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Feijoa jam: a dessert with an exotic taste. We prepare for the winter a source of iodine feijoa jam

Feijoa is an exotic berry, which is a rather rare "guest" in our latitudes. And it’s completely in vain - this unusual fruit has not only a unique vitamin composition, but also numerous useful properties. From feijoa, you can cook delicious and original dishes, such as jam. In such a dessert, all useful vitamins are preserved. There are many recipes for fragrant and delicious jams and feijoa jams with citruses, walnuts, apples and pears, cranberries and ginger.

The main advantage of jam prepared without cooking is the maximum concentration of vitamins and other useful substances, some of which are usually lost during heat treatment. To prepare this dessert, ripe berries are used - green, soft fruits with transparent pulp. If the berries are firm to the touch, and their flesh has a whitish tint, then they are not ripe. You do not need to peel them - the fruits should be with a peel. Thereby vitamin composition dessert increases several times.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg feijoa berries
  • 1 -1.5 kg of granulated sugar

The jam recipe looks like this

It is necessary to thoroughly wash 1 kg of exotic berries, cut them off on both sides.

Next, feijoa should be chopped through a meat grinder, or use the help of a food processor. Juice does not need to be drained. You can also use a blender, which grinds ripe feijoa fruits - as a result, you get a thick, fragrant jam.

Pour 1.5 kg of granulated sugar into the crushed fruits, give the jam a little “put out” the juice and pour it into glass containers. If you are not a fan of very sweet desserts, the amount of granulated sugar can be reduced to 1 kg.

Feijoa jam without cooking should not be prepared for future use. It does not have a long shelf life. Keep it so tasty and fragrant jam in the refrigerator, on the lower shelves. The maximum shelf life of a sweet treat that is not subjected to heat treatment is no more than 8 weeks.

There are many ways to make exotic jam even tastier. To do this, carefully chopped walnuts, almonds or candied fruits can be added to the dessert. Their feijoa jam can be used just like that - with pancakes, cookies or buns, and also used as a filling in various kinds of pastries. Fragrant and fragrant delicacy will make the muffin even tastier and more aromatic.

For our readers, we have also prepared other equally interesting recipes for preparations, for example, by cooking, you will not only surprise and pamper your household, but also add a piece of summer to your dining table in winter.

Raw feijoa jam with orange

A simple and easy-to-prepare dessert that does not require any heat treatment and pleases with an original, unique taste.

To make raw jam, you will need the following products:

  • 1-1.2 kg of ripe feijoa fruits.
  • 1 large orange or 2-3 small ones.
  • Pre-cleaned and crushed kernels walnuts- 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

Exotic berries should be prepared in advance - rinsed under running water, poured over with boiling water, cut off the tails. After that, large fruits are cut into three parts, medium and small - into two halves. Feijoa skins are not peeled. In the same way, you need to do with an orange - wash, peel, divide into parts and remove all the seeds.

Walnuts are peeled, the film is removed from the kernels and crushed with a meat grinder. After that, all components are thoroughly mixed until obtaining homogeneous mass and fall asleep in a bowl, adding the required amount of granulated sugar to the feijoa jam.

The vessel with the future dessert must be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark and dry place for several hours - this is quite enough for the sugar to completely dissolve. An exotic delicacy is almost ready - all that remains is to pour it into glass jars. It is not recommended to roll them up with lids, you can just use the usual nylon lids, which should first be doused with boiling water.

It should be remembered that raw jam not suitable for long-term storage. It should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months. If desired, an orange can be replaced with a sweet grapefruit or tangerine - the taste of the finished dessert does not deteriorate at all. Such feijoa and orange jam can be used as an independent dessert, or as a filling for pies, pancakes, cakes and other pastries.

You can also find out from us better ways cooking home cooking that you and all your family members will love.

Feijoa classic jam

Before preparing feijoa jam according to the classic recipe, you should make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients:

  • Ripe feijoa berries - about 1 kg.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Purified water - 0.2 l.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.

Recipe steps

The first step in making jam from exotic fruits is their direct preparation. To do this, rinse the feijoa under running water and scald it with boiling water - this will clean the fruit from dirt and dust. After that, you need to cut the berries into two parts and remove the pulp from each part with a teaspoon. Place the feijoa pulp in a separate bowl - only the pulp is used to make exotic jam, the peel is not required. Also rinse the lemon and let it dry, then peel it.

