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Charlotte biscuit. Biscuit charlotte with apples in the oven

Charlotte has long been considered the easiest dessert to make. Anyone can make it, even the most novice cook. Even if this charlotte is biscuit.

Today we will look at the step-by-step process of preparing this interesting dish. We will learn how to make a classic biscuit charlotte with apples, and also consider different variants this dessert.

His dough is tender, fragrant, and since it does not contain either butter or margarine, it is also light. This pastry is very budgetary, because it does not require any special products or significant financial costs.

What is charlotte

This is a cake about which there is a romantic story. Allegedly in love, the chef came up with a dessert with apples and dedicated it to his lady of the heart. And her name was Charlotte. But under this name, several types of desserts are hidden.

For example, French charlotte is a kind of pudding. It is made from hard white bread, apples choux pastry. And they prepared it in the fall. After all, it was at this time that they harvested apples.

And in Russia they came up with another way to make charlotte. Although its author is still a Frenchman who was in the service of the Russian Tsar. Truth, this recipe is more of a homemade pie recipe. After all, such a charlotte is very different from the French one, and, probably, it can be called a classic biscuit on an apple pillow. But in terms of taste, it wins a lot.


For an ordinary biscuit charlotte, we do not need a lot of products. Here are the basic ones:

  • 6 eggs;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • a few apples - a maximum of 6-8;
  • half a teaspoon of soda.

If we use the indicated amount of ingredients, then we will have dessert for about 8 or even 10 servings. But these are basic products. Some recipes require the addition of vanillin, extracts, and other ingredients.

But first we will look at classic recipe. By the way, you can use a smaller number of eggs in it. But the minimum is better to take at least 4 pieces.

How to prepare apples

It would be useful to find out which kind of fruit is best suited for charlotte. For example, Russian housewives often prefer Antonovka. In any case, you need to choose firm fruits with elastic skin.

If they are soft, they will add excess moisture to the dough. It is best, according to culinary experts, to use green apples for charlotte, with a pleasant aroma.

So, we have prepared the fruits. Now we take our apples and peel them. Cut out the core and seeds. Then cut into thin slices. Some housewives practice dicing. But it is the apple slices that “give” the aroma and juice better.

Biscuit charlotte then just melts in your mouth. In addition, if you cut the apples large, they will not have time to bake and remain firm. By the way, first you need to deal with fruits, and then prepare the dough. In this case, it will not have time to settle.

Too sweet apples should not be used either. Charlotte should have a spicy sourness. Otherwise, it will come out too cloying.

If you still had to deal with sweet apples, add some sour berries. Then the taste will be very balanced. And the aroma inherent in the dessert will be preserved.

How to cook biscuit dough for charlotte with apples. Stage one: proteins

In order for the basis of our dessert to turn out, you need to follow all the necessary instructions. After all biscuit dough gentle, and therefore very capricious. As a rule, it is done on eggs. But to do perfect biscuit, we must first separate the whites from the yolks. This is the first secret of the test.

Then we start whipping the egg whites. When the mass increases in size and becomes lush, add half a glass of sugar. Let's keep beating. Now let's bring our proteins to a state that in cooking is called strong or steep peaks.

This means that if you turn the mass over, it will remain in place. Proteins should be thick, and on their surface sharp "slides" should rise. To achieve this, it is better to add a pinch of salt, lemon juice or acid to the whipping mass.

If the “sharp peaks” did not work out, then the whisks for the mixer were not very clean, or particles of yolks got into the proteins. But it happens that the hostesses simply despair in the first minutes. Therefore, advice to novice cooks - beat further until it comes out as it should.

Stage two

Now let's move on to the yolks. The recipe for biscuit charlottes indicates that they should be rubbed with a glass of sugar for several minutes. You should get a lush light foam.

Add the proteins to the resulting mass and mix very carefully. Many advise at this stage to pour in some kind of extract - vanilla or other fragrance.

Mix flour with soda, sift. Some housewives add a special baking powder for the dough. It is used instead of soda. Add flour to egg mixture. Once again, mix everything gently and even beat with a mixer. The dough should be liquid, but not very, the consistency of sour cream or soufflé. For piquancy, you can add orange or lemon zest there.


Finally, we move on to the final stage of preparing biscuit charlotte.

1. We cover the baking dish with special confectionery parchment. You can just lubricate it with vegetable or butter, at worst, margarine. You can sprinkle it with starch to remove excess moisture.

