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Pies with apples. Pies with apples - the best dish for a delicious tea party

Let's start with the preparation of the yeast talker. In 250 ml warm water add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of flour from the general norm, yeast. Mix everything until you get liquid dough without lumps and leave warm for 15-20 minutes until you get a foam cap.

Whisk chicken eggs with the remaining sugar, add warm melted butter (not hot), warm kefir, vanilla sugar, pour in the yeast talker that has come up.

Add salt, stir. Pour in 6 cups of flour, mix with a spoon. Gradually add 3 more cups of flour. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil on your hands and knead the dough. And then put the dough on the table and knead it, adding flour if necessary, so that you get a soft, but not liquid dough.

Cover the kneaded dough and leave it warm for 30-40 minutes. It should double in size. Punch down the risen dough, cover and leave to rise again in the heat for another 30 minutes, if desired, punch down again (I kneaded), cover and leave to rise in the heat for another 30 minutes.

For the filling, cut the apples into small cubes. Divide the dough that has come up for the second or third time into parts, roll into a sausage and divide the sausage according to the desired size of the pies, approximately 50-60 grams.

Roll each piece of dough. To do this, press a piece of dough with the palm of your hand and rotate it clockwise with your palm until the outer surface is stretched, i.e. to a smooth ball.

Cover the balls with a towel and leave for 5-7 minutes to rest. During this time, gluten yeast dough relax and it will be easier and easier to roll out. Roll each circle of dough into a flat cake. Dust the table with flour as you roll out to prevent the dough from sticking. Put starch in the middle of the cake. Put prepared chopped apples on it. Sprinkle sugar on top. If desired, you can add ground cinnamon to the sugar.

Put the formed pies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and greased with oil, or on a baking sheet greased with oil and sprinkled with flour or breadcrumbs on top. Spread yeast pies with apples seam down.

Cover the baking sheet with pies and leave for 15-20 minutes for proofing. 5-7 minutes before baking, brush the pies with an egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon of milk.

I suggest trying to cook pies in the oven from kefir dough. The recipe for dough and filling is completely simple, and the result is amazing.

baked apple pies it turns out very appetizing, lush and airy, and the dough itself is thin. And most importantly, even the next day they are just as soft and tasty, as if they had just come out of the oven.


Recipe Information

  • Type of dish: pastries
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings: 20 pieces
  • 2 h 15 min
  • butter- 50 g
  • kefir - 250 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • flour - 400 g
  • vegetable oil - 3.5 tbsp. l.
  • fresh yeast - 20 g
  • apples - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • milk - 50 ml.

How to cook

Heat the milk to a slightly warm state, crumble the yeast into it and add ½ tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave for 10 minutes for the yeast to swell.

In a separate bowl, mix kefir, salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and sunflower oil. Heat the mixture to 40 degrees (slightly warm).

Mix yeast with kefir and stir well.

Then add flour in parts and knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. Flour may need a little less or more, depending on its quality and kefir. Once the dough is just slightly sticky to your hands, stop adding flour. The dough should not be very clogged and tight.

Leave the dough to rise for an hour, no more. Be sure to cover the bowl with a towel. In order for the yeast to work actively, the container with the dough can be placed on a steam bath (on a bowl of warm water). Well suited dough in a slow cooker, with the "Yogurt / dough" mode turned on. This program maintains the optimum temperature for raising yeast dough (+36-40 degrees).

On a note

For the preparation of pies and pies, not only yeast dough, but also sand, puff, exhaust.

While the dough is rising, let's discuss how to make a delicious apple filling. After all, it is she who creates the taste solo, and you always want to have more of her. Among all the variations, I like the filling most of all, made from fresh apples. Then the pastries are the most fragrant.

Wash apples, peel and core, cut into small cubes.

It is better to choose apples of a sour or sour-sweet variety, then the filling will turn out tastier, with a slight sourish tint.

Pour apples into a saucepan or saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and butter.

Simmer apple cubes for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Cool the finished filling.

The dough will double in size. You don't need to knead the dough while raising it.

