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Cook perfect rice. Note to the hostess: how to cook friable rice

Rice or Saracen grain is grown in many countries, and for good reason, because different varieties rice cereals allow you to create many culinary masterpieces and simple dishes. But in order to taste qualities dishes, as well as appearance were really great, you need to understand how to cook rice, and what varieties of this wonderful cereal are suitable for a variety of dishes?

The preparatory stage is the key to success

Preparing grain before cooking comes down to washing and soaking it. These two actions remove talc from rice grains along with glucose, which process more than half of the varieties, and also make the final rice dish brighter.

You can wash the grains in two ways: using a sieve or a convenient pan. In the first case, the required amount of rice should be poured into a sieve, after which, under running water, let the grains be cleaned of talc and other debris. Or, put rice groats into a convenient saucepan, fill it cold water and stirring by hand, rinse. The liquid inside the dishes will become cloudy, so you need to repeat the action about 5 times until the water is cleared to a transparent state.

Second preparatory stage, when the rice is soaked for some time with clean water - not always necessary, but it helps to reduce the cooking time and makes the future dish more crumbly. For most varieties of rice, 30-40 minutes of "swimming" in clean water is enough. Soaking one cup of rice will require two cups of liquid. After that, the cereal will need to be washed as it was written earlier.

Important! To make a rice breakfast quickly, you should soak the grains overnight, and rinse and boil in the morning, using the recommendations below.

The relationship between grain processing method and cooking time

Grinding or refining rice is the process of removing the shell of the grain along with the germ, which allows you to extend the shelf life of the product, reduce its cost and cooking time.

To answer the question - how to cook rice correctly, you need to distinguish between its types according to the processing method:

  1. Brown or whole-grain rice is the most valuable species for the human body and experiences the least polishing. The shell, which white rice loses during processing, is saved here, so that the taste of the product remains brighter, richer and with nutty notes. The natural brownish hue of the grains is also preserved. Rice with whole grain cooks longer, cooking time lasts 35-45 minutes. The finished side dish comes out crumbly, healthy with a bunch of vitamins.
  2. White or polished rice is the most famous type of rice grain, which in appearance is smooth, translucent, white, with different grain shapes. Intensive processing deprives this type of many macro and microelements, but it prolongs its shelf life. The cooking time of such rice groats will save the time of housewives, decreasing to 15 minutes.
  3. Steamed rice - this type of grain undergoes a special steam treatment, drying, and then only polishing. This method gives the grains a slightly golden hue, at the same time, it allows you to save a fundamental part of the micronutrients and fiber inside the product, but when compared with a whole grain of rice, it is still less useful. To cook steamed rice correctly, you need to take the following steps - rinse the grains well, and then pour them into a deep saucepan and cook for 25 minutes under a closed lid.

Two Solutions - How to Boil Fluffy Rice

The most acceptable for making appetizing and crumbly rice dishes are two varieties - basmati or jasmine, but regular steamed rice is also suitable. In both cases, the grains must be filled with liquid (vegetable broth or water), which is taken twice as much as the grains. Calculation for one serving plate - 60 g of grain.

The first option for getting food with crumbly rice is very simple: you will need to pour the already prepared washed cereal into the pan, pour it with cold water, and then cook it under the lid, pinpointing 5-8 minutes. It is not worth interfering with the future food. At the end of cooking, it is useful to add sesame or butter to the rice.

The second option will be more difficult, a frying pan with a tight-fitting lid is useful for it, as well as more time for the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to measure the amount of cereal for the planned dish. After sending it to the pan or ladle - soak for 15 minutes to release the starch. Next, the rice will need to be washed, and then discard the grains on a sieve to dry.
  2. Place the pan on the fire to warm up, add 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil. Let it warm up for 2-3 minutes, after that you need to put the rice peeled from starches there and stir it. Ideally, each grain should be bought in oil.
  3. Add warmed broth to rice cereal or warm water pour a teaspoon of salt into it. Using a spatula, knead the future dish once, but no more.
  4. Cover the skillet with a lid. Turn off the fire. Record the cooking time: for white rice groats - 15-20 minutes, and brown - 40-50.
  5. When the time is up, turn off the fire, but do not touch the lid. It is necessary to wrap the dish with the dish with a towel and let the grits steam for a few more minutes.

Important! In order to decorate the dish with an appetizing golden hue, you need to add 1 teaspoon of red turmeric to rice during cooking. If you throw 1-2 cloves of unpeeled garlic into a frying pan or pan, the dish will acquire new shades of taste.

