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Lightly salted cucumbers classic. Quick pickled cucumbers

Hello friends! Today we have a very tasty topic.

Raise your hand, who does NOT love juicy, crunchy, fragrant cucumbers? There are none, I'm sure!

I myself am like that. I love them and fresh, and canned. But all this very quickly "gets boring", don't you agree? And I already want something new and unusual ... So?

Yes, easily!

Keep the idea! Cucumbers SMALL!

You have no idea how delicious it is!!! Do not compare them either with fresh ones, let alone with canned ones ... And in terms of usefulness, they are a hundred times superior to them!

Why? Read below.

And I will give you recipes, but how? Your own, personal, proven!

From this article you will learn:

Lightly salted instant cucumbers - the most delicious recipes

Why are salted cucumbers so useful?

And the fact that during salting, a fermentation process occurs, in which lactic acid bacteria begin to actively multiply. It is these lactic acid bacteria that are sooo useful for the good functioning of our intestines and Health in general!

Why are salted cucumbers so good?

And the fact that they are both a wonderful snack (as an independent dish) and a wonderful addition to almost any of your dishes!

With a bang, they go with borscht, and with potatoes, and with pasta.

They are perfect as a component for salads, especially the Olivier type, for vinaigrettes, where pickles are needed.

Your “olivier” or vinaigrette will sparkle with new “notes”, unusual, juicy, interesting ...

For sandwiches - please! Excellent thing!

Yes, even just like that, with black bread - you know how delicious !!!? Mmmm...

In addition, lightly salted cucumbers can be cooked in different ways, you can spicy, you can with herbs, you can with garlic ... Who loves - please! Who likes to be very crispy - please!

And who does not want to mess around and wait for a long time - also please! - have a recipe fast food. Choose what your heart desires!

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and herbs is super-tasty and fast!

This is an insanely popular recipe because it doesn't require much time, it is also called "cucumbers in five minutes".

You will not need to prepare the brine or wait a few days. Cucumbers will be ready in 4-5 hours!

It would be even better to keep them a little longer, for example, they cooked them in the evening, and the next day - voila! - you already have delicious crispy and fragrant cucumbers!

But many do not withstand this time, and eat right there ... They are so tasty!

The recipe is simple to disgrace, which is the most “it” for young, novice hostesses!

The big “plus” of this recipe is that the cucumbers do not change their color during cooking, they remain the same bright beautiful green

How to salt lightly salted cucumbers in a bag - dry salting

So, we take:

  • about a kilogram of cucumbers,
  • a tablespoon of salt (less can be, see your preference),
  • one teaspoon of sugar (who basically does not want to use sugar - you can use honey, I did it - great!),
  • garlic (crush a few cloves, how much - decide for yourself how you like more),
  • a bunch of dill (I always put a big bunch!).

Now we are preparing:

  1. Choose small cucumbers so that they pickle faster. Rinse them thoroughly, cut off the ends at both ends.
  2. Rinse the greens, let the water drain, finely chop.
  3. Now we take a strong, durable plastic bag of sufficient size, put the cucumbers there.
  4. Pour salt, sugar directly into the bag, put crushed (finely chopped) garlic and dill.
  5. Now tightly tie the bag and shake its contents several times so that all the components are evenly distributed over the cucumbers.

Everything! Now you can simply put the package in the refrigerator for several hours. And then enjoy yourself and delight your loved ones with lightly salted cucumbers!

If you are wondering how the cucumbers will pickle if there is no brine and they are dry, then do not worry!

I assure you, and the brine will appear, and they will be perfectly salted, and everything will be just wonderful!

If you want to make cucumbers more savory - no problem! Add your favorite spices and herbs! And every time you will have cucumbers with a new taste.

Personally, I love adding coriander, allspice, and ... ground black pepper! Yes Yes! It's so yummy...!!!

Store these cucumbers in the refrigerator if you do not eat them all at once. Which I highly doubt...

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with vinegar

This is also a dry method of salting.

But its “trick” is that when cooking, you use ordinary food 9% vinegar.

What for? The process of salting cucumbers is reduced several times!

Don't want to use store table vinegar? No problem! Use . If you have a homemade one, that's great!

I also used freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar - generally excellent!

The ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe:

  • kilogram of cucumbers,
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • garlic, herbs, spices to taste.

In this recipe, add vinegar (or lemon juice, as you like, tasty this way and that) - about a spoonful or two tablespoons for that many cucumbers.

If you want - you can have three, it's not a problem if you are a big fan of sour taste.

So, we are preparing:

  • my cucumbers, cut off the ends, put the cucumbers in a bag,
  • add salt, sugar, vinegar there ( lemon juice), spices, garlic, chopped herbs,
  • tightly tie (fasten) the bag and shake its contents thoroughly.
  • wait until ready (ideally 2-3 hours)!

I share my “life hack”, friends! If you cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise or into four parts (depending on the thickness of the cucumbers), then they will pickle even faster and be ready already ... almost immediately !!! For us, always busy and always in a hurry, this "chip" - salvation is simple!

In this case, you do not need to put the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator. Leave it at room temperature for an hour.

Such cucumbers can be transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, no more.

But I don’t think that they will “live” with you even until the next morning ... They are so amazingly delicious!

Pickled cucumbers with mustard in a bag

Friends, I love this recipe. salted cucumbers precisely because it contains mustard.

Yes, yes, it is she who gives cucumbers such unusual taste! And what a scent! Mmm… And in combination with garlic and herbs, it's just amazing, I assure you!

