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Production of puffed bread from cereals by the explosion method. Technology for the preparation of crispbread and dietary products

Today on store shelves a large number of dietary bread from various manufacturers. It is generally accepted that eating bread is good for health. Many adherents of a healthy diet choose this dietary product for their daily diet. Bread rolls are salty, sweet, with various additives, such as spices and spices, fruit and grain fillers. True, they are crispy and very tasty, they are not just an ideal and healthy substitute for ordinary bread, they are a component for a variety of sandwiches, and sweet breads can be soaked in honey, water with jam, make layers with cottage cheese and get unique and healthy homemade desserts. In general, there is something to say.

How bread is made

The producers of dietary bread themselves call their product “canned bread”. The technology for making bread is quite simple. First you need to mix yeast dough, which should slightly ferment. After that, notches are made on it. The dough is baked, after which it just needs to be cut and packaged.

The technology of preparation has remained unchanged for many years. In the days of our grandmothers, rye-wheat flour was used to make dietary bread, and a small amount of spices was added to the dough.

The breadsticks were prepared different recipes and bore such names as: “Dessert”, “Homemade”, “Sports”, “Canteens”, “Amateur”, etc.

This product has always been the most popular among women seeking to lose weight. But such bread rolls are useful for almost everyone.

There are new cereals on sale today. Outwardly, they resemble a light porous mass. They differ from ordinary ones in another production technology, which is called the “extrusion method”. In this case, the wet grain mixture enters the chamber with a very high temperature. There, moisture is converted into steam and explodes from the inside, breaking the shell. The starchy and protein mass in the grain is heated, which leads to the formation of grain cakes. Such breads are made from grains of any cereal. It can also be a grain mixture of rice, rye, corn, buckwheat, wheat or barley.

Useful composition

Compared to ordinary bread, diet breads have a much richer mineral and vitamin composition. This is due to several factors. First of all, low-grade flour is used to make bread. This flour contains a large amount of nutrients.

In addition, various nutritional supplements are added to dietary bread, such as: sea ​​kale, wheat bran, carrots, beta-carotene, etc. It is impossible to add more than 10% bran to ordinary bread. And the technology for making bread allows for a variety of additives.

Another advantage of this product is the absence of yeast in it, which should not be eaten by people suffering from heartburn.

For the manufacture of bread, a wide variety of cereals and grain mixtures are used. But ordinary bread is baked only from rye and wheat.

Dietary breads contain fiber, which is so lacking in modern man. It has been proven that fiber deficiency can cause metabolic disorders, which often leads to the development of diabetes mellitus, gallstone disease, atherosclerosis, etc.

Fiber also stimulates the work of our intestines, effectively cleansing the body of toxins.

Diet breads are a good source of easily digestible vegetable protein. In their manufacture, modern gentle technologies are used. They make it possible to preserve a maximum of minerals and vitamins in the final product.

Regular bread contains yeast. They continue the fermentation process even in the human stomach. And bread most often does not contain yeast at all.

The benefits of diet bread

The taste of dietary bread is not inferior to bread. For this reason, experts in proper nutrition and nutritionists recommend replacing them with regular bread. They are considered healthy food and are especially indicated for those people who have diseases. digestive system- cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, etc.

Bread rolls are useful not only for adults, but also for children. They are a natural product, a source of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vegetable fats, minerals and vitamins. It is important that they do not contain salt.

Diet breads also do not contain such harmful chemical additives as preservatives, dyes, leavening agents, flavorings, etc. This makes it possible to eat them for children and people who are prone to allergic reactions.

Bread rolls can be eaten in large quantities, it will not harm the body. It is best to replace them with regular bread in your diet. When using diet bread as a free product, it is best to drink it with water, milk, kefir or juice.

What else is the use of diet bread for our health? It has been proven that they are able to heal our intestines. They also contribute to a more complete and rhythmic cleansing of the gallbladder. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is facilitated by a large amount of B vitamins.


Another very important point is a low calorie diet bread. This is very important for people who are watching their figure or want to lose weight.

Bread is a dietary product, their the energy value is only 300 kcal per 100g of product. That is, so many calories in 10-15 loaves. For this reason, experts usually recommend bread to people who are overweight and prone to fullness. They are also suitable for anyone who just wants to be a healthy and slender person.

How to choose the right diet bread

First of all, you need to know that not all bread rolls are equally good and healthy. When buying, you should read their composition. In the bread of some manufacturers, there may be such unnecessary ingredients as flavor enhancers, various E and additives identical to natural and GMOs. Such a product will definitely not bring great health benefits.

