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Simple rye bread in the oven. Rye bread in the oven

For many people, training in the gym is associated with the use of various kinds of sports supplements. One of the most popular supplements today is protein. Because of this perception, people often mistakenly believe that without such a supplement in their diet, it is almost impossible to build muscle mass.

This opinion is also formed by the majority due to the active PR of protein, protein-carbohydrate mixtures on various Internet resources, popular YouTube channels, and so on. In today's article, we will analyze this topic in detail and tell you how to build muscle mass without using it, as well as tell you whether it is necessary to add protein mixtures to your diet.

The fact is that due to the active PR campaign, sports supplements are too overrated among the people. In reality, such nutrition is only a regular addition to the main diet of an athlete and its use is completely optional.

A well-chosen training program is of great importance. Very often, athletes do not draw up their plan correctly, as a result of which they train for many months without tangible progress. In order to correctly compose the program, read. However, nutrition plays a key role in achieving this goal. If you want to build muscle, make up your daily diet competently enough and stick to the regimen.

In words, everything is quite simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. As you know, in order to effectively start gaining weight, it is imperative to increase the calorie content of your diet by at least one and a half times. That is, if a normal, healthy man needs to consume about 2000 kcal per day, then for an athlete who leads an active lifestyle, pulls iron, tears his muscle fibers, you need to consume about 2700 kcal per day. The numbers, of course, are approximate, it all depends on many factors, for example, what type of physique you have and the like, but I think you understand the principle itself. By the way, in order to accurately calculate how many kcal you need to gain weight, I advise you to use here.

So that's what I'm talking about. In our everyday life, it is not so easy to get enough calories to support the recovery processes in our body. In the life of any person there are factors such as work, study, family, which often do not allow to comply with the regime. A person eats poorly, is exposed to various stressful situations that lead to catabolism, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue. We add all these factors together and, as a result, we get a regression of muscle mass gain. That is, simply a person will either stagnate, or even lose weight.

It is in such situations that such a sports supplement as protein will come in handy. In fact, in order to maintain the calorie content of your daily diet, you need to consume protein in addition to food, which is very convenient to use. It is enough to take protein powder and water with you (you can stir the protein with kefir, milk and). At any convenient time, get everything you need, pour in protein, mix with water and drink, here you have one serving of protein that will help in the fight against catabolism. Here, of course, a nutritional supplement is very useful, as we have said before, due to many factors, a person does not always have the opportunity to fully eat and get enough proteins, carbohydrates and fats. All this is very good, but many people forget that this is just an addition to the main food. You can not drink only protein and other sports supplements around the clock and hope for a positive result. Protein does not contain those vitamins, macronutrients and other useful substances, which we need not only to build muscle, but also for normal existence, normal digestion, ensuring the work of many, many processes in our body.


Quite a lot of athletes advertise supplements for sports, but in reality, many of them are limited to only advertising. In fact, professional bodybuilders practically do not use sports supplements in the off-season or in preparation for competitions. Here is what a well-known bodybuilder, owner of a sports supplement company says ( pay attention to this) Rich Piana:

It is possible to build muscle mass without problems without the use of proteins, even if you take into account various factors, such as: work, study, and so on. Now we will analyze this topic in more detail.


After the above, I think you understand that the various nutritional supplements as a protein, they do not play any role in achieving the result. To gain lean muscle mass, it is enough to adhere to a diet, exercise intensively and sleep a lot. Let's talk about this and many other things in more detail.

Let's start with the topic of nutrition. This is perhaps one of the most important factors in the off-season. More than one article has already been written on this topic, to familiarize yourself with them, I recommend going to the section.

First of all, you need to take care to correctly compose your daily diet in order to receive right amount nutrients for recovery and growth. In the off-season, special attention should be paid to proteins and carbohydrates. As for proteins, they should be consumed approximately 2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of your weight. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, need an order of magnitude more when gaining mass, about 6-7 grams per 1 kilogram of an athlete's weight. Here, count. Let's say a person who wants to build muscle weighs about 75 kilograms. Then he needs to consume approximately 75x2 = 150 grams of protein per day, and 75x7 = 525 grams of carbohydrates. Based on this calculation, we proceed to compiling your daily diet.

