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Easter cake with milk. Easter cake with chocolate icing

1. Alexandrian dough (for Easter cakes)
2. Easter cake on sour cream
3. Easter "Like fluff" on sour cream and baked milk
4. Delicious cake!
5. Easter cake from Olga Syutkina
6. Classic Easter cake
7. Custard Curd Easter
8. Chocolate Easter
9. Light and fast cake

1. Alexandrian dough (for Easter cakes)

Absolutely amazing cookies! Sweet, tender, soft ... I have never eaten tastier in my life! Grandma's recipe, she has been preparing according to this recipe for several decades. From a portion you get a lot of Easter cakes, feel free to divide the amount by 2, 3, 4 ...

1 l. baked milk;
1 kg. Sahara;
500 gr. drain. oils;
10 eggs;
3 yolks;
150 gr. fresh yeast.

Lightly beat the eggs, cut the butter into pieces, mix all the products with warm milk and leave in a warm place for 8-12 hours (feel free to leave overnight). Then pour in: 1 tsp. salt; 200 gr. steamed raisins; 2-3 bags of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. l. cognac; about 2.5 kg of flour. Knead a soft, viscous dough, dipping your hands in sunflower oil. Let rise for an hour and a half until it doubles in size. Apply 1/3 of the molds, wait until it comes almost to the brim and bake at a temperature of 180 gr. until ready. Grease the top of the cooled Easter cakes with icing, decorate.

2. Easter cake with sour cream

Awesome cookies!
Delicate, soft, fragrant!
I highly recommend trying!
From the indicated amount of ingredients, 2 Easter cakes 11 cm high and 17 cm wide and 14 small Easter cakes 7 cm high and 6 cm wide are obtained.


300 ml milk
3 eggs
200 g sugar
150 g butter
250 g sour cream (15-20%)
vanilla stick (or 2 tsp vanilla sugar)
300 g raisins
700–800 g flour


Heat the milk until it is slightly warm.
Add yeast and 1 tsp to milk. Sahara.
Add 200-250 g of flour, mix.
Cover with a napkin or towel, put in a warm place.
The dough should double in size (it took me about 30 minutes). Beat eggs with sugar. Cut the vanilla stick, take out the seeds. Add eggs to the bowl, mix. Add vanilla seeds (or vanilla sugar). Add softened (not melted) butter, mix. Add sour cream, mix. Add the remaining flour (you may need a little more or less flour, it depends on the quality of the flour), knead the dough.
The dough must be well kneaded, it should not be steep and should not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a napkin or towel, put in a warm place. The dough should rise well (it took me about 30 minutes). Add raisins to the dough (previously washed and dried).
Cover with a napkin or towel, put in a warm place. Let the dough rise well again (it took me about 30 minutes). Grease the molds a little with oil.
Lay out the dough, filling the molds to 1/3 of the height of the mold. Let the dough rise.
Put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes.
Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees, bake until tender (about 30 minutes).
As soon as the cake is reddened, check it for readiness, for this you need to pierce it with a wooden skewer (or a toothpick), if it is dry, the cake is ready. Decorate to taste.
I smeared the finished cakes with protein cream and decorated with confectionery sprinkles.

3. Easter "Like fluff" on sour cream and baked milk


Sour cream 300 g.
butter 300 g.
baked milk 250 g.
sugar 660 g
chicken eggs 5 pcs.
egg yolks 3 pcs.
yeast 100 g
salt 10 g.
vanilla sugar 30 g
orange peel
raisins 100 g
candied fruit 100 g
flour 1400
vegetable oil 50 g.


Beat eggs and yolks with a whisk with sugar, but not fanatically (until foam), but just to mix well.
Add yeast, mix well. Add sour cream and baked milk. In order to make baked milk, you need to boil the milk and put it to simmer over low heat for 2 hours under a closed lid, stirring occasionally. You can simmer in the oven or pour milk into a thermos for 6-8 hours. Milk should acquire brownish colors and a specific taste and smell.
Add oil room temperature cut into pieces. Mix well. Put in a warm place, covered with a towel, for 12 hours. Best for overnight. Add zest, washed and dried raisins, candied fruit, vanilla sugar to the dough.
Gradually add the sifted flour. First knead the dough with a wooden spoon, and then with your hands. It is advisable to knead for at least 30 minutes. In addition, do not add flour, but grease your hands with oil so that it is less sticky, because the dough turns out to be soft, a little sticky.
Cover the dough with a clean towel, put in a warm place for 1.5 hours. Place a consecrated willow branch on top of the towel.
The dough has risen. Spread the dough into greased lined with baking paper molds at 1/3 of the height. Let rise in a warm place until the dough rises to its full height (about 45 minutes). Lubricate Easter on top with yolk, dissolved with a few drops of cold water.
Bake at 190 for about 45 minutes (it all depends on the size of the molds). Therefore, you need to focus on the delicious smell from the oven and the golden color of the baked cakes on top.

