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PP cheesecake: delicious diet recipes. Diet chocolate cheesecake made from cottage cheese and cocoa Diet chocolate cheesecake without baking

If you are on a diet and suddenly you want something sweet, then this is not a reason to deny yourself! You can make chocolate cheesecake, which contains a minimum of calories.

Chocolate cheesecake recipe with photo

Light dessert with chocolate flavor may be dietary. This is especially important in spring and summer, when everyone is watching their figure.

The value of this dessert per 100 grams is 110 kcal. Proteins - 16 g, fats - 2 g and carbohydrates - 7 g.

For cooking you will need:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • Honey - 20 grams;
  • Milk 1% - 100 grams;
  • Gelatin - 15 grams;
  • Cocoa - 50 grams.

How to cook:

  1. Soak 15 g of gelatin in a glass of water for 30 minutes.
  2. Then drain the water from the swollen gelatin (if any).
  3. Put on a slow fire, add milk, cottage cheese, cocoa and honey.
  4. Take all the ingredients and blend them in a blender until homogeneous mass.
  5. Now you need to move this mass into a special form and put it in a cold place (refrigerator) so that it freezes.
  6. You can garnish the finished cheesecake with mint or an orange slice.

Chocolate Cheesecake with Baking (Low Carb)

Of the many varieties of low carb cheesecake, this chocolate cheesecake stands out. Because of the melted chocolate that comes in creamy dough, you will get a dense and fragrant piece of cake. Whereas the traditional low carb cheesecake is light and airy with a hint of lemon and vanilla.

This was my first time using a springform pan and it made the whole process so much easier. Using standard cake or pie pans works, but cheesecake removal is more difficult. The sides of the pan come off conveniently from the base, leaving you with perfect cheesecake sides. This is especially useful when making a giant cheesecake that won't fit in a short pie pan.

450 calories
40 g fat
11 g protein
7.5 g carbohydrates

This recipe is for 8 servings. Preparation time is 30 minutes and cooking time is 60 minutes.


chocolate crust

  • 1 cup almond flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1/16 teaspoon stevia;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cheesecake filling

  • Cream cheese - 450 grams;
  • 3/4 cup erythritol (sugar substitute)
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/2 cup sour cream;
  • 85 g unsweetened baker's chocolate;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Cooking Instructions

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. To make chocolate icing melt 4 tablespoons butter and mix with almond flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon and stevia. Mix well.

2. Place the dough in a baking dish. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes or until the crust is firm and dark.

3. While the crust is baking, start making the filling! Whisk cream cheese and erythritol with an electric mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. Add sour cream, vanilla extract, salt and 2 eggs. Now you need to beat with a mixer until creamy.

5. Melt the baker's chocolate in a double boiler or simply in a small skillet over low heat, stirring constantly.

6. Pour chocolate and 1 tablespoon cocoa powder into your cream cheese mixture. Stir with a spoon or rubber spatula to combine the chocolate and cream cheese mixture.

7. Now pour the cheesecake batter into the baking dish on top of the crispy icing.

8. Bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes, or until the top of the cheesecake is darker but the dough is jiggling underneath.

9. Let the cheesecake cool until room temperature and then refrigerate overnight (ideally). Even a few hours of refrigeration is better than nothing. This will help the cheesecake firm up!

10. When the cake has cooled, run a plastic knife around the edges of the baking dish so that it is behind the walls. Unfasten the buckle and remove the mold.

Slice and serve with whipped cream and a piece of dark chocolate. Enjoy!

We wish you bon appetit!

One of the basic rules proper nutrition and losing weight is the rejection of sweets and pastries. It is extremely difficult for sweet-toothed to withstand a regime with severe restrictions, and they break down without achieving a result. To eliminate this situation, you need to periodically indulge yourself with delicious desserts.

Today, there are many recipes that allow you to cook sweets at home that do not pose a danger to the figure, PP cheesecake is one of them. It is tasty, healthy and will not turn into extra centimeters at the waist and sides.

