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home  /  cucumbers/ What vegetables can be added to okroshka. The best okroshka? There is one here! The most delicious and simple recipes for okroshka on sour cream, kvass, mineral water, kefir

What vegetables can be added to okroshka. The best okroshka? There is one here! The most delicious and simple recipes for okroshka on sour cream, kvass, mineral water, kefir

Of all the summer soups, okroshka remains the most popular and beloved - on the one hand, its composition saturates well, and on the other hand, it does not weigh down the stomach, which is rather lazily working in the heat. The vegetables included in this soup actively nourish the body, weakened in winter, with vitamins; the base (whatever you choose) cools it, and the meat component gives strength for a vigorous life. It is also good for its simplicity of execution, since cooking okroshka means simply cutting all its ingredients. A person, even very far from cooking, will cope with this.

Required Ingredients

Whatever liquid the okroshka is prepared on, the composition of its cutting remains approximately the same. This soup certainly includes potatoes, cucumbers and eggs. As the meat component traditionally should be meat. Most often, chicken is taken - it is low-fat, so it is the best suited for summer soup. However, the sausage okroshka recipe is also widely used - it is even more popular, since this ingredient does not require pre-treatment. To put radishes in the dish or not, everyone decides for himself. Many people do not like the taste of this vegetable, and some believe that radish is put into okroshka only to reduce the cost of soup, since in spring this vegetable is much cheaper than cucumbers. Greens are obligatory in okroshka - at least dill with parsley, but onion-feather is also desirable. The ratio of all components is taken “by eye”, since people have different tastes: someone prefers more vegetables, and someone prefers meat. But you can approximately calculate the amount of products from such considerations: one cucumber, egg and potato and 150 grams of meat sausage per person. We also note that almost any okroshka is made with sour cream, since with any basis (except, perhaps, kvass), it is advised to put a spoonful of sour cream on a plate. Some, however, replace it with mayonnaise, but this is already a matter of taste.


So, what needs to be done to get a delicious okroshka? The composition of the products that it includes, we have described. Then proceed as follows: potatoes and eggs are boiled. Most cooks prefer to cook potatoes unpeeled, "in their uniforms", but there are those who believe that the whole final dish spoils in this way - the aftertaste of the peel remains. So if you agree with them - peel the potatoes before cooking. Then both she and the eggs are cut into approximately the same cubes. Cucumbers (and radishes, if you cook okroshka with it) are chopped into short strips. If meat is involved in your okroshka, it must first be cooked. If your recipe for okroshka is with sausage or ham, just cut it with the same cubes. The greens are washed and finely chopped. Some people like to immediately add it to the soup, some prefer to serve it in a separate bowl. It remains to pour the resulting "salad" with the selected dressing - and you can call everyone to the table.

Classic recipe

Of course, initially this dish was prepared exclusively on kvass. The main components are the same. They are cut, mixed, poured with the original Russian drink - and a wonderful okroshka is obtained. The recipe for kvass, however, also involves the addition of a certain amount of water. The volume ranges from a ratio of 1:4 to 1:1. It depends on the saturation of kvass. You can not dilute it with water at all, but then the sharp smell of the drink itself will clog the aromas of greens and vegetables.

Note certain nuances. First of all, purchased kvass is not very suitable for making okroshka - it is usually sweetened, so the taste of the soup will be spoiled. It is better, no doubt, to make it yourself, without sugar at all. However, if you do not want to wait until it "ripens", go to the market and look for a grandmother with okroshka kvass.

Second. Filled with kvass, okroshka is stored for a very short time. The very next day, the solid components are saturated with the base and lose their taste. So if you have made a bucket of okroshka, store it in a saucepan, and pour kvass on the table.

Classic Variations

If you want a completely calorie-free dish (or you are fasting), the next okroshka is the perfect choice. Kvass recipe, classic, but without any meat additions, but with some new ingredients - with horseradish and mustard. To make it especially tasty, do not be too lazy to make your own kvass: dry black bread in the oven (dry well, almost fry), pour boiling water, strain after four hours and add sugar and yeast. To make kvass fragrant and spicy, put ginger, raisins, cumin in it. After two days, it will need to be filtered - and you can make okroshka. This recipe also requires radishes. When everything is cut and filled with kvass, horseradish with mustard is ground until smooth and introduced into the soup. Very tasty, completely non-caloric and very refreshing.

