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Korean exotic kimchi appetizer recipe. How to make kimchi from chinese cabbage

Have you ever thought about the fact that people are divided into those who like sweet and those who like salty/sour/? Here I am from those who are second. Buns are good, but nothing can replace pickled cucumbers, and... kimchi!

Kimchi - a Korean recipe for fermented spicy cabbage - I didn't like this dish at first, but now I'm crazy about it. There are few places in Bali where they sell it, Korean restaurants are also not on every corner, so I have long thought of making kimchi at home. But everyone told me that kimchi is somehow difficult to prepare and you can’t do it so easily. Nonsense!

In general, you can argue about the authenticity of the recipe as much as you like, but it turns out delicious and just like in Korean restaurants :) The main thing is to find the right chili pepper. The recipe is simple, but you have to be patient, cabbage is ideally fermented for 5-6 days. (True, I often eat it in the first two days :))

Before I move on to the recipe, I’ll tell you separately about the chili pepper for kimchi, it is the cornerstone in this recipe. In Bali, for kimchi, I use such long and thick red-burgundy peppers, which are simply called “red pepper” here. (cabe merah). In size, one such pepper is slightly larger than the index finger. He is the most neutral of all the peppers here. It can be cut whole into a salad (without seeds) and this salad will be practically not spicy. Small and very hot peppers in kimchi will not work, since you need a lot of mass of the pepper itself for the degree of vigorousness.

What you need for kimchi:

Step by step kimchi recipe:


We cut Chinese cabbage as follows: first along the head into 4 parts, then each part across into large parts 5 cm wide. (Do not grind!) I usually have two medium heads of 1.5 kg.

We put the cabbage in a large bowl or pot or jar, pour out the salt (1/4 cup) and massage a little, rubbing the salt.

Fill with water so that all the cabbage is covered with water. If possible, press the cabbage with something heavy. We leave the cabbage for the night, well, or for any period from 12 to 24 hours.


The cabbage that we salted now needs to be washed (!) Of the salt. I rinse with running water and then leave to drain.

Preparing kimchi sauce.

Ginger (a piece the size of a large Walnut) and garlic (6 cloves) are sent to a blender and chopped-mashed. It is possible without a blender - on a super fine grater for puree or on a microplane.

Add chili peppers (without seeds) to the same blender. Or we chop super finely with a knife, but a blender is better here.
Now about the pepper: how much to add pepper depends on your tolerance for spicy food. The first time you have to experiment, and then you can customize the recipe. I would recommend 5 peppers for not harsh kimchi. Or 8-10 for the way it should be, spicy :)

We cut the daikon into strips of medium thickness (two matches wide).

Cut the green onion into 1-1.5 cm wide.

We take a large bowl (where all the cabbage will fit) and send it there: chopped chili, ginger and garlic, pour fish sauce and pour out the sugar. We mix. Put the daikon and onion in there. Add cabbage there, mix everything thoroughly so that the sauce evenly covers the daikon and Chinese cabbage.

NB! If you have sensitive skin on your hands, you may need gloves, some people can't handle that much pepper without them. Well, or at least VERY well wash your hands with soap.

We shift the whole thing to a jar in which kimchi will be stored.
I use for 0.5 kg of cabbage half liter jar. We need to leave a little space in the jar, as the kimchi will release juice and if the jar is full, the juice will overflow.

We leave kimchi in a closed jar for a day - in a cool dark place. Then we open the jar, let the gases go out, close it and put it in the refrigerator for at least another two days. After that, you can eat. But in theory it's better to wait a week, then kimchi is best :)
Every day we knead the kimchi so that the juice stands out and the liquid level is higher than the kimchi. We try. If you like it, then we consider that kimchi is ready.

Ready stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

Dishes with kimchi:

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Kimchi is one of the national dishes Korean cuisine. In fact, Koreans call this word any pickled or salted vegetables seasoned with garlic and pepper. I managed to find about two hundred recipes for making kimchi on the Internet, but I offer my proven method for the consideration of cooks how to cook kimchi from Chinese cabbage. I have cooked this kimchi recipe several times already, and if you follow my recipe, look at the photos taken step by step, you are guaranteed to cook a very tasty crispy and moderately spicy cabbage appetizer.