Hints for the hostess

The idea of ​​cheesecake belongs to the inhabitants of ancient Greece. Today, the dish is recognized as America's favorite dessert. Our cottage cheese pie also quickly took root and fell in love with people of all ages. Restaurant menus often feature different variations of cheesecake. How to cook it at home to keep the soft texture, delicate taste and a fabulous aroma, not everyone knows. cottage cheese cake you will succeed the first time, if you know a few culinary secrets and follow these simple guidelines:

  • Use a split form. This is the only way to remove the dessert whole without damaging it.
  • Lay the parchment on the bottom of the form, after cutting out the element of the desired size.
  • It is necessary to choose the "right" cheese. AT traditional recipes fatty varieties are used, for example, "Philadelphia". If you follow the figure, then it is better to cook from ricotta. This is whey cheese, which allows you to reduce the calorie content of the dish. Cheesecake with ricotta is tender, soft and juicy.
  • You can cook in the oven, slow cooker and microwave. The dessert that is prepared without baking is recognized as the most useful. You can also cook in a water bath.
  • Beat the dough at low speed (if using a blender or mixer), but it is better to do it manually with a whisk.
  • You can cook without gelatin or with the addition of this thickener.
  • If you are cooking in the oven, it is important to cool the dessert properly so that it does not lose its height and shape. To do this, after turning off the oven, the dish should remain in it for another half an hour. Then open the door and leave it for 10 minutes. Then the curd dessert is removed, cooled at room temperature and sent to the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Ready meal it is necessary to decorate with berries, dried fruits, fresh fruits. It is better not to use jam, condensed milk and sour cream. Cheesecake will be an excellent breakfast for the whole family, and dessert can also be served at the festive table.

Recipe and its variations

The process of making cheesecake is not difficult. However, it is important to follow a certain sequence of actions and not deviate from the recipe. To eliminate errors, use our recipes with a photo below, where all the processes are described step by step. The classic PP cheesecake recipe has long been popular. To prepare it you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 180 gr cream cheese;
  • 100 gr oatmeal;
  • 250 gr fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 100 gr 2% cottage cheese;
  • baking powder and sweetener.
  1. From eggs and oatmeal we make a cake, the basis for our dessert. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder, drive in 1 egg, add the sweetener and baking powder. We mix everything thoroughly and send it to bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees.
  2. Put the cottage cheese, cream cheese and 3 eggs into a blender bowl, beat until a homogeneous soft mass.
  3. We spread the mixture on the cake, and send it to bake for 90 minutes, setting temperature regime 100-120 degrees.

100 grams of finished cheesecake has a calorie content of 182 kcal, and also contains 13.5 grams of protein, 10.2 grams of carbohydrates, and 9.8 grams of fat.

With chocolate

Chocolate Cheesecake is made without baking. The dish pleases with a minimum calorie content, only 97 kcal per 100 g, 16 g of protein, 5 g of carbohydrates and 2 g of fat. To prepare this delicious dessert you will need:

  • 400 gr low-fat curd mass;
  • 100 ml skimmed milk;
  • 50 gr cocoa;
  • 20 grams of honey;
  • 15 gr gelatin.
  1. Gelatin should be soaked in water (200 ml) for 30 minutes.
  2. The remaining water must be drained, put the swollen gelatin on the fire.
  3. Add to it all the ingredients - milk, cottage cheese, honey, cocoa. Cottage cheese must first be rubbed through a sieve or beat with a blender until a homogeneous state.
  4. The resulting mass is poured into a mold, allowed to cool and placed in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

With fruits

Juicy and fragrant fruits will give the dessert unique notes and a refined taste. You can cook with banana, strawberry, pear, peach. Pumpkin and orange cheesecake is very tasty. If you don't like oranges or are allergic to citrus fruits, an apple-banana cheesecake is a great solution. Calorie content of 100 gr of a dish is 117 kcal, carbohydrates 20 gr, proteins 8 gr, fats 1 gr. The main ingredients of the dish are:

  • 200 gr whole grain bread;
  • 50 grams of raisins and dried apricots;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 300 gr of cottage cheese;
  • 200 gr banana;
  • 100 grams of milk;
  • 150 gr apple;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • cinnamon to taste.
  1. Initially, we make a cake. Cut the bread into cubes and dry them in the oven. We put the croutons in a blender bowl, add dried fruits and beat. Add honey to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Put the dough into a mold.
  2. Peel an apple and one banana, cut into rings and spread on the base.
  3. We soak the gelatin, let it brew and heat it over a fire.
  4. Grind cottage cheese, milk, cinnamon and the second banana into a homogeneous mass, add slightly cooled gelatin to it.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture onto the base and send it to freeze in the refrigerator overnight.

