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How to make poppy seed pie filling. poppy seed filling recipes

Poppy filling should be prepared immediately before use in order to preserve all its softness and plasticity. Choose the recipe that seems most appetizing to you, and strictly adhere to the specified technology.

I bake a roll with poppy seeds and cook poppy seeds according to this recipe:

1/8 l milk
80g margarine
250g freshly ground poppy seeds
150g sugar

(In the original, another 1/2 tsp of grated lemon zest and 50g of cinnamon, but I do not put)

Boil milk with margarine, pour over poppy seeds, add sugar, mix everything well.

Recipe 2: slow poppy seed filling

I soak washed poppy overnight. In the morning I drain the water and rub it with a crush in a clay bowl. I add sugar.
it turns out a juicy mass with poppy milk.

Recipe 3: poppy seed filling with semolina

350ml milk
120g sugar
1p vanillin
200g poppy
50g semolina

Mix milk, sugar and vanillin, bring to a boil, add poppy seeds and semolina,
stirring for 2-3 minutes, cook, cool and the filling is ready!

Recipe 4: Quick poppy seed filling

And I always do hastily. I put poppy seeds in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, put it on a sieve-colander, let it drain, put it on a plate and add sugar to taste (for example, I poured a tablespoon of sugar, stirred it, tried it, if not sweet, add more).

Recipe 5: making poppy seeds for the filling

I prepared like this:
poppy 1st. steamed with boiling water (when the water cools, drain it and poppy seeds on a sieve), then grind it through a meat grinder, then boil it in milk (100-150 ml) with a doctor (3-4 tbsp) - 10-15 minutes, then + spices ( ginger, cinnamon, lemon zest), + raisins with cognac added butter (50g), and when the mass cooled down, I also beat in one egg!
here's how it is in the pie:

Recipe 6: poppy seed filling for baking

poppy seed filling
500g poppy
250g (or less) sugar
100 gr raisins
50gr walnuts
1 tablespoon honey (or more, but then less sugar)
almond flavor, cinnamon to taste
1 st. a spoon soft margarine
1 egg white(I took 3, you can take all 5 proteins, it will be more tender)
dry orange peel

steam poppy hot water, let cool in this water, drain and grind twice. Then add the rest of the filling components, at the very end, stir in the whipped protein (in the recipe 1, but I added 3).

And more recipes on how to make poppy seed filling

  1. Simple poppy seed filling prepared from 1 cup poppy seeds and half a cup of sugar. First, fill the poppy with boiling water, and after half an hour, drain the water and scroll the swollen grains through a meat grinder twice. Mix with granulated sugar or powder. Actually, the filling for the roll, buns or closed pies is ready. Its main drawback is friability, but you can use a minimum of time and ingredients.
  2. Poppy honey filling It turns out more sticky and sticks together the dough more firmly. To prepare it, take 6 tablespoons of poppy seeds and 3 - liquid honey. Rinse the poppy seeds, wring out and put in a ladle. Pour in honey and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Before using in a roll or donuts, cool the resulting mass to room temperature.
  3. Classic poppy seed filling requires the use of 300 g of poppy, 150 g of liquid honey and 100 g of sugar. As in the simplest recipe, pour poppy seeds with hot water, let it brew and squeeze through cheesecloth. Mix with sugar and honey and give a homogeneous consistency in a mortar. It is this filling that can most often be found in the classic poppy seed roll.
  4. Poppy filling with raisins good in buns and small bagels. You can cook it from poppy seeds, pitted raisins (1 cup each) and sugar (1 tablespoon). Separately, steam raisins and poppy seeds in boiling water, mix all three ingredients together.
  5. Lemon poppy seed filling used for open baking. You will need half a glass of poppy seeds, milk and sugar, and 1 ripe lemon with a thin skin. Remove the zest from the lemon and chop it, and bring the milk to a boil with sugar. Place poppy seeds and zest in hot sweet milk and stir constantly until the filling thickens to a suitable consistency.
  6. Thick poppy seed filling involves the use of 1 chicken egg, 5 tablespoons of poppy seeds and sugar. Steam the poppy seeds in boiling water, squeeze, cool and pass through a meat grinder or blender. Add sugar a raw egg and beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  7. Festive poppy seed filling It is obtained fragrant through the use of spices. You will need 1 cup of poppy seeds, half a cup of nuts (any, favorite or those that are in the house) and raisins, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons lemon juice and a little vanilla for flavor. Steam poppy with boiling water, wring out, cool and grind in a mortar until the mass becomes whitish. In parallel, soften the raisins and scroll with the nuts in a meat grinder. Combine poppy seeds, raisins with nuts, honey and vanilla. Add lemon juice gradually, keeping an eye on the consistency so as not to make the filling too liquid.
  8. Poppy-apple filling- the most juicy, but also the most difficult to prepare. Take a glass of poppy seeds and milk, 2 tablespoons of natural honey and soft butter, a quarter cup of raisins and sugar, half a cup of chopped almonds or other nuts to taste, 1 ripe sour apple, zest of 1 medium lemon. Put all the ingredients, except for the apple, in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat immediately and leave to cool. In the meantime, peel and grate the apple on a fine grater, add to the cooled filling and mix thoroughly.