The next step is to pour granulated sugar into a bowl with fruit pulp, after which the mixture must be infused for at least half an hour so that the sugar has time to dissolve. Then you can proceed directly to the heat treatment of jam. To do this, put the pan with feijoa berries on the fire, bay necessary quantity purified water. Freshly squeezed juice from one lemon is added to a saucepan with jam, as well as lemon peel, grated on a fine grater.

After unusual delicacy boil, it should be boiled over low heat for another 25-30 minutes. It is not necessary to digest the jam, otherwise it will turn from a thick, fragrant dessert into an incomprehensible viscous mass. After that, you can proceed directly to conservation classic jam from feijoa. To do this, pour the prepared dessert into sterilized glass jars and roll up the lids. This recipe is great for long-term storage in the pantry, basement or cellar.

Original feijoa and pear jam

A very unusual and incredibly tasty delicacy that will surely appeal to even the most demanding sweet tooth.

Ingredients you need to make it:

  • Juicy, ripe feijoa berries - 1 kg.
  • Three large pears.
  • Granulated sugar - 800-900 g.
  • White semi-sweet wine - 200 ml.


Rinse feijoas carefully, removing dry inflorescences, unripe or spoiled fruits. Each berry must be cut into two halves and, using a teaspoon, remove the pulp from each half. To prepare an exotic jam, you only need feijoa pulp. Pour it into an enamel bowl.

Three large, ripe pears should be peeled and cores and seeds removed. Grind the pear pulp with a blender or use a meat grinder. Combine the pear and feijoa, pour the above amount of granulated sugar into the bowl with the delicacy. At the end, pour about 200 ml of semi-dry white wine into the crushed fruit mixture.

After all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth, put the pot with jam on a small fire and, stirring the feijoa and pear jam regularly with a wooden spatula, bring the fragrant dessert to a boil. After boiling, the vessel must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool the fruit mass. As soon as the jam has cooled, put it back on a small fire and bring it to a boil again.

After boiling again, the exotic jam is ready to be poured into jars. To do this, you can use an ordinary ladle - pour jam into glass, pre-sterilized jars and roll up the lids. The jars should be put with the lids down and covered with a woolen blanket - in this position they should be until the dessert has completely cooled.

Unusual feijoa and ginger jam

A very unusual delicacy of feijoa berries and ginger, which gives the jam a special, spicy note.

Required ingredients for cooking:

  • Ripe feijoa fruits - 1.2 kg.
  • Sugar sand - 400 gr.
  • Purified or distilled water - 0.5 l.
  • Grated ginger root - 10 gr.

An original winter dessert is being prepared according to the following recipe

Rinse exotic fruits under running water, cut into two halves and remove the pulp from each part of the berry. Place the pulp of the fruit in a separate fireproof dish - for example, in a metal or enamel pan or a bowl.

The resulting berry mass must be poured granulated sugar, pour 0.5 liters of purified or distilled water and put on medium heat. Also, ginger root, previously grated on a fine grater, is added to the dessert. After the exotic jam boils, the fire should be reduced and the delicacy should be cooked for quite a long time - at least 2.5 hours. Do not forget to regularly stir the feijoa and ginger jam with a wooden spatula and systematically remove the resulting foam from it.

At the end of the above period, the finished jam is removed from the fire and poured with a ladle into pre-prepared jars, which are rolled up with lids. This jam has a very unusual, spicy taste that will appeal to lovers of spicy spiciness.

You can cook a winter dessert from exotic berries both on the stove and in a slow cooker. Fall asleep everything necessary ingredients into the multicooker bowl and set it to the extinguishing mode. Cooking time - at least an hour. Do not forget to systematically stir the jam in the slow cooker during this time. After that, the dish, as usual, is poured into jars and rolled up with lids.

Feijoa is a berry that has taken its rightful place in our diet. And this is no coincidence. With excellent palatability, feijoa also contains a lot of nutrients, amino acids, trace elements and fiber.

But the most important advantage of this berry is a record amount of iodine. That is why feijoa is recommended for use in diseases associated with a lack of this trace element in the body. To combine business with pleasure, you can use various recipes cooking this berry, for example, cook feijoa jam.

