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Delicious okroshka on kvass. What products are needed for okroshka

It is okroshka that can be called the most summer soup. It's cold, it's filling, and it's also quite refreshing. It can be eaten with garlic, a piece of black bread and salt. Or you can replace the garlic with a young onion with fresh, fragrant green feathers. Consolidation.

Okroshka, like pancakes, can be cooked on many bases. It can be sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, whey, vinegar, broth, mineral water And so on. But today we will analyze the top 5 recipes based on kvass. Love kvass?

Be prepared for the fact that we will add sausage, shrimp, beets, meat and even beet kvass to the soup. You probably haven't heard of the latter. Do you know what that means? This means that it's time to try this recipe.

Okroshka - cold soup, which hardly anyone wants to cook in the winter. At least because it's cold. And in winter, you want something warm, like a huge plate of borscht with sour cream and garlic, still hot, donuts. Therefore, we suggest that you go to the market right now to buy products. After all, it is more likely that the trees are already green outside your window. All right?

If you are ready to start, then let's get started together. Enjoy your meal!

General rules for food selection and preparation

The choice of products is one of the most important points in cooking. Okroshka on kvass will not be an exception.

The main product in our dish is kvass. We advise you to take the one you like the most. well and the best option of course homemade. But you are unlikely to want to cook kvass and expect it for several days. However, this would be ideal.

Next comes fresh cucumbers. It is more desirable to buy them on the market, because there is a possibility natural product many times higher than in the supermarket. Feel cucumbers, smell and taste, if possible. The peel and the structure of the vegetable itself should be dense. The smell should be pleasant, fresh. Of course, it should smell like cucumber. The problem with store-bought cucumbers is that most of the time they don't smell at all. It is hardly possible to call such a product natural.

You need to choose potatoes with a low starch content. This means that it will not fall apart and will hold its shape in the soup. These are oval-shaped tubers that are yellow inside, and their peel is brown or also yellow.

Well, we helped you with the main components, then it's a matter of taste and possibility. Let's talk about recipes, shall we?

Okroshka on kvass with sausage

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

Everyone loves the classics. And okroshka on kvass with sausage is exactly the classic that each of us has already tried. If you do not like to change your traditions, save this recipe.

How to cook:

Tip: Instead chicken eggs you can add quail eggs, but then take not five pieces, but at least ten.

Original okroshka on kvass with shrimps

Okroshka with shrimp is something unusual that is definitely worth a try. Having tried kvass and shrimp in one dish, you will be surprised by the incredible taste.

Takes 20 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 114 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the potatoes, add water and boil until fully cooked, checking the softness of the root crop with a knife;
  2. Drain boiling water from ready-made tubers and cool them;
  3. Then peel and cut into cubes;
  4. Rinse the eggs, boil until tender in boiling water;
  5. Ready eggs cool, peel and chop;
  6. Rinse green onions, finely chop;
  7. Wash the mint, remove the leaves from the sprig and chop them finely;
  8. Put mint and onion in a mortar, add salt and grind the mass well;
  9. Wash the tomatoes, remove the roots and cut them into cubes;
  10. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into cubes or chop them with a grater. If the peel is bitter, it must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler;
  11. Wash the radishes, cut off the tails and cut the roots into cubes;
  12. Boil shrimp in boiling water for four minutes;
  13. Drain them in a colander, cool and peel;
  14. Combine yogurt with mustard;
  15. Combine potatoes, eggs, onions with mint, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and shrimp;
  16. Fill the mass with yogurt-mustard sauce and pour everything with kvass. Ready.

Tip: for the taste of shrimp during cooking, you can add two or three lemon slices to the water.

Add beets to okroshka

If on a hot summer day you miss the borscht, but there is hot soup you are not ready, we advise you to cook okroshka with beets. It will refresh and saturate you no worse than borscht.

It will take 1 hour to cook.

How many calories - 59 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the beetroot and cut it into strips;
  2. Put the root crop in a saucepan, add a glass of water, two-thirds of the vinegar and put it on the stove to stew for twenty minutes;
  3. Rinse green onions and dill and chop them finely;
  4. Combine dill with onion, add sugar and rub everything into homogeneous mass. Well, if there is a mortar;
  5. Chop both types of cucumbers into small cubes;
  6. Wash the carrots, peel and boil until fully cooked, checking the softness with a knife;
  7. Cool the cooked carrots, then cut into cubes;
  8. Put all the components in a saucepan, add mayonnaise and spices to taste;
  9. Pour the mass with kvass and at the end add the cooled stewed beets.