4. Delicious cake!

Two medium cakes
Active time 30-40 minutes, passive 5-6 hours

570 gr flour
150 ml milk
3 eggs
150 g butter
1 cup of sugar without a slide, you can take brown
yeast, 10 gr
half a teaspoon of salt
75 g raisins
50 g candied fruit
50 g almonds
half vanilla sugar
for glaze half a cup of powdered sugar, egg white, lemon juice

Dilute in warm water yeast and a teaspoon of sugar. Let them come up to form a foam. You can listen to them, they are lively and sociable, if you put yeast to your ear, then the right ones will immediately begin to whisper something. In 150 ml of warm milk (milk is slightly less, since the yeast is already in the water), combine with yeast, mix. Pour them into a large container and sift half the flour there. Moreover, it is better to divide this part of the flour into two, first pour out one part, mix with yeast with a mixer, and then the second and knead the dough. Wrap in a blanket and put the dough on the battery or in another warm place to approach. This will take about 30 minutes or an hour - it all depends on how fresh yeast.
Once the dough has doubled in size, it's time to move on. Separate the whites from the yolks, leave one yolk to grease the cake later. Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla, and beat the whites until foam forms.
Add salt, yolks, oil to the dough, mix. Then add the remaining flour and beaten egg whites. The dough should not be very thick, but well kneaded and easy to lag behind the sides of the bowl. Wrap in a towel and put back in a warm place.
When the dough has risen and doubled in size, add the raisins, diced candied fruits and almonds. Mix with the dough and spread out into molds, which are pre-lined with baking paper.
Let the dough rise in the forms, it will double in size. Grease the dough tops with egg yolk. Put in a cold oven, turn it on to 100 degrees and hold for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 150 and bake for an hour. Readiness to check with a wooden skewer, if the dough does not stick, then the cake is ready.
Cover with frosting once cooled down a bit. For the icing, take the protein, beat until a dense foam, add half a glass of powdered sugar (through a strainer and slowly), beat, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, beat for another 10 seconds. Cover the cake and leave for the icing to harden.

5. Easter cake from Olga Syutkina


1.5-2 kg flour
0.5 l milk
500 g butter
3 bags of dry yeast (11 g each)
Salt, on the tip of a teaspoon
vanilla and other food flavorings
5 eggs
400 g sugar
raisins, quantity of your choice
a little vegetable oil
For glaze
4 squirrels
100 g sugar

Preparation: In a large bowl, mix 500 g of flour with yeast. Prepare the eggs - in one container 5 eggs and 4 yolks, in another - 4 whites. Beat the eggs and yolks with a mixer, and leave the bowl with the proteins - they will be needed for the glaze. Pour 125 ml of milk into a saucepan, add pre-softened butter and bring to a boil. Pour in the remaining milk. It will become just desired temperature. Add 400 g of sugar and salt, stir until completely dissolved. Add beaten eggs, vanilla. You can put other spices - cardamom, nutmeg, lemon zest, saffron. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with flour and mix thoroughly - the consistency of the dough will be like liquid sour cream. This is a dough, and it should be suitable from 40 minutes to 1 hour. But now the moment is coming when only intuition will tell you how much flour should be added to the dough. Add flour in portions, knead first with a spoon, then with your hands. The dough should not be very dense, but not liquid. It is problematic to indicate the exact amount of flour, since its moisture content is different. Usually go almost 2 kg, or a little less. You need to knead for a very long time - 20-30 minutes. It is long kneading that is the main rule of cooking. yeast dough. The product from it will turn out to be airy, beautiful, and will not harden for a long time. Put the dough in a warm place and let it rise 2 times (after an hour from the start of fermentation, make a punch). Then add the raisins, mix again and let rise for the 3rd time. In the meantime, prepare the molds - they should be warm. Grease the molds vegetable oil, put a cut out circle of baking paper on the bottom. Turn the risen dough out onto a work surface, knead lightly and place into molds so that it takes up 1/3 of the volume. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Let the cookies rise until they double in size. Small cakes will be baked for 30-35 minutes, large ones - 45-50 minutes. Check the readiness with a wooden stick: if the stick came out of the cake dry, it is ready. While cakes are in the oven, beat egg whites with sugar until stiff. When ready, take the cookies out of the oven. First, leave them in the form for 10 minutes and only then take them out on a towel. Lubricate the already almost cooled cakes with icing, otherwise it will dry out, turn into a hard crust and fall off. Decoration - to your taste!

6. Easter cake


500 ml milk
11 g dry yeast (or 50–60 g raw yeast)
1–1.3 kg flour
6 eggs
200 g butter or margarine
250-300 g sugar
300 g raisins
1 tsp vanilla sugar
2 squirrels
100 g sugar


Warm the milk a little (so that it is slightly warm), dissolve the yeast in it. Add 500 g flour, mix well. Put in a warm place.
I pour warm water into a bowl, put a container with dough in it. Cover with a towel. The dough should double in size (it will take about 30 minutes). Separate whites from yolks.
Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy. Add yolks to the approached dough, mix. Then add softened butter, mix. Add proteins, mix. Add the remaining flour (you may need a little more or less flour, it depends on the quality of the flour), knead the dough.
The dough must be well kneaded, it should not be steep and should not stick to your hands.
Put the dough back in a warm place. Let the dough rise well (this will take 50-60 minutes). Soak the raisins in warm water for 10-15 minutes, then drain all the water. Add raisins to the risen dough, mix and put the dough back in a warm place. The dough should rise well. Grease the form with oil, put the dough on 1/3 of the height of the form. Cover with foil or towel. Let the dough rise again already in the form.
Put in an oven preheated to 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes.
Then add the temperature to 180 degrees, bake until cooked (I had a cake 11 cm high and 17 cm wide baked for 35 minutes, 10 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees and 25 at a temperature of 180 degrees).
To check the readiness of the cake, pierce it with a match (or a toothpick), if it is dry, the cake is ready.
Ready for frosting.
Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy. Add sugar, beat until stiff peaks. Lubricate ready-made hot cakes with icing or protein cream and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles or decorate with candied fruits.
Enjoy your meal!