When choosing grain dietary bread, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your body. So, diabetics, for example, should eat bread containing buckwheat. They are also recommended for weight loss. Oatmeal helps cleanse the skin with neurodermatitis, is good for the kidneys, and increases the body's resistance to infections. Wheat diet breads contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, they improve intestinal motility. Barley flakes normalize liver function and gastrointestinal tract. Rice cakes cleanse the body, improve complexion, have a calming effect, improve sleep.

All this, briefly stated about diet bread, clearly shows how useful they are for our body. From the entire huge range of food in modern supermarkets and markets, it is really possible to choose natural and healthy foods nutrition. Eat right, your beauty and health is only in your hands.

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In order to promote a new product brand now, considerable investments of money, time, effort and creative thinking are required. The conditions of fierce competition force manufacturers to think outside the box. But, despite the high price of the “entry ticket” to the food production business, many entrepreneurs still find loopholes for effectively and quickly introducing a new product to the market. A striking example of this is the production of bread.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 1.7-2 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 200 thousand people
Situation in the industry:high competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1.5-2 years

Proper nutrition is the key to health. Today, many people understand this, and therefore there are more and more adherents of a healthy lifestyle every day. The services of gyms and fitness clubs, sports accessories, and environmentally friendly healthy products have become very popular.

And what is the most basic product on the table? That's right - bread! But ordinary bread is often baked in violation of technology, contains various flavors, dyes, flavors, and does not at all contribute to normalizing weight and improving health. That is why an alternative appeared - dried cereal bread. The production of bread today is a separate area in the production of healthy food and brings solid profits.

Assortment of bread

Usually, healthy food most often does not differ in its taste. The content of most food additives that give the dish a unique flavor is completely excluded from dietary products, and therefore to healthy eating need to get used to. Many "gourmets" do not stand this test and give up their idea of ​​introducing the right diet at the very beginning.

What did bread manufacturers do to “warm up” interest in their products? The solution turned out to be simple. The bread was given different tastes - "for an amateur": buckwheat, rice, rye, oatmeal, with corn flavor, with bran.

We added natural fillers - berries, honey, nuts, cereals, pieces of fruits and vegetables, used natural flavors. This allowed each buyer to find "their" taste and increase the volume of products.

Bread can be produced from whole grain or whole (no impurities) flour. Such a product is called an extruder. They are considered the most popular and healthy - they contain practically nothing but grain, flour and water.

All other breads - with fillers and flavorings are classified as "sparing" dietary products.

What you need to know before starting a business

The production of bread requires serious preliminary preparation, not only in terms of the technical stages of organizing a business, but also the documentation of all necessary documents.

Food production is always strictly controlled by supervisory authorities. And the production of products declared as dietary is checked twice as rigorously. That is why you need to be prepared for the influx of various commissions after opening a business. Usually, entrepreneurs solve this issue simply - with a "surprise" in a white envelope. But it's better to do business honestly. Money does not always save a business that is full of mistakes.

Registration of the enterprise

The first step is to formalize your business. To do this, you need to decide on the format of doing business - choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Some time ago, the organization of a legal entity - LLC had an obvious advantage. Suppliers were more willing to cooperate with them, as the legal entity was responsible to its partners for its obligations. In the case of cooperation with individual entrepreneurs, the risk was much greater.

Today, the situation has changed somewhat, and the promoted brands of "ipeshniks" are quoted no less than well-known LLCs. In addition, private business owners have the opportunity to receive state support for their enterprises under the program “Support for Small and Medium Businesses in Russia”.

Such assistance can be expressed not only in the allocation of cash grants, but also in the introduction of benefits, reduction of tax deductions, etc.

In any case, before choosing, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each option for registering a business. How to apply for an IP can be found at this link -. A description of the LLC registration process can be found.

Another step in paperwork is the choice of the optimal taxation system. In this you can find information about the types of tax regime existing in the country. you can learn how to combine several taxation systems. And at this link - what taxes an individual entrepreneur pays to the state treasury.

OKVED code for the production of dietary bread: 10.72.

Obtaining a product certificate

Like any food, the production of bread requires a certificate of product quality compliance with established standards. There are currently two types of certification:

  1. Mandatory (in the bread production business - the main one);
  2. And voluntary, carried out if the manufacturer wants to pay attention to some additional characteristics of their products and once again convince the consumer of the exceptional quality of their products.

