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What is cooked in the honey spa. Honey Spas: delicious traditions

On our website you will find the most original and delicious recipes for Honey Spas, traditionally celebrated by the Slavs on August 14. You can pick up the most delicious dessert recipes, from pancakes to pies. The most popular cake on this holiday is, of course, honey cake. The recipe for its preparation is very simple, but tender and rich taste with a light honey note will delight you and your loved ones. Also a great solution would be to cook honey cookies or serving fluffy pancakes with honey.

Delicious recipes for Honey Spas

When it comes to dishes with honey, people often think that this is a must-have dessert, but meat also goes well with honey. On the feast of the Honey Savior, you can serve pork to the table in honey sauce or baked ham under honey. In the first case, the pork must be divided into portions and marinated in honey marinade. If you decide to make the main dish for Honey Spas boiled pork, just pour honey diluted with water during cooking and slightly increase the temperature. This will betray a pleasant sweetness to the dish, and most importantly - an unusual color. All dishes prepared with honey have a characteristic golden color that makes them even more appetizing.

Or the Savior on the Water, was a great state and church holiday. Traditionally, on August 14 (1st according to the old style), the emperor took part in the procession to the water, dipped into the Jordan, kissed the cross upon exit, and received the blessing of the St. Petersburg Metropolitan. Then the army was consecrated. In addition to the rite of consecration of water, winter crops were sown on this day and, of course, they were treated to honey.

O. Trushnikova. "Summer Honey" 2006. Photo: reproduction

Menu for honey spas

Turnip soup with honey
Kutya wheat
Beef cutlets with honey, beans and spices
classic honey cake

Our ancestors considered it a panacea for many diseases. Part of the honey was placed in a clean dish and consecrated in the church. A wish made with the first spoonful of consecrated delicacy would certainly come true. Baked for the holiday honey pies and gingerbread, mead was being prepared and soft drinks from honey. Everyone should be as generous as possible, give honey to the needy and children.

Even today Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without honey. We offer housewives to prepare an original holiday dinner from traditional dishes based on honey

Carrot salad with walnuts and honey

Ingredients: carrots - 2 pcs., walnuts - 2 tbsp. l., honey - 2 tbsp. l., rosehip syrup - 1 tbsp. l., lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Recipe: Mix well grated carrots, chopped kernels walnuts and honey. If desired, you can add a little rosehip syrup to the salad and lemon juice.

Turnip soup with honey

Ingredients: medium turnips - 4 pcs., olive oil, butter - 75 g, 1 bay leaf, liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l., milk - 200 ml, vegetable broth- 500 ml, 1/2 finely chopped turnip, 2 fresh or dried finely chopped morels.

Recipe: Fry the turnip in a deep saucepan in olive oil, butter, salt and bay leaf until translucent. Add honey and cook for 1 more minute.

Add milk and broth and cook for 20 minutes until the turnip is soft.

Throw away the bay leaf. Beat in a puree, skip through the syrup, season. Fry a finely chopped half of a turnip with mushrooms in butter with honey.

Serve the soup in small bowls or glasses with a pile of turnips on top. The soup doesn't have to be served very hot - the flavor will be much stronger if it's just warm.

Kutya wheat

Ingredients: wheat - 60 g, honey - 200 g, water - 800 g.

Recipe: Rinse whole grains of wheat, pour cold water. Cook until softened. Dilute honey with water, pour boiled wheat over it, bring to a boil and cool.

Beef cutlets with honey, beans and spices

Ingredients: beef - 500 g, honey - 2 tablespoons, beans (boiled) - 1 kg, egg - 1 pc., beef broth- 1 tbsp., onion (grated on a fine grater) - 1 tsp., ketchup - 1/2 tbsp., vinegar - 1/4 tbsp., bread (fried cubes) - 1/4 tbsp., salt - 1/2 tsp, black pepper - to taste, water - 1/4 tbsp.

Recipe: minced beef mix with onion, toasted bread, salt, black pepper, beaten egg, water and make cutlets. Pour into the pan meat broth, cast when cooking the first course, wait until it boils, put the cutlets and cook under the lid for 20 minutes. After that, add vinegar, ketchup, honey and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add boiled beans and keep on fire for another 5-7 minutes.