7. Custard curd Easter

1 kg cottage cheese
250 ml cream 10% fat
5 eggs
2 cups sugar
250 g butter
100 g light raisins
100 g walnuts
50 g candied fruit
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 lemon


We only need the yolks, separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar until white.
Add cream to the whipped yolk mass and bring to a boil in a water bath or in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Make sure that the yolks with cream do not burn. stir constantly. Allow the resulting custard to cool slightly.
Pre-fry the nuts in a dry frying pan or in the oven, peel them. Also choose membranes and shell particles. Wash and dry the raisins, grate the zest of one lemon.
Rub cottage cheese, butter, raisins, nuts, candied fruits into the cooled custard egg-yolk mass, lemon peel and vanilla sugar. Move well.
If you have a special form for Easter, put the resulting mixture there. But also all this can be put in a colander, after covering it with two layers of gauze. And refrigerate for at least 12 hours. During this time, excess liquid will come out and curd Easter will take a beautiful shape, decorate to your taste with candied fruits.

8. Chocolate Easter


150 g chocolate with at least 75% cocoa
1 kg fatty non-acidic cottage cheese
200 ml cream with 35% fat
120 g butter
200 g powdered sugar
2 yolks
1 tsp grated orange peel

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve 2 times. Beat 100 g of butter with a mixer until soft cream, add cottage cheese and beat again. In a water bath, beat the yolks with powdered sugar until the mass increases in volume and brightens. Add the beaten egg yolks to the curd mixture. Break 100 g of chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl. Add the remaining butter. Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and melt the chocolate while stirring. Cool slightly. Chop the remaining chocolate into small pieces. Stir the melted chocolate into the curd mass, add the chocolate pieces and orange peel. Whip cream. Gently fold the whipped cream into curd mass. Cover the Easter mold with 3 layers of gauze. Spread the curd mixture with a tablespoon, pressing well against the walls of the mold. When the form is completely filled, cover the cottage cheese with the free edges of the gauze and tuck them. Put the form with Easter on a plate or in a narrow bowl. Put a saucer on top and put oppression. Place the entire structure in the refrigerator. Keep an eye on the amount of whey flowing in the plate and drain it periodically. Easter should stand under the yoke of 24 hours.

9. Light and fast cake

Girls, I want to offer you a recipe for a wonderful cake. It prepares easily and quickly. The main thing is that it always works out. I have been baking Easter cakes according to this recipe for 15 years and always successfully. Maybe someone will need my recipe.

Of course, I really apologize for the photo.
I didn't think to take a closer picture.
This was our Easter table for last year's Bright Sunday.

We will need:

0.5 l of warm milk, 6 eggs, 200 g plums. oils, 2-3 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. raisins, 50 g of raw yeast or 16 g of dry yeast (2 sachets are possible), 0.5 tsp. salt, vanilla, 2-3 tbsp. l. rast. butter, 1.5 kg flour.
Yeast pour 0.5 tbsp. warm milk, adding 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. All this is well stirred and set aside for fermentation - this is our dough.

Grind eggs with sugar, add butter melted and cooled in milk.
(We take 0.5 l of milk indicated in the recipe and pour it into a saucepan, take 0.5 cups of dough from it, and put 200 g of plum oil into the remaining (what is in the saucepan) and put the saucepan on fire and heat until until the butter melts in the milk.
It turns out that we heat butter and milk at the same time.
Then remove the saucepan from the heat and cool.)
Pour in the dough, grows. oil, put raisins and add flour.
Stir everything with a spoon. Knead the dough.
It doesn't have to be cool!
It will turn out quite soft, but that's how it should be.
The dough will be very sticky - this is normal.
In the test, the spoon can "stand", even slightly falling over, but only slightly.


I bake Easter cakes every year, without recipes.
Today I came across this good selection and decided to bake this year especially delicious cake.
And since the recipes are all so good, I share with you.
Who needs it, take it!

Easter cake is a symbol of the Easter holiday. Usually (traditionally) sweet pastries from rich yeast dough, with the addition of raisins, candied fruits, nuts. Easter cake is tall, it has a cylindrical shape. From above, the Easter cake is decorated with egg whites whipped with sugar, and multi-colored sprinkles (special confectionery), you can also decorate with multi-colored coconut flakes. Easter cakes are baked on the eve of the holiday, and in the morning, believers consecrate their Easter cakes in churches. In our city, on Easter, huge queues line up at churches - people want to bless their Easter cakes. A priest walks along the line and sprinkles holy water on Easter cakes. It is with Easter cake that those who have fasted break their fast (the first non-lean meal after the Great Forty Days of Lent). It doesn’t matter if you are a believer or not, Easter cake is not only a good tradition, it is also very tasty, so absolutely everyone eats Easter cakes, as a rule, on Easter. They are sold everywhere, everywhere in shops and bread stalls the tops of Easter cakes flash in the spring, and everyone remembers this taste and wants to eat Easter cake. Well, homemade cakes, of course, are the most delicious!

In this article, I have collected 8 of the best Easter cake recipes. These are all our family recipes, as well as the recipes of my friends and acquaintances. That is, all these recipes are not just proven, they are loved, traditional, passed down in families from generation to generation. In addition, I bring new recipes for owners of bread machines and multicookers, these are recipes for Easter cake in a bread machine and in a multicooker. Choose any recipe you like.

When baking Easter cakes, remember people's council: Do not replace butter with margarine. Cookies taste better with butter.

Recipe number 1: Traditional Easter cake

This is exactly traditional recipe Easter cake. Its taste will remind you of childhood and grandmother's pastries. This recipe is a well-deserved classic.


500 ml milk
1 sachet (11-12g) dry yeast (or 50g regular)
1 kg flour
6 eggs
200 gr butter
300 gr sugar
250-300 gr raisins
1 tsp vanilla sugar
For glaze: 100 g of powdered sugar, 2 proteins.
Confectionery sprinkles for decoration.


Sift flour.

