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Features and secrets of cooking old corn. How to cook corn so that it turns out soft and juicy

Now on the shelves of stores a lot canned corn, which can be added to soup, main dishes, pastries and salads.

But there is nothing better than freshly cooked corn on the cob. She smells so good!

But it turns out that not everyone knows how to cook it. How to choose for cooking.

The fact is that not every cob can be cooked.

After all corn has several subspecies: starchy, bursting, dentate, sugary, siliceous.

Used for cooking sweet corn. Despite the fact that this is a grain crop, it is the table varieties to which this corn belongs that are equated with vegetable plants.

To cook corn, do not wait until it is fully ripe. It is harvested when the cobs are in the phase of milky-wax ripeness.. At this time, corn kernels are very soft, juicy, as if filled with milk.

It is then that corn grain is the most useful and is a valuable food product.

  • Corn kernels contain vitamins of group B, carotene, vitamin E, as well as a large number of trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium.
  • Almost all the amino acids that the body needs are present.
  • For better absorption of the proteins that are in corn, it is recommended to use it in combination with milk, cheese and other dairy products. It is they who enrich corn dishes with essential amino acids for the body: tryptophan, lysine, methionine.
  • Milky corn dishes are not only recommended to healthy people, but also used in diet food because they improve digestion.

How to choose corn for cooking

  • Cobs prepared for boiling should not be overripe. After all, the hardened grain will remain the same after cooking. It should be soft and be in the stage of milky-wax ripeness. The color of such corn is milky white or slightly yellowish. If the grains have a bright yellow color, then they are already overripe, which means they are hard.
  • The shape of the grains also matters. The grains of milky corn are dense and rounded. Fully ripe grains develop dents, which indicate that the corn is overripe and not very suitable for cooking.
  • Young corn leaves are green and bright. They are tight to the cob. At old corn The leaves are dry and hard.
  • Cobs for cooking are chosen with the maximum number of grains that should not be eaten by insects or disease.
  • It is not recommended to buy corn without leaves. This may indicate that the corn has been attacked by pests or that it has overripe.
  • Harvested corn cobs should not be stored. Firstly, the sugars that are in the grain, from long storage, begin to turn into starch. And secondly, the ripened grain will dry out and become unsuitable for cooking, and a little unripe may rot.

How to prepare corn for cooking

  • Before cooking, the stem is removed from the cob so that the leaves do not fall off. Because corn is cooked with them.
  • The cob is well washed under running water. cold water.

How to cook corn in a pot

Method 1

  • Corn is prepared as described above.
  • Place in a wide bowl.
  • Pour cold water over so that it covers the cobs.
  • Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • The fire is reduced and, with a slight boil, the cobs are cooked until tender. Cooking time (from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours) depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the corn. Well-cooked grains are soft and have pleasant taste and smell.
  • Salt at the end of cooking. If you salt at the beginning, then the grains can remain hard for a very long time.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the cobs in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.
  • They take it out of the water.
  • Boiled corn is freed from leaves and spread on a plate. A piece of butter is served separately.

Method 2

  • Prepared corn is boiled together with leaves at a low boil until tender.
  • Salt at the end of cooking.
  • Remove the pan from the stove and keep the corn in the water for some more time.
  • The cobs are taken out of the liquid and freed from the leaves.
  • Separate the grains.
  • Put them on a plate and pour with butter or milk sauce.
  • If the grains are needed for a salad or vinaigrette, they are poured into a colander, washed in cold water and waited for it to drain completely.

Method 3. Corn in milk

  • Milk ripe corn is freed from leaves and washed well under cold running water.
  • The grains are separated from the cobs.
  • Pour them with hot milk and cook until tender (200 ml of milk is taken for 150 g of grains).
  • 10 g of butter is mixed with 8 g of flour.
  • Combine with milk and corn and, stirring, boil. Seasoned with salt.

How else is corn cooked?

Many hostesses clean the corn from the leaves and boil it in this form.