Dairy bases

Those who prefer to see kvass in a mug rather than a plate may like okroshka on sour cream, whey or kefir. Of course, if those who will eat it have nothing against fermented milk products. In all cases, very delicious okroshka. The composition of the products remains the same: potatoes, cucumbers, eggs, herbs, possibly radishes. Everything is also shredded traditionally. But it's handled differently. If you settled on whey, it is simply poured over the cooked salad. If you are more attracted to kefir - try to buy not too fat. 1% will be just right. A fatter product will have to be diluted with water. But if you like sour cream, then before filling the okroshka, you will have to dilute it with water and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Special note

The use of a milk base often gives okroshka a sweetish aftertaste. To make the soup more neutral, lemon is squeezed into it, little by little and constantly tasting so as not to oversour. If you don’t like the unexpressed taste of whey (kefir) too much or you like spicy, you can add mustard to the finished okroshka. Here, too, it is important to know the measure, otherwise you may get such bitterness that you will have to add liquid again.

Red okroshka

Recently, housewives have come up with many dressings for their favorite dish. Including very dietary ones. For example, red okroshka seems to us very curious - its composition is supplemented with boiled beets, and it is seasoned plain water. The initial stages are common - boiled, cut, salted, mixed. But then the interesting begins: the usual "salad" is poured cold water and seasoned with mayonnaise. The beets are boiled separately and rubbed on a coarse grater chilled. When serving, a spoon or two beetroot is placed in each plate, okroshka is poured and mixed. It turns out very beautiful, extremely useful and quite dietary, especially if the meat component is boiled chicken breast, and take lean, light mayonnaise.

For those who don't like traditional dressings

Not everyone loves kvass in okroshka. Similarly, some people do not accept whey or kefir as the basis of this soup. It is quite possible that they will like okroshka on mayonnaise. The start of the process is standard. However, when it comes time to dilute the salad to a liquid state, other actions must be taken. Mixed cuts are poured with mayonnaise (preferably not too greasy) and mixed well again. When the mayonnaise evenly covers all the pieces, water is poured into the resulting mass. Stir constantly so that the mayonnaise literally dissolves in water. How much to add - determine for yourself: the density of okroshka is a matter of personal taste for everyone. And in the end, as in the case when okroshka is cooked on sour cream, you need to squeeze a little lemon into it. Please note that mayonnaise has its own specific taste and slight sourness. So the main thing is not to overdo it with citrus.

Little tricks

To make sure you get a delicious okroshka, use a few tips.

  • Firstly, if you introduce radishes into its composition, salt the vegetable before laying it and leave it in a separate bowl for several minutes. Before adding to the rest of the ingredients, it will be necessary to drain the drained liquid from this bowl. So the radish will lose excess bitterness.
  • Secondly, the greens that go into the okroshka should not just be chopped. It must be salted and slightly ceilinged. Dill, parsley and green onions will release juice, and the soup will turn out to be richer and more aromatic. Some culinary experts advise using cucumbers in this process, but, in our opinion, the dish will lose a fair amount of external attractiveness, but eating beautifully looking food is still more pleasant.
  • Thirdly, if your okroshka is on sour cream or mayonnaise, you will definitely add water to it. Try instead of the usual, boiled or filtered, take a mineral (only not alkaline and not healing, but table). And in no case do not combine the "salad" with water in advance! This must be done at the time of submission.

A Russian person can rightly be proud of the recipe for this cold soup. Okroshka is part of the Russian culinary heritage, one of the most delicious and practical chapters in a large encyclopedia of Russian recipes. In fairness, we note that cold soups are present in the cuisine of many nations, and when you run out of Russian cookbooks, you can pay attention to gazpacho, tarator, chalop. But do not forget that the secret of pleasure that okroshka gives in the heat is not so much in cold serving, but in the fact that it is Russian, real, old - it is cooked on the most refreshing drink in the world - on bread kvass. And therein lies its uniqueness!

A little history of okroshka

The history of the appearance of okroshka managed to hide behind the shadow of centuries, although in its current, “leavened” form, the dish arose by historical standards not so long ago - in the middle of the 19th century. And although the name leaves no doubt that in the old days the soup was the same mixture of crumbled products, its origin allows for controversy.

On the one hand, there is an obvious direct ancestor of okroshka - a poor peasant dish "tyurya" made from slices of bread flavored with onions and vegetable oil and filled with kvass. On the other hand, there is a version of the “tavern” origin of okroshka: in the 19th century, taverns began to “ennoble” kvass, horseradish and vegetables with cuts of boiled meat and corned beef.
Thus, the question of the birth of cold meat stew on kvass turns out to be rhetorical - did they begin to add meat to kvass with pieces of bread, or, on the contrary, they began to fill it with kvass ...