Preserving vitamins

Feijoa cooking is not difficult process. The main condition is the preservation of all useful substances. Therefore, we will not use heat treatment of the product, we will prepare feijoa jam without cooking. The result is a very tasty and at the same time vitamin-rich delicacy.

For cooking, we take the minimum amount of ingredients that are available in every kitchen. It will take one orange and about 800 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries. To make feijoa jam even more healthy, you can replace sugar with honey. For this recipe, it fits very well, as it also does not like heat treatment. Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the cooking process itself.

delicious treat

Let's start with the berries. They must be washed very well and the tails removed with a knife. Special care is needed here, because feijoa jam is not boiled. We will not remove the peel, it will be more useful and fragrant. Now cut each berry into four parts and set them aside. Next, we clean the orange from the peel, seeds and partitions that give it bitterness. Using a blender, grind two products (feijoa and orange).

This mixture should be transferred to enamelware(because of the acid, aluminum cannot be used) and sprinkle with sugar. The amount of sugar can be changed at your discretion. But if you are making feijoa jam for the winter, then put more of it. Now you need to let the jam brew until the sugar is completely dissolved. If you use honey, then skip this point. Next, prepare the jars and lids (sterilize). Mix the feijoa jam again, put it in jars and close the lids (nylon). We store the product in the refrigerator. Here's how to make feijoa jam without cooking.

Feijoa and walnuts

The combination of feijoa and walnuts will give the treat an even higher nutritional value. And if you use honey, you get just a storehouse of vitamins. You only need to eat a few tablespoons a day. How to make feijoa walnut jam? Take 500 grams of berries, a handful of peeled walnuts and three tablespoons of sugar.
If the jam will be stored for some time, then take 400-500 grams of sugar. We wash the feijoa and cut off the tails of the berries. After that, cut them into pieces, but not too small. Grind walnuts to the same size. We mix these two ingredients and cover them with sugar or pour honey. Thoroughly mix the delicacy and let it brew. Then it can be eaten. Keep feijoa jam in the refrigerator, put it in sterilized jars.

Feijoa Features

This berry is very rich taste with notes of pear, gooseberry, pineapple and kiwi. Ripe feijoas have a soft texture. But if the fruits are hard and a little knit, then put them in the refrigerator and they will ripen. Jam made from unripe berries should be given more time to infuse. Then the feijoa pieces will soak in sweet syrup and become even tastier. It just takes a little longer to cook.

Healthy Peel

Separately, it must be said about the skin of these berries. It has a slightly tart taste and conveys these notes to the finished product. But at the same time, the skin contains many nutrients. Therefore, to use it in cooking or still peel the fruits is a personal matter for everyone. If important beneficial features, then it is better to leave the peel, and if it tastes good, you can remove it. Try two options and choose the one that suits you best. Banana goes well with feijoa, which can be added to a delicacy. But storing such a product for a long time is not recommended. Feijoa jam may become darker in color as a result of storage. This fact should not scare. This is due to the high content of iodine.

Classic recipe

The use of heat treatment is a more convenient way for many. You can also make feijoa jam. The recipe is not complicated and is a classic for many housewives. To achieve density (get jam or jam), you need to add pectin. It is also necessary if the fruits are slightly overripe, then the jam will not be too liquid. Take 500 milliliters of water, 1.5-2 kilograms of sugar, 5-6 tablespoons of lemon juice and two bags of pectin. This amount is calculated for 2 kilograms of the main ingredient - feijoa.

Before you start cooking, take care of the dishes. glass jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. We do the same with metal lids. Now let's get cooking. We wash the berries and cut off the tails of each. Then we cut the fruits into two parts, and if they are large, then into three. We spread the prepared berries in a saucepan and fill with water. We put the container on the fire and cook until the peel is soft. This process takes about 45 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the berries do not boil. They must remain intact. So don't let it boil too hard. You should also stir the feijoa jam for the winter so that it does not burn, and all the fruits cook evenly. During this time, you need to mix sugar with pectin and lemon juice. Add this mixture to the feijoa and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. We make the fire minimal, at which our dessert will only barely boil. Cook for about 30 more minutes. Checking the readiness of the dish traditional way. We lower the spoon with jam into a container with cold water. The finished jam will not spread. Next, you need to decompose finished product in jars and close with lids. Do not fill the container to the very brim. Leave about half a centimeter free.