How to cook perfect rice - little tricks

Within the territory of different countries rice is used as a main meal or as a hearty side dish, and also as a base for many salads or toppings in pastries. What kind of rice will be after the end of cooking - crumbly or sticky, depends not only on the type of cereal, but also on the exact actions at all stages of cooking:

  • To get fluffy, appetizing rice, stirring must be avoided throughout cooking. If the rice porridge is viscous, then this rule can be neglected.
  • The most optimal utensils for cooking rice dishes are thick-walled pans or pans made of glass, metal, and also with a Teflon coating. The most inappropriate will be enameled utensils.
  • When planning lunch or dinner, it is important to remember that cooked rice, compared to dry or original, increases in size by about 3 times. One cup of rice grains is enough for three full servings. The proportion of basic ingredients is 1 cup of cereal to 2 cups of water.

It should be noted that red, black and wild rice have a harder type of grains, so many housewives are wondering how and how much to cook rice of these varieties? Wild and other rice with dark grains should be poured with water, then left for at least 3 hours, then washed, sent to the pan, put the future dish on the fire and let it boil for 40-45 minutes. Due to the long boiling, the liquid evaporates quickly, so you need to add another glass of liquid, i.e., the initial proportion should be 1:3.

How to cook rice in the microwave?

Washed rice should be put in a microwave-safe dish, observing the ratio: 1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water. In advance, you need to add a teaspoon of salt to the water in combination with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. After, cover the container with cereals with a lid and put the future food in the microwave.

The next step is to set the oven power - you need to select 700 W and set the timer for 5 minutes, after the indicated time, reduce the power to 500 W, the subsequent cooking time will take 10-15 minutes. After the oven is completely turned off, the rice groats do not need to be removed for another 10 minutes. Add your favorite oil to the resulting dish.

Important! Wild and brown varieties of rice take longer to cook this way, so there should be 0.5 cup more liquid. Cooking time at 500W lasts 35 minutes.

Delicate milk-based rice porridge

How to cook rice so that children eat it with pleasure? Prepare your next food basket and cook with love.

  1. rice grains - 1 cup;
  2. milk - 4 cups;
  3. honey or favorite sweetener - 1 - 1.5 tablespoons;
  4. butter (or coconut oil) - 1 tablespoon;
  5. salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  6. vanilla - ¼ teaspoon.

Put the prepared washed rice into a convenient saucepan with water already boiling (we take 2 cups of liquid). Let the food warm under the lid for 10-12 minutes using medium heat. After that, rinse the grains with warm water using a sieve.

Next, you need to take a saucepan of a suitable volume, pour a quarter cup of clean water on its bottom, add milk there, send it to the fire. Cover the dish with a lid. As you see that the milk begins to boil, you need to put the already boiled rice into the pan.

We cook the future porridge over medium heat, marking 20 minutes, and we are not afraid to stir it - this will make the dish creamy, which children love. Add sweetener, salt, vanilla and butter.

A tender dish is ready, you can sprinkle it with fragrant coconut flakes.

Sticky rice for sushi

How to cook rice for a Japanese snack so that the filling keeps its shape inside the nori sheet? For sushi, you should choose round-grain rice groats, which will stick together due to starch. However, Japanese rice stuffing you need to prepare exactly:

  1. We prepare the cereal before cooking, cleaning it under cold water about 4-5 times. We recline the washed rice on a sieve, where it will dry out a little.
  2. At the bottom of a deep pan, where the base for sushi will be prepared, we line the foil. Rice groats should be in a nest of foil - this will not allow the groats to burn.
  3. Fill the cereal with fresh water (for 200 g of rice grains we take 250 ml of water). Cover the pot with a lid and put it on high heat. Seeing a boil, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum, and then cook the cereal for another 10 minutes. Let the rice cook in the hot pot for another 15 minutes.
  4. While the cereal is steaming, prepare the sauce. It is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of rice (or wine) vinegar into a container, add 1 standard tablespoon of ordinary salt and ½ teaspoon of sugar to it. Mix everything well so that the salt and sugar completely melt in the vinegar.
  5. Put the finished rice groats in a bowl, preferably made of wood, and pour the sauce on top. Carefully mix the future filling with a wooden spoon or spatula. The movements should not be in a circle, but from the bottom up, as if shifting the cereal from the bottom of the bowl to the top. Let's cool down.

Important! When rice grains for sushi are boiled, the pan must not be disturbed, much less opened.

Delicious rice recipe "Vegetable platter"

1 cup basmati or jasmine rice 2 cups water or favorite vegetable broth ½ cup dark lentils 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 medium onion 2-3 cloves peeled garlic juicy carrot- 1 pc., peeled tomatoes - 2 pcs., bell pepper- 1 pc., dried or fresh porcini mushrooms (can be replaced with champignons) - 8-10 pcs., zira or caraway seeds - ½ tsp, turmeric - ½ tsp, salt and pepper - to taste.