Without mistake, we can say the following: even before the advent of okroshka, there was a lean stew similar to it, later either supplemented with a meat and fish component (as well as vegetables and root crops that began to be cultivated later), or became the idea for a similar meat dish.

Today, okroshka is more diverse:

  • firstly, it mixed with ideologically similar oriental soups based on fermented milk products;
  • secondly, products that were not known at the time of its appearance can be used as a basis - for example, soda;
  • third, there was boiled sausage industrial production, and with it the easiest, one might even say primitive, version of okroshka.

The composition of okroshka

The metamorphoses that occurred with okroshka during its existence led to the fact that not a single mandatory ingredient remained in it. Popular dishes often have many variations, but if you can’t cook pilaf without rice, and a biscuit without eggs, then you can easily find two okroshkas that do not have a single ingredient that matches.
Given this, with regard to okroshka, it is more appropriate to talk not about each specific ingredient, but about their groups, taking into account the interchangeability of products.

Liquid base:
AT classic version- this is kvass, and not any, but light bread kvass (or just sour - sweet drinks from bottles will not work). Further, in ascending order of exoticism - whey, kefir, acidified water with sour cream or mayonnaise, mineral water, ayran, koumiss, matsoni, sour berry decoctions, beer, brut, kombucha.

Meat part:
Pork, beef, poultry or hodgepodge different types meat. Meat can be boiled, fried, smoked. In old recipes, cartilage boiled to softness is also welcome.

A more modern version - boiled or smoked sausage, sausages, ham.
If we compare the ingredients, then meat is preferable to taste - the soup with it is, as it were, more serious, solid and even nobler. In addition, the presence of sausage in the dish is almost the very first argument of opponents of the use of okroshka - because of the sausage, it is called "olivier with kvass."

Also, instead of meat, fish or seafood can be used.- scallops, squid, shrimp. If they put fish, then choose varieties without small bones- cod, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon (and only fillets are used).

Okroshka with salmon


Vegetables for okroshka - this is the part with which everything is more or less clear:

1 - cucumber. Occurs in 90% of recipes, most often in fresh, sometimes pickles are added, and sometimes both.
2 - boiled potatoes. It is not used as often as cucumbers (there is even a whole community of okroshka lovers who passionately advocate recipes without the addition of potatoes). Sometimes potatoes are not put in the soup itself, but served on a separate dish, as a mandatory addition.
3 - radish.

leafy vegetables
Another common ingredient for okroshka is green onions. He is placed in cold soup quite a lot, pre-grinding and rubbing with salt.
Also, sorrel, spinach, sauerkraut, parsley, dill are sometimes added to okroshka.


Okroshka in essence - low calorie meal. Even if meat or sausage is added to it, then only them lean varieties(fat in cold soup is not the most delicious thing). Therefore, eggs play a special role in saturating okroshka with protein and fats. Recipes without eggs are very rare.

Condiments, spices, spices

Simple okroshka recipes may be limited to 5-6 main ingredients, but often its preparation is a complex and multi-stage process with a list of ingredients reaching two dozen items, of which some are seasonings.

The oldest seasoning for okroshka - table horseradish. It is added to the soup in grated form, previously mixed with meat and leaving the meat to soak in its aroma.

Instead of horseradish (and sometimes together with it) can be used mustard. A few teaspoons of it are diluted in a liquid with which okroshka is poured. Mustard goes especially well with okroshka on fermented milk products or sour cream.

Also among the spices that are suitable and used for making okroshka, it should be noted mint, basil, celery, tarragon.


Lemons or lemon juice, as a source of acid, as well as soaked and fresh apples.


In recipes for mushroom okroshka, mushrooms replace the meat part, but they can be used not instead of meat, but simultaneously with it. Mushroom pickers can afford to choose among milk mushrooms, saffron mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, volushki, and residents of cities that do not have such a choice should try okroshka with champignons or oyster mushrooms.

As you can see, the choice of ingredients for a cold summer soup is very rich, but this does not mean at all that, by taking the products that are at hand, you will prepare a delicious okroshka, because not all of them are combined with each other. In order not to be mistaken and disappointed in the result, choose basic recipe, and already on its basis, conduct experiments with the addition of new products, and it is better to experiment not with a full pan of the dish, but by pouring part of it into a separate plate.