Another version of the cheesecake, called New York, see this video:

In order not to harm the figure, eat diet dessert in the morning. A cheesecake and a glass of herbal tea is a great idea. Cook and enjoy! Enjoy your meal!

You can confuse cheesecake with biscuit dessert, because its base is prepared from crushed shortbread biscuits. Typically, the filling of a treat includes various ingredients - this is a mixture soft cheese or cottage cheese, sugar and full-fat milk or cream. Most often, the dish is baked, but sometimes cooked in a water bath if gelatin is used in cooking.

The earliest mention of cheesecake is found in the 5th century BC in the records of the Greek physician Aigimus. He wrote a whole book on cooking treats.

In 776 BC, the dish was presented to the winner of the Olympic Games. Cheesecake was considered a pie. It was made from soft cheese (goat's or sheep's milk), wheat flour, eggs and honey.

AT Ancient Rome cheesecake was considered a dish for religious holidays.

After the conquest of Britain in the 1st century, Roman soldiers shared the recipe for this wonderful delicacy with the inhabitants. At this time, the texture of the cheesecake has changed a little, because in the UK the cheese is aged longer, so the cheese takes on a slightly sweet taste and becomes soft. In the 14th century, records were found that describe the recipe for a delicacy. It was thanks to this discovery that chef Heston Blumenthal claimed that the cheesecake is a purely English invention.

In the United States, the cheesecake recipe was brought by Jewish immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Cream cheese was discovered in 1872 and became very popular in the production of cheesecakes. The cheese turned out to be very tender and tasty, so it was called Philadelphia cheese, because Philadelphia was famous for its delicious food.

Interesting Facts:

  • At the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth ll, a cheesecake was served as dessert.
  • The recipe for the treat was sold for hundreds of pounds.
  • For Jews this dish is part of a religious tradition.
  • Cheesecake by classic recipe has a strong creamy-milk flavor with vanilla aroma and hints of lemon zest.
  • July 30th is International Cheesecake Day.
  • Treats don't have to be sweet. There are types of cheesecake that are not sweet. They are used as an appetizer or as an addition to a salad.
  • Cheesecake from KFC is the most common and favorite delicacy among many sweet teeth.

This dessert is not only very tasty, but also nutritious. Cream cheese is the main ingredient in this dish. It contains various vitamins A, E, K, P and B vitamins, beta-carotene and choline.

When using cheesecake, you need to be very careful. After all, eggs, sugar and chocolate are most often used in cooking, which increase the calorie content of the dish. Therefore, it is better to cook this delicacy on your own. You can use low-fat cottage cheese, add fresh berries or fruits, sugar can be replaced with honey. Low-fat cottage cheese is very rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins A, B, E, P, iron and calcium. The use of honey is useful not only for those who want to get rid of diseases, but also for healthy people - for the prevention of various ailments and strengthening the immune system. Honey is often used in the treatment of many diseases - from tonsillitis and flu to pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. It enhances blood circulation, increases the tone of the heart and blood vessels, has a calming and hypnotic effect. Honey is very useful for insomnia, neurosis, frequent headaches. Our recipe will allow you to cook your favorite dish more low-calorie and healthier, while the taste will remain the same great and unique.

I love desserts that don't require baking. As a rule, they always turn out to be more dietary, since they do not include products such as flour and butter, which are almost always used in baking. This may well be attributed to dietary .

