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How to dry eggplant in an electric dryer. How to cook dried eggplant

Many housewives prepare eggplants for the winter, but they do this with the help of drying. It is best to dry the "blue ones" in the oven; dishes from such a vegetable will resemble dishes with mushrooms.

Any dried eggplant food contains a large number of nutrients and vitamins. vegetable dish can decorate winter table and bring a subtle touch of summer mood.


For cooking original salad from dried eggplant, you need to put 300 grams of vegetable in a saucepan, pour water and boil for 15 minutes. Then throw the vegetable mass into a colander so that all the liquid is glass. While the boiled vegetable is cooling, you should make a marinade: crush 2 cloves of garlic, mix with a teaspoon of Korean seasoning. Combine this marinade with eggplant and let it brew for two hours. Drain the resulting liquid, combine the vegetables with chopped dill, lightly pepper with allspice and add a few slices of tomato. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

There is another good salad in Japanese. Dry eggplants are also poured with water, salted and boiled for 15 minutes. boiled vegetables recline in a colander and squeeze lightly with your hands. Oil is heated in a frying pan and a little grated carrot and chopped garlic are fried. Vegetables are sautéed for a couple of minutes, after which eggplants are added. As soon as all the products become soft, the pan is removed from the stove, soy sauce and a little vinegar are added. It turned out a dish of dried eggplant.

Pate sauce

Soak dried eggplant in water for a couple of hours. Drain water and set vegetables aside. Chop a little onion and fry in butter, then add eggplant, salt, pepper and add herbs as desired. Everything is languishing until ready. At the very end, mash the vegetables with a crush, if there is a blender, then grind everything to a homogeneous consistency.

In a separate pan, brown a tablespoon of flour, add a tablespoon butter. Heat a little water and dilute the prepared mass of flour and butter in it. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Once the sauce thickens, it can be removed from the stove. Everything is mixed, the sauce-pate is ready.

Few people know that dried eggplant is an excellent preparation for delicious dishes and an excellent cure for periodontal disease. Dried eggplant can be used to make mouthwashes and dentifrices.

To make it tasty and healthy dish from dried eggplant, they should be dried properly. To do this, you can use an electric dryer. First, the vegetable is cut into rings and dried until brittle. In winter you can cook salads. If the dried vegetable is chopped in a blender, then the powder can be used as a seasoning.

Dried eggplants are soaked in water or milk, then squeezed well and already fried in oil or lightly boiled. Eggplants are dried with or without peel. Korean eggplants are very tasty. The vegetable is lightly fried, sautéed red onion is added hot peppers, garlic, vinegar and ground coriander.

We invite you to diversify your menu with a great original appetizer with an Italian touch - dried eggplants cooked in oil for the winter. They will perfectly complement a sandwich with butter or cream cheese, become an indispensable component for the preparation of many salads or set off the taste of any hot second course. And the spicy oil in which dried eggplant is stored will transform any salad dressing or sauce.

The process of preparing such a blank is not at all burdensome, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Recipe for dried eggplant in the oven for the winter


  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • fresh rosemary - 2-3 sprigs;
  • dried thyme - to taste;
  • dried oregano - to taste;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • refined vegetable oil or olive Extra virgin.


The key to an excellent result when drying eggplant is the excellent quality of raw materials. To do this, choose elastic, ripe fruits with an even dark purple color. We wash them well, cut them into circles about one centimeter thick, sprinkle them thoroughly with salt and leave them in a bowl or any other container for one hour to get rid of bitterness. You can pre-peel the fruit from the skin, then the result will be a little softer and more tender.

Then rinse the eggplant mugs well. cold water, blot moisture with paper towels or napkins and place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil tightly to each other. Season them with ground black pepper, salt, dried thyme and oregano and drizzle with olive oil.

We determine the baking sheet in the oven preheated to one hundred degrees for three hours, slightly opening the door. After the time has passed, we begin to control the process and check the degree of drying of the eggplants so as not to turn them into dried coals. When the mugs become flexible and soft, take them out of the oven and cool.

While the dried eggplants are cooling, sterilize the pre-washed jar, boil cover and dry well. Peel the garlic and cut into plates, disassemble the rosemary twigs into needles.