The standard procedure for obtaining a certificate for bakery products, which includes bread, is as follows:

  • submission by the manufacturer of an application to an accredited center for product certification;
  • approval by this center of the terms and procedure for certification;
  • checking for compliance of products with fire safety requirements;
  • testing products to verify compliance with quality standards;
  • issuance of a certificate of conformity or a reasoned refusal to obtain it.

Competitor analysis is also milestone preliminary preparation before starting a business. For almost 20 years of the history of the production of dietary bread in Russia, many entrepreneurs have tried their hand in this direction. Someone managed to grow into well-known brands, someone could not stand the race and "lost the race" at the very beginning.

In any case, there is always room for another company in this market. However, it would be unwise to enter a business without doing detailed monitoring. What should you pay attention to first of all?

  • Prices of competing brands;
  • methods of advertising;
  • customer reviews;
  • distribution points;
  • assortment and taste qualities products;
  • package design.

By disassembling the reasons that led a competitor to success, you can always make a better product:

  • set a lower price by reducing production costs, using more modern technologies, receiving tax benefits under government programs, etc.
  • Introduce more aggressive ways of advertising.
  • Introduce various contests, prize quizzes, promotions among bread buyers, thereby increasing their loyalty to their brand.
  • Expand distribution points, cover nearby regions, enter the Russian domestic market.
  • To expand the assortment, to strengthen control over production, to strive to improve the taste of products.
  • Take into account the shortcomings of competitors in the development of packaging design and the product itself.

Production room

room for production shop must have hot and cold water supply, an electrical network with enough power to connect all the necessary equipment, sewerage. In general, the requirements for a production room are the same as for a conventional bakery:

  • the room should not be a basement or semi-basement;
  • natural and forced ventilation must be present;
  • the room should be divided into zones - working, packing, household (rest room), sanitary (toilet and shower room), washing, storage room for storing finished products and separately for storing raw materials;
  • the ceilings must be whitewashed and the walls tiled to a height of at least 1.5 meters.

The form of ownership of the object does not matter. The premises can be taken on a long-term lease or be owned.

Raw material supply channels

The issue of supply of raw materials is the most "sick" for start-up entrepreneurs. As a rule, difficulties arise from the inability to overcome the fear of negotiations with suppliers, the inability to defend one's price purchasing policy, and ignorance of the basics of finding supply channels.

So where to look for suppliers? First you need to decide which ingredients will be needed for the production of bread (flour, yeast, salt, sugar, natural additives, etc.). Then, based on the planned sales volumes, determine how much raw materials will be needed before the next purchase (here it is necessary to calculate so that the enterprise always has a “strategic” stock of raw materials in case of force majeure with supplies).

The next step should be to monitor the representative offices of supplier companies on the Internet. You can make a comparative table for yourself, in which you need to enter all the relevant parameters - prices, delivery terms (delivery, pickup, delivery by a transport company, etc.), raw material grade, customer reviews about working with the company, distance from the place of production , and other advantages and disadvantages.

After collecting the necessary information, it is time for negotiations. At the meeting, you need to highlight the benefits of the work and the benefits that the supplier will receive by working with you and, if possible, providing you with some kind of discount or other preferences.

Distribution channels for finished products

Where to sell finished products? Some of the products can be sold through large retail chains, some - through retail chains and small wholesale buyers. Another sale option is street and station vending machines. Particular attention should be paid to working with outlets, positioning themselves as sellers of healthy food.

(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

The process of losing weight is rarely without restrictions. Especially often the prohibitions apply to sweet and starchy foods. But a person is so arranged that he cannot do without bread, buns, cakes and cakes. Perhaps the worst thing is that the most dangerous foods for the figure include both flour and sugar! Against this background, a logical question arises: are bread useful? Maybe they can become a full-fledged substitute and reduce the usual craving for ruddy muffins?!

Is it worth replacing?

For a long time, bread was perceived as the main product on the table. Without bread, there was no meal, but it in itself could well satisfy a person's need for food. Most nutritionists do not advise completely abandoning bread, paying attention to the fact that there is a lot of fiber. But the fact is that modern man almost never eats wholemeal bread, with seeds or bran. We are accustomed to a soft, rich product made from white wheat flour. Such a bun is a real delicacy, especially if it is flavored with raisins, poppy seeds or cumin.

Restaurants fast food and do make money on the use of bread with all sorts of additions. Quick sandwich well nourishes and pampers the taste buds. But such a product is rich in calories almost like a full meal. big hamburger comparable to three meals, and an hour after eating it, a person will feel hungry again. It is difficult to give up bread, but no one requires it. But you can find a worthy analogue. For example, whole grain bread.