Feijoa and cranberries

Another delicious combination are feijoa and cranberries. Let's take a kilogram of feijoa, 500 grams of cranberries and 700 grams of sugar. We prepare the fruits in the same way as in the previous recipes. We wash the cranberries.

Then grind these two ingredients with a blender. Add sugar to this mixture and mix well. Now the jam must be allowed to infuse, and then you can eat it. For longer storage, place it in pre-sterilized jars and refrigerate. Here is a feijoa jam. The recipe is simple and affordable.

Some additives are used to give feijoa jam a richer taste and aroma. For example, ginger or vanilla. Ginger should be crushed and added halfway through the cooking process. Vanilla can be used at the end of making feijoa jam without cooking. Choose the most suitable recipe and replenish your body with vitamins and nutrients all winter. Be healthy.

Feijoa is an exotic berry that rarely appears on our tables. And very in vain, since the fruits contain the maximum amount of useful components, vitamins. Feijoa is used to prepare a wide variety of original dishes.

One of them is jam. The blank retains all the necessary elements and other useful compounds for normal life.

Consider a few original recipes making feijoa jam.

Without cooking

To preserve the maximum amount of useful elements and vitamins, we suggest preparing a delicacy without heat treatment. It takes a minimum of time to cook. It is worth remembering that the shelf life of the dessert will be short. Consider the recipe for feijoa jam without cooking.


  • feijoa - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the main ingredient, rinse and dry on a clean towel. Remove ponytails. Grind with a blender to a puree state. Add the specified amount of sugar. Cover, leave in this form until the particles are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, close with a plastic lid and put in a cool place.

Dessert with walnut, feijoa and orange

For long-term storage, it is not necessary to boil the delicacy. This cooking option preserves the maximum amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements. It is easy and simple to prepare, and the taste is just to lick your fingers.


  • feijoa - 700 g;
  • oranges - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 700 g;
  • walnuts - 70 g.

  1. In order for the jam to stand, as much time as possible, the nuts need to be peeled and roasted in a microwave oven or in a dry frying pan. The main thing is to make sure that they do not burn out. Otherwise, the taste of bitterness will ruin everything. Cool them, finely chop or chop in a food processor. If left in pieces, then the workpiece will crunch.
  2. Sort the feijoa, wash and dry with disposable napkins. Remove the stem and cut into several pieces.
  3. Rinse the orange, pour over with boiling water. Dry, remove the skin, white films and seeds. Divide into slices and grind until smooth.
  4. Combine all prepared ingredients in a container with a thick bottom. Add sugar, stir. Cover with a gauze cloth and leave warm for 1-1.5 hours until the grains are completely dissolved.
  5. Pour raw feijoa jam into clean jars, close with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator.

With lemon

We propose to consider another of the options for making jam without cooking. Lemon enhances the taste and usefulness of the berries. It is especially recommended to add dessert to tea during epidemics of viral and infectious diseases.


  • feijoa - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg;
  • walnuts - 300 g;
  • cranberries - 150 g.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Rinse the feijoa, dry it and remove the place of attachment of the stalk. Cut into several pieces. Wash the lemon with a brush and additionally pour boiling water over it. Cut into slices, be sure to remove the bones. Sort the cranberries, put in a colander and rinse under running water, leave to completely drain excess moisture.
  2. Grind prepared products through a meat grinder. Put the mass in an enameled bowl, cover with sugar. Stir and leave for 2-3 hours, previously covered.
  3. After the time has elapsed, arrange in sterile jars. Close with plastic lids and put in a cold place.

With kiwi

You can supplement the vitamin composition of feijoa fruits if you add kiwi. The preparation is thick, fragrant and very tasty. And now let's figure out how to actually make feijoa jam.


  • feijoa fruits - 500 g;
  • kiwi - 250 g;
  • lemon - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • citric acid - 5 g.