For some reason it seems to me, no, I'm sure that this particular recipe will become your favorite. Just like mine.

In terms of ingredients - everything is simple, everything is the same as in previous recipes:

  • kilogram of cucumbers,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • greens,
  • garlic,
  • vinegar (lemon juice)
  • spices.

Only to all the spices we add one more - ground dry mustard. For the first time, I do not recommend indulging in "breaking bad" and adding too much of it.

Add a little and try. If it's not enough for you, add more next time. I always put "on the eye".

Cooking technology - as in the recipe above.

Salted cucumbers in a saucepan in brine - a very tasty recipe

Another very simple recipe.

It is necessary to prepare cucumbers by cutting off their tips, rinse, put them in any container of sufficient volume (a bowl, a saucepan, you can glass jar) and fill them with brine.

Preparing the brine is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. For one liter of water, you need to add from 1 to 3 tablespoons of salt (depending on how salty you like) + a little sugar (one or two teaspoons).
  2. Stir, boil, cool until warm.
  3. Add garlic, herbs, spices, cherries (optional).
  4. Pour the prepared cucumbers with brine so that the brine completely covers them.
  5. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for a day or two or three, as you wish. With each passing day they will become more and more rich taste.

My “life hack” is that I am impatient and don’t like to cook brine, boil it and wait for it to cool down…

I DO NOT understand WHY you need to boil it! Therefore, I often just pour ordinary filtered water into a large bowl (pot), add salt and sugar, spices and herbs there, lower the prepared cucumbers, cover the bowl (pot) with something - and that's it, you're done!

It remains only to wait at least a day for the cucumbers to become ready.

Salted cucumbers with mineral water

In fact, these are the same cucumbers in brine, but the “trick” is that instead of plain water we will use…mineral water!

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe turn out to be just mega-crispy !!! Try it, you will love it!


  • we take one kilogram of cucumbers, cut off their tips on both sides,
  • put the cucumbers in a jar or other container where they will be cooked,
  • we take a liter of mineral water (in principle, any, the main thing is that its taste is pleasant to you), add a tablespoon of salt, chopped garlic, chopped herbs, spices to the water,
  • mix well and pour our cucumbers on top with such a brine,
  • close the lid and put it in the fridge
  • * in a day we get it and crack it on Health!

Quick salted cucumbers in 5 minutes

Do you know why they are called that? Because they are preparing as much as a whole ... five minutes!

Yes, yes, no more! This is a great appetizer if you come to the country house or for a picnic with friends.

That is, while you are stringing your future barbecue on skewers, while you are laying out what you brought with you from food, your cucumbers will already “arrive in time”!

This is a great super-lifesaver even if guests suddenly come to you.

While you are preparing the main course and setting the table, you can offer guests such an aperitif - something “stronger” and such an appetizer of homemade cucumbers. Believe me, after that they will ask you for the recipe, but more than once!

You can cook both in a bag and immediately in a salad bowl (bowl), as it suits you best. Just don't forget to stir the cucumbers a couple of times while they're cooking, okay?

So, it's simple:

  • cut the cucumbers into thin long slices, cutting them lengthwise in half or into four parts,
  • salt, pepper to taste (add a little more pepper than usual, it's still spicy snack counts!),
  • add a little sugar, vinegar, chopped garlic and chopped herbs,
  • add a little vegetable oil(Olive, first cold pressed, is perfect here).

Just don't add too much oil! This is not a salad ... This is an appetizer, and you need a little oil, just to grease the cucumbers and give the appetizer an extra taste and aroma.

  • Now mix all the ingredients, wait a couple of minutes, mix again.
  • After a few minutes, you can safely serve on the table!

My observations: for some reason men really love this appetizer!

So, girls, cook, surprise, delight your loved ones!

Express - marinade for salted cucumbers - video

And I also really liked the marinade for lightly salted cucumbers from this video, I highly recommend watching it)

These are the recipes I have prepared for you today. I really hope that you will like them and you will be satisfied with the taste of lightly salted cucumbers.

Write your recipes in the comments, I will be very interested to learn something new!

Who will cook according to my recipes - also write, tell us what you got, okay?

See you soon, friends!

Alena Yasneva was with you, All Health and all-all earthly blessings!

Lightly salted cucumbers can be eaten immediately after cooking. There is no need to prepare brine and containers. Best Recipe crispy lightly salted cucumbers, in which the cucumbers remain dense and crispy. Putting boiled potatoes on the table along with salted crispy cucumbers - this is a classic of the traditional Russian table genre.

In the summer, when the time for cucumbers begins, crispy lightly salted cucumbers occupy a separate place on our tables. They are valued for taste qualities and retain the excellent aroma of fresh cucumbers.

Salted cucumbers fast food recipes

There are a lot of cooking recipes, and recently the housewives share the secrets of quick salting that do not affect the taste of the popular snack. Let's talk about how to cook crispy salted cucumbers at home in a cold and hot way. On the agenda is a recipe for lightly salted cucumbers. Crispy, quick-cooking, such cucumbers are also good as an easy-to-prepare, but excellent and practical snack.

Salted cucumbers recipe at home

Theoretically, any recipe that focuses on classic pickling can be lightened by reducing the amount of preservative ingredient, and get lightly salted cucumbers.