  • They take a wide pan and lay the leaves taken from the cobs on the bottom.
  • The stalk and top of the corn are cut off, which is most often without grains or dried up. If the cobs are very long, then they are cut in half.
  • Put in a saucepan, and top with the remaining leaves. This will help keep the cobs from floating to the surface.
  • Fill with water. It is better to use boiling water.
  • Put on the stove and bring to a boil at maximum heat.
  • Reduce the heat and cook the corn until soft.
  • Remove the pan from the stove, and leave the cobs in the water for another 15-20 minutes.
  • Arrange the corn on a plate and sprinkle with salt.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker

  • Cut off the stalk of the corn and free it from the leaves. Cut off the top without grains.
  • Rinse well in cold water.
  • If the cobs are large, cut them in half.
  • A few leaves are placed at the bottom of the bowl, and corn is placed on them.
  • So much water is poured so that it covers the cobs by 3–4 cm. Cover with leaves on top. Large batches of corn are not boiled to avoid splashing water over the edge of the bowl.
  • Close the multicooker and turn on the “Steam cooking” function.
  • Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  • Leave the cobs for 20 minutes in water, and then spread on a plate.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Method 1

  • Peeled and washed corn is placed in a strong plastic bag or baking sleeve and tied. In several places, punctures are made with a needle to release steam.
  • Place the packed cobs in the microwave.
  • Cook on high power for 8-10 minutes.

Method 2

  • Peeled and washed corn is placed in a pan suitable for microwave oven.
  • Pour boiling water so that it only slightly covers the cobs.
  • Put in the oven and cook at maximum power for 35-45 minutes until soft. At the same time, they make sure that the water does not boil away, and top it up in time.
  • Salt at the end of cooking.

How to cook corn in a steamer

  • Peeled and washed corn is placed on oiled bowls.
  • Installed on a double boiler with a full reservoir of water.
  • Boil the cobs for 20-30 minutes until tender.
  • Arrange on plates and sprinkle with salt.

How to cook corn in the oven

  • Cobs, peeled from leaves and well washed, put in a deep container, for example for baking.
  • Pour in boiling water to cover them completely.
  • To prevent the top of the corn from frying and drying out, cover the dishes with foil.
  • Put in an oven heated to 120 degrees.
  • Cook until soft, about 40 minutes. Add boiling water if the water boils away.
  • Sprinkle the cooked corn with salt and serve with butter.

Corn boiled in any of these ways is served hot, because it is then that it fully reveals its aroma and excellent taste.

Maria Soboleva

How to cook corn? Cooking methods

How to cook corn correctly, how long will it take? Why is cereal useful and which cobs are better to choose? Find out if you can cook in the microwave and double boiler and other subtleties of the cooking process.

What are the benefits of corn

"Queen of the Fields" is good because it does not lose its valuable properties during heat treatment.

Cooking and eating corn with pleasure is useful for almost everyone: it contains vitamins A (regulating metabolism), B1 (strengthens the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems), C (supports immunity).

There are many trace elements in corn: iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. And the cereal is rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins and starch for building muscle fibers.

Choosing the right corn

Before cooking corn, you need to select young cobs. They should be small, with dense and even rows of grains without any bald spots.

If you press on the grain, it stands out milk juice. Dimpled grains are found in ripe corn, it will take longer to cook. Leaves on the cob should not be yellow and dry.

The bright yellow color of the cereal is also a sign of a respectable age, choose a milky yellow corn. You should not buy corn, which is sold under the scorching sun, the cobs separated from the stalk quickly deteriorate.

How to boil corn - cooking secrets

You need to cook corn in a wide and deep pan so that the cobs fit easily and the water completely covers them during cooking. It is advisable to choose cast iron cookware with thick walls. Before cooking, the cobs are washed and cleaned of dirty leaves.

It is not necessary to completely remove the leaves and tendrils - you can leave part on the cob or do it differently: peel the corn and put the leaves on the bottom of the pan, on the sides and on top of the cobs. They add a spicy flavor to your corn when cooked.

If you come across large cobs, break them into 2-3 parts before cooking. Corn should be simmered, and the water should not be salted during cooking. You can do this about 5 minutes before readiness or salt already when serving.

You need to cook under the lid and make sure that the water in the pan boils slowly all the time. A little sugar or a small piece of butter can be added to give the cereal tenderness.

Cooked corn is best eaten immediately after cooking, and it should cool right in the broth, otherwise it will quickly harden.

It is permissible to store boiled cobs in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, but there is little point in this - freshly prepared cereal is much tastier and healthier. Yes, and purchased cobs should not be kept in stock for a long time - up to 3 days in a cool place, but it is advisable to cook them immediately after purchase.

It is good to freeze corn, then to boil it on a cold winter evening and remember the hot summer. When frozen, the valuable qualities of cereal are preserved.