  1. Wash the kiwi fruit well, dry and remove the skin. Wash the feijoa, put it on a clean towel and wait for excess moisture to drain. Do the same with the lemon and additionally pour boiling water over it.
  2. Cut prepared foods (except lemon) into several parts for easy chopping. Pass through a meat grinder. Put the mass in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  3. Mix with sugar and citric acid. Add the specified amount of liquid. Put on slow heating, cook until the delicacy thickens.
  4. Meanwhile, chop the lemon into small cubes. AT thick jam add finely chopped citrus fruit. Stir, heat for another 10 minutes and spread the finished delicacy in sterile jars. Roll up tightly, turn over, cool and put in the cellar.

With orange peels, nuts and feijoa

By adding orange peels and nuts to exotic fruits, the finished jam acquires a beautiful translucent shade. Orange peels are allowed to be replaced with candied fruits, but not sweet ones. The cooking time of the treat increases to half an hour. The recipe for feijoa jam with orange for the winter is as follows.


  • berries - 1.5 kg;
  • orange peels - 300 g;
  • orange - 150 g;
  • walnuts - 1.5 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • citric acid - 15 g;
  • pure water - 750 ml.

  1. Rinse the feijoa, remove the stalk and cut into 2 equal parts. Take out the pulp and place it in a suitable container for cooking. Cover with sugar, leave on the table, after covering for 2-3 hours.
  2. Rinse the orange peel and additionally pour boiling water over it. Carefully peel off the white film and chop the zest into small slices.
  3. Peel nuts, wash well and dry with a clean towel. Put in a dry frying pan and dry with regular stirring, over low heat. Remove unnecessary husks. Chop into small pieces.
  4. Put the orange in the pan to the berry pulp, citric acid. Stir, pour in water and put the container with the contents on the stove. From the moment of boiling, reduce the heating temperature and continue cooking until the mass acquires a thick consistency.
  5. Then add orange peel, nuts. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Arrange in sterile jars, close tightly and store in the cellar after complete cooling.

Feijoa jam with pear

This version of the recipe involves the addition of pears. To enhance the taste and give a specific aroma experienced chefs It is advised to add white semi-sweet wine. Consider the secret of cooking delicious treats.


  • feijoa - 1.5 kg;
  • pears - 1 kg;
  • white wine - 300 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  1. Sort the berries, remove the stalk. Rinse well, dry. Cut into 2 equal parts, use a spoon to cut out the pulp and place it in the prepared container.
  2. Pears wash, cut and cut out the seed box. Chop into small pieces. Pour into a blender bowl and puree until smooth.
  3. Combine feijoa and pear in an enameled bowl, add the indicated amount of wine, add granulated sugar. Put on the stove, not forgetting to mix the composition. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, indicating boiling of the mass, it must be removed from the stove.
  4. Cover, cool room temperature. Then again, bring to a boil and pour into sterile jars. Seal tightly, turn over and leave to cool. Put away in the cellar or refrigerator.

Persimmon jam

Feijoa berries go well with persimmons. The preparation is tasty, fragrant and thick.


  • persimmon - 700 g;
  • feijoa - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Rinse purchased products, dry. Remove stalks. Cut into small pieces, be sure to remove the bones from the persimmon.
  2. Put in a suitable container. Combine with sugar. Cover and leave on the kitchen table for 2-3 hours to infuse.
  3. After the specified time, put the container with the contents on the stove, setting up a slow heating mode. From the moment of boiling, continue cooking for 25 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, cover and leave on the counter to cool completely. Arrange in sterile jars, close and store in a cool place for further storage.
  5. There are a huge number of recipes for making feijoa jam for the winter. All of them retain the beneficial properties of the fruit. For connoisseurs of natural taste, dessert options without cooking are perfect. The delicacy will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Don't be afraid unusual look feijoa, it's amazing useful product. Delicacies from these fruits will be especially pleasant on long winter evenings. In addition to the benefits for the body, you will surely feel a rush Have a good mood caused by pleasant taste these berries. Feijoa fruits are very rich in organic acids, iodine, they are saturated with microelements. The taste of the fruit is reminiscent of wild strawberries, with a slight kiwi flavor added to it. A pleasant aftertaste of pineapple is added to the taste sensations. To make a jam out of these useful berries got a richer taste, you can diversify it by adding other ingredients.