However, in practice the situation is somewhat different: both the way of working with vegetables and the composition of the brine are important, up to a set of herbs and spices. The only thing that is beyond doubt is that it is easier to create such a dish than a traditional pickle. How to cook lightly salted cucumbers recipe for a tasty and tender product:

  1. Wash briefly, only remove plaque from the skin. If the vegetable is bought in a store, go over it well with a brush;
  2. Soak. This step is required for any cooking method, even if you plan to lightly salt the product. As a result, cucumbers will crunch, will not lose density during storage;
  3. Pour the ingredients with brine;
  4. Put oppression on top. In some salting methods, this step is omitted.

What you need to make crispy cucumbers

Most simple recipes apart from cucumbers, salt and water do not require anything, but even these 3 ingredients can be completely different and give different results in the process. Try to pick them up like this:

Quick Salted Crispy Cucumber Recipe

  • Do not use iodized salt. Marine is also better not to take. Most delicious cucumbers it is possible to pickle under ordinary, rock, salt with large granules. If you take a finely ground product, the vegetables will become softer every day, stop crunching;
  • The classic pickling of cucumbers allows you to use the main product of any size. If you are guided by a quick recipe, you need to take the same cucumbers (preferably small ones);
  • The best lightly salted cucumbers are obtained from varieties that have a thin skin and pronounced pimples.

Pickling options for crispy cucumbers

  • Hot;
  • Dry Ambassador;
  • Cold.

Crispy Pickled Cucumbers - Easy Recipe

Let's figure out which of them is considered the fastest and will not affect the crispy properties of cucumbers. Let's talk about the secrets, since they are very important in the cooking process:

  1. For crispy lightly salted cucumbers, cut the fruits into halves and quarters and make punctures with a fork;
  2. In order for cucumbers to turn into lightly salted as quickly as possible, choose small vegetables, not large ones;
  3. Two hours before cooking, it is better to put the cucumbers in clean cold water, so they keep the crunch;
  4. When pickling in a jar, do not ram the cucumbers very tightly, this will affect the crispy properties;
  5. Vegetables for salting should be the same size, so their taste will be uniform;
  6. When preparing salted cucumbers in brine, you do not need to close the jar or pan tightly, disrupting the fermentation process;
  7. The tips of cucumbers are always trimmed before cooking.

Lightly salted cucumbers recipe in a jar per day

Using these tricks, the housewives will easily cope with the task. When pickling cucumbers in a jar, you need to place them vertically, so they will pickle better and faster. If the cucumbers are a little wilted, place them in cold water for at least an hour.

Pickled cucumbers -
classic recipe

Let's start with the classic and most common recipe, according to which our grandmothers also salted cucumbers. Cucumbers can be salted both in a jar and in a saucepan.

  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • Dill (umbrellas);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • Water - 1.5 (up to 2) liters;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. for 1 liter of water.
  1. We wash the cucumbers well, cut off the tips on both sides. At the bottom of a 3-liter jar we put currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas and put cucumbers in a jar. Be sure to put a few cloves of garlic;
  2. Dilute salt with water in a separate bowl. For 1 liter of water we need 2 tbsp. l. salt, and a 3-liter jar will need about 1.5 liters of brine, although its amount depends on the size of the cucumbers - the smaller the cucumbers, the less brine is needed;
  3. Pour the cucumbers in the jar with the resulting brine, close the jar nylon cover and leave overnight at room temperature. In the morning, the jar can be put in the refrigerator, and in the evening you can already enjoy crispy salted cucumbers.

In the summer and even in the fall, when the September cucumbers of the second harvest ripen, you can cook them, in a few minutes, without exaggeration, getting lightly salted. The long-awaited time of harvesting the first harvest is coming.

The radishes and greens have already ripened, and soon, soon we will rejoice at the first cucumbers. And I don’t know a single person who doesn’t like lightly salted cucumbers, an instant recipe will tell you how to make it delicious. Especially the first, long-awaited, crispy and fragrant.

Spices and additives for cucumbers

Spices and additives for pickling cucumbers

Cucumbers should be small and fresh. It is advisable to collect them from the garden right before salting. As for the water when using brine, it should be clean and preferably bottled or spring. It needs very little, but the quality of the water will affect the taste of the finished product. In classic recipes for the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers, the following greens are traditionally used:

  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • cherry leaves;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • Horseradish leaves and root.

Tarragon, anise umbrellas, oak leaves can also be added to this list. A harmonious combination will allow the hostess, having experimented, to create her own unique recipe salted cucumbers. Not even using a large number horseradish will give lightly salted cucumbers elasticity. They will crunch better.

As for spices, traditionally this list includes:

You can add allspice and other spices, experimenting with the spiciness of the appetizer. And, of course, we can not help but talk about salt. This is the main component of salted cucumbers, and a lot depends on its quality. Salt should be coarse and not iodized. Better to use sea ​​salt good quality, cucumbers love just that. Additionally, when pickling cucumbers, you can use sour apples, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, celery and even lime.

It is also remarkable that it takes very little time to cook them, and they are salted quite quickly. We hope that in this collection you will find your favorite recipe and share your impressions in the comments. And if you want to pickle cucumbers for the winter, then we recommend excellent and time-tested recipes for crispy canned cucumbers.

Salted cucumbers are loved by many. Cucumber is a very popular vegetable in our country. They are not only widely used in the season, but also harvested with pleasure for the future. And one of the most popular seasonal snacks is salted cucumbers, which are easy and quick to prepare, but they turn out so incredibly appetizing!

Recipe for lightly salted instant cucumbers in a bag

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag - a quick recipe

The fastest and most popular dish in spring and summer is lightly salted instant cucumbers. Cooking them is easy, literally one or two. Such an appetizer is simply indispensable in nature, great for baked potatoes or grilled vegetables, as well as barbecue.