  • Chinese cabbage - 3 kg;
  • Lean oil - 30 ml;
  • Garlic - 100 gr;
  • Water - 6 liters;
  • Salt - 6 tablespoons;
  • Dried paprika mix hot pepper and coriander - 100 gr.

To make tasty kimcha, try to choose large heads of Beijing cabbage, small cabbage often falls apart when pickled and the finished snack then looks unsightly.

The seasoning mix can be used either dried or fresh, according to the season. Just in summer or autumn, instead of dried paprika and hot pepper, we grind lettuce pepper and bitter red pepper into a meat grinder.

How to make kimchi from chinese cabbage

And so, for starters, wash Chinese cabbage under cold running water and cut in half along the head.

We put the cabbage in a deep saucepan (enamelled or stainless steel).

Next, we need to prepare the brine. It is very simple to do this, in ordinary, you can not even boiled, add salt to the water and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour the cabbage with brine and put oppression on top. We leave Beijing cabbage in a warm room for salting for two days.

After a while, we drain the brine from the cabbage and then we need to prepare a spicy dressing for kimchi.

Pour dried paprika, hot pepper and coriander into a deep bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for ten minutes to swell the seasonings.

During this time, we need to peel and chop the garlic on a blender.

Add vegetable oil to the kimchi dressing.

Then add garlic and mix well.

This is how we should get the filling.

Now, you need to generously grease each leaf of Beijing cabbage with a spicy mixture.

We put the Chinese cabbage smeared with seasoning in a bowl, trying to put the heads of cabbage closer to each other. Cover the cabbage with a lid and set aside room temperature for 48 hours.

For uniform salting twice a day, we need to turn over the Beijing cabbage and squeeze it a little with our hands so that the juice stands out and the cabbage is completely covered with it.

Put the finished kimchi snack in the refrigerator and store for no more than two weeks. It is best to put it in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Before serving, chop the Chinese cabbage kimchi large pieces and drizzle with some vegetable oil.

This is how we got a bright, beautiful and very tasty Korean snack.

I usually serve kimchi as a spicy and savory addition to or . It is very tasty to add to various spicy soups.

In truth, white cabbage kimchi is closer to the Russian (Sakhalin) cooking option. spicy snack than to Korean. Korean style jimcha recipe, an oriental dish in classical performance, is done . Chimcha in Russian for the winter, it is also Korean kimchi white cabbage, has a spicy taste and a simple cooking recipe, similar to the usual and.

How to cook cabbage kimchi

White cabbage kimchi recipes are simple and varied but are usually borrowed from Korean cuisine recipes. Urgent need for selection simple recipes for harvesting late vegetables for the winter, housewives arise when the first juicy heads of fresh cabbage appear in stores. In the cabbage season winter cabbage it is better to prepare for the winter and store the spicy preparation at home for a long time in the refrigerator, or immediately cook more kimchi for the winter and keep longer in the cellar, on the balcony, to delight family and loved ones with a tasty and juicy snack until summer.

You can quickly make kimchi in the summer from early summer cabbage. White cabbage kimchi recipes for the winter involve the use of late varieties of cabbage. In late autumn, after the mass harvest of vegetables, when housewives buy tight forks and formed cabbage heads for pickling and pickling, it's time to stock up on crispy cabbage for winter pickling of kimchi.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Before using the recipe for quick kimchi from white cabbage, the leaves need to be thinly chopped with a grater or chopped with thin noodles with a knife: such cutting speeds up the salting process, and finely chopped cabbage quickly comes to readiness. According to the chimcha recipe for the winter, heads of cabbage are chopped into large pieces and cut into square (5 × 5 cm) cubes so that the cabbage turns out crispy and retains its crunch longer.

White cabbage kimchi recipe for the winter

The method of cooking white cabbage is simple. Ingredients for making kimchi for the winter consist of simple products, the most important of which is chili pepper. Hot chili pepper combined with garlic and salt resembles in composition. Such Korean snack with hot peppers from Beijing or white cabbage and are called.