How long to cook corn

Cooking time depends on the maturity of the corn. For young cobs, 20 minutes is enough for readiness, a maximum of half an hour.

Cereal of medium maturity is boiled for 45 - 60 minutes. But overripe corn will have to cook for 2 hours or even more.

It is important not to miss the moment when the cobs are ready, so that they do not overcook and begin to harden. To do this, they periodically take out the corn, pinch off the grain and try it - if it is juicy and soft, chews easily, then the dish is ready.

How to cook cereal - alternative methods

You can cook corn on the cob not only in a saucepan. There are other ways.

How to cook corn in the microwave

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In the 21st century, not everyone loves to cook and knows how to cook, making do with lunches in cafes, delivery and hastily prepared simple dishes like porridge and dumplings. But even such banal dishes can sparkle with new colors and tastes if you add different spices to them! A detailed guide to spices for beginners awaits you below.

Summer is the time when you not only want to relax and enjoy life. It's time to saturate your body with vitamins. There are many of them in fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes. And the smell of freshly cooked corn causes rapid salivation. And now we are already buying bright cobs. But only at home comes the realization that we do not know at all how to cook corn correctly, and most importantly how much. And if you buy a frozen product? There are a lot of questions. And experienced housewives can answer them.

How to choose

For cooking, you can use both sweet, or food, and fodder varieties of corn. More delicate texture, as well as rich bright taste have sweet varieties of this delicacy. Although there are lovers of more rigid varieties with a sugary aftertaste.

When choosing fresh corn on the cob, pay attention to the color of the kernels and leaves. Young has light green leaves and light yellow grains. Corn stigmas (hairs) should also be light and not dried out. If you just press the grain with your fingernail, the juice should come out. This suggests that you have young cobs of milk corn in front of you. Its taste qualities will be the most advantageous. Young corn does not take long to cook.

The fact that corn has been on the counter for a long time is evidenced by dried stigmas and leaves. In old cobs, the color of the grains is dark yellow. In time, such a delicacy will have to cook much longer.

Cooking process

It is not necessary to store bought cobs for a long time. From this, they will lose their taste and most of the nutrients. cook delicious treat can be in a saucepan, as well as in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, double boiler. This will depend on the cooking time.

in a saucepan

Young corn must be freed from leaves and hairs. Rinse the cobs thoroughly with running water, put in a thick-walled pan and pour water. Light leaves do not need to be thrown away. They can shift the cobs. This will add additional flavor to the finished product.

Cook young cobs under a closed lid over medium heat. They must be completely covered with water. Salt is not added during the cooking process. It takes only 15 to 20 minutes to cook young milk corn. But the old fodder varieties will have to be cooked for at least three hours.

On a note! Corn is salted only after it is fully cooked. A hot delicacy is rubbed with salt, oil and immediately served on the table.

in the microwave

Only young milk corn should be cooked in the microwave oven. To do this, the cobs are laid on the bottom of a special container, poured with cold water, covered with a lid. With a power of 800 kW, it needs to be cooked for 45 minutes. During cooking, add water as needed.

There is another, dry method of cooking in the microwave. To do this, milk cobs are placed inside a plastic bag and tied. The product should be cooked in this way for no more than 10 minutes.

In a steamer or pressure cooker

A golden delicacy is placed in a double boiler container. To form a sufficient amount of steam, you need to pour only 1 glass of water. Milk corn should be cooked for no more than ten minutes. To cook old or fodder corn in a double boiler, it will take more time - 40 - 60 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, a golden delicacy can be cooked in the same amount of time as a steamer. To do this, the cobs need to be laid on the bottom of the pressure cooker, poured with cold water, tightly covered with a lid and cooked over medium heat. The cooking time of milk corn is from 10 to 15 minutes, the old one is 40 to 60 minutes.

frozen product

Today, you can buy frozen corn everywhere. Before quick freezing, it is treated with steam. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced. Frozen cobs should be dipped directly into boiling water, and after boiling, cook for 20-25 minutes.

Frozen corn in grains can be perfectly cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, the contents of the package are poured into a bowl, add a little salt and butter. A spoonful of milk or cream will add spice to your dish. In the "Extinguishing" mode, the grains need to be boiled for 20 minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with hard grated cheese before serving.

It is interesting! Corn is the only food that is a natural carrier of gold. The realization of this fact adds to the pleasure during its use.