Pour washed rice with lentils with water (leave in it for 1 hour), then rinse again. Next, you need to transfer the grains with beans to a sieve so that they dry out. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, olive or sesame oil is better, add onion and garlic to it and sauté over medium heat for 2-4 minutes. We add vegetables, mushrooms, cereals with lentils there. To "acquaint" all the components, they need to be mixed, heating everything for 3-5 minutes under the lid.

Next, you need to add water or broth, salt, pepper and the remaining spices to the future dish. Cover with a lid, and then measure the cooking time - about 20-25 minutes, screwing the fire to a minimum. Turn off the oven and let the dish steam for another 10-15 minutes. This crumbly rice with vegetables it is better to serve hot, as a decoration, you can sprinkle green onions on top.

Important! Powder ready meal Parmesan or other hard cheese, and top with a little crushed lemon or orange zest. Eventually get cooking masterpiece with an enticing scent.

Unusual recipe "Wild Rice with Nuts and Cranberries"

1 cup rice, wild or red varieties (fill with water for 3 hours before cooking), 3 cups water or pumpkin broth, Orange juice- 1 cup, (cut into pieces) - 4 tablespoons, a mixture of chopped almonds and hazelnuts - 4 tablespoons, leeks (light part) - 2 stalks, salt - 0.5 tablespoons, ground pepper- ¼ teaspoon, olive or butter - 2 tablespoons.

After washing, put a glass of rice in a suitable pan, pour it with 2.5 cups of broth or water, add salt and cook over medium heat until boiling, then reduce heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 40-45 minutes. Pour the finished cereal into a sieve, where it should dry.

In a frying pan with a thickened bottom, add butter, chopped leek stalk and sauté for 2-3 minutes. After, add ready-made wild rice, orange juice to the passivation, and do not be afraid to mix everything 1-2 times. As soon as the juice is reduced by half, turn off the fire.

Last but not least, you need to add nuts, cranberries, peppers to the rice. Cover the dish with a tight lid and wait 5-10 minutes for everything to be saturated with aromas. It will turn out crumbly rice with a citrus aroma.

A balanced diet undoubtedly includes a product such as rice, each variety of which has its own advantages and benefits the body. Surprise loved ones by preparing rice cereal, following the above recommendations.

Greetings, my dear readers! It has been noticed that many housewives rarely cook rice side dish. I will not hide that he is capricious. Either the grains turn into sticky porridge, or they are undercooked. If you have experienced such misfortunes, do not despair. Fluffy rice for a side dish is easier to make than you think. Today's article, which contains simple and delicious recipes, will help make sure of this.

By the way, this cereal is not simple. The dish can be prepared sweet (like Japanese desserts). Or boil and mix with spicy sauces- and it will turn out to be a completely different dish. This is an amazing side dish. It is served with meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables. In general, there are many options for every taste.

The main secret of a deliciously prepared dish is the right product. This, I tell you, is real science. We have already considered some varieties of rice when we cooked. Loose varieties of "basmati", "devzira" or "jasmine" are perfect not only for pilaf, but also for a side dish.

Before buying, carefully look at the packaging. The manufacturer, who has nothing to hide, as a rule, delivers his product in a transparent film or in a cardboard box with a “window” through which you can look inside. Be sure to check the contents of the package. If there are a lot of chipped and half-grained rice, you do not need to take this product. It will not make a crumbly side dish. And yet, white as chalk, unripe grains. They are very fragile and break apart a lot.

A saucepan, as for any cereal, must be taken not enameled. Because if the porridge burns in it, then it will not be easy to wash it. Any metal or heat-resistant glass will do. Of course, you can boil not only in a saucepan. For this, a slow cooker or a frying pan can be used.

Recipe for friable rice for a side dish in a slow cooker

If you have an assistant "Redmond", "Polaris" or a unit of another brand, consider yourself very lucky. Cooking goodies with such kitchen appliances is very simple. And most importantly - the result will exceed your expectations. But, provided that you follow all the instructions that the recipe below contains.

I advise you to take a variety of rice "Basmati". It always turns out very tasty, and the rice crumbles.

The grains have an oblong shape and when cooked they lengthen even more.

What you need:

  • Basmati - 1 measuring cup
  • Water - 2.5 measuring cups
  • Butter - 65-70 g
  • Salt - to taste


1. Pour the thoroughly washed grains into the multicooker bowl. And fill it clean drinking water. Please note that the added liquid is cool.

2. Salt to taste and mix everything with a special spatula. Add a piece of butter here. We cover the lid and set the “Groats” mode on the unit.

If your multicooker does not have such a program, it does not matter. Take a close look at the control panel. Perhaps there is a “Porridge” or even “Rice” mode.

3. Set the time to 35-40 minutes. And press "Start".

4. After the signal, turn off the device and mix the contents of the bowl.

For a note: the dish is cooked in a slow cooker for only 20 minutes. The rest of the time is only on heating, which allows the grains to reach the desired condition.