Tip: okroshka is best served chilled, so it tastes better due to the fact that the tastes have combined.

Hearty okroshka on kvass with meat

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 52 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Cool meat cut into cubes;
  2. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into strips or chop them with a grater. If the peel is bitter, it must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler;
  3. Wash the radish, cut off the tails and cut it into rings;
  4. Wash the dill, finely chop;
  5. Wash the eggs, put in a bowl with cold water and send them to the gas;
  6. Boil the eggs until firm in the middle for about twelve minutes in boiling water;
  7. Move the finished eggs into cold water, cool;
  8. Next, peel the eggs and cut into rings;
  9. Put green onions in a dish, add salt and grind the mass until juice appears;
  10. Combine meat, cucumbers, radishes, dill and green onion;
  11. Arrange the vegetables in portions on plates, pouring them with cold kvass;
  12. Garnish each plate with egg and radish rings.

Tip: you can add spices, sour cream / mayonnaise to the soup to taste.

Classic okroshka with sausage on beetroot kvass

Something, but you definitely didn’t eat such okroshka. You can say whatever you want, but we won't believe you. it unique recipe, which you simply must save and cook this soup at your leisure.

Takes 30 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 97 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut them into cubes or chop them with a grater. If the peel is bitter, it must be removed with a knife or vegetable peeler;
  2. Wash the eggs, put them in a saucepan with cold water and send them to the gas;
  3. Boil the eggs until firm in the middle for about twelve minutes in boiling water;
  4. Move the finished eggs into cold water, cool;
  5. Next, peel the eggs and crumble into cubes;
  6. Wash the potatoes, dip them in a pan with cool water and put it on the stove;
  7. Turn on the gas and bring the water to a boil;
  8. Boil the tubers until fully cooked, checking the readiness with the tip of a knife;
  9. Drain the water from the cooked potatoes and cool it;
  10. Peel the cooled potatoes and cut them into small cubes;
  11. Peel the beets, cut into cubes;
  12. Boil water and pour it over the beets, cover with a lid;
  13. Wash the radish, cut off the tails and cut it into cubes;
  14. Wash green onions and finely chop;
  15. Cut the sausage into cubes;
  16. Pull the beets out of the water and pour kvass into the beetroot broth, combine them;
  17. Put cucumbers, eggs, potatoes, radishes, onions, sausages in a saucepan;
  18. Fill the mass with sour cream, season with spices and pour beet kvass;
  19. Let the soup cool for an hour and then serve.

Tip: You can add lemon wedges to the soup for a spice. It will turn out very tasty and unusual.

They say that in order to cook delicious okroshka, you need to know a little. That is why, our secrets will be short, but clear, clear and simple. Remember!

  1. Chop the ingredients finely, because it will be tastier, because more various ingredients will fit in the spoon. No wonder the soup got its name;
  2. If you have a mortar, be sure to grind the greens with salt. So the greens will give more flavor and flavor to the soup;
  3. To keep the okroshka in your plate cold even longer, throw an ice cube into your dish and enjoy the dish in peace;
  4. If you like mayonnaise, replace sour cream with it. This, by the way, will also give the soup a special taste;
  5. Salt the dish carefully if the composition already contains pickled and pickled cucumbers. Try and then add.

Okroshka on kvass is the best thing that can happen to us in the summer in a stuffy kitchen. You can cook it quickly and it is not difficult at all. And most importantly, that one does not need to fry for hours near the stove, trying to cook something worthwhile. Choose the right soups and enjoy them all year round.

With the advent of summer, every housewife is looking for a dish that would not be too greasy and hot. After all, eating such food, you load the body very much, which is already in a stressful situation due to the heat. Therefore, I want something light and cold. And here one of the traditional recipes of Russian cuisine comes to our aid. We will teach you that, and tell you why this particular option is the most useful and delicious.