Pickled cucumbers in a package in a quick way - ingredients:

  • Dill - a small bunch;
  • Rock salt (sea salt is not suitable) - an incomplete tablespoon;
  • Cucumbers (small, strong, with pimples) - 1 kg .;
  • Basil - optional
  • Garlic - a few cloves.
  1. Purchased fruits are best pre-immersed in ice water for a couple of hours. If they are homemade, then this step can be skipped;
  2. Remove the tails from both sides and check if the vegetables themselves are bitter. Cut along the entire length into four appetizing parts;
  3. Prepare two bags, put them into each other so that nothing accidentally leaks;
  4. Put the chopped slices there, pour salt, finely chopped dill on top. Chop the garlic very finely and send it there too;
  5. It remains only to release the air from the bags and tie them tightly;
  6. Shake the contents of the bag well so that everything is evenly mixed;
  7. Leave it in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, you need to shake the contents of the package 2-3 times for a better taste;
  8. As a result, in an hour you will get the most crispy cucumbers in the world.

Few can resist the crunch and aroma of lightly salted cucumbers, this appetizer is adored by everyone who is not indifferent to this vegetable. And the housewives who know how to cook it deliciously always receive a lot of compliments. With the recipes that we have collected in this section, you can learn how to cook very tasty lightly salted cucumbers, and experienced housewives get new ideas for making such a popular snack here. Today you can cook salted cucumbers in various ways:

  • In the package;
  • In a saucepan;
  • In the bank;
  • With garlic;
  • Fast food.

As a rule, the ripening season on our beds of fresh cucumbers begins in June. They are eaten fresh, in salads and salted. Despite the simplicity traditional recipes, cooking crispy salted cucumbers is an art. Someone loves spicy cucumbers, someone, on the contrary, does not tolerate a lot of spices.

Lightly salted cucumbers instant recipe in a saucepan

Lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan - a quick recipe

A great option for those who want to quickly pickle cucumbers. If you pickle cucumbers in the evening, then the next morning you can already taste them. Salted cucumbers recipe with garlic and dill in a saucepan.

Recipe in a pot 1

  • Dill (umbrellas);
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • Garlic - 6-7 cloves;
  • Black peppercorns;
  • Hot peppers;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. per 1 liter of water;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  1. We put greens on the bottom of the pan - horseradish leaves and dill. Cut a couple of circles of hot pepper. Cut the garlic cloves in half and place some of them on the bottom of the pan;
  2. Lay on the greens fresh cucumbers(be sure to trim the ends). Top the cucumbers with dill and horseradish and add garlic again. Sprinkle black peppercorns as desired. By the way, I read in one recipe that cucumbers are soft from black pepper. Nevertheless, I always put pepper and the cucumbers turn out crispy;
  3. Dilute salt and sugar in hot boiled water, stir until they are completely dissolved;
  4. Pour cucumbers with the resulting brine, put a few leaves of bay leaf on top. Make sure that the brine covers all the cucumbers. We put the pot in a cool place. After the brine has cooled, it is advisable to transfer the pan to the refrigerator.

Recipe in a pot 2

  • Cucumbers of approximately the same size (so that they absorb salt evenly) - 2.5 kg .;
  • Allspice peas;
  • Spicy herbs to your taste;
  • Salt (in no case iodized) - 3 tablespoons;
  • A small head of garlic;
  • A little black peppercorns.
  1. Another option how to salt cucumbers in a simple way, and we will make it in a saucepan. An enamel pan will do, but by no means aluminum;
  2. Soak cucumbers in water for at least two hours (the water is as cold as possible);
  3. We prepare spicy greens for salting - dill with umbrellas, currant and horseradish leaves. It needs to be cut fairly large. Don't forget the garlic, you can't live without it! You put herbs and garlic without any prescription, as much as you want;
  4. We take the cucumbers out of the water, rid them of the tails. You can optionally make cruciform cuts along the edges - so they will salt faster;
  5. The next secret, color depends on it. If poured with cold brine, the color will be very bright. But hot pickle will salt our snack much faster, but will change color to pale green, rather even emerald. The choice is yours - you want fast food with a pale color - salt in hot brine. If you want a bright color - use cold brine, but you have to wait at least three days;
  6. We alternate greenfinch and cucumbers in a saucepan - there should be greens on the bottom, vegetables on it, herbs again and vegetables again. Topped with herbs;
  7. Scatter the pepper and chopped garlic;
  8. As for the cold brine, everything is clear here - we stir the salt in the liquid and pour the contents of the pan;
  9. Pour salt into hot water (two tablespoons of salt per liter of water). Pour the contents of the pan, cover with an inverted plate and cover the top with a jar with seaming or other cargo.

Boiled potatoes, poured it with fragrant oil or sour cream. And to them, the company sent lightly salted instant cucumbers. Very tasty, and what could be more appetizing and faster! The main thing is to pickle these same cucumbers correctly, there are secrets here. We'll talk about them if you are a lover of lightly salted cucumbers. By the way, quick lightly salted cucumbers are obtained very well, even from greenhouse counterparts.

So, you can take your soul in any season, even in winter. This is a delicious fragrant snack, which is one of the first created from a fresh harvest. Such preservation is the basis of spicy salads and pickles.

The calorie content of the product does not scare women, since it is minimal and completely covered by high benefits. All this is about salted cucumbers, easy to prepare and appetizing even after eating. How to cook them and make lightly salted?