How to steam poppy seeds for stuffing?

To prepare poppy for filling or adding to the dough, rinse the seeds and pour boiling water, or better - boiling milk (1 cup per 100 grams of poppy seeds). Cover with a lid on top so that the poppy is steamed well. Pour boiling water a centimeter above the poppy, leave, let it cool. Poppy should completely absorb water or milk. But that's not all, now the poppy needs to be rubbed!

How to quickly grind poppy seeds for filling?

  • in a blender. Someone uses a coffee grinder to grind the poppy, someone rubs it with a grandmother's method - a rolling pin in a mortar, but everything ingenious is simple! You can easily and quickly grind poppy seeds in a regular blender! Just before that, the poppy needs to be steamed: pour the amount of poppy you need with boiling water or hot milk and cook for a couple more minutes over low heat. Drain the water, pour the poppy into the bowl of a blender and churn until the masa turns light gray.
  • In a meat grinder. The steaming algorithm is the same as for a blender, only after cooking, the mass must be well drained and only then scroll the poppy twice in a meat grinder.
  • in a mortar. The method of our grandmothers. Long but effective.

Pies, buns, rolls, buns with poppy seeds are very popular and loved. In the bakery department of any store is presented poppy seed cake. But if you don’t really trust store products and want to please your household with homemade cakes made with love with your own hands, then our recipe with a photo is just for you! Today we offer to learn how to cook poppy seed filling for a roll. Of course, it can also be found on sale, but as part of such a filling, you will surely see all kinds of preservatives, stabilizers, and so on.

Tip from the culinary site site: when you buy poppy seeds for making poppy seeds for baking, be sure to check the expiration date of the product, as well as the date of packaging and collection. If the poppy has been lying for more than a year at room temperature, it is likely that it has already deteriorated and has a bitter and musty taste and smell. Such a poppy, of course, is not suitable for baking.

How to cook poppy seed roll filling -:

  • poppy food - 150 g
  • milk - 150 g
  • sugar - 65 g

Poppy filling for roll - how to cook:

If you bought poppy in a store in a packaging package from a trusted manufacturer, then most likely it will be clean and free of impurities. If you took the poppy by weight on the market, then you may have to rinse the poppy with water before using it to get rid of dust, sand, etc. So, then the poppy needs to be ground in a coffee grinder or with another grinder (even a stone mortar will do). Do not neglect this step as ground poppy reveals its taste and aroma much more strongly. Need to grind in small portions, poppy mass after grinding will increase significantly in volume.

When the poppy is ground, let's take a sweet syrup. Pour milk into a small bowl or saucepan, add sugar. We put on fire and bring to a boil, stir so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the ground poppy seeds with hot milk syrup, mix and leave to cool completely. During this time, the poppy seeds will swell a little and the poppy seed filling for the roll will acquire the necessary consistency.

Immediately after cooling, you can proceed to the formation of the roll. For him, you can take both yeast and curd dough. A few words about the preparation of the roll: roll out the selected dough into a rectangular layer, evenly apply the poppy seed filling on the entire surface, a little short of the edges, roll up and bake in the oven until cooked (about 45 minutes). That's all! Now you know exactly how to make poppy seed roll filling!

Enjoy your meal!

Poppy seed filling is traditionally used in many baking recipes. Pies, buns, rolls and all kinds of cookies are prepared with it. It is also often used as a filling for pancakes or added to cereals. Traditional Ukrainian recipe- This is kutya for Christmas. Today, it is extremely easy to make such pastries!

How to prepare poppy

In its raw form, poppy, and it is in it that it is sold, cannot be added to baking. It is pre-prepared, processed and only then added to rolls and buns.

How to prepare it properly to get a delicious filling?