Okroshka with mushrooms

Popular okroshka recipes

Classic meat okroshka on kvass

boiled lean meat
fresh cucumbers
green onion
hard-boiled eggs
bread kvass
sour cream

The quantity and ratio of ingredients can be changed to your liking, but there is a conditional "golden" rule - for one person you need to take 1 egg, 50 g of meat, 2 medium cucumbers, a spoonful of sour cream, a small bunch of green onions, 1 tsp. mustard.

Meat for okroshka should be cooked until soft, and hard-boiled eggs. Cucumbers are pre-peeled, and chopped onions are ground in a wooden mortar with salt so that it gives a little juice.

Eggs are divided into proteins and yolks - the proteins are chopped, and the yolks are rubbed with salt, sugar and mustard (ready-made mustard).

All prepared products are put in one pan, mixed and diluted with kvass. Sour cream and chopped dill are added to the soup when serving.

Okroshka on kefir

2 cucumbers
4 radishes
4 medium potatoes, boiled with skins on
3 hard boiled eggs
a bunch of green onions, dill, parsley and cilantro (several branches each)
200 g boiled chicken meat
1 l kefir
1 st. boiled water
2-3 lemon slices
salt, sugar to taste

Cut the radish and peeled cucumber into strips, chop the eggs, meat and potatoes into cubes. Grind the greens, grind the onion separately with salt.

Dilute kefir with boiled chilled water and pour over all prepared and mixed ingredients. Put the pieces of lemon, after squeezing a little juice out of it into okroshka, and put the pot of soup in the refrigerator (okroshka on kefir must be well chilled).

Okroshka on mineral water

Okroshka on a mineral water differs in filling. As the name implies, this is mineral water, but not in its pure form, but mixed with the same kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise. Approximate ratio dairy product(or mayonnaise) and mineral water - one to four or six (for example, 250 g of sour cream per 1 liter of mineral water).

Okroshka with sausage on mayonnaise

In terms of the number of lovers, okroshka with sausage bypassed its ancestor - the classic meat okroshka. But in defense of the latter, it should be said that it loses not in taste, but in simplicity. Since a typical okroshka is a fairly simple dish, sausage is more suitable for it than meat. Although, of course, there are gourmets who are not afraid of difficulties and who are not too lazy to boil meat, make kvass on their own and conjure over seasonings for a long time.

So, a variant of okroshka with sausage

3 pcs. potatoes
300 g boiled sausage (without fat)
3 cucumbers
4 eggs
a bunch of onions
other herbs to taste
200 g mayonnaise
boiled water

The ingredients are prepared in the same way as for any other okroshka, and then mixed with mayonnaise and salt. A little cold boiled water is added to the finished okroshka so that the mayonnaise is evenly distributed, and then water is poured in to obtain the desired soup consistency. At the end, lemon juice is added and the okroshka is cooled.

Mushroom okroshka on kvass (old recipe)

Ingredients for 4 persons:
1 fresh and 1 pickled cucumber
2 salted milk mushrooms
2 boiled mushrooms
2 boiled waves
1 fresh and 1 soaked apple
5 pieces. boiled potatoes
1 baked beetroot
1/4 cup boiled beans
1 st. l. mustard (ready)
some salt
a little crushed black pepper
1 st. l. Sahara
green onion
parsley dill
1 l. bread kvass

Peel and chop cucumbers, potatoes, beets, apples. Chop mushrooms and herbs. Mix everything, salt, pepper, put mustard and pour in kvass. Let it brew.

How to cut products for okroshka

You need to crumble products for okroshka, based on general principles preparation of chopped dishes: soft ingredients are cut into larger pieces, and hard ones are cut into smaller pieces.
Greens are crushed finely and can be additionally rubbed. Egg yolks can also be rubbed to give the dish a uniform yellowish tint and a more even taste.

An important role is played by the shape of the cut. Our tongue is able to perceive not only taste - it can also perceive tactile sensations, therefore pieces of the correct geometric shape, especially hard ones, stand out from the overall composition of the dish and distract from taste sensations. Because of this, you should not chop radishes, cucumbers, potatoes with the right identical cubes - radishes can be cut into strips, cucumbers can be cut into thin rectangular slices, and potatoes can be cut into cubes, but you need to cook it completely, until soft.

How to cook bread kvass for okroshka

Bread kvass is prepared from rye bread. To get 2 liters of kvass, you need a third of a loaf of bread, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 10 pieces of raisins, 1 g of yeast.

