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Belarusian grandmother recipe with step by step. Potato grandmother - Belarusian casserole

Pitted and by itself is wonderful dessert for tea. However experienced chefs know that a more versatile food ingredient is hard to come by.

Boil or freeze?

Nutritionists claim that the best option consumption of fruits is to serve them raw. This is also true for cherries, but only in part. The thing is that in the heat-treated fruits of this plant, some beneficial features only intensify. And therefore, if cherries are needed as an active therapeutic substance for reduced appetite, diseases associated with the circulatory system, acute respiratory infections and some other health problems, it is better to cook it. But the question arises of how to do this most effectively, and not only from a therapeutic point of view. The answer is simple: make pitted cherry jam. This can be done quickly and easily, the main thing is to study several recipes and choose the most suitable one.

Base, or How to cook cherry jam

In fact, there is one (it is also the easiest) recipe for making cherry jam. For him, you need to choose one kilogram of ripe, undamaged berries and the same amount of sugar. The fruits are sorted out, getting rid of the damaged ones, as well as the stalks and leaves, washed thoroughly, and then the bones are removed. By the way, doing this is quite simple. It is enough to use a hairpin, with which the bone is removed from the base of the stalk. However, you can use special culinary tools. After all the cherries have been processed in this way, they are covered with sugar and left in a cool place for 8-12 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the berries that have already released the juice are put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes, after which they are left to cool completely. Next, pour the syrup into a separate bowl and boil it to such a state that a drop does not spread in ice water. And only after that cherry is added to it. The jam is boiled for another 15 minutes and laid out in sterile jars. Such a sweet thick dessert will be the perfect addition to the winter family tea party.

Seedless Cherry Jam: Alternative Recipes

There are two more interesting recipe, which will require a little more time and effort, but will give a wonderful, but somewhat different taste. It's dietary Cherry jam and five-minute jam.

Diet cherry jam

It got its name due to the fact that the proportions of sugar and berries are changed in it. So, to prepare such a dessert, you need two kilograms of cherries and only one kilogram of sugar. The process of preliminary preparation of berries looks exactly the same as in basic recipe. But the cooking process itself is somewhat different. So, the fruits that let the juice along with sugar are put on a slow fire and boiled until boiling, while the foam is removed for five minutes. Next, the jam is allowed to cool and boil again. The procedure is repeated three times, and after the last jam can be preserved in sterile jars.

Pitted cherry jam "Five minutes"

It got its name, unfortunately, not because it is cooked for only five minutes, but because 5 minutes before the end of the heat treatment process, a natural preservative is poured into it. So, for such a jam, one kilogram of berries will require one and a half kilograms of sugar, 0.4 liters of water and a teaspoon of citric acid. The cooking process looks exactly the same as in the dietary version. But at the same time, water is added to the cherry with sugar before the first boil. Five minutes before the end of the third "approach" falls asleep in the jam lemon acid. The latter will allow you to save the resulting dessert even if it is poured into jars cold.

It is in these simple three ways that you can cook delicious and healthy dessert- pitted cherry jam.

Just imagine how great it is: winter, frost outside, and hot tea with cherry jam on your table. Put it on your saucer as much as you want. All this is because they had time to cook in time in the summer, when cherries were in abundance. Here is the pleasure!

In the days of our grandmothers, there were not very many sweets in stores. Therefore, the preparation of jam was simply necessary. It was the main children's joy. They especially liked to spread butter on black bread and put a thick layer of jam on top. Moreover, there was no question of saving. Of course, any jam was loved, but cherry was the most popular, especially pitted.

Even now it is impossible to forget this special aroma and ruby ​​color. Everything flows from hand to hand, but it does not stop. You keep eating and eating. Grandmother's pastries in the form of pies and pies with cherry filling are also remembered with special warmth. Simply delicious! It was completely indifferent, jam with or without seeds.

Having chosen a certain day, all the neighbors gathered in the yard together and began to peel cherries for future jam. The most important tool for removing the bone was an ordinary hairpin, which in those days were sold everywhere. When special devices for cleaning bones began to appear, they were passed to each other in turn.