The preparation process consists of several stages:

  1. Steaming grains. It is very simple to do this - just pour 100 grams of poppy seeds with a glass of boiling water or hot milk (so the filling will be more delicious). In this state, the grains should be steamed for some time (from half an hour to 12 hours);
  2. After they swell and steam well, they must be boiled. Pre-draining the water that remains after swelling. It is necessary to cook in boiling water for 40 minutes over low heat. In the process, you can add sugar, butter, honey or dried fruits;
  3. As soon as the grains are cooked, they must be crushed with a blender or mortar.

Only after such a long process, poppy seeds can be added directly to the dough or spread as a filling. Raw grains can only be sprinkled on buns when baking.

How to make classic poppy seed filling

So that raw grains turn into appetizing and delicious stuffing they need to be cooked properly. There are many recipes, but this is the classic and easiest option. It can be used for pies, buns and all kinds of rolls.

  • poppy - 100 grams or 6 tbsp. l;
  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 4-6 tbsp. l. depending on the desired sweetness.

Required time: 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Calories: 340 calories per 100 grams of poppy seeds.

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  1. Revise poppy seeds and remove moldy, bad specimens;
  2. If there is a smell of dampness, the grains should be slightly dried in a dry frying pan;
  3. With the help of a sieve and a large container, it is necessary to rinse the poppy warm water. This will wash off all the dust and dirt. Hollow seeds will float and be easy to remove;
  4. Pour boiling water over and cook for 1 minute over medium heat. After this time, it is necessary to decant the grains and let them stand for a while. Thanks to this, they will swell well and will be easier to work with;
  5. The next step is grinding. This is easiest to do with a blender. Some adhere to traditions and grind poppy seeds in a mortar. But this is a very long way. An alternative may be a meat grinder with a fine grate, through which it will be necessary to pass the grains 2 times;
  6. The mass will be ready as soon as all the grains are crushed and become whitish in color;
  7. Pour in sugar and stir the filling again. You can bake!

This method will allow you to prepare a particularly delicate filling for rolls. Thanks to this recipe, the poppy opens quickly and it is much easier to grind it into a soft mass.


  • poppy - 250 grams;
  • sugar - an incomplete glass;
  • egg;
  • dried fruits - optional.

Elapsed time: 25 minutes.

Calories: 340 kcal.

  1. Pour the grains into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom;
  2. Pour boiling water over them so that the water level is a finger above the grains. Give them 15 minutes to infuse;
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan and cook the whole mass for 5 minutes over medium heat;
  4. Add the egg and dried fruits and beat the whole mass well with a blender for 3-5 minutes.

Poppy with honey for buns and pies

This filling is made very simply, but thanks to its ingredients it turns out to be very fragrant and sweet. It is perfect for any kind of baking.


  • poppy - 150 gr;
  • honey - 5 tbsp. l;
  • 1 protein raw;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • water.

Calories: 360 calories.

See also: How I increased my breasts by 2 sizes in 1 week

This option is perfect for baking, which is preparing for an important event or holiday. Fragrant filling will make any cake especially tasty and memorable.


  • poppy seeds - 1 cup;
  • nuts and raisins - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 50 gr;
  • vanillin - 5 gr.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Calories: 360 calories.

  1. Pour boiling water over the whole poppy and let it cool;
  2. Drain all liquid and strain;
  3. Grind it with a blender or in a mortar to a thick uniform mass;
  4. Grind nuts and raisins, add vanillin to honey;
  5. Mix all ingredients;
  6. Pour in the lemon juice, but make sure there is no excess liquid.

Poppy-apple filling

Baking with such a filling turns out to be juicy and it is important to cook it correctly, otherwise the pies may not keep their shape and spread.


  • poppy seeds - 1 cup;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • honey and melted butter - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • raisins - 100 gr;
  • crushed nuts - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon peel- 80 gr;
  • apple (sour variety).

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calories: 390.

  1. Steam the poppy, drain the water and grind with a blender along with nuts and raisins;
  2. Mix all the products (except the apple) and put them in a deep saucepan;
  3. Constantly stirring, let the mass boil and remove from heat;
  4. While everything is cooling, peel the apple and seeds;
  5. Grate an apple and add it to the mass;
  6. Mix and send to pies.

In order for the poppy seed filling to turn out exactly, you should know the following tricks:

  1. In pastries, it is necessary to add the already cooled filling;
  2. Ready poppy is good to add directly to the dough;
  3. Instead of a blender, you can use a regular coffee grinder;
  4. The longer the poppy is ground, the thicker the filling becomes;
  5. You can grind grains immediately with sugar;
  6. It is best to soak the grains overnight, so it will be easier to grind them.

Cooking with poppy seeds is easy. If grandmothers have been preparing poppy by hand all their lives, then will it be difficult to make a filling with it with a blender?