Bread should be cut into thin slices and dried well in the oven until golden brown. The temperature of the oven should be set low - 120-150 C.

AT three-liter jar put prepared crackers so that they fill it by a third, and fill the jar with boiling water. When the mixture has cooled to a temperature slightly above room temperature, raisins, sugar and yeast are added.

Leave the kvass to ferment in a warm place, covering the jar with gauze. Depending on the temperature in the room, bread kvass will be ready for consumption in 3-5 days.

Before use, it is filtered, and the remaining mass of crackers can be used as a starter for the next portion - it is returned back to the jar and again filled with water and sugar.

Okroshka vs cold soups of other nations

If we choose the characteristic “cold soup” as the basis for comparison, then it is logical to recall the popular Spanish gazpacho, Ukrainian beetroot, Bulgarian tarator.

Comparing okroshka and gazpacho is practically retelling a popular anecdote: “like a camel, but not at all similar.” The only thing that unites these two dishes is a refreshing taste, and even a cucumber in the composition. Otherwise, they are different: gazpacho is a completely vegetable, puree-like red soup, okroshka - as we managed to make sure - enough hearty meal from finely chopped ingredients.

The next candidate for comparison is beetroot. He looks more like a okroshka than gazpacho, as it consists of similar ingredients - eggs, green onions, fresh cucumbers, sour cream. It is distinguished by the presence of boiled beets (it is boiled already chopped, and the broth itself serves as the basis for beetroot).

Beetroot has a very beautiful pale pink color with a purple tint, which is obtained by mixing sour cream and rich beetroot broth.

Tarator- Bulgarian half-soup-half-drink. Getting ready for sour milk or yogurt with walnuts, cucumbers, greens and vegetable oil. A bit like okroshka cooked with fermented milk products.

Instead of an epilogue

I would like to finish the review with the words “Okroshka is good in the heat!”, But this would not be entirely fair, because okroshka is good not only in the heat - it is good in itself - but it is especially good in the heat.

Summer is really a fertile time for preparing cold refreshing dishes, but for cooking okroshka this is a special season also because cucumbers, leafy vegetables, greens are especially tasty from the garden, and okroshka cooked in winter will be just a pale copy of summer.

Separately, I would like to say a few words to those who have not found a place for okroshka in their menu and in their hearts - do not be categorical! There are a lot of recipes for okroshka, but even more of them are not written down and not even open. It cannot be that among this great multitude, not a single recipe appeals to you and suits your taste. Try, improvise, create. Do not limit your imagination, do not drive yourself into the framework of prejudices. And do not forget that tastes change - what you did not like as a child or a few years ago, today may well become your favorite dish!

If you have boiled potatoes, fresh cucumbers, radishes, boiled eggs and a variety of greens, then consider that your delicious okroshka is almost ready. For the liquid base, you can choose whatever you like or find in the fridge. Natural bread kvass, low-fat kefir, curd whey, mineral water are well suited.

The history of the appearance of the dish

Russian cuisine did not know either boiled sausage or ham. At her disposal was beef and a poor set of vegetables. Instead of kvass, cabbage and cucumber pickles were used. All the ingredients were crumbled, for which the dish was awarded the name "okroshka".

There is probably no family in our country in which okroshka would not be prepared. This dish seems to be made for a hot summer.

What do you need for a classic dish

In the classic version, the ingredients cut for okroshka are poured with white kvass, it tastes much more sour than bread kvass. Today, this kvass is not found, but we can independently prepare high-quality, delicious homemade kvass from rye bread or malt, with the addition of herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Dip the beef tongue in boiling water, cook for an hour and a half. The skin from the tongue will be removed easily if you hold it under running cold water. The already cooled tongue is cut into cubes. If the tongue is large, use only required amount, for 1 serving you will need 100 grams;
  2. Remove the skin from the potatoes, cut them into cubes, put in a pot of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon or use a colander. In this case, it is necessary to save the broth in the amount of 1 cup. Cool all ingredients;
  3. Hard-boiled eggs, remove shells. Cut the protein into cubes. Grind the green onion feather, put it in a cup, send the yolks to it, season with salt. Crush these products, you can use a pestle or an ordinary wooden “potato masher”. Then pour in the cooled broth, mix;
  4. Remove the skin from the cucumbers, chop into medium-sized cubes, pour into the pan with the yolks and onions. Put squirrels, potatoes, tongue, radish sliced ​​​​in circles in the same pan, pour kvass. To infuse okroshka, it must be put in the refrigerator for at least two hours;
  5. Serve okroshka cold, season with sour cream.

