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Ice cream sherbet recipe with milk. Not all ice cream is cold: What is the difference between gelato, sherbet and sorbet

Let's cook all summer, not knowing the troubles! The long-awaited summer is coming and the question begins to torment - to put such a thing in your mouth, so that it is both tasty and easy and short to cook. And also to cool, mmmmm ... ..

Well, here is the recipe! The recipe is elementary, everything is simply and instantly prepared, put in the refrigerator and eaten in moments of joy and not only. And for those who like to beautifully serve a dish on the table, today is definitely a holiday, because we will serve our fruit sorbet in different versions.

Sorbet recipe:

  • 800 g of summer berries, which is available or from a frozen mixture;
  • Orange juice - 1 piece (you can take a lemon);
  • Agave syrup or honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Flowers, thyme, mint or basil leaves, nuts - for decoration.

Grind berries in a blender with syrup, lemon juice and vanilla bean until smooth. We spread it in a large bowl and put it in the freezer for several hours until completely solidified.

Using exactly the same technology, but adding the appropriate fruits, berries or even vegetables, you can make strawberry, banana, orange, tangerine, peach, apple, raspberry and lemon sorbet. Personally, in connection with my unhealthy love for this fruit, most of all I liked mango sorbet. It would be useful to say that I also added to it Walnut or coconut flakes. Thus, one can put sherbet production on stream for all guests.

For those who love beautiful decoration nothing less than a wonderful taste healthy food, I offer here such an original design to choose from. The first option is that you use citrus fruits as cups under fruit sherbet . Everything ingenious is elementary: we cut, for example, an orange into two unequal parts. The part that we clean more of the pulp completely with our hands and put our ready-made sherbet into the finished cups. Before laying out the ice cream, you can carve the edges with a knife as shown in the photo. If there are pretty little flowers at hand, and any country ones, we take a few petals or flowers and decorate each cup.

The second option is simple to disgrace. You simply put the sorbet on a plate with a special spoon for ice cream, pour a drop of syrup on top or sprinkle with nut crumbs and decorate with any berries and sprigs of mint or basil.

And finally, the third, my most favorite option - we make a work of art out of our fruit sherbet, namely, a lovely ladybug. From black and white raisins, we lay out the image of a ladybug on top of lemon sorbet(as an example). We decorate our ladybug with sprigs of beautiful flowers or mint.

I wish you a delicious fresh summer, and that insects pursue you only on your plate! Eat for health!

The word sherbet has several meanings. This is an oriental sweet fudge with nuts, and an iced fruit drink, and fruit ice cream, which is also called sorbet. It is known that for the first time this dessert appeared in the countries of the East. There, this delicacy was considered a delicacy, prepared only at home and served on special occasions: to receive high-ranking guests, at weddings and other celebrations. Ice cream sherbet in our time is produced industrially. But sweet dessert lovers can make their own ice cream at home. There is a huge variety of varieties of this delicacy.

Fruit ice cream "Filyovsky Sherbet"

Iceberry is the largest Russian ice cream company and the leader in ice cream sales on the Moscow market. Iceberry products are in great demand due to their good quality and excellent taste. In the well-known trademark"Filevskoe" company's specialists use the recipe of Soviet times. Therefore, ice cream has a taste that many older Russians remember and love.

In the Iceberry product line, Filevsky Sherbet fruit ice cream is not the last. This delicacy in a convenient bright cup with a lid is loved by many sweet tooth.

The advantage of "Filyovsky sherbet" is that it consists of natural products and produced according to GOST. Ice cream contains: granulated sugar, fruit and berry puree, condensed and powdered milk, butter, lemon acid, vanilla, stabilizer and flavor.

Popsicles at home: useful tips and cooking features

It's easy to make fruit sorbet at home. To do this, you need to use fresh or frozen berries, fruits and a freezer.

Sugar or sugar syrup not added to all sherbets. It depends on the sweetness of the fruit from which the popsicles are made.

Sherbet ice cream has many cooking options and a varied composition. There is orange, apple, pear, banana, cherry sherbet and many other flavors. You can experiment with different ingredients and prepare fruit sherbet at home from your favorite berries or fruits. But you should follow a few simple tips:

  • Orange, tangerine and kiwi will give the dessert a fresh taste
  • Chocolate goes well with red berries and fruits.
  • Pear and peach go well with vanilla ice cream.
  • Alcoholic drink in the recipe, if necessary, is replaced by juice or syrup
  • You can decorate a frozen dessert with whipped cream, nuts, candied fruits, fruit slices, berries or grated chocolate and coconut flakes.