Poppy filling: many recipes

Poppy filling should be prepared immediately before use in order to preserve all its softness and plasticity. Choose the recipe that seems most appetizing to you, and strictly adhere to the specified technology.

Recipe 1: stuffing for poppy seed roll

I bake a roll with poppy seeds and cook poppy seeds according to this recipe:

1/8 l milk 80g margarine 250g freshly ground poppy seeds

150g sugar

(In the original, another 1/2 tsp of grated lemon zest and 50g of cinnamon, but I do not put)

Boil milk with margarine, pour over poppy seeds, add sugar, mix everything well.

Recipe 2: slow poppy seed filling

I soak washed poppy overnight. In the morning I drain the water and rub it with a crush in a clay bowl. I add sugar. it turns out a juicy mass with poppy milk.

Recipe 3: poppy seed filling with semolina

350ml milk 120g sugar 1p vanillin 200g poppy seeds

50g semolina

Mix milk, sugar and vanillin, bring to a boil, add poppy seeds and semolina, stirring for 2-3 minutes, cook, cool and the filling is ready!

Recipe 4: Quick poppy seed filling

And I always do it in a hurry. I put poppy seeds in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, put it on a sieve-colander, let it drain, put it on a plate and add sugar to taste (for example, I poured a tablespoon of sugar, stirred it, tried it, if not sweet, add more).

Recipe 5: making poppy seeds for the filling

I cooked like this: poppy 1st. steamed with boiling water (when the water cools, drain it and poppy seeds on a sieve), then grind through a meat grinder, then in milk (100-150 ml.) Boil with a doctor (3-4 tablespoons) - 10-15 minutes, then + spices ( ginger, cinnamon, lemon zest), + raisins with cognac added butter (50g), and when the mass cooled down, I also beat in one egg! here's how it is in the pie:

Recipe 6: poppy seed filling for baking

poppy seed filling 500g poppy seeds 250g (or less) sugar 100g raisins 50g walnuts 1 tablespoon honey (or more, but then less sugar) almond flavor, cinnamon to taste 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soft margarine 1 egg white (I took 3, you can take all 5 proteins, it will be more tender)

dry orange peel

Steam poppy seeds with hot water, let cool in this water, drain and grind twice. Then add the rest of the filling components, at the very end, stir in the whipped protein (in the recipe 1, but I added 3).

And more recipes on how to make poppy seed filling

  1. A simple poppy seed filling is made with 1 cup of poppy seeds and half a cup of sugar. First, fill the poppy with boiling water, and after half an hour, drain the water and scroll the swollen grains through a meat grinder twice. Mix with sugar or powdered sugar. Actually, the filling for the roll, buns or closed pies is ready. Its main drawback is friability, but you can use a minimum of time and ingredients.
  2. The poppy-honey filling turns out to be more sticky and sticks the dough together more firmly. To prepare it, take 6 tablespoons of poppy seeds and 3 - liquid honey. Rinse the poppy seeds, wring out and put in a ladle. Pour in honey and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Before using in a roll or donuts, cool the resulting mass to room temperature.
  3. The classic poppy seed filling requires the use of 300 g of poppy seeds, 150 g of liquid honey and 100 g of sugar. As in the simplest recipe, pour poppy seeds with hot water, let it brew and squeeze through cheesecloth. Mix with sugar and honey and give a homogeneous consistency in a mortar. It is this filling that can most often be found in the classic poppy seed roll.
  4. Poppy seed filling with raisins is good in buns and small bagels. You can cook it from poppy seeds, pitted raisins (1 cup each) and sugar (1 tablespoon). Separately, steam raisins and poppy seeds in boiling water, mix all three ingredients together.
  5. Lemon-poppy filling is used for open baking. You will need half a glass of poppy seeds, milk and sugar, and 1 ripe lemon with a thin skin. Remove the zest from the lemon and chop it, and bring the milk to a boil with sugar. Place poppy seeds and zest in hot sweet milk and stir constantly until the filling thickens to a suitable consistency.
  6. Thick poppy seed filling involves the use of 1 chicken egg, 5 tablespoons of poppy seeds and sugar. Steam the poppy seeds in boiling water, squeeze, cool and pass through a meat grinder or blender. Add sugar, raw egg and beat until smooth.
  7. Festive poppy seed filling is fragrant due to the use of spices. You will need 1 cup of poppy seeds, half a cup of nuts (any favorite or those that are in the house) and raisins, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a little vanillin for smell. Steam poppy with boiling water, wring out, cool and grind in a mortar until the mass becomes whitish. In parallel, soften the raisins and scroll with the nuts in a meat grinder. Combine poppy seeds, raisins with nuts, honey and vanilla. Add lemon juice gradually, keeping an eye on the consistency so as not to make the filling too liquid.
  8. Poppy-apple filling is the juiciest, but also the most difficult to prepare. Take a glass of poppy seeds and milk, 2 tablespoons of natural honey and soft butter, a quarter cup of raisins and sugar, half a glass of chopped almonds or other nuts to taste, 1 ripe sour apple, zest of 1 medium lemon. Put all the ingredients, except for the apple, in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat immediately and leave to cool. In the meantime, peel and grate the apple on a fine grater, add to the cooled filling and mix thoroughly.