2. Put the apples there, and pour the dough on top. It needs to be leveled, distributed over all the apples.

3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. This must be done about 15 minutes before we put the charlotte there. Otherwise, the dessert will burn on top, but it will not bake from the inside.

4. We place the form with the dough in the oven. We bake for 30 minutes. But the more tender your dough, the less time it will take to cook. Therefore, if your biscuit is simply with flour and eggs, it can be ready in a quarter of an hour.

The dough should be golden brown. Since the biscuit is very delicate dessert, it is better not to open the oven during the entire process. When the dough has risen, its readiness can be checked with a match.

If it comes out dry, then you can take the mold out of the oven. In addition, your kitchen will be filled with such an aroma that all the households will eagerly gather around the table.

How to Serve Dessert

After we have described in detail the recipe for biscuit charlotte (you could see the photos of the different stages of preparation above), we will briefly dwell on how to deal with it after it has been baked. First of all, you need to remember the secrets of such a test. You don't want the cake to break into ugly pieces, do you?

Charlotte is allowed to cool slightly. To do this, leave the cake in the form in which it was baked.

Then the charlotte is covered with a dish or plate and turned over. Then the cake will remain at the bottom, and the apples, which by that time will already turn into mashed potatoes, will be at the top.

Then the cake is cut into portions. Serve charlotte on the festive table? You can flavor each serving with a scoop of creamy ice cream or sour cream. They enhance the flavor of the cake.

The cream can be prepared with a mixer from a glass of fat (at least 30%, or even better - high-quality rustic) sour cream and 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar. All this must be beaten until the mass thickens to sharp peaks.

More nutritious dough

It was said above that the classic recipe for charlotte with apples, cooked on biscuit dough, does not involve the use of butter or sour cream. But recently there have been varieties of this pastry.

For example, at the kneading stage, some housewives advise adding two or three tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise to the dough for piquancy. In other recipes, before baking, it is suggested to put pieces of butter on top and sprinkle with sugar - preferably cane, brown.

The option of making charlotte on kefir is also interesting. They say that such a dough is tastier than a regular biscuit. A glass of this product is mixed with soda and then added to whipped proteins with yolks. Sometimes grated cottage cheese is added to the dough.


There are endless debates about how to serve charlotte. Some think it needs to be sprinkled powdered sugar or drizzle with syrup. Others think it's delicious as it is.

There are many recipes for biscuit charlotte with apples. The basic instructions can be diversified with all sorts of additives. Poppy seeds, raisins or nuts are often put in apples, sprinkled with cinnamon.

There are also pieces of chocolate added inside. You can also put banana puree in the dough. If you cut the charlotte in half and grease it with some cream, you get real cake.

And you can also replace apples with peaches, pears, or make a pie from a mixture of fruits. They also offer desserts with berries - raspberries, cranberries or cherries. They acquire a unique aroma.

Charlotte can be cooked in a slow cooker, microwave or bread machine. In a word, for this dessert you just need determination, a little culinary skill and imagination.

  • Charlotte on wine
  • Charlotte on kefir

Why charlotte is called that way and not otherwise, no one will tell you for sure. There are several versions, each of which claims the right to be true. But we are not talking about that today. The subject of our interest is the recipe for this wonderful fruit pie.

Few people know that charlotte is baked with almost any berries and fruits, however classic charlotte It's a biscuit apple pie. How to cook charlotte with apples using various recipes biscuit?
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Classic Biscuit Charlotte

The recipe for a traditional biscuit is very simple. For its preparation, only eggs, flour and granulated sugar are used. And the proportions are also easy to remember. But the cooking process will require you to be careful and attentive. All in all, a simple recipe. classic biscuit very suitable for making charlotte.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup wheat flour;
  • 1-2 large apples;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.


The oven should warm up to 180-200 degrees, so turn it on in advance. Covering the baking dish parchment paper or lubricate vegetable oil and dust with flour. We make the filling in advance. To do this, wash the apples, cut them in half and cut out a hard center with seeds from them. Cut apple halves into thin slices, put them in a bowl and sprinkle. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites. We put the egg whites in the refrigerator - they will beat better chilled.

And pour the yolks into a bowl and add granulated sugar to them (the whole glass at once). Now, with the help of a mixer, beat everything into a fluffy white mass: the more thoroughly the yolks and sugar are beaten, the more magnificent the biscuit for the apple pie will turn out. Charlotte should have a uniform biscuit texture. To do this, all grains of sugar must be completely dissolved in the yolks.

