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Homemade lasagna recipe. The easiest way to cook lasagna

Lasagna with minced meat - amazingly tasty italian dish, which is recognized all over the world. Very satisfying, prepared from layers of dough and layers of meat or vegetable filling, with bechamel sauce. The process of preparing such lasagna with minced meat is not at all complicated.
Lasagna is perfect for any holiday or Sunday dinner.

Classic lasagna ingredients

For the bechamel sauce
100 g butter,
2 tbsp. l. flour,
0.7 l of milk,
2.5 g nutmeg,
1 bay leaf,
salt and white pepper taste.
You also need the appropriate size baking dish: 17:25 or 20:20 cm.

Classic lasagna recipe

Remove the lasagna from the oven, let stand for 10 minutes, and then cut into portions. Enjoy your meal!

P.S. If there is no way to buy ready-made lasagna sheets in the store, you can cook it yourself. To do this, sift 400 g of flour through a sieve so that a slide is obtained. Then we make a recess in the center of this slide, where we drive in 5 large eggs, salt to taste and knead the dough. It's even easier to do this in a food processor. We roll into a ball, send it closer to the heat, for about twenty minutes.
Then we divide it into nine parts and roll each part into a thin layer no more than 1.5 mm thick. Boil the layers in boiling salted water for ten minutes. Store the prepared dough strips in the freezer.
And especially about tomato puree for lasagna. This is NOT tomato paste, this is puree, it is much thinner, more like liquid ketchup without additives. There is a store, in banks. You can also make mashed potatoes at home by passing the tomatoes through a meat grinder and then through a large sieve.

And, girls and boys, write in the comments who cooked lasagna with what sheets. I took pasta zara, it turned out great, not sour and not hard. Barilla and Rolton become limp. Who else cooked with what and how it turned out, share?

Lasagna, along with pizza, has become literally calling card Italian cuisine. This is a dish of several sheets of dough with a variety of toppings, sauce and cheese.

The history of the appearance of the dish

According to some historians, a dish similar to lasagna was already known in ancient Rome. His recipe in a modern version appeared in the province of Emilia-Romagna. Here is the city of Bologna, whose culinary masterpiece it is recognized. That's why traditional way cooking this dish is considered lasagna bolognese.

Subsequently, lasagna began to cook throughout Italy. Practically each area has its own secrets creating this "work of Italian classics".

In various regions of Italy they add different varieties cheese, the composition of the sauce and the filling are different. Somewhere the dish is prepared with the usual tomato sauce, somewhere - exclusively with Bechamel sauce. Filling options include: chopped meat, seafood, sausages, vegetables, fruits and berries.


homemade italian lasagna recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • pasta or lasagna dough;
  • cheese;
  • sauce;
  • filling.


Exists several different cooking methods:

  • make your own pasta
  • buy lasagna sheets in the store in finished form;
  • not use paste at all, but shift the filling with pita bread, pasta, puff pastry or pancakes.

If you want to cook traditional Italian lasagna, the dough for it is better to make it yourself.

By classic recipe for making dough for lasagna sheets at home you will need:

  • flour premium- 250 grams;
  • flour of the 2nd grade or durum flour (GOST 16439-70 must be indicated on the package) - 250 grams;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • salt.

Premium flour and durum flour (produced from durum varieties wheat) are mixed and piled on the table. Make a well in the center of the bowl and pour in the eggs. Then add salt, olive oil and knead the dough. Please note that this is a rather lengthy process. When the dough becomes plastic, it's ready.

The finished dough is placed in the refrigerator to rest for about half an hour. Then they take it out, roll up an oblong sausage and cut it into equal pieces. Each piece is rolled out thinly. The thickness of the finished layer is 1.5-2 mm.

If you are using store bought paste, Be sure to read the cooking instructions on the package.. Some types of sheets are first boiled, others are simply soaked in water.

To boil the pasta, you need to boil water (1 liter per 100 g), add olive oil (thanks to it, the pasta will not stick together), salt and put the leaves one by one in a pot of boiling water. Boil until half cooked or "al dente" (Italian "by the tooth").


There is a great variety of sauces for lasagna: tomato and cream, based on broths and with the addition of all kinds of sausages or smoked meats, with vegetables and seasonings. Nonetheless, classic sauce for this dish remains "Bechamel". Another popular sauce for all kinds of pastas and pasta is Bolognese.

Like other ingredients, they can be bought at the supermarket, but your culinary experiment will be much more successful if you cook "Bechamel" or "Bolognese" in your own kitchen.