You don't have to think of anything. There are already many original interesting recipes, which are based on the fruits of feijoa. Each version of the resulting jam is interesting and tasty in its own way. Any jam will amaze with its aroma and support the immune system. But we are not in a hurry to start cooking. So that the labors are not in vain, you should know which fruits can be used to make jam. The fruit should be soft, green. Take a close look at the pulp. It must be translucent. Such a fruit is considered ripe. Unripe fruits will be firm to the touch and contain opaque flesh. Brown spots are evidence of the onset of spoilage of the fruit.

Cooking raw jam from feijoa fruits

This cooking option best preserves vitamins during the harvesting process. After all, the absence of heat treatment is only a plus for the preservation of all useful substances. So, we need: 1.2 kg of feijoa, a fairly large orange, or a couple of medium ones, a full glass of peeled walnuts and a kilogram of sugar.

First of all, we wash the berries, after which we scald them well with boiling water. Then we cut off the ponytails from the berries, while not affecting the peel. After that, the berries are cut into several parts. Here you need to look at the size of the fruit and decide how best to cut them. Peel the orange, remove the pits and break it into slices. Soak nuts in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then we rinse them in running water, dry them and remove the film, which can add bitterness.
Blend all ingredients thoroughly in a blender. We shift the crushed mixture into a saucepan prepared in advance, after which we add sugar. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to rest until the sugar dissolves. In principle, the jam is ready. It remains to decompose the product into sterilized jars, which we close with carefully boiled nylon lids. But you should remember important point- store such raw jam only in the refrigerator. The delicacy is perfect as an exotic dessert. It can be perfectly used as a filling, quite original, in almost any pastry. After all, the jam is thick enough, it will not spread with you.

Feijoa Jam Recipe 2 - Easy

This recipe will appeal to lazy people. After washing the berries, cut off the tails from them and dry them with a kitchen towel, simply wiping them thoroughly. We twist the cut berries in a meat grinder and add sugar, then mix and wait for it to dissolve. After that, we pack in prepared sterile jars, close with prepared nylon lids treated with boiling water. All that is required here is feijoa and sugar. The proportion is 1:1.

Feijoa jam recipe 3 - five minutes

We take a kilogram of fruits, prepare them, as in previous recipes, and twist them in a meat grinder. In parallel, in 0.5 liters of boiled, but already slightly cooled water, we dissolve a kilogram of sugar. We put the dishes with dissolved sugar on the fire and add the ground fruits, stirring with a spoon. We boil the jam for only five minutes, after which we put it in jars. We close this jam with seaming lids.

The most popular and quick recipe for feijoa jam

We take a kilogram of fruits, after they are washed, cut into large cubes. We fall asleep with a kilogram of sugar and carefully grind in a blender. For normal and quick dissolution of sugar, you will need to add quite a bit of water. Even 50 ml will be enough. We boil the resulting jam and, after cooling, put it in jars, closing it with boiled nylon lids. Be sure to keep in mind that jam can only be kept in the refrigerator, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. It is perfect as an ingredient for yogurt, you can spread it on a bun.

Feijoa jam recipe

The proportions are classic, 1:1 fruit and sugar. Wash the fruits and twist through a meat grinder. You can, if desired, cut into cubes. Place the processed feijoa fruits in a prepared pan and add sugar. Add about half a glass of water. We begin to heat the pan, carefully watching when the mixture boils. At this point, remove the dishes from the oven and wait until it cools down. Now you can add other berries or fruits. You can dream up and show creative talents. The jam will need to be boiled again, but not boiled. After this procedure, we pack the delicacy in a sterile container and roll it up hermetically.

Recipe 6 with pear

From a kilogram of carefully selected and washed ripe fruits, we cut out only the pulp. To do this, first cut them in half. We put them in the dishes in which we are going to cook them. There we also add the pulp of a pair of chopped pears, which does not contain peel, pits and core. Now you need to add a kilogram of sugar and two-thirds of a glass of white, semi-sweet wine is better. Over low heat, gradually bring to a boil, while not forgetting to stir your winter treat. After the jam has boiled, remove the dishes from the stove and let it cool down. After that, we repeat the procedure again. After the jam has boiled again, it is ready for packaging in jars. We roll up the container and lay it upside down until the product has completely cooled down.