  • white cabbage - 1 fork weighing about 2.5 kg;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sea ​​salt - half a glass;
  • fresh garlic - 2-3 heads;
  • Chili pepper - one pod;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Salting kimchi in Korean from white cabbage: step by step

  1. Before making kimchi for the winter, you need to prepare simple ingredients: a dense fork of white cabbage, water, salt, sugar, hot pepper and garlic for spiciness. We remove the upper leaves from the head of cabbage and cut the forks first into two parts, then both halves again in half, that is, into quarters.
  2. Pour the salt into the water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved.
  3. Immerse the cabbage quarters together with the stumps in salt brine (brine) so that all four parts are under water. For salting Korean-style kimchi for the winter in quarters, it is better to use dishes with high walls and a narrow bottom.
  4. We soak the cabbage in brine for 12-14 hours, it is more convenient to do this from evening to night.
  5. After soaking in salt, take out the cabbage quarters and wash them.
  6. We cut the leaves into large pieces, separating them from each other, or leave the squares (rectangles) unassembled, cutting the stalk from the head.
  7. Koreans love spicy food and make kimchi from any cabbage. To comply with the original technology for preparing Korean preparations for the winter at home, the next step in the recipe is to make homemade spicy seasoning.
  8. To do this, we clean the garlic, pass the cloves through a press, chop with a blender or three on a fine grater into gruel.
  9. We clean the bitter pepper from the seeds, add to the blender to the garlic.
  10. Add sugar, dilute the spicy mixture with a small amount of liquid taken from the remains of the brine.
  11. We put the prepared chopped cabbage in an enamel pan.
  12. pouring hot seasoning into the cabbage and mix with your hands. You don’t need to knead the cabbage, as with, just mix it.
  13. We take a flat plate and cover the pickle, for oppression on top we put a jar with a capacity of 3 liters filled with water.
  14. We leave the cabbage for 2-3 days in the kitchen, after which we lay it out and remove the finished Korean kimchi for storage in the refrigerator.

The longer the snack is infused, the more aromatic, tastier and spicier it becomes.

Chimcha (chim-chim): white cabbage recipe for the winter

Recipe for chim chim for the winter - salted cabbage white, pickled in large pieces, it turns out very crispy, juicy, with an enhanced taste of vegetables, thanks to the addition of red bell pepper. The dish is popular among spicy lovers and admirers of national Korean cuisine recipes.

To salt chimcha for the winter (or, as the Koreans themselves call chimcha, fire cabbage), small, dense heads of cabbage should be selected from varieties of white cabbage suitable for sauerkraut and pickling.


  • ordinary cabbage - 5 kg;
  • water - 6 liters;
  • Bulgarian red pepper (sweet) - 1 kg;
  • hot peppers- 400 g;
  • garlic - 400 g;
  • salt (without iodine) - 300 g.

Preparation: chim-chim from white cabbage

  1. Following the recipe, cut the heads of cabbage, peeled from the outer leaves, together with the stalk into 6-8 equal parts. The stalk will help hold the leaves together while brining.
  2. We place the cabbage parts in the pan, pressing them tightly against each other.
  3. Pour 6 liters of water into a separate clean saucepan, boil and add salt to the water. 4 tablespoons of salt from the total amount of ingredients are left for further preparation of the spicy mixture.
  4. Pour cabbage with boiling salty brine, put oppression and leave it in this form for 3 days. On the third day, the brine should become cloudy, the cabbage should turn a little sour.
  5. Garlic, Bell pepper, hot pepper grind in a blender and add the rest of the salt, mix.
  6. Drain the brine from the cabbage, rinse from salt in cold water.
  7. Expanding and brushing cabbage leaves with a fiery mixture, we press the pieces together to return the slices to their original shape. The spicy mixture with pepper is very hot, in order to avoid getting burns on the hands, greasing the leaves must be done with gloves.
  8. We shift the smeared slices into a clean dish, cover with a plate or an inverted lid and press it tightly with a load. Leave unopened for 3-4 days at room temperature. In the process of fermentation, brine will come out - the cabbage should be under its layer.
  9. Remove after time homemade in a cool time for storage or lay out in glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

Kimchi in Russian

Belokochanka in Korea, China and immigrants from the Celestial Empire, the Land of Morning Calm living on Sakhalin, are considered Russian, perhaps the name came from here Korean food kimchi in Russian

Cooking white cabbage in Korean, kimchi recipe in Russian, this is practically ours sauerkraut, salted for the winter at home in the Russian manner, but only very spicy, burning, with the addition of adjika.