You will need the following products:

  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 0.5 l cream;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • salt.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, pour flour into it and fry for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. At this time, cream is heated in another saucepan, bringing it to to a high temperature, but not allowing to boil, add salt.

It is very important that the cream is hot, this will reduce the possibility of lumps in the sauce. Cream is added in small portions to the fried flour, without ceasing to mix. The sauce is ready! It should be similar in texture to sour cream..

In "Bechamel" you can add some spices, and replace the cream with milk or meat broth.

Recipe classic bechamel you can watch the video:


To prepare the sauce, take:

  • 600-700 grams of minced pork and beef;
  • tomatoes - 5-6 pcs. (they can be replaced with 400 g of canned tomatoes);
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • dry wine - 100 ml;
  • butter - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh parsley or basil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Wash the tomatoes and remove the skin from them. To do this, in place of the stalk of each of the tomatoes, a cross-shaped incision is made and pour boiling water. After two minutes, transfer to cold water. The skin will peel off easily.

After that, the tomatoes are chopped in a blender, finely chopped peeled onions, garlic and herbs. in a saucepan heat butter and olive oil together, spread the onion, salt, pepper and fry until soft.

Add 1 clove of finely chopped garlic, fry for another minute and transfer the onion and garlic from the saucepan to a bowl, leaving the oil in the saucepan. Minced meat is put into it and fried, separating large lumps with a spatula, until tender over medium heat.

Then put tomatoes and fried onions to the minced meat, mix, pour in the wine and simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. The sauce is left to salt, pepper and simmer at a low temperature under the lid for about half an hour. Greens and a second clove of garlic are added to the finished Bolognese, mix and leave to reach under the lid.

If desired, you can sweeten a little or add tomato sauce.

You can see another Bolognese sauce recipe in this video:


Classic lasagna recipe must add cheese. For lasagna, bolognese is exclusively parmesan. Other variations of this dish allow the use of mozzarella or ricotta, as well as combinations of both. Parmesan and mozzarella will add spice and tenderness to lasagna. Hard cheeses will be good in a duet with soft, creamy ones.

The required amount of cheese and the method of preparation depend on the recipe. Sometimes each layer of lasagna is sprinkled with cheese, sometimes only the top. There are types of lasagna that, in addition to pasta, are prepared only with cheese and sauce..

Do you want to learn how to cook Italian cheeses with your own hands? Meet a great cheese recipe.


In principle, it can be anything, from meat to vegetables and fruits.

Classic lasagna - with minced meat of course, the recipe of which is very simple. Traditionally, minced meat is just fried with vegetables and onions and stewed with tomatoes or tomato sauce.

Seafood is also an excellent topping. for this dish. To prepare it, take peeled shrimp, mussels and squid in equal proportions (about 200 g each), cook them until half cooked, and then stew in a pan with finely chopped tomatoes, olive oil, a glass of water and bay leaf for about 15 minutes. Shortly before readiness, chopped parsley is added.

Such stuffing combined with bechamel sauce and cream cheese. Sauce is poured at the bottom of the mold, then a layer of pasta is laid out, seafood is on top, then again smeared with sauce and sprinkled with cheese. This is repeated several times. Bake lasagna with seafood in the oven for about 40 minutes.

How to cook lasagna with minced meat at home - watch the recipe for cooking at home in this video:

Delicious non-standard recipes


For cooking vegetable lasagna For this recipe at home you will need:

  • 5-6 pasta sheets;
  • 200 grams of champignons;
  • eggplant;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • bulb;
  • Parmesan;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Bechamel sauce;
  • olive oil;
  • tomato paste;
  • salt.

First you need to fry finely chopped champignons. Cut eggplant, zucchini and peppers into cubes. Then olive oil is poured into the pan, chopped onion is fried, vegetables are added and all together are fried for a few more minutes. 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste are added to the vegetables, after which they are stewed for 10 minutes. When the vegetables have cooled down a bit, champignons and Bechamel sauce are added to them.

A sheet of pasta is placed in a mold, greased with oil, on it vegetable stew and mozzarella. Thus, at least 5 layers are made. The dish is baked in the oven for about half an hour.


To prepare this dessert Italian style you will need:

  • 3-4 sheets of pasta;
  • 400 grams of canned cherries;
  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sand for berry filling;
  • 50 g sand for curd filling;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of chopped almonds;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • butter (for greasing the mold).

Canned cherries without syrup are mixed with almonds, cinnamon and sugar to make a berry filling. For curd filling cottage cheese, cream, vanilla and regular sugar and lemon juice beat with a mixer until smooth.