So there was already a “lightened” jam for everyone. There were always two basins. One for the cherries, the other for the pits. In those days, there were few pickles, including cherries. Didn't pay attention to what kind of cherry.

Now is a different time, you can be fashionable and pamper yourself. Recipes various kinds cooking can be peeped on the Internet on the sites of people who willingly share their knowledge with users. In addition to the cherry itself, these recipes include various additives that can be used in making cherry jam.

You can try adding other berries or fruits to the jam. Can be made as an additive to coffee, cocoa, spices and much more. It already depends on taste.

Any mention of cherries in connection with conservation causes only positive emotions. Will it be compote, jam, jam, jam, liqueur - it does not matter.

It's clear right away - it will be very tasty. We will try to diversify the above list with new recipes. We will try to give easy-to-remember tips, be sure to remember them.

Such yummy as "Cherry in Chocolate" can be made as a preparation for the winter. It will be nice to open in the winter and enjoy.

Cook together.

Preparation Ingredients:

  1. 1/2 kg. pitted cherries
  2. 100 gram chocolate bar
  3. 150 grams of sugar
  4. Add vanilla and lemon juice in the amount of a tablespoon
  5. Water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

1. We carefully sort out the cherry. We remove the stalks and damaged fruits. First, it is washed, and then the bones are removed.

We put the prepared product (cherry) in a bowl for cooking.

Since the quantity (weight) of cherries is very important, we focus on the fact that we definitely need the weight of already peeled cherries to be exactly half a kilogram.

2. Pour sugar over the top of the cherry, add vanilla and pour water. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a tablespoon and add it to the resulting mass. Mix everything carefully so as not to damage the fruit.

3. Putting on a small fire, we are waiting for boiling. You have to stir the mixture constantly.

4. After that, we make a very small light and continue to boil for at least half an hour until the excess liquid evaporates.

5. Break the chocolate into slices and put in a container, mix well and wait for it to completely dissolve. We are waiting for the liquid chocolate to boil and boil for a minute.

6. We lay out everything in pre-prepared jars.

7. Turn the jars over, cover with something warm and let it cool completely.

8. Put in storage.

These goodies don't last long. In less than a month, they will already be eaten. Therefore, according to our recipe, make a trial version in order to have time to cook this yummy for the winter while there are cherries.

Having opened such a jar in winter, you will get a treat that will be a pleasure to look at, and even more so to eat. You can use this twist as a decoration or filling in pies and any kind of cakes.

Cherry jam with orange

Just one orange can change taste qualities cherry jam, to which we are accustomed. Everything seems to be the same, but the taste is different.

We take cherries and sugar, orange in the same proportion and add water - 3 tablespoons.


1. We sort out the berries, wash them, dry them, removing the seeds.

We measure the volume with glasses and if there are bones or not. The sweetness of the jam will depend on the amount of sugar you added. Focus on your taste.

2. Put cherries sprinkled with sugar in a container and fill with water. Mix slowly so as not to harm the berries.

If you have time, leave the resulting mixture for a couple of hours so that liquid appears. In case of lack of time, immediately put to cook. The melted sugar will release juice on its own. Stay near the stove, stir often and watch the sugar. It must not be allowed to burn. It should dissolve evenly. The mixture should boil.

3. Now I will offer you two options for making jam.

Option 1:

Cook the cherries for 10 minutes over low heat. After removing from the stove, when cooking is finished, we leave to stand for a couple of hours.

After settling, cook 2 more times for 10 minutes. And it turns out that we have to boil the cherry 3 times. There are housewives who cook more than 3 times.

Option 2:

It takes more time.

When everything boils, cook for another 5 minutes, let it stand for half a day. Again, boil 2 more times from the interval. Half a day is enough for sludge.

4. Both recipes require that only at the last boil, you add an orange.

They do it differently. Some housewives cut it right with the peel, and add it. This is not very healthy, as the jam can get a bitter aftertaste.

You can grate the zest of an orange orange. Do not use the white part of the zest. But this is optional. You can do everything together.

You can just squeeze out Orange juice, then peeling the skins and grains, add the remains of the orange to the jam, after having chopped it finely.

When you add all the orange, the jam will become thicker, but not by much.