How to steam poppy seeds for stuffing?

To prepare poppy for filling or adding to the dough, rinse the seeds and pour boiling water, or better - boiling milk (1 cup per 100 grams of poppy seeds). Cover with a lid on top so that the poppy is steamed well. Pour boiling water a centimeter above the poppy, leave, let it cool. Poppy should completely absorb water or milk. But that's not all, now the poppy needs to be rubbed!

How to quickly grind poppy seeds for filling?

  • In a blender. Someone uses a coffee grinder to grind the poppy, someone rubs it with a grandmother's method - a rolling pin in a mortar, but everything ingenious is simple! You can easily and quickly grind poppy seeds in a regular blender! Just before that, the poppy needs to be steamed: pour the amount of poppy you need with boiling water or hot milk and cook for a couple more minutes over low heat. Drain the water, pour the poppy into the bowl of a blender and churn until the masa turns light gray.
  • In a meat grinder. The steaming algorithm is the same as for a blender, only after cooking, the mass must be well drained and only then scroll the poppy twice in a meat grinder.
  • In a mortar. The method of our grandmothers. Long but effective.


How to cook poppy seeds for baking? Recipes and photos:

One of the simplest and most common fillings for baking is poppy seeds. But many do not even realize that before you grease a cake with it, or fill a bun, you should properly prepare it. Raw poppy seeds do not have the necessary palatability that we used to feel in poppy products. There are many ways to process poppy seeds in order to fill them with buns, rolls, cakes and other products. How to cook poppy seeds for baking? You will learn about this by reading the article.

A few rules for making poppy seeds

So, how to cook poppy seeds for baking buns, rolls, pies? To make any poppy seed filling for baking delicious, you need to consider a few important tips:

  1. You can not be negligent about buying a poppy. Although it is very convenient to purchase it in a packaged form, it is better to give preference to a loose product. The fact is that then it will be possible to take a good look at all the shortcomings of the grains, for example, whether they are eaten by pests. Poppy seeds should be whole, large and as identical as possible in size.
  2. Before preparing the poppy seed filling, the grains should be washed well in water. This can be omitted only in cases where the ingredient will be passed through a coffee grinder or food processor (in which wet foods cannot be placed).
  3. To enhance the taste and smell of the filling, the grains should be filled with boiled water and left for a while to swell. Then the water must be drained through a sieve. Sometimes it is appropriate to even slightly boil poppy seeds in water.

What can poppy seeds be mixed with

How to cook poppy seeds for baking pies or rolls? Now you will learn some secrets. To improve the taste of the filling, and hence all baking, it is better to supplement it with other ingredients, which may include nuts, apples, milk, honey, raisins, sugar, lemon juice, butter, candied fruits or other dried fruits. Also, all kinds of spices, such as vanilla sugar, will add piquancy to the taste of the filling.

Following these tips, you can prepare a delicious poppy seed filling. But it is equally important to mix the ingredients in the right proportions.

Classic Cooking Recipe

How to prepare poppy seed filling for baking? The simplest proportion of mixing ingredients, which is used by most housewives, requires very little effort.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 milliliters of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of poppy.
  1. Poppy is poured with freshly boiled water and steamed for thirty minutes.
  2. After the specified time, water is drained from it (for this it is better to use a sieve).
  3. The ingredient is passed through a meat grinder twice for maximum grinding.
  4. The poppy mass is thoroughly mixed with sugar until a homogeneous consistency.

The finished filling is used for baking buns, pies and other products. But there is one significant disadvantage in it - it has a low viscosity, which is why it crumbles. Therefore, it may be difficult to use this recipe if the dough products have a difficult formation.

But since there is no need to purchase a lot of products to prepare such a filling, and it is done quickly, many people prefer to use this particular recipe.

Traditional honey recipe for baking roll

How to cook poppy seeds for baking roll? The recipe consists of:

  • three hundred grams of poppy seeds;
  • one hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of liquid honey.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. Poppy is poured with boiled water for a short time.
  2. Grains are filtered using gauze or a sieve.
  3. All products are placed in one container and thoroughly mixed.
  4. The ingredients are ground with a mortar until a soft homogeneous mass is obtained.