Honey cake for the Empress

The wife of Alexander I, Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, did not like honey. Naturally, all the court cooks knew about this and tried not to use it. But the new confectioner, who dreamed of impressing the imperial family with his culinary talent, did not know about this. He cooked gourmet cake: honey cakes together with custard literally melted in your mouth. The Empress appreciated the dish and asked about its composition. Having learned that the basis of the cake is honey, Elizaveta Alekseevna laughed and ordered to reward the inventive confectioner. And honey cake has since become her favorite delicacy and has always been served at festive feasts.

Ingredients: egg - 2 pcs., sugar - 1 tbsp., flour - 3 tbsp., honey - 3 tbsp., soda - 1 tsp., vinegar - 1 tbsp. For cream: egg - 1 pc., sugar - 1 tbsp., sour cream -1 tbsp. (from 20%), softened butter - 200 g. For decoration: a handful of walnuts.

Recipe: In a water bath, beat 2 eggs with a glass of sugar with a whisk. Cook for about 3-5 minutes until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add honey, stirring constantly, beat again. Add a glass of flour, mix well without removing from the bath. Add quick soda, another glass of flour, mix again. After that, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, mix and add the last glass of flour, mix well again and remove from the water bath. Place the dough on a floured board and let cool slightly. Then knead with your hands until smooth and slightly sticky. Divide it into 6 equal parts. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, roll each portion into a thin round cake. Before baking, prick the cake with a fork in several places. Bake the cakes for about 5 minutes each until evenly dark golden brown.

Cream: in a water bath, beat the egg and a glass of sugar, add a glass of sour cream and beat well. Remove from the bath, let the mixture cool slightly, add all the softened butter at once and beat for 5-10 minutes. Lubricate all cakes generously with cream. To decorate in a blender, chop the trimmings and walnuts remaining from the cakes, sprinkle the cake liberally on all sides with the resulting crumb. Place in refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Mead without yeast and boiling

That's why old recipe our ancestors prepared mead. They did not use yeast and diluted honey in cold water. In order for honey to begin to ferment, cherries (raspberries, strawberries) or raisins were usually used.

Ingredients: If you use raisins: water - 1 l, honey - 50 g, raisins - 50 g.

If using cherry: water - 1l, cherry - 4 kg, honey - 2 kg.

Recipe: First, remove the seeds from the cherries, then pour them with honey solution. Do not wash raisins and cherries before adding to mead, otherwise you will destroy the microorganisms responsible for fermentation. Tie the neck with gauze, then put the container in a warm place. Fermentation will begin in 1-2 days. If signs of fermentation appear, the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into another container and tightly closed. It remains to put the bottles in the refrigerator or cellar for maturation. After 3-4 months, you can try the finished drink. It will turn out carbonated with a slight sourness, alcohol is almost not felt.

Honey Spas is a great occasion to cook something delicious.

If you are fasting (we remind you: August 14 is the first day of the Dormition Fast), cook dishes from ingredients of exclusively plant origin. If you do not limit yourself in anything, then on this holiday, dishes with honey will harmoniously fit into any of your menus.

What is combined with honey, and what can be cooked with it; and since the Honey Spas this year falls on working days, all our recipes are easy to perform and do not require a long standing at the stove.

But first, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several entertaining and useful facts.

Interesting about honey

When stored properly, honey does not age. This is confirmed by scientists. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian kings has not lost its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to store this delicacy in hermetically sealed vessels (glass, glazed clay) in a dark and cool room, but not in the refrigerator.

Honey in the comb every day and in in large numbers you should not eat - pieces of wax that you swallow can cause problems with the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.

When treating a cold, do not dilute honey in hot tea and freshly boiled milk - high temperature "kills" all its valuable properties. The drink will turn out delicious, but useless.

Honey improves immunity and increases efficiency. If every morning on an empty stomach you drink half a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey dissolved in it, then colds will bypass you, your brain will work more actively, and your mood will improve.
Poor-quality honey can be recognized by dropping iodine into it. If the honey turns blue, then the seller added starch or flour to it. Refuse to buy even if it is too shiny - this is how artificial and heated (it is also sometimes called “restored”) honey looks like.

Recipes with honey

Prepare a dish with honey - the most The best way celebrate Honey Spas with family and friends.

Salad "Oriental freshness" with honey dressing

This light salad suitable even for those who are "on duty". In addition, it will harmoniously complement chicken, lamb, veal and rabbit dishes.