I will offer 2 options for cheesecake, one of them will be with chocolate, it is, of course, tastier, but the calorie content is higher. Alternative option for him, a cheesecake will serve with the replacement of chocolate with cocoa. Cheesecake preparation will take you only 10-15 minutes, and in total, together with freezing, less than 2 hours. You can pleasantly surprise your guests without using special efforts. Also, the low cost of products for making a cheesecake will also be important, it will cost about 200 rubles.

First option. Chocolate Cheesecake No Bake


Cooking method.

  1. 1. Pour gelatin with 200 grams of boiled water at room temperature, mix well, leave for 30 minutes to swell.
  2. 2. If there is excess water left, carefully drain them, transfer the gelatin to a saucepan and put on a slow fire. While constantly stirring, pour in the milk and add the chocolate, when the chocolate has melted, add the cottage cheese.
  3. 3. Without removing from heat, mix everything until smooth.
  4. 4. Remove and do not allow to cool, beat with a blender.
  5. 5. Pour into a mold and put in the refrigerator. That's all, in an hour your no bake chocolate cheesecake he'll be ready.
  6. 6. Cut the finished cheesecake into portions and store in the refrigerator.

In the modern world, many women try to keep their figure, adhere to proper nutrition and follow diets. They are convinced that the inclusion of a variety of desserts in the diet will negatively affect their appearance. But a diet cheesecake made from cottage cheese will allow you to eat your favorite treat and not get better. Cooking meals does not require large expenditures on ingredients. To avoid disruptions during diets, you can periodically indulge yourself with diet cheesecakes.

Desserts with pastries in the oven are easy to prepare and take little time. Let's talk about popular dietary methods cooking delicious treats for tea.

Diet Cheesecake New York

Oat and wheat bran are included in the basis of the New York cheesecake dietary recipe - this makes the dish not only tasty, but also healthy and low in calories. It is also better to take soft skim cheese- about 200 grams and 2 eggs.

Sugar in the filling should be replaced with fructose or other sweeteners. You can add a little zest and lemon juice - after all, citrus fruits are distinguished by their ability to burn excess fat.

All ingredients for the dough are mixed and baked for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. On the finished cake cream is placed directly in the form where it is located. To prepare it, mix in a blender or with a mixer. soft curd, Philadelphia cheese and sweetener, add lemon juice, yolks. At the very end, proteins pre-whipped into elastic foam are added to the cream.

Then the dish must be put back in the oven - for 40 minutes at a temperature of 150 - 160 degrees. Such a treat in moderation will not harm the figure at all.

banana treat

Diet banana cheesecake low calorie dessert has a special taste. It is not just low-calorie, because bananas give it nutritional value and at the same time do not affect the figure at all. proper preparation diet cottage cheese cheesecake.

The basis of the pie is best done with the addition of oatmeal. They are diluted with 30 ml of milk, adding only 2 proteins, a little cocoa and baking powder. The filling is mixed from fat-free cottage cheese, cornstarch, 2 bananas and 2 egg yolks.

First, the base for the dessert is made, the oatmeal is ground, mixed with cocoa and baking powder - it turns out real diet flour. Proteins are whipped into foam and added to ground oatmeal. Such a dough is distributed in a baking dish and placed in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For the filling you only need cottage cheese, starch and yolks. They are thoroughly mixed. The filling is placed on the base, and the dessert is again placed in the oven for 40 minutes at the same temperature. The finished dish should be slightly cooled and put in the refrigerator to serve chilled.

Berry light

Berry cheesecake is dietary, cottage cheese, due to the presence of berries in the composition, it will be lighter and low-calorie. In addition, instead of ordinary flour, it is better to take oatmeal, adding quite a bit of it. whole grain flour. For the bottom layer, you will still need: cocoa, a little low-fat cottage cheese and a sugar substitute to taste. All this is mixed, placed in a mold and baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees in the oven.

For the curd layer, you need to take natural yogurt without additives, low-fat cottage cheese, any berry, gelatin and a sugar substitute. The components are combined and mixed until smooth, you can use a blender. Then the filling is distributed on the baked cake and placed in the oven at the same temperature for another 10 minutes.