You need to eat about 6-7 times a day. From these numbers, we calculate how much protein and carbohydrates should be in one meal. What it looks like: 150/6=25 grams of protein per serving should be your body; 525/6=87.5 grams of carbs per serving. These are approximate figures and I am pointing them so that you yourself can later, according to a ready-made example, correctly calculate your daily diet.

Now the task is to correctly compose each meal. It should be complete, regardless of whether it is breakfast or dinner. In order to correctly calculate everything, I recommend that you use. There you can choose a menu, calculate the calorie content of your diet and, according to the scheme provided above, calculate correct amount proteins and carbohydrates.

In addition to the nutrients that were listed above, you must not forget about fats, which are also necessary when gaining mass. Their concentration in the daily diet should not exceed a percentage of 10-20%. Do not limit yourself too much in consuming this natural organic compound. Eat more oily fish as it contains a large number of useful omega-3 acid, which is very important for muscle growth, the athlete and the maintenance of other vital processes in the body.

Remember, the whole point of mass-gaining is that you start to grow only when more nutrients enter the body, more calories than you expend in a day.

We have reviewed the standard rules that absolutely any person who wants to build muscle must adhere to. Now, as for proteins. Without the use of sports supplements, you can also grow without problems. You just need to correctly organize your daily routine and prepare everything you need. We recommend purchasing special food containers where you can put everything necessary products to eat and replenish nutrient stores.


Plan out your day. Even if you don't have time, you work. Each enterprise or company has a specially allotted time for employees when they can have a meal in peace. Use it. I am generally silent about educational institutions, since there is a break every hour and a half, you can safely go out and eat.


Benefits and method of taking protein supplements. How to take them in the absence of training.

Most professional and novice bodybuilders add sports nutrition, namely protein, to their regular diet to increase strength and muscle mass. The advantage of this supplement is the saturation of muscle fibers with all the necessary amino acids, not only before and after training, but throughout the day. But if the protein is so effective, is it possible to drink it without exercising in the gym? Let's try to answer this question.

What are the benefits?

Numerous studies show that protein powder is useful at any age and is not capable of harming the body. But, like everywhere else, there are exceptions. In particular, it is better not to drink protein for people with individual intolerance to such supplements, as well as in the presence of serious kidney and liver diseases. Otherwise, the extra protein is not capable of causing harm.

I would like to note that protein can be drunk not only by professional athletes (as many people think), but also by ordinary athletes. In this case, the type of sport does not really matter. It is believed that protein powder is chemical product. No way. The basis for the supplement is all the same milk, so no harmful preservatives and other hazardous products there is no. Moreover, the protein contains the necessary amount of amino acids, minerals and major groups of vitamins, which are essential for a person to maintain all vital functions. Sometimes it is recommended to drink protein during severe stress to normalize the general condition, even in the absence of training.

The sports supplement brings the maximum benefit in the case of complex intake with natural food. Therefore, if a person sets as his task a set of muscle mass, improving strength indicators and increasing the effectiveness of training, then his diet should include protein not only from sports nutrition, but also from ordinary foods - fish, beef and poultry meat, cottage cheese, eggs, and so on. Further.

Moreover, for full development, an athlete should take carbohydrates and even some fats. With the right balance of all substances, you can achieve maximum results. But it is important to remember that you need to drink protein and eat regular food separately. Otherwise, you may not achieve how significant the effect.

Reception features

Most often, protein powder should be stirred and drunk with juice, milk, or plain water. In this case, the volume of the selected liquid does not really matter. The main thing is not to use boiling water, the interaction of which with the protein leads to coagulation and loss of the properties of the latter.

The best time to consume protein is between meals. On days of active physical activity, you can drink protein immediately after class. If there is no training on some day, then one of the servings can be drunk before dinner. The main thing is not to consume protein at a time, because in this case it simply cannot be absorbed. The optimal number of "approaches" is about 3-5 times.

Protein without exercise

For the full development of the body, the intake of at least one gram of protein per kilogram of weight is necessary. If a person is actively involved in sports, then its dosage increases to at least two grams. What does it mean? You can consume protein without training if the body does not receive the required amount of useful elements from ordinary food. Otherwise, additional intake of the supplement is considered pointless, and sometimes harmful.

For example, you weigh 65 kilograms, which indicates the daily requirement of the body for 65 grams of protein (without training). If the body receives the required amount of protein from food, then there is no need to take protein powder.

Are there options?