Pasta should be boiled until cooked and cooled. Put a layer of pasta into the prepared form, then a layer of curd filling, then a layer of berry and so on layer by layer. Dessert is removed in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Before putting on the table, the dish can be smeared with whipped cream and sprinkled with nuts.

Cold with fish

Lasagna is another symbol of Italian cuisine, no less significant than pasta and pizza. This dish is a multi-layered casserole made of thin sheets of dough, between which the filling with bechamel sauce is laid. The top of the lasagne is topped with a crispy cheese crust. It is interesting that the ancient Greeks prepared a similar dish, calling it "lasanon" - "hot plates". in Italian cookbooks The first recipes for lasagna appeared in the 13th century, but in our time, lasagna has become an international dish that can be prepared at home.

How to cook lasagna: making the dough

The dough for lasagna is made in the same way as for pasta - from durum wheat. In stores, you can buy ready-made dry plates for lasagna, but it is best to cook the dough yourself, in this case the lasagna will turn out to be especially tender, juicy and tasty.

The dough for lasagna is kneaded like on dumplings - the flour is collected in a slide, an egg is broken in the middle, salt and olive oil are added. Classic proportions: 250 g of flour of two varieties, 4 eggs, a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. olive oil. The dough should be tight so that when cooking it does not spread, but retains its shape. After kneading, the dough is wrapped in cling film and leave for half an hour in the refrigerator for the traditional "rest".

The “rested” dough is formed into a sausage and cut into pieces, each of which is rolled into a thin layer about 2 mm thick and cut into squares or rectangles the size of the form in which the lasagna will be baked.

Cooking lasagna sheets

The dough is boiled in the usual way, like pasta, in boiling salt water; To prevent the products from sticking together, add a little olive oil to the water. It is better if the sheets are left slightly undercooked, as recommended. Italian chefs- “al dente” (“on the tooth”). In this case, the dish will turn out tastier and healthier.

All toppings are good - choose to taste

The meat filling is made from any minced meat or sausage products with the addition of onions and vegetables: the ingredients are fried with spices, then stewed for 15–20 minutes with tomatoes or tomato paste. A successful combination of beef, pork and minced chicken, as well as a combination of meat with fruits, such as pineapples.

Very tasty seafood filling, which is prepared from boiled mussels, shrimp and squid. Next, the seafood is stewed with the addition of a glass of water and tomatoes; for piquancy, you can add the filling with parsley and nutmeg. Also, eggs and any fish, generously seasoned with spices and herbs, are used as a filling.

Mushroom filling is made from any mushrooms and vegetables, for example, champignons, eggplants, zucchini, bell pepper and bow. Vegetables and mushrooms are fried, then stewed with tomato paste or tomatoes, then mixed with bechamel sauce. Very popular cheese fillings, and for sweet lasagna, fruits, berries, dried fruits and nuts are suitable - on top ready meal garnished with whipped cream and chocolate. In general, the filling for lasagna gives room for creativity, so you can experiment with any product - Italians are very fond of culinary improvisations.

Cooking lasagna at home: choosing cheese

The ideal cheese for lasagna is, of course, parmesan, which is sometimes mixed with mozzarella, ricotta or mascarpone. The fact is that the combination of Parmesan with these cheeses gives the dish tenderness, juiciness, piquant taste and pleasant aroma. But it is not necessary to limit your imagination to only two types of cheese, you can use any hard cheese with a bright and slightly sharp flavor and soft delicate cheeses With delicate taste. And whether to sprinkle cheese on each layer of the dish or only the top plate is a matter of recipe and personal preference.

Which sauce is best?

The classic sauce for bechamel is very easy to prepare. Fry in 50 g of melted butter 2 tbsp. l. flour, pour in 500 ml of cream in a thin stream, cook for 2 minutes until the sauce thickens, then season the bechamel with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Thoroughly stir the sauce until smooth. By the way, cream can be replaced with milk or meat broth.

Also great for lasagna. tomato sauce with spices and smoked meats, cream sauce, sauces on broths. Do not spare the sauce for this dish so that the sheets of dough are well soaked and the dish is juicy.

Choosing dishes

To prepare lasagna, you will need thick-walled dishes in which the dough will not burn - after all, the dish will languish for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. In other words, the dishes must be heat-resistant and reliable, the best for this purpose is a form of ceramics and refractory glass, cast-iron dishes or a container with a non-stick coating.