After baking, you need to let the berries cool a little, and then put them in the refrigerator for several hours. This recipe includes heat treatment and also contains gelatin. After hardening, you will get an excellent dense soufflé texture on a dietary cake.

Apple curd dessert

Diet apple is another delicious recipe diet cheesecake. Apples make it juicy, give a pleasant sweet and sour taste. For those who are on a diet, the dish can become good breakfast, snack or even dinner - this does not harm the figure at all.

For the cake, mix 2 parts whole wheat flour and 1 part corn flour, add a little olive oil, one egg, soda and baking powder. The dough is removed in the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes.

Cottage cheese should be chosen low-fat and soft. Peel and cut the apples into small cubes, put them in a saucepan, pour cold water and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Cottage cheese is mixed with yolks and cornstarch until smooth, then add cooked apples to it.

Now you can get the dough, put it in shape, put the cottage cheese filling with apples on top and bake at 180 degrees in the oven. The finished dessert is cooled and cooled in the refrigerator.

marble cake

To make a dietary marble cheesecake low-calorie, you should take low-fat cottage cheese and natural yogurt. Instead of sugar, it is better to add its substitute. Cottage cheese is mixed with yogurt, a sweetener and eggs are added to the resulting mass. The dough is divided into 2 equal parts, one of which is mixed with cocoa. In the form of alternating, you need to pour two parts and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees in the oven. The cheesecake needs to cool and chill before serving.

Diet recipes without baking

How to cook gelatin for curd desserts without baking

You need to start cooking with gelatin, fill it with water and leave it to swell for 10 minutes.

For cheesecakes and cakes, an average of 10-15 grams of gelatin is taken. One tablespoon contains 15 g of edible dry gelatin, soluble in water. Water, juice or other liquid in which you will dissolve gelatin is taken approximately 100-125 ml \u003d 6-7 tablespoons, or half a glass.

Then the mixture is heated in a water bath or low heat so that its particles are completely dissolved, but it should not boil. The solution cools a little, combines with low-fat cottage cheese, honey, natural yogurt without dyes and vanilla. Everything is mixed until smooth, and then gelatin is added to the dough. Proteins are first carefully whipped separately and only then are combined with cottage cheese.

The resulting mass should be placed in a mold and put in the refrigerator for several hours, then you can decorate cheesecake without baking to taste.

Gelatin differs in its properties and form, so we recommend that you read the instructions for the product on the package.

Diet Chocolate

Chocolate is a favorite delicacy of all the sweet tooth, but it is almost impossible to eat it during a diet. But on the other hand, you can cook a dietary chocolate cheesecake that will allow you to enjoy your favorite taste. For the recipe, you should take low-fat cottage cheese and milk with the lowest percentage of fat content - usually 1%. These dough components are mixed with honey and cocoa.

Gelatin should be poured with water so that it swells for half an hour. Then heat it to dissolve and add to the prepared dough. It is additionally thoroughly whipped in a blender. Distribute the dough in a mold and send it to the refrigerator to harden. Everyone will like this no-bake cottage cheese cheesecake and will delight not only with its taste, but also with the ability to maintain a figure.

Curd with oranges

Orange low-calorie cheesecake will become an indispensable dish for people who follow their figure. Its rich citrus aroma with cinnamon will help keep you warm in cold winters.

To reduce the calorie content, flour should be replaced with oat and wheat bran.

Bran for the cake is ground into flour, mixed with cocoa, baking powder and cinnamon, here you need to pour 60 ml of milk. Proteins are whipped into foam separately and only then are combined with the total mass. Now the dough can be put in a mold and baked for 5 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For the filling, low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with yolks and orange peel. You can add honey to taste to add sweetness to the dessert. The filling is laid out on the cake, decorated with peeled orange slices on top and sprinkled with cinnamon. Now bake at a temperature of 160 degrees for 50 - 60 minutes, then cool the dessert. Diet cheesecake from cottage cheese with oranges should stand in the refrigerator for several hours before serving.

Video recipes

All of the above recipes are simple and, most importantly, will not harm the figure at all, so even people who adhere to a special diet can enjoy such goodies.