Salted cucumbers quickly

Lightly salted instant cucumbers - recipe

If the guests are on the doorstep and there are not enough snacks, it does not matter. There is an excellent and quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a very short time, in order to be in time before the guests arrive. There will be no exact amount in this recipe; we cook cucumbers “by eye”. We cook cucumbers without brine.

  • fresh cucumbers;
  • Salt;
  • dill greens;
  • Garlic;
  • Chili pepper dry.
  1. Finely chop the dill and sprinkle it with a little salt so that it soaks and becomes more juicy;
  2. We clean a few cloves of garlic;
  3. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers on both sides;
  4. Cucumbers cut in half or, if necessary, very quick snack, into 4 parts. We put cucumbers in a salad bowl;
  5. Sprinkle each layer of cucumbers randomly with salt, squeeze the garlic passed through the press on top and sprinkle with chopped dill. So we lay all the cucumbers in layers, sprinkling with salt and sprinkling with garlic and dill. If desired, you can add chopped dry hot chili peppers for spiciness;
  6. We cover the salad bowl with a lid and shake well all the contents so that all the ingredients are well mixed. Serve immediately, or cover with cling film and refrigerate.

Lightly salted cucumbers - a quick recipe

Pickled Cucumber Recipes - 10 Recipes

This block will reveal to you the main ways of working with such home preservation. You will learn how to pickle lightly salted cucumbers immediately in a jar, what is the minimum aging time and whether it is possible to do without creating a brine.

Recipes tested by thousands of housewives are convenient for the ability to vary additional components, therefore, by writing them in your book, you can easily customize any method for yourself.

Recipe 1 - Quick lightly salted cucumbers

Salted cucumbers quick recipe

With this method, a bag or bag is used, in which very small cucumbers (gherkins) can be salted in a matter of minutes. If you have been wondering how to quickly make lightly salted cucumbers without negatively affecting their density and color, this option may be perfect for you. The appetizer is worthy of the main spread of any culinary magazine: in the photo and in life it looks amazing!

  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • Cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Mint leaves;
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • A clove of garlic.
  1. Washed cucumbers chop in circles;
  2. Mix oil, chopped garlic, mint and pepper;
  3. Combine all ingredients, move to a bag / jar. Salt;
  4. Shake vigorously for exactly 3 minutes.

Recipe 2 - Pickled cucumbers in a bag with garlic

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic - recipe

The general technology is similar to that described above, but a few flavoring ingredients have been added. finished product good to use for salads. In addition, the salting time has been reduced to 3 hours thanks to some simple steps. How to make salted cucumbers instant recipe with garlic? Study this recipe and try to repeat the algorithm.

  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Broken bay leaf;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • horseradish root;
  • Small cucumbers - 10-12 pcs.
  1. Cut the washed cucumbers lengthwise - due to this, they will be salted for only a few hours;
  2. Add pieces of garlic, chopped horseradish root, bay leaf;
  3. Pour everything into a bag, salt, tie. Shake several times.

Recipe 3 - Lightly salted cucumbers with vinegar

Lightly salted cucumbers with vinegar - recipe in a saucepan

The appetizer obtained as a result of working according to this method has a delicate spicy taste, and the preservation itself proceeds faster than usual. For salted cucumbers with vinegar, you can take traditional spices and herbs, or even do without them almost completely. It is advisable to use small jars, be sure to sterilize before use.

  • Bay leaf;
  • Fresh cucumbers;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • horseradish root;
  • Vinegar - 2 liters;
  • cherry leaves;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 2.5 tbsp.
  1. Warm the vinegar in a saucepan, but do not let it boil;
  2. Prick the washed cucumber on a fork, dip in vinegar, soak for a minute and a half. Immediately move to the bank;
  3. Repeat the previous step for all cucumbers. You can lay them in portions and catch them with a slotted spoon - it will be faster;
  4. Add chopped horseradish, lavrushka, cherry leaves;
  5. Make a standard brine, boil, pour into jars;
  6. As soon as it cools down you can eat.;

Recipe 4 - Hot Salted Cucumbers

Salted cucumbers in a hot way - recipe

The main advantage of this method is fast work. However, the bright green tint of the skin will be lost, so housewives, who care about the aesthetic component of the dish, rarely resort to this recipe. If this does not bother you, and taste plays a more important role, learn how to pickle lightly salted cucumbers in a hot way. The set of herbs indicated below can be varied.

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg .;
  • A pod of hot pepper;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • Tarragon stems;
  • head of garlic;
  • Sprigs of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  1. Boil water, add salt to it. Professionals advise to make the amount of brine exactly according to the volume of cans. You will be left with excess liquid, but this is easier than trying to calculate the remainder;
  2. Rinse the greens, tear with your hands. Cut the garlic, do not grind;
  3. Scald the washed and devoid of ends cucumbers with boiling water, lay on top of the greens;
  4. Add chopped pepper;
  5. Pour boiling brine, put oppression on top;
  6. Salted cucumbers according to the recipe are ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5 - Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag

This is the easiest, fastest, most convenient way to prepare an instant snack. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag are otherwise called “dry”, since there is no need to make a pickle for them. The disadvantage of the recipe is the impossibility of preservation for the winter and in large volumes. The resulting dish should be eaten immediately, it can be stored in the refrigerator for only 3-5 days.