Pour a little into the prepared jar olive oil, put a few needles of rosemary and garlic plates and fill it with dried eggplant, alternating with spices and adding olive oil. Ultimately, the eggplant should be completely submerged in the oil. We close the container with a sterile lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage. Dried eggplants in oil for the winter will be saturated with oil and spices and will be ready for use in a week.

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Dried eggplant in the oven is the perfect snack at any time of the year! They turn out to be very appetizing and always to the place on the table, especially if there are strong alcoholic drinks on it.

Also, these eggplants can be used to make soups, purées, gravies, sauces, as a topping for pizza or other baked goods. This blank is very useful, so stock up and enjoy!

Honey dried eggplant in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • young eggplant - 1000 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of Italian herbs - to taste.

Cooking process:

Young eggplants are washed, dried, cut into rings no more than 5 millimeters thick, thrown into a bowl, poured with vegetable oil, sprinkled with salt, a mixture of Italian herbs and mixed until smooth, so that the spices stick to the vegetable pieces.

Preparing dried eggplant

Then they are strung on a dense thread and laid out in rows on a non-stick baking sheet covered with parchment. Next, the eggplants are sent to the oven, heated to 160 degrees Celsius, and dried in it for 20 minutes.

Then the rings are taken out to the balcony, hung on strings and dried in the sun for two days. After that, eggplants are packed in paper or glass containers for further storage. Before serving, they can be kept for a couple of days in a mixture of vegetable oil, squeezed garlic and soy sauce.

Fragrant dried eggplants in the oven

Required Ingredients:

  • fresh eggplant - 1000 g;
  • garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • dried chili pepper flakes - on the edge of a knife;
  • dried and ground basil - 2.5–3 tsp;
  • dried and ground rosemary - 2.5–3 tsp;
  • dried and ground celery - 2.5–3 tsp;
  • dried and ground paprika - 1–1.5 tsp;
  • clean water - how much you need;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, sesame or olive) - how much is needed;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

Washed eggplants are dried, peeled, cut into rings from 4 to 6 millimeters, thrown into a bowl, lightly salted and left in this form for 20 minutes.

Then they are squeezed, blanched in boiling water for 2 minutes, leaned back in a colander, cooled and squeezed. Then the eggplants are thrown back into the bowl, sprinkled with 1/2 of all the spices, that is, half of the basil, rosemary, celery, paprika, a small amount of black pepper, if necessary, seasoned with salt, poured with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and then everything is mixed until smooth .

Vegetable rings are laid out on the bottom of a non-stick baking sheet, greased with an additional portion of oil, and placed in an oven preheated to 40 degrees Celsius. Drying lasts 2 to 3 hours with the oven door ajar.

After that, the eggplants are taken out, cooled on the balcony, dried under gauze for several days, distributed in sterile jars in layers with the remaining spices and poured with vegetable oil to cover. Then they are corked with a plastic lid and stored in the refrigerator until use.

Enjoy your meal!

Drying eggplant in an electric dryer

Eggplant can be soaked before drying. To do this, you need to wash the berry, cut it into rings, sprinkle with salt, and after a while wash off the resulting juice, squeeze the eggplant and put it on the dryer trays. Another way is without soaking. The eggplant is washed, cut into rings or half rings and dried immediately. When such an already dried eggplant is prepared for further processing, it is poured with warm water, into which all the bitterness contained in it “falls out”. It remains only to wring it out - and in appearance it becomes like freshly washed.

Dried eggplants can be boiled in salted water and added to carrots - it turns out very tasty: Or you can fry a little and make a salad with garlic and mayonnaise - the eggplant in this dish will resemble mushrooms. Dried eggplant is prepared very quickly, but it is stored for a long time and does not take up much space.

How to dry eggplant

To begin with, a thin layer of skin is removed from them. After that, the fruits are cut into such circles, then strung on a string. Now they are placed on a completely dry baking sheet and immediately put in the oven (160 gr.) For ten minutes. Then they are removed to dry in a dry place, but already in limbo. As soon as the fruits are thoroughly dry, they are cleaned in glass jars, it is possible in canvas bags.

And preparing dried eggplant is very easy. In winter, just pour eggplants in fresh water, and when they get wet, immediately stew with sour cream, as if you had ordinary mushrooms.