  • white cabbage - half a fork (about 600 g);
  • homemade adjika (the hottest) - 2 tbsp;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • table vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

A simple cooking recipe

  1. We remove the upper dirty leaves.
  2. Shred our cabbage into thin strips with a sharp knife.
  3. We put chopped cabbage strips in a deep bowl, salt and crush it with our hands until it gives juice.
  4. Spread red with hot red pepper on top, mix cabbage with adjika.
  5. We dissolve sugar in boiling water and add vinegar, we get a marinade.
  6. Pour the marinade for kimchi into a bowl with cabbage and adjika. We mix the salad, when pressing with a hand on the cabbage, the marinade should cover it.
  7. We cover the white cabbage kimchi with a lid or a plate, leave it on the kitchen table overnight in a warm place.
  8. In the morning, we transfer the Korean spicy to clean glass jars and put it away for storage in a cool place.

We serve white cabbage kimchi in winter (if the family does not eat it before winter), as an independent salad, add to side dishes from,.

How to make cabbage kimchi quickly

To make real Korean cabbage it is better to use heads of cabbage with white leaves of white cabbage, they are juicier than green leaves, harder and more crunchy when cooked.

A simple white cabbage kimchi recipe allows you to make a salad at home quickly and easily, with a taste close to a traditional Korean dish, but in a faster and easier way.

It will take

  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • ground red hot pepper - 1 tbsp;
  • table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

How to cook

  1. Remove the top rotten and dirty leaves from the fork.
  2. We take out a deep container (pot, bowl or bucket). We cut cabbage into it into rectangles ranging in size from 3 to 5 cm. Such cutting can be found among Koreans in every market.
  3. Add salt, sugar, hot pepper and vinegar to the chopped cabbage. Mix thoroughly with your hands, wearing gloves to avoid burns from hot pepper or interfere with cooking tongs.
  4. After mixing, add the finely chopped garlic.
  5. Pour boiling water into the dishes, mix and cover with a lid on top. We leave kimchi from ordinary cabbage for a day at room temperature.
  6. Finished daily cabbage it is transferred to glass jars along with the marinade, closed with lids and stored in a cool place.

Any of the kimchi recipes for the winter and fast food can be used at any time of the year, cook according to these recipes, diversify the daily menu in summer with a delicious and healthy Korean dish chimcha. Including white cabbage chim-chim into our diet, we get vitamins, fiber and an easy-to-prepare, but excellent snack with a spicy taste.

Kimchi - National dish Korean cuisine, considered by the locals as an elixir of good health and longevity. Since every cook brings own ideas into the classic recipe, quite a few variations of Chinese cabbage kimchi in Korean have appeared, the most interesting of which are presented below.

Chinese cabbage kimchi in Korean - a real recipe

A spicy cabbage-based snack that Koreans proudly eat at every meal is made from:

  • 2 cabbage heads;
  • 2 redek Daikon;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 2 bunches of parsley;
  • 100 g red ground pepper;
  • 50 g of starch;
  • 1 kg of salt;
  • 2 garlic heads;
  • 5 liters of cool and 400 ml of hot water;

The way to execute the recipe is as follows:

  1. From each head, 2 upper leaves are removed, and then the vegetables are divided in half lengthwise.
  2. Salt is diluted in 5 liters of water.
  3. Beijing cabbage is poured with brine and placed under oppression for 48 hours.
  4. After a specified time period, the cabbage is washed with running water and squeezed.
  5. Starch is diluted with cool water, after which it is poured with boiling water and left to cool.
  6. The radish is cut into bars, salted and infused until a liquid appears, which drains.
  7. Small cubes are prepared from pepper.
  8. Greens are crushed, and garlic is crushed.
  9. At the end, all prepared ingredients, including ground pepper, are mixed.
  10. Thoroughly mixed appetizer is ready to serve.