There are still situations where protein can be beneficial without training at all. In particular, protein can and should be drunk when losing weight. Many are incredulous about such statements, believing that it is impossible to lose weight with the help of sports nutrition. And here it is not. If you build your diet correctly, strictly follow the diet and drink a protein shake, you can achieve impressive results.

The main thing is that supplements do not prevail over regular food. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates and fats must be minimized. As for protein, his body should receive in the amount of 1-1.5 grams per kilo of weight. The protein shake itself is best consumed in the evening, and sometimes instead of one of the meals. The advantage of this supplement is satiety. One serving is enough to beat off the appetite for a long time even without training, providing the body with all the necessary amino acids.

Prices and where to buy protein


We need protein. Therefore, with its shortage, you can drink supplements without active training. The main thing is to strictly observe and not exceed the dosage. In addition, protein is an indispensable assistant in the matter of losing weight. So why not take advantage of its capabilities? Good luck in achieving your goals.

You can bake bread in the oven in any way - yeast, unleavened, flat cakes, pita bread, etc. Wheat and rye are mainly used for baking, the rest of the cereals are used as additives. Our family is very fond of rye bread, which is baked from a mixture of rye and wheat of equal volume. This is our family recipe which I am happy to share with you. The process is simple and does not take much time, but the result is excellent, and delicious bread ears on the table.

Rye bread in the oven

There are various deviations from the main recipe, resulting in different flavors. In the main recipe for homemade bread baked in the oven, as I already noted, there is an equal amount of rye and wheat flour. We take these two ingredients and one and a half glasses of water. dry yeast and vegetable oil you will need a tablespoon. Sugar half a tablespoon, and salt one teaspoon.

The preparation of dough for baking bread in the oven begins with dough. Mix sugar with yeast, add warm water, and mix well. Then set aside for 15 minutes to start fermentation. Meanwhile, in a separate container, mix both types of flour, add vegetable oil and salt. Gradually pour water with yeast and sugar into this mixture with continuous stirring, and at the end knead the dough.

Video. How to cook wheat-rye sourdough

To cook bread in the oven, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands, cover with a towel, and leave in a warm place for an hour to fit. It should roughly double in size. After the dough has risen, it should be kneaded well again, and placed in a pre-greased baking dish. In order to properly bake bread in the oven, the dough in the form must also come up a little, so cover it with a towel and leave it for half an hour.

In the meantime, you should preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and put the bread to bake for 43-45 minutes. When the bread is ready, it must be laid out from the mold and covered with a towel so that it quickly moves away from the hard crust.

Having slightly changed the proportions, and adding 5-6 cloves of garlic, we get a very tasty garlic bread. At the same time, 400 grams of wheat flour and water will require 300 rye flour. Dry yeast and salt 2 teaspoons each, and sugar 5 teaspoons. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough, and leave one more to lubricate the mold.

The cooking technology is also somewhat different from the basic one. Here the yeast is mixed with sugar and half the volume of water. Put the mixture in a warm place for half an hour. And when the yeast starts to play, add the rest of the water, vegetable oil, rye flour and salt. After you mix everything well, you can add wheat flour, chopped garlic, and knead the dough well and thoroughly. Next, cover with a towel and leave to approach for an hour and a half.

After spreading the dough in greased forms, cover it with a towel and leave to approach for another 45-50 minutes. The bread is now ready to be baked in the oven.

Here the oven is heated to 220 degrees, and the bread is baked for 50 minutes. After baking, it is advisable to sprinkle it with plain water, and wrap it with a towel to cool.

Recipe for rye bread in the oven

Baking bread in the oven according to this recipe will not take much effort and time, but you will get homemade delicious bread.


  • rye flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • warm water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


Combine the yeast with sugar, pour it with warm water and put it in a warm place for 15 minutes until the yeast starts to play.

Sift both types of flour and mix them in a separate bowl, add salt and vegetable oil to them. Then, little by little, add to this mass yeast water and knead the dough. Cover bowl with a tea towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour to double in size.

Sprinkle a table or other work surface with flour and put the dough on it, remember it well and transfer it to a baking dish, which must first be greased with vegetable oil. cover the shape cling film and leave the dough for 20 minutes. During this time, preheat the oven and cook bread in it for 40-45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Homemade rye bread in the oven

Making bread at home in the oven is good because you can add any ingredients to it, thereby making the taste more original.