What do the shops offer?

A wide variety of companies produce whole grain breads, as they are considered to be a natural product, environmentally friendly and dietary. Many people believe that eating bread allows you to reduce the total daily calorie intake. Nutritionists recommend eating such foods, but at the same time they do not pursue the goal of weight loss, but general improvement. Is it worth listening to such advice, and are bread useful? Especially when you consider that the manufacturers themselves call them

By the way, the production technology is very simple. If desired, you can make bread at home. They are healthier and tastier because only natural ingredients are used in this case.

How to make loaves?

A capacious tank must be filled with yeast dough and left for a while so that it ferments. Next, it needs to be shaped by making notches for baking. In a large oven you need to send a baking sheet with chopped bread. At the factory, the next step will be packaging and sending to the store for sale. The production technology has remained unchanged for many years. But at home you can bake crispbread from ready-made bread. These will be crackers that can be made tastier with spices, garlic or onions.

In production, rye-wheat flour, a certain amount of spices or spices are often used. The name of the loaves usually reflects the composition, purpose and recipe of creation. So, they can be home, dining, amateur or even sports. Among those who want to lose weight, lovers of such products predominate, since dry pieces of bread seem so harmless to the figure.

What are they

Let us dwell in more detail on the very essence of bread. This is a fundamentally new development of our generation. In appearance, they resemble smooth plates of light color with a porous consistency. A special technology for the production of bread is called the extrusion method and consists in mixing the grain mixture with flour and eggs. The mixture must be kept at a constant temperature. Hot air evaporates moisture from the mass, and therefore cakes are formed.

In fact, you can make bread from any culture. Wheat is more popular, but corn, barley, buckwheat or oats are also suitable. Crispbread tastes very dry, but they are really filling and can serve as a great snack. They can be eaten with the main course, sandwiches or even cakes can be made on their basis.


So, it is worth answering the main question: are bread rolls useful? Yes, in their composition they are much healthier than ordinary bread. They also contain more vitamins and minerals, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Why did so many buyers like these bread rolls? Their composition is good due to the fact that only lower-grade flour is used for cooking, which contains many times more useful minerals and vitamins.

The second reason to choose crispbread lies in the use of systemic nutritional supplements, including wheat bran, beta-keratin, as well as seaweed and carrots. it natural products, which, unfortunately, cannot be added to regular bread. It should also be noted that there is no yeast in such an analogue of bread, and therefore those people who cannot eat ordinary pastries can eat it. The most important advantage is the content of fiber, which is necessary for the body for the normal functioning of internal systems.

Who needs to eat bread?

The composition of this amazing product allows you to use it not only for dieters, but also for any modern person who has digestive problems. Fiber deficiency can cause numerous diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, and others. Bread also contains a large amount of vegetable protein. This substance is easily absorbed by our body. Are breadsticks good for humans? Yes, but at a reasonable dosage.

Bread is better suited for food for our body, but what can be said about their calorie content? These products do not contain yeast and excess moisture, so you can not be afraid of heartburn. In addition, they do not contain salt, so they do not retain fluid in our body. I must say that, despite the storehouse of benefits, bread rolls remain an ordinary food product and do not become a cure for excess weight. With reasonable consumption through such baking, you can improve the intestines, remove toxins from the body, and also improve the functioning of the gallbladder. There are a lot of B vitamins in the bread, and therefore they can also have a beneficial and calming effect on the human central nervous system.

Are crispbread good on a diet?

The calorie content of such a product is not so small as to eat it uncontrollably. There are an average of 300 kcal per 100 grams, which is higher than the calorie content of ordinary pastries. But you can get enough of bread faster, and therefore they take less. One piece is less than 13 grams, and it is more than enough for one snack. good sandwich can be done if the snack for him is dietary. To do this, you can connect skim cheese with grated garlic, herbs, pepper and cheese.

You can make sweet bread with bread, even if you can also use low-fat cottage cheese for it, natural yogurt and berry jam. Sometimes on a diet, you can even use bread for a cake. Their calorie content, of course, varies depending on the culture used in the production. For example, rice cakes are more tender and tastier, but also heavier in terms of calories.

How to make a choice?

In the store, eyes can run wide from the wealth of choice. In fact, everyone can buy a product to their liking. It is worth studying the characteristics of your body in order to make a purchase. If a person suffers from diabetes, then it is better to choose buckwheat bread. They are also ideal for those who want to lose weight. But oatmeal is good for people seeking to cleanse the skin, as well as for those suffering from neurodermatitis and kidney disease.