For okroshka on kvass

Traditional products for kvass okroshka are lean meat, fish, herbs and vegetables. These products are taken in equal proportions. The main thing is to serve cold okroshka with sour cream.

For okroshka you need:

  • 1.5 l of bread kvass;
  • 300 grams of boiled beef;
  • potatoes - 3 or 4 tubers;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • 6 radishes;
  • green onion feather and dill - 1 large bunch each;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon zest - ½ teaspoon;
  • to taste - spices.

It will take 20 minutes to cook, the calorie content of 1 serving will be 300 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the boiled beef, boiled potatoes, vegetables (cucumber and radish) into cubes, mix. Add chopped onion and dill;
  2. Peel the boiled eggs, separate the whites and yolks. Add chopped proteins to a container with vegetables and meat;
  3. Grind the yolks with sour cream, add Russian mustard, lemon juice and zest. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Dilute with kvass;
  4. Arrange a mixture of meat and vegetables on plates, pour prepared kvass.

How to cook okroshka with kefir

Okroshka with kefir - summer soup, which does not lose anything in taste classic okroshka on bread kvass. The method of preparing cold soup with kefir, in general, has no fundamental differences. First of all, a base is prepared from fresh and boiled vegetables, meat or sausages. The liquid base in this recipe is kefir.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • ham - 400 grams;
  • parsley, green onion feather, dill - to taste;
  • cucumber (fresh) - 2 fruits;
  • liquid kefir 1% - 1 liter;
  • radish - 6 pcs.

It will take only 15 minutes to cook, 1 serving contains 390 kcal.

Cooking method:

What products are needed for a dish on mineral water

Okroshka on mineral water is prepared simply and quickly. The main ingredients are jacket-boiled potatoes, egg whites, Cucumbers, Radishes And Green Onions. They go great with carbonated not too salty mineral water.

What you need for 4 servings:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 200 grams of beef or boiled tongue;
  • fresh cucumber - 4 pieces;
  • radish - 8 pcs.;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • matsoni - 400 ml;
  • mineral water (with gas) - 800 ml;
  • 8 pcs. - green onion feather;
  • to taste - spices;
  • dill for decoration.

You can cook okroshka in 20 minutes, calorie content - 300 kcal.

How to cook okroshka:

  1. The meat base of okroshka is prepared in advance. Meat or beef tongue boil, cool. Cut into thin pieces;
  2. Prepare vegetables: boil potatoes, cucumber, radish, wash and dry herbs. Cut vegetables into cubes, and chop greens at your discretion;
  3. Mix matsoni (or kefir) with mineral water and pour over the ingredients (tongue or meat, herbs and vegetables);
  4. Season to taste with salt, pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

  1. If okroshka is cooked with meat, then it should be soft and tender, preferably boiled with a bone and cut off from it. To make the taste of cold soup richer, you can use a variety of meats: chicken, beef, pork, but only beef;
  2. For okroshka, fish with a neutral taste is suitable: pike perch, tench, or cod. It is pre-cut into cubes, and then boiled;
  3. Lemon juice is added to cold soups with fish to acidify them a little;
  4. Meat or vegetable cold soups are allowed to be supplemented with kvass, which has light sweet taste;
  5. To prepare kvass, you need to cut bread (rye) into pieces, dry it in the oven. Put dry bread in a container, add boiling water, leave for four hours in a warm place in the kitchen. Strain the bread mixture, add dry yeast, sugar, cover with a thick towel. Leave in the kitchen to infuse. For preparation: a loaf of rye bread, 2 bags of yeast, four liters of water, 200 grams of sugar;
  6. To give okroshka a spicy taste, you must first combine kvass with black pepper and mustard. Add spicy dressing to prepared vegetables, greens, meat, let it stand for a while, then pour the remaining kvass;
  7. If okroshka does not contain meat products, for a harmonious taste, horseradish is better than mustard;
  8. Kefir perfectly quenches thirst, it is especially useful in hot weather. However, if you pour okroshka with one kefir, it will turn out to be very thick. Therefore, kefir must be diluted with water, mineral water can also be used;
  9. Eggs are added to okroshka whole or just protein, and the yolk is ground with mustard, horseradish, ground black pepper, diluted with a small amount of kvass and, adding a little sour cream.

In the heat, you can refuse hot dishes, but cold okroshka is simply a must. She is easy to prepare. A couple of potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, meat or sausage - and the whole family is fed.

Hello everyone, friends!