  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Mix sugar with dry yeast and half of the indicated amount of water. Leave this mixture for 20-25 minutes in a warm place. After the yeast starts playing and a “cap” appears, add the rest of the water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and rye flour, which do not forget to sift before.

Mix it all up and gradually add the pre-sifted wheat flour. Send chopped garlic here, knead the dough. When it is ready, cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and send it to heat for 1.5 hours. When the time is up, remember the dough and place it in a greased baking dish. Leave the dough in the form for 40-50 minutes for proofing. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the bread for 50 minutes. Then, sprinkle it with water, wrap it in a towel and let it cool.

Rye-wheat bread in the oven

Bread prepared according to next recipe, thanks to the addition of honey and coriander, it acquires an unusual and very pleasant taste.


  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • rye flour - 350 g;
  • warm kefir - 250 ml;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • salt - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander in grains.


In a food processor or in a bowl, mix kefir, honey, salt and yeast. Grind coriander grains in the palms, and then add to kefir and other ingredients. Sift flour, both rye and wheat, if you want to get more “black”, add a little more rye flour. Knead the dough and form it into a ball, which we put on a floured plate.

With a knife on top of the ball of dough, we make a mesh, not small, and send it to a warm place for 20 minutes. You can preheat the oven to 50 degrees, turn it off and put the bread in there so that it comes up.

After 20 minutes, put the bread on a greased baking sheet and send it to a warm place for another 15-20 minutes. We heat the oven to 270 degrees, sprinkle the bread with water and put it on the top shelf of the oven for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat in the oven to 180 degrees and bake the bread for another 20 minutes. Thus, you will get a delicious bread with a crispy crust.

Video. Homemade bread without yeast, eggs and sourdough

Material provided by the site "In the garden with your own hands" Tips and experience of working with your own hands in the garden.

Baking bread in the oven is not a simple, multi-step, painstaking process. The cook who has mastered it is rightfully considered an ace. Let's try and we learn this useful thing.

To bake bread at home in the oven, you need a clear plan of action. First you need to determine what kind of bread in the oven we want to see: rye bread in the oven, bread in the oven with yeast, yeast-free bread in the oven, sourdough bread in the oven, wheat bread in the oven, garlic bread in the oven, kefir bread in the oven. But the most important question is whether it will White bread in the oven or brown bread in the oven. Depending on the option chosen, the necessary products are selected, dosages are made, portions are measured.

Bread at home in the oven will turn out only when all the rules are followed. Sift flour in time, accurately heat water or milk, knead the dough correctly, etc. Bread without yeast in the oven is also possible, but it taste qualities somewhat inferior to the traditional, although its benefits are not denied by experts. The Right Recipe bread in the oven at home involves the use of yeast. Homemade bread in the oven, recipes with photos are presented on our website. Use the advice of experts, and you will get delicious bread in the oven. Let it be simple bread in the oven first. The training will do its job, and you will gradually learn how to cook bread at home in the oven. The next recipe you mastered should be homemade rye bread in the oven. It is very appetizing and fragrant, decorates any festive table. The recipe for rye bread in the oven is worth studying first. Over time, rye bread at home in the oven will become the “highlight of the program” of your holidays.

To bake bread in the oven, a recipe is required, because. the dosage of components is provided very exact. Even the simplest bread recipe in the oven consists of exact numbers and technological steps. Baking homemade bread in the oven according to strict instructions is a must.

When you learn how to make your own bread, when you are satisfied with your work called “bread in the oven”, recipes with photos should be shown to others. Will be especially helpful step by step recipes bread in the oven, as they are clear and understandable to beginners. The best way to remember how to cook bread in the oven is with a video.

People who adhere diet food, the recipe for yeast-free bread in the oven, croutons from bread in the oven will be interesting. Study our tips, train, try and you will not only know, but also teach others how to bake homebaked bread in the oven.

The taste of bread largely depends on the products, their freshness, quality, exact adherence to the recipe and dosing. Adding components "by eye" is unacceptable.

Liquid ingredients (water, milk, whey) should be warm, and flour should be sifted, because in this way the dough is enriched with oxygen.

Forms for baking bread should be filled with dough by half or two-thirds of the volume so that it has room to rise. If you bake without molds on a baking sheet, you can put a large cabbage leaf, as they did in ancient times, baking bread in ovens.