5. Before the last 3rd cooking, add: juice, zest, pulp, whatever you prefer or all together and stir the resulting mixture.

6. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 or 10 minutes and remove the foam that children love so much. They will eat it with pleasure.

In order for the foam to be removed easily, the container with the mixture must be slightly either rotated or shaken. In this case, the foam will accumulate in the central part of the container. You can take it off very easily.

7. We have jars and lids ready. Pour the jam and twist it.

8. We turn the jars over, cover with something warm, let it cool completely. After cooling, put in storage in a cool place where the sun's rays do not fall.

Similarly, you can replace the orange with watermelon peels. It will also be very tasty. Only a little color and taste will change.

Pitted dry candied cherry jam

Cherries and sugar in equal proportions, a glass of water and several large lemons.

The recipe is simple. Let's make it just to try. Candied fruits from any fruit or berries are perfect as an addition to any drinks.

They can even replace sweets.


1. We sort out the berries, wash them and let the water drain. We remove the bones from it.

2. Cooking syrup. Dilute the water and sugar until you get a homogeneous mixture. Put on the stove and stir constantly. Should be liquid homogeneous mass. Add hot water into sugar, so it will dissolve much faster. Try to stay at the place of cooking, constantly stir the mixture, taking out the very bottom with a spoon. Make sure the mixture doesn't burn.

3. When heated, the mixture will become liquid in shape. Seedless fruits, dip into this mixture only after boiling.

Getting the fruit into the liquid will stop the boiling process. Try to bathe the cherry in syrup. Cherry is desirable to mix constantly and do not forget to shake.

4. After boiling the syrup, let it boil for another 1 hour, constantly stirring and shaking the cherry. So it will heat up evenly. After turning off the fire, leave for 10 hours to settle. If you choose the option of cooking with bones, increase it by another couple of hours. Settling will be the time it takes for the cherry to soak in the syrup

and own juice. This will make it even tastier.

5. Then take a colander or a fine sieve. Spread berries in it and wait for all the liquid to glass. Do it in small batches.

6. We have come to the stage of drying it. For this we use the oven. We make the temperature no more than 40 degrees. But, if possible, this process can be

ss to do in an electric dryer. At a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

In this procedure, your assistant will be parchment paper. Put it on the bottom of the mold and spread the fruits on it.

Let it dry until it is ready to be packed into jars. We check as follows: the cherry should stop releasing juice.

7. So we got candied fruits. We fall asleep sugar and lays out in jars. We find a dry place for high-quality storage.

Use for baking and just eat.

Jam with mint and black tea

Many people love both the smell of mint and the various products in which it is used. These are pastries, sweets, gum marmalade and marshmallows. I'm just about people of this kind. That is, those who enjoy the smell and taste of mint. Given my such predilections, I decided this summer to try making cherry jam with mint.

Of course, the experiment is dangerous, you don't want to spoil the jam. But, I had an assumption that it was impossible to spoil something with mint. You probably already guessed that I cooked it and was not mistaken. It turned out to be a jam. It tastes like a cherry-flavoured mint candy.

It turns out it can! Moreover, such jam will have an amazing aroma and unforgettable taste. Of course, I didn’t come up with the idea to add black tea to cherries and mint. I found a recipe in one of the women's magazines and decided to try it. The experiment was a success.

We take for cooking:

  1. 1 kg. pitted cherries.
  2. Sugar 1 kg
  3. Juice 1 kg. lemons
  4. Bergamot tea 1 tablespoon
  5. Mint in the amount of 10 tablespoons

We prepare as follows:

1. 2 kg. we sort out the cherries, remove spoiled berries and other impurities. Wash thoroughly several times. We get rid of the bones with a hairpin or other device.

We took 2 kg. cherries, since our recipe is designed for pitted cherries. The bones don't weigh much. Add a little extra sugar if necessary.

We place the peeled berry in a container in which we will cook jam. We give her time to start the juice. The more juice she puts in, the tastier the jam will be.

2. If you pour layers of sugar over the cherry, it will quickly absorb it and dissolve it in itself.

3. While the cherry is infused, we make tea leaves. He must be good at it. This process will take no more than 15 minutes.