Such products help to increase human immunity to colds and various infections. Usually, reviews about wheat bread are left by those who want to improve bowel function, as it is a product rich in magnesium and potassium. Barley products also improve the work of the digestive tract, and rice cakes are a beauty product, as it improves complexion and smoothes the skin.

About the extrusion method

Can I eat bread made using the extrusion method? These products are exclusively healthy cereals such as barley, wheat or buckwheat. The essence of extrusion is that the harvested grains are soaked for a while. Further, for the preparation of bread, an extruder operating at high temperatures is used. In fact, the process is similar to the creation of popcorn, only in the end a briquette is formed. Such baking is the most useful, since it does not contain chemical additives. These breads taste good, break easily and crunch loudly.

Focus on assortment

We must start with products at a democratic price. In general, there are no very expensive breads, but for example, the brands "Generous" or "Rye" will cost the cheapest. At the same time, one cannot hide the fact that they contain margarine, baker's yeast, salt and malt. The taste of bread is better than others, but the composition greatly let down. On the positive side, a high fiber content can be noted. There are 360 ​​kcal per 100 grams, which is too much.

Wheat crispbread with dried fruits "ECO-Bread" will cost a little more. They include wheat, raisins and dried apricots. The taste of such products is good, but the hardness of the bread just rolls over. Their calorie content is relatively small - only 244 kcal per 100 grams.

Highly delicate taste in wheat and oat bread. In them oat groats, salt and sprouted wheat. They have an average calorie content, and they can be given to children as food.

Suitable for dieters are dry wheat and buckwheat bread "Zdravo", although they contain salt. For production the technique "extruder" is used. In appearance, the loaves resemble mugs of compressed swollen corn kernels. The manufacturer does not add anything harmful.

Interesting Dr.Korner loaves are of domestic origin, despite the foreign name. They can be divided into three groups: sweet, salty and classic. These breads have the largest range of flavors and the most interesting. The classic group includes 6 items, salty - two, and sweet - five.

Harm and contraindications

First of all, it is worth noting that Dr.Korner bread and others with the same manufacturing method will not bring harm to health. They can be fed to both children and adults. But more high-calorie and hard breads should not be given to babies because of the coarse fiber in the composition. By the way, their calorie content is no less than in ordinary bread, which means that people with excess weight or indigestion should not use such bread. Otherwise, the problems can only get worse.

There are many on store shelves. different varieties baking and a novelty in the field of baking - extruded crispbread is in great demand.

What is the technology for making crispy products? What is the innovation of the extrusion production process?

At the first stage, a wet mixture is prepared, consisting of grain, flour, eggs. The prepared mixture is sent to tanks with hot air, due to which light porous loaves are obtained in the form of briquettes from air grains.

Rye flour is not suitable for such products. Often use rice, corn, buckwheat, wheat.

Bread production process

The process of production of extruded loaves begins with the preparation of raw materials. Further:

  • The grain is sifted and cleaned of impurities. The moisture content of raw materials must be brought to 18-20%. The prepared grain is placed in a special bunker for four to six hours.
  • After that, it is fed in parts weighing 5-6 kg into the loading hopper, then it enters the dosing compartment, and then into the sintering chamber, made in the form of a cylinder (this explains appearance loaves).
  • The bottom and top of the chamber looks like punches (parts for pressing).
  • The punches, which have been heated to a temperature of 290-300 °C, heat the grain and compress it under high pressure (about 5 MPa).
  • Then the upper punch rises up, thereby slightly opening the chamber. There is a temperature difference, due to which the grain explodes, as the moisture in its composition instantly boils. As a result, the grain acquires volume, porosity, occupying the entire space of the chamber.
  • The lower punch pushes out the formed briquette, which enters the tank for finished products.

As you can see for yourself, the process is almost completely automated. Human participation is minimal. What a person controls is the temperature of the heater, the pressure readings, as well as the level of raw materials in the hopper.

The cost of equipment and technological parameters differ depending on the model. Small installations, weighing about 60 kilograms and measuring 3 x 4 x 5 meters, can produce 400-500 products per hour.

Extrusion is considered one of the most advanced technological processes used for the preparation of curly products from cereals or grains.

Our advantages

Almaz LLC sells special equipment with which you can adjust own production. You can buy high-quality extruders of different models from us.

Our company develops extrusion technologies and produces innovative equipment. Therefore, we are always glad to fruitful cooperation with our customers.

When ordering equipment from Almaz LLC, you get high quality at a moderate cost. Therefore, it is best to buy such installations by calling us or ordering them on the website online.