Bread should be stored in wooden bread bins, enamel pots covered with a towel or cloth. But it is better to store it in a ceramic sealed container.

Approach the preparation of bread should be with special respect, slowly. At the same time, our ancestors read prayers, asked for blessings from God, and only then they got to work.

Rye bread- a traditional addition to any dish. It can be prepared with yeast or sourdough. The base is a mixture of rye and wheat flour.


Rye bread is a collection of all black breads that are baked on the basis of rye flour. Now in the countries of the former USSR, the consumption of this product is 50% of all bakery products. This type of baking is very useful, as it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and trace elements. It contains one and a half times more iron than wheat flour products.

Features of making rye bread

You can bake bread from rye flour at home. You can use yeast or sourdough for this. The product is baked in the oven, slow cooker or bread machine. It all depends on what household appliances you have. But bread cooked in the oven is also very tasty. The only difference is in saving time.

How to make rye bread in a bread machine

In a bread machine, the dough is not only baked, but also kneaded. This device allows you not to get your hands dirty, kneading the dough, so bake delicious pastries it is much easier in it than in the oven. In addition, the time spent on washing dishes is significantly reduced.

To prepare a fragrant rye loaf, you need to add the following products to the bread machine bowl:

  • 1.5 cups of rye flour;
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • a spoon olive oil or melted margarine;
  • a glass of whey;
  • a teaspoon of cumin;
  • salt and sugar.
Load all the ingredients into the bread maker, close the lid and set the “Rye Bread” mode. Nothing more needs to be done. The technology will do everything for you. The dough preparation and baking time is 3 hours. During this time, you will get a delicious and fragrant loaf.

Initially, rye bread was prepared without the use of sourdough yeast. Now enterprises involved in baking bakery products are introducing shiver into this product. This speeds up the production time and makes the bread cheaper.

We bake rye bread at home in a slow cooker

Many people now have a multicooker at home. Housewives use this appliance for cooking not only soups and second courses, but also for baking.

To bake rye bread in a slow cooker, prepare the following products:

  • 350 g rye flour;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • coriander.
This bread is dark with a rich spicy taste. To prepare it, make a dough. Pour salt and sugar into warm milk, pour in the butter. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes. Pour the batter into the pre-sifted flour mixture. Chop a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of coriander seeds with a knife.

Pour vegetable oil on the table and knead the dough on a slippery surface. Preheat the multicooker bowl and turn off the appliance. Let the bread rise for 30 minutes. The product needs to be baked in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

The dough is tough and difficult to knead. Don't add too much flour as this will make the lump even tougher.

How to make rye flour bread in the oven

If you want to bake rye bread for the first time, prepare the dough with the addition of wheat flour. Rye dough is very capricious and does not rise well; wheat flour will help speed up the process. Mix it with rye in a 1:1 ratio.

For dough, take a glass of whey, 20 g of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar. Leave the dough in a warm place for 2 hours. Pour the liquid into 500 g of the flour mixture and add a tablespoon each of margarine and vegetable oil. Add a teaspoon of salt and minced garlic. Leave the dough to "rest" for 2 hours. Knead the mass and roll it into a ball. Flatten the ball, trying to make a thick cake. Put on proofing for 40 minutes. Bake in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes.

Despite the simplicity of the dish, it is not always possible to bake a delicious and puffed bread at home. To prevent your first roll from coming out lumpy, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. Be sure to prepare the steam.
  2. Knead the dough carefully.
  3. Put the bread in hot oven.
  4. If you want a crispy crust, drizzle with hot bread after baking. cold water and cover with a towel.
  5. Prepare a dish in a good mood.

Rye Bread Recipes

There are many ways to make rye bread. The base is usually a mixture of rye and wheat flour. Wheat flour makes the dough softer and more pliable. Ideally, rye flour bread should be prepared with sourdough, but in order to cook the dish faster, yeast is used.

Yeast rye flour bread recipe

To prepare a fragrant loaf of bread, you need to prepare the following products:
  • 300 g rye flour;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 400 ml of warm water;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Pour the yeast from the sachet into warm water, add sugar and salt. Leave the liquid container for 15 minutes. During this time, a high foamy “cap” should appear on the surface of the water. Pour into liquid sunflower oil and stir.