Spring and summer is the time to cook, and then with Great Pleasure to eat okroshka, cooked with your own hands and with Love!☺

Do you agree with me, friends? I know a lot of people agree...

Who doesn't love this dish? Yes EVERYONE loves it!

And today we are talking about it with you - about okroshka ... Delicious, tender, fragrant, very satisfying and super-refreshing!

So, how to cook okroshka?

I tried to collect the most delicious recipes☺

From this article you will learn:

How to cook okroshka - delicious recipes

I chose for you, as usual, something interesting, tasty and easy to prepare at the same time.

We agree right away: the number of ingredients in each version of okroshka is individual. Because "there are no comrades for taste and color"

Someone likes it when there are a lot of radishes in okroshka, and few potatoes, for example. For some it's quite the opposite...

Someone likes to “stand the spoon”, and someone likes to be thin ... ☺ And someone loves it when the main ingredient of any okroshka is sausage ... I know people like that ... ☺

Therefore, I have collected the most popular recipes, although I don’t eat sausage myself, but I either don’t put it in okroshka or replace it with boiled chicken or beef.

How to cook okroshka on kvass?

I repeat once again: the number of ingredients in each version of okroshka is individual. Because "there are no comrades for taste and color"

We will need:

  • Sausage.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Eggs boiled.
  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • Sour cream.
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.
  • Kvass.
  1. Boil potatoes and eggs, cool, peel.
  2. Cut potatoes, eggs, sausage and cucumbers into cubes.
  3. Slice the radish very thinly.
  4. Finely chop all the greens.
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, salt and pepper. * Pour kvass, sprinkle with herbs.
  6. * You can put sour cream immediately and mix everything, or you can individually serve each on a plate.

Classic okroshka, but, nevertheless, insanely delicious! Previously, our mothers and grandmothers cooked only according to this recipe. Now there are many options for the "performance" of this dish. And before - only this way ... Therefore, this okroshka has a taste that has been loved since childhood ...

How to cook okroshka with whey?

We will need:

  • Milk serum.
  • Boiled sausage.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Eggs.
  • Parsley, green onion, dill.
  • Sour cream.
  • Lemon.
  1. Finely chop the onion, cucumber and herbs.
  2. Add sour cream, mix.
  3. Boil the eggs, finely chop the eggs and sausage.
  4. Add to onions and cucumbers, mix again.
  5. Fill with serum.
  6. Salt, add lemon juice.
  7. Stir, put in the refrigerator for a short time, so that the okroshka is infused.
  8. You can squeeze garlic into okroshka, it will be very piquant!

How to cook okroshka on kefir?

We will need:

  • Chicken breast.
  • Kefir.
  • Radish.
  • Mineral water with gas.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Dill, cilantro (coriander), green onion, parsley.
  • Bay leaf, apple natural vinegar(or lemon juice), salt, ground black pepper.
  1. We cook eggs.
  2. Cut into small cubes chicken breast and boil together with bay leaf, pre-salt and pepper. You can first cook it in one piece, and then cut it.
  3. Finely chop the radishes, cucumbers, eggs, cilantro, parsley, onion and dill.
  4. mix mineral water, lemon juice (or Apple vinegar) and kefir.
  5. We mix all the chopped ingredients well, put them on plates and pour kefir with mineral water.
  6. Salt, pepper and mix again.
  7. Serve garnished with greens.

How to cook okroshka on beer?

A real "male" okroshka!

We will need:

  • radish,
  • beer,
  • green onion,
  • fresh cucumbers,
  • boiled potatoes,
  • boiled sausage,
  • hard-boiled eggs,
  • salt pepper.
  1. We cut all the components at our discretion, as we like. We fill everything with cold beer, you can (and should!) Non-alcoholic! Personally, I am for this version of the "performance" of this okroshka!
  2. Salt, pepper and mix well.
  3. Everything is ready, let's go to the table!

Diet okroshka - a delicious recipe

There is no boiled potato in this okroshka, the role of a “nutritious” product is played by green peas. Therefore, this okroshka can be “cracked” as much as you want, and it will not affect your figure in any way!

We need:

  • Boiled beef tongue.
  • Boiled chicken breast.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Radish.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
  • Green onion.
  • Green pea.
  • A lot of greens - cilantro, dill, parsley, celery, ... Whatever you like from greenfinch, then add it!
  • Pepper, salt and all your favorite spices.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Mineral water with gas.