Bake lasagna

So, you have cooked the dough sheets, prepared the filling, grated the cheese - it remains to assemble the lasagna into a multi-story structure and bake it in the oven. Grease the mold with olive oil and lay out the layers, with each layer being made according to the following scheme: lasagna sheet, filling, sauce, grated parmesan. There can be as many such layers as you like - up to seven, the topmost layer is smeared with sauce and sprinkled with parmesan again. This is necessary in order to form a golden crisp during baking in the oven. Ready lasagna can be decorated with herbs or roasted nuts.

Cooking lasagna at home: the secrets of Italian chefs

When kneading dough, it is best to take wheat flour two varieties - the highest and the second, lasagna experts say that in this case the dough turns out tastier.

If during the kneading process there is a lack of moisture and the dough crumbles, in no case should water be poured into it, it is better to add an egg or a little olive oil, as water will make the dough hard.

If you bought ready-made dough sheets to cook lasagna at home, carefully read the instructions on the package, as some manufacturers recommend that you do not boil the sheets, but simply soak them in water - it all depends on the composition and method of preparing the dough.

The Italians stack the squares of dough crosswise - that is, the new layer of dough should be perpendicular to the previous layer. This makes the lasagna more stable, so it doesn't fall apart when cut and looks aesthetically pleasing. If we cook lasagna at home in a slow cooker, sheets should be placed on the bottom of the bowl parchment paper so that the dish does not burn. Lasagna is also wrapped with parchment before cooking in the oven, and it is even better to use a baking sleeve.

Neapolitan lasagna recipe at home

After you learned how to cook lasagna at home in classic version try this Neapolitan recipe with eggs and meatballs.

Boil dough sheets. Dice 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, chop 1 onion into rings and simmer the vegetables in a frying pan with a little olive oil and 50 ml dry red wine - cook the vegetables until half of the liquid has evaporated. Bring 1 liter of tomatoes to a boil own juice, they should languish over low heat.

For the filling, thinly slice 60 g parmesan, mix it with 1 raw egg and 400 g ground beef. Blind small meatballs, fry them in a pan in vegetable oil and add to the tomato sauce. Cut 5 boiled eggs and 150 g mozzarella into thin plates.

Lay the layers of boiled dough and filling in the form in this order - lasagna sheet, sauce with meatballs, mozzarella with eggs - and so on in several passes. Fill the entire mold and top the lasagna with grated parmesan. Bake it for half an hour in the oven at 200 ° C and enjoy the exquisite taste of Italian cuisine.

Lasagne with fish and spinach

This unusual one looks beautiful and has a delicate taste. To prepare it, boil 12 plates of dough and make bechamel sauce - fry 40 g of flour in 40 g of butter, add 350 ml of milk, simmer the sauce for 5 minutes, season it with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Warm up in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 300 g frozen spinach until soft, then cut into quarters 4 tomatoes, mix vegetables with sauce and dill, which will make the béchamel more fragrant and expressive.

Put the sheets of dough in a greased form, first the cod fillet, and then the sauce, which should be sprinkled with grated Camembert. For 300 g of cod you will need 100 g of cheese, the number of layers depends on the height of the mold, the main thing is to cover the last layer with cheese. Bake the lasagna for 35 minutes at 200°C and try it, you will love it!

Spices from the branded online store "Eat at Home"

Today's recipe is about how to cook lasagna with minced meat from ready-made sheets. It's incredible appetizing dish Italian cuisine impresses with its original performance, rich taste and just amazing flavor. Having a package of ready-made lasagna sheets in stock, it will not be difficult to prepare it at all, and you can be convinced of this by following simple recommendations.

Lasagna with prepared sheets - recipe


  • minced pork and beef - 650 g;
  • - 10-12 pieces;
  • hard cheese - 290 g;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • onions - 80 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 225 g;
  • - 120 g;
  • carrots - 90 g;
  • a mixture of spicy dry Italian herbs - 1 teaspoon or to taste;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black ground pepper- taste;

For the bechamel sauce:

  • wheat flour - 55-65 g;
  • fresh milk - 750 ml;
  • dry spicy herbs - 1-2 pinches;
  • ground nutmeg - 1-2 pinches;
  • butter - 120 g;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • ground white pepper - 1 pinch;
  • salt.


Since in our case we use ready-made lasagne sheets, we will immediately start preparing the other two bases of the dish - the filling and the sauce.

The classic filling for lasagna is prepared from minced meat with vegetables. Moreover, you can take absolutely any meat, in our case it is ground pork in half with beef. Be sure to wash and clean the vegetables, chop the onion into small cubes, process the carrots on a medium grater, and remove the skin from the tomatoes scalded with boiling water and chop finely enough with a sharp knife.