Sift wheat and rye flour and mix them together. Pour the yeast water into the flour mixture and stir. Knead a stiff dough. Cover it with cling film and put in a warm place for 60 minutes.

After that, knead again and put in a mold for 40 minutes. Wrap the mold with cling film. This will allow the bread to rise. Put the bread in the oven.
Estimated baking time is 40 minutes. You do not need to grease the form with anything, there is no need to cover the bread with an egg mixture.

Recipe for rye bread at home with flax seeds

Very fragrant and tasty rye bread can be cooked at home without using a bread machine and a slow cooker. To do this, you need to mix rye and wheat flour in a ratio of 2: 1. The mixture will need 600 g.

Pour a spoonful of water into an empty jar and add sugar, crumble 40 g of yeast into the resulting syrup. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. After a while, you will find a viscous air mass in the bank. Pour a glass of water into it and add a spoonful of salt. Add 50 g margarine. Pour 150 g of flax seeds into the flour mixture.

Mix liquid and dry mass. Knead a stiff dough. Leave it for 1.5 hours. Knead the lump again and put it in the mold. Let rise 40 minutes and bake in a hot oven for 50 minutes. You can use metal or Silicone forms. It is not necessary to grease them, as the rye dough does not stick to the surface during baking.

The loaf can be sprinkled with flax seeds or sesame seeds. For a crispy crust, sprinkle the bread with cold water before putting it in the oven.

Recipe for yeast-free rye bread with soda

There are several options for making rye bread without yeast. As a "lifting mechanism" use sourdough or soda. Bread is cooked on sourdough for a long time, since the nutrient mixture for raising flour requires 3 days of time.

If you urgently need bread, then use the recipe with soda. For a loaf, you will need a glass of kefir or sour milk. Mix rye flour with soda and nuts. Flour take 500 g, and nuts - 100 g,? a teaspoon of soda. Pour a little vegetable oil into kefir.

Mix liquid with flour. Knead a stiff dough. Try to do everything quickly, as the dough can settle from long storage. Place the resulting loaf in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Cover the form with foil. After the time has elapsed, remove the foil and brown the bread for another 15 minutes.

sourdough rye bread recipe

it old recipe, in which malt or a special sourdough is used instead of yeast. To prepare the starter, you need to take 100 g of flour and water. Flour is required rye. You should get a mass that is similar in viscosity to pancake dough.

Pour this mixture into a jar and leave for 2 days in a warm place. During this time, bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, and it makes noise. Add another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water to the mixture. Leave the mass for another day. Now put the starter in the refrigerator.

It can be used all at once. In this case, you will need 500 g of flour or flour mixture (rye and wheat flour in equal amounts). Pour 50 ml of ghee into the starter butter. Pour the viscous mass into the flour and knead a stiff dough. Don't forget sugar and salt.

Shape the dough into a loaf and leave it for 3-4 hours. When the bread is well suited, drizzle it with water and sprinkle with flax seeds or cumin. Bake in the oven for an hour and a half.

The sourdough recipe takes more time, but the bread is very fragrant. In addition, it does not get moldy for a very long time. There is no harm from it, like baking with yeast.

Lithuanian beer bread recipe

it unique recipe savory bread. The taste is slightly sweet. A mixture of yeast and beer is used as a baking powder. To prepare the dough, a mixture of rye and wheat flour is taken in equal proportions.


  • 500 g flour mixture (rye flour + wheat);
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of dark beer;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • egg.
Put all the ingredients in the bowl of the bread machine, and if there is a “Rye bread” mode, turn it on. Some bread makers do not have this feature. Then knead the dough in the "Pizza" or "Bread" mode. Put on proofing for 2 hours. Bake 50 minutes.

Recipe for rye bread with cheese and nuts

To bake savory bread with nuts, prepare 500 g of a mixture of rye and wheat flour for the dough. Opara is prepared from 200 ml of milk, 20 g of pressed yeast and a spoon of honey. After the “cap” liquid appears on top, add 50 g of vegetable oil and a spoonful of salt to it.

Grate the cheese, and chop the nuts in a meat grinder. For one loaf you will need 50 g of cheese and nuts. Add these ingredients to the flour mixture.

Mix dry mass and dough. knead soft dough. Leave it alone for 2 hours. Knead the dough and shape it into bread. Put the products in a warm place for an hour. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

How to make rye bread at home - see below:

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes. Experiment and choose the option that suits you best.