And one more important advice: When freezing sherbet, it is necessary to stir the fruit mass every 30 minutes. It is better to store ready-made ice cream at home in plastic containers with a tight lid.

Next, consider how to make fruit ice cream at home, as well as the most popular, original and delicious recipes. Preparing a dessert does not take much time, but, of course, will give good mood and festive atmosphere to your home.

This video describes in detail the process of making sherbet:

Fruit sherbet: cooking options at home

You can make sherbet from your favorite fruits or berries. The cooking technology will be the same, only the composition of the ingredients changes.

Sherbet from summer berries - strawberries or raspberries

Consider the recipe for making ice cream. For this you will need: 1 kg of fresh or frozen berries; juice of two lemons or oranges; 3 tbsp honey; basil or mint leaves, nuts for dessert decoration.

The cooking method is simple:

  • We spread the washed and dried berries in a blender
  • Add honey, orange or lemon juice
  • Grind the mass to a homogeneous fluid state
  • We shift to another bowl and put it in the freezer for 3 hours, not forgetting to periodically stir the mixture for uniformity of freezing.
  • We spread the finished ice cream in bowls and decorate with berries, nuts, basil or mint leaves.

banana and pineapple sherbet recipe

Composition of products: bananas - 3 pcs.; canned pineapples 50 g; pine nuts - half a glass; banana liqueur 5 ml; vanilla on the tip of a spoon.

How to make sherbet with these ingredients:

  • Peel bananas, cut into pieces, put in the freezer for three hours
  • Pineapples cut into small cubes
  • Peel the cedar nuts, soak for 5 hours
  • Frozen bananas and peeled pine nuts scroll in a blender
  • Put the crushed mass in another bowl, add pineapples, liquor and vanilla, mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour
  • Spread the cooled mass in bowls, decorate with nuts, banana slices or berries.

Mango sherbet

Mango sherbet (see photo). Composition of products: mango - 3 pieces; granulated sugar 150 g; juice of one lemon; protein of one egg; 8 leaves of melissa.

How to make Mango Ice Cream:

  • Wash the mango, peel it, separate the pulp from the pits (you should get about 0.5 kg of pulp)
  • Scroll the mango pulp, half the sugar and lemon juice in a blender, transfer to another bowl and put in the freezer for half an hour
  • Beat the egg white in a strong foam in a water bath, then add the second half of the sugar and continue to beat for 5 minutes, gradually cooling
  • Gently mix frozen sherbet with whipped protein and continue freezing for another 7 minutes
  • Spread the finished dessert over tall bowls with a special ice cream spoon and decorate each ball with a lemon balm leaf.

Sherbet ice cream at home holidays will become an original gift, a bright decoration of the table. Such an exotic ice treat will appeal to children and adults. Cook it yourself and present this cool dessert to your friends and loved ones as a surprise.

Until the 19th century, sorbet (sorbet) was called a cold refreshing drink made from fruits. It was first invented by the Chinese, then the recipes for fruit sorbets migrated to the Arabs, and soon the Europeans learned about sorbet. When French culinary experts got acquainted with the Turkish version of sorbet, it was water with sugar and lemon, although in eastern countries the sorbet was made from dogwood, rosehip or rose with sugar and spices. Sherbets were also boiled with jam and fruit juices, which were necessarily boiled down, and the drink turned out to be either thick or liquid. Tajik chefs consider candied syrup, more like jam, to be sorbets, while Azerbaijani sorbets were made sour and tart - they were served with pilaf and fatty meat dishes. A little later, fruit juices were mixed with ice or frozen, and gradually fruit sorbet turned into ice cream.

Benefits of fruit sorbet

Fruity is suitable for those who follow a diet for weight loss or recovery, since it can be prepared from fruits and berries alone without sugar - in this case, adherents of natural nutrition will be able to enjoy the natural taste of products. Sorbet can be included in the diet without worrying about weight gain and satisfying your need for sweets. This dessert contains a generous portion of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It perfectly refreshes on a hot day, gives energy, tones the body, provides it with glucose and satisfies hunger, so it can be served for breakfast or afternoon snack. Sorbet belongs to low-calorie meals if prepared without sugar, nuts and chocolate.