Outdoor dried eggplant

It is advisable to choose eggplants of the same size, and not very ripe, in which there are not so many seeds. Cut the eggplant into long strips, pierce with string, and hang them outside to dry. Eggplants dry quickly, and after 3-5 days they will be ready for long-term storage.

Oven dried eggplant

Eggplants are washed, cut into slices and sprinkled with salt.

"Blue" in a new version: how to dry eggplant at home?

Now they need to be given time to rest and release bitterness. After an hour, the eggplant is washed, salted a little, sprinkled with spices, a little vegetable oil is added and mixed. Lay them out on a baking sheet, or on an electric dryer tray. In the oven, the temperature is set to 120 degrees, and when drying, the door is left slightly ajar. Drying will take about 3 hours.

For cooking meat dishes, caviar, baking, eggplant should be cooled and poured into glass jar. In winter, all you need to do is soak dried eggplant for 2 hours in water, and they will return to almost their original appearance. In any case, this will be enough for making stews, or even stuffing eggplant.

Eggplant chips

Slice the eggplant into long thin strips. Prepare the marinade: 100 grams of olive oil 50 grams of soy sauce or apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons honey cayenne pepper, paprika to taste. Dip the eggplants in the marinade and keep them at room temperature for at least 2 hours. After that, dry them with napkins and put them in an electric dryer. At a temperature of 40 degrees, eggplant chips are dried for about a day. This can be recognized by the characteristic crunch of the plates.

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  • This method of harvesting eggplant for future use as drying is not very common here, but it is successfully used in many countries - in Italy, Turkey, Greece. Depending on the dishes in which dried eggplant is supposed to be used in the future, there are several drying methods.

    For stews, eggplant caviar is dried in cubes.

    How to dry eggplant

    To do this, the skin is cut off from the eggplant, the flesh is cut into pieces, which are dried in air at room temperature for several days. Or they are placed in the oven on a baking sheet and dried for 4-5 hours at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Before cooking, the cubes are soaked for half an hour in warm water and then prepare your favorite dishes.

    For stuffing, dry eggplant halves. Vegetables are cut in half lengthwise, the pulp is cleaned, leaving a small layer on the bottom and near the walls, strung on a thread and dried in the sun. To keep the eggplants in shape and dry faster, insert a toothpick inside. Such eggplants are stored on a thread, and before stuffing they are poured over with boiling water.

    If you need to dry the eggplants with rings, then they are sprinkled with salt, left for 15 minutes, then washed and dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes. The water is allowed to drain, laid out on a baking sheet and dried for 5-6 hours at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Before cooking, they are soaked in water and then fried.

    To do this, first of all, wash the eggplants, peel them from the stalks. Then, if the eggplants are large, then we remove the skin from them, if the eggplants are small and young, then the skin can be left.

    eggplant for cooking vegetable caviar or cut the stew into small cubes. Then we lay them out on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at a temperature of fifty to sixty degrees for four to five hours. You can also dry eggplant cubes at room temperature by spreading them on paper sheets for three to four days.

    If you want to make eggplant salads in winter, then they can be dried in the form of straws.

    dried eggplant

    To do this, wash the vegetables, peel the skin and grate the eggplant on a coarse grater. After that, we lay out the straws on clean paper and dry for two to three days.

    Then we lay out the dried eggplants in cloth bags and store in a dark, dry place.

    When you need eggplant in winter, before cooking, you just need to soak the dried slices or straws in warm water for thirty to forty minutes. After that, we drain the water, and the eggplants are ready for further use in any dish.

    Kira Stoletova

    Harvesting vegetables for the winter is a laborious process. An alternative to preservation would be drying the product. It is most convenient to dry eggplant in an electric dryer. So the product does not lose its useful properties after cooking.

    Useful properties of vegetables

    Eggplants are a favorite delicacy for many. This vegetable has exceptional palatability. Unique sweet and sour notes perfectly complement both first and second courses.

    When harvesting vegetables for the winter, they are most often preserved or frozen. But each of these storage methods has disadvantages, such as loss of summer freshness and taste characteristics. There is also a decrease in the number useful substances contained in the product. It is better to dry eggplants in order to preserve the nutritional and biological value of the product as much as possible.