5. We shift the side dish into portioned plates and serve this one on the table. With meat, fish or cutlets with gravy there will be excellent yummy.

Garnish for fish with onions and carrots

You can cook rice with carrots and onions different ways. For example, in a pan or in a cauldron (on the stove) or in the oven. Yes, and a multicooker for these purposes, too, will fit.

By the way, you can add raw vegetables to cereals, and only then cook everything together. Or you can boil the rice first, then make a fry, which is then mixed with boiled garnish. It all depends on your desire. But as a guide, I offer my step by step recipe.


  • Jasmine or other long grain variety - 1 multi-cup
  • Bulb - 1 root vegetable
  • Water - a little more than a liter
  • Carrots - 3 small pieces
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Melted butter - 70 g
  • Spices - to taste

How to cook:

1. We clean and wash vegetables. Cut the onion into quarter rings. Grate the carrots Korean grater or cut it with a knife into thin strips.

2. Put the pan on the stove. If you have thin aluminum cookware, set it aside immediately. This metal is not able to accumulate heat, so it will not be able to evenly heat the product. Another thing is a thick-bottomed frying pan.

3. In a slightly heated bowl, add 50 g of melted butter.

If there is no melted house, you can replace it with refined vegetable oil.

4. We send the chopped onion into the hot fat and fry it until light golden brown. Pour the carrot straw here. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer its contents over low heat for about 10 minutes.

5. Pour rice into a bowl and rinse intensively with running cold water. This step is very important. How better product the less time you will spend on this procedure. For the premium variety, 3-4 washes are enough. But in order to wash off dirt and other impurities from cheap varieties, water will have to be drained 8-10 times.

Focus on the fact that the last drained liquid should be transparent.

6. Pour the grains to the vegetables. Pour boiling water over all this and carefully level it. If necessary, add more liquid. It should cover the other ingredients by 1 cm. Add 10-20 g of melted butter there. As well as salt, pepper and spices that you consider suitable for fish and rice.

7. Increase the fire to the maximum and wait until the water boils. Next, cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the flame of fire to a small one and leave for 20-25 minutes.

Then turn off and let the rice stand for another 5-7 minutes under a closed lid. Transfer to a serving plate and serve rice as a side dish with fried or stewed fish.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking in a pan

This option is interesting in that we will fry the cereal here. Haven't heard of this method? So here it is. Here is a step-by-step recipe for rice in a pan.

Any variety available to you can be used to make this side dish. Believe me, everything will work out the first time. It will come out delicious, beautiful and fragrant. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rice - glass
  • Vegetable oil (preferably refined) - 3 tablespoons
  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon
  • Paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • Fine salt - to taste
  • Water - 2 glasses

How to weld:

Rinse the groats thoroughly until the flowing water becomes clear.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat thoroughly. Then reduce the heat to medium.

Put the washed rice in the pan and mix with the oil.

When the grains interact with hot oil, they will begin to become cloudy. Don't be scared! Continue frying and you will see that the rice will soon brighten again.

We enrich the composition with spices and salt. In the photo you can see that our rice has become a beautiful, golden color from turmeric. Mix the ingredients and pour cold water here.

Let the rice boil without a lid until almost all the liquid has evaporated.

We reduce the flame of fire to the smallest and cover the pan with a lid. Continue frying for another 20 minutes.

We remove the dishes from the stove. And let the side dish stand for another 7-8 minutes under the lid. That's all and it's ready: serve it on the table.

How to cook delicious round grain rice

It is generally accepted that round grain cereals are not the best option for crumbly garnish. They are often used for cooking soups, puddings and cereals. However, this one-sided approach is somewhat unfair. Well, first of all, you can’t lump everyone under the same brush. And, secondly, if you cook wisely, the dish will turn out to be excellent in taste and the grains will not stick together.

Do you want to learn how to cook round-grain rice for a side dish so that it is tasty and crumbly? Then be sure to watch this video.

By the way, you can cook this product in a slow cooker. In this case, I advise you to cook cereals with garlic and water. Cooking time with the program "Porridge" - 30 minutes. And after the beep, remove the clove: it has already given up all its flavor. Pour some olive oil and stir gently.

Garnish with vegetables for meatballs

You can use any rice you like for this dish. However, do not rush to fill the cereal with water. Make sure the kernels are not yellowed.

If yellowness is still visible, discard such a product.

Boiling it and subsequently eating it is dangerous to health. The fact is that the yellowness on the grains is a sign that they were stored in conditions of high humidity before packaging. On the nucleoli, fungi managed to start up, which developed harmful microtoxins.