Take the dough out of the bowl, punch down. On a board sprinkled with flour, cut into 20 pieces. From each part, roll out a round thin cake with a rolling pin and put 1 tbsp in the middle. l. apple filling.


If the filling is watery, add 2 tbsp. l. semolina and mix. Swelling, semolina will absorb excess moisture. If you fill the pies with a wet filling, the dough inside will turn out to be wet, while baking in the oven, the juice may leak out from the inside and burn on the baking sheet.

Close the edges and form a neat pie. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay the shaped products seam down.

Grease each product on top with egg yolk using a culinary brush.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake a treat for 35 minutes. Ready baked goods store covered with a towel or napkin. Serve with your favorite drinks at the end of your meal.

Make sure that the dough does not rest in any case, otherwise flour products will have a sour smell.

To get a cake with a new taste, housewives like to improvise with fillings. It turns out excellent if apples are sprinkled not only with sugar, but also with cinnamon, which gives the dessert a unique flavor. Sometimes housewives mix apples with a small amount of cottage cheese - these two products are in perfect harmony with each other.

Highly delicious stuffing for baking with apples can be prepared not only from fresh fruits. Canned jam is perfect or apple jam, prepared for the future.

The filling can also be prepared from dried apples. To implement the idea, you will need 250 g of dried apples and 100 g of sugar. Rinse the apples, fill with water, the volume of which exceeds dried fruits by 3 times (in this case, about 1 liter of water). Put the saucepan with the contents on the fire and cook the apples until they become soft (about 10-15 minutes). Then you should chop the apples finely with a knife or pass through a meat grinder (you can rub through a sieve to obtain a mashed mass). Combine pieces of dried fruit with sugar, mix. Put the mixture back on the fire and boil until it thickens. After cooling, fill the dessert ready stuffing. In order to improve the taste, you can add vanilla extract, almond extract, grated lemon (orange) zest, ground cinnamon, citric acid(or a few drops of natural lemon juice).

If you want the filling to be a little crunchy, put inside baking fresh apples not blanched.

The calorie content of a baked apple pie is lower than that of a fried one and is approximately 190 Kcal / 100g. To reduce the calorie content, it is necessary to minimize the fat and sugar content in the dough, as well as the amount of sugar in the filling.

In Russia, as well as in Moldova and Ukraine, it is customary to serve apple pies at the end of summer, on August 19, on the church holiday Apple Savior. An old tradition says that a new crop of apples can only be eaten after a worship service with the illumination of the fruit. Since ancient times, on this holiday, Orthodox Christians set a magnificent table, in the center of which they certainly put a pie with apple filling. The holiday symbolized the end of summer and the imminent onset of cold weather.

Apple pies and pies are leaders in recipe books and cookery pages on the Internet. They have several hundreds of cooking variations, reflecting the variety of tastes and national colors. The differences relate to the methods of preparing the dough, filling and shape, which can be round, oval, rectangular, flat and convex. The upper part of the treat can be open, closed, or semi-open, in the form of a lattice. In European countries near and far abroad, culinary specialists often cook Apple strudel, as well as the well-known charlotte. The Belarusian version of the pie is called dzyad. Apple pie is one of the national symbols of the United States.

Kazakhstan is considered the birthplace of apple trees. In Alma-Ata there is a marble monument to an apple, which was erected on Mount Kok-Tube. A two-meter monument to an apple has been standing in the center of Kursk since 2004.

There are a huge number of apple orchards on Earth, the total area of ​​which is 5 million hectares. However, most of these delicious fruits grown in China.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add 4 tablespoons of sugar, melted and slightly cooled butter, a pinch of salt and 2 eggs. Beat everything and gradually add flour. Knead a soft, pleasant-to-work dough and leave it warm for 1 hour. The dough will rise well.

Cut the apples into cubes, removing the seeds (if desired, you can peel), add the remaining sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon. Send to a slow fire and leave the apples to caramelize until soft, with constant stirring.

Divide the risen dough into 15 pieces. On a table sprinkled with flour, roll out each piece of dough, lay out the apple filling and pinch the edges.

The resulting sweet pie with apples put seam down on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Similarly form the remaining pies and also put them on a baking sheet. Beat 1 egg yolk with a fork and brush over the patties.