This dish is similar to borscht and includes vegetables and a large number of greenery. Due to the fact that cold broth or kvass is used for it, this dish is indispensable in the heat. However, most often housewives make okroshka based on meat broth. We propose to increase it even more. beneficial features and take as a base. For okroshka, this is an excellent solution, since it will not spoil the taste of the dish and at the same time increase the number of vitamins and minerals in it. Together with kvass, our food will also contain kefir - also very useful. milk product, which is especially popular among the beautiful half of humanity due to its low calorie content.

So, on kvass and what ingredients do we need for this? All proportions are for a medium saucepan. We take a pound of boiled peeled potatoes, four boiled eggs, half a kilo fresh cucumbers, 100 grams of green onions, a small bunch of dill, 300 grams of boiled sausage (without fat), 100 milliliters of mayonnaise and one and a half liters of good homemade kvass. From these ingredients we will prepare our today's meal. As you have already noticed, the components are no different from traditional recipe, only with the exception of kvass, which replaces Now let's go directly to the explanation of how to make okroshka on kvass.

The recipe is banal, because it involves only a couple of steps. First, take all the ingredients and cut into cubes. If desired, the eggs can be grated, but it is preferable to crumble too, so that the structure of the soup remains whole. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. In order for them to stand in the refrigerator for as long as possible and not deteriorate, they do not need to be salted.

Immediately before use, we combine a small amount of vegetables, mayonnaise, kefir in a plate and fill it all with kvass. Stir and salt (if necessary). So, you saw an example, on kvass.

It should be noted that today there are several variants of kvass. It is made from bread, berries and fruits. Some mistakenly assume that he is alcoholic drink, because as a result of fermentation, its composition changes slightly, and 2% alcohol appears in it. However, you should not worry about this, because this is too low a percentage that will not even be felt by the body.

If you want to diversify your menu a little, then you can cook fruit okroshka, using apples, peaches, pitted cherries instead of vegetables, filling it with the same drink. identical to how to make okroshka on kvass. The dish will also turn out tasty, healthy and pleasantly refreshing on summer days.

Okroshka is considered a national Russian and Ukrainian dish which is served cold. Something between a soup and a second, it is perfect for the summer menu. First, prepare it from simple products, which in the summer season are sure to be found in the garden or on the market at an affordable price. Secondly, there are simply no troubles in the question of how to make okroshka. And thirdly, a cool vegetable and meat platter will please the stomach, which does not want to digest heavy food in the heat.

5 secrets of a classic dish

Each experienced hostess has several solutions in its arsenal on how to make okroshka on kvass. To add satiety to the dish, put sour cream in it. And in order to reduce satiety, but to spice it up, they pour in whey. As an aid to the stomach and intestines, it is important to cook okroshka on kefir, and if you want to surprise guests and loved ones, use the Caucasian lightly carbonated fermented milk drink ayran.

At the same time, such a multiple number of variations does not complicate the question of how to cook okroshka. Especially when it comes to classic dish. With him, everything is simple, the main thing is to follow a few rules.

  1. Use homemade kvass. To prepare it, you will need wheat, buckwheat and Rye flour, as well as sourdough from barley and rye malt, fermented with mint. Such a product turns out to be sour, white in color. In order not to complicate the preparation of okroshka, the recipe can be adapted to store-bought kvass. It is only important to use a drink with a minimum sugar content.
  2. Apply meat. The recipe for okroshka with kvass is unthinkable without boiled beef, chicken or turkey. Commonly used lean varieties, which allow us to consider even kvass-based meat okroshka as dietary, its calorie content rarely exceeds 60 kcal per 100 grams of dish weight. This option is also very satisfying and like men. Can be replaced meat products boiled sausage.
  3. Cut vegetables in the same way, for example, into strips or cubes. Sometimes in recipes it is recommended to rub some of the ingredients, and cut some. But be prepared that in this case the dish may look unappetizing.
  4. Be sure to prepare your dressing! It is she who will give the rest of the ingredients bright tastes. Separate the boiled yolks, rub them with mustard, add sour cream and sugar, mix. Add a little kvass to the mixture, and only then season the chopped components.
  5. Before adding green onions to the dish, grind it with salt.

Classic okroshka

We invite you to find out how kvass okroshka is prepared correctly, a recipe with a photo will help you clarify all the nuances!

So, what do you need for okroshka? Very little:

  • potatoes boiled in uniform - 5 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • radish - 7 pcs.;
  • boiled lean meat - 300 g;
  • dill, parsley, green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • sugar and salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • kvass - 1 liter.