How to make sorbet

Modern fruit sorbet is healthy and delicious dessert prepared on the basis fruit juice or puree sweetened with sugar, honey or syrup. After mixing the products, the sorbet is frozen like ice cream with constant stirring. The finished dessert should be fluffy, airy, tender and light, like a grainy ice cream, and not like a piece of ice. Although the classic sorbet is a combination of fruit and sugar, dairy products, alcohol, coffee, tea, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, spices and other ingredients are sometimes added to the dessert. spices- mint, tarragon, tarragon. The easiest way to make sorbet is to freeze fruit or berry puree, whisking it occasionally to get a smooth and fluffy texture. However, there are more complicated recipes from different fruits or their combinations, so when the berry and fruit season begins, switch from regular ice cream to sorbets - it’s good for the body and for the figure. The Roman emperor Nero, for example, loved to feast on snow, which was served with honey, fruit puree and wine - after all, ancient gourmets knew a lot about good cuisine!

Banana-Apricot Sorbet: A Step-by-Step Recipe

This is one of the best summer desserts, which makes it possible to enjoy sweets and does not cause heaviness in the stomach.

Ingredients: bananas - 0.4 kg, apricots - 0.3 kg, sugar - 30 g, water - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve sugar in it and bring to a boil.

2. Peel the bananas and cut them into pieces.

3. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits.

4. Put the fruit in a blender and beat them until smooth and fluffy.

5. Pour the resulting sugar syrup into the blender bowl and whisk again.

6. Put the banana-apricot mass and refrigerate for 12 hours, stirring every hour.

7. Whisk fruit ice in a blender - this is necessary so that the dessert turns out to be airy and tender.

8. Freeze the fruit mass for another 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally. AT ready-made it should resemble ice chips.

9. Scoop the sorbet with an ice cream scoop into bowls and garnish with a sprig of mint and fruit. Enjoy exquisite taste fresh fragrant fruits!

Orange sorbet with vodka and basil

This one looks very original, so they can even decorate festive table. Cut off the tops of 4 oranges, grate the zest from them and scrape the flesh into a bowl. Next, cut some orange peel from the bottom so that the fruits are more stable, and then put them in the freezer. Crush the orange pulp with a wooden mortar to extract the juice, pour it into a small saucepan, add the zest, bring to a boil and reduce the juice to 125 ml. Next, dissolve in juice 8 tbsp. l. sugar, let it cool, mix with 4 tbsp. l. vodka and 500 g natural yogurt. Transfer the mass to a container and freeze in the freezer for 2-3 hours, add a banana and 10 basil leaves to the sorbet. Beat the dessert with a blender, place the mass in the freezer again and hold until it hardens. Put the sorbet in orange cups and serve to the table - the guests will be pleased. If you are preparing a dessert for children, add any juice instead of vodka.

Refreshing grape sorbet

Peel stalks from 500 g of sour unripe grapes of the variety " Lady fingers”, pour it with half a glass of sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. Start cooking sugar syrup from 500 g of sugar and 2 cups of water, then squeeze the juice from the grapes, mix with grape broth and pour into boiling syrup. Hold the syrup on fire for 1.5 minutes, cool and freeze in the freezer. When the mass hardens, beat it with a blender and place it again for a couple of hours in the cold.

Blueberry Lemon Sorbet

Boil compote from 500 g of blueberries and 500 ml of water, let it simmer for 15 minutes, add 100 g of sugar and wait until it dissolves. Add 60 ml of lemon juice and 2 tsp to blueberry syrup. lemon peel, beat in a blender until foamy and freeze, and after 1.5 hours, beat again in a blender along with 2 proteins. Cool in an ice cream mold and serve with fresh blueberries, mint in waffle cones.

Cherry sherbet with white wine

Mix half a glass of dry white wine, a third of a glass of fragrant liquid honey and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Wash 2 cups of cherries or sweet cherries, remove the stones, chop the berries in a blender along with 5-6 mint leaves, and then mix with the prepared wine-honey sauce. Send the mass in the container to the freezer for 1.5 hours, stir it every 10 minutes so that it becomes loose.

Mango sorbet

Puree 3 ripe mangoes, pour half a glass into the mass mineral water, half a glass of natural apple juice and the juice of half a lemon. Freeze the dessert for 4 hours, stirring it from time to time to obtain an airy consistency. Beat 1 protein, combine with fruit mass and freeze again. When serving, garnish the sorbet with any berries or fresh mint.

