the fruits or berries placed in the jam maker.
  • At the end of cooking, add chopped lemon in a blender. It contributes to the gelling of the product in a natural way;
  • You need to cook jam in a low, but wide bowl. So the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe open surface will be wider, and moisture will evaporate faster.
  • Sugar increases the volume of the syrup by about 60% (i.e., if you add 1 kg of sugar, you get 600 ml of syrup);
  • So that the jam does not turn out to be too liquid, sugar must be added gradually, in small portions with each boil. This way you can achieve the desired consistency, and also prevent the jam from being candied.

Finished product thickening

If the jam turned out to be too liquid, finished product can be thickened in several ways:

  • Strain the jam. The syrup can be boiled separately and pour berries or fruits the right amount, and use the rest of the syrup for other purposes - cook compote, pickle pears, pour over ice cream, etc .;
  • Add pectin. This product will help the jam thicken (it will be like jam or jelly);
  • Add breadcrumbs(or a crumb of vanilla crackers) and let it brew for a while. This method is suitable for thickening immediately before use, and is good for making pies or cakes filled with thick jam;
  • Add a small portion starch or flour. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of powder - when cooling, the jam will become much thicker than when hot.

During the ripening season of berries and fruits, many housewives prepare jam, wanting to keep the fruits until winter. This delicacy is really tasty, fragrant and healthy, but often the finished product turns out to be liquid. To avoid such a slip, you can use different jam thickeners. They are added at the time of jam so that the product acquires a bright color and the desired consistency. Details about them are presented in the article.

The use of these products does not cause difficulties, besides, for the preparation of the product, it is not necessary to increase the sugar rate. The fruit mass is boiled for about 10 minutes. The finished delicacy retains vitamins, the berries remain intact, and the consistency of the jam will be thick. Jam thickeners are used both in industrial conditions and in home cooking. You can find various reviews of hostesses about the use of these tools, but most of them use proven methods to make the product thick.

The choice of containers and components for jam

Every hostess knows the intricacies of cooking their dishes. This is evidenced by numerous reviews, which provide tips for getting tasty and healthy desserts. Jam can be prepared in a copper, aluminum or enameled container. It is important that it is wide and the walls are low. Then the product warms up evenly and the liquid evaporates better.

Berries and fruits should be picked in sunny, dry weather. The fruits must be ripe and undamaged. Bones must be removed before the heat treatment of raw materials. If the berries have a thick skin, it can be pierced with a toothpick. In the case when the fruits gave a lot of juice, it is recommended to drain the excess. Sugar is better to use white, not cane. Moreover, it is not added immediately, but in parts.


It is a popular jam thickener. The word from Greek is translated as "connecting". It has the ability to dissolve in water, followed by combination with acids and sugar without distorting their taste, so pectin is suitable for any gelatinous products.

This substance as a natural chemical compound is found in various fruits and vegetables. Most of all pectin is in apples and pulp - a processed product. It is also found in citrus fruits, pumpkin, sunflower. In cooking, apple pectin is in demand. It is created by squeezing and concentrating the apple mass, after which the intermediate product is dried. The result is a natural, plant-based polysaccharide, presented in the form of a white powder, which has no smell.

Cooking Properties

  1. Retains the aroma of the product. boiled with pectin for 10 minutes. For the standard version, when no thickener is used, more heat treatment time will be required, and the final product will turn out to be less aromatic and with a sweeter taste.
  2. Berries and fruits remain whole, do not boil soft. The jam takes on the color of fresh berries.
  3. With this cooking, more of the finished product is obtained.
  4. Pectin is recognized as a harmless component, but you should not use it often. Due to an overdose, intestinal obstruction, allergies are possible.

Cooking with pectin

  1. The addition of pectin depends on the sugar and wateriness of the fruit. For 1 kg of fruit, it is enough to use 5-15 g of the substance. If the ratio of sugar and liquid is 1:0.5, then 5 g of pectin will be required. At 1:0.25 - up to 10 g. If there is no sugar in the jam at all, then 15 g of pectin can be added per 1 kg.
  2. How to make jam thick? You need to add pectin to the boiled fruit mass, previously mixed with granulated sugar, this will help to avoid the formation of lumps. After this, cooking should last no more than 5 minutes so that the gelling properties do not disappear from the substance.