We heat the refined oil in a saucepan and pass the prepared onion and carrots in it for about five minutes. Now add minced meat, fry a little together with vegetables, kneading the lumps thoroughly. And then we put chopped fresh tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped garlic, add tomato sauce, bring the mass to the desired taste with salt, pepper and herbs, cover the vessel with a lid and simmer the contents on a fire of low intensity for fifteen minutes.

With the filling finished, now let's deal with bechamel sauce, without which lasagna is not such. Bring the milk to a boil in a suitable container, after adding a bay leaf and one or two pinches of nutmeg to it. Next, turn off the stove, cover the bowl with a lid and leave for ten minutes so that the spices give off their aroma.

Without wasting time, we sauté wheat flour in melted butter for three to five minutes, stirring tirelessly. The result of this action should be a golden thick mass, into which we pour the infused milk in a thin stream, having previously removed the lavrushka from it, while we do not stop stirring the sauce for a second, but rather increase the intensity. Now we add salt and white pepper to the mixture, heat it almost to a boil, but avoid seething and remove it from the stove.

The main components of the dish are ready, proceed to its design and baking. Tank bottom for baking, grease and grease with a layer of bechamel sauce. Now we lay out the lasagna sheets in one layer, cover them with a part of the minced meat, pour a little sauce and sprinkle lightly with cheese. Next, repeat the layers again in the same order as many times as there are enough components for them. At the end, cover the dish with a generous layer of bechamel sauce and sprinkle generously with cheese.

Lasagna is prepared in the oven. To do this, we warm it up in advance by setting it to temperature regime at 190 degrees, place the dish on the middle shelf and bake for about thirty minutes. The result should be a delicious golden brown crust that adorns the surface of the lasagna.

This recipe for minced meat lasagna allows you to create a delicious Italian dish with a minimum of effort. The base is used ready-made, so the whole process is reduced only to the formation of a simple filling and cooking Bechamel sauce.

The rich taste of appetizing lasagna conquers instantly! Soaked in a tender milk mass, hard flour sheets completely soften and combine with the tomato-meat mass into a single whole. It turns out a flawless and versatile mixture!


  • sheets for lasagna - 9 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • parmesan (or other cheese) - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spicy herbs - to taste;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste.

A simple homemade mince lasagna recipe

How to make classic mince lasagna

  1. After peeling, chop the onion into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. We spread the minced meat to the fried onions. Stirring the mass, we wait for the complete evaporation of moisture.
  3. While the minced meat is being prepared, let's take care of the tomatoes - we need to get rid of the vegetable skin. To do this, with a sharp knife, we make cross cuts on the bright peel, and then pour the vegetables with boiling water. We rinse with cold water, after which we remove the already soft and pliable skin.
  4. Cut the vegetable pulp into quarters and place in a blender bowl. We grind.
  5. The resulting puree is transferred to a pan with almost ready minced meat, immediately add tomato paste. Salt/pepper. Sprinkle the tomato-meat mixture with herbs, bring to a boil and keep on moderate heat for 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir! At the end we taste, if necessary, add a portion of salt or pepper.

    Sauce "Bechamel" for lasagna with minced meat

  6. The classic lasagna recipe necessarily includes the popular Bechamel sauce. To make it, in a dry container over low heat, melt 40 g of butter, add flour, mix vigorously. Pour chilled milk in a thin stream. Stir vigorously with a hand whisk to dissolve all flour lumps.
  7. Bring the milk mass to a boil, then, stirring, cook the sauce until thickened.

    Assembly of lasagna with minced meat

  8. Now we need a rectangular shape about 30x20 cm in size. Lubricate it with the rest of the butter, spread a small portion sauce, spread over the entire area. Next, place 3 sheets for lasagna (read the instructions on the package: sometimes flour layers require pre-cooking). The remaining sauce is visually divided into three parts, one of which we pour over the bottom layer - evenly distribute the "Bechamel" with a spoon, covering the entire surface of the flour blanks. Spread 1/2 of the minced meat on top. Next, repeat the layers in the same sequence.
  9. We put the remaining three sheets on the second part of the minced meat, grease with sauce and sprinkle with grated coarse cheese. We send the semi-finished product to the oven, preheating to 180 degrees.
  10. Lasagna is baked for about 20-30 minutes. The degree of readiness can be determined by an appetizing ruddy hue cheese crust. After taking the product out of the oven, wait for 10 minutes, and then cut into portions and serve.
  11. Enjoy your meal!