Golden cobs contain many useful trace elements, unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, C, PP, E, and potassium. Doctors recommend using it for the prevention of oncology, diabetes, allergic diseases, problems gastrointestinal tract, improvements metabolic processes in the body. Don't miss out on this delicious treat. Enjoy and stay healthy!

With the beginning of August, boiled corn on the cob becomes the most popular fast food in any town in Russia. Young corn acquires such popularity not only because of its usefulness, but also because of its seasonality. To fill up for the year ahead, I suggest cooking this unpretentious treat yourself. And so that everything works out for you the first time, I will reveal the main secrets of how to cook corn at home in a saucepan.

First, I will give some advice on how to buy a good product, and only then I will tell you how to cook young corn on the cob correctly and for how long.

How to choose good corn

The first secret of a delicious dish is the right product. Before cooking corn, study the main markers that you need to pay attention to when buying:

  • Corn cobs should have amniotic leaves, preferably all, i.e. including upper hard ones. Some sell cobs, peeling them off almost completely - leaving one row of thin pale leaves. I do not take such corn, since the freshness and purity of the grains in the corn cob depends on the presence of amniotic leaves - this is how nature intended. The grains in the half-peeled cobs dry out, and the dust gets into places from which it is problematic to wash it.
  • When buying, check the corn kernels for youth. Spread the leaves in the middle of the cob and lightly press the grain with your fingernail, it should be elastic and juicy. Old grain will be dense and starchy.
  • Having unfolded the amniotic leaves, inspect the grains for spoilage and disease - the corn should be arranged in even rows and be uniform in color, without black dots and mold.
  • I would not pay attention to the color of the grain, since this is just a varietal feature. Some sources say that bright yellow grain is old, and light grain is young. We remember the color of the Bonduelle corn and all questions about the youthfulness of the yellow grain disappear by themselves.

Let's cook the corn in a pot. For these purposes, I would advise you to choose a larger vessel.

How to cook corn on the cob?


Corn cobs - 5-7 pcs.

Water 3-4 liters

The number of cobs is determined by the number of eaters - 1-2 pcs. for everyone. I would not recommend cooking corn for the future - during storage, it loses a little in taste.

  1. We clean the cobs from the leaves. Moreover, the upper half of the leaves, those that are thicker and greener, I throw away. And those that are closer to the body I leave and use when cooking.
  2. In addition to the leaves, the stigmas must also be removed from the corn - they are of no use to me, but some are dried and used for treatment.
  3. I break each corn into two parts - it’s more convenient to eat, well, shorter pieces fit better in the pan. I tried to cut it with a knife, but the stump itself is cut so poorly that it’s easier to break.
  4. We lay one third of the leaves from the cobs on the bottom of the cooking pot. Next, lay the pieces of corn tightly. Pour cold water in such a way that it covers the entire product. Lay the remaining leaves on top.

The use of amniotic leaves when cooking corn in a saucepan is the second secret of my recipe. It is this technique that allows you to thoroughly steam the corn kernels. It has been observed that boiled corn on the cob has more rich taste and aroma, if you cook it, covering it with leaves.

Should I add salt when cooking corn? I would not recommend salting the cobs during cooking - salt makes the grains denser, reducing juiciness.

We close the entire assembled structure from the pan, corn, its leaves and water and put it on fire.

Here we come to the most burning question - how much to cook corn in a saucepan so that it is both soft and juicy? Revealing the third secret!

And yet, how long does it take to cook corn?

A very interesting question, actually. I remember my grandmother cooked corn heads for 2-3 hours. And since childhood, I learned that before you cook corn on the cob, you need to stock up on great patience - the appetizing smell did not leave anyone indifferent. But what about now?

A lot has changed since my childhood, including corn. New dessert varieties with excellent taste qualities have appeared. And if the corn is fresh and young, then it should not be cooked for a long time.

As you understand, how much to cook young corn is determined not only by the degree of maturity of the corn grain, but also by varietal characteristics. To date, I have seen on sale only dessert varieties that cook very quickly.

Cooking time is counted from the moment of boiling. As soon as the water in the pot with corn gurgles confidently, reduce the heat and set the timer for 30 minutes - this is more than enough for young dessert corn.

After half an hour, I take one grain for testing, and if the degree of its readiness suits me, I turn off the fire. But! I leave the corn under the lid for another 15-20 minutes, longer if possible. The corn cooking process continues as the water temperature is still high. But it goes in a different way than when boiling. Thus, we get corn with a richer taste.