We wish you successful development of your business using our technical equipment!

The owners of the patent RU 2583088:

The invention relates to the baking industry. A method for the production of crispbread is proposed, including the preparation of a nutrient mixture for liquid sourdough from rye flour, water and extract, liquid fermentation rye sourdough, dough preparation, fermentation, shaping, proving, baking, cutting and drying, while the composition of the flour during the preparation of the dough is additionally supplemented with a vitamin-protein supplement in the form of flour from amaranth seeds, taken in a ratio with the rest of the flour as 1:8, and in as an extract in the preparation of the nutrient mixture, the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi is used (infusion kombucha), taken in an amount of 7-10% by weight of water, and fermentation of liquid starter is carried out to an acidity of 12-15 degrees. In this case, flour from whole-ground amaranth seeds that have undergone heat treatment by roasting is used, and the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi with acidity pH=3.8-4.5 is used. The invention is aimed at increasing the content of proteins and dietary fiber, improving the rheological and organoleptic properties of finished products. 2 w.p. f-ly, 1 tab., 3 pr.

The invention relates to the baking industry, in particular to the production of bread.

A known method for the production of crispbread (GOST 9846-88. Crispbread. General specifications) in the form of dry fragile light tiles made from rye flour, by preparing tea leaves from flour, mixing it with a nutrient mixture, refreshing and fermenting liquid rye sourdough, selection for the production cycle, dough preparation, fermentation, pouring, proofing, stabbing, baking, cutting, drying the finished product.

The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the production process, as well as the low organoleptic and dietary properties of bread.

There is also known a method for producing crispbread with hop extract (patent RU No. 2363161), including the preparation of hop extract, the preparation of a nutrient mixture for liquid rye sourdough from flour, water and hop extract, taken in an amount of 2-6% by weight of water in the nutrient mixture, fermentation of liquid rye sourdough to an acidity of 9-13 degrees and its use for the production cycle, dough preparation, fermentation, molding on baking sheets, proofing, pricking, baking, cutting and drying the finished product.

The disadvantage of these loaves is the use of expensive raw materials, which increases the cost of the product; low dietary properties due to the low content of dietary fiber, as well as a sharp hop smell, which negatively affects the organoleptic properties of the product.

The problem solved by the invention is to develop a method for the production of crispbread with a preventive effect and improved consumer properties, as well as expanding the range of products for this purpose.

The technical result of the invention is to increase the content of proteins, dietary fiber, improve the rheological and organoleptic properties of finished products.

The technical result is achieved by the fact that in the method for the production of crispy bread, including the preparation of a nutrient mixture for liquid sourdough from rye flour, water and extract, fermentation of liquid rye sourdough, dough preparation, fermentation, molding, proofing, baking, cutting and drying, characterized in that that a vitamin-protein supplement in the form of flour from amaranth seeds, taken in a ratio with the rest of the flour as 1:8, is additionally added to the composition of the flour when preparing the dough, and the cultural liquid Medusomyces gisevi (infusion of Kombucha) is used as an extract in the preparation of the nutrient mixture, taken in an amount of 7-10% by weight of water, and the fermentation of liquid starter is carried out to an acidity of 12-15 degrees.

In this case, flour is used from whole-ground amaranth seeds that have undergone heat treatment by roasting. And the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi has an acidity of pH=3.8-4.5.

The cultural liquid of Medusomyces gisevi contains acetic acid bacteria and yeast fungi, and also has a rich vitamin and mineral composition - vitamins A, B 1 , B 2 , B 6 ; B 12 , PP, D; minerals - Ca, I, Zn, etc.; organic acids - malic, phosphoric, acetic, pyruvic, oxalic, glucuronic, citric, lactic; ethyl alcohol, mono- and disaccharides, enzymes. The optimal acidity of the applied infusion of kombucha was experimentally established, lower acidity of the infusion indicates the active stage of acetic acid fermentation and accumulation acetic acid. The introduction of kombucha infusion due to the presence of acetic acid bacteria, yeast fungi, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide has an activating effect on the vital activity of the fermentation microflora of the dough.