Figured it out with rice. As for vegetables, the choice is huge. It can be onions, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, green pea and so on. In general, experiment, and then unsubscribe in the comments about the results of your discoveries. I present to your attention next recipe with delicious photos:

  • Rice - 1 cup
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 fruit
  • Zucchini - half a fruit
  • Carrots - 1-2 pieces
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
  • Red and black pepper - a little
  • Turmeric, paprika, crushed coriander and dried mint to taste
  • Salt - a couple of teaspoons
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Green onions - a couple of feathers

How will we cook:

1. Peel onions, carrots and garlic. We remove the stalk and seeds from the pepper, and also cut off the protruding tail from the zucchini. Rinse everything and pat dry. Onion, zucchini and pepper cut into small cubes. We rub the carrots on a regular grater, and chop the garlic cloves into slices.

2. Warm up the pan with two tablespoons of oil. Add the onion to this and fry it until it becomes light golden. We send carrots to it and continue to fry for 3 minutes.

3. Add pepper, zucchini and garlic there. Mix everything and remove the bowl from the stove.

4. Pour the remaining oil into a clean frying pan, heat it up and add spices here. They should fry within a minute. Thanks to this heat treatment, they give the oil their aromas as much as possible.

5. Wash the rice well. We discard it in a colander to remove excess liquid. Add it to the oil with spices, Fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring it very intensively. We combine rice and vegetables, mix everything and level it.

6. Add salt to hot water and mix. Pour this solution into the pan.

Remember: in order to cook crumbly cereals, in no case should it interfere! Otherwise, you will just get a viscous sticky mass. You can mix a ready-made garnish.

7. Cover the bowl with a lid, reduce the heat to low and allow the grains with vegetables to reach readiness. This may take up to 20 minutes.

Put on a plate and sprinkle with chopped green onions. Serve vegetables and rice with meatballs. It is desirable that the temperature of the side dish and cutlets be the same. If one is hot and the other is cold, you will not be able to appreciate the taste of the food.

Parboiled rice in a pot

I noticed that there is an opinion that steamed cereals cook faster. Where this confidence comes from is unclear. Only such a point of view, I tell you, is not substantiated by anything. Such rice is being prepared for half an hour, or even more. Approximately the same as, for example, the same Basmati. However, this product also has significant advantages. So, it has an amazing nutty flavor and does not stick together even after repeated heating.

As for the utensils for cooking, here I immediately want to put all the dots on the “and”. Enameled pots rice is not suitable. In them, the grains stick together during heat treatment. In addition, after such a dinner, you still have to scrape off burnt grains from the walls and bottom of the container for a long time. Bad prospect, right?

To avoid such disappointment when preparing a side dish, carefully follow the instructions from the simple and quick recipe below.

What products are needed:

  • Parboiled rice - 1 cup
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Fine salt - 1 teaspoon

We cook a side dish:

We wash the grains many times. Focus on the fact that clean water should drain. After we recline in a colander to get rid of excess liquid.

If time permits, I advise you to soak the rice. To do this, fill it with cold water and leave it for a couple of hours, and then rinse it several times. This procedure will help speed up the process of cooking cereals.

Fill the cereal with water, put the pan on the stove. Cover the container with a lid and bring its contents to a boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, add oil and salt.

Cook on the smallest fire for 20 minutes. Optionally, you can add any seasonings and spices.

We shift the side dish to a plate and serve with any meat, fish or vegetable dishes.

Brown rice is the healthiest. It is also known as brown. However, such cereals are much more expensive than the usual white ones. And yet, in order to cook it correctly, you need to know some subtleties.

Firstly, the product must be soaked (it is desirable to withstand it from 5 to 8 hours). Secondly, it will take at least half an hour, or even an hour, to cook "needles".

But it's all worth it: as a result, you will cook delicious fragrant garnish, containing a huge variety of useful vitamins and mineral compounds.

You can also experiment with spices. Traditionally, the liquid in which the cereal is boiled is salted. But why not add a couple of laurels, a few black peppercorns? It'll come out amazing. Love spices? Then throw in some rosemary or a pinch of other dried herbs.

To enrich the taste of the side dish, you can cook it on the broth. Suitable for both vegetables and meat. The easiest way is to add a diluted bouillon cube to hot water.

Only in this case, be careful with salt, otherwise you will oversalt.

If you want the rice to turn white, add milk to the water while boiling it. Focus on a 1 to 1 ratio.

But if desired, the dish can be tinted. Saffron, turmeric or curry will come to the rescue in this. This is the kind of rice served in Thailand and India.

Agree that it is important not only to cook a tasty side dish, but also to serve it beautifully. There are many options, I will share only a few options:

  1. You can pack a small amount of porridge (based on 1 person) into a round bowl and turn it over onto a serving plate. Decorate the rice “hill” with sprigs of greenery on top, and place a piece of meat, fish or a cutlet next to it.
  2. Lay the boiled cereals in a slide, sprinkle with hard cheese grated on a coarse grater or pour sauce, say garlic or tomato.

I am sure that today's tips on how to cook rice for a side dish will help you not to get confused when you face such a task. The food will be great. And in order not to lose recipes, click on the buttons of social networks.