4. After pouring tea into a container, add lemon juice there. Tea, lemon, the perfect combination! Try to mix gently.

Your tea is hot, so the sugar will dissolve very quickly.

5. Turning on a small light, put a cooking container on it and mix everything thoroughly. Let it stay on the fire longer. After the sugar has melted completely, it will give exactly the amount of syrup that we need to further prepare the jam.

6. After boiling the syrup, immediately note the time. From now on, remember that you must cook the mixture for 25 minutes, stirring constantly. The fire is slow, make sure that it does not burn and stir constantly.

7. If you feel that another 5 minutes and everything will be ready, add mint leaves, be sure to wash and dry them before that.

8. Do not be reminded that you should already have lids and pre-treated jars prepared.

9. Mint leaves must be obtained. Pour hot jam into jars.

From my point of view, there is nothing difficult in such preparation. Since I have made such jam before and know its taste, I am haunted by its aroma.

In addition, this jam will be tender, spicy, not just sweet, and pleasantly sweet and sour in taste.

Everyone will like it!

Jam "Five Minute" - video

We cook the most delicious cherry jam "Five Minute" - this is a pitted jam. The berries remain whole and hard, and cook this delicious jam very simple.

Tips and secrets for making good cherry jam

The previous sections are recipes. Some of them are classic, that is, which are used for many years and are inherited.

Some are just interesting or original and worth experimenting with. If you like it, you will make it all the time and share recipes with friends or acquaintances.

All of these recipes have a few cooking rules that should not be changed. Jam cannot be digested, how to make it safely “overwinter”, so that its taste qualities remain.

Now about everything in order:

1. Sort the fruits before boiling them. Damaged, dried or those that have already been pecked by birds are removed. Some say: "jam, everything will be digested and it will be fine." Yes, of course, cook, but how?

If the fruit is already damaged, it will shrivel and be tough in the jam itself. Getting into jam, he will be able to spoil the taste of good cherries.

2. All varieties of cherries are suitable for jam, without exception. The taste or color of the jam will, of course, be different. Perhaps this will affect its aromatic qualities. The majority of housewives prefer a variety called shpanka for making jam. Cherries of this variety are distinguished by fleshiness, ruby ​​color. They are large and even in appearance.

But, this is so for the word. As practice shows, the jam will be tasty and fragrant even from cherries, whose names no one knows. In appearance, it may look small, completely inconspicuous, and the jam will be of excellent taste.

3. Having cleaned the cherry from leaves, stalks and twigs, it must be washed very carefully several times under running water. When it dries, you can begin to remove the bones. Bones are removed different ways, whichever you prefer.

If you peeled cherries with your hands without wearing gloves, they will turn red. Cleaning them up right away is no easy task. Do it better with gloves on. You can't go to work with those hands! It would be best if the gloves were made of latex. When you put them on, you think it's like a second skin.

They are usually of good quality. The best part is that, unlike conventional rubber gloves, they do not have foreign odors.

4. The amount of sugar when cooking jam is also not always the same or necessary. It has options that can vary from 0.5 kg. up to 1.5 kilograms. Why is it advised to put more sugar? Because the more sugar, the longer the cherry jam can be stored. It is sweeter and produces more syrup. Sugar falls asleep and he needs to insist that the cherry let the juice go.

A few hours is enough, but more is better than less. Try to shake it periodically. Mix carefully, do not harm the berry. Water is needed to reduce the density of the jam. But, don't overdo it. Not enough water - the jam is thick. A lot of water - liquid jam. Be sure to calculate the amount of water per 1 kg. cherries.

When adding water, stir the mixture constantly so that it does not burn. It will be insulting and unpleasant if the jam turns out with a burnt smell. It's a pity, both his work and cherries. The smell of burning is already impossible to fix. In addition, the jam will no longer have a beautiful ruby ​​​​color. The resulting brown tint will not decorate it.

You can also make deviations in time. The main thing do not forget that it is desirable to boil it 3 times. Try to thoroughly rinse the jars, seal them properly so that they keep the resulting product well.

5. Mandatory cooking time after boiling is 5 or 10 minutes. Stir the jam constantly with a wooden or metal spoon. A metal spoon is not very recommended, as it can oxidize. From all types of jam, including cherry, the foam must be removed. This is necessary in order for the jam to last longer.