Amaranth seed flour contains biologically active substances - amaranthine, rutin, carotenoids. This flour has a high protein content (up to 16%), incl. amino acids - lysine, methionine and tryptophan, also contains 55-62% starch, pectins, micro - and macro elements. More than 50% of amaranth flour proteins are albumins and globulins with a balanced amino acid composition. The addition of amaranth flour not only improves the amino acid composition of the bread, but also increases the degree of their digestibility. It also contains 5-6% fat (representing mostly unsaturated fatty acid), while the lipid fraction contains up to 10% squalene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Due to the low density of squalene, when it enters the body, it is easily transported along with the blood to the tissues of various internal organs and participates in protein metabolism. In addition, flour contains vitamins A, D, B 1, B 2. And vitamin E (up to 0.2%) is present in the active, tocotrienol form, the antioxidant activity of which is 45 times higher than in the tocopherol (standard) form. Flour from whole-ground amaranth seeds, heat-treated by roasting, has a higher nutritional value and has a delicate golden color and a pleasant nutty smell.

The starch contained in amaranth seed flour is characterized by increased swelling, viscosity and gelatinization. The choice of this flour for use in bread is due not only to the possibility of enriching the product with a vitamin-protein complex. With the joint use of flour from amaranth seeds with sourdough based on Kombucha infusion, the rheological properties of bread are significantly improved compared to the use of other types of flour, which is due to the high lipolytic activity of enzymes and the optimal carbohydrate-amylase complex of flour. Under their influence, the sugar-forming and gas-forming ability of the dough increases, which makes it possible to increase the porosity of the product. The fermentation activity of yeast increases markedly. The rate of accumulation of acids increases, due to which the ripening time of the semi-finished product is reduced.

Experimentally, the optimal ratio of making flour from amaranth seeds to wheat flour was established as 1:8. Increasing the dosage of flour from amaranth seeds is impractical due to the appearance of a specific taste and a decrease in the elastic-plastic properties of the dough, and adding in a smaller amount does not give a noticeable effect.

The technological process for the production of crispbread includes the following operations.

Nutrient liquid for liquid sourdough is prepared by mixing rye flour, water and culture liquid Medusomyces gisevi (with acidity pH=3.8-4.5), taken in an amount of 7-10% by weight of water. Liquid rye sourdough is fermented until an acidity of 12-15 degrees is reached for 2 hours, then it is refreshed by selecting 50% of the finished sourdough for dough preparation and adding a nutrient mixture of rye flour, water and kombucha infusion to the remaining sourdough mass. The dough for crispbread is prepared in the ratio of the following components, kg: wheat flour of the 1st grade - 40, peeled rye flour - 47.5, flour from amaranth seeds - 12.5, yeast - 1.5, salt - 1.0, liquid rye sourdough with kombucha infusion - 82, then knead and ferment at a temperature of 30-32 ° C to an acidity of 6-8 degrees. The fermented dough is poured onto metal trays, the final proofing is carried out in a cabinet at a temperature of 35-40°C and a relative humidity of 70-75% for 15-20 minutes. Dough pieces are pricked and baked for 13-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220°C, the baked products are cooled to a temperature of 20°C, cut, laid out on metal sheets, dried in a cabinet at a relative humidity of 65% for 40-60 minutes . Ready-made breads are packaged and packed in packs.

Examples of specific implementation.

The nutrient liquid for liquid sourdough is prepared by mixing rye flour, water and the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi (with acidity pH=4.5), taken in an amount of 7% by weight of water. Liquid rye sourdough is fermented until an acidity of 13 degrees is reached for 2 hours, then it is refreshed by selecting 50% of the finished sourdough for dough preparation and adding to the remaining sourdough mass a nutrient mixture of rye flour, water and Kombucha infusion with acidity pH = 3.8- 4.5. The dough for crispbread is prepared in the ratio of the following components, kg: wheat flour of the 1st grade - 40, peeled rye flour - 47.5, flour from amaranth seeds - 12.5, yeast - 1.5, salt - 1.0, liquid rye sourdough with kombucha infusion - 82, then knead and ferment at a temperature of 30 ° C to an acidity of 6 degrees. The fermented dough is poured onto metal trays, the final proofing is carried out in an oven at a temperature of 35°C and a relative humidity of 70% for 20 minutes. The dough pieces are pricked and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220°C, the baked products are cooled to a temperature of 20°C, cut, laid out on metal sheets, dried in an oven at a relative humidity of 65% for 40 minutes. Ready-made breads are packaged and packed in packs.

The quality indicators of the resulting loaves are shown in the table.