After that, add the sifted flour to the yolk-sugar mixture and knead the dough. There should be enough viscous mass. Now set this mass aside and take the squirrels out of the refrigerator. Pour them into a large saucepan: the proteins will increase greatly in volume when whipped. We need to whip the egg whites into a strong fluffy foam. It is best to do this with a mixer, but you can do with a regular whisk for whipping, although this will not be so fast. The readiness of the foam is determined by a breakdown on a standing fork.

If the fork, placed in the foam, maintains a vertical position without assistance, then the proteins are ready. Another way to check if the foam is ready is to turn the pan upside down. The finished foam will not flow down the walls of the pan and fall out of it.

The next stage in the preparation of a biscuit is the introduction of proteins into the dough. This must be done very carefully, adding 1 tablespoon of proteins and each time carefully, but gently mixing the dough. We mix it, moving the spoon from the bottom of the bowl up, as if “digging up” the dough. After all the proteins have been added to the dough, you will see what a magnificent, breathable, biscuit mass you will get.

Next, lay out apple slices to the bottom of the form. The bottom of the finished cake will be its top, so you need to arrange the slices beautifully: overlap, in a circle, in several rows, but in 1 layer. Pour the biscuit dough on top of the apples, which under its own weight will spread in the form in an even layer. We put the form with charlotte in the oven and bake the pie for about 40 minutes. Readiness is checked by a test on a dry toothpick.

Remove the finished cake from the oven and leave to cool directly in the form. When the cake has cooled, invert it onto a plate so that the bottom of the cake becomes the top of the charlotte. This is easy to do: cover the form with a dish (like a sandwich) and turn it over sharply, holding the form and the dish with your hands. We put the dish on the table and remove the form. Sprinkle the top of the charlotte with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon.


The recipe for a classic biscuit allows the use of flavorings: vanilla, lemon peel, cinnamon, ginger. However, it is desirable to add only vanillin or lemon zest to the dough. Cinnamon and ginger should be mixed with the filling or sprinkled over the finished pie.

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Charlotte on wine

A rather unusual recipe for making a biscuit, which includes dry or semi-sweet white wine. You can use this recipe for a cake, and for any fruit pie. Naturally, this biscuit recipe is also suitable for charlotte with apples.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup wheat flour;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of dry white or semi-sweet wine;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder;
  • lemon juice;
  • 1-2 large apples.


We turn on the oven in advance and leave it to warm up to 150-160 degrees. Grease a baking dish (preferably detachable) with vegetable oil and dust with flour. My apples for the filling, peel and cut into quarters. Then we remove the hard core with seeds from them and cut the pulp into slices. Put the apples in a bowl and sprinkle them lemon juice.

Break the eggs into a bowl and mix them with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, and then grind until white. After that, pour vegetable oil and wine into the egg-sugar mixture and mix everything well again until the sugar is completely dissolved. Sift the flour and mix with baking powder, then add it to the dough. Gently and thoroughly mix the dough and pour it into a baking dish.

Spread the apples on top of the dough, placing the slices in a circle and slightly sinking them into the dough. Slices are best placed vertically - the convex side (the one where the peel was) up. We put the charlotte in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes. Readiness is checked by a test on a dry toothpick. To do this, stick a stick into the cake and take it out. If there is no sticky dough on the toothpick, then the cake is ready. If the dough sticks, then leave the charlotte in the oven for some more time.

We take out the finished cake from the oven, transfer it to a dish and serve it to the table. This charlotte is good both warm and cold. Especially delicious with milk.

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Charlotte on kefir

Another simple and quick recipe biscuit for charlotte. This time we will do butter biscuit on kefir. The dough is dense, so you can put more apples in such a charlotte. You can also add raisins or poppy seeds to the cake.


  • 3 raw eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 large apples;
  • a handful of raisins.


First, turn on the oven and preheat it to 180-200 degrees. Cover the baking dish with parchment paper or grease with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. Wash the raisins and roll in flour. Wash apples, peel and cut into cubes.

Of course, this recipe also involves the creation of dough. Melt butter and set aside. While the butter is cooling, beat the eggs with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar until white. Now pour kefir and melted butter into this mixture and mix everything well. Sift the flour, combine with baking powder and add to the dough, after which we mix it again.