(for 2 servings):

Arugula - 1 pack (75 g),
white chicory - 2 pcs.,
cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.

For refueling:

Honey (liquid) - 2-3 teaspoons (the amount depends on your taste preferences),
soy sauce- 3-4 teaspoons (to taste),
lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
pomegranate seeds for sprinkling - 3-4 tablespoons.


Cut cherry tomatoes in half, cut chicory lengthwise and quickly fry on both sides in a hot grill pan without oil so that “scorch marks” appear on them. Arrange arugula, chicory halves and cherry tomatoes on serving plates.

For dressing, mix honey, soy sauce and lemon juice, beat with a fork or whisk. If desired, you can add a little olive oil.

Do not mix the salad, but pour the “composition” on the plate with dressing and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Salad "Carrots with honey"

Another simple, delicious and extremely vitamin salad. Prepares very quickly. It can be served both for breakfast, supplemented with cottage cheese or toast with cheese, and for meat and poultry dishes. If you make it for lunch or dinner, then choose mashed potatoes and broccoli or classic potato as a side dish.

Ingredients(for 2 servings):

Carrots (not very large) - 4 pcs.,
honey - 2 teaspoons,
salt - to taste,
lemon juice - 10-15 drops.


Grind the carrots on a fine grater, salt, mash a little with your hands so that the root crop gives juice. Sprinkle with lemon juice, put honey, mix. If desired, you can add olive, corn, sunflower oil or sour cream.

Old Slavic dish "Cucumbers in honey"

There are two types of this dish - salad (appetizer) and dessert. Both have very interesting flavors.

Ingredients(for 4 servings):

Cucumbers (medium fruit) - 6 pcs.,
dill - 1 bunch,
honey (liquid) - 4 teaspoons + for decoration,
apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons,
boiled water (slightly warm) - 4 teaspoons,
salt - 2 teaspoons.


Cucumbers cut thinly across, sprinkle with salt and mix. Put in a colander and put under oppression for 15-20 minutes. So the excess liquid will go away, and the cucumbers will acquire a lightly salted taste. Mix honey in a bowl warm water and vinegar. Finely chop the dill and add it to the dressing. Combine cucumbers and sauce in a large salad bowl. Remove for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.

Before serving, transfer to portioned salad bowls or bowls, pour honey on top.


Perhaps this is the most elementary dessert in cooking. The ingredients in the recipe are simply listed, the quantity is based on how many people you are going to treat.


Cucumbers (small, with thin skin and small grains, such as Lukhovitsky),
honey (liquid, prefabricated flower or acacia),
mint (pepper or lemon balm).


Cut the cucumbers lengthwise, make shallow notches (diamonds) on them, pour honey on top (at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon for each half) and decorate with mint leaves. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Serve with tea.

More honey recipes

Chicken in honey

Thanks to honey, the chicken acquires an appetizing crispy crust and an indescribable aroma. True, this dish cannot be called unconditionally healthy, after all, honey is subjected to heat treatment, but it is tasty.


Chicken (carcass) - 1 pc. (1.5-2 kg),
honey (liquid) - 3 teaspoons,
mustard "Russian" - 1 teaspoon,
salt, pepper (medium grinding) - to taste,
marjoram (oregano) -1 sprig of fresh and 1 teaspoon without a slide of dry.


Wash the chicken, pat dry inside and out with paper towels. Rub with a mixture of salt and pepper. Mix honey with mustard, spread the carcass on top. Inside put a sprig of marjoram or rub dry grass. Put in the oven for about 40 minutes (the time depends on the weight of the bird), cook at 200 degrees.

You can cook "Chicken in honey" in an air grill. Choose the temperature, speed and time based on the characteristics of a particular model.

Serve chicken with rice, potatoes or salad.

Pancake pie "Honey Spas"

Simple and tasty Russian dish, and if you are a virtuoso in making pancakes, then it will take you quite a bit of time. Lemon in the recipe, if desired, can be replaced with sweet and sour apples (you can classic version), but citrus zest and juice add piquancy and reduce the cloying honey.

Cream Ingredients:

Honey (liquid) - 1.5 cups,
lemon (large) - 1 pc.,
cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon.

For decoration:

Powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons.