If you're making jam that you want to eat within a few days, don't bother. If this is jam, which the housewives call “five minutes”, you need to catch it during this time and remove the foam, that is, when the cooking process is still going on.

If you plan to let the jam stand in accordance with all the rules - up to a day, then the foam can be removed only when you cook for the last time. Try to rotate the jam container so that the foam is concentrated in the center. So it will be easier to remove it all without a trace.

6. How to determine if the jam is ready or not? This is done very simply. Drop a drop of the cooked mixture on a saucer. If the jam is ready, the drop will not spread, but will remain in the form in which you dropped it. You can put a drop on the nail. It should hold on and not spread. So the jam is ready. The drop should be brown in color. If the jam is cooked correctly, it will be ruby ​​in color, moderately thick and smell like cherries.

7. Many people ask why, after spinning, you need to turn over the banks?

There are two reasons:

1st - this is how the tightness of the closure of the cans is checked, since if the lid is not closed tightly, the jam will leak.

2nd - so that the banks do not oxidize during storage.

These are our secrets, which we share with you with great pleasure.

I want you to like these secrets and our recipes and you always cook jam according to them.

Enjoy your meal!

Hello dear gardeners!

Why don't we start making cherries? We have 9 recipes for the most delicious pitted cherry jam!

Our recipes are sure to come in handy.

After reading our article, you will learn how to cook cherry jam with your eyes closed, even if you have never done it before.

And please your home with a variety of delicious preparations. Let's get started!

To quickly jump to the right recipe, use the links in the blue box:

Cherry jam with seeds for the winter

it classic recipe with proofing, which uses only the cherry itself and sugar. It is not very fast, and you will need time to cook.

But it's worth it, the taste of this jam is incomparable!


  • cherry - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg


We sort the cherries, rinse well and put them on a paper towel to dry.

Place dried berries in a saucepan.

We sprinkle them with sugar.

If the cherry is very acidic, you can add more sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Let's mix the content. Since we will cook cherries without water, we need it to let the juice out well.

The jam will be thick and very tasty.

We leave the berry for 6-8 hours to infuse, during which time it will release enough juice for cooking.

If the cherry did not give enough juice - do not worry, put on a small fire. The melting hot sugar and the heating itself will provoke the flow of juice in the cherry and it will become much larger.

After this time, stir the contents of the pan so that the sugar does not lie on the bottom, otherwise it will start to burn.

And we put our pan on the fire.

At first it will seem to you that there is not much juice, but as it boils, the cherry will begin to release it more actively and it will come.

We also need to constantly stir the contents so that it does not start to burn.

Bring it to a boil, let it gurgle for 3 minutes and turn it off. We leave to infuse for 6 hours.

Jam should be stirred every hour so that the berry is better saturated with syrup.

After six hours of proofing, return the pan to the fire.

We will see that there is a lot of syrup, and the berries have decreased in size, boiled down.

Bring the future jam to a boil, stirring constantly, cook for 5 minutes.

Turn off and again you need to let it stand for 6 hours.

Cook for the third time, 5 minutes, stirring vigorously and removing the foam.

Pour the jam into sterile jars, roll up.

Turn the jars upside down onto the lid. In this form, they should stand and cool.

After that, already in the normal position, they can be sent for storage in the cellar or pantry.

It's a longtime folk recipe with proofing, which was used by our grandmothers.

It may seem long, but it is with this method that the berry becomes nourished, elastic, and the jam itself acquires the desired density and is very rich taste.

Pitted cherry jam "five minutes"

This is jam on hastily, for hostesses who do not have time to proof the jam.

It is prepared simply and quickly at a time, so in our hectic world this particular recipe has become the most beloved and popular.

We will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 gr


We sort through our berry, remove fruit twigs and spoiled specimens.

Rinse it well, dry it on a paper towel. Why on paper?

Because you don't want to stain ordinary cherries, cherry juice is not very easy to wash.

Stir the cherry in a saucepan, cover it with sugar. Let it brew for 6 hours and let the juice flow.

After insisting, mix the contents of the pan and put on low heat.