    A dried vegetable contains more than 80% of all substances contained in a fresh one. The composition of the dried vegetable:

    • vitamins A, B, C, P;
    • natural sugars, organic acids and pectins.
    • calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, copper, etc.

    The use, even of a dried product, favorably affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. Only young fruits should be used. The old ones contain solanine, the use of which threatens to intoxicate the body.

    Eggplant selection

    The taste of a dried product is influenced not only by the method of preparation, but also by the quality and characteristics of the vegetable itself. It is better to buy still young fruits, as they have more delicate taste, are not bitter and have small seeds.

    For drying eggplants, it is better to take fruits with a thin, but whole skin. There should be no signs of damage. The color must also be uniform.

    Drying the product in an electric dryer

    When the vegetables for drying have already been selected, it remains only to prepare them for cooking. They are thoroughly washed, wiped with a napkin or kitchen towel, and the stalk and wide base are also removed. If desired, the vegetable is peeled.

    You need to choose a method for cutting dried eggplant. You can dry both rings and slices, cubes. The thickness of the cut product should not exceed 1 cm. Usually they are guided by the dimensions of the cells of the dryer.

    To avoid bitterness in the taste of dried eggplant, the chopped vegetable should be washed in salt water. Advise it 1-2 min. cook.

    Drying a vegetable

    The cut vegetable is loaded into the trays of the electrical appliance. Before loading the product, it is worth studying the rules for operating the dryer. The mass of eggplants in the electric dryer must comply with the norm specified in the document.

    After studying the instructions and placing slices or cubes of eggplant in an electric dryer, cooking begins.

    The eggplant is dried like this:

    1. The temperature is set (55-65°C).
    2. The device is connected to the network.
    3. The product dries up to 12 hours. The time depends on the power of the device, as well as on the size of the cubes or slices of the vegetable, it is easier to dry thin slices.

    Drying eggplant in an electric dryer is easy. The main thing is to monitor the preparation of the product, turning the pieces every few hours and changing the pallets in places. Cooking time is always easy to increase or decrease, focusing on the condition of the vegetable.

    This vegetable is very popular in cooking. It can be cooked hundreds different ways- pickle, fry, boil, as well as preserve and even dry. Blue ones, as they are called in the common people, or eggplants, contain many nutrients and vitamins. Even after drying, they retain useful composition. Therefore, we suggest that readers of the site “Popular about Health” prepare dishes from dried eggplant, the recipes of which are quite simple, but it will still work out to surprise gourmets.

    Preparing blue ones is very simple: cut a few kilograms of vegetables into rings or slices along, without removing the peel. Place on a dry baking sheet and send to the oven. We get delicious tasty component, from which in any weather you can come up with culinary masterpieces!

    Korean-style dried eggplant salad

    This eggplant dish can be served both for a regular dinner and for a festive celebration as original snack. To prepare the salad, we need:

    300 g dried eggplant;
    - 2 cloves of garlic;
    - 2-3 sweets bell pepper;
    - 2 medium tomatoes;
    - mayonnaise;
    - seasoning for dishes in Korean;
    - greens to taste.

    The actual recipe. The technology of preparation is very simple. To begin with, we put the little blue ones in boiling, slightly salted water, leave to cook for 15 minutes. Drain the vegetables in a colander and let cool until room temperature. At this time, you can do the marinade.

    Mix chopped garlic with Korean seasoning, add coarsely chopped greens (ideally parsley, cilantro, green onion). Add blue to the resulting mixture, let it brew for 2 hours. Then add chopped tomatoes and bell peppers. Season all components with mayonnaise, add salt if desired.

    Dried eggplant fried with vegetables

    This dish can be served as cold starter salad, and how hot. We will need the following ingredients:

    150 g dried eggplant;
    - 1 large onion;
    - 2 bell peppers;
    - 2 tomatoes;
    - garlic;
    - 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
    - ground black and red pepper;
    - dill, parsley and cilantro.

    Soak the little blue ones in salted cold water for 2-3 hours, or throw them into boiling water for 15 minutes. We throw the vegetables into a colander. AT vegetable oil fry onion rings with chopped bell pepper large pieces(strips or half rings). Fry vegetables for 2-3 minutes, send eggplant to them. Cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for 15 minutes. At the end, cut the tomato, put the chopped garlic and pour over everything soy sauce. Simmer another 5 minutes.