Bake 15-20 pancakes according to your favorite recipe. It is desirable that they be fresh and not very thin. Diameter - approximately 22-24 cm, and more, the main thing is that it is convenient for you to turn them over. Brush each pancake lightly with melted butter(if you are fasting, then replace it with vegetable).

Make the "cream": Mix honey with grated lemon zest (use a parmesan grater), add cinnamon and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. If you want the lemon to feel more distinct, then the amount of juice can be increased.

Spread slightly cooled pancakes with the resulting honey “cream”, form a cake. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle cake before serving. powdered sugar from all sides (and immediately lay out on plates, otherwise the powder will get wet and oily). Garnish with sugar-coated cranberries or honeycomb, if desired.

Another variation of the recipe: If you decide to make a cake with an apple-honey filling, you will need 3-4 fruits. Peel the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into thin (but not transparent) slices, slightly simmer in a pan with a few tablespoons of water until half cooked, spread on the pancake in this order; some honey with cinnamon - apples - again honey.

August 14 - not only Honey, but also Poppy Spas (Makovei), so we suggest using this wonderful product in the preparation of dessert. This dessert is a Russian variation on the tiramisu theme.


Biscuit cookies (" Lady fingers"") - 2 packs of 200 g,
honey (liquid) - 8 tablespoons,
poppy - 200 g,
Orange juice- 200 ml,
orange liqueur - 100 ml,
soft cottage cheese - 500 g.


Place one packet of cookies on a serving platter. Mix orange juice and liqueur, soak half of the first layer of biscuit. Poppy grind in a mortar. Whisk cottage cheese with honey, add poppy seeds, mix. Put half of the mass on the "Lady fingers".
Top with the second pack of cookies. Gently (with a silicone brush or from a spray gun) soak this layer of biscuit and put the rest of the curd-honey-poppy mass on it, coat the sides. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before serving, decorate the dessert with orange slices, mint or chocolate chips.

If you don't find Ladyfingers, you can replace them biscuit cakes or homemade biscuits.

Drink "Honey Hibiscus"

"Honey Hibiscus" is a storehouse of vitamins and an excellent substitute for tea, compote and even lemonade. It perfectly tones, has a delicate aroma and is tasty both cold and warm.


Water (boiling water) - 2 liters,
hibiscus - 16 large flowers (or 4 teaspoons with a slide),
honey - 4 teaspoons (or to taste),
ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife,
lemon - 2-3 circles (depending on the size of the fetus).


Hibiscus pour boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well. Leave for 10 minutes (or until completely cool). If you serve it cold, then pour it into a transparent jug - the drink looks incredibly beautiful.

Important! Do not put honey in very hot water - it loses its valuable qualities.

Honey is an irreplaceable assistant. He is both a delicacy, and a medicine, and a natural "energy". Dishes with it are not only tasty, but also healthy, especially if the honey does not undergo heat treatment.

Congratulations on the Honey Spas and we hope you enjoy our selection of recipes.

About food

Honey rescue. How to celebrate and what to treat?

On August 14, one of the favorite summer holidays of the Eastern Slavs will come - Honey Savior. This day is also called the Bee Festival or Makovei. What is interesting about Honey Spas, what are the traditions associated with it, and also what you can treat guests on this day - read on.

history of the holiday

The celebration of the Honey Savior came to us from Byzantium. According to chronicles, this holiday was known in Constantinople already in the 9th century. Since August was considered the hottest month of the summer, which accounted for especially many infectious diseases, people tried to protect themselves: touch the holy cross, drink holy water, eat healing honey. By the way, it is from here that the word “saved” in the name of the holiday comes from - that is, to save oneself from diseases and ailments.

How to celebrate?

On August 14, with the onset of the Honey Savior, the Assumption Fast begins, which lasts for two weeks. Churched people, according to tradition, these days should give preference to fast food and simple drinks to strengthen both body and spirit. At the same time, honey was allowed and allowed to be eaten only after it was consecrated in the church. By the way, earlier Honey Spas marked the collection of honey from bee hives.

What was prepared for Honey Savior?

Treats at Honey Spas have always been simple, but certainly delicious. Housewives baked pancakes with honey, as well as rolls and bread with poppy seeds. Even on this day, the first spoonful of honey had a truly magical meaning. It was believed that the one who ate it had to make a wish. And, of course, it came true!