Mix dry yeast with 500 grams of flour and add to warm, but not hot (otherwise the yeast will die!) Milk, kneading the dough. If the yeast is ordinary, first dissolve it in warm milk, then add 500 g of flour, also knead the dough. The finished dough increases two to two and a half times in volume, it will take about half an hour.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat egg whites into a thick foam. Add yolks mixed with sugar to the dough that has come up by this time, add softened butter, knead a light dough. Gently fold the egg whites into the dough.

Add the remaining flour, finally knead the dough, remove, cover with a towel in a warm place for 2-3 hours.

While the dough is coming up, prepare the raisins: wash, pour boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse again and dry with a towel.

Gently introduce raisins into the dough that has come up, mix again, let the dough rise (about 20 minutes), and in the meantime prepare the forms for baking Easter cakes: grease them with oil, lightly sprinkle with flour or semolina, for easy discharge finished products from forms.

We lay out the dough: fill in 1/3 of the form, if you fill in more - your Easter cakes will "run away", come out of the forms.

We heat the oven to 100 degrees. Grease the dough in the molds a little with yolks on top (those yolks that remain from the eggs allocated for the preparation of the glaze), not in a dense layer, and put in the oven. We keep at this temperature for no more than 10 minutes, then increase the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the Easter cakes until cooked (about 45-50 minutes).

Do not open the oven door during baking. Ready Easter cakes will be of an even brown color, we check the readiness with a wooden stick (should remain dry after being removed from the product).

Make the frosting: Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks, add powdered sugar, whisk again. We cover ready-made hot cakes with ready-made icing, it is convenient to do this with a culinary brush, evenly coat the entire top. Pour confectionery sprinkles over the freshly applied glaze.

Recipe number 2: Easter cake according to my mother's recipe

No, my mother is not the author of this recipe, he just once, many years ago, came to her and since then has remained in our family as "the most the best recipe Easter cake. Easter cake turns out to be airy, sweet, the taste is so rich ... it’s simply impossible to break away! But note that the recipe is designed for a fairly large number of Easter cakes, it will be a bit too much for a family of 3, so if you bake for a small number of people - take all the ingredients in half, or even one third, or give Easter cakes to friends and neighbors :)

Ingredients: milk - 1 liter, melted butter - 300 grams, creamy margarine- 1 package (250 grams), butter - 500 grams, sour cream - 400 grams, sugar - 1.5 kilograms, eggs - 20 pieces, sunflower oil - 100 grams, vodka - 50 grams, yeast in packs - 1.5 packs (look at how much flour the package is designed for), flour - 3.5 kilograms, raisins - 2 cups, vanillin, salt.

Cooking method

1. Beat eggs with sugar,
2. Soften the butter and margarine, warm the milk slightly to room temperature so that the yeast is comfortable.
3. Dissolve the yeast (either in milk or flour, depending on the chosen yeast).
4. Mix all the ingredients of the dough, knead the dough well so that it easily lags behind your hands. The dough should not be very thick, it should be only slightly thicker than pancake batter. It should be airy and light.
5. Let the dough rise in a warm place, covered with a towel, when the dough rises, knead again, and put it to rise again.
6. When the dough comes up a second time, put it into prepared, oiled forms. Lay out only half and leave to approach already in the forms.
7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the grate in the bottom of the oven, put the cakes in the molds on the grate and bake for 40 - 50 minutes.
8. When the Easter cakes have cooled, decorate the top of each with white icing and sprinkles.
9. FOR the whipped egg whites and sugar glaze: 5 egg whites (chilled), 2.5 cups powdered sugar, 5 tablespoons lemon juice.

Recipe number 3: Custard Easter cake

Ingredients: milk - 3 cups, flour - 2.5 cups, yeast - 50-70 grams, eggs - 10 pcs, sugar - 2 cups, butter - 700 grams, salt - to taste.

Cooking method

In a small amount of milk, heated to room temperature, dilute the yeast, they should foam. Pour the flour with hot milk and mix thoroughly, cool to room temperature. Pour the yeast into the flour with milk and put in heat so that the dough rises. Add the yolks, pounded to white with sugar, to the dough, mix. Add egg whites whipped with a mixer, mix gently and put in heat. Pour melted, warm butter into the dough. Lightly knead the dough, beat it out, put it in a mold greased with softened butter and sprinkled with flour, filling it up to half. When the dough rises, grease its surface with one yolk and bake at 180 degrees until cooked.

Recipe number 4: Carrot cake

Ingredients: flour - 1 kilogram, butter - 100 grams, sugar - 200 grams, milk - 2 cups, eggs - 5 pcs, carrots - 300 grams, yeast - 25 grams, salt to taste.

Cooking method

Pour the yeast with a small amount of warm water or milk, dissolve them, let them froth a little. Peel the carrots, wash them, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, pour water (very little water, up to half the volume occupied by the carrots), and boil under the lid until tender. But carrots should not burn! Rub boiled carrots through a sieve. Add remaining ingredients: eggs, softened butter, milk, flour. Add sugar, salt to already dissolved yeast, pour this mixture into the main dough and knead not too stiff dough. Grease baking molds with vegetable oil. Let the dough rise and fill the forms halfway with it. After the dough in the forms rises and fills them completely, put the cakes in the oven and bake over medium heat until cooked.

Recipe number 5: Almond Easter cake

Ingredients: milk - 2 cups, flour - 1 kg, yeast - 50-70 grams, eggs - 5 pcs, sugar - 1 cup, butter - 300 grams, peeled almonds - 200 grams, lemon - 1 pc, pitted raisins - 1 cup, salt - to taste.