Old cobs and fodder corn should be cooked much longer - 2-3 hours. How to identify such corn? As I wrote, color is not an indicator. Therefore, we look at other markers:

  • Grain density and hardness. Young grain releases juice when squeezed, old does not.
  • Test for a tooth - a young dessert grain, even when raw, is juicy and sweet. The old one will be rather starchy, and the feed one will be neutral in taste, without a pronounced sweet taste.

Boiled corn is served hot, salt and butter, for the sweet tooth - sugar. However, I came across advice that recommended eating corn rubbed with crushed garlic and watered with lemon juice. To be honest, then classic version I like it better with butter.

Do you have your own recipe for cooking corn? Perhaps you know other secrets of cooking cobs in a pot that you inherited from previous generations - share them in the comments, they will surely come in handy for us.

Boiled corn on the cob is one of the most popular summer meals! Boiled corn is enjoyed by people of all ages, it is the most common type of fast food both in the city and on the sea! To pamper yourself and your loved ones delicious dish You don't have to go anywhere, it's pretty easy to make at home!

What is useful corn?

Juicy, crispy boiled corn on the cob is a snack that has a huge number of fans. Except amazing palatability, corn cereals are rich in many vitamins (C, D, E, PP, rare vitamin K), antioxidants and elements such as copper, iron, nicotinic acid, magnesium, etc. Since ancient times, people's doctors used corn to stimulate digestive system and as a choleretic agent, as well as in the treatment of atherosclerosis and renal failure. The inclusion of corn grains in the diet helps improve vision and memory, rid the body of toxins and improve metabolic processes.

The corn season traditionally starts in August, however, the first young cobs appear on the markets in some regions as early as July. Dairy corn is sold only until the end of summer, bought in September, the cobs are likely to be overripe. Each vegetable is good in its season, the quality of the selected cob will determine how tasty the finished dish will turn out. But the choice quality product- this is only one aspect, there are many other factors that affect the taste characteristics of the finished dish.

Calorie content of boiled corn cobs

Boiled corn is a fairly dietary dish, its calorie content per 100 g is only 123 kcal.

What is the secret of crispy and fragrant boiled corn cobs?

As mentioned above, the deposit appetizing dish– selection of a quality product for cooking. Cobs should be chosen young, light milky yellow. The grains in young cobs are rounded, soft and elastic to the touch. A brighter, richer yellow color, an elongated shape and the presence of dimples on the grains are a signal that such a fruit is overripe and not suitable for cooking.

Large corncobs, although they look very ripe, but such a product turns out to be hard and dryish. The leaves should have a fresh pale green color, fit well on the cob and not fall off. If corn is sold without leaves at all, then this may be a sign of over-treatment with pesticide fertilizers, due to which the leaves shrivel and lose their marketable appearance.

Good corn cobs have been selected and before starting cooking, it remains to take into account some features of this dish:

  1. Only cobs of equal size should be boiled together in order for the dish to cook evenly. And if the ears are too large, they can be cut in half across;
  2. It is not necessary to remove the leaves from the corn cobs completely, it is enough to cut off only a couple of not very fresh leaves above. If a boiled corn plan to eat immediately, then the cobs can be cleaned completely, and the leaves can be added to the cooking pot. If the corn is planned to be served later, then it is better to leave the leaves, this will help the finished cobs to remain fragrant and juicy;
  3. Before cooking, it will not be superfluous to soak the cobs for one hour in cold water, and then rinse them with running water;
  4. If there are spoiled darkened grains on top, they must be cut off;
  5. You can lower the cobs only in boiling water, and you can add salt only 10-15 minutes before readiness;
  6. Milk corn on the cob is enough to cook for half an hour, more ripe and larger corn can be cooked for about 2 to 3 hours. To determine the degree of readiness, you need to carefully separate and try one grain.

There are many ways to cook favorite dish! In addition to the usual cooking in a saucepan, you can try baking the cobs in the oven or cook in a double boiler or microwave. Each method is interesting in its own way, has its own nuances and deserves separate consideration.

Boiled corn with butter and salt


  • corn - 1 pc.,
  • sunflower oil (odorless) - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - a pinch.


Boil the corn for 20-30 minutes until tender.

Clean the grains by cutting them first with a knife along the head.

Then separate the grains with your hands.

Pour vegetable oil into a container with corn and mix well.

Pour in some salt and mix thoroughly again.

Boiled corn with butter and salt is ready.