We stir without stopping so as not to let the sugar burn and not to spoil the jam with a burnt smell that will not leave it, and it will be irretrievably spoiled.

When heated, cherries will release their juice more actively. Soon there will be more of it and then you can slightly increase the fire to medium.

The foam on the surface must be removed, otherwise the jam will not be transparent, and it will be stored much worse.

When the jam boils, we detect 5-7 minutes. Stir vigorously and skim off the foam.

By the end of cooking, you should already have sterilized jars ready.

Pour the jam into jars to the very brim, it is important for us that there is no room for air.

We quickly twist them, turn them over onto the lids and wrap them with a blanket. Under it, sterilization will continue, and the jam itself will reach.

After a day, you can remove the blanket, but let the jars upside down for a couple more days.

After this period, they can be removed for storage.

So fast and delicious recipe hastily.

Cherry gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

Favorite recipe from childhood! A very tasty jam is obtained, the gooseberry gives it a special note.


  • 500 gr red gooseberries
  • 500 gr cherries
  • cherry leaves
  • 800 gr sugar
  • 150 ml water


Sort through the berries to remove spoiled ones and rinse well.

We remove the stalks from the cherry, but you can leave small gooseberries and shaggy “noses” too, they will look beautiful in jam.

Pierce each gooseberry in several places with a needle. This is necessary so that they do not burst during cooking.

Place all the berries in a saucepan mixed with cherry leaves. We need them for flavor.

We take 150 ml of water and 400 g of sugar. Pour sugar into water and let it boil, we have sugar syrup.

Pour our berries with this syrup and leave to infuse for at least 4-5 hours, you can overnight with the lid open so that the syrup evaporates water well and thickens.

After this time, put our future jam on medium heat. Gently stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, then turn off and leave to infuse for 5 hours.

This operation (boiling-cooking 5 minutes-proofing for 5 hours) will need to be repeated 2-3 times until the jam loses a significant part of the moisture and reaches the desired density. And the berries are soaked in syrup, become heavier.

A sign of the readiness of jam - if you drop jam on a saucer, it should not spread when tilted.

You can leave the jam watery if you prefer. But the thicker and longer it is infused, the tastier it turns out. Therefore, we recommend boiling and insisting several times.

During the last cooking, we take out the cherry leaves. We send the jam into sterilized jars and roll it up.

We put the jars on the lids for 24 hours. No need to wrap.

As soon as they cool down, we carry our charm to the pantry and store it there until we want to eat some summer vitamins with a spoon.

Cherry jam with gelatin

it quick recipe. Gelatin allows you to immediately achieve a good consistency and not boil the jam, boiling it several times.


  • cherry - 3 kg
  • gelatin - 70 gr
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 0.5 liters


We will not repeat about preparing cherries for cooking. And so it is clear that it should be whole, without branches, and at the same time clean and dry.

Place the cherry in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar, leave for 4-5 hours so that the berry releases juice.

Pour gelatin with water so that it swells (according to package instructions). By the time the jam is cooked, it should already be in full readiness.

You need to stir the cherry with sugar and juice and put on the stove. Sugar should be completely dissolved.

We put the swollen gelatin on low heat to completely dissolve.

Bring the jam to a boil, cook for 8 minutes. Next, in a thin stream, while stirring, pour gelatin into the pan. Switch off.

Pour the jam into sterile jars, seal. We put the jars on the lids and wait until they cool.

Store in a dark and cool place.

The jam looks watery while hot, but after it cools down, the gelatin will give it a delicious look, like a transparent jelly.

And, of course, it is very tasty!

Cherry jam with seeds for the winter, a simple recipe in a slow cooker

It is very convenient to cook jam in a slow cooker. If you have this miracle of technology, then you should definitely try to cook a few jars of fragrant jam there.

We have a great video tutorial on how to do it!


  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg


Look at the video, there are a lot of nuances that are better to see than to read.

So, making jam in a slow cooker is not so difficult. Worth a try!

Thick cherry jam

You can cook such jam with or without seeds.

This recipe is not the easiest, with a twist. It uses not only the cherry itself and sugar, but also cherry juice with pulp.