How to surprise guests?

Even if you are far from religion, Honey Spas is an excellent occasion to gather at the same table with family and friends. And where there is a feast, there are recipes delicious meals, which on this day must be with honey.

Vitaminized salad

Do you want to treat your friends with an unusual and at the same time mega-fortified salad? Then here is our recipe! To prepare it you will need:

Honey "Forbs of Lefkadia" - 2 tbsp. l.
- grapefruit - 1 pc.
- orange - 1 pc.
- lemon - 1 pc.
- pomegranate - 1 pc.

1. Take an orange and a grapefruit, cut them into rings, remove the peel. We clean the pomegranate. I'll start laying out the "turrets". First, an orange, which we pour over with Lefkadia Forbs honey, then a grapefruit, which we also pour with honey. Which fruit to complete the composition is up to you.
2. Take a lemon and sprinkle the dish with its juice. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top. You can garnish with mint or other spices.

Ready! Enjoy your meal!


On Honey Spas you can cook pancakes, or you can make waffles. This delicacy will be enjoyed by both adults and children. So, we need:

Honey "Forbs of Lefkadia" - to taste
- baking powder - 3 tsp
- salt - ½ tsp
- milk - 1.5 tbsp.
- sugar - ¾ tbsp.
- vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
- Wheat flour- 2 tbsp.
- egg- 2 pcs.
- butter - 200 g

1. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. In another bowl, lightly beat the yolks. Add milk, butter, vanilla extract there. Then gradually add the mixture from another bowl. We mix everything well. There should be no lumps!
2. Beat the egg whites well. Add them to the dough. We heat up the waffle iron. Pour the resulting mixture into it, bake the waffles until golden brown.
3. Serve with honey "Forbs of Lefkadia". You can also add fresh berries.

Ready! Enjoy your meal!

Apples baked with honey and nuts

Since most varieties of apples are already ripe in August, it's time to cook a delicious apple-honey-nut dessert. For this we need:

Honey "Akkuray Lefkadia" - to taste
- apples - 3-4 pcs.
- walnuts - 100 g

1. My apples, wipe with a paper towel. Next, cut off the top of the lid, make a small indentation inside. Mix apple pulp with Akkuray Lefkadia honey. Walnuts can be broken up, or added as a whole. We close the "lid". Top can also be smeared with honey.
2. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Wrap the apples in foil and send them to bake for 15-20 minutes. A few minutes before turning off the stove, you can unfold the foil. Readiness is checked with a fork or a toothpick.

Ready! Enjoy your meal!

We congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday and wish you a good celebration of the Honey Savior! Be healthy!

Today we celebrate the first of three summer Spasov - Honey, or Makovey. How to celebrate this bright event and what to serve to friends and family?

Honey Spas: bright traditions

It is interesting that in the Orthodox calendar there is no such holiday as the Honey Spas. August 14 the Church celebrates Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos. It coincides with the harvest of honey, and it just so happened that on this day people bring to the Church to consecrate what they are rich in - honey.

In the old days, a bouquet of seventeen plants was collected on Honey Spas. It necessarily included marigolds, sweet clover, oats, mint, wormwood and thyme, calendula, rue, oregano and poppy. It, just like honey, was consecrated in the Temple, after which it was scattered in front of the front door or placed on the window as a talisman.

The culinary traditions of this bright holiday will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Since ancient times, on this day, people baked lean gingerbread and pancakes, gingerbread, cooked kvass and mead. By the way, mead was considered not just alcoholic drink, but "a cure for all ailments."

The festive table on Makovey excluded meat and fish, dairy products and eggs. According to legend, the Lord ordered to fast before Easter for 9 weeks, but the holy fathers, realizing how difficult it is, asked to transfer two of them to the last weeks of August. Therefore, Dormition Fast is still called a “splinter” and is just as strict as Great Lent.

It was believed that the first spoon consecrated on a bright holiday heals a person from ailments and brings joy to the house. However, this beneficial features honey is not limited!

Eight bees must work all their lives so that a person can get one teaspoon of honey.

Expert comment

August 14 is called the Honey Savior, this naming is associated with the folk tradition of collecting honey, which on this day was brought to the temple for consecration. The meaning of the consecration of certain fruits of the earth, certain results of one's labors is that they be evidence of God's power and God's love for us.