I wish you culinary inspiration and say goodbye to the next sweets! Bye Bye.

Rice is used to prepare first, second and sweet dishes, fillings and side dishes. Before cooking, rice must be poured into a strainer, turn on cold water and rinse it thoroughly. To cook boiled rice, it must be poured into cold water. If you pour rice into a pot of boiling and salted water, the grains will remain intact.

Pour cold water into an unenamelled bowl, following the proportion: 1 cup of rice - 2 cups of water. Adhering to this proportion, you can no longer wonder - "how to cook rice correctly."

Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil. After that, salt, add the rice itself and seasonings. Cook over low heat with the lid closed until the water has completely boiled away. The rice does not need to be stirred during the cooking process.

How long to cook rice

As soon as the water in the pan evaporates completely, then the rice is ready. By the time rice is cooked for 15-20 minutes. Then, we shift the rice into a colander, let the excess water drain, and transfer to a dish.
In the soup, rice should be boiled for 20 minutes.

The energy value of boiled rice is not high. Its calorie content is 140 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calorie content of white rice, not boiled, per 100 grams - 323 kcal.

  • 1. When cooked, rice increases in volume three times.
  • 2. Before cooking in cold water, you can add one tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • 3. 1 tablespoon of salt is added to one glass of rice.
  • 4. For cooking stuffed peppers rice must first be boiled for 7 minutes.
  • 5. Salt and add seasonings before cooking.
  • 6. One cup of rice is enough for four servings.
  • 7. Ready rice is stored in the refrigerator covered with a lid for 3-4 days.
  • 8. More useful rice considered unpolished, since most of the vitamins and amino acids are contained in the very shell of rice grains.

There are the following varieties of rice:

1. Polished - this is a hulled grain of rice with a rough surface and a whole kernel, which has been processed using grinding technology.

2. Polished - grains of vitreous rice processed with a special machine, having a whole kernel and a smooth and shiny surface.

3. Crushed is a by-product obtained during the processing of rice grains.

1. Long grain rice. The grains of such rice are thin and long, well suited for meat and fish.

2. Medium grain rice. Grains of this type of rice are up to half a centimeter long and have an oval shape, well suited for adding to soups and making risotto.
3. Round grain rice. Rice with round grains.

By color, rice is divided into:

  • 1. White rice - during the processing of which useful material kept to a minimum.
  • 2. Brown rice - grains of this color are considered the most useful.
  • 3. Black rice - wild rice, the grains of which are elongated.

How to cook rice in a steamer

The cooking time of rice in a double boiler is not much different from conventional way cooking, while the finished rice retains more nutrients. The first step is to wash the rice and put it in a colander. When water drains from the cereal, put it in a double boiler. Pour in water at a ratio of 1 cup of rice to 1 cup of water. Add salt and spices. Cook the rice in a double boiler for 35 minutes, then transfer it to plates and serve.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

A slow cooker greatly simplifies a person's life, while food prepared in this way turns out to be tastier and most useful. To cook rice in a slow cooker, first rinse the rice with plenty of water. Put it in a slow cooker and add boiling water (Proportions: 3 multi-glasses of rice - 5 multi-glasses of water). Salt the rice, add oil and set the mode to "Buckwheat" or "Rice". Cook until the beep is ready. Then spread the cooked rice on plates.

Rice in the microwave is no less healthy and tasty than rice cooked in a different way. Rinse rice. Place the rice in a microwave-safe bowl. Add salted water (boiling water) in the proportion: for 1 cup of rice - 2 cups of water. Close the lid on the rice bowl. Put in the microwave and set the power: 700-800 watts.
Cook the rice in the microwave for 18 minutes. Stir the rice with a spoon every 5 minutes. When the rice is ready, leave it in the microwave for 15-20 minutes to infuse.

How to cook rice in a pan

We put the pan on the fire, pour in water and add salt. Pour the rice in proportion (1 tbsp cereal - 2 tbsp water). Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and cook over medium heat, with a closed lid for 15 minutes after the water in the pan boils.

Rice is a universal cereal, it serves as a side dish, is one of the components of the first and second courses, but what can be cooked from rice?

Rice milk porridge

Since childhood, we all love rice milk porridge, which is loved by both small children and adults. Its preparation does not require special culinary skills, and the combination of rice and milk is very tasty and healthy. The best way to cook rice porridge for breakfast, then it will energize you for the whole day. So if you are ready to try cooking rice porridge, see if you have all the ingredients you need to cook:

  • 1. Rice - 1 cup
  • 2. Milk - 4 cups
  • 3. Egg yolk - 1 piece
  • 4. Sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • 5. Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • 6. Salt - to taste

Proportions of rice: for 1 cup of cereal - 2 cups of water.