  • Sweet peas;
  • Cucumbers - 7-9 pcs.;
  • coriander grains;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sand - 1 tsp
  1. Make several cuts on the surface of the cucumbers;
  2. Put them in a bag, add the rest of the ingredients;
  3. Carefully rub with your hands to make sure that the spices and salt / sugar are evenly distributed over the cucumbers;
  4. Tie up the bag and leave it in the kitchen. After 10-11 hours you can eat.

Recipe 6 - Lightly salted cucumbers with cold water

Salted cucumbers in a jar in cold water

The reason for the low popularity of this method of creating a fragrant snack is the time spent on its preparation. It is infused in a jar for about a couple of days, but if desired, it can be stored for several months if it is rolled up. The recipe for salted crispy cucumbers with cold water looks simple, does not require careful study step by step instructions with photo.

  • currant leaves;
  • Cucumbers - 1 kg.;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • Dill sprigs;
  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  1. Distribute the greens and cucumbers along the bottom of the jar that has undergone a short sterilization. A layer of dill and leaves must necessarily lie on top;
  2. Pour salt into cold water. Let it dissolve;
  3. Pour the contents of the jar with this liquid. Without covering, leave lightly salted cucumbers in the room;
  4. When foam begins to appear, eliminate it, and move the workpiece to the refrigerator.

Recipe 7 - Lightly salted cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers for the winter - salted cucumbers in a jar

This method differs from previous methods in the increased duration of storage of the workpiece and unusual option work with the product. You do not have to use several containers and carefully wash them afterwards. How to make salted cucumbers recipe in a jar? Professionals advise taking large containers - 2-3 liters. There is no need to use oppression in this recipe.

  • Head of garlic - 1/2 pc.;
  • Dried dill;
  • Cucumbers - up to the shoulders of a 3-liter can;
  • Coarse salt - 3 tbsp.
  1. Fill a well-washed jar with chopped garlic and dill with tattered hands;
  2. Spread cucumbers on top;
  3. Pour salt;
  4. Pour boiled water up to the neck of the jar;
  5. Close, twist the container, distributing the salt. After a day, the snack is ready.

Recipe 8 - Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard - recipe

If you're wondering how to make a simple, familiar dish that can wow guests and family alike, check out pickled mustard pickle options. On their basis, savory salads, but also a single appetizer goes well with meat, potatoes, cereal side dishes. Mustard is desirable to use dry, chopped.

  • a bunch of celery;
  • Dry mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kg .;
  • Sprigs of parsley, dill;
  • Water - 1.7 liters;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp.
  1. Rinse fresh herbs, dry, chop;
  2. Wash a three-liter jar, fill the bottom with a part of the greens;
  3. Next you need to make layers of cucumbers and the remaining herbs;
  4. Close the last row of the layer with dry mustard;
  5. Make a traditional brine, close the contents of the jar with it. Eat in a day.

Recipe 9 - Lightly salted cucumbers recipe with salt and sugar

Lightly salted cucumbers recipe with salt and sugar

For some housewives, this way of working with canned vegetables is a real discovery. The key advantage of lightly salted cucumbers with salt and sugar is that they will crunch and look like from a glossy photo of a culinary magazine, even if you overexpose them when pickling. How to cook such an appetizer and what to serve it with? For guaranteed results, follow the instructions below exactly.

  • cucumbers - 0.7 kg;
  • allspice;
  • sand - 1.5 tsp;
  • garlic cloves;
  • oak leaves;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Mix all the ingredients together, put in a bucket;
  2. Pour hot brine to which sugar is added;
  3. Put oppression, keep the container in a cool place for 12 hours;
  4. Then transfer the cucumbers to a glass container and keep in the refrigerator. It is recommended to eat with pickled tomatoes.

Recipe 10 - Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water

Lightly salted cucumbers recipe mineral water

This is a quick and convenient way to prepare a snack that will crunch fervently. Salted cucumbers recipe on mineral water can be prepared with any drink of this type, but experienced housewives advise using Essentuki and similar soft options. A set of spices and herbs is basic, varies at will. The main advantage of this method is the speed of preparation.

  • Small cucumbers - 0.7 kg;
  • Dill;
  • Mineral water - 1 l.;
  • garlic clove;
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp.
  1. Rinse the greens, put on the bottom of the jar;
  2. Distribute cucumbers very tightly on top;
  3. Cover with the remnants of dill and chopped garlic;
  4. Dissolve salt in mineral water, pour cucumbers into it;
  5. Keep the night cold.

How to pickle cucumbers so that they are crispy

Lightly salted cucumbers recipe for crispy cucumbers

  1. Let's summarize. Water for brine is preferably filtered, well or simply from a bottle;
  2. Fruits should be dense, fresh, with pimples;
  3. Salt should not be iodized;
  4. Herbs and spices add your favorite and in any quantity;
  5. Salting dishes should be enameled or glass;
  6. All these tips will help you salt the most crispy lightly salted cucumbers - the recipe is now known to you;
  7. And main secret- Taste cucumbers at any time. After all, someone loves barely salted fruits, and someone well-salted. Get cucumbers whenever you want and eat with pleasure. Approximate calculation - per liter of water 1-2 tbsp. salt. In this case, you can experiment, because, as you know, there are no comrades for the taste and color. If you know these simple secrets of making lightly salted cucumbers, you can delight your friends and the whole family with a delicious instant snack all summer long. Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe pickled cucumbers

Now we will tell you how to cook salted cucumbers very quickly and without much kitchen hassle.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers in 2 hours

For cooking you will need:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon without top;
  • sugar - 1 tiny pinch.