Nutrient liquid for liquid sourdough is prepared by mixing rye flour, water and culture liquid Medusomyces gisevi (with acidity pH=4.0), taken in an amount of 10% by weight of water. Liquid rye sourdough is fermented until an acidity of 15 degrees is reached for 2 hours, then it is refreshed by selecting 50% of the finished sourdough for dough preparation and adding a nutrient mixture of rye flour, water and kombucha infusion to the remaining sourdough mass. The dough for crispbread is prepared in the ratio of the following components, kg: wheat flour of the 1st grade - 40, peeled rye flour - 47.5, flour from amaranth seeds - 12.5, yeast - 1.5, salt - 1.0, liquid rye sourdough with kombucha infusion - 82, then knead and ferment at a temperature of 32 ° C to an acidity of 8 degrees. The fermented dough is poured onto metal trays, the final proofing is carried out in an oven at a temperature of 40°C and a relative humidity of 70% for 20 minutes. The dough pieces are pricked and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200°C, the baked products are cooled to a temperature of 20°C, cut, laid out on metal sheets, dried in an oven at a relative humidity of 65% for 60 minutes. Ready-made breads are packaged and packed in packs.

The quality indicators of the resulting loaves are shown in the table.

The nutrient liquid for liquid sourdough is prepared by mixing rye flour, water and the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi (with pH=3.8 acidity), taken in an amount of 8% by weight of water. Liquid rye sourdough is fermented until an acidity of 12 degrees is reached for 2 hours, then it is refreshed by selecting 50% of the finished sourdough for dough preparation and adding a nutrient mixture of rye flour, water and kombucha infusion to the remaining sourdough mass. The dough for crispbread is prepared in the ratio of the following components, kg: wheat flour of the 1st grade - 40, peeled rye flour - 47.5, flour from amaranth seeds - 12.5, yeast - 1.5, salt - 1.0, liquid rye sourdough with kombucha infusion - 82, then knead and ferment at a temperature of 30-32 ° C to an acidity of 7 degrees. The fermented dough is poured onto metal trays, the final proofing is carried out in a cabinet at a temperature of 35-40°C and a relative humidity of 72% for 17 minutes. Dough pieces are pricked and baked for 14 minutes at a temperature of 210°C, the baked products are cooled to a temperature of 20°C, cut, laid out on metal sheets, dried in an oven at a relative humidity of 65% for 50 minutes. Ready-made breads are packaged and packed in packs.

The quality indicators of the resulting loaves are shown in the table. food product differs in crunch when biting and lightness of taste, and also keeps these indicators for a long period of storage.

Bread with the addition of amaranth seed flour is characterized by a pronounced nutty flavor, fairly good porosity and elasticity. The use of the proposed method of production allows the maximum use of the possibilities chemical composition proposed raw materials while improving the consumer properties of bread. Rich in vitamins, minerals, protein-carbohydrate complex necessary for the full growth and development of the body, crispy waffle bread can be successfully used as a modern product of healthy and preventive nutrition.

The claimed technical solution is implemented using industrially produced tools and materials and can be manufactured at a food enterprise.

1. A method for the production of crispy bread, including the preparation of a nutrient mixture for liquid sourdough from rye flour, water and extract, fermentation of liquid rye sourdough, dough preparation, fermentation, molding, proofing, baking, cutting and drying, characterized in that the composition of flour when in the preparation of the dough, a vitamin-protein supplement is additionally added in the form of flour from amaranth seeds, taken in a ratio with the rest of the flour as 1:8, and the culture liquid Medusomyces gisevi (kombucha infusion), taken in the amount of 7- 10% by weight of water, and the fermentation of liquid sourdough is carried out to an acidity of 12-15 degrees.

2. A method for the production of crispbread according to claim 1, characterized in that flour is used from whole-ground amaranth seeds that have undergone heat treatment by roasting.

3. A method for the production of crispbread according to claim 1, characterized in that the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi with an acidity of pH=3.8-4.5 is used.

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The invention relates to the baking industry. A method for the production of crispbread is proposed, including the preparation of a nutritional mixture for liquid sourdough from rye flour, water and extract, fermentation of liquid rye sourdough, dough preparation, fermentation, shaping, proofing, baking, cutting and drying, while the composition of the flour when preparing the dough additionally a vitamin-protein supplement is introduced in the form of flour from amaranth seeds, taken in a ratio with the rest of the flour as 1:8, and the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi, taken in an amount of 7-10 by weight of water, is used as an extract in the preparation of the nutrient mixture, and fermentation of the liquid starter cultures are carried out to an acidity of 12-15 degrees. In this case, flour from whole-ground amaranth seeds that have undergone heat treatment by roasting is used, and the culture liquid of Medusomyces gisevi with an acidity of pH 3.8-4.5 is used. The invention is aimed at increasing the content of proteins and dietary fiber, improving the rheological and organoleptic properties of finished products. 2 w.p. f-ly, 1 tab., 3 pr.