Recipe 7 - add walnuts and citrus fruits to feijoa jam

For those who choose this option, the tasting moment will be very pleasant. This jam has a delicate, rich taste and will be loved by adults and children. It will take 1.2 kilograms of feijoa, a kilogram of sugar, a glass of peeled walnuts and a medium-sized orange. We wash the feijoa, pour over with boiling water and cut off the ponytails from the fruits. We cut the fruit into four parts. We clean the orange, remove the seeds and the internal partitions contained in it. Nuts must be soaked at this time in fairly hot water, for about 4 minutes. After that, they are washed with running cold water. Grind all the ingredients with a blender and transfer to a saucepan. Add a kilogram of sugar and, over moderate heat, gradually bring to a boil, not forgetting to stir. At the moment of boiling, remove from the stove. Everything, the jam is ready to be rolled into jars.

Recipe 8 - Feijoa Jam with Lemon

Lemon will give a piquant taste, a very slight sourness will be felt in the jam. You will need a kilogram of feijoa, put less sugar - 900 gr., A glass of water and a medium lemon. We wash the fruits and cut into two parts. Now you need to carefully remove the pulp from them with a spoon. We spread the pulp in a deep bowl and cover it with sugar on top. Leave this mixture to infuse for about twenty minutes. During this time, the fruits will have time to release juice under the influence of sugar. At this time, we have time to wash the lemon and squeeze the juice. Grate the lemon zest as well. Add all this to the bowl and mix. Now it is already necessary to add a glass of water and it is time to put our mixture on the stove. We will use a very strong fire and, with constant, gentle stirring, bring the delicacy to a boil. Then boil the mixture for 12 minutes at the usual, medium level of fire. We lay out the dessert in jars and cover with sterile lids. Let our delicacy cool for 15 minutes. After waiting for the jars to cool down a bit, put them in a saucepan and collect water in it. The water should be at a level not reaching the neck by 3 cm. Turn on the stove at full power and wait until the mixture in the bowl boils. Immediately reduce the heat to a low level and pasteurize the jam for about 20 minutes. That's all, banks can be rolled up. It is necessary to get them immediately from the pan, without waiting for the jam to cool. For this, it is best to use a thick towel.

Recipe 9 - making feijoa jam using a slow cooker and adding lemon

We carry out preliminary preparation with the ingredient in the same algorithm as in the eighth recipe. Carefully select the pulp of the berries with a spoon and then sprinkle it with sugar. We wait until the pulp releases the juice, it will take about twenty minutes. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and grate the zest on a very fine grater. We put all the products in the multicooker. It takes about an hour to cook jam, 50 minutes will be enough, in stewing mode. The multicooker lid must be closed. But your participation will be required in this process. Open the lid every 15 minutes and stir delicious dessert. So we can avoid burning our dish. Of course, feijoa will bring the greatest benefit in the form of raw jam, but even in this form, many vitamins and trace elements are preserved.

Recipe 10 - Feijoa Jam with Honey

This recipe has only two ingredients. We keep the proportion 1:1. For a kilogram of berries, you will need to add a kilogram of honey. As usual, the fruits must be washed very thoroughly. After that, the ends are cut off from them. You can grind feijoa in any way you like. Someone likes to use a familiar meat grinder more, for someone a blender is preferable. Thoroughly crushed mixture is well mixed with honey. In principle, the delicacy is already ready. Now it only remains to decompose our exclusive into sterile dishes and close the lids treated with boiling water. Like any raw jam, this product must be stored in the refrigerator.

There is another recipe with honey, more saturated in taste. It will require 500 gr. berries, 150 g of nuts and a large lemon. Honey will need 250-300 gr. By the way, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to put nuts not only walnuts, but also almonds, in proportion to your taste. We thoroughly wash the feijoa and cut off the tails, cut the lemon so as to get the seeds out of it. Then we put both ingredients in a blender or meat grinder, where we grind them thoroughly. Now you can add nuts, after grinding them into a fairly large crumb. After that, it remains to add honey and mix all the components thoroughly. Everything, our jam is ready. It remains to put it in prepared sterile dishes and cover with the same clean lids. You can only store in the refrigerator. With an impressive amount of vitamins and many useful substances, there is only one drawback in such a recipe. This dessert can only be stored for six months.