Cut all the components into small cubes, grate the cucumber, add finely chopped greens, salt and pepper, add spices, lemon juice. Pour everything with mineral water and mix.

A week on such an okroshka - and the figure will be like that of a model!

Okroshka in meat broth

We will need:

  • Chicken leg.
  • Eggs.
  • Potatoes.
  • Cucumber.
  • Dill, green onion.
  • Sour cream.
  • Lemon juice. Salt pepper.


  1. Boil potatoes and eggs, peel.
  2. Cook broth from chicken thighs.
  3. Remove the meat, cool, separate it from the bones, cut into small cubes.
  4. Chop greens. * Cut eggs and all vegetables into small cubes.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly in a large container, add sour cream.
  6. Pour everything with cooled broth, salt, add lemon juice.
  7. Put the finished okroshka for one hour in a cool place.

Serve seasoned with chopped garlic and a spoonful of homemade! J

Tomato okroshka - a delicious recipe

What a refreshing and delicious soup! In the summer heat - what you need, friends!

So, the base is tomato juice:

  • Sweet bell pepper, boiled chicken fillet, radishes, boiled potatoes, as well as fresh cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs - we cut all this beautifully.
  • Radishes and cucumbers can be coarsely grated if desired.
  • Add chopped herbs, garlic, green onion, salt, pepper, add lemon juice.
  • Mix and pour in tomato juice.
  • Mix again and pour wonderful summer version tomato okroshka on plates.

We eat with pleasure!

Okroshka with tomatoes (Indian version).

Friends, a light, simple and very cool dish, I'll tell you! Unusual, original and prepared for "one-two-three"! J

Just what you need, especially in summer!

Cooking: sweet, cut the tomatoes. Grate cucumber. Add chopped greens, salt. Add zira spice and pour everything with sour cream + kefir sauce. Mix.

Ready! Excellent and healthy dish, for a slim figure - including!

Vegetarian okroshka based on kefir

The recipe is generally without meat, for those who like to eat light food. And also an option for the summer, when the heat is hot and, well, you really don’t want to eat anything “heavy” at all!

Okroshka ingredients:

  • kefir,
  • boiled eggs,
  • boiled potatoes,
  • fresh cucumbers,
  • radish,
  • green onions, any greens,
  • green pea,
  • salt pepper.

Finely and beautifully chop all the components, add peas, salt, pepper, pour kefir and mix.

Try it, if you want a little sour, then you can add lemon juice.

Serve on the table, garnished with herbs.

Kefir okroshka with sorrel

A great option for okroshka! I really like it, try it!

Very original taste, friends! I like it. Unusual and interesting! I love everything unusual!


  • kefir,
  • (a lot of!),
  • radish,
  • green onion,
  • green peas,
  • fresh cucumber (grated)
  • canned corn,
  • salt pepper.
  • sour cream.
  1. Finely chop the radish, grate the cucumber.
  2. Chop sorrel and onion.
  3. Mix everything, add sour cream, corn, peas, salt, pepper.
  4. Pour in kefir, mix.
  5. You can add a little chopped garlic for "more piquancy"

Okroshka fish based on kvass

We need:

  • kvass,
  • green onion,
  • boiled carrots,
  • young boiled potatoes
  • fresh cucumbers,
  • a few capers
  • dill, parsley, celery,
  • mustard,
  • ground black pepper
  • salt.


  1. Cut fish and vegetables.
  2. Add chopped herbs, mustard, pepper, salt, capers.
  3. Pour in kvass, mix.
  4. If not enough "sourness" - add lemon juice.

If you want more "satiety" - you can add sour cream and green peas. I did this and my husband loved it!

Okroshka based on kvass with bell pepper and chicken sausage

  • Bread kvass.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Chicken sausage.
  • Eggs.
  • Radish.
  • Greens.
  • Sour cream.
  • Cucumbers are fresh.
  • Garlic.
  • Mustard.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Bell pepper sweet.
  • Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Cooking okroshka:

  1. Cut potatoes, sausage, bell peppers, eggs, herbs, cucumbers, radishes.
  2. Add sour cream, garlic, mustard, lemon juice (vinegar), pepper, salt.
  3. Pour everything with bread kvass, mix.

Serve on the table and rather invite your loved ones to “eat”!

It will be delicious!

Write in the comments your options for this wonderful summer soup - okroshka! How do you like to cook it? What are your "chips" in the preparation of this dish? So that, well, it was impossible to break away from it directly! ... Do you know how?

Alena Yasneva was with you, for today - everything, bye-bye everyone!