  1. The ingredients should be cleaned and cut equally. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites, cut only the whites.
  2. Prepare the dressing: grind the yolks with mustard, mix with sugar and sour cream, pour in a little kvass.
  3. Put the dressing in the mass, add chopped greens and onion, grated with salt.
  4. Mix and fill with kvass. Let stand 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Classic with mustard!

The recipe for okroshka on kvass, which uses not radish, but radish, also belongs to the good classics. Such a dish is called okroshka in a monastic style and is especially to the taste of men. It uses a large amount of meat, and radishes are added to add spice. Unlike radishes, this vegetable does not lose its bitterness, and also has a slightly salty taste, which is very appropriate in this context.

Okroshka with radish - recipe

Prepare kvass. It will require:

  • rye crackers - 500 g;
  • yeast - 25 g;
  • dried mint - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup.
  • water.


  1. Crush the crackers into small pieces, put them in a container and fill with boiled water in a volume of 5 liters, heated to 80 ° C.
  2. Leave to infuse for 4 hours. Drain the resulting infusion, save it, and pour 2 liters into the crackers warm water, leave for 3 hours.
  3. Mix both infusions, add sugar.
  4. Add a little infusion to the yeast, dilute. Transfer them to the infusion, add mint.
  5. Leave to ferment for 12 hours in heat.
  6. Strain the drink and refrigerate.

To prepare okroshka, you will need:

Publication date: 03/15/2018

Today we will talk about the original Russian dish - okroshka on kvass. Not all foreigners like its taste, but apparently they did not try it on a hot summer day. In Slavic countries, it is prepared in different ways, for example, in Ukraine it can be served with fish, and in Russia with beef. But trust me, it will be delicious.

This light soup they cook most often with the advent of heat, because more often you want to drink, and not eat. And this dish not only saturates and gives strength, but also refreshes well.

Than only it is not filled! But I prefer to eat it with kvass, water or kefir. By the way, we have already cooked this dish on kefir before.

  • Ingredients for okroshka

A classic and simple recipe for okroshka with kvass sausage

It is believed that the name of this soup comes from the way vegetables are cooked - they are chopped. Therefore, many cooks are against rubbing food, but that's how you like it. Most often, good meat is taken as a meat component. doctor's sausage. They like to add it also because it will immediately give the dish a salty taste.

So, it's time to cook this dish according to the simplest and most common recipe.


  • 1 liter of kvass
  • 250 gr doctor's sausage
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 potatoes
  • 4 radishes
  • 2 cucumbers
  • Onion, dill
  • Sour cream - 50 gr

1. We take a doctor's sausage, remove the film and cut into cubes.

2. We also grind eggs and potatoes.

3. Radish and cucumber can not only be chopped, but also grated, then there will be more vegetable and aromatic juice in the dish.

4. Rinse onions and dill under the tap and dry. Then chop very finely with a sharp knife. Or cut with scissors.

5. We put all the products in one large container and pour a liter of cold (!!!) kvass.

For lovers of a more complex taste, you can add sour cream, horseradish or mustard.

Ingredients for okroshka

The first important product- this is kvass, but how to choose it? After all, you need not sweet, a little sour and, preferably, a natural drink.

We go to the market or to the store, choose the bottle you like and read the composition.

It should be written there: wort or several types of malt, water, sugar. Citric acid and raisins are sometimes taken as additives.

All! No preservatives, thickeners or flavor enhancers. It’s better to go to the market in general and buy a drink from grandmothers, they definitely didn’t add any flavor enhancers there. Yes, and they made it exactly on the wort, fortunately, this product is very affordable.

By the way, and to taste it will be more vigorous than purchased and moderately sweet.

Boil the meat in boiling water and let it cool in the broth. Then the piece will be more juicy.

We need tasty sausage, preferably Doctor's or dairy. I prefer, made in accordance with GOST.