Bake pies for 25-30 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Who doesn't love pies? I love pies, you love pies, he-she-they love. Everyone loves pies. Don't believe the fanatical dieters when they swear they don't like pies! They love! They just can't always afford it. But today's post is not for them.

Without false modesty: I offer you a recipe that works very well for me. The recipe is not mine, but simply amazing, one of the best pie recipes on yeast dough, which I only know. And I know a lot of them. This one is the coziest, homely, family, juicy, airy, fast and light. Unusual. According to it, we will cook pies with apples in the oven, which will instantly disappear in one known direction. You won't even understand anything. So make more of them!

Cooking time: 15 minutes + 1 hour + 30 minutes
Yield: 9-10 servings


  • flour 3 cups (1 cup = 160 g flour)
  • fresh apples 400 g
  • butter 75 g
  • chicken eggs 2 pieces + 1 for greasing pies
  • dry yeast 2 teaspoons
  • sugar 6 tablespoons (for dough and filling)
  • milk 3/4 cup
  • pinch of salt


    First knead the light air dough. To do this, you need to slightly heat the milk and pour it into a saucepan or any other deep dish. Then add yeast to milk.

    Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to this and stir until the yeast dissolves in milk along with sugar.

    Now add 2 raw eggs to this mixture.

    We stir a little.
    Also add a piece of softened butter.

    We will knead the dough with our hands. It should turn out very tender and airy, not sticky to your hands.

    When the dough is already properly kneaded, it must be rolled into a large ball, placed in a bowl and covered with a thick napkin or towel on top.
    Now let's test it out. Leave it for about an hour, in a warm, draft-free place.

    Until then, let's make the filling.
    We wash the apples well and cut them, free them from the cores and cut them finely.
    Add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the apples and mix well. To prevent the apples from turning brown, sprinkle them with lemon juice.
    The filling is ready!

    Read more about how to make apple filling for pies in the oven and for the winter.

    Now that the dough has risen and infused, we will begin to sculpt pies.

    We tear off small pieces from the dough, preferably the same.

    Knead each piece of dough with your hands into a cake.
    Put the apple filling in the center of each cake,

    and then we make pies.

    Next, we cover the baking sheet with parchment and carefully lay out the formed pies on it. Now we need to give them a little more time to come. Cover them with a towel and let them rest for about 20 minutes, and then
    brush with beaten egg.

    Now preheat the oven to about 200 degrees.
    We bake pies with apples in the oven for 25 - 30 minutes. All is ready!

Delicious and fragrant pies with apples will decorate any table. Almost everyone loves them: both adults and children. Let's try to cook pies with apples in the oven. Recipe with photo and step by step description will help you with this.

What is the very first thing you need to make apple pies? Well, of course, good mood and positive attitude. Without these two very important ingredients, it is hardly worth starting both baking pies and preparing other interesting dishes.

And when a smile and a good mood are with you, take necessary products and cook according to my recipe with a photo of pies with apples.

Recipe for apple pies

According to my recipe, the dough for pies with apples is made from the following ingredients:

  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (possible with a slide);
  • Yeast - 50 gr.;
  • Margarine - 150 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1.5 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups

Preparing dough for pies

Products for making dough for pies must be taken, of course, fresh and the same room temperature. The flour must be sifted and left at room temperature.

Grind half a stick of yeast (a whole stick - about 100 grams) with 2 tablespoons of sugar. The sugar melts the yeast and activates it.

Heat the milk until it is warm, but not hot.

Melt the margarine to a liquid state, but it is advisable not to bring to a boil.

Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar until it is completely dissolved.

Pour yeast with sugar, warmed milk, margarine into a deep saucepan (with a capacity of about 5 liters). Mix and add flour.

When flour is added to the mixture, we begin to knead the yeast dough for pies, pouring a little on the hand vegetable oil. In total, the kneading process takes about half a glass of oil.

No matter how you build the proportions, all the same, different housewives with different products may take a little more or a little less flour. Therefore, do not pour out all the flour at once, but after pouring about half, knead. Then pour in the rest and knead the dough for pies, constantly pouring oil on your hand.