Cut clean cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts, and then each part into 2 halves across. Finely chop the dill. Press the garlic through a press. Mix salt and sugar. Take a strong plastic bag and put all the prepared ingredients into it. Tie the bag with a harsh thread or fasten its top with a special culinary staple. Shake the bag in your hands to mix its contents. Put the package in the refrigerator. Shake the bag every half an hour so that the released juice is evenly distributed over the cucumbers. After 2 hours, during this time, you will probably boil potatoes and fry cutlets, call your family for lunch. Put the cucumbers in a deep bowl and be sure to pour the fragrant juice from the bag to them. Instead of a bag, you can take a food container with a tight lid.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers in 8 hours

For these cucumbers, you will need exactly the same products as in the first recipe. In addition, you will also need water - 1 liter.

  • Wash small, identical cucumbers well and cut off their tips on both sides.
  • Put the cucumbers in a jar, interspersing them with slices of garlic and chopped dill.
  • Bring water to a boil and add salt and sugar to it. Wait until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
  • Pour hot brine over cucumbers in a jar and leave it on the kitchen table until morning.
  • In the morning, rearrange the jar in the refrigerator, but do not forget to take a sample from crispy pickled cucumbers.

How to quickly cook salted cucumbers in 3 days

You can prepare these lightly salted cucumbers in advance if you do not need to serve them very quickly.

  • 2 kg fresh cucumbers fold into three-liter jar. Before that, you can cut off their ends.
  • Season the cucumbers with garlic (2-3 cloves) and a dill umbrella (a couple of pieces).
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of coarse rock salt and a coffee spoon of granulated sugar in two liters of cold water.
  • Pour the cucumbers with the resulting brine and leave them warm for 12 hours.
  • When the brine is a little cloudy, transfer the jar to the cold.
  • After three days, serve cucumbers on the table.

The three described recipes differ from each other only in the cooking time. You can also choose suitable way, salted cucumbers and make different to taste. Add to them any spicy leaves (cherries, currants, horseradish - 1-2 pieces each), spices (peppercorns, cumin, allspice - 5-10 pieces each). Tarragon goes well with cucumbers - for 1 kg of vegetables, put one of its small branches.

Usually, the classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers involves the time for pickling them for at least 3 to 4 days. It is during this period that they are sufficiently saturated with salt and spices, becoming tasty and crispy. But if there is absolutely no desire to wait so long, try cooking quick lightly salted cucumbers according to our proven recipes!

Recipe #1

Quick salted cucumbers with rye bread

Zest this recipe in a slice rye bread which is added to the brine. Bread significantly speeds up the fermentation process, gives the cucumbers a pleasant sourness and an appetizing peculiar aroma.

Before salting, it is recommended to lower the cucumbers for several hours in cold (and preferably ice) water. Having been saturated with moisture, the fruits will become elastic and crispy. For the marinade, you can use spices to your taste and desire. It can be leaves of currant, walnut, horseradish, cherry. Moreover, plants not only add flavor to cucumbers, but also help them retain their crunchiness. Dill is suitable both fresh and dried. But salt is recommended to take only large stone. Small "Extra", sea and iodized salt are not suitable for pickling - cucumbers will become soft and not tasty.


  • Fresh cucumbers 700 - 800 g,
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.,
  • Rye bread 1-2 slices,
  • Dill 4 - 5 sprigs,
  • Coriander,
  • Black pepper.

Cooking method:

Take any glass container. It can be a jar, a puddle, a deep bowl or. Put spices and pre-washed greens on the bottom.

To make lightly salted cucumbers pickle faster, cut off the ends on both sides. Pack the green fruits tightly into the spice bowl.

Place a few sprigs of dill and bread wrapped in gauze on top of the cucumbers.

Boil the brine for salted cucumbers. Pour a liter of water into the pan, add salt and sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil, then pour the cucumbers with this brine.

Press the cucumbers on top with something heavy. For example, place a lid that is smaller than the saucepan itself and place a jar of water on top of it.

Leave the cucumbers to marinate for a day at room temperature. The next day, the fruits will be delicious. Remove the bread from the brine, and send the container with cucumbers to the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. If the cucumbers do not seem sour enough to you, then you can leave them for another knock in a warm place for further souring.

Quick salted cucumbers keep in the refrigerator for about 14 days.

Recipe number 2

Hello everyone from my mom, she sent us a simple

A quick recipe for crispy lightly salted cucumbers

according to this recipe, cucumbers can be cooked even in winter.

For the recipe for pickling lightly salted cucumbers, we need only the ingredients listed in the list.

We do not use any peppercorns, parsley. With them, salted cucumbers are soft.

Quick cooking lightly salted cucumbers is the most convenient way to prepare for festive table simple snacks. In this case, it is allowed to use any recipe for cooking vegetables: with cold or hot water. You can make crispy and spicy salted cucumbers in a saucepan with the addition of non-standard spices, currant leaves or cherries. Among the proposed photo and video instructions, the hostesses can choose the most fast way cooking snacks in 5 minutes or more complicated recipes salted cucumbers with aromatic spices.

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan - a quick recipe in 5 minutes for hostesses

With the right selection and mixing of spices, the most ordinary cucumbers can be an excellent snack for the table. You can choose them at your own discretion, or you can use already proven recipes that all hostesses will definitely like. A simple recipe with the addition of different types peppers and herbs.

Ingredients for cooking pickled cucumbers in a saucepan in 5 minutes

  • peppercorns (black and white) - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • hot red pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • dill, parsley - a bunch;
  • currant and cherry leaves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • cucumbers - 2-3 kg.