The recipe for boiled corn in a double boiler

For this method, you will need fresh corn on the cob, a little ghee, peeled and crushed walnuts, from spices: ground cardamom and salt.

The bottom of the vegetable container of the double boiler should be generously greased with butter. Then put the cobs in it, previously peeled from the leaves, and cook for 30 - 40 minutes. Heat the remaining butter in a pan, add cardamom and crushed walnuts. Serve cooked corn, watering the resulting spicy walnut sauce and season with salt. Enjoy your meal!

An important nuance: for cooking in a double boiler, you can not cut the leaves from the cobs, but then you need to increase the cooking time.

microwave corn recipe

To cook in the microwave, you need to take: medium-sized cobs of young corn, ghee, a little water and salt.

Unpeeled cobs should be soaked for one hour before cooking. Next, pack them in a plastic bag, pour a couple of tablespoons of water inside. Tie the package, make a couple of holes in the upper part so that the steam can escape freely. Set the microwave power to maximum and bake for 10-15 minutes. After the time is up, carefully remove the corn from the bag, remove excess leaves, drizzle with melted butter and add a little salt.

Recipe for roasting young corn cobs in the oven

For this recipe you will need: small corn cobs, water, sunflower and butter, a little salt.

The first step is to turn on the oven at 200 degrees. The baking sheet needs to be greased sunflower oil, spread the cobs with leaves on it and add water to the middle of the cobs. Cover a baking sheet with corn foil and cook for 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size and ripeness of the fruit. When the ears are cooked, you need to remove the leaves from them, brush with melted butter and salt on top.

How to store boiled corn?

Cooked boiled corn can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 days. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that without water, corn will not be able to remain as juicy and crispy for a long time, so it is better to leave it in the pan where it was cooked. You can also separate all the grains from the cobs and pour into a dry container. Of course, in this form, the shelf life of corn, even in the refrigerator, is significantly reduced, but it is very convenient to use it as healthy snack while watching TV.

Increase shelf life ready boiled corn can be done with canning! Canning corn is practically no different from canning other vegetables. You only need a special brine from 1 liter of boiled water, 3 tsp. sugar and the same amount of salt. Arrange the corncobs in sterilized jars, pour over the prepared brine and roll up. You can also experiment and add your favorite spices and seasonings to the brine. In this form, corn can be stored throughout the winter, like other types. home preservation. At the same time, it is guaranteed to remain juicy and fragrant.

Can I eat boiled corn while breastfeeding?

The composition of corn is extremely rich in many useful elements, so nursing mothers should definitely pay attention to this product. Despite the fact that corn belongs to cereals, it does not contain gluten, which allows us to consider it a completely hypoallergenic product.

Eating corn cobs does not change the composition of breast milk of nursing mothers at all. However, corn cereals can provoke increased gas formation in the intestines, which is fraught with bloating in infants. Therefore, it is possible to add corn to the diet during lactation in strictly limited quantities.

Dietary properties of boiled corn

Corn is a great diet food. To comply proper nutrition It is better to eat steamed corn. boiled in the usual way corn is also pretty diet dish, however, it must be borne in mind that some useful substances stays in the water during cooking. In order to correct the figure, corn is eaten without seasoning with either salt or oil. You can also diversify the diet by preparing porridge on water from crushed corn kernels.

Can diabetics eat boiled corn?

In general, of course, you can. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the type of diabetes, individually select the amount of corn and the method of preparation.

There are two types of diabetes that have a number of different characteristics:

  1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is called insulin-dependent and is characterized by a constant high level of sugar and a complete insufficiency of the pancreatic hormone - insulin. With this type of diabetes, it is necessary to administer insulin with each meal, a strict calculation of calories and carbohydrates in the meals consumed.
  2. The second type - insulin-independent - does not require the introduction of insulin and is much more common. With it, overweight is usually observed, so it is necessary to adjust the diet to normalize weight. This helps to use fewer sugar-lowering medications and, with a complex effect, you can achieve an almost healthy carbohydrate metabolism.

It is important for all people with diabetes to learn how to correctly count calories. ready meals, carefully monitor the concentration of carbohydrates in food and take into account the glycemic index of products. Corn has a fairly low glycemic index and it is quite possible to eat it with non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

A reasonable approach to nutrition gives a positive trend, it is important to take into account all the features of this disease and apply complex therapy.

Corn is versatile, tasty and useful product, which can be prepared by different ways! Both adults and children will rejoice at the appearance on home desk such a great summer snack!