The easiest way to prepare a dish

Despite the simplicity of preparing a traditional dish, the performance classic recipe take a lot of time. Therefore, more often the appetizer is prepared according to a more simplified recipe.

For its implementation, you need:

  • 1.5 kg of Beijing;
  • a large head of garlic;
  • 60 g hot ground pepper;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • 2 liters of boiling water;
  • 20 g sugar.

To implement a simple recipe, the following steps are performed:

  1. Salt is diluted in a boiled liquid to obtain a brine.
  2. The top leaves are removed from the main vegetable, after which it is divided into 6 parts.
  3. Cabbage is poured with cooled brine.
  4. After 10 hours, during which parts of the vegetable are turned over several times for uniform salting, a spicy gruel is prepared from pepper, garlic mass, granulated sugar and 50 ml of water.
  5. Each leaf is smeared with dressing, after which the cabbage is returned to the brine under oppression.
  6. After 2 days, kimchi can be tasted.

With the addition of daikon radish

The original variation of a spicy snack, which is prepared from:

  • 2 pcs. Pekinese;
  • 2 redek Daikon;
  • carrots;
  • 5 - 6 garlic cloves;
  • ginger root;
  • onion heads;
  • green bow shooter;
  • 30 ml fish sauce;
  • 35 g rice flour;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • salt and chili pod.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Heads of cabbage are cut into segments and evenly sprinkled with salt, after which they are kept under pressure for about ¼ days.
  2. Kissel is prepared from flour by boiling it in water with granulated sugar until thickened.
  3. A spicy garlic, ginger root and pepper dressing is prepared in a blender.
  4. With the help of a grater for Korean carrots root crops are rubbed.
  5. Further, all vegetables, jelly, pasta and fish sauce are combined.
  6. Salted cabbage is washed, thoroughly lubricated with prepared dressing, and then returned under oppression for 48 hours.

With bell pepper

You can make Kimchi from Beijing cabbage with original flavor notes in your own kitchen with the addition of a pear.

For this we will use:

  • 2 heads of Beijing;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • bulb;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 5 g seasoning for fish;
  • 1 pear;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • 50 g of rice;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • salt and ground red pepper.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Pekinka is disassembled into leaves, which are divided into segments and sprinkled with salt.
  2. For 24 hours, the cabbage is left in a cool room under oppression, and then washed.
  3. The onion and pepper are cut into half rings, green onion cut into strips, and the root crop and pear without skin are rubbed.
  4. A slurry is prepared from garlic.
  5. Rice is boiled until cooked, after which it remains in the water until it cools completely.
  6. Pepper, sugar, seasoning for fish, all chopped vegetables, as well as a pear are sent to the rice mass.
  7. At the end, cabbage leaves are mixed with dressing and aged for 24 hours on the table to acquire the spicy taste that is characteristic of Korean dishes.

Chinese cabbage kimchi soup

In Japan, kimchi soup is very popular. It is very easy to prepare it at home.

For cooking you need:

  • 700 g of pork pulp;
  • ½ shot of sake;
  • 100 g kimchi paste;
  • 50 g mushrooms;
  • 20 g of onions and green onions;
  • 200 g tofu;
  • 40 g ground chili pepper;
  • 15 ml of soy sauce and chili paste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ l of water;
  • a stack of sunflower oil;
  • a few pinches of ground black pepper.

During the preparation process, the following steps are performed:

  1. Small strips are prepared from onions, tofu and mushrooms.
  2. Kimchi paste, sake and vegetable oil are sent to a container with a thick bottom.
  3. After 5 minutes, garlic gruel, chili paste, soy sauce, spices, onion and mushroom strips and meat cut into pieces.
  4. All ingredients are filled with water.
  5. After the meat is ready, tofu and chili peppers are laid out in the soup.
  6. The soup is traditionally served with rice.