Next, mix the dough with raisins and chopped apples and pour it into a baking dish. We level the dough, put the form in the oven and bake the charlotte for about 50 minutes. Readiness is checked by a test on a dry toothpick. We remove the finished and cooled charlotte from the mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

This is how different the recipe for charlotte with apples, properly prepared from biscuit dough. In one case, apples can be placed on the bottom of the mold, in the other, they can be laid out on top of the dough or mixed with a biscuit. Choose which recipe you like best. But most importantly, cook with pleasure. Bon appetit and success in the culinary field!

2016-06-07T05:20:04+00:00 admin baking baking [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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Everyone can cook biscuit charlotte with apples. It's simple and fast! And the aroma and amazing taste will not leave anyone indifferent and will gather the whole family and friends for tea with a pleasant conversation! Step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.

What could be easier than baking charlotte? This is a favorite cake that can be made in minutes. A soft, tender, melt-in-your-mouth pie with an interesting taste and aroma that cannot be expressed in words. There are many options for cooking charlotte: on sour cream, on fermented baked milk, on kefir, with semolina, with and without eggs ... But the simplest and most affordable recipe- airy biscuit charlotte with apples, cooked on the basis of eggs.

If you wish, you can diversify and transform pastries various additives. For example, pastries with poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, cinnamon, vanilla, orange peel. You can also put chopped banana, cocoa powder or pieces of chocolate in the dough. In addition, you can make a real cake from the finished charlotte: cut it lengthwise into two cakes and apply a cream layer. There are many options, and each time you change the fillers, you can get a new and unusual delicacy.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 295 kcal.
  • Servings - 1 Pie
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - small pinch
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Apples - 4-6 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of biscuit charlotte with apples, recipe with photo:

1. Wash and dry with paper towel. Break the shell with a knife and carefully separate the white from the yolk.

2. Pour sugar and vanilla sugar to the yolks. Beat the egg yolks with a mixer until fluffy and doubled in volume.

3. K egg mass pour the flour sifted through a fine sieve. So it will be enriched with oxygen and the cake will be more airy. Knead the dough with a mixer until smooth.

4. Add a small pinch of salt to the proteins. With clean and dry whisks, beat them until peaks and a stable white mass that doubles in volume. Make sure that water, yolk or fat do not get to the proteins. Otherwise, they will not whip up to the desired consistency.

Enter the protein mass into the dough.

5. Slowly knead the dough in one direction so that the proteins do not settle.

6. Wash and dry, remove the seed coat and peel if desired. Cut them into pieces and put them in a baking dish, which you first cover with parchment paper. Sprinkle the apples with ground cinnamon.

7. Pour the dough over the apples and twist the mold so that the dough spreads evenly over the entire area.

8. Send the biscuit charlotte with apples to a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. When the cake is golden brown, remove it from the oven. Leave it to cool in the mold, because. when hot, it is very brittle and can break. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

See also the video recipe on how to cook biscuit charlotte with an apple.

  • Article

The article presents various recipes for preparing such a dish as charlotte.

As a dessert for festive table you can use sweet charlotte. This cake will delight those who love pastries that melt in your mouth. You will spend a little time preparing for such a treat. But enjoy the meal in the circle of acquaintances and friends.

As a rule, the classic charlotte recipe is a delicate biscuit dough with apples (you will learn how to make a pie later). Some housewives do not take on such pastries, as they think that it is difficult to make airy biscuit dough. Further see tips, thanks to which you will get an incomparable charlotte:

  • Most Suitable for Pie apples- this is Antonovka. It is they that give a magnificent aroma to the dessert, and the sourness of the fruit well complements the taste of a sweet, delicate biscuit.
  • To make the dough tender and airy, cook it from the ingredients the same temperature(chilled in the refrigerator).
  • Do not beat egg whites and yolks together. First, beat the yolks with sugar, then the proteins with salt. Add all the ingredients gradually to the mixture of sugar and yolks.
  • Beat the dough in one direction only, do not change direction in any case, otherwise it may sit down.
  • The form for Charlotte must be too cold. Before placing the dough there, grease it well with butter and line it with parchment.
  • By the end of the dough preparation, the oven should already be warm. Pie it is forbidden"keep waiting" and put in a cold oven.
  • Serve charlotte for the meal warm. Sweet sour cream made from thick sour cream and powder will be appropriate when serving a dish.
Culinary advice. How to cook charlotte?

IMPORTANT: Lovers of spices and sweet aromas can experiment when making homemade pie. A small amount of spices, vanilla sugar will give the charlotte an unforgettable flavor.

At what temperature to bake charlotte in the oven?