It is thanks to him that the jam acquires a very rich taste and density.


  • cherry - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • cherry juice with pulp - 1 cup


We wash the cherry, sort it out, dry it on a towel.

We will take cherry juice not store bought! Let's make it ourselves with a blender.

To do this, take one and a half glasses of pitted cherries and grind in a blender to a liquid puree.

Pour a glass of cherries, a glass of sugar and our freshly prepared juice into the cooking utensils.

Stir often, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Add another glass of cherries and sugar, bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes.

We do this until all the berries and sugar run out.

Let's turn it upside down, wrap it with a blanket. The processes under the blanket will continue until the jam cools down. After that, it will become thicker than at the beginning.

After cooling, they can be returned to their normal position and sent to be stored in a cellar or pantry.

Oh, and it's delicious! Very thick, rich jam.

spicy cherry

That's right, this is a jam with spices that give it such a dizzying aroma that it is impossible to resist!

Well, what can I say about the taste, cherries are always beautiful.


  • cherry - 2.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.25 kg
  • cardamom - 5 boxes
  • star anise - 3 stars
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • carnation - 2 buds


Sort the berries, wash, dry.

In a cooking container, we fill the cherry with sugar and insist 5-6 hours.

Cherries with sugar, let the juice, put on the stove. We start to warm up slowly. Stir so that the sugar does not burn.

Bring to a boil, skimming off the foam. Cook for 1 minute and turn off.

We insist 3-4 hours.

Wrap all the spices in a single-layer gauze and tie.

This is necessary because, at the end of the cooking process, they will need to be removed, and in order not to pick them out of the jam separately, you can easily pull out the entire bag.

We put the jam on the stove again, put the spices in it in a bag. Remove foam and stir. After boiling, cook for only two minutes.

Remove from heat and insist again for 3-4 hours.

In total, you need to do this 4 times. This will achieve the necessary density, the berries will be well saturated with syrup, and the spices will give all their flavor.

During the last cooking, they will need to be pulled out. Send jam to jars, roll up.

Put on the lid until cool. Can be wrapped in a towel.

Then we turn it over and send it to storage where it is dark and cool.

Here is the jam magical taste and flavors of the East. Be sure to try!

Cherry jam in chocolate

Interesting recipe! Tastes like cherry candy.

It may not look pretty, but it's delicious. If you love chocolate you will love it.


  • cherry - 500 gr
  • dark chocolate - 100 gr (bar)
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla - 0.5 pod
  • water - 100 ml


Prepare cherries: wash, peel, dry so that they are not wet.

Add sugar and lemon juice to the water and mix.

We put on a slow fire. The sugar will start to melt and the cherries will give juice.

The syrup will slowly boil, at this point add vanilla and begin to remove the foam.

Cook for 30 minutes, stirring, then add the chocolate, broken into pieces, into the pan. Take out the vanilla.

Cook for another two minutes to melt the chocolate completely.

Pour into sterile jars, close. Keep it upside down until it cools down and you can hide the yummy in the pantry.

The taste is unusual, very nice. In our experience, such a delicacy does not stale for a long time.

Thick and tasty pitted cherry jam - video recipe

Good interesting video recipe. To many, it is similar to those that we did above. But there are some nuances of cooking that you should definitely look at.

We hope you enjoy our recipes.

They are wonderful, proven, this selection was collected for a very long time, with great diligence. Fill your piggy bank with delicious recipes!

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Thank you for stopping by and see you in the next article!

In Belarusian cuisine, there are a huge number of different dishes prepared on the basis of grated raw potatoes. One of them is a potato grandmother - the dish is incredibly tasty and very satisfying.

Potato babka is being prepared in the oven, with minced pork, beef, chicken. Very often, lard fried in a pan is added to the dish. And in Lent, potato babka is baked with mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage. At the same time, eggs are not put in a lean casserole.

In ancient times, potato babka was baked in the oven to a golden, appetizing crust. Currently, this dish can be prepared in many ways: in a frying pan, in a microwave, in a slow cooker. But the closest in taste to its distant ancestor from the oven is a grandmother baked in the oven - with an appetizing crust and tender, juicy pulp, we offer just such a recipe with a photo.