Although this delicate filling can be used for other confectionery, best of all, it will complement biscuit rolls.

Poppy seed filling without sugar

The absence of sugar is not a hindrance to the preparation of sweet confectionery. For example, you can make a poppy seed filling with honey.

The recipe consists of:

  • ten dessert spoons of poppy seeds;
  • five dessert spoons of honey.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. Poppy is well washed in water, well wrung out and placed in a container.
  2. Honey is placed in the same bowl, after which the mixture should be mixed and boiled for about ten minutes over low heat.

The filler can only be used after it has cooled down. Except good taste, this recipe will delight the hostess with its ability to serve as an adhesive element, so that the dough will keep its shape better. Therefore, buns and other products that have a complex shape can be filled with such a filler.

Poppy filling with apples

For a piquancy of taste, apples and other ingredients can be added to the poppy seed filling.

The recipe consists of:

  • two hundred milliliters of milk;
  • fifty grams of raisins;
  • one medium-sized apple;
  • one hundred grams of nuts;
  • two hundred milliliters of flour;
  • lemon peel (one unit of fruit);
  • three dessert spoons of butter;
  • three dessert spoons of liquid honey;
  • fifty milliliters of granulated sugar.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. Nuts should be chopped as much as possible.
  2. All ingredients, with the exception of apples, are placed in a saucepan, mixed and put on a small fire. Bring them to a boil while stirring constantly.
  3. After cooling the mixture, grated apple is added to it.

The filling prepared according to this recipe can be used to fill buns, rolls and pies.

Poppy filling with spices

How else to cook poppy seeds for baking various goodies? In order to smear cakes, it is better to use a spicy filling.

The recipe consists of:

  • half a coffee spoon of vanillin;
  • two hundred milliliters of poppy seeds;
  • one hundred milliliters of nuts;
  • one hundred milliliters of raisins;
  • three dessert spoons of honey;
  • four coffee spoons of lemon juice.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. Poppy seeds are poured with freshly boiled water and filtered through gauze.
  2. After cooling, the poppy is crushed in a mortar or through a sieve.
  3. Raisins should be poured with boiling water for a short time. After swelling, the water should be drained. Then the berries are passed through a meat grinder.
  4. Nuts are also passed through a meat grinder.
  5. All products, with the exception of lemon juice, are placed in a container and beaten thoroughly.
  6. Lemon juice should be added in a thin stream, for fear that the filling will become too liquid.

After mixing, the filler can be used. It is perfect for both cakes and pastries.

Poppy stuffing with egg

One of the simple and delicious methods for making poppy seed filling is to add an egg to it.

The recipe consists of:

  • one unit of chicken eggs;
  • nine dessert spoons of poppy seeds;
  • five dessert spoons of sugar.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. Poppy seeds are placed in hot water for half an hour.
  2. Then they need to be filtered, cooled and chopped in a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Sugar is added to the mixture.
  4. The egg is thoroughly beaten separately, after which it is added to the filling and all the ingredients are mixed.

This recipe is different in that it is quite thick, making it convenient to use in the formation of pies.

So, now you know how to cook poppy seeds for baking cakes, pies, rolls and other sweets. As you can see, there are a lot of options for making poppy seed filling. Every housewife will find a suitable recipe for herself, despite the fact that there is simple options, affordable for everyone, or more saturated fillers that can surprise guests for festive table. To support taste and style, dry poppy seeds can also be added to the dough from which the product will be baked.

Poppy seed filling for fragrant buns and delicious rolls

Properly prepared poppy seed filling is simply delicious. It can be used both for baking rolls and buns, and for pies, pies. It should be noted that there are several options for processing the presented product. We will tell only about the simplest and fastest.

Poppy Stuffing: Step by Step Recipe

Before you start preparing such a filling, you should think about what kind of baking you want to use it in. If you need to make a closed pie or a delicious poppy seed roll, we recommend using the recipe below.

So, you will need:

  • butter or margarine cream - about 120 g;
  • sand-sugar - a full cup;
  • fresh large egg - 2 pcs.;
  • iodized salt - ½ small spoon (can be omitted, if desired).

Cooking method

The filling for poppy seed pies should be moist and even slightly runny. To do this, dry grains must be put in a coffee grinder and ground to a powder state. Then they should be put aside and start preparing the second part of the filling. To do this, you need to place a piece of cooking fat in milk and add sand-sugar. Next, the products must be placed on water bath and heat them until the sweet product is completely dissolved. After that, they need to introduce beaten eggs and stir continuously. These actions should be carried out until the entire mass is partially boiled.