  • As mentioned above, the cake should be placed in an already heated oven. The temperature in the oven should reach 180ºС.
  • Charlotte baking time varies. It all depends on what mode it is cooked in and in what oven or appliance.
  • In a gas oven at a temperature of 180-200ºС, the dough will be baked in 35-40 minutes. And in the microwave with convection for 38-45 minutes (it all depends on the power). In a slow cooker, the cake will be cooked in 30 minutes at a temperature of 180ºС. In a bread maker, the process can take up to one hour.

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven: a simple, delicious classic recipe step by step with a photo

Products for the cake on the form 18-24 cm:

  • 4 large eggs
  • Sugar - 160 g
  • Baking powder - 6 g
  • Flour - 135 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 6 g
  • Apples - 5 pcs.


  1. Prepare apples. Peel them from the skin, cut into pieces. Sprinkle some lemon juice over them to keep them from browning while you prepare the dough.
  2. Prepare the form. To do this, take a sheet, grease it with oil, lay parchment paper on top.
  3. Turn on the oven - let it heat up.
  4. Beat the yolks with sugar, whites with salt, combine the ingredients. Add flour to the mixture gradually, while the mixer does not turn off.
  5. Pour the baking powder, vanilla sugar.
  6. Put ripe apples on a sheet, pour the mixture on top. Place the "future" pie in the oven. Bake until fully cooked.

Charlotte - a classic recipe

IMPORTANT: When you put the cake in the oven, do not open it for the first 10-14 minutes so that the dough does not “fall”. Then you can take a closer look. If the charlotte has risen and the top is already baking, it is advisable to lower the temperature so that the middle of the pie is baked. And when the dough has not yet risen, has not browned, then feel free to raise the temperature to 200ºС.

Delicious apple charlotte on sour cream: recipe


  • Homemade sour cream - 226 g
  • Sour apples - 3-5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 175 g
  • Flour - 175 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 6 g

fast charlotte on sour cream


  1. Set the Combi mode (convection + microwaves) on the microwave to 180ºС. Let it heat up.
  2. Cut juicy apples into slices. If you like without a peel, you can peel it, and then cut the fruit.
  3. Sprinkle baking powder into sour cream. Beat eggs and sugar separately. Mix with sour cream, pour flour into the same place.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Prepare the form. Oil it, put parchment inside it.
  6. Spread aromatic apples on the bottom. Pour the mixture on top. Place in the microwave immediately.
  7. After 40-44 minutes, take out the cake.

Video: Lush Charlotte on kefir: a recipe in a slow cooker

Charlotte with apples: a recipe in a pan

A delicious dessert in a skillet can be prepared on your own if you do not have an oven.


  • Apples - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar - 6 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 135 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Baking powder - 4 g


  1. Whisk sugar and eggs thoroughly with a mixer. Gradually add flour, whisking constantly.
  2. Wash apples, peel, cut into small pieces, add sugar if they are very sour.
  3. Grease a frying pan with oil, put apples on top, fill them with dough. Put on the gas. Cover the pie with a lid. Let it simmer over low heat.
  4. After 20-23 minutes, turn it over, let it fry on the other side until fully cooked.

Charlotte with apples without eggs: microwave recipe

If the house has apples, flour, but no eggs, then don't worry, charlotte can be baked without eggs.


  • Apples - 4 pcs.
  • Kefir - 225 ml
  • Flour - 225 g
  • Semolina - 220 g
  • Sugar - 185 g
  • Butter - 85 g
  • Baking powder - 6 g


  1. cut apples
  2. Mix all ingredients and apples too
  3. Grease a baking dish with oil. Sprinkle semolina
  4. Put the dough in there
  5. Put in the microwave for 6-8 minutes
  6. Check readiness with a toothpick
  7. Serve for a meal

Charlotte with apples, cottage cheese and semolina in the oven: recipe

You will love the fragrant, sweet charlotte without flour.


  • Sugar - 185 g
  • Apples - 7 pcs.
  • Curd - 235 g
  • Semolina - 235 g
  • Butter - 75 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.