No added fish sauce

The national Korean dish is easy to adapt to the taste preferences of the Slavs, using Peking per kilo:

  • 30 g of salt;
  • bulb;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • ground chili pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cabbage leaves are cut into strips, sprinkled with salt and aged for about a quarter of a day.
  2. After the specified time, onion half rings, garlic gruel and pepper are sent to the cabbage.
  3. The appetizer stands under the yoke for 2 days.

spicy cooking recipe

To perform a particularly spicy variation of the snack under discussion, you will need:

  • 3 kg of Beijing cabbage;
  • ½ cup sunflower oil;
  • 100 g of garlic;
  • the same amount of salt and hot pepper;
  • 6 liters of water.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cabbage is divided into parts, which are filled with brine and kept under pressure on the table.
  2. After two days, when the cabbage is washed, dressing is prepared.
  3. Pepper is poured with 200 ml of water, and after swelling it is mixed with crushed garlic and sunflower oil.
  4. The leaves of the vegetable are smeared with dressing and left at room temperature under oppression for the same amount of time.

Thus, thanks to the many recipes, each housewife will be able to choose the most suitable way cooking national Korean dish from Beijing cabbage. And you can be sure that the male half of your family will especially like this snack.

Today again about my favorite dish, every housewife should have her own kimchi recipe. From Beijing cabbage, which actually goes to the preparation of this oriental dish, kimchi is special. Although it is also prepared.

I know several excellent kimchi recipes, simply because I lived in Sakhalin for a long time, where half of the population is Koreans, who cook such spicy and tasty preparations just insanely delicious.

In general, if anyone does not know, Beijing cabbage is much softer and more tender than white cabbage. And the fermentation process, which makes kimchi also very useful, goes no worse than ordinary kimchi.

Many people ask me real recipe kimchi. I want to disappoint you, there is simply no such thing. There are several options, no, rather, variations in the preparation of this dish, which depend on the area in which and by whom the recipe is prepared. So I will present to you those that I personally tried, some I liked the simplicity of preparation, others with a rich, spicy taste. Which one you choose, decide, they are all good in their own way.

Chinese cabbage kimchi - how to cook

It has one good advantage over all its "neighbors" - it has a short growing season and even in our short summer you can grow a couple of crops. So, if you want to make kimchi for the winter, then do it in the fall from cabbage planted in July. If you just want some spicy in the middle of summer, please make a summer recipe.

They make kimchi in different ways, you can rub each leaf separately with spicy paste, or you can separate it in brine and pour all the cabbage at once. There are recipes with the addition of other vegetables, I really like kimchi with daikon, a Japanese radish that can be replaced with our regular one.

The fermentation process of kimchi usually lasts from three days to seven, it all depends on the temperature in the room. The main thing is to let this process complete, then the cabbage will be truly tasty.

You need to store kimchi in the cold, someone lowers the jars or a barrel into the cellar, someone keeps it in the refrigerator. Koreans put cabbage in special huge clay jugs.

How to cook kim-chi in Korean - recipe

We take the following products:

  • Large head of Chinese cabbage
  • Six to eight cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce (can be substituted with shrimp paste)
  • Small head of onion
  • Bunch of fresh green onions
  • 5 cm piece of ginger
  • Three tablespoons of red pepper flakes
  • A teaspoon of odomodo or sugar
  • Carrots on request
  • One and a half liters of water
  • Three tablespoons (full) of sea salt

Korean kimchi preparation:

First of all, we will prepare the brine properly. Raw, unboiled water is used for it, so it must be very clean, filtered, ideally spring water. Thoroughly stir the salt in it to dissolve completely.

We separate the cabbage leaves from the head, rinse and shake off excess water, cut them as desired either into stripes or squares. If you use other vegetables, carrots or daikon, then it is better to rub them on a Korean grater, it will be more beautiful. Onion cut into small strips.

We mix all the vegetables in the brine to completely immerse them, you can use oppression. IN summer version cooking, it is enough to hold them in brine for 3-5 hours, because the temperature is higher. For winter storage, it is better to leave it to be salted all night, it will be more reliable. After you need to drain the brine, and rinse the vegetables under running water.

Next, we make pasta, put garlic, pepper, ginger, fish sauce, sugar into a blender. Grind everything and mix the pasta with vegetables. Do this with gloves, otherwise the hand pepper will bake. We will prepare a sterile jar in advance and ram the kimchi into it, close the lid and hold it at home for three to seven days.