Be sure to include vegetables:

  1. We take any potato, we will boil it. But you need to look at radishes and cucumbers.
    When choosing cucumbers, look at the pimples. They must remain fruitful. Because when the vegetable dries up, the pimples fall off.
  2. Also, the cucumber should be elastic, because it consists of 80% of water, and when it is in the air for a long time, it evaporates and the vegetable becomes soft and flabby, and also decreases in size.
  3. The same with radishes. Solid small fruits will show us that they hit the counter quite recently, and sluggish and soft ones that lie here for a long time. They will not crunch, and besides, with the release of moisture, all the sharpness from the peel is concentrated in them. I think it is now clear what vegetables we take.

When choosing greens, look at the tips, they should not be dried and drooping.

Now it's time to run home and start cooking.

Lean vegetable okroshka with radish

For those who fast, I can suggest not quite regular recipe with radish. We love this vegetable very much, it is especially tasty if grated with salt and poured with butter. But in okroshka, it is revealed differently. Yes, even under vigorous kvass and with horseradish. Instead of sour cream, you can fill the okroshka with lean mayonnaise.


  • 250 gr potatoes
  • 150 gr radish
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 onion
  • Greens
  • 350 ml kvass
  • 1 tbsp fuck

1. We clean the potatoes and send them to boil. Then cool and cut.

2. Peel and grate the radish.

3. Part of the cucumber is cut into cubes, and part is rubbed on a coarse grater.

4. Finely chop the onion head and rub it well with salt in a separate cup.

5. Then mix all the ingredients, add horseradish and kvass.

How to cook cold soup with radish and fresh cucumber?

And now we're making another one. lean recipe without the use of meat, eggs and sour cream. The composition here is the simplest and very accessible to all gardeners, because everything is in the beds, i.e. practically at hand. Well, for urban residents - at hand in any grocery store.

For this amount of products, lay out the entire bag of mayonnaise (about 270 gr).


  • Lean mayonnaise
  • 400 gr radishes
  • 400 gr fresh cucumbers
  • 300 gr potatoes (4-5 pcs)
  • Green onions, parsley and dill
  • Table spicy mustard - 1 tbsp.
  • 1 liter of kvass

1. Finely chop the potatoes. You can do it differently: raw potatoes cut and boil until done. Then you don't have to waste time cooling it down. To prevent the cubes from overcooking, add a spoonful of 9% vinegar to the pot with potatoes.

2. We rub the cucumbers on a grater so that the whole thick is juicier. But if you want, just cut them as you are used to.

3. Cut the radish into strips or cubes. I know that some people prefer to see it in the form of rings.

4. Finely chop all the greens, so it will give off more flavor.

5. We combine chopped vegetables and pour them with kvass. Whiten with sour cream or lean mayonnaise.

For pungency and flavor, we introduce mustard.

Plain meat okroshka on kvass with sour cream

And so we got to meat recipe. To do this, we will need a piece of boiled meat, you can take beef, turkey or chicken. The main thing is that all the fibers are well chewed, so cook the broth longer over low heat.

Eggs and potatoes are also boiled in advance so that they have time to cool.


  • 500 gr boiled chicken breast
  • 300 gr boiled potatoes
  • 5 boiled eggs
  • 5 fresh cucumber
  • Kvass unsweetened
  • 500 gr sour cream
  • Greens

1. Sprinkle the chopped greens with salt and crush well with a crush to make the juice stand out.

2. We cut 2 cucumbers into cubes, and the remaining 3 three on a grater so that there is more flavor and juice.

If you have purchased long fruits, then take only 2 of them, because 5 small ones were taken in the recipe.

4. We also chop the eggs with a knife or with an egg cutter.

5. Let's take some potatoes Those who want to make diet dish, potatoes can be replaced with a stalk of celery.

6. Now pour all half a liter of sour cream into a large saucepan.

7. We took homemade kvass, but store-bought savory is also suitable. You know, they are also sold with raisins in glass jars? This one fits exactly. So, pour 3 liters of kvass and mix everything until the sour cream is completely dissolved.

We remove the okroshka in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is soaked and infused.

How is okroshka with mustard and horseradish made?

In our stores, more often than not, kvass is sold, but a sweet drink. If you decide to cook okroshka spontaneously and did not put homemade kvass, then you still have to buy it. But, we will do a little trick - add horseradish with mustard to the okroshka. You think they don’t fit together, I assure you that you won’t feel the taste of horseradish, just like the sweetness of kvass. Because horseradish neutralizes this sweet taste.