How to cook rice milk porridge

Rinse the cereal with warm water. Get a pot of water and put it on fire. Boil. Place rice in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. After that, put the rice on a sieve and give a little time to drain the excess water.

Pour milk into a small saucepan and put on fire. Transfer rice to another pan, pour hot milk over it and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then add salt, sugar, cover the saucepan with a lid and put it in the oven for a few minutes. Transfer rice milk porridge to a dish, season with yolk and butter. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook rice with raisins

Highly delicious recipe cooking rice with dried fruits, which will especially appeal to little sweet-toothed children. What is needed for this:

  • 1. Rice - 300 grams
  • 2. Raisins - 40 grams
  • 3. Water - 800 ml (rice must be completely covered with water)
  • 4. Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • 5. Sugar and salt - to taste

Rinse the cereal with water and transfer to a saucepan. Add raisins and salt. Pour in water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, cover with a lid and make a quiet fire.

Cook for 15-20 minutes until the water is completely boiled away. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add sugar and butter. Then, arrange on plates and eat with pleasure. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook rice proportions step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand step by step process cooking.

Rice side dish - very tasty, fast and healthy! This makes rice a favorite accompaniment to a large number dishes, as well as incredible delicious salads, casseroles and soups. That is why, most culinary specialists are interested, it is enough to know only a few very simple but effective recipes.

As a side dish, it can be prepared in many ways. Boil with spices or add various herbs, fry in a pan with various other ingredients. If a person wants to cook a delicious dish, then boiled rice with vegetables will be the perfect side dish.

Most people simply do not know that it will turn out crumbly, tender and save the beneficial substances that make up its composition. Now let's study together.

For successful cooking, you must have the following components:

  • Sunflower oil.
  • Water.
  • Salt.
  • A few garlic cloves.


  1. It is necessary to take the garlic and make 2 small cuts from different sides. And fry it in a pan until a faint golden crust. After that, you need to pull out the garlic and add rice to the resulting garlic oil. You need to clean it in advance and remove all debris and spoiled grains.
  2. The process of frying rice begins until it acquires a transparent color. After a few minutes, it must be filled with water, namely 1 cup of rice per 2 water. These proportions must be observed.
  3. Rice begins to cook for about 15-20 minutes, the fire is medium. After all the liquid has evaporated, it must be removed from the gas and held for a while under a closed lid. All this is fast, tasty and healthy.

The following side dish rice recipe is very popular. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it will be prepared with the addition of vegetables. The following ingredients are required for the dish:

  • Long grain rice - 1 cup
  • Onion.
  • Carrot.
  • Salt.
  • A few cloves of garlic.


  1. You need to start by peeling carrots and onions, after which they need to be finely chopped. Heat up a frying pan and fry them until golden brown. Then add finely chopped garlic and mix, fry for a couple of minutes.
  2. Add rice there, fry for a few minutes and add a couple of glasses of water. Bring to a boil over high heat.
  3. Add pepper and salt to taste, reduce heat to the lowest possible. Leave the rice to steam until fully cooked. You can add some water if needed. Then you need to let the rice brew for about 10 minutes. This completes the recipe, the dish should turn out very tasty and will be to the liking of any of the family members.

The following rice recipe is perfect for fish. For this you need:

  • 3 tomatoes.
  • Rice is a glass.
  • Corn.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, herbs and ground pepper to taste.


  1. Rice should be washed and boiled.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic, fry in a pan with oil until golden brown.
  3. Add corn and fry for about 5 minutes.
  4. Chop the tomatoes into cubes and add along with chopped herbs.
  5. Pepper and add salt to taste, you can add other spices and mix. Garnish for fish is ready!

Cooking with the multicooker is a real pleasure. With it, even the most inexperienced cooks are able to succeed in cooking. delicious meals. Below is a recipe and small cooking tips that will help proper cooking rice without significant difficulties.

Most cereals have health benefits and rice is no exception. Thanks to the multicooker, all its benefits will be preserved. Let's learn how to cook this dish healthy and crumbly.

  • 2 tbsp. water.
  • 1 st. rice.
  • Salt and turmeric.


  1. Rice should be thoroughly washed from various debris, to a state of clear and clean water.
  2. We put it in the bowl of the device and fill it with water, salt to taste.
  3. Next, select the “Rice” mode and wait until it is cooked.
  4. In the resulting rice, you can add a piece of butter for flavor.

There are absolutely no difficulties in cooking, the most important thing is to know the proportions.

How to boil rice for a tasty side dish video

To prepare the next side dish, we again need the help of a multicooker. However, the recipe will be noticeably different and is more complex than the previous one.

For this we need:

  • A couple of small carrots.
  • 5 small onions or 1 large.
  • A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 320 g rice or 2 multicooker measuring bowls.