Final stage

After the creamy-milk mass thickens slightly, you need to pour the previously prepared poppy seed powder into it and mix well. The resulting slurry should be heated for about 3-4 minutes. At this point, poppy seed filling is considered fully cooked. It can be used immediately for baking dessert or placed in the refrigerator (after cooling). It is permissible to store such a product in the cold for a week.

Quick poppy seed filling for buns

To make delicious open pies or buns, in which the poppy seed filling should be spread on top of the dough, it is advisable to use honey and lemon. It should be noted that such desserts are not only very tasty, but also quite beautiful in appearance.

So, poppy seed filling for buns requires the use of products such as:

  • dry poppy seeds - 2 full cups;
  • low fat milk - 1 cup;
  • sand-sugar - 2/3 cups;
  • any honey - 5 large spoons;
  • large fresh lemon - 1 pc.

fruit processing

Before making the filling of poppy seeds for buns, the sour fruit should be processed. Lemon must be washed well, and then dried thoroughly and grated on a small grater so that it is completely left without zest. If there is a desire, then the peel can first be cut with a knife, and then also chopped.

The process of making the filling

After the lemon zest is ready, you can begin to prepare the entire filling. To do this, milk of low fat content should be poured into a saucepan, and then pour sand-sugar into the same place and mix everything thoroughly. Putting the dishes on a slow fire, you must wait until the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved. Next to the products you need to lay out dry poppy seeds, honey and lemon zest.

How to use?

Poppy filling, the recipe of which we reviewed above, is used only in open pies and buns. It must be applied to the surface of the dough with a spoon or a culinary brush. So that poppy seeds do not burn during the heat treatment of buns, it is recommended to additionally grease the formed products with whipped chicken egg. In this state, semi-finished products should be placed in a preheated oven and baked for 40-55 minutes. As a result, you will get a very tasty and beautiful dessert that will appeal to both adults and children.

Making the stuffing from raisins and poppy seeds

Poppy and raisin filling is a great option for rolls and closed pies. Although for the preparation of such a product you will need a little more time than in the above recipes.

So the ingredients are:

  • dry poppy seeds - a full cup;
  • pitted dark raisins - 1 cup;
  • sand-sugar - 2 large spoons.

Preparation of ingredients

To make the filling of poppy seeds and dark raisins viscous and very tasty, you should prepare all the ingredients in advance. First you need to sort through all the dried fruits, removing putrefactive elements, twigs and other debris. Next, put the raisins in a colander and rinse well under warm water. After that, it must be moved to a bowl and poured with boiling water. In this state, the product is desirable to withstand for half an hour. In the future, it should be rinsed again under tap water.

In exactly the same way it is necessary to process dry poppy seeds. They need to be put in a bowl and scalded with boiling water. After the product swells a little, it should be filtered and rinsed again.

The final stage in the creation of the filling

After all the described actions, it is necessary to lay out sand-sugar to the poppy seeds, and then grind them thoroughly with a pusher. Having received a homogeneous sweet mass, it should be mixed together with raisins and used for its intended purpose, that is, to cook various rolls, pies, etc. By the way, dried fruits can be further chopped with a sharp knife or in a blender. In this case, you will get a more uniform and viscous filling.

The fastest poppy seed filling

If you have neither the ingredients nor the time to make poppy seed filling for pies, buns and other products, we recommend using the cooking method described below. For it, we need only two main ingredients:

  • dry poppy seeds - 1.5 full cups;
  • liquid honey - 1 cup.

Step by step cooking process

How to make poppy seed filling at home? To do this, the grains should be thoroughly washed until the water is clear. Next, the poppy needs to be poured with boiling water and left in this state for several minutes. As a result, you should end up with fairly swollen seeds. After that, they should be deprived of all moisture as much as possible by shaking vigorously in a fine sieve or squeezing with gauze. At the end, the product must be placed in a bowl and crushed using a pusher. Add liquid honey to the poppy. You should get a fairly viscous and very fragrant mass. It can fill not only rolls and closed pies, but also to decorate buns, cake layers, cakes and other products.

Summing up

Now you know several recipes for making poppy seed filling. You can use them in the process of creating any home baking. It should be noted that such a filling makes flour products very fragrant and tasty. Moreover, it can serve as an excellent confectionery decoration. To do this, poppy seeds can be sprinkled with already baked buns, which should be pre-lubricated with any glaze. Also, poppy is often added to creams for cakes, giving them a special aroma and taste, as well as a beautiful structure.

julienne how to cook

1. Pour dry poppy into a deep container. Some housewives pre-grind dry grains with a coffee grinder before steaming. So the further cooking process will be faster.

2. Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds in a ratio of 1:2. Cover the dishes with a lid so that the grains steam well and leave them until the liquid cools completely. During this time, the poppy will absorb some of the liquid.

3. After this time, the water will become cloudy white.

4. Carefully drain it so that the poppy remains in the container. Do a similar procedure three times: steam with fresh boiling water, close the lid and leave to cool. After each steaming, poppy seeds will increase in volume. As a result, the original volume of poppy will increase three times.

5. After the last steaming, drain the water and add sugar to the poppy seeds. It can be used in half with honey. But then add honey to poppy seeds at the very end of cooking.

6. Take a blender and interrupt the poppy as thoroughly as possible.

7. The grains will grind with sugar and gradually begin to release poppy milk, from which the mass will acquire a blue tint. As you see such a characteristic color, it means that the poppy is ready for further application. At this point, you can put honey in the mass and scroll a few more times with a blender. To taste, butter, steamed raisins, dried apricots, citrus zest, dried fruits, and beaten egg white can also be added to the poppy seed filling. Experiment!

Note: to grind poppy, you can use a coffee grinder, or use the grandmother's method - twist the grains through a meat grinder or grind with a rolling pin in a mortar.


(24 poppy seed buns)

  • Yeast dough
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 45 gr. fresh yeast(17 gr. dry)
  • 500 gr. flour of the highest quality
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 80 gr. butter
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • Stuffing for buns with poppy seeds
  • 150 gr. poppy (you can take more)
  • 150 ml. milk for steaming poppy seeds
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 20 gr. butter for greasing
  • The preparation of any muffin, including poppy seed buns, begins with cooking yeast dough. How to make dough, how to knead butter dough so that it fits well and turns out tasty, is described in detail in this step-by-step recipe.
  • While our dough for buns with poppy seeds is coming up, steam the poppy seeds. To do this, put milk on fire. Pour poppy seeds into boiling milk in a thin stream.
  • Boil for 3-4 minutes, cover with a lid and turn off the heat.
  • We leave the poppy to swell. It could be an hour, it could be longer. Usually, while I'm fiddling with the dough, the poppy is with milk. But when the dough for buns is ready, I complete the preparation of poppy seeds.
  • Carefully strain the poppy seeds through a fine sieve to remove excess milk. Even if it seems to you that the poppy contains practically no liquid, we still filter it. If this is not done, then excess moisture can plant the dough.
  • Add two tablespoons of sugar to the strained poppy seeds and crush everything well with a mortar. In principle, this step can be skipped, but if the poppy seeds are crushed, the buns turn out to be much tastier.
  • So, we divide the finished pastry into two parts. We put one part in a warm place, let it continue to approach, and roll out the second part thinly. To make it easier to work with the dough, grease your hands and the table with vegetable oil.
  • The thinner we roll out the dough, the more poppy layers the buns will have, but it should be noted that it is too thin dough harder to roll and it can break through. Therefore, we make the thickness with which it is convenient to work.
  • Using a brush, cover the dough with a thin layer of butter, which we first heat on the stove or microwave.
  • We take half of the cooked poppy seeds and apply it in a thin layer over the entire surface of the dough.
  • Gently start rolling the poppy seed roll. We place the folded roll with the “seam” down so that our poppy seed buns do not open during baking.
  • We divide the poppy sausage into 10-12 parts.
  • Future buns can be left like this, you can put them sideways to make pretty curls, or you can use a knife to give them a more interesting shape.
  • Lay the buns on a baking sheet. Easy to use parchment. If there is no special baking paper, then simply grease the baking sheet with butter.
  • We put the baking sheet with our future buns in a warm place for 20-30 minutes so that they come up. When the buns "grow up" properly, we send them to the preheated oven.
  • Before putting the buns in the oven, paint the surface of the buns with a beaten egg. Then the buns will turn out shiny and ruddy.
  • We bake buns for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. The exact time depends on the size of the buns and your oven.
  • While the first batch of poppy seed buns is baking, take the second piece of dough, roll it thinly and cover with poppy seed filling. Roll up, cut into pieces. When the first batch of poppy seed buns is cooked, we complete the second batch. As a result, we get 20-24 delicious buns with poppy. Cool the buns on a wire rack.
  • We serve homemade buns with poppy seeds for tea, you can take them with you on the road, children are happy to take such buns to school to enjoy yummy at recess. I also recommend cooking