Kim chi - a traditional classic recipe

You can add various seasonings or additions to this recipe in the form of vegetables, cauliflower inflorescences, carrots, daikon, onions. But this is the basis, this is how our Sakhalin Koreans cook.

We will need:

  • Ten kilos of Chinese cabbage
  • Eight liters of clean water
  • Eight hundred grams of sea coarse salt, I take a clean ocean
  • Three hundred grams of garlic
  • Tablespoon of granulated sugar
  • A glass of red pepper flakes

How to cook kimchi according to the classic recipe:

First of all, we disassemble the heads of cabbage into leaves, the top ones just need to be removed, they are usually dirty and withered. Rinse them and lay them out to dry. In the meantime, prepare the brine, dissolve well in a large container. We take one so that all the cabbage fits completely, I take an ordinary plastic deep basin.

We completely immerse the dried leaves in brine, press down on top with a lid and oppression, leave to salt all night. In the morning we remove the brine, pour it a little into a half-liter jar to make pasta. We wash the leaves and remove excess water.

In the next step, we prepare a mixture of ground garlic, pepper, with the addition of brine and sugar to make a paste. For such a recipe, pepper is not ground, it goes in flakes, garlic is passed through a crush.

We rub each leaf with this infernal mixture, only with gloves, otherwise it will burn our hands, eyes, and all skin. We put the leaves in a container that is not a pity, the smell from it will not disappear for a long time. From above we set oppression and leave to roam for several days in the warmth. Then kimchi can be decomposed into jars and hidden in the cold.

Chinese cabbage kimchi recipe

This recipe can be made at any time of the year when you want spicy. By the way, it is not necessary to adhere to the exact proportions for garlic or pepper, if you cannot eat too spicy food, the main thing is to salt the cabbage well and let it marinate, then you will get the same “elixir of youth”, as the Koreans call kim-chi.

We take the following ingredients:

  • Peking cabbage forks per kilo
  • Medium head of garlic
  • Chilli pod
  • Piece of ginger root
  • Half cup soy sauce
  • Half a cup of regular table salt
  • Dining room with a slide spoon of sugar
  • Vinegar at 9% two tablespoons
  • Two tablespoons ground paprika
  • Two medium turnips

How to make kimchi from chinese cabbage:

We clean the forks from the upper leaves, rinse, cut out the stalk. Cut into four parts, then cut across into cubes. We put the cabbage in a deep cup and sprinkle with salt. We press the lid on top with something heavy and stand for a day. After draining the juice and washing the cabbage, let the water drain.

Three ginger on a regular grater, pass the garlic through a crush, peeled from chili seeds, cut into small pieces. Add these products to the cabbage, mix.

We mix soy sauce with paprika and sugar, add to the cabbage, mix again and put in a cold place to infuse for three days. Then the salad can be decomposed into jars.

Korean Kimchi with daikon

We take the following products:

  • Two forks of Chinese cabbage
  • One daikon root or two small radishes
  • One large carrot
  • head of garlic
  • Piece of ginger root
  • onion bulb
  • Bunch of green onions
  • Two tablespoons of shrimp paste
  • Chili and salt to your taste
  • Two tablespoons of rice flour
  • Three tablespoons of sugar or a teaspoon of odomodo

How will we cook:

Peel the heads of cabbage from the top leaves, rinse under water, cut in half, then again lengthwise into quarters to the stalk so that they do not fall apart. Rinse again, do not remove the water, but sprinkle the wet cabbage with salt, try to evenly fall asleep between the leaves. Put the salted cabbage in a container and cover to press it. Let it soak for six hours.

After we need to cook jelly from rice flour. Pour it with two glasses of water, add sugar and cook until thickened.

While the cabbage is salting, we still have time to cook spicy pasta. We put garlic, ginger, pepper, onion in a blender bowl, grind everything. Rub radishes and carrots in long strips with Korean grater. now we mix all these vegetables with jelly, spicy pasta, add shrimp sauce, stir everything.

We wash the salted cabbage in water, remove all the salt well, let the water drain and coat everything with the resulting dressing, put it right between the leaves. We put kimchi in a bowl, close it and put it away for a couple of days to marinate at normal temperature.