  1. Pour two measuring bowls of rice into a dish that is convenient for washing and rinse (drain the water 5 times).
  2. Chop the vegetables, dice the onion, and the carrots into strips.
  3. Add oil, add carrots.
  4. Select the frying mode on the steamer.
  5. Fry the carrots, stirring several times, add the onions and fry together with the carrots.
  6. Add rice and pour water in proportions of 1 to 2.
  7. Set the steamer to "Rice" mode.
  8. Add salt to taste and sprinkle with turmeric.

Everything is ready, bon appetit!

Do you now understand how to boil rice for a delicious side dish? Do you also cook rice in a slow cooker? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

How to cook rice so that it turns out friable? FROM the right recipe even a child can achieve the “grain to grain” effect. Today we will talk about 3 ways to cook rice. Click on the one you need to go directly to reading the method of interest. Or continue reading in order.

No more toasted crust, no more sticky porridge or undercooked grains. Only delicious and crumbly rice! Just relax and follow our step by step instructions.

Method 1. Basic

This method is suitable for cooking regular long-grain and medium-grain rice. Our "formula" is a little different from most recipes on the Internet, but trust me, it really works if you follow all the directions exactly.

  • So, for example, we cooked the cheapest long-grain rice that we could find in the store, and used an ordinary thin-bottomed aluminum pan. The result is great!

You will need (for 3 servings): 1 cup rice, 1.5 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a stick of butter.

  1. While the water is heating, rinse the rice with cold running water, stirring it with your hands for about 10-15 minutes, i.e. until the water becomes clear. This will remove the starch that turns the side dish into rice porridge.

  1. As soon as the water in the pan boils, transfer the washed rice into it, level it with a spoon, and add salt. Next, reduce the heat to the very minimum (!) and close the pan with a lid. How long should rice be cooked? No more than 18-20 minutes, that is, until the water has completely evaporated.

While cooking rice, DO NOT: a) stir it and b) open the lid of the pot.

  1. Remove the rice from the heat and keep it in the saucepan with the lid closed for another 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the lid, add a piece of butter to the rice, stir and serve. Enjoy your meal!


  • Brown rice can be cooked in the same way, but by increasing the cooking time to 35 minutes, and the "bath" time to 15 minutes. At the same time, you need to take 2 times more water than cereals.
  • To cook the most capricious round rice, use the same method, but reduce the amount of water (for 1 cup of rice, take 1 full + another 1/3 cup of water) and reduce the cooking time to 15-16 minutes.
  • Steamed rice is the easiest to cook: it is enough to wash it once and not waste time on the “bath” (stage 4). True, the taste of steamed rice is less expressive.
  • Instead of rinsing the rice under running water, you can soak it in a deep bowl with at least three waters, ideally 7 waters.

Method 2. With frying in oil (“pilaf method”)

Any variety of rice cooked using this method is so tasty that it can be eaten without any additives! The recipe is especially well suited for cooking aromatic varieties - basmati and jasmine.

You will need: 1 cup rice, 0.5 tablespoons salt, 1 tbsp. l oil (butter, olive or vegetable), water.

  1. Rinse the rice for 10-15 minutes under the tap or soak in 7 waters to remove excess starch from it.

  1. Bring water to a boil in a kettle or saucepan. How much water do you need? For basmati, use 2 cups of water to 1 cup of grits, for jasmine and regular medium to long grain varieties, use 1.5 cups of water to 1 cup of grits.
  2. Heat oil in a deep skillet or heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat until lightly sizzling. Then shift the rice, salt it and mix. Continue frying the rice for about 2 minutes, until the water left after washing evaporates and dissolves in the oil, and a starchy film appears on the bottom of the dish. Do not forget to constantly stir the cereal.

  1. Gently pour rice with boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cooking time for rice should be 18-20 minutes (until the water is completely absorbed).

  1. Remove the rice from the heat and hold it without opening the lid for another 10 minutes. Now it remains only to stir the dish and serve.

Method 3. "Pasta method" for brown rice

Brown rice can be cooked in the same way as described in method 1, but the easiest way to do this is using the “pasta method”.

Ingredients (for 3 servings): 1 cup rice, 8 cups water, ½ teaspoon salt and a stick of butter.

  1. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil (with the lid on).

  1. While the water is heating, rinse the rice with cold running water, stirring it with your hands for about 10 minutes, i.e. until the water becomes clear. So you remove the starch, due to which the cereal sticks together during cooking.

  1. Add rice to boiling water, stir it, and cook for 33 to 35 minutes WITHOUT a lid. If you like softer rice, you can cook a little longer.

  1. Remove the pan from the heat and drain the water through a colander with a fine mesh, as if you had just boiled not rice, but pasta.

  1. After draining the water, immediately transfer the rice back to the hot pot, cover it with a lid and let the grits “steam” for another 10 minutes.
  2. Finally, salt the rice, add the oil and stir. Ready!