The secret of pie dough

A prerequisite and the secret of dough for pies, fluffy and tender, - the dough should be strongly beaten out. Imagine that this dough is your worst enemy, and start peeling it, adding oil from time to time. Take your soul away.

The dough will become soft and tender, homogeneous. By the way, these are not all the secrets of the dough for pies, then I will tell you some more details.

When, when kneading, the yeast dough for pies begins to lag behind your hands, you can leave it alone.

We put the finished kneaded dough for pies with filling in a warm place so that it fits. We close the lid. You can also cover the top with a towel.

If the room is cool, take another pot or bowl, pour into it hot water and put a bowl of dough on top of it. The heat from the water will help the yeast dough rise.

How to make apple pies filling

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. How to cook apple filling for pies in the oven? Very simple.

For the apple filling we need:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Pinch of cinnamon (optional)

For the filling, it is quite possible, and it will be even tastier, to take sour apples. With sugar, they will give the filling an interesting sweet and sour taste.

Apples must be washed, peeled and core. Cut into small cubes.

There are two options for making apple filling for pies. You can leave the apples raw and mix them with sugar to make pies.

Only this has one significant drawback: apples baked in pies lose a third in volume, so the pies are half empty.

How to caramelize apples for filling

Therefore, I suggest caramelizing apples for filling pies in sugar. To do this, put apples on a preheated pan and cover with sugar, as shown in the photo for the recipe for pies with apples.

You can increase the amount of sugar if you wish. While the filling is cooking, the sweetness can be adjusted. If you like the taste of cinnamon, add half a teaspoon.

On the hot pan the sugar melts and coats the apples in syrup. When baking pies with apples in the oven, the filling will no longer lose in volume.

It is better to carry out the procedure with medium heat. Since with a strong fire, the filling can burn, and with a weak one, caramelization will not work, but you will get porridge from apples.

When the caramelized apples have become slightly transparent, and the sugar has dissolved into syrup and turned a little yellow, the filling for apple pies is ready.

It must be cooled and can be put in pies.

Formation of pies

While preparing the filling for pies, the dough came up and increased at least twice. In the photo for the recipe for pies with apples in the oven, you can see the finished dough.

Now you can start forming pies from yeast dough. To do this, the whole dough needs to be rolled into small balls, about egg and place on a floured table.

While you roll all your donuts, the first ones will fit a little more. From them it is already possible to form pies with an apple.

Now it's time to tell you about one more secret of the pie dough. To make apple pies soft and fluffy, the dough must be dropped twice.

This breaks large fermentation bubbles into smaller ones, and the baked goods are tender and airy.

The first time we precipitate the dough when we roll the donuts-blanks, and the second time when we sculpt the pies themselves.

How to mold pies from yeast dough?

So, how to mold pies from yeast dough? To do this, take the prepared dough ball and flatten it into a cake.

Place a teaspoon of apple filling in the middle of the tortilla. Pinch the edges well, like a dumpling, and then unfold with the seam down, and you will get a neat, even pie.

So that the dough does not stick to your fingers, dip them in flour.

Yeast cakes with apples in the oven

Now it remains for us to bake yeast pies with apples in the oven. We spread the pie with an apple on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil.

We do not lay out the pies tightly, because they will still need to come up both before baking and in the process of baking in the oven. We leave the pies on the baking sheet for 15-20 minutes - let them go.

To make the apple pies brown and shiny, before putting them in the oven, brush them on top with a beaten egg.

We bake pies with apples in the oven, heated to 180 ° C, for 15-20 minutes. Ovens are different for all housewives, so make sure that the pies are reddened, but not burnt.

In order for the pies not to have a dry crust after baking, after removing them from the oven, cover the baking sheet with the pies for a couple of minutes with a damp cloth or gauze, as shown in the photo for the recipe.

Ready pies put the apple in a deep bowl or pan.

I hope my step by step recipe with a photo of pies with apples in the oven. The pies are soft, rich, fragrant and very satisfying. The dough in the recipe I proposed is quite versatile, so by changing the filling to your liking, you can diversify both the daily menu and festive table. Enjoy your meal!