The jam thickener “Kvitin”, due to the presence of pectin in its composition, has a gelling effect, so it also does not require long-term cooking of the dessert. It only takes 5 minutes to prepare it. The tool will make the product tastier and healthier, since the vitamins will be preserved.

1 sachet of thickener for Kvitin jam is enough to cook 2 kg of products. It is used to produce jam and marmalade. The result is a delicacy with a thick, viscous texture.

Starch - can it be used?

It is a white powder, tasteless and odorless. It is obtained from potatoes, rice, wheat and corn. In cold water, the substance does not dissolve, but in hot water it becomes a transparent gelatinous mass - a paste. It is used when cooking kissels, compotes, custards, sweet sauces, and sometimes jams.

Reduced with starch taste properties product, so you need to add more sugar, citric acid. How to make jam thick? If the product is liquid, then a few minutes before readiness, add a little of this substance, which is previously diluted in a small amount of water. After that, cooking continues for no more than 3 minutes. The cooled product will be quite thick.


The human body needs amino acids and minerals. They have a beneficial effect on the health, condition of the skin, nails, hair. These components are found in gelatin, which is obtained through the heat treatment of bones, tendons, cartilage of animals and fish. The substance eliminates the feeling of hunger, so the product is considered dietary. In 100 g of gelatin, there are only 355 kcal.

Gelatin is used to obtain jellied products, creams, ice cream, jams. Thanks to him, the sugar does not crystallize. How to use a jam thickener? To prepare a blank for the winter, you will need berries (1 kg), sugar (1 kg) and gelatin (40 g). The dry substances are mixed and then the sweet product is prepared following the recipe.

agar agar

This jam thickener is made from seaweed containing iodine, iron and calcium. The substance is presented in the form of a white powder, odorless and tasteless, serves as a vegetable substitute for gelatin. Used in confectionery.

The list of advantages of this substance includes the following features:

  1. It does not contain fat, so the product is dietary.
  2. Iodine, which is rich in agar-agar, restores the activity of the thyroid gland.
  3. This thickener is of plant origin, and therefore agar-agar can be used by people who adhere to vegetarianism.
  4. Its composition helps to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.
  5. With cooking, the properties of the thickener are not lost.

Although the substance has beneficial features, yet you need to consume it, not exceeding allowable rate so as not to bring the matter to intestinal upset. It should be borne in mind that agar-agar cannot be combined with wine and fruit vinegar, sorrel, chocolate, black tea.

How to cook jam with this substance? For 1 glass of liquid, add 1 tsp. thickener. It is poured with water for half an hour, after which it should swell. Then the liquid must be brought to a boil, while the mass must be constantly stirred so that there are no lumps and sediment in it. The resulting solution is poured into the finished jam, which should be thoroughly mixed. After preparation, the product can be laid out in jars. Cooling, agar-agar is converted into a transparent gel.


The recipe for thick jam is simple. It is enough to complete all the steps:

  1. Fruits or berries must be crushed, leaving for several hours to form juice.
  2. Juicy fruits can be chopped with a blender or processed through a meat grinder, and then discard the puree in a colander.
  3. Excess juice must be drained, leaving a thick part of the fruit, which will be used for jam. It is important, however, that the juice covers almost all the fruits or berries placed in the cooking container.
  4. At the end, add chopped lemon. It makes the product jelly-like.
  5. Sugar increases the volume of the syrup by about 60%.
  6. So that the jam is not liquid, sugar should be added gradually, little by little. So the finished delicacy will get the necessary consistency, besides, the product does not crystallize.

Other thickeners mentioned above can also be used, with which it turns out no less tasty and useful product. It is important to monitor the amount of added substance so that the delicacy does not turn out to be too viscous. If the jam will be used for making pies and cakes, a small amount of breadcrumbs can be added to it before use.

Thus, natural jam thickeners make it possible to obtain lovely dessert. Each housewife has her own options for making jam, but sometimes you can use proven thickeners, as they make cooking easier. Thanks to them, delicious and healthy desserts in which all valuable vitamins are preserved.