Cooking method

Boil milk and cool. In half a glass of milk, dilute the yeast, adding a little sugar. Pour flour into milk, add foamed yeast, mix and put in a warm place for fermentation. Beat the yolks with sugar, when the dough is suitable, add the yolks with sugar, melted butter, grated lemon zest, half of the peeled, chopped with a knife or in a coffee grinder almond kernels, raisins, salt. Add whipped whites into a stable foam, knead the dough thoroughly. Divide the dough into generously oiled and floured molds. Put the dough only up to half of the molds, let rise. Lubricate the surface of the Easter cakes with yolk and sprinkle with almond kernels. Bake at 180 degrees until done.

Recipe number 6: Easter cake in a slow cooker

flour - (approximately) 500 - 600 g
yeast - 11 g (I have SafMoment)
salt - 1/2 tsp
milk - 100 ml
sugar - 150 g
butter - 70 g
sunflower oil - 50 ml
eggs - 3 pcs
raisins - 100 g
vanillin - 1 sachet

Cooking method

1. Prepare a dough, for this, dilute the yeast in warm milk (in no case hot, otherwise the yeast will die), add a teaspoon of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour. Let stand and come up for half an hour.

2. Beat the eggs white with sugar, soak the raisins in water to make them soft. When the raisins soften, drain the water.

3. In a bowl for dough, mix the dough and beaten eggs, add a pinch of salt and vanillin. Gradually adding flour, softened butter, as well as vegetable oil, knead soft dough, stir in the raisins.

4. Let the dough rise. This may take about 3 hours. Keep the dough in a warm place, covered with a towel.

5. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, put the dough into it.

6. After inserting the bowl into the multicooker, turn on the heating for 20 - 25 minutes, turn off the device and give the cake time to increase in size by two to three times, this may take about an hour.

7. Now you can bake Easter cake. In what mode - depends on your multicooker, I have this mode "baking", at 180 degrees, for 60 minutes. When the slow cooker finishes, add another 30 minutes - let it bake. 60 minutes won't be enough. But this, of course, depends on the multicooker.

Recipe number 7: Easter cake in a bread machine

My friend tried the recipe for this cake and was satisfied, she has a Panasonic bread machine. She stated that this is a delicious, traditional Easter cake. The most real thing.


instant dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons
sugar - 6 tablespoons (75 gr.)
salt - 1 teaspoon (6 gr.)
butter - 150 gr.
eggs - 4 pieces (200 gr.)
milk - 100 gr.
flour - 500 gr.
vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons
dried fruits - 1 cup (240 gr.)
powdered sugar for sprinkling

Cooking method

Sift flour. Mix flour, yeast, sugar, salt, vanillin in a bucket of a bread machine, pour in milk and softened butter. Add eggs.

Soak the raisins in boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse, dry on a napkin and also add to the bread machine. If you have a separate dry fruit dispenser, put the raisins there.

Bake according to the "Baking" program until the cake is ready.

Recipe number 8: Vegetarian (lean) Easter cake

But the Easter cake recipe for vegetarians, this is a lean cake, the recipe is also very interesting.

All recipe photos

Central location on the rich Easter table Easter cottage cheese, Easter cake and colored eggs are always occupied. I offer you a repeatedly proven recipe for Easter cake with milk - delicious, airy and fragrant! The dough is prepared on dough and pressed yeast, but the cooking process is so simple that Easter cake with milk will turn out even the first time. You will need a standard set of ingredients and good mood so that Easter baking turns out to be successful and very tasty!

Cooking time: 3 hours 30 minutes

Output: 2 pcs. 500 g each


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • pressed yeast - 25 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • icing, sugar sprinkles and candied fruits - for decoration.

Cooking process:

First you need to prepare the dough. To do this, measure out 250 ml of milk, pour it into a deep bowl and heat up to 30 degrees in microwave oven. Pour 1 pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar (you will need a standard bag weighing 10 g), stir it well in milk. Add pressed yeast and knead them with your hands. Gradually add 3 tablespoons of flour without a top, be sure to sift it through a sieve. Mix with a whisk, cover cling film and leave warm for 20 minutes, covered with cling film.

In the meantime, we are preparing muffins for Easter test. In a deep bowl, beat 3 eggs (or 2 grade 00 eggs) with a mixer and add 1 chicken yolk(reserve the white for icing). We introduce sugar into the lush egg foam, continuing to work with the mixer. Melt the butter in a water bath or microwave, cool and add to the eggs.

We introduce 200 g of flour, sifting it through a sieve. Mix with a mixer at low speed for 1-2 minutes.

In the meantime, our dough has already risen - it should increase in size by 2-3 times.

Add steam to butter dough, very gently mixing with a spoon from top to bottom (do not use a mixer!). Add all the remaining flour, sifted through a sieve, and knead the dough for milk cakes with your hands for 10 minutes. Don't be tempted to add flour! The dough should be liquid and sticky.

Pour the dough into a deep kneading basin or into a saucepan with a volume of at least 5 liters, lubricating the dishes with vegetable oil. Cover with a towel and leave the dough for Easter cakes to approach in a warm place for 1 hour.

We steam the raisins, squeeze them well with our hands and roll them in flour. After the specified time, when the dough is already properly suited, add raisins to it and knead for a short time with your hands (2-3 minutes). Again, leave to approach for 1 hour in the heat.

We crush the yeast dough in milk and lay it out in paper or iron forms for Easter cakes (grease with oil). We put parchment inside the forms so that the dough does not run away, and the tops are even. It is advisable to level the top of the dough with your hands, lubricated in oil, so that the caps are even, without bumps. We fill the molds 1/3 of the volume, leave the Easter cakes to fit in them for 40 minutes.