  1. cut apples
  2. Whisk the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer
  3. Add melted butter
  4. Pour cottage cheese, semolina into the dough
  5. Lay the bottom of the sheet with apples
  6. Top with dough
  7. Send the cake to the hot oven
  8. Serve warm

Biscuit charlotte with apples: recipe


  • Apples - 3-4 pcs.
  • Flour - 230 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 175 g
  • Cinnamon - 4 g
  • Butter - 45 g


  1. Put the oven on to preheat
  2. cut apples
  3. Beat the yolks, egg whites with sugar
  4. Add remaining components
  5. Grease a baking dish with oil
  6. Line the bottom with apples
  7. Fill container with batter
  8. Bake in hot oven minutes 35-40

Diet Charlotte with apples


  • Oat flakes - 75 g
  • Flour - 75 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 35 g
  • Apples - 4 pcs.
  • Vanilla


  1. Beat eggs, sugar
  2. Add flour, flakes (do not stop beating)
  3. Prepare apples - cut them
  4. Move them to an oiled sheet
  5. Fill the form with the resulting dough
  6. Bake in a hot oven until cooked

Shortcrust pastry charlotte with apples


  • Butter - 45 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 185 g
  • Sugar - 135 g
  • Baking powder - 6 g
  • Apples - 6 pcs.

shortcrust pastry. Charlotte


  1. Grate butter into flour, mix ingredients
  2. Pour the mixture into a sheet greased with parchment paper.
  3. Add sugar (50 g), baking powder there
  4. Whisk the egg with the rest of the sugar
  5. Pour into meringue sheet
  6. Place chopped apple slices on top.
  7. Put the mold in the oven
  8. Bake 35-45 minutes

Video: Charlotte with apples and honey

Charlotte on condensed milk with apples


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Condensed milk - 250 ml
  • Baking powder - 6 g
  • Apples - 6 pcs.
  • Raisins - 50 g


  1. Mix flour, eggs, condensed milk, raisins
  2. Add baking powder
  3. cut apples
  4. Arrange them nicely on the form
  5. Define the dough there
  6. Bake
  7. Serve with sour cream

Charlotte with apples and cherries


  • Flour - 185 g
  • Sugar - 135 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Apples - 5 pcs.
  • Cherries - 85 g
  • Baking powder - 6 g
  • Butter - 35 g

Pie with cherries, apples. Charlotte


  1. Mix flour, baking powder
  2. Whisk the sugar-egg mixture
  3. Connect the components
  4. Grease the sheet with oil, sprinkle with a little flour
  5. Arrange apple slices nicely on it
  6. Fill them with half of the prepared dough
  7. Put pitted cherries
  8. Pour the second part of the dough onto the sheet
  9. Place cherries on top again.
  10. Bake in a hot oven

Charlotte from ranetok apples


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Flour 155 g
  • Baking powder - 4 g
  • Milk - 25 ml
  • Ranetki — 7 pcs.
  • Powder - 6 g

Ranetok apple pie


  1. Beating the sugar-egg mass, gradually introduce flour, baking powder into the mixture
  2. Pour milk at the end
  3. Add chopped ranetki to the same
  4. And pour the dough into the sheet
  5. Bake in a hot oven
  6. Sprinkle the cake with powder before eating.

Charlotte - calories

If we count the calories of a classic pie, then the table shows that the pie weighs 1 kg It has energy value2,185 kcal. For every one hundred grams product accounted for 193 kcal.

Video: Lenten charlotte with apples is very tasty

Biscuit charlotte with apples, a dry biscuit pie made from sugar, flour and eggs in the oven. soak the dough and make it juicy.

To bake charlotte from biscuit dough for 5-6 people, you need to take a glass with a volume of 220 ml and measure with it:

  • Wheat flour - one glass;
  • Sugar - one glass;

You will also need:

  • three large or four medium eggs;
  • a spoonful of oil.
  • a teaspoon of baking soda, without a slide;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

1. Cut the apples into two halves and remove the seeds. Cut each half into pieces.

2. Beat eggs with sugar. If this is done with a whisk, it will take 5-6 minutes. If a mixer is used, beat for 30 seconds at medium speed and 30 seconds at high speed.

3. Pour flour into the sugar-egg mixture, continue beating. Whisk will have to do this for about 3 - 4 minutes, and with a mixer it is enough to beat for 1 - 2 minutes at medium speed.

4. Put soda with lemon juice into the dough and stir everything.

5. Add washed raisins and stir it.

6. Lubricate the baking dish with oil. Lay out part of the dough, then put a layer of apples, again the dough and a layer of apples, pour the rest of the dough on top.

7. Put the biscuit charlotte in a preheated oven. The temperature in it should be + 180.

8. Bake the cake for about 25 - 30 minutes. Do not open the cabinet door for the first 15 minutes. When the charlotte is ready, turn off the oven and open the door.

9. Remove the form after 15 minutes.

Transfer the apple biscuit to a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired.

Warm biscuit charlotte with apples and raisins goes well with ice cream.