Hearty potato babka with minced meat can be served for dinner as an independent dish, watering tomato sauce or sour cream. And if you add vegetables that are not browned to the potatoes, then the grandmother is perfect as a complementary food for young children.

These products will make 3 servings of potato grandmother with meat in the oven. It will take only 40-50 minutes to prepare the dish.


  • Potatoes - 4-5 tubers;
  • Minced meat (pork) - 250 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to cook potato babka with minced meat in the oven

First of all, take care of vegetables. Peel the onion from the husk, and cut it into small cubes. You can also grind into thin half rings. AT ready dish the onion is almost invisible.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a frying pan and sauté the onion until golden brown.
Tip: if the onion is sprinkled with a small amount of sugar (0.5 tsp) during frying, then it will not only quickly acquire a beautiful golden color, but will also become much tastier.

Grate the peeled carrots and send to the frying pan with the browned onions. Fry vegetables, stirring, until tender.

Let the vegetables cool. Then mix half with minced meat. Add salt and pepper.

Grate potatoes on a coarse grater. In this case, it is not recommended to drain the resulting juice! It makes the dish softer and juicier.

Crack one egg into the grated potatoes.

Add salt and ground black pepper to the potatoes to taste.

Garlic goes well with potatoes and pork, giving the dish a special flavor. Therefore, in the grandmother, it is simply necessary. Push a few slices through the press.

Add the remaining carrots and onions to the potatoes, mix. Grease a heat-resistant form with vegetable oil. Lay out half of the potato mass, press down well with a spoon, as shown in the photo.

The final layer is potatoes.

Cover the form with food foil and put in the oven for 30 - 35 minutes. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.

After half an hour, remove the foil, grease the surface of the headstock with vegetable oil to form a crust.

Set the oven temperature to 200 degrees and bake the grandmother already without foil for 10 - 15 minutes.

Serve the finished dish hot. For information, the dish can be baked in any form, you can bake in a cauldron, pots or ducklings.
Delicious potato babka is conveniently cut into rectangular or square pieces and served with a salad. Meat dishes it is not required, as this is a two-in-one dish, which is a complete and satisfying meal.

In Belarusian cuisine, there are many dishes prepared from grated raw. One of them is the potato grandmother in the oven - a very tasty and satisfying casserole for the whole family. Typically, babka is made with beef, pork, or chicken. In fasting, potato babka is made with mushrooms, tomatoes, cabbage or zucchini. Wherein chicken eggs do not add to potatoes.

A delicious potato grandmother in the oven turns out to be very juicy and fragrant, with a golden crispy crust. If desired, the top of the headstock can be sprinkled with grated hard cheese or mozzarella. For serving in portions, potato babka can be baked in pots or small ceramic dishes.


  • 700 grams of chicken fillet
  • 6 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt and black ground pepper taste
  • 0.25 tsp ground paprika
  • 0.5 tsp seasonings for chicken
  • 1-2 sprigs of parsley for garnish

How to cook potato babushka in the oven:

Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Wash the carrots from the soil, peel and chop on a grater with large cells.

Fry the chopped onion vegetable oil to a golden hue. Then add carrots to the onion and continue to fry the vegetables until soft.

We wash the chicken fillet, dry it and clean it from the films. Cut the meat into pieces of medium size. Let's shift the cut chicken fillet into the blender bowl. Add salt and spices to the meat.

Grind the fillet into a homogeneous thick minced meat, following the recipe for potato grandmother in the oven.

Cool the fried onions and carrots until room temperature. Add half of the vegetables minced chicken. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous consistency.

Wash and peel the potato tubers thoroughly. Grind the vegetables on a coarse grater.

Add two raw chicken eggs to the potatoes.

Peel the garlic cloves, wash and pass through a press. Add chopped garlic to the potato-egg mixture so that the potato grandmother with minced meat in the oven turns out to be fragrant.

Then add the second half of the vegetables to the potatoes. Salt and season the mixture with spices.

Mix the potato mass until a homogeneous consistency. Put half of the mass in a heat-resistant baking dish, previously greased with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Spread the minced chicken with vegetables in an even layer on top.

Cover the layer of minced meat with the remaining potato mass.