A quick recipe for cooking lightly salted cucumber in 5 minutes in a saucepan

  • Prepare peppercorns. If desired, you can ceiling some of them to get more spicy snacks.
  • Rinse the parsley separately. Its long stems are best trimmed.
  • Peel the garlic. Cut hot pepper into thin rings. For a light spiciness, it is better to take 1 pepper. For a richer taste, add 2 peppers.
  • Wash cucumbers thoroughly. Cut off the edges.
  • Rinse dill. It is better not to cut the dill stems: they will help to give the workpiece an amazing taste and lasting aroma. Prepare dried currant and cherry leaves.
  • Put the spices in the bottom of the pot. In another, put 2 liters of water and add salt, sugar and pepper to it.
  • Put the greens in the pan: it will not float under the cucumbers and will hold the spices themselves.
  • Press down the spices and herbs with cucumbers, gently distribute them throughout the pan.
  • Pour boiling brine over cucumbers, press down with a lid. Leave them for 18-24 hours.
  • Crispy and spicy salted cucumbers in a saucepan - step by step photo recipe

    To prepare the most delicious salted cucumbers, it is customary to use wooden barrels. But even in a convenient pan, you can easily make delicious snack to the table. Initially, you can mix the ingredients in a bowl, and then transfer to another container. But it is best to immediately cook crispy salted cucumbers according to the recipe in a saucepan. The presence of a lid will allow you to carefully cover the workpiece for good salting.

    List of ingredients for the recipe for salted crispy cucumbers in any pan

    • cucumbers - 1 kg;
    • water - 2 l;
    • salt - 2 tablespoons;
    • sugar, vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
    • peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
    • garlic - 5 small cloves;
    • dill - a small bunch;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

    Step-by-step recipe for cooking salted spicy cucumber in a saucepan

  • Rinse cucumbers thoroughly from dust, dirt and earth. Trim the tips for the fastest and best salting of vegetables.
  • Put water on fire and add spices to it. Bring to a boil and boil the spices for just a couple of minutes. So the finished hot brine will have the most appetizing aroma. Let the prepared water cool down.
  • Pour the cucumbers with cooled brine and cover with a lid. Leave for 8-10 hours.
  • Delicious salted cucumbers in a saucepan with cold water - a recipe with step by step photos

    Cooking delicious cucumbers in cold water involves preheating it along with spices. So they can give a unique taste and aroma to the workpiece. If the hostess decides to simply pour prepared vegetables with cold water, then she should chop all the seasonings well. Or you can prepare a steep brine and then add it to cold water, which will be poured over vegetables. Therefore, you can use the recipe below for lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan with some of your modifications and changes.

    The list of ingredients for cooking salted delicious cucumbers in a saucepan

    • cucumbers - 3 kg;
    • water - 1.5-2 l;
    • brine - 100 ml;
    • garlic - 1 head;
    • currant leaves, cherries - 6 pcs.;
    • salt - 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp;
    • horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.;
    • peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
    • dill - a bunch.

    Recipe with step by step photos of cooking lightly salted delicious cucumbers

  • Prepare all required ingredients. Cucumbers can be immediately cut off the tips.
  • Rinse cucumbers and herbs well from dust and earth.
  • Separately, heat 100 ml of water, pour peas, salt and sugar into it. Arrange the cucumbers along with the herbs in layers. enamel pan or a bowl. Pour cold water into which brine has been added.
  • Appetizing lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan - a quick recipe for making snacks

    For most housewives who grow cucumbers in their area, they quick salting is the best option for preparing simple snacks. After all, after a day or even a shorter period of time, vegetables can already be eaten. At the same time, it takes literally half an hour to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan. The simple preparation of components for work is also important. You can learn how to properly make pickled quick-cooking cucumbers in a saucepan in the following recipe.

    Ingredients for the recipe for lightly salted cucumber cooked in a saucepan

    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • salt - 2 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp;
    • water - about 1 liter;
    • cucumbers - 1 kg;
    • horseradish leaves, dill, peppercorns - to taste;
    • ready-made seasoning for salting - half the package.

    A very quick recipe for cooking delicious lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan

  • Wash cucumbers well.
  • Cut off the ends of the cucumbers.
  • Rinse greens for cooking.
  • Layer on cucumbers and spices.
  • Boil water, add salt, sugar and pepper to it.
  • Chilled up room temperature pour cucumbers with brine.
  • How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan with spices in a hot way - video recipe

    The use of hot brine is welcomed by many housewives, since this cooking method makes it really quick and easy to get very tasty and fragrant cucumbers. After preparing all the ingredients, they should be briefly put for salting, and then they can be served at the table along with potatoes, meat and other dishes. How to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly in a saucepan and please your family with an amazing snack, you can find out in the following instructions.

    A detailed video recipe for cooking salted cucumbers with spices in a hot saucepan

    Detailed video with description step by step cooking spicy snacks will help to grind cucumbers in a saucepan without any problems. The hostesses only need to follow the indicated tips and exactly repeat the actions of the author.

    Spicy, spicy or just crunchy lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan can be cooked quickly and easily. In the proposed photo and video recipes, you can choose the best instructions for cooking snacks in cold water or in a hot way. You can also use convenient quick recipes for 5 minutes, which will help you prepare for the festive table without any problems. You can use both large and small cucumbers for work. And if you add non-standard spices to the brine, you can even get an amazing preparation that will delight both the household and all guests.

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