    Lastly, sprinkle the dish with red and black pepper, add chopped herbs, after 2 minutes turn off the stove. The dish turns out surprisingly fragrant, satisfying, it can be used as a gravy for spaghetti or rice. Many argue that the taste of blue is reminiscent of mushrooms.

    Dried eggplant sauce

    Eggplants are pre-soaked or thrown into boiling water. In butter, fry the onion, cut into half rings. We send blue ones to it, salt and pepper to taste, and if desired, you can add seasoning or herbs. Simmer over low heat with the lid closed, stirring regularly.

    When the vegetables are well softened, they need to be crushed or beat with a blender until homogeneous mass. In another pan, brown the flour, then add a little butter and add warm water. Mix everything well and quickly remove from heat after boiling.

    While stirring the flour mixture, add the eggplant puree and mix everything. You can serve this sauce with pasta or simply with bread.

    Recipes with eggplant meat casserole

    This dish is very filling and nutritious. We restore dried vegetables in water, then fry them in vegetable or butter.

    Fry in a separate pan chopped meat with onions, add chopped garlic to taste. Chop the greens, add medium-sized strips of bell pepper, salt and mix everything with mayonnaise. Now let's start laying the casserole.

    Lightly grease the form with oil, lay a layer of tomato rings. The second layer is minced meat, then tomatoes again, then eggplant. Pour everything with green sauce with mayonnaise, and sprinkle with cheese on top. As soon as a golden crust forms, the dish is ready!

    Useful properties of dried eggplant

    This product is used not only in cooking. It is recommended to eat it as often as possible with gout, with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Useful components of dried blue are an effective prevention of the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of our blood vessels.

    Blue ones help reduce swelling by removing fluid from the body, from tissues. At the same time, the kidneys are well cleansed, and the risk of urolithiasis is reduced. it is useful to eat only one tablespoon of eggplant powder a day so as not to encounter liver diseases.

    Dried blue helps smokers who decide to quit a bad habit. Them daily use in food promotes weaning from tobacco and makes it easier to endure the rejection of cigarettes. This is explained simply: the product contains nicotinic acid, which neutralizes the feeling of withdrawal in the body without smoking.

    Try it and you will definitely find a dish that will become a favorite for your whole family.

    Medium-sized, ripe fruits with small seeds should be chosen as raw materials. The varieties Helios, Almaz, Czech Early, Black Beauty are very convenient due to their tender pulp and a small amount of seeds.

    Peeling vegetables before drying is mandatory, and it is advisable to cut the skin as thinly as possible, using a special vegetable peeler: this will preserve the greatest amount of nutrients. As for the slicing option, it all depends on the further purpose of the product - for soups, stews, caviar, it is better to choose slicing into cubes or straws, for frying and casseroles - in circles.

    How to dry eggplant at home: choose a variety of vegetables

    • outdoors. The product is located in the shade, with the possibility of ventilation, the process continues for several days depending on the weather;
    • in the oven - at a temperature of 50-80 degrees, until the pieces are completely dry;
    • in an electric dryer - the best way in terms of labor costs.

    In all options, except for the dryer, slices or pieces should be turned over to dry the eggplant more evenly.

    How to dry eggplant: and then how to restore them for cooking?

    Having figured out how to dry eggplant, let's think about preparing them for first or second courses. In order for dried vegetables to give the maximum taste, they must be soaked in warm water for 30-40 minutes before preparing the planned recipe. Further, the recipe does not differ from frying, stewing or baking fresh eggplant.

    If already dried vegetables are ground into flour, the cooking process will be simplified: the powder is added at the stage of laying potatoes or cereals; cutting, soaking and other procedures are not required. Adjustments may require only the amount of liquid; It should be noted that the dried product absorbs moisture during the swelling process.

    Dried eggplant for healing and beauty

    Nutritionists and doctors recommend eating eggplant every day in any form, preferring minimal heat treatment. In this regard, dried vegetables in the form of flour are especially convenient: it is enough to eat only one tablespoon of the product per day, this method of consumption is suitable even for those who do not like the taste of “blue ones”. Presence of foods in food dried vegetables or they themselves in their pure form will reduce the risk of hypertension, urolithiasis, problems with the cardiovascular system, and make it easier for smokers to wean from cigarettes.