The church name of this holiday is the Origin of the honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. The word "origin" or "wearing out" refers to a solemn procession. Once upon a time, there was a custom in Constantinople: when terrible diseases such as cholera began to spread in the hottest summer time, then a part of the holy cross was taken out of the church of Hagia Sophia, on which, according to legend, Christ was crucified. The cross was carried around the city walls, and then the spread of the disease stopped. In connection with this rite, this holiday appeared.

For the Russian Orthodox Church, this is a special date: according to some sources, it was on this day that Prince Vladimir baptized Russia 1030 years ago. Therefore, we can say that today is the birthday of the Russian Church. Also on this day, a two-week fast begins, anticipating the last holiday of the church year - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose image in the Orthodox tradition is also associated with the image of the Church.

On this day, it is appropriate to remember that the church consists, first of all, of people. And the more attentively we look at our path, the closer we will come to God, which means we will come closer to each other, and the church will become a healthier and more capable spiritual body.

When a person strives to live according to truth, according to faith, to live not for himself, but with the goal of serving both people and God, then the grace of Christ will touch and sanctify not only this person, but also other people. The Gospel says that only those who can give their lives to God will find it. And a person who begins to exist solely for his own benefit immediately dies spiritually. Nothing that locks a person in on himself cannot have a successful outcome. This is a temptation and a wrong path, and this is what the life of Christ and His death on the Cross, to which this holiday is dedicated, tells us about.

According to researchers, bees have been making honey long before humans existed. There is historical evidence that indicates that honey is the most ancient food product.

It is surprising that, with proper storage, it is able not to deteriorate not just for years, but for millennia! So, the honey found in the tomb tutankhamen, well preserved and has not lost its basic properties. Historians have calculated: at the time of the discovery, he was 3 thousand years old!

Honey is useful to add to the diet for those who want to live a long and active life. Ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras assured that he lived to be 90 years old, retaining a sharp mind and memory, thanks to honey. The philosopher agreed with him Democritus, who believed: "the insides should be irrigated with honey." Thanks to the treat, he managed to celebrate his 107th birthday.

The concept of "honeymoon" was first introduced into the life of newlyweds by French philosopher Voltaire. He ordered the use of honey not so that "life is sweet", as young people believe, but to strengthen the health of the couple and ensure strong offspring.

From a medical point of view, honey stimulates, increases the body's defenses and increases efficiency. If you start your morning daily with a spoonful of honey and a glass of water, colds will be less likely to bother you, chronic fatigue will go away, and the brain will work more actively.

Interestingly, although honey is considered a strong allergen, most often the reaction occurs not to the product itself, but to its constituent components - pollen. If the beekeeper complies with the technology of honey production, allergy manifestations should not be a concern.

And finally, a nice fact! Honey stimulates the body's production of the hormone of joy and happiness - serotonin. So, you need to eat a spoonful of honey and start preparing dishes for the festive table with pleasure!

Recipes with honey: 5 options for a festive feast

Since Assumption Lent begins on August 14, then all the dishes in our selection will comply with church rules. Best meatless dishes- Further!

Pancake cake with citrus flavor

Sift two cups of flour, pour in 2 cups of water in a thin stream, put 8 tbsp. l. sugar and 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Add 1.5 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt and the same amount - vanillin. Beat the dough with a mixer and bake 15-16 pancakes.

Prepare the "cream": combine 1.5 cups of honey with the zest of one lemon, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a full spoonful of lemon juice. Lubricate each pancake with "cream", stacking them on top of each other. Decorate the top of the pie with lemon rings and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The Himalayan honey bee is the largest of all honey bee species and produces hallucinogenic honey.

Honey kvass

Boil 5 liters of water, add 800 grams of honey and stir until it is completely dissolved. When the workpiece has cooled to a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, add 25 grams of dry yeast and pour in the juice of two lemons. Leave to infuse in a warm place for a day, after which kvass can be bottled and placed in the refrigerator.

Of the 20,000 species of bees known to man, only 7 can produce honey.

Dessert of fresh fruits and vegetables

Grate 2 sweet carrots and 2 large apples on a coarse grater, add 10 walnuts and the same amount of raisins. Mix well, season with two tablespoons of honey with the addition of the juice of half a lemon. Decorate the dessert with pomegranate seeds.