As soon as the dough rises almost to the brim, not reaching a couple of centimeters, put the baking sheet in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. We bake Easter cakes in milk for about 40 minutes (the cooking time depends on the volume), we check the readiness with a long wooden skewer.

We let the finished Easter cakes cool down a bit, laying them on their side - if they cool in an upright position, the tender crumb may settle slightly. Carefully peel off the parchment while the cupcakes are still warm.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, you get 2 Easter cakes of 500 g each (I have 1 pc. - 500 g; 1 pc. - 400 g; 1 pc. - 100 g).

Cover Easter cakes with icing and decorate as you like.

Easter cake with milk turns out to be very fragrant, tall and lush. The crumb does not get stale within 1 week. Happy Easter to you!

Delicious yeast cakes on dough: recipe and photo from Nika especially for the Notebook website

We all honor the feast of Holy Easter, and every housewife on this day wants to please her family with homemade Easter cakes, which their store counterparts will never be equal to. AT homemade cakes the soul of the hostess and the mood of the holiday are invested, and believe me, the Easter cake made by yourself is absolutely special!

Everyone has different tastes, someone wants a simple, fast and delicious recipe. Someone prefers not to use yeast, flour or eggs when making dough for Easter cakes. Therefore, in our article we have chosen from very a large number and put together a few completely different recipes so you can choose the one that will become your favorite.

Step-by-step recipes for Easter cakes are short, clear and without unnecessary water. Let's get started!

A simple Easter cake with yeast in the oven

The classic recipe, Easter pastries are very tasty, fluffy and soft, fragrant.

For the test

  • Flour - 560 gr.
  • Milk - 170 ml.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 140 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs. +2 yolks
  • Raisins - 60 gr.
  • Yeast - 30 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 8 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch

For glaze

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 140 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 table. a spoon.

We prepare our ingredients. Raisins need to be soaked overnight to make them soft. Melt butter and cool to room temperature.

In warm milk (40 degrees), dissolve pressed fresh yeast, mix thoroughly.

Pour half the indicated amount of sugar there and gradually, so that there are no lumps, one and a half glasses of flour. Mix thoroughly. We cover the resulting dough with cling film and put it in a warm place so that it rises.

While the dough is rising, beat in one container 2 whole eggs and 2 yolks (without proteins) with vanilla sugar. By consistency, beaten eggs should be like not very thick sour cream, uniformly yellow in color. Pour the beaten eggs into the prepared dough, put a pinch of salt and mix.

In the resulting mixture, gradually, stirring, introduce the remaining flour and melted butter (it should not be hot). We send the second part of the sugar there.

We knead the dough, which is again covered with a film and put in a warm place.

The dough will double in volume. Open it and add raisins, mix again.

Prepare the baking molds. If you have a reusable one, then lubricate it with oil. Do not grease disposable molds. We spread the dough about half way. Cover with a towel and wait for the dough to rise a third time to the edge of the mold. This is how we put future cakes in the oven.

Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on your oven. Make sure the cookies brown evenly.

This is how they turn out soft, fragrant and fragrant. All that's left to do is glaze them.

For this egg whites remaining after the cooking process, beat with lemon juice and powdered sugar with a blender on high speed. We will get a moderately fluid glossy white mass, which is covered on top of still warm pastries.

Sprinkle Easter cakes with colorful sprinkles on top. This is such a beauty!

Easter cake without yeast on kefir

Not everyone considers yeast a useful and necessary supplement, but everyone wants to get lush pastries. How to be? This is where kefir comes to the rescue. Thanks to him, the dough also turns out soft and lush. AT this recipe no sugar is used. And if you take a healthy whole grain and oat flour, then such an Easter will be most useful for both children and adults who care about their health.

Cook Easter cake on kefir with our simple recipe. The amount of dough is designed for two small cakes.

We will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml kefir
  • 280 g flour (can be oatmeal or whole grain)
  • 2 packets natural sweetener (stevia)
  • vanilla and cinnamon to taste
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 100 g raisins
  • 5 g milk powder


Pour kefir into a bowl and pour soda into it.

Prepare dry ingredients. Pour the sweetener, vanilla and cinnamon into the flour, mix until a homogeneous consistency.

Next, separate the whites from the yolks. The yolks will go into the dough, and the whites into the icing. Combine the yolks with kefir and stir. In the same container, gradually pour the flour. Stir constantly so that there are no lumps.

Place the raisins into the resulting dough and mix again.

We spread the mass in baking dishes up to half, because the dough will still rise during cooking in the oven.

We place the molds in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

And while the Easter cakes are baking, prepare the icing: beat the egg whites at high speed with a sweetener and powdered milk (this ingredient is optional). We cover the finished cakes with icing and sprinkle with decorations.

To fix, stir the Easter cakes for another 20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. From this, the glaze becomes dense and does not spread. Ready!

This is such a delicious and healthy Easter.

Alexandria cake step by step

Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes received special recognition. It is made on the basis of baked milk, the pastries are tender, soft like fluff and very tasty. We couldn't get past this recipe.

It is worth saying that the Alexandrian dough is not quick to prepare and this is definitely not a recipe for hastily. But he's worth it!

We will need:

  • baked milk - 0.25 l
  • butter - 125 g
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 250 g
  • fresh yeast - 50g
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • yolks - 2 pcs
  • vanilla - 1 pack
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 800 g
  • raisins - 200 g

For glaze

  • squirrels - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • food decorations


We crumble the yeast into warm baked milk and dissolve them in it. We put sugar in there.

Beat the eggs, combine them with soft butter and our milk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cover with cling film and a towel and leave at room temperature for 8-12 hours, overnight.