  • 2 potato tubers
  • 200 gr boiled beef
  • 2 eggs
  • Mustard
  • Dill
  • 5 radishes

1. Add mustard and horseradish to the yolks, rub thoroughly. Finely chop the greens and add to the mustard mass.

2. Finely chop the protein and put it in a common bowl.

3. Finely chop the radish into strips.

4. Cucumber is also finely chopped.

5. Cool the meat and cut into small pieces. We took the beef, it has already cooled down in the broth and it turned out very juicy!

6. Dilute with kvass and eat.

We always take cold kvass for this dish! If you didn’t have time to cool it, then add pieces of ice from the mold to the plate.

Delicious and original recipe with salmon

We are used to enjoying this dish, feeling the taste of meat, but on the Don, for example, you can be treated to fish okroshka for kvass. Do not be surprised, it is also very tasty. More often they take dried red fish, but it can be any other. Here, the main thing is the fish itself! Everything is prepared in the same way, only without sausage.

But, it was too easy, so now I will show you the recipe that makes a real delicacy! We will take slightly salted salmon, basil and tomatoes! And yes, we will fill it all with kvass with sour cream. Did you salivate? Then let's start cooking!


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 potatoes
  • 70 gr lightly salted salmon
  • 2 radishes
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Greens
  • 1 large cucumber
  • A glass of kvass
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • green basil

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Finely chop the egg whites and place in a bowl.

2. Salt the yolks and grind with a spoon or fork into a homogeneous mass.

3. Finely chop the greens and spread to the yolks.

4. Grind potatoes, radishes and cucumbers.

5. Put sour cream and yolks with herbs to the prepared vegetables.

6. Cut the tomato into slices, and the salmon into cubes.

7. Basil greens will give an unusual flavor to the dish, so we take three leaves and cut them finely.

You can just mix all the ingredients, or you can serve the dish beautifully. Roll the salmon in a spiral, you get the shape of a rose and sprinkle strips of basil on top of it.

It looks luxurious, but the taste is very unusual. The salmon adds tenderness to the dish, while the basil adds an appetizing flavor.

The most delicious okroshka obtained on homemade kvass. Although it is quite possible to replace it with store-bought, but not very sweet. How to cook okroshka on kvass and how to make kvass itself, and will be discussed in this article.

How to cook homemade kvass for okroshka

For kvass, prepare:

  • black bread without cumin - 1 loaf;
  • water - 5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • light-colored raisins - 2 handfuls.

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven. Place the breadcrumbs in a large saucepan and cover with 2 cups of water. Add 250 g of sugar to this as well. Mix the mass and let it brew for 2-3 hours. While the crackers are soaking, bring the remaining water to a boil and cool it to 40-42 degrees. Pour this water over the soaked breadcrumbs and add all the raisins. Cover the pan with gauze and put it in a warm place (20-25 degrees). If you do everything right, then after 2-3 days in the pan you will have a foamy sweet liquid with a slight sour taste. Now strain kvass through several layers of gauze and add the remaining 50 g of sugar to it. Pour kvass into bottles, put a couple of raisins and close the bottles tightly with caps or corks. Keep the bottles warm for no more than 8 hours, and then send them to the refrigerator shelf or to a cold basement. When the kvass has cooled, you can cook okroshka on it.

How to cook okroshka on kvass

The cooking technology is quite simple:

  • Boil 6 potatoes directly in their skins. When the vegetables have cooled, peel them from the skin and cut into small cubes.
  • Boil 4 eggs and after cooling, chop them too. Set aside 1 boiled yolk - you will need it for dressing.
  • Cut 4 fresh cucumbers into cubes. If you like okroshka with radish, then take 100 g of it and chop it into cubes.
  • Cut 300 g of boiled veal or chicken into cubes. Meat or chicken can be replaced with premium boiled sausage.
  • Mix prepared foods in a large saucepan and fill them with cold kvass.
  • Make a refill. For her, a small bunch of green onions and a generous handful coarse salt grind in a mortar to a mushy state. Add the reserved egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of the prepared mustard to this. Mix everything until smooth and mix with 200 g of sour cream.
  • Put the dressing in a saucepan with okroshka. Stir again and season with salt to taste. If kvass turned out sour, then add a pinch of salt.
  • Cool the okroshka in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and pour it into deep plates. Sprinkle with fresh dill and green onions.