It turns out that making fruit sorbet at home is very easy, so make it often, because this easy healthy dessert you can eat every day. Fruit sorbets are served in tall glasses or bowls - it all depends on their consistency. The dessert is decorated with a sprig of mint, chocolate, coconut or chocolate shavings, nuts, dried fruits, pieces of fruit, poured over with sauce and sweet syrup. Children and adults can consume such desserts without fear for their health!

Sherbet is a light fruit ice cream made without the use of milk and cream. It is also called sorbet in another way. And this, by the way, is considered the correct name, because traditional sherbet is an oriental drink made from berries and aromatic spices.

In modern culinary world sherbet is made from fruit and berry juices, spices, sugar and ice cream. It is loved and appreciated for its special lightness and freshness, as well as for hundreds of various variations flavor combinations.

This recipe is one of the most common sorbet recipes.

To make ice cream you will need:

  • assorted berries (can be frozen) - 350 g
  • granulated sugar - 210 g
  • purified water - 1.5 tbsp
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon
  • mint leaves

First you need to cook sugar syrup. To do this, take a saucepan and pour water into it. Add sugar and lemon juice. Cook until the liquid becomes slightly viscous.

Assorted berries to kill with a blender in homogeneous mass and pour into the syrup. Mix everything well with a mixer or blender. Add spices, pour into molds and put in the freezer until the mixture hardens. Decorate with mint leaves.

If desired, ice cream (several balls) can be added to sherbet, then it will become more high-calorie and satisfying.

Ice cream with raspberry liqueur

Another option for preparing this dessert involves the use of alcohol. Therefore, it can only be served to adults.

Such a dessert will be an exquisite addition to any holiday table.

So, we need:

  • raspberries - 350 g
  • orange peel - 1 tsp
  • almonds - 50 g
  • drinking water - 1.5 tbsp
  • granulated sugar - 200 g
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • raspberry liqueur - 50 ml
  • ice cream (optional) - 100 g

Make syrup by mixing water with sugar and lemon juice. Puree the raspberries with a blender, and crush the almonds. Mix everything with syrup, adding orange peel, liqueur and ice cream (optional). Mix until smooth and send to the freezer until completely hardened.

Ice cream with raspberry liqueur, serve, garnish fresh berries and leaves of lemon balm or mint.

Another, probably the easiest and fastest way to prepare this dessert is to mix ready-made, you can even store-bought, smoothies with syrup and freeze.

Video recipe for making sherbet

You rarely meet a person who would not like ice cream. This is understandable, what delicacy can be better in the heat than delicious ice cream. Now in stores a huge selection various kinds this meal. But you can try to cook it yourself. We will help you with this and tell you how to make Sherbet ice cream at home. This type of cold dessert differs from the same creme brulee ice cream recipe in that it is prepared without milk. It is based on fruits and berries. That is why it comes out especially light, which is so important in the heat.


  • assorted berries - 0.5 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • coconut shavings.


If you use frozen berries, then you need to get them out of the freezer in advance so that they thaw gradually when room temperature. Turn sugar in a coffee grinder into powdered sugar. Squeeze out the juice from the orange. We add powdered sugar and berries to it. Chop the nuts and add to the rest of the ingredients. Throw in the coconut flakes as well. Now we beat all this well with a blender or mixer, pour it into molds and send it to the freezer. A prerequisite: after about every hour, the molds need to be taken out and mixed with our future ice cream so that ice sorbet does not turn out, because we did not use artificial additives. Until fully prepared, ice cream should stand in the freezer for 7-8 hours.

Ice cream "Banana-pineapple sherbet"


  • bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • canned pineapples - 50 g;
  • pine nuts - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • banana liqueur - 1 teaspoon.


Banana pulp cut into cubes fold into plastic container and put in the freezer for about 5 hours. Soak pine nuts for about 5-6 hours in cold water and then clean them up. Pineapple cut into small cubes. We grind nuts with frozen bananas in a blender, add pineapples, banana liqueur and vanilla sugar. Mix everything well and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. Before serving, ice cream can be decorated with nuts and banana slices.

It is worth saying that you can also make fruit ice at home, moreover, from berries and fruit juice. Everything is delicious, natural and healthy, like sherbet.