This is the kind of dough we should get after 12 hours of infusion:

Vanilla, salt, cognac, raisins, two yolks and flour are sent to a container with dough. The dough is thoroughly kneaded. And put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.

At this time, we prepare baking dishes, grease them with oil.

We distribute the risen dough among the forms, without filling them completely, leaving room for rising.

We put in a warm oven and bake at 180 degrees. Small pasca will bake in about half an hour, large ones will take about an hour.

If you see that the top is browning heavily even though the bottom is not yet baked, cover the top with damp baking paper and reduce the heat to 150 degrees.

We prepare the icing as usual: just beat the egg whites with sugar with a mixer for several minutes until a dense white cream. We spread Easter cakes and decorate as fantasy tells.

Who can resist such beauty? And the scent is just fabulous!

Inside, the Easter cakes are soft, sweet, rich, on the outside they are elegant, festive and very beautiful!

Easter cake with raisins, candied fruits and nuts in a slow cooker video

Another very tasty recipe in the Redmond slow cooker, but it can also be adapted to any other. A wonderful lush, tall and tasty cake is obtained.

We will need:

  • 1.5 cups milk (300 ml)
  • 6 eggs
  • 300 gr. butter
  • 2 cups - sugar
  • 16 grams dry yeast (3.5 teaspoons or 1.5 packs)
  • 3/4 teaspoon - salt
  • 1 gram - vanillin
  • 100 gr raisins
  • 100 gr walnuts
  • 50 g candied fruit
  • 1 kg flour

For glaze for 1 cake:

  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 4-6 teaspoons lemon juice
  • if necessary, add 1-2 teaspoons of water (depending on the consistency of the resulting glaze).


Step 1. We heat the milk in a slow cooker in the Multicook mode at 35 degrees for 6 minutes. Pour yeast and part of flour (300 g) into warm milk, mix. It will not be a very thick dough. This is the future steam. We put it this time for 30 minutes at 35 degrees in the Multicook mode.

Step 2. While the dough is coming up, let's take care of the eggs: we separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar, beat the whites into a stable foam.

Step 3. We begin to add the rest of the ingredients to the dough that has come up: salt, melted butter, yolks grated with sugar, vanillin, and also alternately introduce flour (leave only 100 g) and whipped proteins. All this is well kneaded.

Step 4. It's time to raise our dough further. We will do this in 2 stages so that the cake turns out to be magnificent. First, set for 30 minutes in Multicook mode 40 degrees, after this time, we punch down the dough. And again set at the same temperature, but for an hour.

Step 5. The dough has risen, it should rise almost to the top of the multicooker. Sprinkle the table with flour (3 tablespoons), lay out the dough, sprinkle the dough on top with flour (3 tablespoons), add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil while kneading, add chopped nuts, candied fruits, washed, dried and rolled in flour raisins. Knead the dough well.

Step 6. This amount of dough is enough for 2 Easter cakes. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil. Our dough should take up 1/3 of the bowl. Again we put in the Multicook mode for 1 hour at a temperature of 40 degrees. During this time, the dough will rise again.

Step 7 Without removing the dough, immediately start the Baking mode for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Step 8. We take out the cake on a towel, and then cool it on the steamer basket (so that there is air circulation and the cake does not get damp). Apply lemon-sugar glaze to the cooled cake, if you use protein glaze, then it must be applied to a warm cake. Top with candy sprinkles.

For more details on cooking Easter cake in a slow cooker, see this video:

Delicious recipe for cake in a bread machine

An incredibly simple and delicious recipe for one cake that does not require much time and fuss with dough. All the ingredients are simply poured into the bowl of the bread machine and after a few hours there is already a ruddy cake on the table!

We will need:

  • 340 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 17 g yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 st. l. condensed milk
  • 1 st. l. sour cream
  • 30 g soft butter
  • 130 g milk
  • 5 st. l. Sahara
  • 50 g raisins

How to cook:

Just put all the products in the bowl. Liquid ingredients come first, starting with milk, then loose ingredients (except raisins). Raisins must be steamed beforehand. And we will add it a little later, when the dough is already kneaded.

We put the bowl in the bread machine on the usual main mode Bread. First, according to the program, there will be dough kneading, at this moment we add raisins. And then the cake is baked without our participation.

25 minutes before the end of the program, when the cake is almost ready, coat it with whipped egg whites. We close. For another 20 minutes, the glaze will be baked together with the cake and harden well.

The kulich is tall, soft and tasty. And the ease of preparation of the recipe is just a fairy tale!

If you have any questions about cooking, watch this detailed video:

Easter cake with cream and sour cream

Cakes on cream have a particularly delicate texture and a mild rich taste. Here's another great recipe for you!

We will need:

Let's start by activating the yeast:

Mix cream and yeast.

I'm preparing the steam.

Add the rest of the ingredients:

This is what the dough should look like:

Let's start cooking.

Ready for frosting.

We dip each cake.

Cakes on cream and sour cream are ready!

kulich panettone

Stunningly beautiful cake Italian recipe. special flavor and unusual taste currants add to this cake, as well as yogurt, which are included in the recipe.


  • Flour - 600 gr
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp.
  • Warm water - 200 gr
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Unsweetened yogurt - 0.5 cup
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp.
  • Raisins - 100 gr
  • Dried currant - 100 gr
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 50 gr

How to cook:

Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar. And put this dough in a warm place for 20 minutes.

As soon as the yeast begins to ferment, add the yolks, yogurt, melted butter (not hot), vanilla, lemon zest, a pinch of salt to them. And to all this abundance at the end we begin to mix flour.

The dough is elastic and soft. It also needs to be put in heat so that it rises well.

Dried fruits are the last to go into the dough. We mix everything thoroughly. Put the dough into greased molds.

Leave for half an hour so that the dough comes up again. Bake at 175 C for 45 minutes.

More in the video:

kulich kraffin

Highly unusual cake, which will amaze everyone not only with its taste, but also with its intricate lace look.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 350 g flour 80 ml milk (+30 ml milk if passion fruit juice is not used)
  • 6 g dry yeast
  • 80 g sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 40 g butter (melted)
  • 30 ml passionfruit juice (orange juice) - if not using juice as flavoring, replace with 30 ml milk

Easter cake in milk is well baked and turns out soft and tasty.
Long before the onset of the most important Christian holiday - Bright Easter - many housewives make up holiday menu, paying special attention to Easter cakes in it. Now few people tend to buy Easter cakes in the store, yet homemade Easter cakes are much tastier and more symbolic. They invest in it a piece of the soul, and the warmth of the hands, and the most best regards. And be sure to believe that they will certainly come true. According to tradition, they bake a lot of Easter cakes to give Easter baking all relatives and friends. We can offer you or.
Cooking Easter cakes is a long process, requiring the preparation of products and a long proofing of the dough. In general, it will take approximately 6 hours. It is better to buy country milk or with a high percentage of fat, butter and eggs are also better to buy on the market. Remove all food from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature, and sift the flour several times. Well, shall we start?

Easter cake with milk - recipe with photo.
- wheat flour premium- 2 kg (or slightly less);
- fresh fat milk - 0.5 liters;
- fresh pressed yeast - 100 gr;
- eggs - 10 pcs;
- butter - 300 gr;
- sugar - 4 cups (faceted glass);
- raisins - 250 gr;
- candied fruits - 150 gr;
- ground cardamom - 1 tsp;
- vanilla sugar - 3 sachets;
- ground nutmeg - 1.5 tsp;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l;
- icing sugar for icing - 150 gr;
- colored sprinkles for decorating Easter cakes.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Let's start with the preparation of the brew. It is better to cook it in a large saucepan or bowl so that the dough has room to grow. Take half a liter of milk, heat it warmer than room temperature. Crumble the yeast, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Combine milk with yeast and sugar, mix everything well. Sift in yeast with milk 2.5-3 cups of flour.

Stir until a thick dough is obtained, the consistency of which resembles dough for pancakes. You need to stir thoroughly, kneading all the lumps. We leave the dough to come up in a warm place, and so that a crust does not form on top, cover it with a thick terry towel or lid.

The dough will rise very quickly. In just 15-20 minutes, it will increase by 2-3 times, become loose and perforated.

To prepare the dough, you need to separate the eggs into yolk and protein. Pour two egg whites into a separate bowl with a lid and put in the refrigerator - they will be needed for protein glaze. Add a pinch of salt to the rest of the proteins, beat with a mixer until you get a thick snow-white mass, airy and quite dense.

Mix egg yolks and 2 cups sugar in a separate bowl.

Rub with a whisk or spoon until the mass becomes light. From bright orange, it will become light yellow or almost white (depending on the brightness of the yolks).

We shift the ripened dough into a large basin. Cut into soft butter.

Next, pour the egg yolks, pounded with sugar. Mix everything with a spoon or spatula.

Add the rest of the sugar to the dough, flavor with spices and vanilla sugar. Except nutmeg and cardamom, you can add ground cinnamon or a couple of pinches of turmeric for color.

Whipped egg whites are added to the dough gradually, carefully mixing each portion with the dough. After adding proteins, it will become airy, as if saturated with air bubbles.

Pour in the sifted flour. What is important: add flour in parts. We immediately added a kilogram and begin to knead the dough. As you knead, it will become clear how much more flour to add. Perhaps it will take less - all flour is of different quality, and the amount of flour depends on the size of the eggs.

Knead the dough for the Easter cake for a long time, trying to make it homogeneous, plastic, very soft, but not sticky. To make it easier to knead, from time to time we grease our hands with vegetable oil and pour a little oil on the table. When you feel air bubbles burst under your palms, and the dough becomes soft, supple, it means that it is ready and you can send it for proofing.

Cover the kneaded dough with a lid and put in heat for 2.5-3 hours. During the proofing time, it should increase at least twice, but the better the dough fits, the more magnificent the Easter cakes will be. If the dough does not fit well, put it in an oven preheated to +45 degrees and, as necessary, heat the oven to this temperature. Or move the bowl with the dough into a large container filled with warm water.

Punch down the risen dough. We steam the raisins in a water bath, dry them. Together with candied fruit, add to the dough.

Knead the dough again, distributing raisins and candied fruits throughout the volume. Let's rest for half an hour.

In the meantime, prepare the forms. Grease jars of olives, condensed milk, peas with vegetable oil or melted lard, sprinkle the walls with flour. At the bottom we put a circle of parchment, greased with oil. We separate pieces of the desired size from the dough, lay them out in molds. The dough should take from 1/3 to half the volume of the form. Let's go again. Turn on the oven, heat up to 200 degrees.

When the dough in the molds doubles in size, put the cakes in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes. We bake the first 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, then lower it to 180 and bake the Easter cakes until cooked. The surest way to test your baked goods is to pierce them at the highest point with a wooden skewer. It should come out dry with no sticky dough. We immediately take out the finished cakes from the molds and cool on a towel.

Easter cake in milk with candied fruits, raisins and spices is ready, it remains to decorate. Protein glaze is very easy to prepare. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, add the icing sugar and beat until stable snow-white peaks. Get a thick glaze for lubrication of Easter cakes. Lubricate the cooled Easter cakes with icing, sprinkle with decorative colored crumbs or confectionery sprinkles.